
时间:2019-05-14 20:52:17下载本文作者:会员上传



I stand before you today the representative of afamily in grief, in a country in mourning before aworld in shock.今天,我站在你们面前,作为一个悲恸的家属代表,在一个举国哀悼的国家里,面对一个受到震惊的世界。

We are all united not only in our desire to pay our respects to Diana but rather in our need to do so.For such was her extraordinary appeal that thetens of millions of people taking part in this service all over the world via television and radiowho never actually met her, feel that they too lost someone close to them in the early hours ofSunday morning.It is a more remarkable tribute to Diana than I can ever hope to offer hertoday.今天,我们聚集在一起,不仅仅是因为我们渴望表达对戴安娜的敬意,而是因为我们需要这样做。由于她的无与伦比的吸引力,全世界几千万人,甚至没有见过她的人,今天都能够通过电视和收音机参加这个葬礼,他们都感到本星期天凌晨失去了一个可亲的人。这个事实本身,对戴安娜来说,比我今天希望表达的悼词深刻得多,强烈地多。

Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty.All over the world shewas a symbol of selfless humanity, a standard bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden,a very British girl who transcend nationality, someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic.戴安娜是同情心、责任心、风度和美丽的化身,在全世界她是无私和人道的象征,是维护真正被践踏的人们权益的旗手,是一个超越国界的英国女孩,是一个带有自然的高贵气质的人,是一个不分阶层的人。在最后一年里,她已经证明,她不需要什么皇家头衔也可以继续发挥她那独特的神奇力量。

Today is our chance to say “thank you” for the way you brightened our lives, even though God granted you but half a life.We will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all.Only now you are gone do we truly appreciate what we are now without and we want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult.今天是一个机会,我们要说谢谢你,虽然上帝只给了你一半的生命,但是你已经照亮了我们的生活。那样年轻,就被带走了,使我们感到像是受到了欺骗,然而我们必须懂得感恩,毕竟你还是来过了这个世界。今天,只有当你离开了我们,我们才真正地明白我们失去的是什么。我们要让你知道,没有你的日子是多么痛苦难熬。We have all despaired at our loss over the past weekand only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to move forward.一个星期来,我们全家都经历了痛失亲人的绝望,惟有你多年赠予我们的慷慨和善良给了我们继续前行的勇气和力量。

There is a temptation to rush to canonize yourmemory.There is no need to do so.You stand tallenough as a human being of unique qualities not to need to be seen as a saint.Indeed, tosanctify your memory would be to miss out on the very core of your being, your wonderfullymischievous sense of humor, with a laugh that bent you double.Your joy for life transmittedwherever you took your smile and the sparkle in those unforgettable eyes.Your boundlessenergy which you could barely contain.现在有股风潮,人们争抢着圣化对你的回忆,其实不需要这样做。作为一个有杰出品质的人,你已经站得很高了,不需要被看作圣人。的确,圣化对你的回忆就是忽视你最本质的东西。无论什么时候,你那奇妙的、带点调皮的、忍俊不禁的诙谐,你的一颦一笑,你的令人难忘的眼神一闪一烁,总把生活的快乐带给别人,你旺盛不竭的精力好像不是你身体所能容纳的。But your greatest gift was your intuition and it was a gift you used wisely.This is whatunderpinned all your other wonderful attributes and if we look to analyze what it was about youthat had such a wide appeal we find it in your instinctive feel for what was really important inall our lives.你最大的天赋是天生待人处事的贤淑,这个天赋你运用得恰到好处。你的其他种种的优良品性就是从这个天性衍生出来的。如果我们试着分析你怎么有这样巨大的吸引力,我们就会找到答案,答案就在于你对我们生命中真正重要的东西有同情心。

Without your God-given sensitivity we would be immersed in greater ignorance at theanguish of AIDS and HIV sufferers, the plight of the homeless, the isolation of lepers, therandom destruction of landmines.如果没有你那天赐的敏感,今天我们对艾滋病病人的痛苦,对无家可归的人的窘境,对麻疯病患者被孤立的感觉,对被地雷随意杀伤的人的不幸,要冷漠得多。

