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Mitt Romney's Speech at the Al Smith Dinner

New York City, New York

October 18, 2012 罗姆尼在阿尔·史密斯慈善晚宴的讲话 英语演讲稿带翻译:



纽约市 纽约州


Thank you, thank you.Thank you so much.Your Eminence, Cardinal Dolan, Mr.President, Governor Cuomo, Mayor Bloomberg, Senator Schumer, Al and Ann Smith.Thank you for your invitation.Thank you for your extraordinary warm welcome.Ann and I appreciate your friendship very, very much.Thank you.谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。主教阁下,总统先生,科莫州长,布隆伯格市长,舒默参议员,史密斯夫妇,感谢你们的邀请和盛情款待,我和安非常感激你们的友情,谢谢!

Now, Al, you are right, a campaign can require a lot of wardrobe changes.We--blue jeans in the morning perhaps, a suit for a lunch fundraiser, sport coat for dinner, but it's nice to finally relax and to wear what Ann and I wear around the house.阿尔,你说对了,竞选的确需要常常换行头,我们早上起来穿牛仔裤,筹款午餐会穿上西服,晚饭又改为运动服,现在终于可以轻松一点,穿成我和安平时在家里穿的衣服了。

I'm glad to be able to join in this venerable tradition.Of course, I'm pleased that the president is here.We were chatting pleasantly this evening as if Tuesday night never happened.国际海员服务中心网



And I credit that, of course, to the cardinal.He has--it's taken New York's highest spiritual authority to get us back on our best behavior.I was actually hoping the president would bring Joe Biden along this evening because he'll laugh at anything.我当然还要感谢主教,他以纽约最高的精神权威迫使我们保持最佳的风度。实际上我希望总统今晚能把拜登副总统请来,因为他面对任何事都保持大笑。

Of course, this isn't a night for serious politics.And it was especially nice to see President Obama and Cardinal Dolan sharing the dais despite their differences.I'm sure the cardinal has no hard feelings and we might get an indication of that during dinner to see if the president's wine turns into water.Or for that matter, whether my water turns into wine.当然,今晚并不适合严肃的政治话题。很高兴看到奥巴马总统和多兰主教共坐一桌,尽管他们有一些分歧。我确信主教不会见怪,咱们看看晚宴上到底是总统的酒变成了水,还是我的水变成了酒。

I'm pleased to once again have the chance to see Governor Cuomo, who is already being talked about for a higher office.A very impressive fellow but he may be getting a little ahead of himself.I mean, let me get this straight.The man has put in one term as a governor, he has a father who happened to be a governor, and he



thinks that's enough to run for president.我很高兴能够再次有机会见到科莫州长,他已经开始有寻求更高职位的计划了,但我想他有点操之过急了,让我直说吧,他做过一任州长,也有个曾当过州长的父亲,他认为这些资历足以竞选总统了。

Of course, we're down to the final months of the president's term.As presidents--As President Obama surveys the Waldorf banquet room with everyone in white tie and finery, you have to wonder what he is thinking.So little time, so much to redistribute.当然,总统的任期马上就要结束了。当奥巴马总统环视沃尔多夫宴会厅时,你们大概要好奇他会想些什么:时间快不够用了,还有很多家产没分完呐。

And don't be surprised if the president mentions this evening the monthly jobs report where there was a slight improvement in the numbers.He knows how to seize the moment, this president.He already has a compelling new campaign slogan.You are better off now than you were four weeks ago.大家也不要奇怪,如果总统今晚提到每月的就业报告,因为总有点数字上的小进步要分享,他知道抓住机会,他已经有了一个新的竞选口号:你们现在的生活比四周前要好多了!

You know, with or without all the dignitaries that are here, the Al Smith Dinner surely lives up to its billing.Usually when I get invited to gatherings like this, it's just



to be the designated driver.不管今晚有没有一些达官贵人出席,史密斯晚宴都绝对值这个价钱,通常我被邀请参加这种聚会的时候,都是来当代驾司机的。

Your kind hospitality here tonight gives me a chance to convey my deep and long-held respect for the Catholic Church, have special admiration for the Apostle St.Peter, to whom it is said, upon this rock, I will build my church.The story is all the more inspiring when you consider that he had so many skeptics and scoffers at the time who were heard to say, if you've got a church, you didn't build that.你们今晚的盛情款待让我有机会能够向天主教教堂致以长久以来深深的敬意,我尤其敬仰使徒圣彼得,耶稣对他说,在这块石头上,我将要建成教堂。这个故事尤其更加令人振奋鼓舞,当你考虑到有人充满怀疑和讥讽的说,你即使有个教堂,也不是你自己建的。

