
时间:2019-05-14 20:35:53下载本文作者:会员上传


Today I’m going to talk about discover yourself.Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discovery of nature have companied mankind all along the journey.It was by discovering the world around us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated life.However, as G.K.Chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos, but never the ego, the self is more distance than any star.Thus, a life is a journey of unrelenting offers to discover more of ourselves.When I was six, I constantly picture myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Xiao Bang’s nocturnal beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance.However, as I further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills.Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair, when I woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was unrealistic.Brutal but real.It was the first time;I had discovered that I couldn’t have it at all, when I was twelve.I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon.I spent hours and hours watching the drama Grey's Anatomy and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream.I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use.However, I stop to dream about being a surgeon when I discover that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeals to me, not what it truly was.As a result, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself.This year, I turned sixteen and I could proudly say I do not dream to be, but ascertain to pursue being a lawyer in the future.Since junior high school I had always been awarded the most eloquent debater in every single debater participated in.I can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly.My huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever I tried to argue with something equivocal.Being aware of the obstacles and the hardships on the way becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after.G.K.Chesterton was absolutely correct;the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of somehow smaller world, ourselves.I subsequently realized that growing up is a process that discover yourselves.We got to know what we truly are and become who we dream to be.As we shape ourselves and as we shape of our lives, we gradually become more aware of limits and potentials, and consequently learn to adjust what’s out there, and by that ladies and gentlemen I’m proud to say that I have discovered part of myself, sue to discovering today and definitely a lot more in the future.I would always keep this embedded in my heart.Things do not change, we do!

First of all, I would like to say that this is a rather prevalent phenomenon these days, we can see a lot of students around me are having this young puppy love and I think it’s utterly normal for them because I can understand why they do this.They try to seek recognition from the other sex instead of academic success.However, I morally against it because it’s suddenly detrimental to our future development and it would never last long.First of all, as we can understand that we are still rather immature psychologically in this current stage.And most important thing for love is that we cannot actually thoroughly understand what love is.And for most important part is that I can see students around me having puppy love for simply messing around, seeking pleasure instead of making commitments.And because of this kind of flippancy attitude, I think all they could do is to mess around and that is why puppy love dies in the blink of an eye.And for example I could say, Mary would be dating David on the first day of November, however two days

later she is kissing Tom on the other side of the campus.And that’s very normal these days.And secondly I think is because for puppy love is very detrimental to our future development because this particular stage of our time what we should do is to allocate our time to studying and participating in ex-curriculum activity in order to go to the wonderful college in the future.And time is scarce because of that I think as Shake spear once said love is blind and a lot of young students thought they’ve lost themselves in this procedure.And that is very very costly.And so in conclusion, we’d like view this problem from the view of economics, when we are making more rational choices, we should consider the marginal benefits and marginal costs for this particular problem and in the case of puppy love, I see the marginal costs exceeds the marginal benefit a lot.And that is reason why I think this is something we should not be approbated and for the case of those people who are thinking that true love might be lost through this way.I would they that the true love can wait, because if not, it wouldn’t be true love at all, and we’ll have nothing to lose.and that is the reason why I have this kind of opinion.I think the reason why I choose to be a lawyer in the future I choose to pursue this career is different from choosing to become a pianist and surgeon is because this was one time I think this kind of career that’s best fits me.I’m a sort of debater in my early days and I have this kind of technique in order to pursue this career.And that is the practical reason why I think this career is best fits me.And secondly, because personally I have watched a movie called the time to kill it is about a case where a black girl got raped and the only lawyer who step to fight for her is a white lawyer, and the whole process is very complicated but what I see from that story is that I’m very interested in human rights and I want to argue for these people who had their rights trampled and their freedom, how to say, steal away.And if I can be that lawyer, although sometimes I may go against my will and argue for a murderer, a reaper or a criminal, I will always remember that I have taken the oath, that I have to do this job this is my obligation.And because of these reasons I have this passion because I love this job, and I have technique because I’m a debater and a speaker in public situations.And this is why this is different from the other choices.I think love is something that cannot be measured qualifiedly, but the reason why I brought up this terminology in economic is because it first jumps to my mind when I think about making rational choices, and love is something that make us irrational and that is the reason why put out these terminologies, but I think to answer your question of what love is, personally I would say that, knowing from parents view, and also looking at different cases around me from novel, films and movies.I think love is something about commitment.It’s something of responsibility, not just love for the first sight.Because if you believe in love for the first sight, you should believe that it would be gone instantly away.And because of that I think love is something should be taken at heart, it’s not just physical attraction.Because one it would die out.What makes for love go for forever is kind of responsibility that we have to shoulder.That is something that we should not be given away instantly, and that is what I think is love.


