
时间:2019-05-14 19:08:52下载本文作者:会员上传


本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者george graham(1830-1904)是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家

本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者george graham(1830-1904)是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家。本篇是他早年从事法律工作时在法庭上所作,其时他为一位因狗被杀而起诉的人做辩护。辩护时,vest 没有要求任何证词,只是凭借其辩论就赢得了官司。他辩词的撼人之处在于:拿出人类兽性的一面与狗人性的一面作对比,引起法官们对狗的感激和同情,以及对杀狗人的强烈憎恶。这不仅仅是一篇辩护词,也是一篇优秀的讲演稿,更是对人性的呼唤„„ gentlemen of the jury: the money that a man has, he may lose.it flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most.a mans reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.the people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.the one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.a mans dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness.he will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his masters side.he will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.单词注释: * jury:“陪审团”。* turn against:“反目”、“反对”的意思。最好的朋友有时候也会反目成为敌人。* rear:“抚养”的意思。用爱心抚养出来的儿女也会不知感激。那些和我们亲近的人、我们信任的人也可能成为traitors(背叛者)。* prone:“易于„„的”。* malice:“恶意”、“伤害某人的意愿”。有些人在我们成功时,随时都会跪倒在面前以示尊敬,而当我们遭遇失败时,会第一个恶毒地向我们扔石头。* treacherous:“阴险的”、“奸诈的”等意思。上面提到的那些不知感恩和借风使舵的人都属于阴险的人。而狗却不是这样,狗在任何时候都对主人忠心耿耿,无论其穷富、身体健康与否。* wintry:winter的形容词形式,表示“冬天的”、“寒冷的”意思。只要能靠近它的主人,哪怕是睡在冰凉的地上、任由寒风侵袭,狗都无怨无悔。* pauper :“贫民”、“非常穷的人”。再贫穷的主人熟睡时,狗也象守侯王子一样守侯他。* outcast:“被抛弃、被驱逐的人”。当主人被世人抛弃、无家可归时,狗也总是形影不离。篇二:英文演讲——狗 hello, everybody, first, lets think about several questions.do you have a dog? if not, do you want to have one? which kind of dogs do you like? today my presentation is about the dogs.i will introduce some famous dogs.after that, id like to spend 3-5 minutes on idioms and movies about dogs.at the end, there will be an interesting video.there are many kinds of dogs.the dog is playing an important role in our daily life.they are our friends.4吉娃娃

lets start from a lovely little dog--chihuahua.in general, chihuahua is the smallest kind of dogs.it is popular by the most elegant, tough volition, vigilance, action quick, well-balanced physique and petite figure with people.their demand of living space and shape is not high, usually, a general shelter space is enough to let them to live.they take a little exercise every day, so you dont need to spend too much time playing with them.chihuahuas could stay at home for a whole day, so they can live with people in the appartment.5大麦町

the dalmatian(croatian: dalmatinac or dalmatiner)is a breed of dog widely associated with dalmatia, a region of croatia, although the exact origin remain unknown.it is noted for its white coat with either black or liver spots.this popular breed of dog is a well-muscled, mid-sized, elegant dog with excellent endurance.dalmatians are often considered to make good watchdogs and it is believed that dalmatians may have been useful to fire brigades as guard dogs to protect a firehouse and its equipment.characteristics and health issues related to its unique appearance.7德国牧羊犬 the german shepherd dog(gsd, also known as an alsatian),(german: deutscher sch?ferhund)is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in germany.because of their strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training they are often employed in police and military roles, in forces around the world.due to their loyal and protective nature, the german shepherd is one of the most registered of breeds.they are especially well known for their police work, being used for tracking criminals, patrolling troubled areas, and detection and holding of suspects.8哈士奇 the siberian husky is a medium-size, dense-coat working dog breed that originated in eastern siberia.the breed belongs to the spitz genetic family.it is recognizable by its thickly-furred double coat, sickle tail, erect triangular ears and distinctive markings.huskies are an active, energetic and resilient breed whose ancestors came from the extremely cold and harsh environment of the siberian arctic.they were initially sent to alaska and canada as sled dogs but rapidly acquired the status of family pets and show-dogs.9 八哥犬 there are many idioms about dogs in both chinese and english, as we have learned before, in english, we say “it is raining cats and dogs” to describe a heavy rain, and also “a dog’s life” is used to describe the hard and painful life.furthermore, there are more examples;i have chosen some representative idioms and i hope we could have a general understand about the idioms through the interesting language.if you have your day, it is a good news for you.but if you are in dog days, it may be a bad news.dog days means the hottest weeks of the summer 电影