Of course, only 19 days to go until the finish line.Campaign full of surprises.The debates are very exciting.Just the other night, we had a very fun debate.Candy Crowley was there and was happy to welcome us.But people seemed to be very curious as to how we prepare for the debates.当然,还有19天就要到终点线了。竞选充满了惊喜,辩论令人兴奋,几天前我们进行一场很有趣的辩论,主持人克劳利很高兴欢迎我们,但大家好像很好奇我们是怎么准备我们的辩论的。



Let me tell you what I do.First, refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the debate.我跟你们说说我是怎么做的,首先,你要在辩论前戒酒65年。

Second, find the biggest available straw man and then just mercilessly attack it.Big Bird didn't even see it coming.第二点,找一个最大的稻草人,然后向他无情的攻击,大鸟甚至都看不到它在来。And by the way, in the spirit of “Sesame Street,” the president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter O and the number 16 trillion.顺便说一下,本着“芝麻街”的精神,总统今晚的讲话将会包含字母O和数字16万亿。Campaigns can be grueling, exhausting, President Obama and I are each very lucky to have one person who is always in our corner, someone who we can lean on and someone who is a comforting presence without whom we wouldn't be able to go another day.竞选可以把人折磨得疲惫不堪,我和奥巴马总统很幸运各自都有一个人在我们的周围,让我们有所依靠,作为一个安慰存在,没有他们,我们将无法面对下一天。

I have my beautiful wife, Ann.He has Bill Clinton.我身边的是我美丽的妻子,安。他那位是比尔克林顿。



We got a big dose of the Biden charm last week, I'll tell you that, in his debate with Paul Ryan.I'm not sure that all that carrying on had quite the effect that Joe intended.Because afterwards I heard from the Federal Election Commission.From now on, whenever he appears on TV there is a recording of me afterwards that says, I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message.我们上周都见识到了拜登的魅力,在他与莱恩的辩论中,我不太肯定拜登是否达到了目的,因为之后我听联邦选举委员会说,从现在起,每当他出现在电视上的时候,都会在最后加上一条我的录音:“我是米特·罗姆尼,我认可这条信息。”

Of course rules of fairness have to be enforced.Because what are the safeguards do we have besides the press? And--

当然我们必须坚守公平原则,因为除了新闻媒体,我们还能有其他的防线吗? Now I never suggest that the press is biased.I recognize they have their job to do and I have my job to do.My job is to lay out a positive vision for the future of the country.And their job is to make sure no one else finds out about it.我从不认为新闻界是有偏见的,我明白他们有他们要做的事,我也有我要做的事。我的工作就是为国家设计一个积极的愿景,他们的工作则是确保不让别人知道这点。

Let's just say that some in the media have a certain way of looking at things.When suddenly I pulled ahead in some of the major polls, what was the headline?



Polls show Obama leading from behind.这么说吧,部分媒体人看问题总是有一种独特的角度。当突然在我一些主流民意调查中领先的时候,头条是什么呢?“民调显示奥巴马迎头赶上。”

And I have already seen early reports from tonight's dinner.Headline, Obama embraced by Catholics.Romney dines with rich people.我已经看到了早些时候关于这场晚宴的报道,头条新闻:“奥巴马跟天主教徒拥抱”、“罗姆尼和富豪共餐”。

Of course, the president has put his own stamp on relations with the church.There have been some awkward moments, like when the president pulled Pope Benedict aside to share some advice on how to deal with his critics.He said, look, Holy Father, whatever the problem is, just blame it on Pope John Paul II.当然,总统已经把自己的想法印在了与教堂的关系上,有些令人尴尬的时刻,例如总统曾把本笃教皇拉到一边和他分享一些对付批评者的高招,他说,听着,神父,无论出了什么问题,只要把它推倒保罗二世教皇身上就好了。

Of course, the president has found a way to take the sting out of the Obamacare mandates for the church.From now on, they are going to be in Latin.当然,总统也找到了一个让“奥巴马医改方案”讨好教会的方法,从现在起它将用拉丁语写。



