
时间:2019-05-14 19:50:18下载本文作者:会员上传



英语演讲君按 演讲者也提出了一个有趣的观点,羊意味着软弱,老虎因为脾气暴躁,都不被看好,那一年份的小孩出生率会明显下降,反过来想想,正因为同一年出生的孩子少,那么这些孩子长大以后面临的竞争不就更少了吗?也许正因为这样,他们反而能更多地获得成功的机会。比尔盖茨、乔布斯可都是属虎的哦。中国12生肖详细介绍演讲稿

Have you ever been asked by your Chinese friend,' What is your zodiac sign? 'Don't think they are making small talk.If you say, ' I'm a Monkey, 'they immediately knowyou are either 24, 36, 48 or 60 years old.(Laughter)Asking a zodiac sign is a polite way of asking your age.By revealing your zodiac sign, you are also being evaluated.Judgments are being made about your fortune or misfortune,your personality, career prospectsand how you will do in a given year.If you share you and your partner's animal signs,they will paint a picture in their mind about your private life.Maybe you don't believe in the Chinese zodiac.As a quarter of the world population is influenced by it,you'd be wise to do something about that.So what is the Chinese zodiac, exactly?Most Westerners think of Greco-Roman zodiac,the signs divided into 12 months.The Chinese zodiac is different.It's a 12-year cycle labeled with animals,starting with a Rat and ending with a Pig,and has no association with constellations.For example, if you were born in 1975, you are a Rabbit.Can you see your zodiac sign there?Our Chinese ancestors constructed a very complicated theoretical frameworkbased on inner yang, the five elements and the 12 zodiac animals.Over thousands of years,this popular culture has affected people's major decisions,such as naming, marriage, giving birth and attitude towards each other.And some of the implications are quite amazing.The Chinese believe certain animals get on better than the others.So parents choose specific years to give birth to babies,because they believe the team effort by the right combination of animalscan give prosperity to families.We even refer to the zodiac when entering into romantic relations.I'm a Pig;I should have perfect romance with Tigers, Goats and Rabbits.Chinese people believe some animals are natural enemies.As a Pig, I need to be careful with a Snake.Raise your hand if you are a Snake.Let's have a chat later.(Laughter)We believe some animals are luckier than the others,such as the Dragon.Unlike the Western tradition,the Chinese Dragon is a symbol for power, strength and wealth.It's everyone's dream to have a Dragon baby.Jack Ma's parents must have been very proud.And they are not the only ones.In 2012, the Year of the Dragon,the birthrate in China, Hong Kong and Taiwanincreased by five percent.That means another one million more babies.With a traditional preference to baby boys,the boy-girl ratio that year was 120 to 100.When those Dragon boys grow up,they will face much more severe competition in love and job markets.According to the BBC and the Chinese government's press release,January 2015 saw a peak of Cesarean sections.Why?That was the last month for the Year of the Horse.It's not because they like horses so much,it's because they try to avoid having unlucky Goat babies.(Laughter)If you are a Goat, please don't feel bad.Those are Goat babies.They don't look like losers to me.(Laughter)Tiger is another undesirable animal,due to its volatile temperament.Many Chinese regions saw a sharp decline of birthrateduring those years.Perhaps one should consider zodiac in reverse,as those Tiger and Goat babies will face much less competition.Maybe they are the lucky ones.I went through the Forbes top 300 richest people in the world,and it's interesting to seethe most undesirable two animals, the Goat and Tiger,are at the top of the chart,even higher than the Dragon.So maybe we should consider,maybe it's much better to have less competition.One last but interesting point:many Chinese people make their investment decisionsbased on the zodiac sign index.Although the belief and tradition of the zodiac signhas been over thousands of years,the trend of using it in making major decisionsdid not really happen until the past few decades.Our ancestors were very busy surviving poverty, drought,famine, riot, disease and civil war.And finally, Chinese people have the time, wealth and technologyto create an ideal life they've always wanted.The collective decision made by 1.3 billion peoplehas caused the fluctuation in economics and demand on everything,from health care and education to property and consumer goods.As China plays such an important role in the global economy and geopolitics,the decisions made based on the zodiac and other Chinese traditionsend up impacting everyone around the world.Are there any Monkeys here?2016 is the Year of the Monkey.Monkeys are clever, curious, creative and mischievous.Thank you.暴露属相=暴露年龄只要把属相一说出来,瞬间暴露年龄。看看,在这一点上,咱们的传统的十二生肖就是那么科学。虽然现在比较流行十二星座,我小时候还是经常读到很多文字,属相一样可以预示运势,性格,事业,还有来年的运程等。掐指一算,还是爱生“金龙宝宝”貌似平日里关心生肖属相的人少了,然而一到人生的关键时刻,世界各地的华夏子孙还是会找出来掂量一下。特别是像生孩子这件事件,只要那年遇到孕妇扎堆,产科人满为患,那肯定是赶上某个生肖里的“大咖年”了,类似龙年这种。因为中国人相信有的属相就是要更幸运一些。这么看来挑年份生娃也是能理解的。演讲里还提到,马云就属龙,多有说服力吧。“虎宝”和“羊宝”才是人生的赢家