Diana explained to me once that it was her innermostfeeling of suffering that made it possible for her toconnect with her constituency of the rejected.Andhere we come to another truth about her.For all thestatus, the glamour, the applause, Diana remainedthroughout a very insecure person at heart, almostchildlike in her desire to do good for others so hecould release herself from deep feeling ofunworthiness of which her eating disorders were merly a symptom.Th world sensed this partof her character and cherished her for her vulnerability whilst admiring her for her honesty.戴安娜有一次对我说,她内心深处对痛苦的感受使她有可能同那些被社会摈弃的人们往来。这使我们可以看到她身上的另一个事实。不管社会地位多么显赫,多么光彩照人,不管人们怎样颂扬,戴安娜内心始终是一个没有安全感的人,她像孩子似的竭力对别人做点好事,以解脱她内心深处的无价值感,她的饮食失调也是这种忧郁心情的一个表现。

全世界都感受到她性格中的这个部分。人们因为她的柔弱疼惜她,更因她的真诚而欣赏她。The last time I saw Diana was on July 1, her birthday in London, when typically she was nottaking time to celebrate her special day with friends but was guest of honor at a fundraisingcharity evening.She sparkled of course, but I would rather cherish the days I spent with herin March when she came to visit me and my children in our home in South Africa.I am proud ofthe fact that apart from when she was on public display meeting President Mandela wemanaged to contrive to stop the ever-present paparazzi from getting s single picture of her.That menat a lot to her.我最后一次见到戴安娜是今年7月1日,在伦敦,她的生日那天。和往常一样,她没有时间同朋友们一起庆贺自己这个特别的日子,而是作为贵宾出席了一个慈善筹款晚会。那天的她无疑是光彩夺目,但我更加珍惜今年3月我们在一起的日子,那时她来到南非我的家中,来看我和我的孩子们。我感到骄傲的是,那次她除了同曼德拉总统见面是在公众场合外,我设法不让那些纠缠的记者拍一张照片,她对此感到舒畅。

These were days I will always treasure.It was as ifwe had been transported back to our childhood whenwe spent such an enormous amount of timetogether the two youngest in the family.Fundamentally she had not changed at all from thebig sister who mothered me as a baby, fought withme at school and endured those long train journeysbetween our parents' homes with me at weekends.Itis a tribute to her level-headedness and strength that despite the most bizarre-like lifeimaginable after her childhood, she remained intact, true to herself.这些日子我会永远珍惜,我现在好像又回到了从前,我俩一起生活很多年的日子,我和她是家里最小的两个孩子。她基本上同小时候我心目中的姐姐一样,待我像母亲对待婴孩般慈爱。在学校里和我一起打架,忍受周末与我一同度过往返双亲各自家中的漫长的火车旅行。在童年以后,即便身处复杂奇怪的环境,她总保持完整和自己的真实,这要归功于她冷静的头脑和内心的力量。

There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this time.She talkedendlessly of getting away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received atthe hands of the newspapers.I don't think she ever understood why her genuinely goodintentions were sneered at by the media, why there appeared to be a permanent quest ontheir behalf to bring her down.It is baffling.毫无疑问,她一直在找寻一个新生活方向。她不时说起要离开英国,主要是受不了报纸对她的围攻。我想她始终不明白为什么她的真诚善意会被传媒扭曲嘲弄,为什么周围总有一股永远要把她拉倒的代表传媒的势力,这些确实令人难以理解。

My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum.It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest is this: a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age.She would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys Williams and Harry from a similar fate and I dothis here, Diana, on your behalf.We will not allow them to suffer the anguish that used regularly to drive you to tearful depair.对此,我自己唯一的解释,就是真正的善与美对那些处于道德另一端的人来说,是一种威胁。但是,在一切有关戴安娜的嘲讽中,也许最大的讽刺是:一个女孩子,她的名字是古代狩猎女神(Diana),自己最后却成为现代社会最受围剿的一个人。她想要我们今天起誓保护她钟爱的孩子威廉和哈里,免遭相同的命运。


