TED演讲:想成功,请多睡一会儿 英文演讲稿(范文)

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第一篇:TED演讲:想成功,请多睡一会儿 英文演讲稿(范文)


My big idea is a very, very small idea that can unlock billions of big ideas that are at the moment dormant inside us.And my little idea that will do that is sleep.(Laughter)


This is a room of type-A women.This is a room of sleep-deprived women.And I learned the hard way, the value of sleep.Two-and-a-half years ago, I fainted from exhaustion.I hit my head on my desk.I broke my cheekbone, I got five stitches on my right eye.And I began the journey of rediscovering the value of sleep.And in the course of that, I studied, I met with medical doctors, scientists, and I'm here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep.(Applause)

And we women are going to lead the way in this new revolution, this new feminist issue.We are literally going to sleep our way to the top, literally.(Laughter)


Because unfortunately for men, sleep deprivation has become a virility symbol.I was recently having dinner with a guy who bragged that he had only gotten four hours sleep the night before.And I felt like saying to him--but I didn't say it--I felt like saying, “You know what? If you had gotten five, this dinner would have been a lot more interesting.”


There is now a kind of sleep deprivation one-upmanship.Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date, and you say, “How about eight o'clock?” they're likely to tell you, “Eight o'clock is too late for me, but that's okay, I can get a game of tennis in and do a few conference calls and meet you at eight.” And they think that means that they are so incredibly busy and productive, but the truth is they're not, because we, at the moment, have had brilliant leaders in business, in finance, in politics, making terrible decisions.So a high I.Q.does not mean that you're a good leader, because the essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic.And we've had far too many icebergs hitting our Titanics.In fact, I have a feeling that if Lehman Brothers was Lehman Brothers and Sisters, they might still be around.(Applause)While all the brothers were busy just being hyper-connected 24/7, maybe a sister would have noticed the iceberg, because she would have woken up from a seven-and-a-half-or eight-hour sleep and have been able to see the big picture.So as we are facing all the multiple crises in our world at the moment, what is good for us on a personal level, what's going to bring more joy, gratitude, effectiveness in our lives and be the best for our own careers is also what is best for the world.So I urge you to shut your eyes and discover the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep.Thank you.(Applause)


My big idea is a very, very small idea that can unlock billions of big ideas that are at the moment dormant inside us.And my little idea that will do that is sleep.This is a room of type-A women.This is a room of sleep-deprived women.And I learned the hard way, the value of sleep.Two and a-half years ago, I fainted from exhaustion.I hit my head on my desk.I broke my cheek bone, I got five stitches on my right eye.And I began the journey of rediscovering the value of sleep.And in the course of that, I studied, I met with medical doctors, scientists, and I'm here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep.And we women are going to lead the way in this new revolution, this new feminist issue.We are literally going to sleep our way to the top, literally.Because unfortunately for men, sleep deprivation has become a virility symbol.I was recently having dinner with a guy who bragged that he had only gotten four hours sleep the night before.And I felt like saying to him--but I didn't say it--I felt like saying, “You know what? If you had gotten five, this dinner would have been a lot more interesting.”

There is now a kind of sleep deprivation one-upmanship.Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date, and you say, “How about eight o'clock?” they're likely to tell you, “Eight o'clock is too late for me, but that's okay, I can get a game of tennis in and do a few conference calls and meet you at eight.” And they think that means that they are so incredibly busy and productive, but the truth is they're not, because we at the moment, have had brilliant leaders in business, in finance, in politics, making terrible decisions.So a high I.Q.does not mean that you're a good leader, because the essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic.And we've had far too many icebergs hitting our Titanics.In fact, I have a feeling that if Lehman Brothers was Lehman Brothers and Sisters, they might still be around.While all the brothers were busy just being hyper-connected 24/7, maybe a sister would have noticed the iceberg, because she would have woken up from a seven and a-half or eight-hour sleep and have been able to see the big picture.So as we are facing all the multiple crises in our world at the moment, what is good for us on a personal level, what's going to bring more joy, gratitude, effectiveness in our lives and be the best for our own careers, is also what is best for the world.So I urge you to shut your eyes and discover the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep.Thank you.



