
时间:2019-05-14 20:57:07下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Hello everyone,today I’m gonna to share a classical movie with you, the Shawshank Redemption.2.The story was surrounded by Andy Dufresne,a successful young banker.Unfortunately,he was framed for murdering his wife.Then he was sent into Shawshank Prison for two life imprisonments.The prison is goolmy and dangerous.3.He knew the old prisoner Red and gradually they became good friends.Andy asked Red to for a little hammer to carve chessmen.He had to do something to kill the time.4.One day ,Andy, Red and some other prisoners got the chance to rebuild the roof.With a accidental chance ,he showed his brilliant capability in finance,which helped the warders a lot.What he did gained each prisoner 3 bottles of ice beer..It is a unbelieveable scene that all the prisoners enjoyed the rare and short freedom leisurely.5.After that ,he kept writing letters to government to ask for bankroll to build library in Shawshank.After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared.6.One day,Andy happened to found a piece of disc.He played it ignoring the prohibit of the warder.The result came very naturally, he was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty.But he was not regretful.Because he thought that the music represented the hope.7.Things had changed a lot.To the warders and Red’s surprise,Andy escaped from Shawshank at a thunderstorm night.How could he do it? Sounds unbelieveable!He kept digging the wall with his small hammer everynight for 19years.The stone wall which Red asserted wouldn’t be dug

through even with six hundred years.Yes ,Andy really got it in 19 years.At that night, Andy crawled through the narrow tunnel to a drain-pipe.He was crawling while vomiting in the pipe which was as long as five football grounds by Red’s estimate.Utimitely, Andy got out of the pipe into a little river outside the prison.He walked to the middle of the river and rippedhis shirt, letting the rain wash all the filth away.8.what impress me most is the sentence said by Red, some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all.Their feathers are just too bright.That is Andy.He had said,” Life has only two choices——get busy living or get busy dying.” So he chose to get busy living,digging the hole for 19 years.Everyone is able to be busy living, but not everyone can do that all the time.That’s why a few people have brilliant life;many remain mediocre.We just despair when we are in all-time low.We take hands-off attitude towards ourselves when others think we are failure, although we will weep in dreams.All of those share one reason——we forget that only we ourselves can save ourselves.So just hold your dream,everyone can be a bird with bright feathers in the sky,even though you are in the Shawshank now.hope makes redemption.9.I’m very glad to share this story with you ,thank you!






习惯痛苦,并泰然处之,自欺欺人地过那所谓的幸福生活;抑或在内心始终保持对痛苦的敏感,并在痛苦中挣扎,期待一个全新的开始。这两种截然不同的人生态度,跟“to be or not to be”一样让人难以选择,这个命题与“做一个痛苦的思考者或者做一头快乐的猪”一样让人无从下手。


我们能做的,只能是,蒙头向前 But anyway, Andy he really is a miracle.As we all know, “one of the most important content is the so-called miracle” Christian “salvation”.He knew his innocence, so believe in hope and realized it, finally gave almost like Brooks did not fly the Reed a big hope.“In Zihuatanejo, that no memories warm place......” Yes, like 1900 can not afford the vast earth, dream sometimes is small enough, in the blue waters of the Caribbean, a new life.This movie let us believe that “hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies” as Hindus believe that the main salvation will come, rather than pose as a person of high morals with “real name” Wilde “-because gay men sat in prison”, or “" Snow White ”truth is a daughter incest“.Andy has already completed the self salvation.The crowd recede, the screen fades, we once again into the real life.In the face of Chun Chun teachings teacher, uncertain confused, heavy workload

and the cruel reality of the society......How are we going to finish his salvation? Does not need the pickaxe, also do not need Rita Hayworth poster;we need not face a prison guard, need not face round endless, but do not need to ”three sisters“ trumpet.Hinder our humanity, just lazy and fear.Fear of failure, don't bother to go to the effort--it is not so?

Used to pain, and take it calmly, deceive oneself and others over the so-called happy life;or in the heart has always maintained a sensibility to pain, and in suffering, looking forward to a new beginning.The two different attitudes

towards life, like ”to be or not to be“ makes it difficult to choose, this proposition and ”make a painful thinker or a pig happy“ as people can not do.We should ask ourselves: the secret heart, what is ”institutionalized“? Whether we are in the heart of early built himself a ”impossible" walls, around yourself in

this prison, ready to die with no rain? We are doing before want to retreat, calculate the success ratio and failed, trying to give the least cost and get the most?

If so, please don't ignore such a fact: find a downhill path on the cliff, which is more difficult than to climb!

We can do, can only be, head forward.