We have very fundamental and sound principles that guide both the president and me.He and I, of course, feel the pressures and tensions of a--of a close contest.It'd be easy to let a healthy competition give way to the personal and the petty but fortunately, we don't carry the burden of disliking one another.Our president has had some very fine and gracious moments.Don't tell anyone I said so but our 44th president has many gifts and a beautiful family that would make any man proud.有一些基本合理的原则在引导着我和总统,我和他都为这个势均力敌的局面深感不安,良性的竞争很容易演变成私人恩怨和琐碎小事,不过还好我跟总统并没有仇视对方。我们的总统有过一些非常光辉的时刻,悄悄告诉你们,我们的第44任总统有许多天赋,以及足以让任何男人骄傲的美好家庭。

You can oppose--In our country, you can oppose someone in politics and make a confident case against their policies without any ill-will.And that's how it is for me.There is more to life than politics.你可以反对——在我们国家,你可以反对某人的政见,可以在不含任何恶意的情况下针锋相对,这对我来说便是如此,生活比政治重要得多。

At the Al Smith Foundation and the Archdiocese in New York, you show this in the work you do.In causes that run deeper than allegiance to a party or to any contests of the moment.No matter which way the political winds are blowing, what work goes on, day in, day out by this organization, and you, you answer with calm



and willing hearts, in service to the poor, care for the sick, in defense in the rights of conscience, and in solidarity with the innocent child waiting to be born.You strive to bring God's love into every--in every life.史密斯基金会和纽约大教区之下,你们的所作所为无一不证明了这一点,此时此地超越了党政之争,无论政治之风刮向哪边,这个组织依然日复一日完成所作的工作,你们用平静和无私去回应他人,帮助穷人,关心病人,守护良知,保持纯真。你们致力于将上帝的爱传播到每一个人的生命中。

I don't presume to have all your support.And on a night like this, I'm certainly not going to ask for it.But you can be certain that in the great causes of compassion that you come together to embrace, that I stand proudly with you as an ally and friend.我并奢求得到你们全部的支持,在今天这样的夜晚,我当然也不会提出这样的请求,但你们应该相信,在你们共同守护的仁爱之路上,有我一直与你们自豪地站在一起,我是你们永远的盟友和伙伴。

God bless you all.And God bless the United States of America.Thank you.上帝保佑大家,上帝保佑美利坚合众国,谢谢!





威拉德·米特·罗姆尼(Willard Mitt Romney,1947年3月12日-),美国政治家、企业家,马萨诸塞州第70任州长。1975年获得哈佛大学商学院和法学院工商管理硕士和法学士(JD)学位。他是一名耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(摩门教)信徒。曾担任贝恩资本风险投资与杠杆收购公司CEO,以及盐湖城冬奥会组委会主席。2012年8月被共和党提名为四十五任总统候选人,在11月的总统选举中挑战现任总统奥巴马,但最终在和奥巴马的角斗中落败,与第45任总统之位失之交臂。

米特.罗姆尼2013南维吉尼亚毕业典礼英语演讲稿:Launch Out into the Deep

Thank you so much.Thank you President Sybrowsky, and thank you also to Chairman Knight.What an inspirational and powerful leader.Well, leaders both of these men are, and I appreciate the support of their wives.Thank you also for our Congressman being here, Bob Goodlatte.I appreciate his service and his leadership at a critical time in our nation‟s history.It‟s an honor to be with so many distinguished guests here, parents and friends, and of course the graduating seniors here at SVU.To the class of [2013], congratulations on a job well done.Now, to the parents, the years of investment and prayers have added to this joyful achievement, and you are about to enjoy the new American dream.The new American dream is not owning your own home.The new American dream is getting the kids out of the home you own.Now quite a few years ago, at a ceremony not unlike this one, I and my fellow graduates followed a tradition of standing and singing one of our high school hymns.Its words were very impressed upon my mind.And they led me to dream, to imagine what my future would be like.And the words went like this:

“Forty years on, when afar and asunder, Parted are those who are singing today, When we look back and forgetfully wonder

What it was like in our work and our play,How will it seem to us, forty years on?”

And as I sang those words, it was inconceivable to me that I would ever someday be forty years older.How would my life seem to me, forty years on? What would I have achieved? What would I have accomplished? Would my life be a success, or would I look back with regret?