And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative and loving way in which you were steerling these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned.另外,我代表你母亲和两个姐姐起誓,我们,你的骨肉亲人,将尽一切努力继续走你那极富创意和深具爱心的道路,引导两个杰出的孩子,让他们的心灵不是束缚在职责和传统中,而是能如你期盼的那样自由地歌唱。

We fully respect the heritage into which they have both been born and will always respect and encourage them in their royal role but we, like you, recognize the need for them, to experience as many different aspects of life as possible to arm them spiritually and emotionally for the years ahead.I know you would have expected nothing less from us.我们完全尊重他们出生的传统,我们也常尊重和鼓励他们肩负王室成员的职责。但我们也像你一样,认识到他们需要在尽量多的不同的生活层面上实践,使他们在精神和情感上武装起来,能够面对未来的挑战。我知道你一定要我们做到这一点。

William and Harry, we all cared desperately for you today.We are all chewed up with the sadness at the loss of a woman who was not even our mother.How great your suffering is, we cannot even imagine.威廉和哈里,今天我们全家竭尽全力地呵护你们,我们大家正被失去亲人的痛苦折磨,何况她是你们的母亲,我们能够想象你们忍受的痛苦是多么剧烈。

I would like to end by thanking God for the small mercies he has shown us at this dreadful time.For taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant and when she had joy in her private life.About all we gibe thanks for the life of a woman I am so proud to be able to call my sister, the unique, the complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceble Diana whose beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds.最后,我要感谢上帝,在这可怕的悲痛的时刻,还是给了我们许许多多的安慰。感谢上帝,在戴安娜最美丽、最放光彩的时刻,在她生命中里最快乐的时刻,把她带走了。总之,我们感激她的一生。能够叫她姐姐是我一生的骄傲,她是优秀的,不可取代的。她的美丽,不论内心还是外表,在我们心里永不磨灭。















一直都对戴安娜很感兴趣,看完这本书后我更加钦佩她。她的故事使我感触很深: 一个人可以不优秀,人的一生也可以不完美,但是一个人生活在这个社会必须有追求、有奉献、有目标!一个毫无目标的人只是一具披着臭皮囊的行尸走肉!无论处于什么样的境地我们都必须有目标,有奋斗!这样一位完美的女性激励着我在今后的人生中活得精彩、活出滋味!







On Sino-British Cultural Perceptions from Diana's Death

On 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, France.Royal family

The reaction of theto Diana's death caused unprecedented resentment and outcry.They were at their summer residence at , and their initial decision not to return to London or to mourn more publicly was much criticised at the time.Their rigid adherence to , and their concern to care for Diana's grieving sons, was interpreted by some as a lack of compassion.In particular, the refusal ofto fly the Royal Standard at half-mast provoked angry headlines in newspapers.“Where is our Queen? Where is her Flag?” asked The Sun.The Palace's stance was one of royal protocol: no flag could fly over Buckingham Palace, as the Royal Standard is only flown when the Queen is in residence, and the Queen was then in Scotland.Furthermore, the Royal Standard never flies at half-mast as it is the Sovereign's flag and there is never a dead Sovereign(the new monarch immediately succeeds his or her predecessor).Finally, as a compromise, thewas flown instead, at half-mast, as the Queen left for Westminster Abbey on the day of Diana's funeral.This set a precedent, and Buckingham Palace has subsequently flown the Union Flag when the Queen is not in residence.Public reactions

Over a million people lined the four-mile(6 km)route from Kensington Palace to.Outside the Abbey and incrowds watched and listened to proceedings on giant outdoor screens and huge speakers as guests filed in, including representatives of the many charities of which Diana was patron.Notable attendants included;, wife of the French President,;and other celebrities, including Italian tenorand Diana's good friends singersand– the latter performed aof his song, “", that was dedicated to her.The service was televised live around the world.Protocol was disregarded when the guests applauded the speech by Diana's younger brother , who strongly criticised the press and indirectly criticised the Royal Family for their treatment of her.The funeral is estimated to have been watched by 31.5 million viewers in Britain.Precise calculation of the worldwide audience is not possible.[37] After the end of the ceremony, the coffin was driven to Althorp in ahearse.Mourners cast flowers at the funeral procession for almost the entire length of its journey and vehicles even stopped on the opposite carriageway of theas the cars passed on the route to.In a private ceremony, Diana was buried on theon an island in the middle of a lake.In her casket, she wears a blackdress and is clutching ain her hands.A visitors' centre is open during summer months, allowing visitors to see an exhibition about her and to walk around the

