
时间:2019-05-14 19:08:23下载本文作者:会员上传


Good morning!ladies and genltman:My name is lu Ming,I come from the collage of physics and electronics.today my speech is smoking.Smoking is the murderer.It contributes to cancers.Smoking too much can run a risk of lung cancer。According to the World Health Organization ,every eight seconds ,smoking killed one person.World Health Organization(WHO)statistics show that the number of death in the world has reached 600 million every year because of smoking , more than for HIV/AIDS Futhermore, more than.740 million people are killed by secondhand smoke.2——3”

World Health Organization.Predicted that the numbers in the next 20 years will be doubled.So for other’s health, don’t smoke in public places.If you are addicted ,just seek a smoking place.And for yourself,the fundmental solution is giving up smoking.2“

Besides,smoking is the cause of fire.At the end of last century, a driver threw out a butt onto the ground when the car passed by a mountain channel from Italy to France.Then a tragedy happended :The butt burned.It killed 39 people and caused the loss of more than 1 billion dollars.Smoking are so harmful,why are so many people smoking

2” 1,For most teenagers, started just curious,they think smoking is very cool.2In China, smoke become a kind of interpersonal means, a lot of people because of interpersonal social entertaining, finally to join the ranks of smokers.Should smoking be banned in the public place? How to quit smoking?

Should smoking be banned in the public place ?.I think it should be banned.Smoking is badly influence the people who are around of them ,especially for the kids.How to quit smoking??? you should keep optimistic.take part in activities as many as you can.Like taking exercises and some social activities.In this way that could make your life richful and meaningful.


Smoking-Murderer 09商务英语2班


093304208 Do you want to live in a family full of smoke ? Are you bothered of your partner or collegue who is smoking ? Do you hate the odd smell that makes you caugh ? Of course ,we all don’t like that.Beause it’s bad for smoker’s health but also for the passive smoker’s.Smoking is the murderer.It contributes to cancers.According to the WHO(World Health Organization),every eight seconds ,smoking killed one person.Almost 5 million people die every year.Futhermore, more than 500 million people suffer from passive smoking.Predicted that the numbers in the next 20 years will be doubled.So for other’s health, don’t smoke in public places.If you are addicted ,just seek a smoking place.And for yourself,the fundmental solution is giving up smoking.Besides,smoking is the cause of fire.At the end of last century, a driver threw out a butt onto the ground when the car passed by a mountain channel from Italy to France.Then a tragedy happended :The butt burned.It killed 39 people and caused the loss of more than 1 billion dollars.Therefore, don’t drop the burning cigaratee onto ground casually.Make sure it is put out.In conclusion, for your family,your friends,your collegues and the public ,please smoke “secretly” and put out the butt.For yourself , then give up smoking.


Smoking And Health

Today smoking is a widespread habit all over the world.Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking.Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.However, smoking is harmful to one’s health.It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years.It can also cause many other diseases.In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health.Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children.Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says the World Health Organization.Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on world health is not fully assessed.Tobacco contributes to the hardening of the arteries, which can then become blocked and starve the heart of blood flow, causi












.By 2020, the WHO expects the worldwide death toll to reach 10 million, causing 17.7% of all deaths in developed countries.There are believed to be 1.1 billion smokers in the world, 800 million of them in developing countries.Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on.Give up smoking!If you don’t smoke, don’t start.Give up smoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.


No Smoking in All Public Places

Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices.Some governments have banned smoking in all public places.This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom.As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment.Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer.Smoking affects non-smokers more than it does smokers.Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers.So, many nonsmokers are against smoking.In public places, the harm of smoking is greater.This is connected with another effect of smoking.That is, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous vapour off into the air.Therefore, that the government ban smoking is very necessary and important to us.It is a measure to protect our health and environment.So many people, especially nonsmokers are Ior tile policy.Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom.I think it is a one-sided view.If one wants to smoke, he may smoke in private, not in the public places.In fact, smokers still have the freedom of smoking.But, I think, smokers had better give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere.It will be beneficial to all of us.[参考译文]






(1)、It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people's health.Scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.(2)、Still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given up.Another reason is the effect of nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.(3)、Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking.In many cities,smoking is forbidden in public places.The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere.And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes.World “No Tobacco Day” is observed every year as the biggest compaign against smoking.三、SECONDHAND SMOKE

[19] The studies didn't just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke--non-smokers, too, are apparently affected by the smoke from their friends, family members and strangers who light up in their presence.[20] A steady stream of reports documented the statistical risks of contracting cancer or suffering from heart disease, even if you've never put a cigarette to your lips.[21] The American Heart Association last fall released a seven-year study showing that never-smoking spouses of smokers have more than a 20 percent greater chance of death from coronary heart disease than those who have never smoked who live with non-smokers.That study gave more impetus to the drive to make workplaces and other public areas smoke-free.[22] The effects of smoking are hard on the children of smokers as well, the studies say.Dr.Claude Hanet of the St.Luc University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium, said earlier this year that a baby born to a smoking mother “should be considered an ex-smoker”, [23] Hanet's study cautioned that cigarette smoke was more detrimental with decreasing age.[24] And a University of Birmingham, England, study, published in the British Journal of Cancer showed a possible link between fathers who smoked and an increased incidence of cancels in their children, while studies in the U.S.showed a possible link between smoking and DNA damage.被动吸烟








Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to be here today to give you this speech.My topic is “the pains of growing up” good morning, my dear teachers and my friends.it is my great pleasure to stand here to introduce my ambition.thank you for your listening.Good afternoon,teachers and my follew students.Today i am going to talk about “ my dream ”...Lastly, I need to thank you for your listening, you are indeed a wonderful audience~ Thank you!


AQuestionnaireaboutcollege students smoking

1.Your gender()


2.Your age()

A 10---18B:18—22C:22—27


A:YesB :NoC: Ever had , quit smoking now

4.What is the reson of your fist smoking?

A.CuriosityB.feel fashionC.the mood is depressedD.be persuadedE.other reasons

5.In what situations do you need to smoke?

A.When boredB.too much pressureC.feelings of frustration

D.other reasons

6.What is your opinions of your smoking habit?

A.personal choice.not objectionableB.feel fashionC.easy to reach out to anotherD.relax myselfE.objectionableF.uncertainty

7.How long have you been smoking?

A.1---2yearsB.2 –5yearsC.5—10yearsD.Above ten years

8.What`syour family opinions of your smoking?

A They do not knowB disagree and AngerC agree and understandD will be persuaded to give up it

9.Do you think stoping smoking is difficult?

AyesB noC uncertainty

10.Have you ever thought about giving up smoking?

A yes,but not successB yes and successC no

11.What harm does smoking do you think ?

A.isn`t good for healthyB.waste of moneyC.disturb other

D.gave a negative impression to peopleE.otherGenerally speaking,you think smoking is

A.benefits greater than disadvantageB.more harm than good.C.same advantages and disadvantages

==================== THE ENDThanks for completing the survey questions.



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