Now up until now, almost all of your life has been about education, about preparation, about getting ready for the course of your life.To a significant degree the course of your life, the story of your life, begins today—that‟s why they call this your “commencement.”

And so the time is finally here for you to write the story of your life.Now over the last forty years or so I have written numerous chapters in the story of my life.And I‟ve watched the story of the lives of my fellow graduates and friends throughout my life.And of course we see the stories of the lives of people who are in the public arena, of various kinds.And all this has led me to a conclusion that you may find somewhat surprising: Every one of you here today, as a graduate, can live an abundant life.Every single one of you.You will not all be rich and famous and powerful, but each of you can live an eminently successful, rewarding, abundant life.Now I‟m going to draw on a familiar account from the life of the Savior to help me describe what I believe is a secret to abundant living.You recall that Peter and the other fishermen had been unsuccessful in catching fish, and the Master directed them to return to their boats, to go out deeper and to let down their nets again.Which they did, and when they did so, they were met with enormous success.These were the words that Luke records that the Master spoke.He said this, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets.”

“Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets.” In some ways these words are a metaphor for life.Launch out into the deep.Don‟t live in the shallows;live in the deep waters.Grasp every ennobling experience that‟s available to you.Embrace every dimension of living that challenges you, that educates you, that elevates you.Live for purposes greater than yourself.Lose yourself in the service of others.Reach beyond the shallowness of selfishness and complacency, and mindless conformity and of indulgence.This is the promise: launch out into the deep and your nets will be filled.Now how do you that?

Well getting married is one way of launching into the deep.I‟m so glad I found Ann when I was still so young.Combining your life with another person, particularly someone, when man and woman are as different as we are, this combination is extraordinarily challenging, and enormously rewarding.Some people could marry but choose to take more time they say, “for themselves.” Others plan to wait until they‟re well into their 30s or 40s before they think about getting married.They‟re going to miss so much of living I‟m afraid.From the beginning of recorded time, the prophet Adam told us this life secret: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife.” Marriage is a gift from God.Now some may dismiss the counsel coming from the Bible because it comes from a book which they‟ve discarded.But the Bible is one of two things.Either it‟s the word of God, as I believe, or it‟s the product of brilliant philosophers and sages who‟ve observed lives and nations and civilizations and history over thousands upon thousands of years.Either way, the Bible is a pearl of wisdom, the distillation of lessons of life.And so when it says to marry, listen.Now bringing children into the world is also launching into the deep.I had friends who weren‟t sure whether they wanted to have kids.They told me they were going to buy a dog first to see how that went.A dog!I guess I shouldn‟t be too critical, cause as a teenager I used to look at little kids, and wonder what it would be like to have one.They cried all the time, they were intrusive, and they always seemed to have something coming out of their nose.It is a challenge to raise and nurture a child.Some years ago, Ann and I were invited to speak to students at Harvard Business School to describe our choice of careers.We would be joining two other couples doing that, and in the other couples both spouses, husband and wife, had professional careers.Ann was the only one who was a mother full time.Her career was one that made her reluctant to address this body.She wondered how she would defend her choice to an audience at Harvard.And she was the last of the six of us to speak.She described the requirements of her profession.Being a mother, she said, required the utmost skills of persuasion, psychology, instruction, tutoring, organization, management, healthcare and compassion.Hers, she concluded, was the most important, most demanding, most difficult and most rewarding profession she could imagine.Now for a moment this class of ambitious MBAs was silent.Then they rose to their feet in applause.The feelings of a parent for a child, the depth of life experience that one has, being part of nurturing a child, teaching a child, is beyond description.For me, there‟s an event from the Mormon pioneer exodus, recounted by President Boyd K.Packer in 1974, that captures some of what having a child means, how it pulls at your heart, how much experience we have by having a child, and how much we revere those who have children, who raise children, who teach children, who mentor children, or who rescue them.This is how the account goes:

Among the pioneers who pushed handcarts to Salt Lake City was one Archer Walters.On July 2, 1856, his diary records this:

“’Brother Parker‟s little boy, age six, was lost, and the father went back to hunt him.‟”

