
时间:2019-05-13 21:27:42下载本文作者:会员上传


-Is everything in place?-You weren't supposed to relieve me.-一切就绪了吗?-今天不是轮到你值班

I know.but I felt like taking a shift.我知道,我只是想接班

You like him.don't you? You like watching him.你喜欢他,对吧?喜欢看着他

Don't be ridiculous.-We're gonna kill him.You understand?-别傻了-我们会害死他,你知道吗?

Morpheus believes he is the One.莫斐斯相信他是救世主

[00:33.91]-Do you?-It doesn't matter what I believe.-你信吗?-那并不重要

[00:37.08]You don't.do you? 你不信,对吧?

[00:38.91]-Did you hear that?-Hear what?-听到了吗?-什么?

[00:41.25]Are you sure this line is clean? 你确定没被窃听?

[00:43.15]Yeah.of course I'm sure.我很确定

[00:45.49]I better go.我得走了

[01:24.76]-Freeze!Police!-Hands on your head!-别动,警察-手举起来

[01:27.09]Do it!Do it now!快点,举起来



[01:53.19]Lieutenant.you were given specific orders.警官,我给你的指令很明确

[01:56.59]Hey.l'm just doing my job.我只是公事公办

[01:58.96]You give me that ''juris-my-dick-tion'' crap.you can cram it up your ass.要是你给我摆臭架子 你就去死吧

[02:03.86]The orders were for your protection.我是为了你们的安全

[02:07.87]l think we can handle one little girl.我们对付得了一个女人

[02:15.17]l sent two units!我派了两组警员

[02:17.18]They're bringing her down now!他们就要逮到她了

[02:18.98]No.Lieutenant.your men are already dead.才怪,警官,他们早就死了


[02:54.81]Morpheus.the line was traced.l don't know how.莫斐斯,我的行踪暴露了

[02:57.48]I know.They cut the hard line.我知道,电话线被切断

[02:59.35]There's no time.Get to another exit.来不及了,你得找别的出口

[03:01.79]-Are there any agents?-Yes.-附近有干员吗?-有

[03:04.42]Goddamn it.该死

[03:05.86]You have to focus.Trinity.崔妮蒂,你得专心

[03:07.63]There's a phone at Wells and Lake.威斯和雷克街口有电话

[03:10.43]You can make it.你赶得到

[03:12.30]-All right.-Go.-好-去吧

[04:16.00]That's impossible.不可能

[04:52.13]Get up.Trinity.Just get up.起来,崔妮蒂 快起来

[04:54.80]Get up.起来

[05:41.91]She got out.她逃走了

[05:43.75]lt doesn't matter.无所谓

[05:45.25]The informant is real.线人没说错

[05:48.55]-We have the name of their next target.-The name is Neo.-我们知道下一个目标-名字是尼欧

[05:55.53]We'll need a search running.必须进行搜寻

[05:57.36]lt has already begun.已经开始了

[06:54.02]What? 什么?

[07:01.03]What the hell? 搞什么?

[07:10.17]''Follow the white rabbit.'' 跟随小白兔?

[07:23.92]Who is it? 什么人?

[07:25.32]lt's Choi.是乔伊

[07:40.13]You're two hours late.你迟到了两小时

[07:41.93]-l know.lt's her fault.-You got the money?-我知道,都是她的错-钱呢?

[07:46.97]Two grand.两千元

[07:48.97]Hold on.等等


[08:09.56]You're my savior.man.My own personal Jesus Christ.你是救世主,老兄 你是我的救星

[08:12.63]You get caught using that....要是你被逮到

[08:14.37]l know.This never happened.You don't exist.我知道,不能把你抖出来

[08:18.04]-Right.-Something wrong.man?-对-怎么了?

[08:20.34]You look a little whiter than usual.你的脸色很苍白

[08:23.51]My computer.it....我的电脑

[08:28.68]You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming? 你会不会觉得醒之间?

[08:34.12]All the time.lt's called mescaline.每次嗑了药就有这种感觉

[08:37.32]lt's the only way to fly.让你腾云驾雾

[08:39.69]Hey.look.it just sounds like you might need to unplug.man.听起来你得发泄发泄

[08:43.56]You know? Get some R and R? 休息一下吧

[08:45.97]What do you think.Dujour? Should we take him with us? 怎么样?带他去好吗?


[08:53.21]No.l can't.l have work tomorrow.不行,明天我得上


[08:56.84]Come on.来吧

[08:58.28]lt'll be fun.l promise.一定会很好玩,我保证


[09:09.79]Sure.l'll go.我去


[09:41.79]How do you know that name? 你知道我名字?

[09:43.52]l know a lot about you.我知道的很多

[09:46.23]-Who are you?-My name is Trinity.-你是谁?-我叫崔妮蒂


[09:52.23]The Trinity? That cracked the lRS D-base? 不就是侵入国税局的电脑骇客

[09:55.67]That was a long time ago.那是很久以前


[09:59.77]l just thought...我以为

[10:03.34]-...you were a guy.-Most guys do.-你是男的-男人都这么想

[10:07.41]That was you on my computer.你侵入我的电脑

[10:10.25]-How did you do that?-Right now.all l can tell you...-怎么办到的?-现在我只能告诉你

[10:15.29]...is that you're in danger.你有危险

[10:17.29]-l brought you here to warn you.-Of what?-我是来警告你-什么危险?

