
时间:2019-05-14 20:59:54下载本文作者:会员上传


WASHINGTON— In this week’s address, President Obama marked the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks and paid tribute to the first responders, those serving our nation in the military, and those who lost their lives on that tragic day.In the difficult decade since 9/11, our nation has stayed strong in the face of threat, and we have strengthened our homeland security, enhanced our partnerships, and put al Qaeda on the path to defeat.As we look to the future, we will continue to prove that the terrorists who attacked us are no match for the courage, resilience, and endurance of the American people.This weekend, we’re coming together, as one nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.We’re remembering the lives we lost—nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children.We’re reaffirming our commitment to always keep faith with their families.We’re honoring the heroism of first responders who risked their lives—and gave their lives—to save others.And we’re giving thanks to all who serve on our behalf, especially our troops and military families—our extraordinary 9/11 Generation.At the same time, even as we reflect on a difficult decade, we must look forward, to the future we will build together.That includes staying strong and confident in the face of any threat.And thanks to the tireless efforts of our military personnel and our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security professionals—there should be no doubt.Today, America is stronger and al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.We’ve taken the fight to al Qaeda like never before.Over the past two and a half years, more senior al Qaeda leaders have been eliminated than at any time since 9/11.And thanks to the remarkable courage and precision of our forces, we finally delivered justice to Osama bin Laden.We’ve strengthened the partnerships and tools we need to prevail in this war against al Qaeda—working closer with allies and partners;reforming intelligence to better detect and disrupt plots;investing in our Special Forces so terrorists have no safe haven.We’re constantly working to improve the security of our homeland as well—at our airports, ports and borders;enhancing aviation security and screening;increasing support for our first responders;and working closer than ever with states, cities and communities.A decade after 9/11, it’s clear for all the world to see—the terrorists who attacked us that September morning are no match for the character of our people, the resilience of our nation, or the endurance of our values.They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear.Yes we face a determined foe, and make no mistake—they will keep trying to hit us again.But as we are showing again this weekend, we remain vigilant.We’re doing everything in our power to protect our people.And no matter what comes our way, as a resilient nation, we will carry on.They wanted to draw us in to endless wars, sapping our strength and confidence as a nation.But even as we put relentless pressure on al Qaeda, we’re ending the war in Iraq and beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.Because after a hard decade of war, it is time for nation building here at home.They wanted to deprive us of the unity that defines us as a people.But we will not succumb to division or suspicion.We are Americans, and we are stronger and safer when we stay true to the values, freedoms and diversity that make us unique among nations.And they wanted to undermine our place in the world.But a decade later, we’ve shown that America doesn’t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust.We’ve forged new partnerships with nations around the world to meet the global challenges that no nation can face alone.And across the Middle East and North Africa a new generation of citizens is showing that the future belongs to those that want to build, not destroy.Ten years ago, ordinary Americans showed us the true meaning of courage when they rushed up those stairwells, into those flames, into that cockpit.In the decade since, a new generation has stepped forward to serve and keep us safe.In their memory, in their name, we will never waver.We will protect the country we love and pass it safer, stronger and more prosperous to the next generation.


