
时间:2019-05-14 19:02:55下载本文作者:会员上传
















































()1.–Hi, Lucy.Nice to meet you.–Hi, Jim._______.A.Fine, thank youB.Nice to meet you C.Good morningD.How do you do()2.–Can you _______this word? –Yes, B-A-L-L.A.spellB.read C.see D.meet()3.–Where _______ the socks?--_______ on the bed.A.is;It’s B.are;They C.are;They’re D.is;It()4.This is my little sister._______ name is Jenny, we all like_______.A.She;she B.Her;her C.She;her D.Her;she()5.Please _______ these books to your school.A.take B.bringC.beD.do()6.There is a computer _______ the desk.A.on B.inC.underD.for()7.I have a TV.She also _______ a TV.A.have B.has C.isD.are()8.This song sounds _______ , I like it.A.good B.bad C.well D.badly()9.–How many _______do you have?–Let me see, my father has two brothers.A.cousinsB.unclesC.sisterD.aunts()10.–_______ you _______ TV every day?—Yes, I do.A.Can;see B.Do;watch C.Is;watch D.Are;see()11.I like apples _______ bananas, but I don’t like pears.A.or B.and C.so D.because()12.They have hamburgers _______ lunch.A.at B.onC.in D.for(the dictionary in the store? Ten yuan.A.How much isB.How much areC.How many is D.How many are()14.They like _______ after school.A.play the basketball B.play basketball C.to play the basketball D.to play basketball()15.She eats three _______ every day.A.the tomatoB.tomatosC.tomatoes D.tomato()16.Let’s _______ sports.A.to playB.plays C.playingD.play()17._______he____English? A.Does likeB.likes C.Does likes D.Do like()18.Thanks your family photo.A.forB.of C.atD.with()19.SheTV every day.A.watchB.watchs C.Watches D.watching()20.is an English boy.A.His / His B.He /HeC.He/ His D.She /her




I am _21_ American.My name 22_ Lily.I am a new student.I am twelve.Now I am_23Class Six, Grade One, No.5 Middle School.My teacher is Miss Li.I have a sister._24_ name is Lucy.We _25 twins(双胞胎).We look _26_.But she is in a different school.I am on duty(值日)today.I can′t look after(照顾)my sister._27_ school I help my teacher put her book, map and pictures on her _28_.I tell her everyone is here, _29_ I am wrong.Jim is not at school.I don′t _30_ where he is.I think he is at home.()21 Aa BanCthe D/()22 AamBisCare Dbe()23 Ain BonCto Dat()24 ASheBHers C She′sDHer()25 Ais BareC am Dbe()26 Asame Bdifferent C the same Dthe different()27 AOnBAtC To D From()28 Achair Bbook C deskDtable()29 AandBorC but Dso()30 Athink BthankC know D do