[10:20.29]They're watching you.Neo.他们在监视你,尼欧

[10:22.73]-Who is?-Please.just listen.-谁?-听我说

[10:28.50]l know why you're here.Neo.我知道你来的目的 [10:31.14]l know what you've been doing.还有你在做什么

[10:33.37]l know why you hardly sleep...我知道你辗转难眠

[10:35.54]...why you live alone.and why.night after night...每天晚上都独自一个人

[10:38.88]...you sit at your computer.坐在电脑前工作

[10:42.38]You're looking for him.你在找他

[10:44.68]l know.because l was once looking for the same thing.我也曾找过同一个人

[10:48.25]And when he found me...当他找到我[10:50.99]...he told me l wasn't really looking for him...他说其实我不是在找他

[10:54.99]...l was looking for an answer.而是寻找一个答案

[10:57.36]lt's the question that drives us.Neo.有个问题驱使着我们,尼欧

[11:01.13]lt's the question that brought you here.这问题把你带来这里

[11:05.94]You know the question...你我 [11:07.57]...just as l did.都知道这个问题

[11:10.58]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?

[11:12.44]The answer is out there.Neo.世上一定有答案,尼欧

[11:15.58]lt's looking for you.它在寻找你

[11:18.42]And it will find you...只要你愿意

[11:20.35]...if you want it to.它就会找到你



[11:41.71]You have a problem with authority.Mr.Anderson.安德森先生,你很叛逆

[11:44.81]You believe that you are special.that somehow the rules do not apply to you.你自以为很特别 可以不遵守公司的规定

[11:49.58]Obviously.you are mistaken.很显然,你错了

[11:54.45]This is one of the top software companies in the world...这是世界顶尖的软体公司

[11:57.66]...because every employee understands they are part of a whole.每个员工都是小螺丝钉

[12:01.29]Thus.if an employee has a problem.the company has a problem.只要一个员工出错 公司就会出毛病

[12:08.20]The time has come to make a choice.Mr.Anderson.你现在有两个选择 安德森先生

[12:12.30]Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth...从今天起准时到公司上班

[12:16.81]...or you choose to find yourself another job.或是另谋高就

[12:20.25]Do l make myself clear? 你明白吗?

[12:21.81]Yes.Mr.Rhineheart.Perfectly clear.是的,我完全明白

[12:32.69]Thomas Anderson? 汤犸斯安德森吗?

[12:35.83]Yeah.that's me.我就是


[12:47.81]Have a nice day.祝你愉快


[13:07.03]Do you know who this is? 你知道我是谁吗?

[13:11.40]-Morpheus.-Yes.-莫斐斯-是的[13:13.40]I've been looking for you.Neo.我一直在找你

[13:15.63]I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you...我不知道你准备好了没有

[13:19.07]...but.unfortunately.you and I have run out of time.不过我们恐怕没时间了

[13:22.51]They're coming for you.Neo.and I don't know what they're going to do.他们来抓你 尼欧,后果不堪设想

[13:26.48]Who's coming for me? 谁来抓我?

[13:28.05]Stand up and see for yourself.站起来自己看

[13:30.38]What? Right now? 什么?现在吗?

[13:32.15]Yes.Now.对 现在 [13:35.52]Do it slowly.慢慢站起来

[13:37.86]The elevator.电梯那边


[13:50.44]-What do they want?-I don't know.-他们抓我干嘛?-不知道

[13:52.34]But if you don't want to find out.get out of there.如果不想被逮 我建议你快逃

[13:55.54]-How?-I can guide you...-怎么逃?-我教你

[13:56.98]...but you must do exactly as I say.不过你得听话

[13:59.81]-Okay.-The cubicle across from you is empty.-好-对面是空的[14:05.58]-But what if they--?-Go.Now.-要是他们


[14:14.49]Stay here for just a moment.先待在这里躲一下

[14:24.10]When I tell you.go to the end of the row...等我下令就走出去

[14:27.01]...to the office at the end of the hall.到走廊尽头的办公室

[14:29.27]Stay as low as you can.尽量趴低点


[14:49.56]Good.Now.outside there is a scaffold.很好,现在外面有个洗窗架

[14:55.67]-How do you know all this?-We don't have time.-你是怎么知道的?-来不及了,尼欧

[14:58.30]To your left there's a window.Go to it.左手边有窗户,快点

[15:03.41]Open it.打开

[15:05.74]Use the scaffold to get to the roof.用洗窗架上到屋顶

[15:07.81]No way!No way!This is crazy!不行,太疯狂了

[15:10.65]There are two ways out of this building.只有两个方法能出去

[15:13.25]One is that scaffold.The other is in their custody.爬上洗窗架或是被他们带走

[15:17.36]You take a chance either way.I leave it to you.都很危险,你自己决定

[15:24.16]This is insane!太疯狂了

[15:27.07]Why is this happening to me? 怎么会有这种事?

[15:29.23]What'd l do? 我干了什么?