狗旅馆 orphaned siblings andi(emma roberts)and bruce(jake t.austin), have been forced to hide their ownership of their beloved dog, friday, as they move from one foster home to another in central city.they deceive a pawn shop to get money for hamburgers for themselves and the dog, but are caught.their social worker bernie(don cheadle)reprimands them, but helps them to minimize the damage.they secretly turn a closed hotel into a home for friday and any other strays they can find.they are joined by a guy named dave(johnny simmons)and a girl named heather(kyla pratt), both of whom work at a pet store;dave and andi soon develop crushes on one another.they are later joined by a kid who lives nearby named mark(troy gentile), who likes heather, although she does not return the feelings.the kids rescue many dogs, and bruce invents and constructs many ingenious machines, using parts he steals from his foster parents, to help feed the dogs and provide sanitary facilities, exercise and entertainment to them.the dogs are quick in learning how to use the machines.bernie is pleased to tell them they can move from the foster home they hate to a new one that is a few hours away.even though this may be their last chance to be placed in a foster home together, they decline as they care too much about the dogs to abandon them, but they cannot tell bernie this reason because they might be forbidden to continue their care for the dogs.one night while andi and dave are at a party(which turns into a disaster when andi explains about what her parents were and ends up getting punch on her dress, causing her to leave the party in tears), the machines fail and the dogs go wild and cause so much noise that the cops are called.the dogs are taken to a pound and bruce and andis foster parents kick them out for stealing, and as predicted, they are sent to separate foster homes.the pound prepares to put the dogs down, but friday escapes and gets to dave.the two reunite all of the kids and they decide to save the dogs despite the fact that they are going to get in big trouble.they break the dogs out of the pound and try to lead them over the county line to an animal shelter there that has a no kill policy, but as the dogs get close to the hotel, they turn and run there as that is their home.the kids and a massive crowd of people follow.at first, animal control tries to take them back, but bernie, having seen what the kids did, makes a speech in favor of the dogs as the kids rescued so many strays and gave them a home, something he had been trying to do with the kids he dealt with.also, when he introduces the two twin dogs, viola and sebastian, this makes reference to the play, twelfth night.the characters viola and sebastian are also twins in twelfth night.with donations from the people of the city, the hotel ends up fixed up and turned into an actual hotel for dogs named the hotel for dogs.the kids all work there, andi and dave kiss, and mark starts to win heather over.bernie and his wife end up adopting andi, bruce, and friday.101斑点狗 pongo and missis pongo(or just missis)are a pair of dalmatians.they live with the newly married mr and mrs dearly(their pets;dogs allow humans to think they are the owners when it is really the other way round)and their two nannies, nanny cook and nanny butler.mr dearly is a marrying, the dearlys lived in bachelor flats with their nannies.after marriage, they all move in together and the nannies decide to train as a cook and a butler to match their surnames.missis gives birth to a litter of 15 puppies, including the cadpig, lucky and patch.the dearlys are concerned that missis will not be able to feed them all and the humans join in to feed them.mrs dearly looks for another dog to act as a wet nurse and by chance finds an abandoned dalmatian mother in the middle of the road in the pouring rain.she has the dog treated by a vet and gives her the name perdita, from the latin for lost.later perdita tells pongo about her lost love and the circumstances that led to her being abandoned in the middle of the road.mr and mrs dearly are invited to a dinner party hosted by cruella de vil, an intimidating and very wealthy woman with one side of her hair coloured white and the other side coloured black.they meet her furrier husband and her abused cat, and discover her love of pepper, very high temperatures, and fixation with furs.they are disconcerted by her suggestion that animals which are not valuable should be drowned, including her own cats kittens.pongo and missis try to explain to the dearlys where the puppies are but fails.the dogs then take the decision to run away and find them.they explain to perdita that she should stay behind and look after the dearlys.after a journey cross country, they are met by the colonel, an old english sheepdog who shows them hell hall and tells them its history.he tells them to rest overnight and that they will see their puppies the next day.they then discover there are 97 puppies including their own 15 and many others who later turn out to have been legally bought.they also discover cadpigs love of television.cruella de vil appears and tells the crooks in charge of hell hall that the dogs must be slaughtered and skinned as soon as possible because of the publicity surrounding the theft of the dearlys pups.pongo and missis devise an escape plan and agree that they must take all the puppies with them, not just their own 15.they escape on the day before christmas eve.cadpig is too weak to walk the long distance from suffolk to london so she is lent a toy carriage by tommy, the colonels 2 year old pet.when the cart loses a wheel, they have a rest on the hassocks of a country church to escape the cold.the group almost meet cruella as she drives towards a burning building;pongo says that they need a miracle and find one when they are offered a lift in a removal van.having previously rolled in soot to disguise their white hair, they are able to hide in the darkness of the removal van with the help of a staffordshire terrier whose pets are the movers.when they arrive back in london they find cruellas(empty)house.her cat is still there and invites them in to destroy cruellas collection of animal skins and fur coats.she gladly joins in as revenge for her lost kittens.the dalmatians then return to the dearlys house where they are not recognised due to being covered in soot.they try again, bursting through the door and rolling around on the floor to get rid of the soot.mr dearly then recognises them and sends out for steaks to feed them.later the cat drops by to tell them cruella has fled.the shock of discovering her furs have been destroyed has turned the black side of her hair white and the white side green.she has also abandoned hell hall.it has been put up for sale and mr dearly buys it with a sum of money he has been given by the government for sorting out another tax problem.he renames it to hill hall and intends to use it to start a dynasty of dalmatians(and a dynasty of dearlys to take care of them).finally, perditas lost love, prince(the one hundred and first dalmatian)visits.his pets can clearly see that the two wish to be together and allow him to stay with the dearlys.篇三:演讲稿对狗的态度

胡君青 英语129班 2012013113 second, dogs are really human’s best friends.he gives unconditional love without reserving to his master;he will kiss you even you just mistreated him.could anyone kill and eat such a lovely creature without a second thought? i doubt that a rational human being living in a civilized society could ever do so, once he got to know the animal.then, dogs show definite loyalty to human.the tv news has reported many heroic deeds of dogs.for instance, in the 2008 sichuan earthquake, an above 60 year-old woman was buried under the ruin and didn’t get rescued until 196 hours later.we all know that people cannot hold on for so long without water.it was her two dogs that saved her life by keeping licking her face.there are many more heroic deeds of dogs.here i will not illustrate everyone because of the limited time.in addition, dog are hard-working and human’s helper.consider guide dogs who safeguard the blind and help their officers subdue criminals;herding dogs who protect cattle and sheep and keep them from wandering away.therefore, dogs are so such an intelligent creature and are always friendly and loyal to human beings.they are human’s friends.every one of us should do something to protect them and rescue their lives from the butcher.that’s all.thank you!篇四:英语演讲稿 goodafternoon, teachers!today, i`m very happy to make a potatoes.they`re tasty.my favourite colour is green.and i like math best.it`s fun.on weekend, i like reading books in my room.i have a happy family.my father is tall and strong.my mother is hard-working and tall, too.my brother is smart.and i`m a good student.my dream is to be a teacher, because i want to help the poor children in the future.thank you for listening!please remember me!good afternoon, teachers!i`m very happy to introduce myself here.i`m scott.my chinese name is sunzijing.i`m 13.i`m from class1 grade 6 of tongpu no.2 primary school.i have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on.my favourite food is chicken.it`s tasty and yummy.so i`m very strong.i`m a naughty boy.i always play tricks.and i just like staying in my room and reading books.but i have a dream, i want to be a car-designer.because i`m a car fan.this is me.please remember sunzijing!thank you very much!good afternoon, teachers!my name is yangxiaodan.i`m 11 reading books.my favourite food is chicken.it`s tasty and yummy.i often do my homework and read books on saturdays.this is me.please remember yangxiaodan.thank you very much!hello, my name is_______.i am_______ years old.now i am studying in_______primary school.i am in grade _______, class_______.i live in_______.there are _______ members in my family—father, mother and me.my father is a_______ but my mother is working in _______.i love both of them.in my spare time, i like _______, and my favorite colour is_______.also i love__________very much, such as ________________.i hope i can learn english well, because i think it very important.but_______ is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.小学生英语演讲稿 hi ,good morning, boys and girls.nice to meet you, here.my name is „„„ i am from tai ping town ,hui longsi primary school.i am in grade four.i am ten now.today i will talk about the “clothes”.i know many kinds of clothes.such as: coat , sweater, dress, shirt, skirt.shoes.as a child, i like clothes very much..mother often buys clothes for me.i like white.and i study hard at school.today i am wearing school clothes and white shoes.it fits for me.i like it.ok.that is all.thank you!goodbye ·关于个人爱好的英语演讲稿my hobby is reading.i read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that i find interesting.this hobby got started when i was a little boy.i had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me.soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me continually.so as soon as i could, i learned to read.soon i could read simple fairy tales and other stories.now i read just about anything that is available.reading enables me to learn about s„„ 小学生英语演讲稿-关于旅游 2010-3-19 8:17:18 ·小学生英语演讲稿-关于旅游旅游 england is the best place i’ve ever been.everything is so beautiful.i spent about one and a half days on the plane.when i arrived at heathrow airport in london, it was evening and the great trip was starting.there were many places i v is ited in london, like big ben, westminster, the tower of london„„.those are very famous.most of the time in the afternoon, my parents and i sat and walked in the park.have you seen“notting hill”before? the story in the movie happens in londo„„