today i’m going to talk about discover yourself.things do not change, we do!later she is kissing tom on the other side of the campus.and that’s very normal these days.and secondly i think is because for puppy love is very detrimental to our future development because this particular stage of our time what we should do is to allocate our time to studying and participating in ex-curriculum activity in order to go to the wonderful college in the future.and time is scarce because of that i think as shake spear once said love is blind and a lot of young students thought they’ve lost themselves in this procedure.and that is very very costly.and so in conclusion, we’d like view this problem from the view of economics, when we are making more rational choices, we should consider the marginal benefits and marginal costs for this particular problem and in the case of puppy love, i see the marginal costs exceeds the marginal benefit a lot.and that is reason why i think this is something we should not be approbated and for the case of those people who are thinking that true love might be lost through this way.i would they that the true love can wait, because if not, it wouldn’t be true love at all, and we’ll have nothing to lose.and that is the reason why i have this kind of opinion.17岁深圳外国语学校高三学生诸康妮,收到了7所美国高校录取书。不久前她还参加了湖南卫视脱口秀节目《天天向上》,还展示了一段演讲。现在我们就来一睹她完整版演讲比赛的风采吧。

discover yourself when i was 6 i constantly pictured myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering chopin’s nocturne beautifully on the stage, receiving warm applause after my performance.as i furthered my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills.sometimes i couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair when i woke up to the reality and discovered that my goal was unrealistic.brutal but real, it was the first time i had discovered that i couldn’t have it all.when i was 12 i thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon.i spent hours and hours watching the drama “grey’s anatomy”, and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of life those doctors lead on the screen.i was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms they use.however, i stopped dreaming about being a surgeon when i discovered that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appealed