[15:31.24]l'm nobody.l didn't do anything.我是小人物,什么也没干

[15:34.57]l'm gonna die.我死定了



[16:13.25]l can't do this.我办不到


[17:17.98]As you can see.we've had our eye on you for some time now.Mr.Anderson.如你所见 我们已经注意你很久了

[17:24.12]lt seems that you've been living...看来你一直有[17:26.99]...two lives.两种身份

[17:30.56]ln one life.you're Thomas A.Anderson...其中一个是汤犸斯安德森

[17:33.29]...program writer for a respectable software company.软体公司的程式工程师

[17:37.70]You have a social security number.You pay your taxes.你有社会安全号码,也纳税

[17:41.40]And you...还有

[17:44.27]...help your landlady carry out her garbage.你会帮房东太太倒垃圾

[17:50.41]The other life is lived in computers...另一个你活在电脑中

[17:53.78]...where you go by the hacker alias ''Neo''...使用的骇客代号是尼欧

[17:57.02]...and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for.几乎犯下每项电脑犯罪

[18:03.16]One of these lives...你其中一个身份

[18:05.32]...has a future.有前瞻性的未来

[18:07.49]And one of them does not.另一个则没有

[18:13.20]l'm going to be as forthcoming as l can be.Mr.Anderson.我就直话直说吧,安德森

[18:18.07]You're here...找你来,是因为

[18:19.74]...because we need your help.我们需要你的协助

[18:25.61]We know that you've been contacted by a certain...我们知道你常常联络


[18:31.55]A man who calls himself ''Morpheus.'' 这个人称呼他自己为莫斐斯

[18:36.62]Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant.你对他了解多少都不重要

[18:40.83]He is considered by many authorities...警方都把他视为

[18:43.56]...to be the most dangerous man alive.世上最危险的人物

[18:49.27]My colleagues...我的同事

[18:50.97]...believe that l am wasting my time with you.认为我是在浪费时间

[18:54.17]But l believe you wish to do the right thing.不过我相信你想改过自新

[18:57.88]We're willing to wipe the slate clean...我们愿意删除你的不良纪录

[19:01.75]...give you a fresh start.让你重新做人

[19:04.42]All that we're asking in return is your cooperation...你只要跟我们合作

[19:07.55]...in bringing a known terrorist to justice.把这名恐怖份子绳之以法


[19:14.86]Well.that sounds like a really good deal.这条件听起来很棒

[19:18.70]But l think l got a better one.但我有更棒的想法

[19:20.67]How about...这样吧

[19:22.63]...l give you the finger...我向你伸中指

[19:27.24]...and you give me my phone call.你就让我打电话


[19:37.28]...you disappoint me.你让我很失望

[19:38.75]You can't scare me with this gestapo crap.你这样是吓不倒我的[19:41.59]l know my rights.我有权利

[19:43.22]l want my phone call.我要打电话

[19:45.32]Tell me.Mr.Anderson...请你告诉我,安德森

[19:48.36]...what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak? 开不了口 打电话有什么用?

[20:27.40]You're going to help us.Mr.Anderson...你一定要帮我们

[20:30.27]...whether you want to or not.不管你要或不要

[21:30.70]This line is tapped.so I must be brief.电话被监控,我长话短说

[21:34.20]They got to you first.but they've underestimated how important you are.他们逮到你却低估你的重要性

[21:38.77]If they knew what I know...要是他们知道

[21:40.84]...you would probably be dead.你或许早就没命了

[21:43.88]What are you talking about? What is happening to me? 你在说什么?我是什么人?

[21:47.81]You are the One.Neo.You see.you may have spent the last few years...你是救世主,尼欧

[21:52.85]...looking for me.but I've spent my entire life...这几年来你在找我 但是我这辈子

[21:56.05]...looking for you.都在找你

[21:59.12]Now.do you still want to meet? 现在,你还想见我吗?

[22:02.29]-Yes.-Then go to the Adams Street bridge.-想-那就到亚当街桥

[22:15.31]Get in.上车

[22:28.89]-What the hell is this?-lt's necessary.Neo.-这是干嘛?-是必须的[22:31.72]-For our protection.-From what?-这是为了保护我们的安全-你们怕谁?

[22:33.96]From you.怕你

[22:36.39]-Take off your shirt.-What?-脱掉上衣-什么

[22:38.50]Stop the car.停车

[22:43.77]Listen to me.coppertop.给我听好,你最好废话少说

[22:45.24]We don't have time for 20 Questions.我们没时间慢慢的回答 你所有的问题

[22:47.77]Right now.there's only one rule: 现在,你只有两个选择

[22:50.41]Our way...不听我们的 [22:51.91]...or the highway.就滚下车


[23:02.65]Please.Neo.you have to trust me.拜托,尼欧 请你相信我[23:05.69]-Why?-Because you have been down there.Neo.-为什么?-因为你活在这虚拟世界

[23:09.09]You know that road.对它很清楚

[23:11.30]You know exactly where it ends.只有一个后果

[23:15.10]And l know that's not where you want to be.那不是你想要的[23:31.58]Apoc.lights.开灯