when i was nine years old i went off to summer camp for the first time.and my mother packed me a suitcase full of books, which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do.because in my family, reading was the primary group activity.and this might sound antisocial to you, but for us it was really just a different way of being social.you have the animal warmth of your family sitting right next to you, but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind.and i had this idea that camp was going to be just like this, but better.(laughter)i had a vision of 10 girls sitting in a cabin cozily reading books in their matching nightgowns.(laughter)

camp was more like a keg party without any alcohol.and on the very first day our counselor gathered us all together and she taught us a cheer that she said we would be doing every day for the rest of the summer to instill camp spirit.and it went like this: “r-o-w-d-i-e, that's the way we spell rowdie.rowdie, rowdie, let's get rowdie.” yeah.so i couldn't figure out for the life of me why we were supposed to be so rowdy, or why we had to spell this word incorrectly.(laughter)but i recited a cheer.i recited a cheer along with everybody else.i did my best.and i just waited for the time that i could go off and read my books.but the first time that i took my book out of my suitcase, the coolest girl in the bunk came up to me and she asked me, “why are you being so mellow?”--mellow, of course, being the exact opposite of r-o-w-d-i-e.and then the second time i tried it, the counselor came up to me with a concerned expression on her face and she repeated the point about camp spirit and said we should all work very hard to be outgoing.and so i put my books away, back in their suitcase, and i put them under my bed, and there they stayed for the rest of the summer.and i felt kind of guilty about this.i felt as if the books needed me somehow, and they were calling out to me and i was forsaking them.but i did forsake them and i didn't open that suitcase again until i was back home with my family at the end of the summer.now, i tell you this story about summer camp.i could have told you 50 others just like it--all the times that i got the message that somehow my quiet and introverted style of being was not necessarily the right way to go, that i should be trying to pass as more of an extrovert.and i always sensed deep down that this was wrong and that introverts were pretty excellent just as they were.but for years i denied this intuition, and so i became a wall street lawyer, of all things, instead of the writer that i had always longed to be--partly because i needed to prove to myself that i could be bold and assertive too.and i was always going off to crowded bars when i really would have preferred to just have a nice dinner with friends.and i made these self-negating choices so reflexively, that i wasn't even aware that i was making them.now this is what many introverts do, and it's our loss for sure, but it is also our colleagues' loss and our communities' loss.and at the risk of sounding grandiose, it is the world's loss.because when it comes to creativity and to leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best.a third to a half of the population are introverts--a third to a half.so that's one out of every two or three people you know.so even if you're an extrovert yourself, i'm talking about your coworkers and your spouses and your children and the person sitting next to you right now--all of them subject to this bias that is pretty deep and real in our society.we all internalize it from a very early age without even having a language for what we're doing.now to see the bias clearly you need to understand what introversion is.it's different from being shy.shyness is about fear of social judgment.introversion is more about, how do you respond to stimulation, including social stimulation.so extroverts really crave large amounts of stimulation, whereas introverts feel at their most alive and their most switched-on and their most capable when they're in quieter, more low-key environments.not all the time--these things aren't absolute--but a lot of the time.so the key then to maximizing our talents is for us all to put ourselves in the zone of stimulation that is right for us.but now here's where the bias comes in.our most important institutions, our schools and our workplaces, they are designed mostly for extroverts and for extroverts' need for lots of stimulation.and also we have this belief system right now that i call the new groupthink, which holds that all creativity and all productivity comes from a very oddly gregarious place.so if you picture the typical classroom nowadays: when i was going to school, we sat in rows.we sat in rows of desks like this, and we did most of our work pretty autonomously.but nowadays, your typical classroom has pods of desks--four or five or six or seven kids all facing each other.and kids are working in countless group assignments.even in subjects like math and creative writing, which you think would depend on solo flights of thought, kids are now expected to act as committee members.and for the kids who prefer to go off by themselves or just to work alone, those kids are seen as outliers often or, worse, as problem cases.and the vast majority of teachers reports believing that the ideal student is an extrovert as opposed to an introvert, even though introverts actually get better grades and are more knowledgeable, according to research.(laughter)

