
时间:2019-05-14 21:19:29下载本文作者:会员上传


典范英语7-10 Jem Stone Genie---the Crash 精灵简姆斯通撞击事件 Test time at the Three Wishes School

It was test time again又到考试时间了 at the Three Wishes School for genies在为精灵开办的三愿学校.Miss Genius put a pile of一叠 test papers 试卷in her cupboard橱柜.Then she beamed at the class冲着全班眉开眼笑.„tomorrow is your end of year test年终考试,‟she said.„work hard 认真做and don‟t worry.Then you will all pass合格.‟ Jem Stone groaned呻吟了一声.He‟d forgotten all about把...忘得一干二净 the test.Flying was sure to come up in the test 考试肯定会考飞翔and his magic carpet魔毯 had a hole in it上面有个洞.He‟d been meaning 他老早就想to fix it把它修理好 for ages.Now he‟d have to spend all evening mending the hole花一整夜去补那个洞.He wouldn‟t have time to practise for the test准备考试.But there was worse to come更糟的还在后头.„today we are going to practise flying our carpets魔毯飞行,‟ said Miss Genius.„line up at the window 在窗边排好队with your carpets, class同学们.‟ Pearl stood up and accidentally-on-purpose 有意无意地trod on Jem‟s foot.„Ouch!哎呀‟ he cried.„Look out小心点, clumsy clogs笨手笨脚的木头鞋!‟ „Me? Clumsy?‟ said Pearl, spitefully鄙视地, „you‟re the most clumsy genie in the whole of the school, Jem Stone.‟ Jem frowned皱起了眉头.It was true.He didn‟t mean不是有意要 to be clumsy, but he did have a lot of accidents出了许多事故.Only last week就在上个星期, he‟d fallen into the lake when the class were learning about frog.上青蛙课 „Don‟t listen to Pearl, ‟ said Pebble, kindly.Pebble was Jem‟s best friend and she didn‟t like Pearl at all根本.Miss Genius frowned at Jem and Pebble.„No talking‟ Miss Genius went on , „Pearl.Thank you for tidying up收拾 my room after class课后, yesterday.You can go first.‟ Pearl smirked得意地笑.„Out of my way别挡道, ‟ she said.„Teacher‟s pet老师的哈巴狗, ‟hissed压低嗓门说 Jem.„Don‟t listen to her,‟ said Pebble.„She „s not worth it.她不值得听‟ Pearl had the best magic carpet in the school but she wasn‟t very good at flying.She almost bumped into撞上 the window when she flew out of the classroom.Her carpet wobbled摇摇晃晃 and then she was gone.„I can catch her, easy peasy,小菜一碟‟ said Jem.He jumped onto his carpet, and shouted, „fly‟ „Mind当心 that hole!‟ Pebble told him.„I will ‟ said Jem, and he whizzed嗖的一声 out of the window.2 Jem gets into trouble遇到麻烦

Jem‟s old carpet could not fly as fast as Pearl‟s posh时髦的 new one, and the hole made it even slower.But Jem was much better at flying than Pearl and soon he was just behind her.He was getting ready to overtake超车, when Pearl flew her carpet in front of him.„Oi!嘿‟ shouted Jem.„Look out!I‟m trying to get past.过去‟ But Pearl wouldn‟t move out of the way就是不愿让出道.When Jem flew left, she flew left, too.When Jem flew right, Pearl flew right.When Jem flew up, Pearl flew up.Then Jem had a clever idea想出一个妙招.He would fly under Pearl‟s carpet!It would be dangerous but Jem hoped he could do it成功.„Carpet, fly down,‟ he said.Pearl heard him and grinning 咧着嘴笑spitefully, she flew her carpet down, too.Jem tried to fly down even faster, so Pearl wouldn‟t hit撞上了 him.But his foot got stuck in卡在里面 the hole.He tried and tried to tug it free把它拔出来 and the carpet wobbled closer and closer to Pearl.BANG!The two carpets crashed撞上了.Then Jem and his carpet began to fall.Jem could see Miss Genius standing on the playground.He tried to move the carpet out of her way驶离她那边 but the hole was making it very hard to steer控制方向.Miss Genius was a bit deaf有点聋 and she hadn‟t noticed Jem was about to fall on her head.Jem did some fast thinking快速地想办法.Spells were against the school rules说魔咒是违法学校规定的.He would be in big trouble if Miss Stick, the head teacher, found out.But he had to do something, or he would crash onto 撞上Miss Genius.„Carpet,‟ Jem wished, „Please land着陆 beside her, As soft as a spider蜘蛛.‟

There was another bang and a cloud of green smoke一团绿烟.Jem landed with a bump砰的一声着陆.Something small ran over跑过 his hand and then scuttled away匆匆而逃.Pebble helped him up 帮忙扶起他and she looked very upset沮丧.„what did you do that for你为什么那么做?‟ she cried.„why did you turn Miss Genius into把..变成 a spider?‟ „i didn‟t‟ said Jem, hotly急切地.„you did.‟ „didn‟t.‟ „did‟ „didn‟t , didn‟t didn‟t, i wished for my carpet to land beside her, ‟ said Jem.„Well it sounded as if 听起来好像you wished our teacher into a spider希望把我们的老师变成, and now she is one.‟ said Pebble.„Poor Miss Genius.Turn her back again把她变回来, quickly!‟