[23:35.69]Lie back.Lift up your shirt.躺下来,掀开上衣

[23:39.86]-What is that thing?-We think you're bugged.-那是什么?-你肚子里有虫

[23:49.73]Try and relax.试着放轻松

[23:57.41]Come on.现身吧

[23:59.78]Come on.快点

[24:02.55]lt's on the move.它在动

[24:05.25]Come on.you shit.可恶

[24:08.32]-You're gonna lose it.-No.l'm not.-你抓不到它-才怪


[24:20.27]Jesus Christ!That thing is real?!天啊,那玩意是真的 [24:56.30]This is it.我们到了

[25:00.97]Let me give you one piece of advice.我给你一个建议

[25:04.41]Be honest.老实点

[25:07.65]He knows more than you can imagine.他几乎无所不知

[25:18.59]At last.我们终于见面


[25:23.73]As you no doubt have guessed...你一定猜到[25:25.93]...l am Morpheus.我就是莫斐斯

[25:28.20]lt's an honor to meet you.见到你是我的荣幸


[25:31.87]...the honor is mine.这是我的荣幸

[25:34.07]Please.come.Sit.请 过来坐

[25:51.69]l imagine...我猜

[25:53.73]...that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice.你现在一定觉得 有点像爱丽丝

[25:58.20]Tumbling down the rabbit hole? 梦游到了仙境

[26:01.53]You could say that.有点像

[26:03.43]l can see it in your eyes.从你的眼神,我看得出来

[26:06.67]You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees...你对这一切逆来顺受

[26:10.17]...because he's expecting to wake up.你想从梦中惊醒

[26:13.88]lronically.this is not far from the truth.老实说,你会醒过来

[26:17.18]Do you believe in fate.Neo? 尼欧,你相信命运吗?

[26:20.08]-No.-Why not?-不信-为什么?

[26:22.62]Because l don't like the idea that l'm not in control of my life.我相信我能掌控自己的生命

[26:26.36]l know exactly what you mean.我了解你所说的意思

[26:34.03]Let me tell you why you're here.让我告诉你来的原因

[26:37.27]You're here because you know something.What you know.you can't explain.你知道有些事 虽然你无法解释

[26:41.61]But you feel it.却能感觉到

[26:43.81]You felt it your entire life: 你这一生都感觉到

[26:46.34]There's something wrong with the world.You don't know what.but it's there.这世界很不对劲 你说不出个所以然来

[26:50.95]Like a splinter in your mind...就像心头有根刺

[26:53.45]...driving you mad.会把你逼疯

[26:56.22]lt is this feeling that has brought you to me.所以你才会找上我[27:01.49]Do you know what l'm talking about? 你知道是什么吗?

[27:05.23]The Matrix? 母体吗?

[27:09.00]Do you want to know...你想知道[27:11.04]...what it is? 它是什么吗?

[27:15.57]The Matrix is everywhere.母体无所不在 [27:17.68]lt is all around us.随处可见

[27:19.64]Even now.in this very room.它甚至在这房间

[27:22.35]You can see it when you look out your window...你从窗户外可以看到它

[27:24.95]...or when you turn on your television.或在电视上也会看到它

[27:27.62]You can feel it when you go to work...上班时感觉它的存在[27:31.69]...when you go to church...当你上教堂

[27:33.83]...when you pay your taxes.或纳税时也一样

[27:37.00]lt is the world that has been pulled over your eyes...它是虚拟世界

[27:40.16]...to blind you from the truth.在你眼前制造假象蒙蔽真相

[27:43.97]What truth? 什么真相?

[27:49.47]That you are a slave.Neo.你是个奴隶

[27:52.34]Like everyone else.you were born into bondage...每个人呱呱落地后

[27:55.11]...born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch.就活在一个没有知觉的牢狱

[28:00.08]A prison for your mind.一个心灵的牢笼

[28:09.73]Unfortunately.no one can be...很不幸,我无法告诉你

[28:12.36]...told what the Matrix is.母体到底是什么?

[28:18.27]You have to see it for yourself.你必须亲眼目睹

[28:29.65]This is your last chance.这是你最后一次机会

[28:32.12]After this.there is no turning back.决定了就不能反悔

[28:34.99]You take the blue pill...吞下蓝色药丸的话

[28:36.75]...the story ends.you wake up in your bed and believe...幻境结束,起床后

[28:40.06]...whatever you want to believe.想信什么就信什么

[28:42.09]You take the red pill...吞下红色药丸的话

[28:43.63]...you stay in Wonderland...就留在幻境

[28:46.16]...and l show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.而我就带你去见识见识


[29:00.78]...all l'm offering is the truth.Nothing more.我只能告诉你真相

[29:18.16]Follow me.跟我来

[29:21.97]Apoc.are we online? 艾巴,上线了吗?


[29:28.67]Time is always against us.时间老是不够

[29:31.08]Please.take a seat there.请坐下来

[29:50.76]You did all this? 你也这么做过?

[29:56.60]The pill you took is part of a trace program.药丸里有追踪程式

[29:59.44]lt disrupts your input/output carrier signals so we can pinpoint your location.用来追踪你身体所在的位置

[30:04.38]What does that mean? 什么意思?

[30:06.14]lt means buckle your seat belt.Dorothy...系好安全带,菜鸟

[30:08.65]...because Kansas is going bye-bye.跟老家说再见吧

[30:49.19]Did you...? 你们

[31:01.57]Have you ever had a dream.Neo.that you were so sure was real? 你曾做过一种梦 仿佛实实在在的发生过?

[31:07.14]What if you were unable to wake from that dream? 要是你醒不过来呢?

[31:09.91]How would you know the difference between the dream world...你该怎么分辨梦世界

[31:13.21]...and the real world? 和真实世界?

