
时间:2019-05-14 19:36:39下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Do you think the influence of your classmates is more important than that of your parents? 2.Do you think parents should monitor how we use the smartphone? Why? 3.If you had a few days when you don’t have to study, what would you do? 4.If you would visit any period of time, anywhere in the world, when and where would you visit? 5.What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far? How did you handle it? 6.If you had to live on a deserted island and could only take one item, what would you take with you? 7.Can you make some suggestions to make your hometown a better place to live in? 8.If you could have one month to travel to any three countries, which countries would you visit and why? 9.Will traditional books be replaced by e-books? Why or why not? 10.Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish.How would use it? 11.Some people like reading historical stories to review the past.Which one do you prefer? And why? 12.The Great Wall is one of the symbols of Beijing.What do you think is the symbol of your city? Please describe it.13.Could you tell something about your most precious friendship? 14.If you could give a prize to a Chinese writer, who would it be and why? 15.Do you prefer individual sports such as running, or team games like soccer? Why? 16.Which of these three qualities is the most important to you, confidence, independence or bravery? 17.What is the most precious gift you ever received? What made it special? 18.If you had to turn into a different animal for a single day? What animal would you choose to become and why? 19.Do you think teenagers nowadays are more mentally mature than former generations? And why? 20.Which one do you think is better? Boarding school or non-boarding school? 21.What you do today can improve all your tomorrows? Do you agree with this saying? Why or why not? 22.Which book or cartoon charater do you think best represents your childhood? How the character influenced you in any way? 23.Who is the person who has influenced you the most? And what are the reasons? 24.April Fool’s Day on April 1st is always full of fun.Tell me your experience and your feelings.25.Some people believe that the most important thing in life is freedom.Do you agree? And why? 26.Do you think honesty is always the best policy or may lying sometimes be a good option?


1.Is the government entitled to sell the rights to Place Names?

2.Is the ban on Internet Cafes an example of Lazy Governance?

3.Is the dragon a suitable symbol for China

4.Should media be fined for reporting on disasters without government approval? 5.Will banning free plastic bags reduce pollution?

6.Should the car-free day be compulsory?

7.Should new graduates low their job expectations?

8.A lot of countries have schools that focus only on the males or females.What are the

advantages and disadvantages of unisex schools?

9.A great number of people think that those with a university education should get a higher salary than those without, for they believe that the former have sweated and sacrificed more.To what extent do you agree with this point of view?

10.Some people think that high school students should be given the right to evaluate and even

criticize their teachers while others claim that this practice will disrupt the order in classroom

and lead to disrespect for teachers.What’s your opinion?

11.You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students.Would you rather choose your own roommate or would you rather have the university assign

a student to share the room with you?

12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? university should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries.13.In many developing nations, young children start to study a foreign language at an

increasingly early age and bilingual education exists in many primary and secondary schools

as a way of attracting students.Therefore, some people claim that foreign language

instruction should begin in the kindergartens.What is your opinion?

14.“When people succeed, it is because of hard work.Luck has nothing to do with success.”

Do you agree with the quotation above?

15.With computers, now people can shop, bank, work and communicate at home.The danger is

that people could become isolated from each other and lose social skills.What do you think

of it?

16.Statistics show that cities are becoming bigger and bigger.What do you think are the causes

and possible consequences?

17.Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think, other movies are designed

primarily to amuse and entertain, which type of movie do you prefer?

18.What do you want most in a friend----someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a

sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characters is most

important to you?

19.As a college student, what can you do to protect our environment?

20.Do you think music and arts should be compulsory courses in college?

21.As you know, modern people are becoming busier than before and many of them have health problems just because they don’t have time to do physical exercise.What do you

think will be a best solution?


2012希望之星口语大赛 即兴演讲题目(参考)(一)About me This is me My best friend My favorite sport My family My hobby My school My favorite subject...My dream

(二)About life My time to shine / I am the shining star I Wish… Face to… On my way to… A gift to… Welcome to… Gain and loss… To give or to be given Never Give up Win or Lose,Games Are Fun The place I travel Computer and me Learn to change yourself The color of life the more we communicate,the less we really say(三)Questions(1)

1What's your attitude towards shopping online?你对网购的看法? 2What is the biggest influence of the internet on you?网络对你影响最大的是什么?