最后再提一下演讲者薛晓岚女士。最初她想要推广中文是因为自己出生在英国的孩子学习中文非常费力,于是薛女士利用自己的技术知识,结合中文的特点,创新的摸索出一套帮助西方人学习中文的方法。爱O姐非常敬佩她的能力,更羡慕她拥有的资源。虽然不能相比,但是至少还有一点我跟她是一样的,就是希望去实践自己的想法,希望可以帮到更多人。好吧,姐继续加油!想不想第一时间接收英语演讲文章&视频?置顶精彩英语演讲就对了!操作办法就是:进入公众号——找到“置顶公众号”—— 开启。

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1.关于外表卡麦隆·罗素(Cameron Russell)


来自美国旧金山的学生 Amelia Browne 分享:

她的故事就像是一记当头棒喝,提醒我们「内在」的重要性,我才明白社会赋予我的优势和机会,也让我进一步思考如何善用这些特质,为下一代带来改变,因为特权绝非与生俱来。2.关于学习手冢贵晴(Takaharu Tezuka)



3.关于领导卓·杜力(Drew Dudley)


在美国旧金山念书的伊莎贝拉·思科(Isabella Scal)相当认同杜力的理念,她说:

因为这场演说,我学会感谢同侪及长辈们对我在人格塑造上所带来的正面影响;同时,我也把这场演讲分享给我的朋友,并借此让他们知道,我永远感念他们一路来的陪伴。4.关于成败安琪拉·达克沃斯(Angela Lee Duckworth)想成功,拿出你的热情与意志力!在教育上,我们习惯用“智商”来衡量成就的可能,但学校与生活中的表现,难道只是取决于吸收知识的快慢?“儿童与成人在面对挑战时的表现,就是我研究要观察的,像是:谁会赢得最后的胜利?为什么他们会成功?结果发现,决定成功的要素只有一个,就是意志力。”达克沃斯说道。

许多学生推荐这场演讲,而来自乔治亚的柯西·乔(Koshi Joshi)也分享:

学习来自于不断努力和认真工作,这也是通往成功的关键,我相信,决心与付出将带来满满地收获。5.关于表达朱利安·崔久(Julian Treasure)


来自波兰的高中生卡罗·德博沃斯基(Karol Dobrowolski)说:

朱利安的建议真的很受用,尤其是我现在正在准备TED教育俱乐部的演说,这给了我相当大的鼓励。6.关于性格苏珊·坎恩(Susan Cain)


来自阿根廷的学生瑞秋·凡(Rachel Fan)分享道: 苏珊的演讲让我更加了解到,即使文化有所不容,我依旧可以怀抱我的内向特质;苏珊的条理与能言善道,也让人见到内向的人也能爆发出无穷的影响力,这激励我勇于踏入人群,好消息时,我也在学校开设了 TED-Ed 俱乐部,因为我相信我也可以!