A This is Cara and Ben.They are twins(双胞胎).They are twelve.This is their bedroom.It’s a nice room.There are two beds in the room.The yellow bed is Cara’s and that green one is Ben’s.The twins have one desk and two chairs.The chairs look the same.Cara’s sweater is on his bed.Ben’s coat is on his chair.Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk.Their school bags are behind the chairs.()31.Cara and Ben are ________.A.brother and sister B.brothers C.sisters D.friends()32.Cara and Ben have ________.A.two chairs and one desk B.two desks and one chair C.two chairs and two desksD.one desk and one chair()33.Cara’s ________ is yellow and Ben’s ________ is green.A.chair;bed B.sweater;sweater C.bed;chair D.bed;bed()34.Cara’s sweater is ________.A.on his bed B.on Ben’s bed C.on the chairD.on the desk()35.Which is right? A.Their class is very nice.B.Their two beds look the same.C.Their school bags are under the chairs.D.They live in the same room.B Hi, I’m Brian.This is the photo of my family.My grandfather is with glasses.He has little hair.The one standing next to him is my uncle.He is wearing a cap.My grandmother has gray hair.She is a kind woman.She is holding my younger brother.He has short curly hair.The woman standing behind me is my mom.She has straight(笔直的)brown hair.There is a little girl sitting on the table.Her name is Cathy.She is my sister.She is wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of green socks.It’s her favorite(最喜欢的)color.Which one is my father? Well, he is wearing glasses, too.He is in brown shorts and brown shoes.His name is Sam.Now, do you know where he is?()36.How many people are there in the passage? A.Five.B.Six.C.Seven D.Eight()37.What is Cathy’s favorite color? A.Green.B.Black.C.Yellow.D.White.()38.How many children do Brian’s parents have? A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four()39.Who is wearing glasses? A.Brian and his father.B.Brian.C.Brian’s grandpa and uncle.D.Brian’s grandpa and father.()40.Which is NOT true? A.Brian has one uncle in the picture.B.Brian’s younger brother has long curly hair.C.Brian’s grandfather doesn't have much hair.D.Brian’s sister wears a green T-shirt.C This is a picture of Kate Green’s family.In the picture we can see her grandparents, her parents, her brother Mike and her..Her grandparents are on the chair.Mr Green and Mrs Green is behind(在…后面)them.Mike is under the window.Kate is on the floor.What’s behind Kate? It's a cat.It's black and white.()41.How many(多少)people are there in Kate’s family? A.FourB.FiveC.Six D.Seven.()42.Where is Mrs Green? A.Under the window.B.On the floor C.On the chair D.Behind Kate’s grandparents()43.Is Mike on the floor? A.Yes, he is.B.Yes, he isn’t.C.No, he is.D.No, he isn’t.()44.Where is the cat? A.On the floor.B.Under the window.C.Behind Kate.D.On the chair.()45.What color is the cat? A.White B.Black C.Yellow.D.Black and white.C.rice D.vegetable D Please look at my family photo.Those are my grandparents.These are my parents.My mother is Susan.She likes red.She likes apples for breakfast.And she often plays ping-pong.That is my brother.His name is Jack.He doesn’t like red.He just likes white.He often has milk for breakfast and then plays soccer.Now this is me.my name is Tony.I like blue very much.My sweaters, my T-shirts, my pants, my shoes are all blue.For my breakfast, I like eggs.I don’t like soccer.It’s so boring.I just like tennis.It’s so fun.This is my family.I love my family.四、在下面的题目中填上恰当的Be动词。

1.I ________from Australia.2.She _______ a student.3.Jane and Tom _________my friends.4.My parents _______very busy every day.5.I _______ at school.6.He ________ at school.7.We ________ students.8.They ________ from China.9.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old.10.Where ________ your friends? 11.How old __________ you last year? 12.Which dog ________ yours? 13.Ten and two ________ twelve.五.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)56.How many brothers does Tom ______ ?(have)57.My mother likes_____basketball.(play)58.He often _____TV in the evening.(watch)59.I have a good friend and ______name is Linda(she)60.Here are two ______(photo)for you.六、书面表达(10分)

假如你是Lisa,到学校后发现你的英语书,钢笔以及一串钥匙忘在了家里。你需要写张便条给妹妹Amy,让她帮你带到学校来(英语书是蓝色的,在书桌上; 钢笔是黑色的,在抽屉里; 钥匙可能在梳妆台上)。要求字数不少于40词。

Dear Amy , Can you bring these things to school ?