Shawshank Redemption《肖申克的救赎》







Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free.A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another

肖申克里的救赎远不止于此,随着典狱长的垮台,倒卖物品的里德被一一的传唤内心疲倦后,打算放弃自己处于的机会,岂料峰回路转,到最后真的只剩下“I don't give a shit,却恢复了自由之身,希望的绝灭成为希望的开端。何尝不是一种自我的救赎。There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret.Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should.I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.I want to talk to him.I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are.But I can’t.That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left.I got to live with that.Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word.So you go on and stump your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time.Because to tell you the truth,I don't give a shit.在整部影片中,让人深刻印象的还有一个坐了大半辈子牢狱的老布。被体制化的一位典型有斯德哥尔摩综合症特征的人,对于监狱已经远远不是痛苦之地,而是成为一个终其老命的地方,并对此还产生了依恋感,监狱使其早已丧失了基本的社会生存能力,没见过斑马线、红绿灯······上厕所一定要打报告的习惯,使之早已同社会脱节,最后选择了自我解脱的方式挥别了整个人生,留在人世间的仅仅是横梁上的一行字而已,说明这自己曾到“这个世界到此一游“。当然,观众不会认为这是他的终结,相反,会更沉默的认可他的选择,另一个世界的开始。

Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.救赎是什么?放逐的自己能否找回?是否还记得曾经那张面对镜子还会微笑的脸,是否我们寻找到的只是一个被体制化的自己?另一个老布?抑或是成为一群患上斯德哥尔摩综合症的孤独者。

第四篇:肖申克的救赎 演讲稿

The Shawshank Redemption Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all.Their feathers are just too bright.----------------Form The Shawshank Redemption

Hello guys.It's my great honor to be here to give you a speech.Years ago, I watched a film named “The Shawshank Redemption”, which teaches me a lot to learn, to think about my life.After then, I can apply myself studying more motivate.Today, I want to share the film with all of you.The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy, who was framed by economic crimes.He was put into the prison, The Shawshank, which enjails lots of people.They have been in the prison for many years, so they won't be free in the rest of their life.Because they won't and also they can't.They lived here for years without hope, and they lived just in the small prison, where nobody knows what is their dream, what is their hope.Like the old man said: Some birds aren't meant to be caged, but most birds will choose to stand it.They tried too many times but they never get it, so they gave up.However, Andy tried, just cause Andy kept the important thing----hope.He spent 19 years in the prison and dug a tunnel.In the end ,he broke the prison successfully.The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jail, he extended his arms in the heavy rain just like he was welcoming the fresh air and the freedom.Hope is a good thing, we need to hold the hope whatever the situation is, although difficult the situation is, it can't lock the hope.Hope can set us free.We don't hope us to be the man who nobody knows, so we go ahead for the dream.We all have dream.We all have hope.We all have it.So, we never give up.Stiffen 变得紧张僵直 vi Coax 哄,诱惑 vi Impulse 冲动 n Titter 窃笑 vi Redeem 弥补,补偿 vt Paralyse vt Void 空的 v Frantically 发狂似的,不顾一切的 adv Exclusion 排除在外 n Lean 使依靠,支撑 vt Prolonged 长时间的 a Curse 咒骂,恶言 vt Dumb 愚蠢的 a Expressively 富有表情的,富有表现力的 adv



Today,I will introduce a movie to you.Do you know this movie? Who have watched this movie before? Ok, one question for you.Just imagine you are caught by police one day for some reason.All the evidence show that you have killed someone, but actually you are innocent,somebody else isresponsible.Finally, you are sent into prison for a sentence of several years.What will you do ? No evidence can prove your innocence.All of you can think about this question,because it does happen in our real life.what do you think? Now this happens to the hero in this movie.Let's see what the hero will do.This is our hero,Andy, a banker , whowas wrongly accused of murdering his wife, and is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank.This is Norton,thewarden,a cruel man.Here is Red ,if you're sensitive enough,you can find Red is the first three letters of Redemption,right? Red is rejected for parole after having served twenty years of his sentence.Red and Andy gradually became friends.Red is able to get some small goods for the prisoners, so Andy asked Red for a rock hammer because of his interest in carving rocks.But with this hammer, Andy escaped from the prison.This is amazing

 Andy dug a big hole on the wall for 19 years and hid it with a poster, just beyond our imagination.He crawled through 500 yards and then a pipe full of shitsmelling dirty water.Finally he got freedom.You know, the freedom is waiting for you out of theshawshank.Consequently, If i were Andy ,i can break through the dirty water.But what about 19 years to dig a big hole.Will you do it ?

 Another thing is , do you think Andy is just keeping digging every day during the 19 years? Of course not.I think this is the most amazing part of the movie.He played music,every man felt free;he expanded the library by writing one letter per weeks to the government to ask for money to rebuild the liberary;he helped Tommy to read from ABC's. What's more,he helped the guards do tax returns, even

including Norton.Of course, he wouldhelp Norton,because Norton killed Tommy.Tommy can prove his innocence.Out of the prison ,Andy mailed norton'sevidence of crime to the government, and then his judgment will unavoidable come.He killed himself. Red was faced with the same situation with Brooks, after he was out of the prison.That is he cannot adapt himself to the life out of the prion, and even worse, he have no hope about his new life out theshawshank.But, finally, because of Andy, Red found a different way of life,full of hope.Andy once said,“hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.” so he decided to go to Buxton and start a new life.They met again in the coast of Pacafic Ocean. Because time is limited, i can't mention all the details of the movie.You'd better watch it yourself,everyone could find something precious inside.Thanks foryou attention!



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