3Three keys to a happy life 幸福人生的三个关键因素 4Talk about your favorite book 说说你最喜欢的书 5Who are you most grateful for? 你最感激的是谁? 6Talk about your favorite holiday 说说你最喜欢的假日

7The most successful person you know 你所知道的最成功的人 8The greatest gift you have ever got 你曾得到最棒的礼物

9Talk about the most memorable event in your life 说说你人生中最难忘的事 10Do you think fashion shows are important in our daily life? 11How do you usually do to save water? 12.What's your opinion about the relationship between human beings and animals? 13.What's your attitude towards e-shops?(四)Questions(2)

1.Will the world be a better place if human technology were not as developed as it is now? 2.The developed countries and the developing countries, which should be blamed more for global warming? 3.Experience and creativity, which is more important in the development of human society? 4.Should middle school students be required to finish some courses in art before they graduate from middle school? 5Should computer games be banned as a way of entertainment for teenagers? 6.Should people travel around the world in order to know the world better, or should they simply sit in front of their computer and read about the world in order to be more carbon free? 7.Should parents in China lessen the stress they put upon their children’s performance in school? 8.If you are free to choose a country on earth to live in, which one would you choose? Why 9.Of all the different problems you have in your life, which one do you think is the most difficult to solve? How are you supposed to solve it? 10.Is it reasonable for a young adult to always rely upon the help of his or her parents to survive in the society? Do you have any suggestions? 11.Who should pay for the individual’s education, the government or the individual, since almost anyone is paying tax to the government? 12.If you are the headmaster of your high school or the president of your university, what kind of change(s)you would like to bring to your school or university the most? 13.What do you think can we learn from the history? 14.Do you think history is believable? 15.Should young people pay more attention to the tradition of their fathers, or should they simply create their own way of living? 16.With the popularization of cell-phone, do you think people’s life is made more convenient or more troublesome? 17.If one day you become a father or a mother, what is the thing that you would like your child or children to learn from you the most? 18.Against the background of globalization, should we maintain the characteristics of being a Chinese, or should we live in a way that is globally the same with one another? 19.With the development of artificial intelligence, is there a potential danger in which man’s intelligence may be subjugated to that of the machine? 20.Should the genetically modified food be allowed into the market? 21.Does the emergence of mini-blog significantly change people’s way of thinking and communication? 22.How can one adapt to the radically changed, and still radically changing, world?(五)Questions(3)

1st 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics * What moral issue best defines you? * What is the biggest effect of the internet? * Describe your worst experience * Discuss the most memorable event in your life * Is capitalism the best political and economic system? Defend your choice.* Is knowledge more important than wisdom? * Is a glass half full or half empty? Explain your choice.* Why are humans so fascinated with understanding the universe? * Does technology live up to it's promise? 2nd 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics * The morality of zoos * Three keys to a happy life * Reality TV shows * Beauty * You are what you eat * Love is a choice * Professional athletes are overpaid * Dogs are better than cats * How to become a millionaire * Importance of communication 3rd 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics * Bottles versus cans * Real or fake Christmas trees * peer to peer technology * Motorcycle helmets * The worst/best book you ever read * All time favorite movie * Your first memory 4th 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics * The best things in life are free * Clothes make the man/woman * Good versus Evil * Your favorite sound * Your least favorite sound * Exams are/are not good forms of assessment * Why it's important to meditate * What are you grateful for? * Speed dating 5th 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics * Your favorite relative * Your favorite holiday * Internet affairs * The greatest gift we can give others is...* If I were invisible for a day...* What I would do if I knew I could not fail * The most successful person I know * Good grades matter * Everyone should be a volunteer

(六)Reference in Chinese



















19、谈谈个人修养 20、我遗憾的一件事


















Do you like a strict teacher? Why? Do you like to celebrate foreign holidays and festivals? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing a diary? Is it good for a high school student to study abroad? Why? If your classmates often copy your homework, what will you do? Do you think students should have lessons on Saturdays and Sundays? Why? Do you think it’s necessary to spend a lot on children’s kindergarden education? Why? Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? What do you think of the invention of cellphones? What do you think of the invention of computers? Should students wear school uniform? Why? Will you chat with a stranger on the Internet? Why? Do you think parents should give children pocket money? Why? Do you think mothers should only stay at home doing the housework? Why? If you have the chance to choose, do you want to have a brother or a sister? Why?

16、Will you make friends with those students who are poor at study?、17、If you have the chance to go to a foreign country, where do you want to go?、Why?

18、What do you think of the generation gap? Give an example of yourself or your、friends.19、、20、、21、、22、、23、、24、、25、、26、、If your parents read your diary without your permission, what would you do? If you are a teacher, will you give students homework every day? Why? Are you worried about the environment now? Why(not)? If you have just quarreled with your classmate, what will you do? What does hero mean in your opinion? Give me an example.If today is your birthday, how will you celebrat it? Do you think museums should be free? Why? Talk about some of your unforgettable experiences during last year.127、、28、、29、、30、、31、、32、、33、、34、、35、、36、、Do you think your family should own a car or not? Why? What do you benefit from watching TV? What are the first things you want to change about your school? Why? If an earthquake happened around you, what would you do? Do you watch TV or listen to music while you are doing your homework? Why? Should people give money to the beggars in the street? Why? What do you think of the role of computers in your life? Do you think middle-school students should take part-time jobs? Why(not)? Who is the person you want to thank most in your life? Why? Please introduce our Mid-autumn Festival to your foreign friend.Do you prefer a young teacher or an old teacher? Why?