okay, same thing is true in our workplaces.now, most of us work in open plan offices, without walls, where we are subject to the constant noise and gaze of our coworkers.and when it comes to leadership, introverts are routinely passed over for leadership positions, even though introverts tend to be very careful, much less likely to take outsize risks--which is something we might all favor nowadays.and interesting research by adam grant at the wharton school has found that introverted leaders often deliver better outcomes than extroverts do, because when they are managing proactive employees, they're much more likely to let those employees run with their ideas, whereas an extrovert can, quite unwittingly, get so excited about things that they're putting their own stamp on things, and other people's ideas might not as easily then bubble up to the surface.now in fact, some of our transformative leaders in history have been introverts.i'll give you some examples.eleanor roosevelt, rosa parks, gandhi--all these peopled described themselves as quiet and soft-spoken and even shy.and they all took the spotlight, even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to.and this turns out to have a special power all its own, because people could feel that these leaders were at the helm, not because they enjoyed directing others and not out of the pleasure of being looked at;they were there because they had no choice, because they were driven to do what they thought was right.now i think at this point it's important for me to say that i actually love extroverts.i always like to say some of my best friends are extroverts, including my beloved husband.and we all fall at different points, of course, along the introvert/extrovert spectrum.even carl jung, the psychologist who first popularized these terms, said that there's no such thing as a pure introvert or a pure extrovert.he said that such a man would be in a lunatic asylum, if he existed at all.and some people fall smack in the middle of the introvert/extrovert spectrum, and we call these people ambiverts.and i often think that they have the best of all worlds.but many of us do recognize ourselves as one type or the other.and what i'm saying is that culturally we need a much better balance.we need more of a yin and yang between these two types.this is especially important when it comes to creativity and to productivity, because when psychologists look at the lives of the most creative people, what they find are people who are very good at exchanging ideas and advancing ideas, but who also have a serious streak of introversion in them.and this is because solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity.so darwin, he took long walks alone in the woods and emphatically turned down dinner party invitations.theodor geisel, better known as dr.seuss, he dreamed up many of his amazing creations in a lonely bell tower office that he had in the back of his house in la jolla, california.and he was actually afraid to meet the young children who read his books for fear that they were expecting him this kind of jolly santa claus-like figure and would be disappointed with his more reserved persona.steve wozniak invented the first apple computer sitting alone in his cubical in hewlett-packard where he was working at the time.and he says that he never would have become such an expert in the first place had he not been too introverted to leave the house when he was growing up.now of course, this does not mean that we should all stop collaborating--and case in point, is steve wozniak famously coming together with steve jobs to start apple computer--but it does mean that solitude matters and that for some people it is the air that they breathe.and in fact, we have known for centuries about the transcendent power of solitude.it's only recently that we've strangely begun to forget it.if you look at most of the world's major religions, you will find seekers--moses, jesus, buddha, muhammad--seekers who are going off by themselves alone to the wilderness where they then have profound epiphanies and revelations that they then bring back to the rest of the community.so no wilderness, no revelations.this is no surprise though if you look at the insights of contemporary psychology.it turns out that we can't even be in a group of people without instinctively mirroring, mimicking their opinions.even about seemingly personal and visceral things like who you're attracted to, you will start aping the beliefs of the people around you without even realizing that that's what you're doing.and groups famously follow the opinions of the most dominant or charismatic person in the room, even though there's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas--i mean zero.so...(laughter)you might be following the person with the best ideas, but you might not.and do you really want to leave it up to chance? much better for everybody to go off by themselves, generate their own ideas freed from the distortions of group dynamics, and then come together as a team to talk them through in a well-managed environment and take it from there.now if all this is true, then why are we getting it so wrong? why are we setting up our schools this way and our workplaces? and why are we making these introverts feel so guilty about wanting to just go off by themselves some of the time? one answer lies deep in our cultural history.western societies, and in particular the , have always favored the man of action over the man of contemplation and “man” of contemplation.but in america's early days, we lived in what historians call a culture of character, where we still, at that point, valued people for their inner selves and their moral rectitude.and if you look at the self-help books from this era, they all had titles with things like “character, the grandest thing in the world.” and they featured role models like abraham lincoln who was praised for being modest and unassuming.ralph waldo emerson called him “a man who does not offend by superiority.”