to me, not what it truly was.therefore, the dream ended and i discovered some more about myself.this year i turned 16, i could proudly say i do not dream to be but ascertain to pursue being a lawyer in the future.since junior high school i was always awarded the “most eloquent debater” in every single debate i participated in.i cannot only think logically but also deliver my thoughts promptly.my huge interest in philosophy also adds to my adjust to what’s out there.and by that, ladies and gentleman, i’m proud to say that i’ve discovered part of myself, still discovering today standing on this stage, and hopefully a lot more in the future.i will always keep this embedded into my heart that things do not change, we do.篇三:诸康妮英语演讲比赛翻译稿 早上,女士们、先生们,今天我要谈谈发现自己。自从人类文明的加速发展,大自然永恒的科学发现,伴随着人类的旅程。它被发现我们周围的世界,人类就能够导致一个更复杂的生命。然而,像g.k.切斯特顿曾经说过,一个可以了解宇宙却从不自我。自我的任何星星更遥远。因此,我们的生活是一种不懈努力发现更多的自己的旅程。我六岁的时候,我经常想象自己作为一个优雅的熟练的钢琴家,肖邦的夜间精美呈现在舞台上得到热烈的掌声后,我的表演。然而,当我上了我的钢琴课,很难忘记我的非天赋技能。有时,我不禁有绝望的感觉当我醒来时,发现我的现实目标是不切实际的。但残酷的现实。这是我第一次发现我不能拥有一切。我十二岁的时候,我认为最酷的工作在整个宇宙是一个外科医生。我花了几个小时,观看戏剧实习医生格蕾,禁不住爱上那些医生的生活方式在屏幕上。我完全着迷了刀和这些昂贵的医学术语的使用。然而,我不再想成为一个外科医生时,我发现这是成为一个外科医生的想法吸引我的不是它的真正含义。作为一个结果,梦结束,我发现了更多的自我。这一年,我十六岁,我可以自豪地说,我不是梦想而是确定将来当个律师。从初中开始,我一直被授予每一个辩手参加了最能言善辩的辩手。我不仅可以进行逻辑思考也及时表达我的想法。我的哲学的兴趣也增加了我的理论,每当我试图用一些模棱两可的争论。意识到要成为一个大律师的道路困难和障碍我不恐慌的原因很简单,我有这个信心和激情在我的追求。g.k.切斯特顿绝对是正确的:理解世界上最复杂的部分是较小的世界,自己。我后来意识到,成长是发现自己的过程。我们知道我们真正是什么成为我们想要成为的人。作为塑造了我们自己和我们塑造我们的生活,我们越来越意识到我们的限制和潜力,因此,学会调整自己的存在。由是,女士们先生们,我很自豪地说,我发现我自己的部分,所以发现今天和绝对更在未来。我将永远记住这埋在我的心中。事物不会改变。我们做的。而这一切。谢谢你.谢谢你.现在,这里是你的即席演讲的主题。这是一种具有挑战性的。如今,许多学生喜欢高中。你支持这种行为?并将这种爱情关系持续多久?它是为学生的未来发展,好请你的想法,? 好的,非常感谢你。(这里是几句明显和典型的英国口音sooooo)首先,我想说,这是一个普遍的现象,而这些天。我们可以看到,很多我周围的同学都有这样的“年轻的小狗的爱”。我认为这对他们是完全正常的,我能理解他们为什么这样做。他们正试图寻求识别从其他性而不是从学术上的成功。然而,我完全反对它,因为我认为这对我们未来的发展是十分不利的,也不会长久的。首先,我们可以知道,我们仍然相当不成熟的心理在现阶段和爱,最重要的是,我们不能完全理解什么是爱。和最重要的部分是,我可以看到我周围有小狗学生爱只是梅辛周围寻找快乐而做出承诺。由于这种脆弱的态度,我认为,他们所能做的就是一团糟,这就是为什么爱的小狗在一眨眼的功夫就死。例如,我可以看到玛丽和戴维将在十一月的第一天。然而,两天后,她吻汤姆在校园内。这是非常正常的这些天。其次,我认为这是因为早恋,这对我们未来的发展是非常不利,因为,在这个特别的阶段,我们的时间,我们应该做的是把宝贵的时间去学习和参加活动,以在未来的一个好的大学。和时间少,因为我认为莎士比亚曾经说过,爱情是盲目的。和许多年轻的学生就失去了自己在这个程序。这是非常,非常的昂贵。所以总之,我想从经济学的角度看问题。我们做出理性的选择;我们应该考虑模块化效益和其特定的模块化问题的成本。在爱的小狗时,我看到了模块化的成本超过了模块化中受益很多。这就是为什么我认为这是不应该被认可为那些认为真正的爱情可能是通过这种方式丢失的情况下。我总是说,真正的爱可以等待,因为 如果不是,也不是真的在所有的爱。我们会有什么损失。这就是为什么我有种想法,谢谢你。