„i‟m trying to!‟ cried Jem.He knew he had to act very fast.Miss Genius mustn‟t find out that he had used a spell on her.If she found out that Jem had turned her into a spider she would be very cross.She might not let him take the test tomorrow.That would be awful.Jem would have to stay in the beginner‟s class for another year.But as Jem began the spell, the school cat came running towards them.His green eyes were lit up like lamps.„It‟s Claws!‟ cried Pebble.„Quick, Jem, he‟s after the spider.He mustn‟t catch Miss Genius!‟ Jem tried to grab the cat, but he slipped though Jem‟s finger.3 Where is Miss Genius?

Jem and Pebble raced after the cat as he headed across the playground after the spider.The cat was quick but the spider was quicker.It scuttled across the playground and into the school.Then it slipped under the door of the girls‟ room.The cat spat, crossly, and put his paw under the door.„Oh, no, you don‟t!‟ cried Jem.He picked the cat up and took him back to the playground.Then he shut the school door so that the cat couldn‟t get back inside and ran back to the girls‟ room.Pebble was waiting for him.„She‟s under there,‟ said Pebble, pointing to a small cupboard.„look, you can just see one of her legs.‟ Jem picked up a glass and handed it to Pebble.„i‟m going to move the cupboard.Put this glass over the spider to stop her running away again.It won‟t hurt her.‟

All of a sudden, the door burst open.Pearl came in followed by the rest of the class.„Get away from my things, Jem Stone,‟ she yelled.„don‟t be silly, Pearl,‟ said Pebble.„Jem is only trying to catch Miss Genius.‟ „it‟s my cupboard.I‟ll catch her,‟ said Pearl, angrily.„Come away from my things or i‟ll tell Miss Stick, the head teacher, what you did to Miss Genius.She‟ll throw you out of school, Jem Stone.You know it‟s against the rules to do spells on the teachers.‟

„Oh, go away!‟ said Pebble.She pushed Pearl out of the room and locked the door.„you can‟t lock me out of the girls‟ room!‟ yelled Pearl and she rattled the door handle.„i‟m going to get Miss Stick.Then you‟ll be sorry.‟

Pebble looked worried.„hurry up, Jem, we haven‟t got much time.‟ Jem pushed the cupboard very carefully.A piece of paper fluttered out from under it.„can you see the spider?‟ he asked.“No,” said Pebble.Jem pushed the cupboard again.„There she is!‟ yelled Pebble, excitedly.„Move it again, Jem.‟ Jem moved the cupboard again.Pebble lifted up the glass and put it carefully over the spider.„Got her‟ cried Pebble.Everybody in the room cheered.Jem raced over to Pebble.He was in such a hurry to turn the spider back into Miss Genius that he tripped and crashed into Pebble.„Look out‟ Pebble cried.She was still holding the glass against the floor.„Sorry‟ said Jem, and he started to make a new spell.„spider, goodbye, Miss Genius, hi‟

There was a loud POP and a cloud of green smoke.When it cleared, Miss Genius was back to herself.Well, almost.She was sitting on the floor with a glass on her head.4 Miss Genius has a surprise

All of a sudden, there was a bang on the door.It sounded angry.„let me in‟ shouted the head teacher.Jem opened the door.He knew he was in very big trouble now.Miss Stick sounded very cross.Pearl was with her, looking smug.„there he is ‟ she said.„in the grils‟ room, and poor Miss Genius...‟

Pearl stopped and stared at her teacher in surprise.Miss Genius was holding up a piece of paper.„what was this doing under your cupboard, Pearl?‟ she asked.„I...I...‟ For once, Pearl was lost for words.„This is a copy of tomorrow‟s test paper,‟ went on Miss Genius.„when did you take it? Was it when you tidied up my room after school, yesterday? And i thought you were being helpful!‟

Miss Stick took the test paper from Miss Genius.She looked very cross.„Does this mean you were going to cheat, Pearl Gates?‟ she said.„Come to my office!‟

She turned to Miss Genius and said, „Pearl cannot take the end of year test, now.She will have to stay in the beginners‟ class.‟

Miss Stick marched from the room with Pearl following her.Nobody said anything for a moment and then Miss Genius smiled.„Class is over.You can use the rest of the day to practise for the test.‟ „yes ‟ shouted everybody.„thanks, Miss Genius.‟

„You can thank me by getting top marks, tomorrow.‟ said Miss Genius.„And Jem, you must be very careful with your spells.You know, i might accidentally turn you into a fly.‟ Everybody laughed and Jem laughed too.He was glad he wasn‟t in trouble for因为 turning Miss Genius into a spider.„Come on,‟ said Pebble, taking Jem‟s arm拉着简姆的胳膊.„let‟s go and practise for our test.‟ „Later先别急,‟ said Jem, heading for the door.„But first of all首先, i‟ve got a hole in my carpet that needs fixing.‟



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