小学生英语演讲稿范文 2009-12-11 23:20:29 ·good morning, my name is kongdemeng.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a speech, now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old.and i am from jining.today i want to talk about “what is real beauty ” it is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty.everybody was born with a heart for beauty.most of people may think that the real beauty is the peoples appearance or rather the outward beauty.as we all know, so far as objects and animals are concerned, t„„ 小学生三分钟英语演讲稿 2009-5-25 23:32:48 ·上个周末,我们去了lv家,度过了愉快的一天。篇五:英语演讲稿

英语讲演 国旗下讲话稿 ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, good morning!today i’m going to say something about the importance of learning english.the title of my talk is “let’s study hard to learn english well.” at first, i’ll tell you a little story.one day, a mother mouse and her babies were playing in the garden.suddenly, a cat appeared, shouting at them,”meow, meow,”the baby mice were so frightened that they couldn’t move.but the mother mouse was very calm and said,”my dears, don’t be frightened,watch this,’then she barked at the cat like a dog.”wang,wangwang!”the cat ran quickly.then the mother said proudly,”my dears,now you see how important it is to learn a foreign language!” boys and girls, do you still remember? during the olympic games in beijing,when we were watching the sports,what we saw was english.and what we heard was also english.in the street,we could see lots of volenteers|,taxi drivers、waiters、waitresses speaking english everywhere.now, our country is getting stronger and stronger.china must face to the word,face o the futue,we need english.boys and girls,english is important,english is beautiful.if you put your heart into it with the help of the teachers,english is interesting, english is also easy.let’s study hard to learn english.老师,同学们:早上好!







本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者george graham(1830-1904)是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家

本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者george graham(1830-1904)是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家。本篇是他早年从事法律工作时在法庭上所作,其时他为一位因狗被杀而起诉的人做辩护。辩护时,vest 没有要求任何证词,只是凭借其辩论就赢得了官司。他辩词的撼人之处在于:拿出人类兽性的一面与狗人性的一面作对比,引起法官们对狗的感激和同情,以及对杀狗人的强烈憎恶。这不仅仅是一篇辩护词,也是一篇优秀的讲演稿,更是对人性的呼唤„„ gentlemen of the jury: the money that a man has, he may lose.it flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most.a mans reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.the people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.the one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.a mans dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness.he will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his masters side.he will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.单词注释: * jury:“陪审团”。* turn against:“反目”、“反对”的意思。最好的朋友有时候也会反目成为敌人。* rear:“抚养”的意思。用爱心抚养出来的儿女也会不知感激。那些和我们亲近的人、我们信任的人也可能成为traitors(背叛者)。* prone:“易于„„的”。* malice:“恶意”、“伤害某人的意愿”。有些人在我们成功时,随时都会跪倒在面前以示尊敬,而当我们遭遇失败时,会第一个恶毒地向我们扔石头。* treacherous:“阴险的”、“奸诈的”等意思。上面提到的那些不知感恩和借风使舵的人都属于阴险的人。而狗却不是这样,狗在任何时候都对主人忠心耿耿,无论其穷富、身体健康与否。* wintry:winter的形容词形式,表示“冬天的”、“寒冷的”意思。只要能靠近它的主人,哪怕是睡在冰凉的地上、任由寒风侵袭,狗都无怨无悔。* pauper :“贫民”、“非常穷的人”。再贫穷的主人熟睡时,狗也象守侯王子一样守侯他。* outcast:“被抛弃、被驱逐的人”。当主人被世人抛弃、无家可归时,狗也总是形影不离。篇二:英文演讲——狗 hello, everybody, first, lets think about several questions.do you have a dog? if not, do you want to have one? which kind of dogs do you like? today my presentation is about the dogs.i will introduce some famous dogs.after that, id like to spend 3-5 minutes on idioms and movies about dogs.at the end, there will be an interesting video.there are many kinds of dogs.the dog is playing an important role in our daily life.they are our friends.4吉娃娃

lets start from a lovely little dog--chihuahua.in general, chihuahua is the smallest kind of dogs.it is popular by the most elegant, tough volition, vigilance, action quick, well-balanced physique and petite figure with people.their demand of living space and shape is not high, usually, a general shelter space is enough to let them to live.they take a little exercise every day, so you dont need to spend too much time playing with them.chihuahuas could stay at home for a whole day, so they can live with people in the appartment.5大麦町