[31:16.21]-This can't be.-Be what?-不可能-什么?

[31:19.18]Be real? 不可能是真的?

[31:24.69]lt's going into replication.开始复制程序

[31:26.32]Still nothing.找不到

[31:27.99]lt's cold.lt's cold!好冷 好冷

[31:34.57]Tank.we're going to need a signal soon.坦克,赶快找到讯号

[31:37.37]l got a fibrillation.心脏衰很


[31:40.67]Targeting almost there.就快找到了

[31:45.48]He's going into arrest.他的心跳停止

[31:47.08]-Lock.l got him!-Now.Tank.now!-找到了-坦克,快动手


[34:48.33]...to the real world.来到真实世界

[34:51.66]We've done it.Trinity.我们成功了,崔妮蒂

[34:53.70]We found him.我们找到他了

[34:55.50]-l hope you're right.-l don't have to hope.-希望你没错-不用怀疑

[34:58.87]l know it.我很确定

[35:05.51]Am l dead? 我死了吗?

[35:07.14]Far from it.正好相反

[35:23.26]He still needs a lot of work.他需要很多复健

[35:26.16]What are you doing? 你在做什么?

[35:27.57]Your muscles have atrophied.We're rebuilding them.你的肌肉萎缩,得重新锻炼

[35:30.53]Why do my eyes hurt? 我的眼睛好痛

[35:32.67]You've never used them before.你从来都没用过

[35:38.48]Rest.Neo.The answers are coming.休息吧,尼欧 你会知道答案的[36:55.85]Morpheus.what's happened to me? 莫斐斯,我发生什么事?

[36:58.16]-What is this place?-More important than ''what'' is ''when.''-这是哪里?-更重要的是这是几时

[37:02.86]-''When''?-You believe it's the year 1 999...-几时?-你以为是1999年

[37:06.06]...when.in fact.it's closer to 21 99.其实是2199年左右

[37:09.43]l can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know.我无法告诉你确定的年份 因为我不知道

[37:14.61]There's nothing l can say that will explain it for you.我怎么说你都不会懂,尼欧

[37:17.71]Come with me.See for yourself.跟我来,你自己看吧

[37:20.95]This is my ship.这是我的船

[37:23.05]The Nebuchadnezzar.lt's a hovercraft.《尼布加尼撒号》,是艘气垫船

[37:28.79]This is the main deck.这是主舱

[37:36.56]This is the core...核心地带


[37:40.06]...where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix.我们非法向母体传播讯号

[37:47.20]Most of my crew you already know.这些人你都认识

[37:55.38]This is Apoc...这是艾巴


[38:00.48]-...and Cypher.-Hi.-塞佛-你好

[38:01.89]The ones you don't know.Tank and his big brother.Dozer.你不认识的是 坦克和他大哥道瑟

[38:06.46]The little one behind you is Mouse.在你后面的是茂史

[38:13.26]You wanted to know what the Matrix is.Neo? 你想知道母体是什么吗?


[38:39.79]Try to relax.放轻松

[38:46.23]This will feel a little weird.你会觉得有点怪



[39:01.61]...is the Construct.是主架构

[39:03.75]lt's our loading program.资料载入程式

[39:06.05]We can load anything.from clothing...应有尽有

[39:08.82]...to equipment...包括有衣服[39:10.49]...weapons...武器

[39:12.42]...training simulations...模拟训练

[39:14.66]...anything we need.要什么有什么

[39:20.00]Right now we're inside a computer program? 我们已在电脑程式中?

[39:22.67]ls it really so hard to believe? 这么难以置信吗?

[39:25.10]Your clothes are different.The plugs in your body are gone.你的穿着不同,插孔不见了

[39:28.91]Your hair has changed.发型也不一样

[39:31.44]Your appearance now is what we call ''residual self-image.'' 这是所谓的“残留自我影像”

[39:35.48]lt is the mental projection of your digital self.你在虚拟世界的投影

[39:43.99]-This isn't real?-What is ''real''?-这都不是真的?-什么是真实?

[39:47.29]How do you define ''real''? 真实该怎么定义?

[39:49.73]lf you're talking about what you can feel.what you can smell.taste and see...如果你指的是触觉 嗅觉、味觉和视觉

[39:54.63]...then ''real'' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.那全是大脑接收的电子讯号

[40:02.71]This is the world that you know.这是你熟悉的世界

[40:06.54]The world as it was at the end of the 20th century.就是二十世纪末的世界

[40:11.95]lt exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation...其实这是互动的虚拟世界

[40:16.55]...that we call the Matrix.我们所谓的母体

[40:22.33]You've been living in a dream world.Neo.你一直活在梦世界,尼欧

[40:26.10]This is the world as it exists today.这才是真实的世界

[40:42.38]Welcome to the desert...欢迎来到[40:46.15]...of the real.真实世界

[40:51.16]We have only bits and pieces of information.我们只有


[40:53.76]But what we know for certain is that in the early 21 st century...不过我们知道在21世纪初

[40:57.80]...all of mankind was united in celebration.全人类都欢欣鼓舞

[41:01.30]We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to Al.庆祝我们伟大的成就 AI终于研发成功


[41:08.81]You mean artificial intelligence.你是说人工智慧?