7.关于热情凯西·奈斯泰德(Casey Neistat)

那些高中发生的事奈斯泰德15岁那年就中辍离家,而女友在他17岁时就怀孕,他只能一路打零工勉强维持生计;22岁时他与弟弟在网上撰写博客并制作影片,两年后的一部《ipod不可告人的秘密(iPod's Dirty Secret)》让他一炮而红,不但获得世人的关注,就连HBO也争相邀请他制作节目;“我就是很爱说故事,就算没有人找我还是会持续地拍,所以一切就从youtube开始”。

来自加州的高中生纳森·乔(Nathan Cao)说:

凯西教我的是,让我知道居住在美国、能够到好学校上学时件得天独厚的事,他点燃了我对社区服务的热爱,现在的我常在年长者家中和庇护所担任义工,同时也在学校成立协助难民的社团,我发现其实还有很多事是我还可以做的!8.关于阅读:奇玛曼达·阿迪契(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)单向度叙事的危险阿迪契从小就在奈及利亚东部的大学环境中成长,从小就爱看书的她也喜欢写故事,然而,由于童书多半来自欧美,连带他自己故事笔下的角色也都是白皮肤、蓝眼睛、要不就是在雪中玩耍,还很爱聊天气,因为西非一年四季都是这么热。“我想就我个人来说,这证明了人们时多么容易收到故事的影响,尤其是小孩子”阿迪契笑着说道。来自德州的爱丽莎·索曼尼(Alisha Somani)说道: 这场演说让我发现单一观点是导致人们骄傲自大的主因,这也激励了我主动去了解,并朝各个面向学习,这样一来我才不会变得夜郎自大,总以为每个人所想的都一样。9.关于聆听邹奇奇(Adora Svitak)



第三篇:TED演讲:Jay_Walker谈中国英语学习狂热 2

English Mania

Let's talk about manias.Let's start with Beatle mania: hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium.Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea--get the ball in the net.Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions.Manias can be good.Manias can be alarming.Or manias can be deadly.让我们来谈谈狂热。先从甲壳虫热说起。歇斯底里的少年们:高呼,尖叫,喧嚣。体育热:震耳欲聋的人群,都是为了一个目标,让球入网。还有宗教热:有欢笑、也有泪水还有梦想。狂热可能有益,也可能会令人担忧。有时狂热可能会很致命。

The world has a new mania——A mania for learning English.Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it.现在,世界上有种新的狂热。学习英语的狂热。下面听听中国学生用高声叫喊的方式练习英语。

Teacher:...change my life!

Students: I will change my life.S: I don't want to let my parents down.T: I don't ever want to let my country down.S: I don't ever want to let my country down.T: Most importantly...S: Most importantly.T: I don't want to let myself down.S: I don't want to let myself down.T: I don't want to let my parents down.Jay Walker: How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them.JW: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all in China.If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, by law.That's why this year China will become the world's largest English-speaking country.Why English? In a single word: Opportunity——Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table.Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days.Her score on this one test literally determines her future.She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare.25 percent of her grade is based on English.It's called the Gaokao, and 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test.The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable, unless you witness it.JW:在拉丁美洲、印度、东南亚和几乎整个中国。如果你是名中国学生,根据法律要求,你在小学三年级就得开始学英语。这就是为什么今年(2009年)中国会成为全世界最大的讲英语的国家。为什么是英语?用一个词来回答就是:机会。一个获得更好的生活、工作的机会。可以上得起学,可以吃上更好的食物。想象一个学生用整整三天时间参加一次大考。她的这次考试成绩几乎决定她的未来前途。为了准备这次考试,她在三年的时间里,每天学习12小时。而这次考试25%的成绩是由英语决定。这个考试叫做高考。有8000万中国高中生参加过这个“独木桥”考试。学英语的强度几乎不可想象,除非你亲眼目睹。

T: I want to speak perfect English.S: I want to speak perfect English.T: I want to change my life!

S: I want to change my life!

