|00|O 交易成功|transaction success................| |01|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|Your card issuer has declined your transcation| |02|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |03|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |04|C 很抱歉,应发卡银行要求,贵卡暂由本行保管,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has been retained at your issuer's request | |05|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|Your card issuer has declined your transcation| |06|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |07|C 很抱歉,应发卡银行要求,贵卡暂由本行保管,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has been retained at your issuer's request | |08|M 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |09|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |10|M 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |11|M 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |12|M 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|Your card is not valid for this service.| |13|M 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |14|E 很抱歉,本机不受理贵卡|Your card issuer has declined your transcation| |15|E 很抱歉,本机不受理贵卡|We are unable to complete this transaction| |16|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |17|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |18|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |19|M 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |20|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |21|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |22|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |23|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |24|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |25|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |26|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |27|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |28|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |29|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |30|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |31|E 很抱歉,本机不受理贵卡|We are unable to complete this transaction| |32|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |33|E 贵卡已经过期,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has expired,Please contact your issuer| |34|C 很抱歉,贵卡暂由本行保管,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has been retained at your issuer's request | |35|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |36|E 很抱歉,本机不受理贵卡|Your card issuer has declined your transcation| |37|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |38|M 密码输入错误次数超过规定,请携贵卡到发卡银行网点办理相关手续|You have exceeded the number of PIN entries allowed.| |39|M 无此帐户-请与发卡银行联系|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |40|M 贵卡请求的功能尚不支持,所需服务取消|We are unable to complete this transaction| |41|C 很抱歉,贵卡暂由本行保管,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has been retained at your issuer's request | |42|M 无此帐户-请与发卡银行联系|We are unable to complete this transaction| |43|C| 很抱歉,贵卡暂由本行保管,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has been retained at your issuer's request | |44|M 无此帐户-请与发卡银行联系|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |51|M 可用资金不足,所需服务取消|Your card issuer has declined your transcation| |52|M 无此帐户-请与发卡银行联系|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |53|E 无此帐户-请与发卡银行联系|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |54|E 贵卡已经过期,请与发卡银行联系|Your card has expired,Please contact your issuer| |55|P 密码错,请重输入您的个人密码|Your issuer could not verify your PINplease try again later| |92|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |93|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |94|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |95|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |96|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |97|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |98|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |99|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C0|G 券商代码输入不正确,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C1|G 币种代码输入不正确,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C2|P 保证金密码输入不正确,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C3|M 贵卡尚未签约申请该项服务,请先到柜台办理签约|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C4|M 无此缴费用户号,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C5|M 无此缴费项目号,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C6|E 未登折笔数已满,请与发卡银行联系|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C7|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C8|E 很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |C9|E|REJ003|NUL001|NUL001|很抱歉,所需服务因故未能完成|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D0|M 无交易明细|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D1|M 无此合同号|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D2|M 外汇账号密码输入不正确,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D4|M 无此地区代码,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D5|M 无此充值手机号码,是否继续交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D6|M 您的电话(手机)未欠费|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D7|M 对不起,尚未到缴费日期|We are unable to complete this transaction| |D8|M 对不起,您的证券帐户余额不足,交易取消|Your card issuer has declined your transcation| |F0|M 交易金额小于交易起点金额|We are unable to complete this transaction| |F5|M 对方账号有误,所需服务取消|We are unable to complete this transaction| |F6|M 转帐金额超限,所需服务取消|We are unable to complete this transaction| |F7|M 止损汇率优于或等于当前汇率,委托失败|We are unable to complete this transaction| |F8|M 无该币种或不可交易|We are unable to complete this transaction| |F9|M 无此记录|We are unable to complete this transaction| |E0|M 对不起,该外汇保证金帐号不存在|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |E1|M 对不起,该外币帐户不存在|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |E2|M 对不起,该外币交易休市,交易取消|We are unable to complete this transaction| |E3|M 钞汇标志错误,交易取消|We are unable to complete this transaction| |E4|M 对不起,该汇率无效|Invalid exchange rate| |E5|M 委托汇率低于当前汇率,交易是否继续|offered price lower than current price, do you want to continue| |E6|M 对不起,该外币帐户不存在|The account selection you have requested is invalid.| |E7|M 委托类型错误,交易取消|Invalid offered type, We are unable to complete this transaction| |G2|M 此笔已设定|We are unable to complete this transaction| |G3|M 此笔未设定|We are unable to complete this transaction| |H0|M 费用已缴|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I0|M 很抱歉,最近无债券信息|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I1|M 已经展期过,不能再展期|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I2|M 金额输入不正确|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I3|M 很抱歉,该笔存款已被质押|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I4|M 很抱歉,通知支取设定状态必须为正常|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I5|M 很抱歉,质押贷款时质押物金额必须高于最低质押额|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I6|M 日期输入不正确|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I7|M 该笔贷款已经到期,无法展期|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I8|M 很抱歉,该业务非24小时开放,请在营业时间内办理|We are unable to complete this transaction| |I9|M 很抱歉,该账户已经被部提过一次,不能再做部提|We are unable to complete this transaction| |J1|M 正在勾对,请稍候|We are unable to complete this transaction| |J2|M 正在申请报表,请稍候|We are unable to complete this transaction| |J3|M 对帐不能进行,请退出|We are unable to complete this transaction|
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