好的,非常感谢你。我想,我之所以选择成为一名律师在未来我选择这个职业的不同,选择成为一个外科医生的钢琴家,是因为有一次,我觉得这样的职业生涯是一个最适合我。我是一个种在我早期的辩手和我有这种技术来从事这一职业。这就是为什么我认为这就是为什么实际的原因,这是最适合我的职业生涯。其次是因为我曾经看过一部电影叫做“打发时间”,这是一个情况下,一个黑人女孩得到了热情洋溢的唯一律师走上前去为她而战是一个白色的律师。整个过程是很复杂的。但我所看到的故事是,我在人权很感兴趣,我想说,那些拥有自己的权利被践踏他们的自由,如何说,偷了(偷)走,如果我可以,律师虽然有时我可能违背我的意志和主张一个杀人犯,一个说唱歌手,一个罪犯,我将永远记住我发过誓,我要做这个工作。这是我的义务。我认为,由于这些原因,我有这样的激情,因为我爱这个工作,我有技术,因为我在公共场合辩手和扬声器,这就是为什么我认为这是不同于其他的选择。够了,谢谢.早上好.早上好.如果爱情可以使命,它的经济效益和经济的缺点。这是真正的爱?什么是爱? 好的,首先谢谢你的问题。我认为爱情是不能真正衡量质量。但为什么我提出的术语,术语在经济学中是因为它第一次跳在我的脑海里我想做出理性的选择。爱让我们变得不合理。这就是为什么我申请这两个术语的原因。但是我想回答你的问题是什么爱,就我个人而言,我想说的是,从我的父母的观点也看着我周围的不同情况,从小说和电影和电影,我认为爱是承诺。它是什么;它不是爱的第一眼的责任,因为如果你相信一见钟情,你应该相信它会消失在一瞬间消失。正因为如此,我认为爱是应该采取的心。它不仅是身体的吸引力,因为它总有一天会死了。但又是什么让爱走,会永远是这样的责任,我们必须在我们的肩上。这件事我们不应该让它立刻。这就是我认为的是爱。够了,谢谢.篇四:诸康妮全国英语演讲大赛冠军演讲稿

诸康妮全国英语演讲大赛冠军演讲稿 today i’m going to talk about discovering yourself.ever since the accelerated(【?ksel?reitid】加速)development of human civilization(文明,文化), perpetual【p?pet?u?l】(永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的)the around us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated[s?fistikeitid](复杂的;精

致的;久经世故的;富有经验的)life.however, as g.k.chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos[k?zm?s](宇宙;和谐;秩

序;大波斯菊), but never the ego(自我;自负;自我意识), the self is more distance than any star.thus, a life is a journey of unrelenting(无情的;不屈不挠的;不松懈的)offers to discover more of ourselves.when i was six, i constantly picture myself as an elegant(高雅的,优雅的;讲究的)and skilled pianist(钢琴家;钢琴演奏者)rendering xiao bang’s nocturnal(夜的;[音]夜曲的;夜间发生的0 beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance.however, as i further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious(遗忘的;健忘的;不注意的;不知道的)of my non-gifted skills.sometimes i couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair(绝望;令人绝

望的人或事), when i woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was unrealistic.brutal(残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的)but real.it was the first time;i had discovered that i couldn’t have it at all, when i was twelve.i thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon(外科医生).i spent hours and hours watching the drama(戏剧,戏剧艺术;剧本;戏剧性事件)greys anatomy[?n?t?mi](解剖;解剖学;剖析;骨骼)and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream.i was utterly(完全的)mesmerized(着迷的)by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use.however, i stop to dream about being a surgeon when i discover that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeal to me, not what it truly was.as a result, the dream ended and i discovered some more about myself.this year, i turned sixteen and i could proudly say i do not dream to be, but ascertain [,?s?tein](确定;查明;探知)to peruse being a lower in the future.since junior high school i had always been awarded the most eloquent [el?kw?nt](意味深长的;雄辩的,有口才的;有说服力的;动人的)debater in every single debater participated in.i can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly[pr?mptli](迅速地;立即地;敏捷地).my huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever i tried to argue with something equivocal[ikwiv?k?l](模棱两可的;可疑的))me, for the simple reason that i have this faith and passion(激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

;后来)realized that growing up is a process that discover yourselves.we got to know what we truly are more aware of limits and potentials, and consequently(因此;结果;所以)learn to adjust learn what’s out there, and by that ladies and gentlemen i’m proud to say that i have discovered part of myself, sue to discovering today and definitely(清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地)a lot more in the future.i would always keep this in embedded[imbedid](嵌入式的;植入的;内含的)in my heart.things do not change, we do!篇五:诸康妮演讲稿 discover yourself.英语演讲稿中英对照: today im going to talk about discover yourself.今天我要谈的是:发现自己。