but then we hit the 20th century and we entered a new culture that historians call the culture of personality.what happened is we had evolved an agricultural economy to a world of big business.and so suddenly people are moving from small towns to the cities.and instead of working alongside people they've known all their lives, now they are having to prove themselves in a crowd of strangers.so, quite understandably, qualities like magnetism and charisma suddenly come to seem really important.and sure enough, the self-help books change to meet these new needs and they start to have names like “how to win friends and influence people.” and they feature as their role models really great salesmen.so that's the world we're living in today.that's our cultural inheritance.now none of this is to say that social skills are unimportant, and i'm also not calling for the abolishing of teamwork at all.the same religions who send their sages off to lonely mountain tops also teach us love and trust.and the problems that we are facing today in fields like science and in economics are so vast and so complex that we are going to need armies of people coming together to solve them working together.but i am saying that the more freedom that we give introverts to be themselves, the more likely that they are to come up with their own unique solutions to these problems.so now i'd like to share with you what's in my suitcase today.guess what? books.i have a suitcase full of books.here's margaret atwood, “cat's eye.” here's a novel by milan kundera.and here's “the guide for the perplexed” by maimonides.but these are not exactly my books.i brought these books with me because they were written by my grandfather's favorite authors.my grandfather was a rabbi and he was a widower who lived alone in a small apartment in brooklyn that was my favorite place in the world when i was growing up, partly because it was filled with his very gentle, very courtly presence and partly because it was filled with books.i mean literally every table, every chair in this apartment had yielded its original function to now serve as a surface for swaying stacks of books.just like the rest of my family, my grandfather's favorite thing to do in the whole world was to read.but he also loved his congregation, and you could feel this love in the sermons that he gave every week for the 62 years that he was a rabbi.he would takes the fruits of each week's reading and he would weave these intricate tapestries of ancient and humanist thought.and people would come from all over to hear him speak.but here's the thing about my grandfather.underneath this ceremonial role, he was really modest and really introverted--so much so that when he delivered these sermons, he had trouble making eye contact with the very same congregation that he had been speaking to for 62 years.and even away from the podium, when you called him to say hello, he would often end the conversation prematurely for fear that he was taking up too much of your time.but when he died at the age of 94, the police had to close down the streets of his neighborhood to accommodate the crowd of people who came out to mourn him.and so these days i try to learn from my grandfather's example in my own way.so i just published a book about introversion, and it took me about seven years to write.and for me, that seven years was like total bliss, because i was reading, i was writing, i was thinking, i was researching.it was my version of my grandfather's hours of the day alone in his library.but now all of a sudden my job is very different, and my job is to be out here talking about it, talking about introversion.(laughter)and that's a lot harder for me, because as honored as i am to be here with all of you right now, this is not my natural milieu.so i prepared for moments like these as best i could.i spent the last year practicing public speaking every chance i could get.and i call this my “year of speaking dangerously.”(laughter)and that actually helped a lot.but i'll tell you, what helps even more is my sense, my belief, my hope that when it comes to our attitudes to introversion and to quiet and to solitude, we truly are poised on the brink on dramatic change.i mean, we are.and so i am going to leave you now with three calls for action for those who share this vision.number one: stop the madness for constant group work.just stop it.(laughter)thank you.(applause)and i want to be clear about what i'm saying, because i deeply believe our offices should be encouraging casual, chatty cafe-style types of interactions--you know, the kind where people come together and serendipitously have an exchange of ideas.that is great.it's great for introverts and it's great for extroverts.but we need much more privacy and much more freedom and much more autonomy at work.school, same thing.we need to be teaching kids to work together, for sure, but we also need to be teaching them how to work on their own.this is especially important for extroverted children too.they need to work on their own because that is where deep thought comes from in part.okay, number two: go to the wilderness.be like buddha, have your own revelations.i'm not saying that we all have to now go off and build our own cabins in the woods and never talk to each other again, but i am saying that we could all stand to unplug and get inside our own heads a little more often.number three: take a good look at what's inside your own suitcase and why you put it there.so extroverts, maybe your suitcases are also full of books.or maybe they're full of champagne glasses or skydiving equipment.whatever it is, i hope you take these things out every chance you get and grace us with your energy and your joy.but introverts, you being you, you probably have the impulse to guard very carefully what's inside your own suitcase.and that's okay.but occasionally, just occasionally, i hope you will open up your suitcases for other people to see, because the world needs you and it needs the things you carry.so i wish you the best of all possible journeys and the courage to speak softly.thank you very much.(applause)