_______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you.Yours Lisa 篇二:2014年新人教版七年级上册英语期中测试题及答案





A.按要求写出下列单词(每空1分,共10分)1.too(同音词)2.photo(复 3.he(名词性物主代词




9.come on!(英译汉10.they are(缩写


11.What are _______(this)? 12._______(be)these your apples? 13.She is _______(we)English teacher.14.He is a new student.I don’t know_______(he).15.Some pictures ______(be)on the wall(墙)二.翻译下列句子。(12分)


______schoolbag is _______ _________ bed.2、他的手表在椅子的下面。

His watch _____ _______ the ________.3、你的字典在哪里? 它在桌子台上。

______your dictionary? _____on the _____.4、—你的电脑游戏的背包里吗? —是的,它在。

—_______your _______game ______the bakpack? —_______, __________ 三.句型转换.(12分)1)My schoolbag is under the chair.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________________? 2)The plant is on the table.(对划线部分提问)___________________________________________? 3)My dictionary is in the schoolbag.(变一般疑问句)___________________________________________? 4.My name is(对划线部分提问)________ _______ your name? 对划线部分提问)_________ _________ this? 6.Is that your notebook?(做否定回答)_______ ,_____________.四.单项选择(每小题1分,满分20分)

()16.–Hi, Lucy.Nice to meet you.–Hi, Jim._______.A.Fine, thank you B.Nice to meet you,too.C.Good morningD.How do you do()17.–Do you know how to _______this word? –Yes, B-A-L-L.A.spellB.read C.see D.meet()18.–Where _______ the tapes? –_______ on the bed.A.is;It’s B.are;They C.are;They’re D.is;It()19.This is my little sister._______ name is Jenny, we all like_______.A.She;she B.Her;her C.She;her D.Her;she()20.— ___________________ — It’s 3307-0602.You can call me in the evening.A.What’s your name?B.Do you have a telephone? C.What’s your phone number? D.Where is my phone?.()21.There is a computer _______ the desk.A.on B.inC.underD.for()22._________.Is this your pen? A.Sorry B.HelloC.Hi D.Excuse me()23.This song sounds _______ , I like it.A.good B.bad C.well D.badly(A.a, The B.some, TheC.the, SomeD.the, The(is in the bag.A.her, Her B.mine, My C.your, Your D.his, His()26.This iseye and that is nose.A.a, a B.an, a C.a, an D.a, an()27.— Are those your brothers? —.A.Yes,they're B.No,they are C.Yes,they aren't D.Yes, they are()28.What’sEnglish? A.to B.forC.atD.in()29.—Your jacket is very beautiful(漂亮的).—

A.Where B.No C.Thank you D.Good()30.—Are you good friends? — Yes, A.I am B.we areC.we are notD.they are()31.—This is your dictionary.Here you are.—Thank you very much.—

A.Thank you, tooB.That’s all right C.All rightD.That’s right.()32.This is _______room.A.Lucy and LilyB.Lucy and Lily’s C.Lucy’s and Lily’s D.Lucy’s and Lily()33.— Is your father a teacher? —

A.Yes, I am B.No,you isn’t C.Yes, he isD.Yes, I’m()34.Sam and Mike aren’t at school.A.How B.What C.WhereD.Who()35.—Whose(谁的)is the ruler? —It’s not.It’A.my;his B.mine;yourC.my;hers D.his;hers


()36.How are you?A.Yes, it is.()37.What is this in English? B.They are in the pencil case.()38.Nice to meet you!C.She is my sister.()39.Is Tom your brother?D.No,they aren’t.()40.where are the pens? E.Nice to meet you, too.()41.Are those his parents? F.Green.()42.What’s her family name?G.It’s a dictionary.()43.Happy birthday to you!H.Yes, he is.()44.Is this his ruler? I.I’m fine, thanks.()45.Who is she?J.Thank you.六、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)


This is a 46 of Jim’s family.This man 47 Mr Green.48 is Jim’s father.49 woman is Mrs Green.50 is Jim’s mother.Who this boy and girl?The is Jim,Mr Green’s son.The is Kate, Mr Green’s daughter.Kate is sister.Jim and Kate are brother and sister.()46.A.bookB.photoC.mapD.room()47.A.is B.am C.areD.be()48.A.SheB.HerC.He D.His()49.A.A B.AnC.TheseD.This()50.A.SheB.HerC.He D.His()51.A.is B.amC.loveD.are()52.A.a B.theseC.thisD.an()53.A.girlB.boyC.boysD.girls()54.A.girlB.boyC.boysD.girls()55 A.Jim B.JimsC.Jim’sD.Jims’