“The boy, Arthur, was next youngest of four children of Robert and Ann Parker.Three days earlier the company had hurriedly made camp in the face of a…thunderstorm.It was then the boy was missed.The parents had thought him to be playing along… with the other children.“Someone remembered [that] earlier in the day, when they had stopped, they had seen the little boy settle down to rest under the shade of some brush.“Now [those] of you who have [a little six-year-old] know how [tiredly a child can be, and falling] asleep on a… summer day, and how [deeply] he could [fall asleep], so that even the noise of a camp moving might not wake him.“For two days the company remained, and all of the men searched for him.Then on July 2, with no alternative, the company was ordered west.“Robert Parker, as the diary records, went back alone to search once more for his little son.As he was leaving camp, his wife pinned a bright shawl about his shoulders with words such as these:

“’[Robert,] if you find him dead, wrap him in the shawl to bury him.If you find him alive, you could use this as a flag to signal us.‟

“[And] she, with the other little children, took the handcart and struggled along with the company.“Out on the trail each night Ann Parker kept watch.At sundown on July 5, as they were watching, they saw a figure approach from the east!Then, in the rays of the setting sun, she saw the glimmer of the bright red shawl.“One of the diaries records: „Ann Parker fell in a pitiful heap upon the sand, and that night, for the first time in six nights, she slept.‟

“Under July 5, Brother Walters records: “‘Brother Parker came into camp with a little boy that had been lost.Great joy throughout the camp.The mother‟s joy I cannot describe.‟”

Again from the Bible: “Children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward...Happy is the man who hath his quiver full of them.” Now as much as embracing marriage and children, and finding God… finding God launches our lives into the deep and abundantly fills our nets.For me, serving God first meant going on a mission to France.I learned a new language, came to appreciate a new culture and explored the reaches of my faith.Almost every returned missionary says that those were the most difficult years of his life.And they were also the best years of his life, or her life.Now think about that.It may sound like a paradox.But it actually follows one from the other.Mission years are the best years in part because they are the hardest years.When you are living to the fullest, beyond yourself, beyond comfort, life is most full and exhilarating.Serving God takes us into the deepest waters of life.Last week I spoke with an old friend from Salt Lake City.She said that she was driving home early one morning, and she saw a man who was shoveling snow for one of the widows in the neighborhood.Later she noticed that he had actually shoveled walks for several people in the neighborhood.And then she saw who it was, Elder Russell M.Nelson.Now he‟s in his 80s or 90s and an apostle of my church.You see serving God doesn‟t depend on the position you have.Serving God and His children is something any one of us can do, and we will be blessed for doing it.God is “no respecter of persons,” nor is He a respecter of positions.Now your occupation is also a part of abundant living, and living into the deepest waters.It‟s not by happenstance or chance that we earn our daily bread “by the sweat of our brow.” The Creator gave us work for our benefit.Your job will expand your skills, it will demand your ability, your energy and your time.Hard work, ennobling work.Dive into your profession with passion and heart.Go beyond what‟s expected or required.And in doing so, by the way, you will learn the secret to advancement.And that is doing your present job well.Now on this topic of your career, I have some news that you may find disappointing.I don‟t think God cares whether you get rich.I don‟t think He hopes that your business will make a huge profit.I know a lot of religious people who think God will intervene to make their investments grow, or to get them a promotion, or make their business a success.But life on this earth is about learning to live and work in a place where God does not make everything work out for good people.We learn through our study, our effort, our choices, and yes, by our failures as well as by our successes.Your worldly success will partly be a function of your choices and capabilities, but it will also be subject to the vagaries of life, and to chance.Fortunately, our relationship with God depends on none of that.It‟s entirely in our control, for He is always at the door and knocks for us.Our worldly success can‟t be guaranteed, but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us, thanks to the grace of God.The best advice I know is to give those worldly things your best, but never your all, reserving the ultimate hope for the only One who can grant it.Now in addition to your marriage, and children, and your occupation, and serving God and becoming closer to Him, you may have some other unique opportunities to jump into the deep waters of life.I was presented with the opportunity for public service.Ann, who‟s the mother of five boys, has been able to help shape the lives of many many dozens of young women.My son, Josh, is a real estate developer, and yet he‟s able to go around the world and help bring life-changing surgeries to children.And, quite literally, hundreds from this campus gave up vacation time to help a candidate‟s presidential campaign, for which I owe you deeply.Thank you so much.And so you‟re about to write new chapters of your life story.Give yourself a lot to write about.You only live one life.Don‟t spend it in safe, shallow water.Launch out into the deep.If you meet a person you love, get married.Have a quiver full of kids if you can.Give more to your occupation than is expected.Serve God by serving His children.Seize any opportunity that might come along that will expand your mind and challenge your abilities.Living life to the fullest, venturing into the deep waters of life, promises an abundance of experience and joy.Forty years on, you‟ll smile with satisfaction, anxious for the next chapter in your life story.God bless each of you, and God bless this great country.Thank you.En8848原版英语