[41:10.61]A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.这个人工智慧繁衍出电脑人

[41:15.95]We don't know who struck first.us or them.谁先攻击谁已经不可考

[41:19.78]But we know that it was us that scorched the sky.不过人类却遮蔽了天空

[41:24.72]They were dependent on solar power...当时电脑人只能依靠太阳能

[41:27.06]...and it was believed that they would be unable to survive...人类以为电脑人只要

[41:30.79]...without an energy source as abundant as the sun.失去太阳的能量就会灭亡

[41:34.50]Throughout human history.we have been dependent on machines to survive.在近代的历史 人类一直仰赖电脑生存

[41:40.90]Fate.it seems.is not without a sense of irony.命运,它似乎充满了反讽

[41:48.31]The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 1 20-volt battery.电脑人身体发出的生化电力 超过120伏特

[41:52.92]And over 25.000 BTUs of body heat.产生25000热量单位

[41:58.99]Combined with a form of fusion...只要经过核翰合 [42:01.53]...the machines had found all the energy they would ever need.电脑人就有用之不尽的能量

[42:10.43]There are fields.Neo.endless fields...它们开发出一望无际的场地

[42:14.44]...where human beings are no longer born.人类不再从娘胎出生

[42:18.38]We are grown.而是被栽培出来

[42:26.22]For the longest time.l wouldn't believe it.我一直不肯相信

[42:29.09]And then l saw the fields with my own eyes...直到我亲眼看见它们

[42:32.99]...watched them liquefy the dead...将死人融化

[42:35.03]...so they could be fed intravenously to the living.融化的液体用来喂食新生儿

[42:38.86]And standing there.facing the pure.horrifying precision...我眼睁睁看着它们规律的运作

[42:43.30]...l came to realize the obviousness of the truth.终于知道残酷的真相

[42:48.91]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?


[42:54.31]The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world...母体是电脑模拟的梦世界

[42:58.45]...built to keep us under control...为了控制所有的人类

[43:02.75]...in order to change a human being...把我们从人[43:06.52]...into this.变成这玩意


字幕制作:LRC中国 http://www.xiexiebang.com [43:11.86]l don't believe it.我不相信

[43:13.80]lt's not possible.不可能

[43:15.60]l didn't say it would be easy.Neo.我没说这很容易相信,尼欧

[43:19.00]-l just said it would be the truth.-Stop!-我只说这是真相-别说了

[43:22.21]Let me out!让我出去

[43:24.21]Let me out!l want out!放开我,我要出去

[43:28.08]-Easy.Neo.Easy.-Get this thing out of me.-尼欧,冷静


[43:30.95]Get this thing out of me!把这玩意弄掉

[43:34.45]Don't touch me!Get away from me!Stay away from me!别碰我,走开 离我远一点

[43:38.26]l don't believe it.我不信

[43:40.42]l don't believe it.我不相信你

[43:41.99]-l don't believe it.-He's gonna pop.-我不信-他会发疯

[43:45.00]Breathe.Neo.Just breathe.深呼吸,尼欧

[44:05.58]l can't go back.can l? 我回不去了,对吧?


[44:10.42]But if you could...要是你能

[44:12.46]...would you really want to? 你真想回去吗?

[44:16.46]l feel l owe you an apology.We have a rule: 我向你道歉 我们有个规矩

[44:20.30]We never free a mind once it's reached a certain age.绝对不能解放成人的心灵

[44:23.90]lt's dangerous.非常危险

[44:25.57]The mind has trouble letting go.会无法接受真相

[44:27.47]l've seen it before.and l'm sorry.我见过,很抱歉这么说

[44:30.77]l did what l did because...我这么做是因为[44:33.61]...l had to.别无选择

[44:43.49]When the Matrix was first built.there was a man born inside...当母体成形时 有一个人在里面出生

[44:48.03]...who had the ability to change whatever he wanted...他有能力随意改变母体

[44:52.26]...to remake the Matrix as he saw fit.重新创造真实世界

[44:56.90]lt was he who freed the first of us...他解放了第一批反抗份子

[45:01.27]...taught us the truth.告诉我们真相

[45:04.34]As long as the Matrix exists...只要母体存在一天

[45:07.71]...the human race will never be free.人类就没有自由

[45:14.02]After he died...他死后

[45:16.35]...the Oracle prophesied his return...祭师预言他将再度降临

[45:19.42]...and that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix...他将带来母体的毁灭

[45:23.06]...end the war...战争的终结[45:25.00]...bring freedom to our people.和全人类的自由

[45:27.63]That is why there are those of us who have spent our entire lives searching the Matrix...所以我们终其一生游走母体中

[45:32.60]...looking for him.寻找救世主

[45:36.61]l did what l did because...我这么做是因为

[45:40.34]...l believe that search is over.我相信我找到了

[45:47.55]Get some rest.好好休息

[45:49.59]You're going to need it.你需要体力

[45:54.39]For what? 做什么?

[45:58.43]Your training.接受训练

[46:17.65]Morning.Did you sleep? 早,睡得好吗?