自然科学的发现始终伴随着人类文明的飞速发展。it was by discovering the around us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated life.通过对周围事物的观察和发现,我们人类已经过着更美好的生活。however, as g.k.chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos, but never the ego, the self is more distance than any star.然而,切斯特顿曾经说过:“人们可以了解宇宙, 但从来不了解自己,自我的距离远超过任何星辰的距离。”

thus, a life is a journey of unrelenting offers to discover more of ourselves.因此,生活是一个不屈不挠、努力发现自己的旅程。when i was six, i constantly picture myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering xiao bangs nocturnal beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance.当我六岁时,就不断想象自己像一个优雅和娴熟的钢琴家,在舞台上演奏肖邦的优美的小夜曲,在演奏结束后收获着奖励和掌声 however, as i further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills.可是,在随后的钢琴课上,我发现我并没有演奏钢琴的天赋。sometimes i couldnt help but have this feeling of despair, when i woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was unrealistic.有时候,当我从梦中回到现实,发现自己的目标多么的不切实际,我忍不住感到绝望。brutal but real.现实是残酷的。it was the first time;i had discovered that i couldnt have it at all, when i was twelve.12岁的时候,我第一次发现我不可能成为钢琴演奏家。i thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon.我曾经以为在全世界外科医生是最酷的工作。i spent hours and hours watching the drama greys anatomy and couldnt help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream.我一遍又一遍地观看情节剧《实习医生格蕾》,并不自觉地被那些尖叫的医生所吸引。i was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use.我完全被手术刀和那些花哨的医疗用语迷住了。however, i stop to dream about being a surgeon when i discover that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeal to me, not what it truly was.但是,当发现成为一名外科医生只是一厢情愿时,我就不再侈想。as a result, the dream ended and i discovered some more about myself.此后,随着梦想的破灭,我加深了对自己的了解。this year, i turned sixteen and i could proudly say i do not dream to be, but ascertain to peruse being a lower in the future.在我十六岁那一年,我可以自豪地说,我不再梦想着成为什么什么,但却为未来制定了一个现实的目标。since junior high school i had always been awarded the most eloquent debater in every single debater participated in.i can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly.从初中开始,我总是在比赛中被评为最佳辩手,我思维缜密、善于表达。my huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever i tried to argue with something equivocal.对哲学的巨大兴趣使我总是试图去为一些模棱两可的问题寻找答案。


i subsequently realized that growing up is a process that discover yourselves.从那以后,我意识到成长的过程就是一个不断发现自己的过程。

我们需要知道真正的自己然后才能我成为我们梦想中的自己。as we shape ourselves and as we shape of our lives.当我们塑造自己时,同时也在塑造我们的生活。

当我们逐渐认识道自己的不足和潜力,进而学着去适应和调整,并因此,女士们,先生们,我可以很自豪地说,我已经逐渐发现了自己,今天正在发现且明天会更多地发现自己。i would always keep this in embedded in my heart.我将会永远记住这一点。


Discover Yourself Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discoveries of nature had accompanied mankind all along the journey.It was by discovering the world around us that human beings have been able to lead a more sophisticated life.However, as G.K.Chesterton once said, “One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego;the self is more distant than any star.” Similarly, our life is a journey of unrelenting efforts to discover more of ourselves.When I was 6 I constantly pictured myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Chopin’s nocturne beautifully on the stage, receiving warm applause after my performance.As I furthered my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills.Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair when I woke up to the reality and discovered that my goal was unrealistic.Brutal but real, it was the first time I had discovered that I couldn’t have it all.When I was 12 I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon.I spent hours and hours watching the drama “Grey’s Anatomy”, and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of life those doctors lead on the screen.I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms they use.However, I stopped dreaming about being a surgeon when I discovered that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appealed to me, not what it truly was.Therefore, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself.This year I turned 16, I could proudly say I do not dream to be but ascertain to pursue being a lawyer in the future.Since junior high school I was always awarded the “most eloquent debater” in every single debate I participated in.I cannot only think logically but also deliver my thoughts promptly.My huge interest in philosophy also adds to my reasoning whenever I tried to argue on something equivocal.Being aware of the obstacles and hardships on the way to becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after.G.K.Chesterton was absolutely correct, the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of the somehow smaller world—ourselves.I subsequently realized that growing up is the process of discovering ourselves;we get to know what we truly are, and become who we dream to be.As we shape ourselves, and as we shape our lives, we gradually become more aware of our limits and potentials and consequently learn to adjust to what’s out there.And by that, ladies and gentleman, I’m proud to say that I’ve discovered part of myself, still discovering today standing on this stage, and hopefully a lot more in the future.I will always keep this embedded into my heart.That things do not change, we do.