Weekly Address: It’s Time to Help Women and Working Families Hi, everybody.On Friday, I had a discussion with working women in Rhode Island about the economic challenges they face in their own lives— challenges shared by many of you.Thanks to the work we’ve all put in, our economy has come a long way these past six years.Over the past 55 months, our businesses have added 10.3 million new jobs.For the first time in six years, the unemployment rate is below 6 percent.And on Thursday, we learned that over the past six months, our economy has grown at its fastest pace since 2003.But the gains of a growing economy aren’t yet felt by everyone.So we’ve got to harness this momentum, and make the right choices so that everyone who works hard can get ahead.In recent weeks, I’ve talked about these choices, from raising the minimum wage to creating new jobs in construction and manufacturing.Today, I want to focus on what I discussed with those women— the choices we need to make to help more women get ahead in today’s economy.Right now, women make up almost half of our workers.More women are their family’s main breadwinner than ever before.So the simple truth is, when women succeed, America succeeds.And we should be choosing policies that benefit women— because that benefits all of us.Women deserve fair pay.Even though it’s 2014, there are women still earning less than men for doing the same work.We don’t have second-class citizens in this country— we shouldn’t in the workplace, either.So let’s make sure women earn equal pay for equal work, and have a fair shot at success.Women deserve to be able to take time off to care for a new baby, an ailing parent, or take a sick day for themselves without running into hardship.So let’s make sure all Americans have access to paid family leave.Pregnant workers deserve to be treated fairly.Even today, women can be fired for taking too many bathroom breaks, or forced on unpaid leave just for being pregnant.That’s wrong— and we have to choose policies that ensure pregnant workers are treated with dignity and respect.New parents deserve quality, affordable childcare.There’s nothing like the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your kids are safe while you’re at work.And the benefits that children get out of early enrichment can pay off for a lifetime.But in many states, sending your kid to daycare costs more than sending them to a public university.So let’s start demanding Pre-K for our kids.And when most low-wage workers are women, but Congress hasn’t passed a minimum wage increase in seven years, it’s long past time that women deserve a raise.About 28 million workers would benefit from and increase in the minimum wage to ten dollars and then cents an hour.And more than half of those workers are women.The local businesses where these workers spend their money would benefit, too.So let’s do this— let’s give America a raise.All of these policies are common sense.All of them are within our reach.We’ve just got to speak up and choose them.Because they’ll build a stronger America for all of us.Thanks, and have a great weekend.



Hello, everybody.As we close the books on one year and begin another, I wanted to take a moment today to wish you a very Happy New Year and talk a little bit about the year that lies ahead.At the start of 2011, we’re still just emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession that’s taken a terrible toll on millions of families.We all have friends and neighbors trying to get their lives back on track.We are, however, riding a few months of economic news that suggests our recovery is gaining traction.And our most important task now is to keep that recovery going.As President, that’s my commitment to you: to do everything I can to make sure our economy is growing, creating jobs, and strengthening our middle class.That’s my resolution for the coming year.Still, even as we work to boost our economy in the short-term, it’s time to make some serious decisions about how to keep our economy strong, growing, and competitive in the long run.We have to look ahead – not just to this year, but to the next 10 years, and the next 20 years.Where will new innovations come from? How will we attract the companies of tomorrow to set up shop and create jobs in our communities? What will it take to get those jobs? What will it take to out-compete other countries around the world? What will it take to see the American Dream come true for our children and grandchildren?

Our parents and grandparents asked themselves those questions.And because they had the courage to answer them, we’ve had the good fortune to grow up in the greatest nation on Earth.Now it’s our turn to think about the future.In a few days, a new Congress will form, with one house controlled by Democrats, and one house controlled by Republicans – who now have a shared responsibility to move this country forward.And here’s what I want you to know: I’m willing to work with anyone of either party who’s got a good idea and the commitment to see it through.And we should all expect you to hold us accountable for our progress or our failure to deliver.As I’ve said since I first ran for this office, solving our challenges won’t be quick or easy.We have come through a difficult decade;one of new threats and new trials we didn’t expect when it began.But a new year and a new decade stretch out before us.And if we just remember what America is capable of, and live up to that legacy, then I’m confident that we are poised for a period of progress – one in which our economy is growing, our standing in the world is rising, and we do what it takes to make sure America remains in the 21st century what it was in the 20th: the greatest country in the world.Thanks for listening.And Happy New Year.





2011-09-10 22:15:02


WEEKLY ADDRESS: Remembering September 11th

President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday September 10, 2011