JW: So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages? Not likely.English is the world's second language.Your native language is your life.But with English you can become part of a wider conversation: a global conversation about global problems, like climate change or poverty, or hunger or disease.The world has other universal languages.Mathematics is the language of science.Music is the language of emotions.And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving.Not because America is pushing it, but because the world is pulling it.So English mania is a turning point.Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future--a future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems.JW:那么这股英语热是好是坏呢?英语是不是海啸,会席卷其它所有语言?不太可能。英语是世界第二大语言。你的母语就是你的人生。但英语可以让你参与更大范围的讨论:关于全球性问题的全球范围内的讨论。比如气候变化、贫穷、饥饿或疾病。这个世界上还有其它的全球性语言。数学是科学的语言。音乐是感情的语言。现在,英语正在成为解决问题的语言。这并非因为美国促使其如此,而是因为全世界的需要。所以英语热是一个转折点。就像利用城市电力,或柏林墙的倒塌,英语代表着更加美好的未来的希望,到那时全世界就可以用共同语言解决共同的问题。

第四篇:TED演讲:Jay Walker谈中国英语学习狂热

TED演讲:Jay Walker谈中国英语学习狂热

Let's talk about manias.Let's start with Beatle mania: hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium.Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea--get the ball in the net.Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions.Manias can be good.Manias can be alarming.Or manias can be deadly.让我们来谈谈狂热。先从甲壳虫热说起。歇斯底里的少年们:高呼,尖叫,喧嚣。体育热:震耳欲聋的人群,都是为了一个目标,让球入网。还有宗教热:有欢笑、也有泪水还有梦想。狂热可能有益,也可能会令人担忧。有时狂热可能会很致命。

The world has a new mania.A mania for learning English.Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it.现在,世界上有种新的狂热。学习英语的狂热。下面听听中国学生用高声叫喊的方式练习英语。

Jay Walker: How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them.JayWalker:全世界现在有多少人学习英语?20亿

JW: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all in China.If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, by law.That's why this year China will become the world's largest English-speaking country.(Laughter)Why English? In a single word: Opportunity.Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table.Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days.Her score on this one test literally determines her future.She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare.25 percent of her grade is based on English.It's called the Gaokao, and 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test.The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable, unless you witness it.JW:在拉丁美洲、印度、东南亚和几乎整个中国。如果你是名中国学生,根据法律要求,你在小学三年级就得开始学英语。这就是为什么今年(2009年)中国会成为全世界最大的讲英语的国家。(笑声)为什么是英语?用一个词来回答就是:机会。一个获得更好的生活、工作的机会。可以上得起学,可以吃上更好的食物。想象一个学生用整整三天时间参加一次大考。她的这次考试成绩几乎决定她的未来前途。为了准备这次考试,她在三年的时间里,每天学习12小时。而这次考试25%的成绩是由英语决定。这个考试叫做高考。有8000万中国高中生参加过这个“独木桥”考试。学英语的强度几乎不可想象,除非你亲眼目睹。

JW: So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages? Not likely.English is the world's second language.Your native language is your life.But with English you can become part of a wider conversation: a global conversation about global problems, like climate change or poverty, or hunger or disease.The world has other universal languages.Mathematics is the language of science.Music is the language of emotions.And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving.Not because America is pushing it, but because the world is pulling it.So English mania is a turning point.Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future--a future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems.JW:那么这股英语热是好是坏呢?英语是不是海啸,会席卷其它所有语言?不太可能。英语是世界第二大语言。你的母语就是你的人生。但英语可以让你参与更大范围的讨论:关于全球性问题的全球范围内的讨论。比如气候变化、贫穷、饥饿或疾病。这个世界上还有其它的全球性语言。数学是科学的语言。音乐是感情的语言。现在,英语正在成为解决问题的语言。这并非因为美国促使其如此,而是因为全世界的需要。所以英语热是一个转折点。就像利用城市电力,或柏林墙的倒塌,英语代表着更加美好的未来的希望,到那时全世界就可以用共同语言解决共同的问题。