Discover Yourself

Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discoveries of nature had accompanied mankind all along the journey.It was by discovering the world around us that human beings have been able to lead a more sophisticated life.However, as G.K.Chesterton once said, “One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego;the self is more distant than any star.” Similarly, our life is a journey of unrelenting efforts to discover more of ourselves.When I was 6 I constantly pictured myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Chopin’s nocturne beautifully on the stage, receiving warm applause after my

performance.As I furthered my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills.Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair when I woke up to the reality and discovered that my goal was unrealistic.Brutal but real, it was the first time I had discovered that I couldn’t have it all.When I was 12 I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon.I spent hours and hours watching the drama “Grey’s Anatomy”, and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of life those doctors lead on the screen.I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms they use.However, I stopped dreaming about being a surgeon when I discovered that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appealed to me, not what it truly was.Therefore, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself.This year I turned 16, I could proudly say I do not dream to be but ascertain to pursue being a lawyer in the future.Since junior high school I was always awarded the “most eloquent debater” in every single debate I participated in.I cannot only think logically but also deliver my thoughts promptly.My huge interest in philosophy also adds to my

reasoning whenever I tried to argue on something equivocal.Being aware of the obstacles and hardships on the way to becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after.G.K.Chesterton was absolutely correct, the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of the somehow smaller world—ourselves.I subsequently realized that growing up is the process of discovering ourselves;we get to know what we truly are, and become who we dream to be.As we shape ourselves, and as we shape our lives, we gradually become more aware of our limits and potentials and consequently learn to

adjust to what’s out there.And by that, ladies and gentleman, I’m proud to say that I’ve discovered part of myself, still discovering today standing on this stage, and hopefully a lot more in the future.I will always keep this embedded into my heart that things do not change, we do.






好的,非常感谢你。我想,我之所以选择成为一名律师在未来我选择这个职业的不同,选择成为一个外科医生的钢琴家,是因为有一次,我觉得这样的职业生涯是一个最适合我。我是一个种在我早期的辩手和我有这种技术来从事这一职业。这就是为什么我认为这就是为什么实际的原因,这是最适合我的职业生涯。其次是因为我曾经看过一部电影叫做“打发时间”,这是一个情况下,一个黑人女孩得到了热情洋溢的唯一律师走上前去为她而战是一个白色的律师。整个过程是很复杂的。但我所看到的故事是,我在人权很感兴趣,我想说,那些拥有自己的权利被践踏他们的自由,如何说,偷了(偷)走,如果我可以,律师虽然有时我可能违背我的意志和主张一个杀人犯,一个说唱歌手,一个罪犯,我将永远记住我发过誓,我要做这个工作。这是我的义务。我认为,由于这些原因,我有这样的激情,因为我爱这个工作,我有技术,因为我在公共场合辩手和扬声器,这就是为什么我认为这是不同于其他的选择。够了,谢谢.早上好.早上好.如果爱情可以使命,它的经济效益和经济的缺点。这是真正的爱?什么是爱? 好的,首先谢谢你的问题。我认为爱情是不能真正衡量质量。但为什么我提出的术语,术语在经济学中是因为它第一次跳在我的脑海里我想做出理性的选择。爱让我们变得不合理。这就是为什么我申请这两个术语的原因。但是我想回答你的问题是什么爱,就我个人而言,我想说的是,从我的父母的观点也看着我周围的不同情况,从小说和电影和电影,我认为爱是承诺。它是什么;它不是爱的第一眼的责任,因为如果你相信一见钟情,你应该相信它会消失在一瞬间消失。正因为如此,我认为爱是应该采取的心。它不仅是身体的吸引力,因为它总有一天会死了。但又是什么让爱走,会永远是这样的责任,我们必须在我们的肩上。这件事我们不应该让它立刻。这就是我认为的是爱。够了,谢谢.



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