the dalmatian(croatian: dalmatinac or dalmatiner)is a breed of dog widely associated with dalmatia, a region of croatia, although the exact origin remain unknown.it is noted for its white coat with either black or liver spots.this popular breed of dog is a well-muscled, mid-sized, elegant dog with excellent endurance.dalmatians are often considered to make good watchdogs and it is believed that dalmatians may have been useful to fire brigades as guard dogs to protect a firehouse and its equipment.characteristics and health issues related to its unique appearance.7德国牧羊犬 the german shepherd dog(gsd, also known as an alsatian),(german: deutscher sch?ferhund)is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in germany.because of their strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training they are often employed in police and military roles, in forces around the world.due to their loyal and protective nature, the german shepherd is one of the most registered of breeds.they are especially well known for their police work, being used for tracking criminals, patrolling troubled areas, and detection and holding of suspects.8哈士奇 the siberian husky is a medium-size, dense-coat working dog breed that originated in eastern siberia.the breed belongs to the spitz genetic family.it is recognizable by its thickly-furred double coat, sickle tail, erect triangular ears and distinctive markings.huskies are an active, energetic and resilient breed whose ancestors came from the extremely cold and harsh environment of the siberian arctic.they were initially sent to alaska and canada as sled dogs but rapidly acquired the status of family pets and show-dogs.9 八哥犬 there are many idioms about dogs in both chinese and english, as we have learned before, in english, we say “it is raining cats and dogs” to describe a heavy rain, and also “a dog’s life” is used to describe the hard and painful life.furthermore, there are more examples;i have chosen some representative idioms and i hope we could have a general understand about the idioms through the interesting language.if you have your day, it is a good news for you.but if you are in dog days, it may be a bad news.dog days means the hottest weeks of the summer 电影

狗旅馆 orphaned siblings andi(emma roberts)and bruce(jake t.austin), have been forced to hide their ownership of their beloved dog, friday, as they move from one foster home to another in central city.they deceive a pawn shop to get money for hamburgers for themselves and the dog, but are caught.their social worker bernie(don cheadle)reprimands them, but helps them to minimize the damage.they secretly turn a closed hotel into a home for friday and any other strays they can find.they are joined by a guy named dave(johnny simmons)and a girl named heather(kyla pratt), both of whom work at a pet store;dave and andi soon develop crushes on one another.they are later joined by a kid who lives nearby named mark(troy gentile), who likes heather, although she does not return the feelings.the kids rescue many dogs, and bruce invents and constructs many ingenious machines, using parts he steals from his foster parents, to help feed the dogs and provide sanitary facilities, exercise and entertainment to them.the dogs are quick in learning how to use the machines.bernie is pleased to tell them they can move from the foster home they hate to a new one that is a few hours away.even though this may be their last chance to be placed in a foster home together, they decline as they care too much about the dogs to abandon them, but they cannot tell bernie this reason because they might be forbidden to continue their care for the dogs.one night while andi and dave are at a party(which turns into a disaster when andi explains about what her parents were and ends up getting punch on her dress, causing her to leave the party in tears), the machines fail and the dogs go wild and cause so much noise that the cops are called.the dogs are taken to a pound and bruce and andis foster parents kick them out for stealing, and as predicted, they are sent to separate foster homes.the pound prepares to put the dogs down, but friday escapes and gets to dave.the two reunite all of the kids and they decide to save the dogs despite the fact that they are going to get in big trouble.they break the dogs out of the pound and try to lead them over the county line to an animal shelter there that has a no kill policy, but as the dogs get close to the hotel, they turn and run there as that is their home.the kids and a massive crowd of people follow.at first, animal control tries to take them back, but bernie, having seen what the kids did, makes a speech in favor of the dogs as the kids rescued so many strays and gave them a home, something he had been trying to do with the kids he dealt with.also, when he introduces the two twin dogs, viola and sebastian, this makes reference to the play, twelfth night.the characters viola and sebastian are also twins in twelfth night.with donations from the people of the city, the hotel ends up fixed up and turned into an actual hotel for dogs named the hotel for dogs.the kids all work there, andi and dave kiss, and mark starts to win heather over.bernie and his wife end up adopting andi, bruce, and friday.101斑点狗 pongo and missis pongo(or just missis)are a pair of dalmatians.they live with the newly married mr and mrs dearly(their pets;dogs allow humans to think they are the owners when it is really the other way round)and their two nannies, nanny cook and nanny butler.mr dearly is a marrying, the dearlys lived in bachelor flats with their nannies.after marriage, they all move in together and the nannies decide to train as a cook and a butler to match their surnames.missis gives birth to a litter of 15 puppies, including the cadpig, lucky and patch.the dearlys are concerned that missis will not be able to feed them all and the humans join in to feed them.mrs dearly looks for another dog to act as a wet nurse and by chance finds an abandoned dalmatian mother in the middle of the road in the pouring rain.she has the dog treated by a vet and gives her the name perdita, from the latin for lost.later perdita tells pongo about her lost love and the circumstances that led to her being abandoned in the middle of the road.mr and mrs dearly are invited to a dinner party hosted by cruella de vil, an intimidating and very wealthy woman with one side of her hair coloured white and the other side coloured black.they meet her furrier husband and her abused cat, and discover her love of pepper, very high temperatures, and fixation with furs.they are disconcerted by her suggestion that animals which are not valuable should be drowned, including her own cats kittens.pongo and missis try to explain to the dearlys where the puppies are but fails.the dogs then take the decision to run away and find them.they explain to perdita that she should stay behind and look after the dearlys.after a journey cross country, they are met by the colonel, an old english sheepdog who shows them hell hall and tells them its history.he tells them to rest overnight and that they will see their puppies the next day.they then discover there are 97 puppies including their own 15 and many others who later turn out to have been legally bought.they also discover cadpigs love of television.cruella de vil appears and tells the crooks in charge of hell hall that the dogs must be slaughtered and skinned as soon as possible because of the publicity surrounding the theft of the dearlys pups.pongo and missis devise an escape plan and agree that they must take all the puppies with them, not just their own 15.they escape on the day before christmas eve.cadpig is too weak to walk the long distance from suffolk to london so she is lent a toy carriage by tommy, the colonels 2 year old pet.when the cart loses a wheel, they have a rest on the hassocks of a country church to escape the cold.the group almost meet cruella as she drives towards a burning building;pongo says that they need a miracle and find one when they are offered a lift in a removal van.having previously rolled in soot to disguise their white hair, they are able to hide in the darkness of the removal van with the help of a staffordshire terrier whose pets are the movers.when they arrive back in london they find cruellas(empty)house.her cat is still there and invites them in to destroy cruellas collection of animal skins and fur coats.she gladly joins in as revenge for her lost kittens.the dalmatians then return to the dearlys house where they are not recognised due to being covered in soot.they try again, bursting through the door and rolling around on the floor to get rid of the soot.mr dearly then recognises them and sends out for steaks to feed them.later the cat drops by to tell them cruella has fled.the shock of discovering her furs have been destroyed has turned the black side of her hair white and the white side green.she has also abandoned hell hall.it has been put up for sale and mr dearly buys it with a sum of money he has been given by the government for sorting out another tax problem.he renames it to hill hall and intends to use it to start a dynasty of dalmatians(and a dynasty of dearlys to take care of them).finally, perditas lost love, prince(the one hundred and first dalmatian)visits.his pets can clearly see that the two wish to be together and allow him to stay with the dearlys.篇三:关于狗的英语谚语