A This is Cara and Ben.They are twins(双胞胎).They are twelve.This is their bedroom.It’s a nice room.There are two beds in the room.The yellow bed is Cara’s and that green one is Ben’s.The twins have one desk and two chairs.The chairs look the same.Cara’s sweater is on his bed.Ben’s coat is on his chair.Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk.Their school bags are behind the chairs.()56.Cara and Ben are ________.A.brother and sister B.brothers C.sisters D.friends()57.Cara and Ben have ________.A.two chairs and one desk B.two desks and one chair C.two chairs and two desksD.one desk and one chair()58.Cara’s ________ is yellow and Ben’s ________ is green.A.chair;bed B.sweater;sweater C.bed;chair D.bed;bed()59.Cara’s sweater is ________.A.on his bed B.on Ben’s bed C.on the chairD.on the desk()60.Which is right? A.Their class is very nice.B.Their two beds look the same.C.Their school bags are under the chairs.D.They live in the same room.B Hello!This Chinese boy is Li Lei.He’s 12.He’s in No.3 Middle School.He’s in Class 2,Grade 1.His good friend is Jack.He’s an English boy.He’s in Li Lei’s school.He’s in Class1.Grade2.Mrs Read is an English teacher in their school.She’s an English woman.Jack an Li Lei has a secret(秘密)----Jack is their English teacher’s son.()61.How old is Li Lei? A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14()62.What class is Li Lei in? A.Class1.Grade1 B Class2.Grade1.C.Class1.Grade2 D.Class2.Grade2()63.What’s Li Lei’s friend’s name? A.Li LeiB.Read C.Jack D.Green()64.Who’s their English teacher? A.Li LeiB.Jack C.Mrs GreenD.Mrs Read()65.Is Jack Mrs Read’s son? A.Yes, he is.B.No, he isn’t.C.Yes, he isn’t.D.No, he is.八、书面表达(11分)

Write a paragraph to describe your room.(你已经是一名初中生了,想必一下有你自己的一片―天空‖——小房间了。你能用英语描述你的房间吗。)要求:语句通顺达意;至少40个单词;要有in, on, under等表示方位的介词

This is my room…










()21.This is ____ English book and that is ____Chinese book.

A.a;anB.an;a C.the;anD.an;the()22.Please call us _____2388977.

A.at B.on C.inD.with()23.You can find your ID card _____the lost and found case.

A.at B、in C、onD、for()24.Is that Mary Green ? No , it’s Gina Millers.Her ____name is Gina.A、one B、first C、lastD、family()25.The teacher’s name is John Brown.His students call him ________.A、Mr Brown B、Mr John C、Mr Herry D.John Brown()26.Hi!This is _____new teacher._____name is Linda.

A.your;My B.his;YourC.your;HerD.her;His()27.What's this ____ English? A、in B、at C、to D、for()28._______________ ? It’s my ID card.

A.What’s that B.Who is that C.How do you spell thatD.Is it an ID card()29.This ____my sister and those ________my parents. A.is;is B.is;are C.are;is D.are;are()30.Are these your cousins? _______.A.Yes,they aren’t B、No,these aren’t C.No,they aren’tD、Yes,these are()31.Thanks _____ your help(帮助).A.youB.at C.forD.of()32.______ is my aunt, and _____ is my uncle.A.It, it B.She, heC.He, she D.she, it()33.Is this a photo _____ your family? A.in B.of C.at D.for()34._______ is my skirt ? It’s behind the door.A、Where B、What C、WhoseD、Which()35.There are many pictures ____ the wall.A、from B、on C、about D、in()36.Where are the books ? ________ on the desk.A、It is B、They are C、There are D、There is()37.Does he has a tennis racket? ________ A、Yes , he does.B、Yes , she has.C、Yes , he have.D、Yes , he doesn't.()38.---Let's play baseball.---_______.A、Yes , I do.B、That's a good idea C、Sorry, I don'tD、No, I don't.()39.He likes playing _____ guitar, but he doesn't like playing _____ volleyball.A、a;the B、the;the C、/;theD、the;/()40.Do you like hamburgers?_______.A.No, I don’t.B.Yes, I likes.C.Yes, I don’t.D.No, I do.阅读理解练习


()51._____1ikes pears.but doesn’t like tomatoes or oranges.