lake.All profits made are donated to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.During the four weeks following her funeral, the overall suicidein England and Wales rose by 17% and cases of deliberate self harm by 44.3%, compared with the average reported for that period in the four previous years.Researchers suggest that this was caused by the ”“ effect, as the greatest increase in suicides was by people most similar to Diana: women aged 25 to 44, whose suicide rate increased by over 45%.In the years after her death, interest in the life of Diana has remained high.As a temporary memorial, the public co-opted the Flamme de la Liberté(Flame of Liberty), a monument near the Alma Tunnel, and related to the French donation of the Statue of Liberty to the United States.The messages of condolence have since been removed, and its use as a Diana memorial has discontinued, though visitors still leave messages at the site in her memory.A permanent memorial, the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain was opened in Hyde Park in London on 6 July 2004.Hysteria after Diana's death: A myth or reality?

Ten years ago, she was known as the people's princess.But as the world gathers to remember Diana Spencer on the 10th anniversary of her death, there are some who can only remember a people's embarrassment.Are they being fair?

The mass hysteria that captivated people when she died in a Paris tunnel car-crash has considerably died down.Now some some Brits are looking back at that time as a rare moment of overreaction, going against the typical aloof behaviour they are known for.”It has become an embarrassing memory, like a mawkish, self-pitying teenage entry in a diary,“ wrote Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian about the mountain of flowers, teddy bears, and free-flow of tears outside the palace gates.”We cringe to think of it.“

Sociologists have several theories on why the masses gathered not only for Diana's death but continue to gather for others whose lives are cut short.The term ”makeshift memorial“ is now part of the lexicon of public grief.Although it was remarkable to see at the time of Diana's death, public displays of grief are not so extraordinary anymore.In North America, it is typical to drive by impromptu shrines by the side of the road, created to mark the spot of fatal car accidents.People will often even attend memorials of perfect strangers or send notes of sympathy to their families though they have no connection to their death.In another 10 years, these public displays will be so commonplace, they won't even be worth thinking about, says one pop-culture academic.Dr.Jennifer Brayton, a media and culture expert at Ryerson University, said she expects to see a similar display of mourning at Diana's memorial on Friday, much like the recent milestone anniversary or Elvis' death brought thousands of people to Graceland.”Diana still emotionally resonates with people, even a decade after her death,“ she told CTV.ca.”I wouldn't be surprised if in another 10 years from now, there will still be an outpouring of people showing up at memorials.“

Diana had qualities that her devotees related to, continued Brayton.She was the mother of two children, she was unhappy with her marriage, she didn't get along with her in-laws,and she suffered from an eating disorder.”Diana allowed herself to be presented as 'emotional' to the public and that resonated with people, who in turn, treated her death as an emotional event,“ she said.The mourning nation

The Princess of Wales represented more than just the average woman--she represented a deep desire for political change in Britain, says Deborah Lynn Steinberg, co-author of ”Mourning Diana: Nation, Culture, and the Performance of Grief.“

Steinberg, an American living in London at the time of Diana's death, said wouldn't call the mass display of grief ”cringe-worthy“ at all.Instead, she believes people were connecting the death not with a princess but with a woman who represented a modern British population.Shortly before she died, the Labour Party beat the Conservatives by a landslide and Britons were clamouring for a more liberal society, a value Diana seemed to embody with her lifestyle, beauty and fashion sense, Steinberg told CTV.ca.”She was a rebellious figure, the renegade figure who represented the possibility of multicultural cosmopolitan Britain while the Tories were about an island mentality and a homogeneous society,“ she said.”Those things became crystallized when she died.“