thank you.thank you.


TED演讲素材之------1,为什么我停止观看A片?(英文演讲稿)讲师:Ran Gavrieli 编辑制作:wikiejoo@163.com 仅供学习参考

I stopped watching porn for two reasons basically.The first one was that porn brought so much anger and violence into my private fantasies.These were anger and violence that were not there originally to begin with, and I did not want it for me anymore.This was not me , and I decided to just put an end to it.Easier said than done--I got it later about.The second reason was that I came to realize that only by watching porn I take part in creating a demand for filmed prostitution.Because that’s what porn really is: filmed prostitution.Porn stands for prostitute;graphic stands for documentation.And prostitution was nobody’s childhood dream;it is always a result of trouble and distress.Now, I became aware of that gradually, when I was volunteering with men and women in prostitution, some of them victims of human traffic, serving aid in brothels, under the bridge and street corners.You don’t really need to do all that in order to understand how this mechanism of porn and prostitution works.Because porn is a genre it’s not about erotica or healthy sexual communication.It is all about male domination of women, sub-ordinance of women.Not only the sexual practice, but as a way of being, as a genderhierarchy in this world.If we were to ask porn, how does it define something as sexual? What qualifies, what defines something as sexual? Porn would laugh in our face.What defines sexual? Whatever men find arousing----men find it arousing to choke a woman, to have a brutal sex without one touch, hug, kiss, tender caress.Well then it is sexual.It arouses men to see a woman or child cry, it is sexual.It arouses men to rape a woman;well, then it is sexual.In every mainstream porn gallery on the web, we can find the rape category side by side with the humiliation category, abuse category, crime category and so on.This is all as if this regular porn is not already filled with these motives.Even in its mildest version, the mildest version of porn, what porn is showing us like, 80%, maybe 90% of the time is actually sex with no hands involved.This is not how we authentically desire.Sorry, I’ll repeat that, i see your look.Sex with no hands involved.Okay? If you and I are not going to give up watching porn, the next thing you do watch you just notice that porn cameras have no interest in capturing any normal sexual activities such as petting, caressing, making out, touching, hugging, kissing.No.What porn cameras are into is the penetration.So normally the composition will be a man and a woman, hopefully just one, okay.So, one man and one woman.His penis is inside her.Don’t be picky.It doesn’t matter where inside.Somewhere inside.His penis is somewhere inside her, okay? And in order not to block the camera for doing this extreme close up on the penetration, he’s standing with his hands behind his back most of the time.And the woman is in this--uncomfortable position and she need to handle the penis inside her without damaging the hair or makeup or look down on her because that’s money invested and time invested in her.Without disturbing his aggressive movement and mainly without blocking the cameras, so the result is that we got two people having sex different shapes and acrobatics or something.But they’re having sex when the only body parts that actually touch each other are the penis and the part being penetrated.No hands involved.Now I talked, I don’t know, 250-300 times a year, soldiers, students, pupils.No one had ever come up to me and say, “Ran, you know that part with sex with no hands thing that was my authentic desire, like when I was 11 or 12, I never wanted to kiss or touch anybody.I was not curious about that.It was all the penetration to begin with.” No one had ever said that-before porn.After porn.In my private fantasies before watching porn, there was always a very strong narrative and the narrative was of sensuality and mutuality which means that I had always imagined what I would say to her? What would she possibly answer? What options do I have to respond? In real life it never works like I planned, but it was super important in my mind in term of arousal, the build-up, the location, the setting, where will it? What are the circumstances of me and her being alone? How will this bodily flaming between us will emerge step by step? It was super important, before porn.After making a habit out of porn, it conquers your mind and it invades your brain.And I lost my ability to imagine.Which means I found myself