37、Do you think money is the most important thing in people’s life? If not, what is、the most important?

38、If you have the chance to go abroad, will you buy any products made in China、there? Why?

39、Please introduce our Mid-autumn Festival to your foreign friend.、40、Do you prefer a young teacher or an old teacher? Why?、


2011校园赛81-100 The film 2012 is based on an old Mayan legend about the world ending in 2012.If that tale were true, what would you do with your remaining time?It's been over 30 years since Shenzhen was set up as a special economic zone.What is the key to Shenzhen’s success as a special economic zone: preferential policies, constant innovation, abundant resources, or something else? Abundant resources is the key for Shenzhen to success.Human resources.land.3 Many of Japan’s elderly live alone and have no one to talk with.So, they have invented robots that can answer simple questions or joke with people to help the people deal with loneliness in old age.Can a robot make older people happy and how should society look after its senior citizens?A CCTV report on cheating on the CET-4 and CET-6 exams once found that many students used a tiny speaker to get the answers over a radio frequency and they thought cheating was OK because they weren’t hurting anyone.Some people say students are getting more practical in a very bad way.What is your opinion? 5 The global advertising business is worth billions and billions of dollars today but many people think that the vast amount of advertising is harmful and could cause people to want too much, to want things they can’t afford.Do you think that advertising does more harm than good? 6 We have Superman, Spiderman, Batman.They’re only part of an imaginary world but they get so much attention, especially among children.Are they truly superheroes or are they just idols who mislead kids? 7 There is age discrimination in the workplaces when it comes to deciding about hiring, promotions and firing.In China, it can be very difficult for even highly qualified professionals to find a new position after the age of 50.Should age discrimination be made illegal? 8 If you have any experience in working with a team, you might agree that a good leader is vital to successful teamwork.So, what kind of person is best suited for a leadership role? 9 The age of information technology has taken a lot of people by surprise.While it’s already a way of life for some, plenty of others know very little about it and they may never learn.That means that eventually, we’ll have a polarized society and it could lead to serious social problems.Do you think this is likely to happen? 10 Recently, some college grads have chosen to be village officials, and, after a period of time, they find that their major is useless there and it is hard for them to enter the local community.If you faced such a problem, what do you think you would do? 11 What is the most important skill a person should have to be successful in today’s world? Pick one and give reasons for your choice.Some students think that history is boring and useless.If that’s so, how should history be taught to make it more exciting and interesting?Summer vacation allows students to start with a blank slate.They can write on it whatever they want: a trip to the beach, a hike in a park, or enjoying TV dramas in the bedroom.What is the recipe for an unforgettable summer vacation and what would it be like? 14 Any city that finds itself at the crossroads of modern development faces a dilemma: do we cling to tradition or turn to modernity? Beijing is one example of trying to balance past, present and future.So, which is best, a modern Beijing or a traditional one? 15 The pace of life is accelerating at a surprisingly high rate these days, and people feel much more mental pressure.How do we protect our mental health under these conditions? 16 The saying “Clothes make the man” reflects the importance of appearance, but, now, that idea has grown.Some think it’s okay to use plastic surgery to tamper with physical form for a better appearance.Others think that natural beauty’s the best.Which is true? 17 The Chinese need more than affluence, they need a feeling of real security and a greater sense of equality.But just what is equality and how do we get it?Many people these days use Internet dating websites to meet new friends.If you were to use an online dating service, what do you think you need to be aware of? 19 Zero is a women's clothing size in the US(80cm chest, 60cm waist and 86cm hips).There’s been a debate over whether zero-sized models should be banned from fashion shows because they represent a “culture of thinness” that influences young women.What’s the truth about zero-size models? 20 Men who fall in love with a girl immediately just because she looks gorgeous are sometimes accused of being shallow.But is it okay if someone falls in love at first sight?


2015中央电视台 “希望之星”英语风采大赛


1.Do you have mobile phone? Could you use it in school? 2.Who's your favourite teacher? Why do you like he or she? 3.Do you like surfing the internet? Why or why not? 4.Do you like fast food? Why or why not? 5.Do you usually go shopping? Do you like shopping? 6.Could you swim? Where do you like to go for swimming? 7.Where do you like to live? City of countryside? 8.Do you think you are a happy person? Why(not)? 9.Talk about something about “a happy day”.10.Talk about something about “your school life”.2015年希望之星沈阳赛区组委会


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