Criticisms of Diana that portray the princess as a manipulative liar undeserving of public tears have always been around, even at the time of her death, Steinberg recalled.”The critiques are definitely not new, they were just drowned out by what people were saying,“ she said.As much as there were people who stopped their lives to commemorate the death of Diana, there were just as many Britons who refused to buy into any of it, Steinberg recalled.It was hard to gauge which side the public was on, she said, when television channels dedicated much of their air time to specials to Diana and newspapers had her splashed all over their front pages.Nonetheless, the British people were not overwhelmed by ”hysteria,“ she said.”I don't think it was hysteria, the loss of a public figure can be a touchstone for other issues,“ she said.Even The Guardian's columnist Freedland agreed at the end of his musing that, in fact, the public display of emotion in reaction to Diana's death typified the British stiff upper lip.”People queued patiently for hours at a stretch, an act of quiet contemplation rather than a manic outburst,“ he wrote.”On the day of the funeral, whole streets were draped in silence;even the famed applause, which started outside and spread into Westminster Abbey, was soft and low.“It all combined to make an atmosphere that was, despite the revisionism of recent years, a warm one to inhabit,” he continued.“I visited Kensington Gardens the night before the funeral and it remains one of my most cherished London memories.”

Mourning Diana

Half a year has gone by since the death of Diana.When her death was announced, the world was shocked.The United Kingdom was gripped by an unprecedented outpouring of public grief and millions around the world shared the feeling of loss.Some sceptics predicted that the public outburst would not last long.For now, they have

been proved wrong, as millions are still grieving for the Princess.Remembering Diana on the Web

In the days immediately after Diana's death, Internet sites like the BBC News Diana Memorial site were inundated with e-mail from people expressing their grief and sending condolencesall part of the battle for Diana's lucrative legacy.


It is with great sadness that we learned of the untimely death of Princess Diana.On July the 29th, 1981, a shy girl, 19 year-old, Diana Spencer, married Charles, the Prince of Wales in London.Then the public began to learn about Diana.After the divorce, Diana became more involved in charity work.She was the first famous person to work for AIDS charities.She also campaigned against landmines.The public loved her for the way she cared for others.In mourning Princess Diana, we should learn from her noble quality of the contribution of charity to the people all over the world.Diana has forever left us.We should turn our grief into strength and keep her within our hearts.Goodbye England's Rose!

May you rest in peace!

Eternal glory to Princess Diana!

On the Death of Princess Diana by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom

The Queen spoke to the nation live at 6.00 p.m.on Friday, 5 September, from the Chinese Dining Room at Buckingham Palace, 1997

Since last Sunday's dreadful news we have seen, throughout Britain and around the world, an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death.We have all been trying in our different ways to cope.It is not easy to express a sense of loss, since the initial shock is often succeeded by a mixture of other feelings: disbelief, incomprehension, anger--and concern for those who remain.We have all felt those emotions in these last few days.So what I say to you now, as your queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart.First, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself.She was an exceptional and gifted human being.In good times and bad, she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh, nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness.I admired and respected her--for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her devotion to her two boys.This week at Balmoral, we have all been trying to help William and Harry come to terms with the devastating loss that they and the rest of us have suffered.No one who knew Diana will ever forget her.Millions of others who never met her, but felt they knew her, will remember her.I for one believe that there are lessons to be drawn from her life and from the extraordinary and moving reaction to her death.I share in your determination to cherish her memory.This is also an opportunity for me, on behalf of my family, and especially Prince Charles and William and Harry, to thank all of you who have brought flowers, sent messages, and paid your respects in so many ways to a remarkable person.These acts of kindness have been a huge source of help and comfort.Our thoughts are also with Diana's family and the families of those who died with her.I know that they too have drawn strength from what has happened since last weekend, as they seek to heal their sorrow and then to face the future without a loved one.I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss, and gratitude for her all-too-short life.It is a chance to show to the whole world the British nation united in grief and respect.May those who died rest in peace and May we, each and every one of us, thank God for someone who made many, many people happy.



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