关于狗的英语谚语 barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。a cat-and-dog life 争争吵吵的日子 dog does not eat dog.同类不相残,同时不操戈 dumb dogs are dangerous.不叫的狗咬人 give a dog a bad name and hang him.谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞 go to the dogs 每况愈下 hang-dog look 愁眉苦脸 if the old dog barks, he give the counsel.老狗叫,是忠告。love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌 he is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。lead a dogs life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have a dogs chance 毫无机会 top dog 当权派;头儿 treat sb.like a dog 不把某人当人看 a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog 懒汉 a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯 dog-days n.[pl.] 三伏天, 大热天;无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子 a good dog deserves a good bone.[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。a living dog is better than a dead lion.[谚]死狮不如活狗。a staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.an old dog barks not in vain.[谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗 一吠, 就得小心。an old dog will learn no new tricks.(=you cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)[谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] barking dogs seldom bite.[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。be(old)dog at(a thing)对...有经验;对...很内行 beware of a silent dog and still water.[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

一呼即来 every dog has his day.[谚]凡人皆有得意日。every dog is a lion at home.[every dog is valiant at his own door.] [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。fight dog, fight bear.[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏。it is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleeping dogs lie;dont wake a sleeping dog.] 别多事, 别惹麻烦。lead a dogs life 过着牛马不如的生活 love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友;爱屋及乌。scornful[hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.[谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择, 饥不择食。teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物 teach the dog to bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举)the dog returns to his vomit.狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。a living dog is better than a dead lion.一条活狗胜过一头死狮.the cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends.猫狗可以相吻,但不会成为好友。dumb dogs are dangerous.不叫的狗咬人 give a dog a bad name and hang him.谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞-------摘自在线听力室篇四:关于狗的成语谚语英语 barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。a cat-and-dog life 争争吵吵的日子

dog does not eat dog.同类不相残,同时不操戈 dumb dogs are dangerous.不叫的狗咬人

give a dog a bad name and hang him.谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞 go to the dogs 每况愈下

hang-dog look 愁眉苦脸

if the old dog barks, he give the counsel.老狗叫,是忠告。

love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

he is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。lead a dogs life 过穷困潦倒的日子

not have a dogs chance 毫无机会 top dog 当权派;头儿

treat sb.like a dog 不把某人当人看 a hunting dog 猎犬

dog every a lazy dog 懒汉

a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯

dog-days n.[pl.] 三伏天, 大热天;无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子 a good dog deserves a good bone.[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。a living dog is better than a dead lion.[谚]死狮不如活狗。

a staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。an old dog barks not in vain.[谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗 一吠, 就得小心。an old dog will learn no new tricks.(=you cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)[谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] barking dogs seldom bite.[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。be(old)dog at(a thing)对...有经验;对...很内行 beware of a silent dog and still water.[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。


every dog has his day.[谚]凡人皆有得意日。

every dog is a lion at home.[every dog is valiant at his own door.] [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。fight dog, fight bear.[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏。it is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleeping dogs lie;dont wake a sleeping dog.] 别多事, 别惹麻烦。lead a dogs life 过着牛马不如的生活 love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友;爱屋及乌。scornful[hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.[谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择, 饥不择食。teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物 teach the dog to bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举)the dog returns to his vomit.狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。a living dog is better than a dead lion.一条活狗胜过一头死狮.the cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends.猫狗可以相吻,但不会成为好友。dumb dogs are dangerous.不叫的狗咬人

