As the mid-term exam has just finished, one topic you may be interested in.That’s cheating in exam.First at all ,I’ll ask Mr.Yan for a promise that what I’ll talk about has nothing to do with my grade, may I? Ok.Then I want to ask all of you a question.Please put up your hand if you never cheat in a exam from your first test to now, whether the exam is formal or informal ,important or just a text in class, and whether the participator number is large or small.Please put up your hand and I just want to show my respect to you for I have done something like cheating and I feel much sorry for that.Mr.Yan, we just have a deal.All right, let’s come to the topic.Why we cheat? It’s not a simple question.Maybe we can say that it’s because we want to get a good grade and satisfied our amour-proper.However, it’s not the whole thing.Have you ever encounter such situation.When the paper returns to you, the teacher ask ”stand up if you do wrong in this question.” And then ,the teacher will come to you ,and say”how many times have I explained the point? Have you ever listen carefully to me? Have you brought your ears to class? Do you want to go to university? Do you want to ruined your future?” and what do you feel when the result comes out and you surprisely find that one group all get a nearly 100 score, at the same time you only get a 80.What’s worse,the grouper admit to you that they have cheated.What’s more worse , the headmaster get the grade and ask you to his office.Yes, you will say it’s nothing.honest is more important.However, in that case,I have ever made a mistake.Then come to the way how to cheat.look at others?low.transmit a silp of paper?low.bring a textbook secrectly?low.when the paper is going to hand up, ask other’s answer by noise?rather better.what’s I will introduce todey? A way I think it’s of high quality.First, choose a partner who you can rely on.And remember,he or she must have a good grade.Second, sign up a time.For instance, if the exam last 3 hours, the time may be in a and a half hours Third,choose a place.Of course,the washroom.Then we begin.When the time comes, your friend will go to WC carrying a paper which is wriiten the answer.Your friend will go into the room where the teacher can’t follow with and put the paper there.Ten min later, you come to the same room and get the answer.If your friend is male and you are a female.Don’t worry.use QQ to discuss the problem when you two are in WC at the same time.you may not believe this,but it really works in some rather informal exam.Of course, I’m here not to suguest you to cheat in an exam.What I want to say indeed? As a matter of fact,the last way’s user is one of my best friend in a way, maybe my best friend.She have succeed in all the exam in twelve grades expect the fairest exam in the world-college entrance examination.Maybe you will say the method is unrealistic,but it really works.She get good grade and don’t know her real standard all the time.every time, she and boyfriend cheat,and all of us know that.her boyfriend set massage to her about the answer of--------She just do the-----------.every time she will recount her grade,but the exam not only text your knowledge but also your mentality.In the final exam in high school, she don’t get good grade and become one of the five peiole who can’t go to 985 or 211.what she ever know is that she always rank 10 in class, but in the end ,she is nearly tailender.she was very depressed when the score come out.however ,I don’t know how to comfort her.Eventually, I don’t tell her that she deserve that for she is still my best friend.Yes ,I know I did something wrong ,but some words just can’t be spoken out.I can never forget her ecpression until now.my headmaster has ever said if you have 100 exam and you only cheat in one , others will simply think that all of your score is not real.and your effort to other 99 grade means nothing.indeed,when someone cheat and get a better grade,at same time ,you miss the opportunity to get prize or sth.it;s unfair.however, maybe what we should do is to overdo his grade even he cheat.it’s much better.Your effort will be admitted sooner or later.If you cheat ,you will never know which level you really get.And when the result really turn up, you may get involved in much depression and no one will sympathy you from botton of heart.you will be really lonely then.
第二篇:英语作文 考试作弊观点
At present, cheating in exams is very popular on campus.Have a test every time, students always try to cheat to improve performance, for the purpose to pass.Cheat tricks, give some money to go through the back door, more advanced technology electronic products to help students cheating, more than a few students cheating.There are many reasons for cheating in the exam, for example, cannot read the lectures;too difficult to feel teaching materials;very busy no time to review;some students originally doesn't love learning.In my opinion, there are some methods to prevent cheating in exams such as the teacher: reduce exam difficulty;the teacher to class to class students to develop some of the provisions;examination;some homework for the students to do and remember;to the students the classroom work to explain the answer;class which student performance on the good points, encouraging them to.
As we know, the aim of exam is to test our knowledge and allow teachers to know what should be done next.But some students like cheating in exams, which will lead to many results.Cheating in exams has many negative effects.First, it provides false information for teachers because teachers can’t possibly get a clear idea of the students’ performance and can’t prepare exactly what the students need next.Second, cheaters can get what they need without making great efforts, which is unfair to other honest students.Third, if cheating isn’t stopped, it will become a bad example to other students, that is, success can be achieved by means of cheating.I hold the view that “no pain, no gain” As far as I am concerned, any kind of cheating should be prevented, so I didn’t and won’t cheat in exams
8、在老师刚发给你卷子的时候,把小抄直接放在桌子上面,和考试卷子放重叠,最危险也就是最安全!考试作弊高手传授心得: 考试前一定要找个好座位,原则是“金角、银边、草肚皮”。先占最后一排的两个角,这是考试的最佳位 置。此时即使你抄书是被发现了,监考老师也很少会打扰你,因为首先你在角上,他警告你不方便;再者别的 考生看不到你在抄书,所以你不会给造成考场混乱。若角被有经验的人占了,那你要赶快挨着墙做,这里好歹 也不便于老师去警告你。如果你连边都没占上,只能坐在中间的位置考试,这说明你在备考上已经落后了。考试开始后,一定不要马上动手。一般而言,考试的前45分钟管理最严,考试刚开始嘛,老师还比较有体 力,思维也比较集中;而考试1小时之后,便进入了考试的黄金期,此时老师基本上处于体力和精神上的疲劳期,寻场已不太勤,即使看到有人作弊,只要影响不大,他一般是不会管的。但这不说明前45分钟不重要,你在此 期间,你要浏览一下试卷,看看各题都考的是书上那部分的,并把卷子上会做的做一做,同时观察一下老师的 监考态度,看他是正常人还是神经病。我的忠告是:“遇到有神经病的老师,一定不要作弊。这种人一看有人 作弊就兴奋,当他抓住你之后就会有无穷的快感。这种人一般来说都是事业失败的人,平时显不出他来,只有 此时他才能找到一些自我。所以从另外一个角度看,这种人也挺可怜的,此时我建议要有同情心,尽量不要作 弊。” 考试开始一小时后,真正的考试也就考试了。你此时抄书一定要果断、迅速,千万不要心虚。此时最忌讳 你抄书的时候看老师注意到你没有。你放心,只要你作弊了,100%会被发现。如果你在看老师的时候,恰好他 也看到你,你就不能再抄了,否则老师就会感到自尊受到伤害:“好小子,看到我看见你了,你还抄?!”我 估计你就要倒霉了。相反,你抄的时候不抬头,即使老师从你身边过也假装不知,那么老师也不会怪你,心想: “他没看见我,并非对我不尊。”所以他此时最多给你一次警告。当然,最好避免抄书时被老师撞见,这需要 你要有很高的警觉。一些额外看法: A 考试时的原则:
3、有些时候,明知山有虎,也要偏向虎山行。一般来说,考试作弊,若警告两次还不改,规定老师就应该把卷 子没收。所以你一定要充分利用这两次警告机会,在没有受到警告之前,你有充分的理由去抄书。
4、逢大考最好不要抄,我的目标是以对付平时的期中、期末考试的。据我所知,高考作弊者有之,四六级作弊 者有之,考研作弊者也有之。但这毕竟是少数,而且风险也大,要靠运气