and I won’t be too explicit, but trying to masturbate, just closing my eyes , trying to fantasize desperately about something human and not making it because my head was bombarded with all of those images of women being violated and subordinated and forced into pretending they enjoyed diabolic sperm rituals, okay? So, this is pretty much the result.And we are all vulnerable to pornography.It’s not just young people and we should be very careful, I think, with not only what we put into our bodies in terms of food and nutrition, but with the nutrition of our mind.Because everything we watch invades us.I’ll give you a short example from non-sexual areas.I came the other night, I came back home and my beloved one was watching some cultural junk.She was watching a karaoke show audition, the one with chairs spinning.We don’t have a TV set back home, but only because it allows us to falsely present ourselves as deep and profound people.I’ve never heard of that.Master Tommy who? Angeline? We watch every cultural junk possible, okay? Not me, not her, we don’t contemplate about existence.We download stuff.And we download all cultural junk.So I am watching this 20 minutes karaoke show.It was so boring and tedious.Two minutes talking, for minutes blabbering.I lost patience after 20 minutes and I went off to take a shower and the most interesting part was in the shower.Because what I found out there was myself in my most pathetic state ever.I’m going to share it with you.I want to feel that you accept and love me, so l have to share my most pathetic moment and you have to accept it now.I don’t know until I got over myself if it took me five, seven, ten minutes to realize that I am standing under the water in the shower pondering severely what would’ve been my song for the audition? Deep and profound, mind you.I won’t be doing this Rihanna or Lady Gaga’s.I will be doing Mercedes Sosa’s Como UnPajaroLibre.I’ll be doing a cover for Bon Dylan’s Blind Willie McTell.Ain’t that deep and profound? I had to realize that I’m an idiot because I have no talent for music.More than that, I never wanted to be neither a musician nor a singer or songwriter.This was never a part of my inner world of wishes, okay? But I’m a human being.What can I do? I was watching that for 20 minutes.It entered my brain for a while.So if we take this example and we just try to estimate the impact of 20 minutes of watching no matter what, how it invades our mind and conquers our wanting’s and desires.Let’s just try to imagine or I can share it with you orally what is the impact of 20 minutes of watching porn once or twice a week, nothing unmoderated? It’s overtaking.Porn is in out household, whether we want it or not and I believe that it does agree with out well-being.Because we have internet in the western world over the place almost in every cellular phone now, we’ve got 90% of 12 years-old watching porn on a regular basis.It has both an addictive effect and a paralyzing effect.It’s addictive, because it develops somewhat of a dependency on porn.Paralyzing part is because, mainly for young boys and men, porn is teaching us that as a man you are solely valued in sex by having a large penis and an eternal erection.According to porn, being a valuable sexual partner does not relate with being sexual, passionate, attentive, generous, well-coordinated.None of the above.It is all about large penis and eternal sunshine, which we don’t possess so boys become paralyzed.If they don’t become paralyzed by watching porn, very often they turn into imitators of what they saw, which means they become aggressors.Aggressors, even when emotion is involved.There is so much sexual abuse going on nowadays within the confines of what we perceive from the outside as beautiful teenage love stories, or healthy adult relationships.Because we don’t really talk about sex, we just see it all over the place;we don’t really talk about it.So, what goes on in the confines of certain room, but these are all sexual mutations that happen.If we talk about women, it’s not only that, but young girls and women get the message not only from hardcore porn but from a porn influenced main stream culture.Have you seen any Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga video clips or commercials?That’s porn with clothes on.So girls get this notion that if you want to be worthy of love, first and foremost you have to be worthy of sexual desire.And now, the definition of sexual desire almost equals: be like a porn star.I work in dozens and dozens of high schools and junior highs.In