This weekend, we’re coming together, as one nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.We’re remembering the lives we lost—nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children.We’re reaffirming our commitment to always keep faith with their families.We’re honoring the heroism of first responders who risked their lives—and gave their lives—to save others.And we’re giving thanks to all who serve on our behalf, especially our troops and military families—our extraordinary 9/11 Generation.At the same time, even as we reflect on a difficult decade, we must look forward, to the future we will build together.That includes staying strong and confident in the face of any threat.And thanks to the tireless efforts of our military personnel and our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security professionals—there should be no doubt.Today, America is stronger and al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.We’ve taken the fight to al Qaeda like never before.Over the past two and a half years, more senior al Qaeda leaders have been eliminated than at any time since 9/11.And thanks to the remarkable courage and precision of our forces, we finally delivered justice to Osama bin Laden.We’ve strengthened the partnerships and tools we need to prevail in this war against al Qaeda—working closer with allies and partners;reforming intelligence to better detect and disrupt plots;investing in our Special Forces so terrorists have no safe haven.We’re constantly working to improve the security of our homeland as well—at our airports, ports and borders;enhancing aviation security and screening;increasing support for our first responders;and working closer than ever with states, cities and communities.A decade after 9/11, it’s clear for all the world to see—the terrorists who attacked us that September morning are no match for the character of our people, the resilience of our nation, or the endurance of our values.They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear.Yes we face a determined foe, and make no mistake—they will keep trying to hit us again.But as we are showing again this weekend, we remain vigilant.We’re doing everything in our power to protect our people.And no matter what comes our way, as a resilient nation, we will carry on.They wanted to draw us in to endless wars, sapping our strength and confidence as a nation.But even as we put relentless pressure on al Qaeda, we’re ending the war in Iraq and beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.Because after a hard decade of war, it is time for nation building here at home.They wanted to deprive us of the unity that defines us as a people.But we will not succumb to division or suspicion.We are Americans, and we are stronger and safer when we stay true to the values, freedoms and diversity that make us unique among nations.And they wanted to undermine our place in the world.But a decade later, we’ve shown that America doesn’t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust.We’ve forged new partnerships with nations around the world to meet the global challenges that no nation can face alone.And across the Middle East and North Africa a new generation of citizens is showing that the future belongs to those that want to build, not destroy.Ten years ago, ordinary Americans showed us the true meaning of courage when they rushed up those stairwells, into those flames, into that cockpit.In the decade since, a new generation has stepped forward to serve and keep us safe.In their memory, in their name, we will never waver.We will protect the country we love and pass it safer, stronger and more prosperous to the next generation.


Hi, everybody.On behalf of all the Obamas – Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and the newest member of our family, Sunny – I want to wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.We’ll be spending today just like many of you – sitting down with family and friends to eat some good food, tell some stories, watch a little football, and most importantly, count our blessings.And as Americans, we have so much to be thankful for.We give thanks for the men and women who(1)nearly four centuries ago, risking everything for the chance at a better life – and the people who were already here, our Native American brothers and sisters, for their generosity during that first Thanksgiving.We give thanks for(2)who followed – people of all races and religions, who arrived here from every country on Earth and worked to build something better for themselves and for us.We give thanks for all our men and women in uniform – and for their families, who are surely missing them very much today.We’re grateful for their sacrifice too.We give thanks for the freedoms(3)– the freedom to think what we want and say what we think, to worship according to our own beliefs, to choose our leaders and, yes, criticize them without punishment.People around the world are fighting and even dying for their chance at these freedoms.We stand with them in that struggle, and we give thanks for being free.And we give thanks to everyone who’s(4)to make the United States a better, more compassionate nation – who spend their Thanksgiving volunteering at a soup kitchen, or joining a service project, or bringing food and cheer to a lonely neighbor.That big-hearted generosity is a central part of our American character.We believe in lending a hand to folks who need it.We believe in pitching in to solve problems even if they aren’t our problems.And that’s not a one-day-a-year belief.It’s part of the fabric of our nation.And we remember that many Americans need that helping hand right now.Americans who’ve lost their jobs and can’t get a new one through no fault of their own.Americans who’ve been trapped in poverty and just need that helping hand to climb out.Citizens whose prayers and hopes move us to act.We are a people who are greater together than we are on our own.That’s what today is about.That’s what every day should be about.No matter our differences, we’re all part of one American family.We are each other’s keepers.We are one nation, under God.That core tenet of our American experience has guided us from the earliest days of our founding – and it will guide us to a future that’s even brighter than today.Thank you, God bless you, and from my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.1.set sail for this land2.the generations

3.they defend4.doing their part



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