give a dog a bad name and hang him.谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨篇五:英语演讲稿 goodafternoon, teachers!today, i`m very happy to make a potatoes.they`re tasty.my favourite colour is green.and i like math best.it`s fun.on weekend, i like reading books in my room.i have a happy family.my father is tall and strong.my mother is hard-working and tall, too.my brother is smart.and i`m a good student.my dream is to be a teacher, because i want to help the poor children in the future.thank you for listening!please remember me!good afternoon, teachers!i`m very happy to introduce myself here.i`m scott.my chinese name is sunzijing.i`m 13.i`m from class1 grade 6 of tongpu no.2 primary school.i have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on.my favourite food is chicken.it`s tasty and yummy.so i`m very strong.i`m a naughty boy.i always play tricks.and i just like staying in my room and reading books.but i have a dream, i want to be a car-designer.because i`m a car fan.this is me.please remember sunzijing!thank you very much!good afternoon, teachers!my name is yangxiaodan.i`m 11 reading books.my favourite food is chicken.it`s tasty and yummy.i often do my homework and read books on saturdays.this is me.please remember yangxiaodan.thank you very much!hello, my name is_______.i am_______ years old.now i am studying in_______primary school.i am in grade _______, class_______.i live in_______.there are _______ members in my family—father, mother and me.my father is a_______ but my mother is working in _______.i love both of them.in my spare time, i like _______, and my favorite colour is_______.also i love__________very much, such as ________________.i hope i can learn english well, because i think it very important.but_______ is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.小学生英语演讲稿 hi ,good morning, boys and girls.nice to meet you, here.my name is „„„ i am from tai ping town ,hui longsi primary school.i am in grade four.i am ten now.today i will talk about the “clothes”.i know many kinds of clothes.such as: coat , sweater, dress, shirt, skirt.shoes.as a child, i like clothes very much..mother often buys clothes for me.i like white.and i study hard at school.today i am wearing school clothes and white shoes.it fits for me.i like it.ok.that is all.thank you!goodbye ·关于个人爱好的英语演讲稿my hobby is reading.i read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that i find interesting.this hobby got started when i was a little boy.i had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me.soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me continually.so as soon as i could, i learned to read.soon i could read simple fairy tales and other stories.now i read just about anything that is available.reading enables me to learn about s„„ 小学生英语演讲稿-关于旅游 2010-3-19 8:17:18 ·小学生英语演讲稿-关于旅游旅游 england is the best place i’ve ever been.everything is so beautiful.i spent about one and a half days on the plane.when i arrived at heathrow airport in london, it was evening and the great trip was starting.there were many places i v is ited in london, like big ben, westminster, the tower of london„„.those are very famous.most of the time in the afternoon, my parents and i sat and walked in the park.have you seen“notting hill”before? the story in the movie happens in londo„„

小学生英语演讲稿范文 2009-12-11 23:20:29 ·good morning, my name is kongdemeng.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a speech, now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old.and i am from jining.today i want to talk about “what is real beauty ” it is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty.everybody was born with a heart for beauty.most of people may think that the real beauty is the peoples appearance or rather the outward beauty.as we all know, so far as objects and animals are concerned, t„„ 小学生三分钟英语演讲稿 2009-5-25 23:32:48 ·上个周末,我们去了lv家,度过了愉快的一天。


本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者george graham(1830-1904)是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家

本文是一篇法庭辩护词,作者george graham(1830-1904)是美国密苏里州的一个议员,是当时杰出的演讲家和辩论家。本篇是他早年从事法律工作时在法庭上所作,其时他为一位因狗被杀而起诉的人做辩护。辩护时,vest 没有要求任何证词,只是凭借其辩论就赢得了官司。他辩词的撼人之处在于:拿出人类兽性的一面与狗人性的一面作对比,引起法官们对狗的感激和同情,以及对杀狗人的强烈憎恶。这不仅仅是一篇辩护词,也是一篇优秀的讲演稿,更是对人性的呼唤„„ gentlemen of the jury: the money that a man has, he may lose.it flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most.a mans reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.the people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.the one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.a mans dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness.he will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his masters side.he will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.单词注释: * jury:“陪审团”。* turn against:“反目”、“反对”的意思。最好的朋友有时候也会反目成为敌人。* rear:“抚养”的意思。用爱心抚养出来的儿女也会不知感激。那些和我们亲近的人、我们信任的人也可能成为traitors(背叛者)。* prone:“易于„„的”。* malice:“恶意”、“伤害某人的意愿”。有些人在我们成功时,随时都会跪倒在面前以示尊敬,而当我们遭遇失败时,会第一个恶毒地向我们扔石头。* treacherous:“阴险的”、“奸诈的”等意思。上面提到的那些不知感恩和借风使舵的人都属于阴险的人。而狗却不是这样,狗在任何时候都对主人忠心耿耿,无论其穷富、身体健康与否。* wintry:winter的形容词形式,表示“冬天的”、“寒冷的”意思。只要能靠近它的主人,哪怕是睡在冰凉的地上、任由寒风侵袭,狗都无怨无悔。* pauper :“贫民”、“非常穷的人”。再贫穷的主人熟睡时,狗也象守侯王子一样守侯他。* outcast:“被抛弃、被驱逐的人”。当主人被世人抛弃、无家可归时,狗也总是形影不离。篇二:关于朋友的英语演讲稿


hello,everyone.good afternoon.thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my top concern.im no.26, ill talk about friend.everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school.i had to left my friends i had ever known.as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known.nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely.the time when i couldnt sleep, ill always miss them, then the tears filled my eyes.later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some friends ,which became my best friends then.they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick.even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other.they work hard in order to gain a higher position in the society and to earn more money for their work.they have few time to share with their friends.with the time goes by, they will be far away from each other.friend is kind of treasure in our lives.its actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be.it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts.friends,especially best friends.it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination.thanks for your listening.this is what i concerned.大家好。下午好。谢谢你给了我这个机会来谈论我的最关心的问题。我先到,我将会谈论的朋友。我们每个人,无论贫富,都应该至少试一两个好朋友。我的朋友会听我,当我想说,帮助我,当我需要,会照顾我在我生病时,我的朋友和我一起肩并肩在这的人生旅程。




英语演讲稿:关于青春演讲稿 first i want to ask you some questions:

1、do you know what is youth?