[46:20.22]You will tonight.我保证

[46:21.82]l guarantee it.你今晚一定睡得好

[46:24.92]l'm Tank.l'll be your operator.我是坦克,你的总机

[46:27.26]-You don't--You don't have any---Holes? Nope.-你身上没有-插孔?没有

[46:30.56]Me and my brother Dozer.we're both 1 00 percent pure...我和我老哥道瑟 我们是百分之百的[46:33.60]...old-fashioned.homegrown human.纯种人类

[46:35.57]Born free right here...土生土长的自由人

[46:37.37]...in the real world.在真实世界出生的 [46:38.94]Genuine child of Zion.锡安之子

[46:41.44]-Of Zion?-lf the war was over tomorrow...-锡安?-要是战争结束

[46:44.11]-...Zion's where the party would be.-lt's a city?-锡安就热闹了-那是个城市?

[46:47.48]The last human city.The only place we have left.硕果仅存的人类城市

[46:52.35]Where is it? 在哪里?

[46:55.32]Deep underground.near the Earth's core.where it's still warm.在地底,靠近温热的地心

[47:00.39]You live long enough.you might even see it.你活得够久就能看到

[47:04.49]Goddamn!l gotta tell you.l'm excited to see what you're capable of...老实说,要是莫斐斯说得没错

[47:09.70]...if Morpheus is right and all.我很想见识你的本事

[47:11.84]We're not supposed to talk about this.but...我们不该谈这档事

[47:14.87]...if you are...不过如果你是

[47:17.34]...it's a very exciting time.真令人兴奋

[47:20.44]We got a lot to do.We gotta get to it.今天会很忙,我们快开始吧


[47:27.05]We're supposed to start with these operation programs first.本来要从这些程式先开始

[47:30.95]That's major boring shit.Let's do something a little more fun.不过太无聊了 先来点好玩的 [47:34.76]How about...搏击训练

[47:37.83]...combat training? 怎么样?

[47:45.60]''Jujitsu''? 柔道?

[47:47.97]l'm going to learn jujitsu? 我要学柔道?

[48:00.95]Holy shit!我的天

[48:02.45]''Hey.Mikey.l think he likes it.'' 乖乖,他很喜欢

[48:05.12]How about some more? 再来吗?



[48:11.86]“少林拳” “跆拳道”、“醉拳”

[48:23.41]-How is he?-Ten hours straight.He's a machine.-怎么样?-练了十个钟头都不会累

[48:37.99]l know kung fu.我学会功夫了

[48:41.02]Show me.练给我看

[48:43.83]This is a sparring program...这是搏击程式

[48:45.80]...similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix.跟母体创造的世界很像

[48:48.73]lt has the same basic rules.Rules like gravity.一样有地心引力等定律

[48:51.43]These rules are no different than the rules of a computer system.这些定律跟电脑系统没两样

[48:55.44]Some of them can be bent.有些可以更改

[48:57.17]Others can be broken.有些甚至可以破解

[49:00.28]Understand? 懂不懂?

[49:02.61]Then hit me.if you can.那就打我 尽你所能


[49:45.82]Adaptation.improvisation.融会[49:48.83]But your weakness...不过你的弱点

[49:50.39]...is not your technique.不在于技巧

[49:58.70]Morpheus is fighting Neo.莫斐斯和尼欧对打

[51:13.08]How did l beat you? 我是怎么打败你?

[51:20.72]You're too fast.你太快了

[51:22.45]Do you believe that...难道你以为

[51:24.19]...my being stronger or faster...我在虚拟世界身手这么敏捷

[51:26.96]...has anything to do with my muscles in this place? 跟我的肌肉发不发达有关吗?

[51:34.63]You think that's air you're breathing now? 你在这里需要呼吸吗?


[52:02.66]Jesus Christ.he's fast!天啊,他动作好快

[52:05.23]His neuro-kinetics.they're way above normal.他的运动神经异于常人

[52:13.04]What are you waiting for? 你在等什么?

[52:14.70]You're faster than this.你的动作还要更快

[52:18.91]Don't think you are.别去怀疑

[52:21.38]Know you are.要有信心

[52:33.42]Come on!Stop trying to hit me.and hit me!来呀,别犹豫,直接打我[52:46.14]l don't believe it.我不敢相信

[52:49.44]l know what you're trying to do.我知道你想做什么

[52:53.18]l'm trying to free your mind.Neo.我想解放你的心灵,尼欧

[52:55.71]But l can only show you the door.You're the one that has to walk through it.我只能开启那道门 你得自己走过去

[53:02.55]Tank.load the jump program.坦克,载入跳跃程式


[53:16.33]You have to let it all go.Neo.Fear...你得摆脱一切,尼欧 恐惧

[53:19.57]...doubt and disbelief.犹豫和怀疑

[53:22.94]Free your mind.解放你的心灵


[53:45.53]Free my mind.解放心灵

[53:47.46]-What if he makes it?-No one's ever made their first jump.-他行吗?-没有人第一次就成功

[53:50.70]l know.l know.我知道

[53:52.64]-But what if he does?-He won't.-要是他能呢?-他不能

[53:55.77]Come on.加油

[53:57.04]All right.好吧

[53:58.61]No problem.Free my mind.没问题,解放心灵

[54:01.51]Free my mind.No problem.Right.解放我的心灵,来吧

[54:23.67]What does that mean? 这代表什么?

[54:25.70]lt doesn't mean anything.这不代表什么

[54:28.17]Everybody falls the first time.第一次每个人都会跌倒

[54:31.17]Right.Trin? 崔妮蒂,对吧?