Thank you very much.(Applause)非常感谢大家。(掌声)


Let's talk about manias.Let's start with Beatle mania: hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium.Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea--get the ball in the net.Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions.Manias can be good.Manias can be alarming.Or manias can be deadly.让我们来谈谈狂热。先从甲壳虫热说起。歇斯底里的少年们:高呼,尖叫,喧嚣。体育热:震耳欲聋的人群,都是为了一个目标,让球入网。还有宗教热:有欢笑、也有泪水还有梦想。狂热可能有益,也可能会令人担忧。有时狂热可能会很致命。

The world has a new mania.A mania for learning English.Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it.现在,世界上有种新的狂热。学习英语的狂热。下面听听中国学生用高声叫喊的方式练习英语。

Teacher:...change my life!


Students: I will change my life.学生:我要改变我的命运。

T: I don't want to let my parents down.老师:我不想让父母失望。

S: I don't want to let my parents down.学生:我不想让父母失望。

T: I don't ever want to let my country down.老师:我从不想让国家失望。

S: I don't ever want to let my country down.学生:我从不想让国家失望。

T: Most importantly...S: Most importantly...老师:最重要的...学生:最重要的...T: I don't want to let myself down.老师:我不想让我自己失望。

S: I don't want to let myself down.学生:我不想让我自己失望。

Jay Walker: How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them.JayWalker:全世界现在有多少人学习英语?20亿

Students: A t-shirt.A dress.学生:一件T恤。一条裙子。

JW: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all in China.If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, by law.That's why this year China will become the world's largest English-speaking country.(Laughter)Why English? In a single word: Opportunity.Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table.Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days.Her score on this one test literally determines her future.She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare.25 percent of her grade is based on English.It's called the Gaokao, and 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test.The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable, unless you witness it.JW:在拉丁美洲、印度、东南亚和几乎整个中国。如果你是名中国学生,根据法律要求,你在小学三年级就得开始学英语。这就是为什么今年(2009年)中国会成为全世界最大的讲英语的国家。(笑声)为什么是英语?用一个词来回答就是:机会。一个获得更好的生活、工作的机会。可以上得起学,可以吃上更好的食物。想象一个学生用整整三天时间参加一次大考。她的这次考试成绩几乎决定她的未来前途。为了准备这次考试,她在三年的时间里,每天学习12小时。而这次考试25%的成绩是由英语决定。这个考试叫做高考。有8000万中国高中生参加过这个“独木桥”考试。学英语的强度几乎不可想象,除非你亲眼目睹。

Teacher: Perfect!Students: Perfect!


T: Perfect!S: Perfect!


T: I want to speak perfect English.老师:我想讲完美的英语

S: I want to speak perfect English.学生:我想讲完美的英语

T: I want to speak--S: I want to speak--


T: perfect English.S: perfect English.学生:完美的英语。学生:完美的英语

T: I want to change my life!


S: I want to change my life!


JW: So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages? Not likely.English is the world's second language.Your native language is your life.But with English you can become part of a wider conversation: a global conversation about global problems, like climate change or poverty, or hunger or disease.The world has other universal languages.Mathematics is the language of science.Music is the language of emotions.And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving.Not because America is pushing it, but because the world is pulling it.So English mania is a turning point.Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future--a future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems.JW:那么这股英语热是好是坏呢?英语是不是海啸,会席卷其它所有语言?不太可能。英语是世界第二大语言。你的母语就是你的人生。但英语可以让你参与更大范围的讨论:关于全球性问题的全球范围内的讨论。比如气候变化、贫穷、饥饿或疾病。这个世界上还有其它的全球性语言。数学是科学的语言。音乐是感情的语言。现在,英语正在成为解决问题的语言。这并非因为美国促使其如此,而是因为全世界的需要。所以英语热是一个转折点。就像利用城市电力,或柏林墙的倒塌,英语代表着更加美好的未来的希望,到那时全世界就可以用共同语言解决共同的问题。

Thank you very much.(Applause)




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