2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.nobody grows old merely by a number of years.we grow old by deserting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.thank you!篇四:英语演讲稿 goodafternoon, teachers!today, i`m very happy to make a potatoes.they`re tasty.my favourite colour is green.and i like math best.it`s fun.on weekend, i like reading books in my room.i have a happy family.my father is tall and strong.my mother is hard-working and tall, too.my brother is smart.and i`m a good student.my dream is to be a teacher, because i want to help the poor children in the future.thank you for listening!please remember me!good afternoon, teachers!i`m very happy to introduce myself here.i`m scott.my chinese name is sunzijing.i`m 13.i`m from class1 grade 6 of tongpu no.2 primary school.i have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on.my favourite food is chicken.it`s tasty and yummy.so i`m very strong.i`m a naughty boy.i always play tricks.and i just like staying in my room and reading books.but i have a dream, i want to be a car-designer.because i`m a car fan.this is me.please remember sunzijing!thank you very much!good afternoon, teachers!my name is yangxiaodan.i`m 11 reading books.my favourite food is chicken.it`s tasty and yummy.i often do my homework and read books on saturdays.this is me.please remember yangxiaodan.thank you very much!hello, my name is_______.i am_______ years old.now i am studying in_______primary school.i am in grade _______, class_______.i live in_______.there are _______ members in my family—father, mother and me.my father is a_______ but my mother is working in _______.i love both of them.in my spare time, i like _______, and my favorite colour is_______.also i love__________very much, such as ________________.i hope i can learn english well, because i think it very important.but_______ is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.小学生英语演讲稿 hi ,good morning, boys and girls.nice to meet you, here.my name is „„„ i am from tai ping town ,hui longsi primary school.i am in grade four.i am ten now.today i will talk about the “clothes”.i know many kinds of clothes.such as: coat , sweater, dress, shirt, skirt.shoes.as a child, i like clothes very much..mother often buys clothes for me.i like white.and i study hard at school.today i am wearing school clothes and white shoes.it fits for me.i like it.ok.that is all.thank you!goodbye ·关于个人爱好的英语演讲稿my hobby is reading.i read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that i find interesting.this hobby got started when i was a little boy.i had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me.soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me continually.so as soon as i could, i learned to read.soon i could read simple fairy tales and other stories.now i read just about anything that is available.reading enables me to learn about s„„ 小学生英语演讲稿-关于旅游 2010-3-19 8:17:18 ·小学生英语演讲稿-关于旅游旅游 england is the best place i’ve ever been.everything is so beautiful.i spent about one and a half days on the plane.when i arrived at heathrow airport in london, it was evening and the great trip was starting.there were many places i v is ited in london, like big ben, westminster, the tower of london„„.those are very famous.most of the time in the afternoon, my parents and i sat and walked in the park.have you seen“notting hill”before? the story in the movie happens in londo„„

小学生英语演讲稿范文 2009-12-11 23:20:29 ·good morning, my name is kongdemeng.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a speech, now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 20 years old.and i am from jining.today i want to talk about “what is real beauty ” it is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty.everybody was born with a heart for beauty.most of people may think that the real beauty is the peoples appearance or rather the outward beauty.as we all know, so far as objects and animals are concerned, t„„ 小学生三分钟英语演讲稿 2009-5-25 23:32:48 ·上个周末,我们去了lv家,度过了愉快的一天。篇五:英语演讲稿

英语讲演 国旗下讲话稿 ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, good morning!today i’m going to say something about the importance of learning english.the title of my talk is “let’s study hard to learn english well.” at first, i’ll tell you a little story.one day, a mother mouse and her babies were playing in the garden.suddenly, a cat appeared, shouting at them,”meow, meow,”the baby mice were so frightened that they couldn’t move.but the mother mouse was very calm and said,”my dears, don’t be frightened,watch this,’then she barked at the cat like a dog.”wang,wangwang!”the cat ran quickly.then the mother said proudly,”my dears,now you see how important it is to learn a foreign language!” boys and girls, do you still remember? during the olympic games in beijing,when we were watching the sports,what we saw was english.and what we heard was also english.in the street,we could see lots of volenteers|,taxi drivers、waiters、waitresses speaking english everywhere.now, our country is getting stronger and stronger.china must face to the word,face o the futue,we need english.boys and girls,english is important,english is beautiful.if you put your heart into it with the help of the teachers,english is interesting, english is also easy.let’s study hard to learn english.老师,同学们:早上好!

今天我讲话的题目是:让我们一起努力,学好英语。首先,我给大家讲个小故事:有一天,老鼠妈妈和她的孩子们正在院子里玩耍。突然,一只猫出现在他们的面前,朝他们“喵喵”地叫着??小耗子们吓坏了,想跑也跑不动。但老鼠妈妈却平静地说:“孩子们,别怕。看我的。”然后,她冲着猫咆哮:“汪!汪汪!”就像愤怒的狗一样。猫又惊又怕,赶忙跑走了。老鼠妈妈转过身来,骄傲地说:“孩子们,现在你们明白了吧?学习外语是多么重要啊!” 大家知道,英语是当今世界上最广泛使用的语言,其中英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等发达国家以英语为母语。世界上还有许多国家把英语作为第二语言使用,共计超过10亿人。也就是说,世界上平均每五个人中有一个人在一定程度上懂英语。从使用范围来看,在全世界的广播节目中,60%是用英语广播的,全世界70%的邮件是用英文书写的,全球80%以上的电脑网页为英语网页。因此,有人说:“如果不学英语,将会成为二十一世纪新的文盲。” 同学们:还记得吗?北京奥运会期间,我们在观看比赛时,看到的字幕是英语,听到的语言也是英语。在北京大街上随处可见的志愿者,出租车司机、宾馆、餐厅的服务员都说英语。我们的祖国越来越强大,中国要面向世界,面向未来,离不开英语。同学们,英语是重要的,英语是美的。如果你们在老师的帮助下,用心学习,英语是有趣的,英语又是容易的。




a dirty dog无耻之人

a gay dog快乐之人

a guide dog 导盲犬

a hunting dog 猎犬

a lazy dog 懒散的人

a lucky dog 幸运之人

an old dog 行家里手

a top dog 位高权重之人

an underdog 地位卑贱之人

a dog in manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人

a dog’s chance 渺茫的机会

a dog’s dinner/breakfast一团糟

a hair of the dog that bit 可解酒的另一种酒/ 解铃还须系铃人

be like a dog with two tails 开心

die a dog’s death/ die like a dog 惨死

go to the dogs 堕落、灭亡

in the doghouse 失宠,受冷落

keep a dog/walk a dog 养狗/遛狗

treat/kick sb.like a dog 对人很不友好

lead a dog’s life 过艰苦的生活

live a dog and cat’s life 过争吵不休的生活

put on the dogs 装腔作势

the dog days大热天

work like a dog 拼命工作


A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion.吠犬不可怕,睡狮难提防。

A barking dog seldom bites.吠犬不咬人/嘴狠手软。

A dog is made fat in two meals.狗吃两顿即肥。

A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.骨头打狗狗不叫。

A dog with a bone knows no friend.狗啃骨 头,不认朋友。

A good dog deserves a good bone.有功应受赏。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.活狗胜过死狮。