A. JillB.Jenny C.BobD.Bill()52.______1ikes salad,but doesn’t like pears.

A.Jill B.Jenny C.Bob D.Bill()53.___likes salad,___likes hamburgers.They both dislike(不喜欢)pears.

A.Bob;JennyB.Bob;Bill C.Jenny;Jill D.Bill;Jill()

54、______likes broccoli,but doesn’t like ice cream.

A.JillB.Jenny C.BobD.Bill()55.Bob ,Jill and Jenny all like________.A.ice cream B.salad C.pears D.broccoli 篇三:2013-2014年人教版七年级英语上册期中考试试题



一、听录音,选出你所听到的那一项,每小题读两遍。()1.A.game()2.A.sisters()3.A.HB()4.A.map()5.A.what’s 两遍。

()6.A.Good evening()7.A.It’s OK

()8.A.It’s my book.()9.A.It’s a pen.()10.A.It’s green.()11.A.Yes, it isn’t.()12.A.235-1695()13.A.Orange

B.Good morning

C.Good afternoon.C.I’m fine, thanks.C.Thanks

B.I’m Bob.B.It’s red.B.same B.brothers

B.BBC B.color C.nameC.pencils C.CD C.table

C.T-shirt B.jacket


B.He is my father.C.No, it isn’t.B.Yes, it is.C.On the table.B.Yes, it is.B.White

C.No, it isn’t.C.Blue C.Under the sofa C.It’s Cindy’s.三、听对话及问题,选择正确的答案,每小题读两遍。

B.235-2783 C.235-6185 B.In the drawer B.No, he isn’t()14.A.On the table.()15.A.Yes, he is.四、听短文,选择正确答案, 短文读两遍。()16.Is my mother a teacher?A.No, she isn’t.B.Yes, she is.()17.Who’s my father? A.Jack Brown

B.Frank Smith

C.Mary Smith C.Eight()18.How many(多少)people(人)are there in my family? A.FourB.Seven()19.Do I have a sister? A.Yes, you do.B.No, you don’t.C.I don’t know.C.Yes, he is.1()20.What’s my sister’s name? A.Bill




一、选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分)()21.–What’s this? –It’s________ orange.A./B.a C.anD.the()22.–Is this your book?–Yes, ___________.A.this is B.it isC.it isn’tD.he is()23.Mum, _________ my friend Jane.A.this’s B.it isC.this isD.he is()24.Is that your _______? A.a rulerB.pencil C.keysD.books()25.–______is the jacket?–It’s green.A.Where B.HowC.What’sD.What color()26.______ name is Kate._______ is a teacher.A.Her, SheB.He’s, He C.His, She D.He, His()27.–Where ______ my pens? –

A.is, It’s B.is, ItsC.are, They’reD.are, It’s()28.–Are these your rulers? – Yes, ________.A.these are B.it is C.they areD.they aren’t()29.–_______ do you spell pencil?-P-E-N-C-I-L.A.How B.WhatC.Where D.Who()30.Please call Mike ________ 578-4317.A.to B.inC.at D.of()31.–Is this your ruler? – Yes, it’s ________ A.myB.mine C.hersD.his.()32.The computer is in my __________ room.A.uncle B.sister’C.brother’s D.cousin()33.–_______ your father? –No, he is my uncle.A.Who’s B.Is heC.What'sD.Is she()34.Jack Brown is a boy.Jack is his _____________ A.first nameB.last name C.family name D.full name()35.______ these your _________? A.Are, pencil C.Is, watch