第三篇:奥巴马白宫晚宴开涮罗姆尼 讽刺其虐待动物(图)

奥巴马白宫晚宴开涮罗姆尼 讽刺其虐待动物(图)

>28日,华盛顿,奥巴马总统与著名脱口秀主持人吉米·基梅尔击掌相庆。晚宴上奥巴马搞怪表情。当地时间28日,美国总统奥巴马出席白宫记者协会晚宴,“开涮”对手、共和党总统竞选人罗姆尼。调侃罗姆尼虐待动物宴会在华盛顿希尔顿酒店举行,大约2500名政府高官、社会名流和记者出席,包括导演斯皮尔伯格和好莱坞明星乔治·克鲁尼。这是奥巴马第四次出席晚宴,他登台发表演讲,把自己与罗姆尼比较。罗姆尼已锁定共和党总统候选人,将在11月大选中与奥巴马一决高下,但罗姆尼未出席晚宴。奥巴马说,“我无意攻击任何一名共和党竞选人。拿罗姆尼来说,我们有诸多相似之处。”奥巴马表示两人支持率均落后于各自夫人、且均获哈佛大学学位。他提起罗姆尼1983年驾车旅行时,把宠物狗放入笼内绑在车顶上的往事。民主党借此批评罗姆尼粗野对待宠物。大屏幕上播放“合成”画面,显示罗姆尼站在总统专机“空军一号”扶梯上,专机顶部绑着一个狗笼。奥巴马称共和党预选如同电影《饥饿游戏》情节,几名大亨相互残杀,直至剩下最后一人。“对罗姆尼来说,这是换换口味的大好时机。”自称“为国消得白发多”奥巴马顺带开起国务卿希拉里的玩笑,“4年前,我与希拉里展开残酷竞争。4年后,她一直不停地给我发醉醺醺的短信。”他也不忘自我调侃,大屏幕上出现他4年前和如今的照片,显示他头发白了不少。接着,画面变成美国著名黑人演员摩根·弗里曼满头银发的头像。“4年后,我会变成这个样子。”调侃特工召妓违规演讲中,奥巴马调侃起特工处。“我本来准备了非常多的演讲材料,但现在必须结束,以便让特工处的特工们及时赶回家,避免违反新规定。”现场摄像镜头转向担任晚宴警卫的特工处成员。本月12日,在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳为奥巴马出席美洲国家首脑会议打前站的12名特工卷入召妓丑闻,8名被迫离职,3人面临纪律处分。特工处27日颁布新规定,以严格约束特工在国外执行任务时的行为。韩建军(新华社特稿)背景去年奥巴马赴宴 “海豹”抓拉登白宫记者协会晚宴始于1920年,之后便成为华府传统,在每年四月最后一个周六举行,目的是加强白宫与新闻媒体的沟通,气氛轻松,内容搞笑。通常情况下,现任总统和副总统均会出席,第一位赴宴的美国总统是开创黄金时代的凯文·柯立芝。在第二次世界大战之前,记者协会晚宴的招牌节目是明星献唱,在晚宴后,还会有大牌电影明星现场表演。但是自从二战后,晚宴的招牌节目变成了演讲,一般是由大牌戏剧演员和总统发表演讲,总统妙趣横生的语录总能成为晚宴热点。晚宴的菜单也变成了以烧烤为主。近十年来,记者协会晚宴曾因重大悲剧事件而低调举行,例如1999年的哥伦拜恩校园枪击案和2007年的弗州理工大学枪击案。2010年晚宴举行之时,更是适逢炸弹袭击传闻笼罩时代广场。2011年晚宴举办时,美国海豹突击队正潜入巴基斯坦,击毙拉登。晚宴后24个小时,奥巴马宣布这一消息。奥巴马在晚宴发表演说时,改变既定演说词,但只字未提击毙拉登行动。(天行)本文地址:眼镜网 眼镜架网上配镜 网上配眼镜


罗姆尼发表败选演讲 祝贺奥巴马胜选(全文)2012年11月07日 14:18 来源:凤凰卫视








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