every single one of these schools I find girls that at a certain point agreed to be documented in an intimate situation because they wanted to please some guy that they had feelings for.This guy misappropriated their trust.Always the same story.So he sells it on WhatsApp application or on the web, on the internet.Normally nobody even addresses him in terms of moral.But it is always girls that suffer from shaming and mortification.They can change the school, they drop out normally.Change city, move to another city and still be haunted on social networks.They develop clinical depressions, severe eating disorders, as if we don’t have enough reasons in our culture to develop eating disorders.They become so isolated socially.So some of them like Amanda Todd, rest in peace, some of them actually commit suicide, becausethey find no more value in life or in themselves.So, porn is not only in our house.It is a capital case.It is not a minor phenomenon in our society.It is a question of life and death sometimes.It is mainly a question of life and death for the people who participate in porn, because porn id not an embodiment of freedom of speech, freedom of occupation, blah-blah.No, it’s an embodiment of sex-exploitation, working side-by-side with human traffic, raping, pimping, and solicitation.For every one porn star with a book contract of a production company, we’ve got hundreds of thousands of women and girls who do not survive out there.Literally, they just don’t make it.The sex industry just chews them up and spits them back into brothels, into hooking in the street, escorting, massage parlors, with happy or unhappy ending depends who you ask.I am not joking.This is the whole spectrum of prostitution.So, many of them do not even make it to the age of 50.I am talking about countries that the life expectancy is at 75, 76 years now.They don’t make it to the age of 50, four reasons mainly: Drugs, STD---Sexually Transmitted Diseases, being murdered by a john, a boyfriend and the fourth reason is suicide once again.Because if you are a prostitute, on camera or off camera, you are in the situation that can we refer to as social death.We have all sat on the dinner table with people who probably consumed prostitution that have been to a brothel once, twice at least.We never sit down to the table with a prostitute, not with a declared one.That’s social death.It is not glamorous.Not at all.When I sit in the privacy of my room and watch porn, even without paying, no need to pay, it’s free.I hope you know that, if you’re still consuming.Whatever I am watching is creating a demand.Wherever there is a demand, there will be a supply.There is a correlation.If I watch pornography of black, older women, somebody is going to go out and pimp black older women.Asian minors? Somebody is already trafficking Asian minors in order to film them.Israeli women, Palestinian women, WASP, all American college girls.It’s a strong in the last few years.It’s a very upcoming category.The scum of the Earth are already out there trying to solicit and prostitute these women on camera.I stopped watching porn for my personal well-being, my intimate communication, my private erotic life, reclaiming control and responsibility over my mind.But by doing that, I actually stopped contributing to this horrible sex industry.That’s a good thing to do, I believe.I would really like to propose that notion of physically and emotionally-safe sex.It does not mean going back to be conservative or unliberated sexually.I am all for sexual freedom.It just means that we need to put gender hierarchy aside, subordinance aside.And bring back in, let’s just say, laughter as a critical method for intimacy.Two souls, two humans, two souls alone in private, can they please have a laugh together? I don’t care whether they know each other for a decade or for an hour.If two souls alone in a room do not manage to have a laugh together, what good could possibly grow their sexual and non-sexual? That’s emotionally safe sex.I’ve got so many things I want to share with you but I feel like my time is almost up.So I just really want to ask for us to speak about these issues more, because I strongly feel that our history of silence never did us many good----silence only perpetuates more silence, while talking normally gives birth to more talking, more sharing, more identification, more awareness, more change.A small change, we have a small humble life.But a real change, a true one, emotionally safer.Thank you for listening……

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