B.Are, pencils D.Is , watches()36.She ________ a new pencil box.A.are B.haveC.has D.is()37.–Are you Jim? –____________.I’m Bob.A.Yes, she is.C.No, he is.()38.–Thank you.–______________.A.Thanks B.You’re welcome.C.I’m fine.D.OK.()39.–_______ he –Yes, he does.A.Is, haveB.Do, have C.Does, have.()40.Let’s _________.A.to play basketball C.play the basketball


This is a photo a classroom.It’s a big room.In the photo, you can see a table ,some.You can see a teacher and two students(学生)Three are on the table.A pencil case is on the desk.Two pens

B.Yes, I’m.D.No, I’m not.D.Does, has B.play basketball

D.playing basketball 3 pencil case.A backpack The lady(女士)is the Chinese teacher.Her name is is 11.They are in Class 8.They’re good math(数学)teacher is Mr.Brown.He is not here.()41.A.to




()42.A.desk and chair C.desk and chairs()43.A.too()44.A.book()45.A./()46.A.am B.desks and chair D.desks and chairs C.yesD.OK C.penD.photo C.the D.my the C.is D.does

D.teachersD.They B.pleaseB.booksB.anB.are

()47.A.Wangying B.Wang ying C.wang yingD.Wang Ying()48.A.He()49.A.girls()50.A.His 三 阅读理解((共15小题,每小题2分)

B.His B.Her

C.He’s B.friends C.sisters C.Their D.Him A

()51.The _______ is red.A.pen B.CD C.map D.book()52.________has a map.A.Mike B.Cindy C.Eric D.Dale 4()53.The ruler is _______.A.red B.blueC.yellow()54.Dale has ________.A.a CD B.a pen C.a book A.Blue D.a map()55.What color is not mentioned(没有被提到)?

B.RedC.YellowD.White D.green B My name’s Mary.This is my family tree.These are my parents.Their names are Bill and Grace Brown.Those are my grandparents.Their names are Hey and Linda Brown.This is my uncle.His name is John.That boy is my brother.His name is Tony.This is Susan.She is my uncle’s daughter.()56.Mary’s brother is ______.A.Susan B.John A.father

C.Tony D.Linda C.uncle D.son

()57.Bill is John’s ________.B.brother()58.Hey is Susan’s _______.A.father B.grandfather C.uncle()59.Grace is Susan’s________.A.sister B.mother C.aunt()60.Tony and Mary are Susan’s_______.A.brothers B.sisters C.cousins D.friends

D.grandmother D.grandmother C I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina.I am tidy, but Gina is not.In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase.My keys are in my schoolbag.I have a clock.It is on the desk.Gina’s books are everywhere——on her bed, on her sofa and under her chair.The white model plane is hers.It is under the desk.― Where is my ruler?‖ ―Where are my keys?‖ Gina always asks.





















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    期中考试后英语教师家长会发言稿 尊敬的各位家长: 下午好!今天,我很荣幸地在这里,作为你们孩子的英语老师,和你们共同探讨一下“怎样帮助孩子学好英语”,由于水平有限,不当之处,敬......


    七年级期中考试分析会发言稿 学校召开期中考试总结表彰大会,希望通过这次考试总结表彰大会,更快地提高学习成绩。 我们每一位同学都经受了失败、痛苦和成功的洗礼,同学们,......


    七年级教师在期中考试分析会上发言稿 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 同学们在以后的学习中都能够更好地发展,大家早上好!今天,学校召开期中考试总结表彰大会,希望通过这次考试总......


    七年级教师在期中考试‎分析会上发言稿 七年‎级教师在期中考试分析‎会上发言稿 ‎尊敬的老师、亲爱‎的同学们: ‎ 同学们在以后的学习‎中都能够更好地发展,‎大家早上......