A stick is quickly found to beat a dog with.欲加之罪,何患无辞。

All are not thieves that dogs bark at.被狗对着叫的人不都是小偷。

An old dog bites not in vain.老犬不空咬。

An old dog bites sore.老狗咬人痛。/ 姜是老的辣。

An old dog cannot change its way of barking.江山易改,本性难移。

An old dog will learn no new tricks.老狗学不会新把戏。

You can’t teach an old dog a new trick.不可能让顽固不化的人接受新事物。

Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡儆猴。

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁做鸡头,不做凤尾。

Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail.不要有求必应。

Dog does not eat dog.同室不操戈。

Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.远处叫得凶,靠近不咬人。

Dogs that put up many hares kill none.艺多不养家。

Dogs that run after many hares kill none.贪多必失。

Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread.狗摇尾巴,不是爱你,而是爱面包。

Every dog has its day.人人都有得意日。

Every dog is a lion at home.夜郎自大。

Every dog is allowed his first bite.初犯者从宽。

Every dog is valiant at his own door.狗在自己家门口都逞强。

Give a dog a bad name and hang him.给人强加恶名将毁人一生;人言可畏。

He who lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹是生非。

Love me, love my dogs.爱屋及乌。

One barking dog sets all street a-barking.一狗吠声响,满街狗汪汪。

The dog and the cat may kiss, yet are none the better.猫狗可以接吻,但决不会成为好朋友。

The dog that fetches will carry.来道是非 者,便是是非人。

The dog that has been beaten by a stick is afraid of its shadows.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。


狗拿耗子,多管闲事 a dog trying to catch mice

狗屁不通 unreadable rubbish

狗腿子a running dog



Dog Proverbs and Sayings

He is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。

lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have a dog's chance 毫无机会 top dog 当权派;头儿

treat sb.like a dog 不把某人当人看

a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog 懒汉 a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯

dog-days n.[pl.]三伏天, 大热天;无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子

A good dog deserves a good bone.[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。A living dog is better than a dead lion.[谚]死狮不如活狗。

A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。An old dog barks not in vain.[谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

An old dog will learn no new tricks.(=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)[谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴] Barking dogs seldom bite.[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。be(old)dog at(a thing)对...有经验;对...很内行

Beware of a silent dog and still water.[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。come like a dog at a whistle 一呼即来

Every dog has his day.[谚]凡人皆有得意日。

Every dog is a lion at home.[Every dog is valiant at his own door.] [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。Fight dog, fight bear.[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。

Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏。It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleeping dogs lie;don't wake a sleeping dog.] 别多事, 别惹麻烦。lead a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活 love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友;爱屋及乌。Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.[谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择, 饥不择食。teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物 teach the dog to bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举)The dog returns to his vomit.狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。


Cat Proverbs and Sayings

A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命。(英国迷信, 指猫的生命力强)

A cat in gloves catches no mice.(=Muffled cats catch no mice.)

[谚]带手套的猫捉不到耗子;四肢不勤, 一事无成;怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。

A cat may look at a king.[谚]猫也可以看国王(指小人物也应有些权利)

agree like cats and dogs

[口]像猫和狗一样合不来, 完全合不来

All cats are grey in the dark.(=At night all cats are grey;when candles are out, all cats are grey.)[谚]猫在暗中都是灰色;黑暗中难分丑妍

as weak as a cat(=as weak as water)身体非常虚弱

copy cat 盲目的模仿者

enough to make a cat [horse] laugh 极其可笑;让人笑掉大牙

enough to make a cat speak [口]令人惊讶;事情太出奇

fat cat

美国政治运动的出资人, 捐献大宗政治款项的富人;安于现状的懒汉;以权谋私的人, 享受特权的人

Has the cat got your tongue?


It rains cats and dogs.下倾盆大雨, 大雨滂沱

let the cat out of the bag 说走了嘴,(无意中)泄露秘密

like a cat on hot bricks 局促不安, 如热锅上的蚂蚁

live like cat and dog [口]整天吵架

old cat


see [watch] how [which way] the cat jumps(=wait for the cat to jump)观望形势然后行动;看风使舵, 随机应变

That's like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl.引狼入室;等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁。

The cat did it.[口谑]是猫打破的;不是我搞的。(推托责任的话)

The cat is out of the bag.[口]秘密泄露;真相大白。

The cat jumps.[口]形势清楚了。

The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.[谚]掩耳盗铃;猫偷吃奶油的时候, 总是闭着眼睛。The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.猫儿想吃鱼, 又怕湿了脚(想吃鱼又怕腥;想得到某种东西又怕麻烦或担风险)。

The scalded cat fears cold water.[谚] 被烫过的猫, 连冷水也怕(一朝被蛇咬, 三年怕井绳)

Watch sb.as a cat watches a mouse.象猫盯耗子般地盯着某人。

When the cat's away, the mice will play.[谚]猫儿不在,老鼠成精(大王外出, 小鬼跳粱)。与羊相关的英语谚语和短语

Sheep Proverbs and Sayings

sheep [Fi:p] n.羊, 绵羊, 羞答答的人, 胆小鬼, 信徒

a flock of sheep 一群羊 a wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼, 口蜜腹剑的人

a black sheep 害群之马;拒绝参加罢工的工人 a lost sheep 迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人 a sheep among wolves 落入狼群;落在一群恶汉手中的善良人 as a sheep among the shearers 仿佛落在剪羊毛工人手里的绵羊

as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb [谚]偷大羊或偷小羊反正都得挨绞刑;一不做二不休 count sheep 数羊(心里计数以求入睡)follow like a sheep 盲从

One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.[谚] 一只羊生疮整群羊遭殃。

return to one's sheep [muttons] 回到本题

separate the sheep from the goats 区别好人和坏人

There is a black sheep in every flock.[谚]到处都有害群之马。sheep and goats 善人与恶人(来自《圣经》)sheep that have no shepherd 乌合之众

“ Without a shepherd, sheep are not a flock.”Arab Proverb “The sheep has no choice when in the jaws of the wolf.”-Chinese proverb



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