[54:53.13]-l thought it wasn't real.-Your mind makes it real.-我以为这是假的-你的大脑认为是真的[54:59.00]lf you're killed in the Matrix...在虚拟世界里死亡

[55:01.80]-...you die here?-The body cannot live without the mind.-也会死在这里?-大脑死了,身体也活不了

[55:36.11]l don't remember you ever bringing me dinner.你从来都没送过晚餐给我[55:42.55]There is something about him.isn't there? 他与众不同,对吧?

[55:45.82]Don't tell me you're a believer now.别说你也相信了

[55:48.65]l just keep wondering.if Morpheus is so sure...要是莫斐斯这么有信心

[55:51.82]...why doesn't he take him to see the Oracle? 怎么不带他见祭师?

[55:54.52]Morpheus will take him when he's ready.他准备好了就会去

[56:07.40]The Matrix is a system.Neo.母体是个系统,尼欧

[56:10.67]That system is our enemy.就是我们的敌人

[56:12.64]But when you're inside.what do you see? 你在虚拟世界看到什么?


[56:19.42]The very minds of the people we are trying to save.都是我们想拯救的人

[56:22.29]But until we do.these people are a part of that system...目前这些人被系统控制

[56:25.52]...and that makes them our enemy.所以就是我们的敌人

[56:27.72]You have to understand.most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.你要了解 许多人不能接受真实世界

[56:32.53]And many of them are so inert...更多人已经习惯

[56:34.40]...so hopelessly dependent on the system...非常无望地依赖这系统

[56:37.10]...that they will fight to protect it.愿意誓死保护它

[56:41.34]Were you listening to me.Neo.or looking at the woman in the red dress? 你在听还是在看红衣女郎?

[56:45.48]-l was---Look again.-我是在[56:48.24]Freeze it.停格

[56:55.95]-This isn't the Matrix?-No.-我们不是在母体内?-对

[56:59.42]lt's another training program designed to teach you one thing: 这是另一个训练程式 用来教你一件事

[57:03.89]lf you are not one of us.you are one of them.不是朋友就是敌人

[57:06.86]-What are they?-Sentient programs.-谁是敌人?-有思想的电脑人

[57:10.37]They can move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system.他们能在任何软体自由进出 不须更改他们的系统

[57:15.07]That means that anyone we haven't unplugged...我们尚未拯救的每个人

[57:18.61]...is potentially an agent.都可能是电脑人

[57:21.08]lnside the Matrix...在虚拟世界里

[57:23.51]...they are everyone...它们化身为任何人

[57:25.48]...and they are no one.它们无所不在[57:27.45]We have survived by hiding from them and running from them...幸好我们能隐藏起来 并逃脱它们的追踪


[57:30.85]...but they are the gatekeepers.它们是守卫

[57:32.76]They're guarding all the doors and holding all the keys.把守每个门户,掌握每个关键

[57:35.96]Sooner or later.someone will have to fight them.总有一个人迟早会把它们打败

[57:39.00]Someone? 一个人?

[57:40.40]l won't lie to you.Neo.我不想骗你,尼欧

[57:42.30]Every single man or woman...任何单独一人面对它们

[57:44.60]...everyone who has fought an agent.has died.每一个都打不过它们而丧命

[57:47.50]But where they have failed.you will succeed.但是它们就打不过你,你会赢

[57:50.17]Why? 为什么?

[57:51.34]l've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall.它们一拳能击穿水泥墙

[57:53.88]Men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air.被我们乱枪扫射却毫发无伤

[57:57.71]Yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules.它们的力量却受限于电脑系统

[58:02.55]Because of that...因此

[58:03.99]...they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.它们永远都强不过你或快过你

[58:11.66]What are you trying to tell me? 你想说什么?

[58:14.23]That l can dodge bullets? 我能闪躲子弹吗?


[58:19.57]l'm trying to tell you that when you're ready...我是说当你准备好

[58:23.34]...you won't have to.就不必躲子弹

[58:29.05]We got trouble.有麻烦了

[58:48.97]-Did Zion send the warning?-No.another ship.-锡安传来警告吗?-不,是我们的同志


[58:56.24]Squiddy's sweeping in quick.乌贼追上来了

[58:58.37]-Squiddy?-A sentinel.-乌贼?-是艘巡逻舰

[59:00.21]A killing machine designed for one thing.它们用来[59:02.78]Search and destroy.搜寻及毁灭

[59:05.28]Set her down right over there.把船停在下面

[59:28.07]How are we doing.Tank? 坦克,情况如何?

[59:37.98]Power off-line.切断动力

[59:39.62]EMP armed...启动EMP

[59:42.18]-...and ready.-EMP?-准备发射-EMP?

[59:44.02]Electromagnetic pulse.就是电磁波

[59:46.12]Disables any electrical system in the blast radius.能够破坏任何电子系统

[59:49.26]lt's the only weapon we have against the machines.对付乌贼唯一的武器

[59:57.37]-Where are we?-Their old service and waste systems.-这是哪里?-旧世界的排水系统

[60:01.87]-Sewers.-There used to be cities...-下水道-这里曾是数百里大的城市

[60:03.91]...that spanned hundreds of miles.Now these sewers are all that's left of them.现在只剩下水道


[60:53.56]You scared the bejesus out of me.你差点把我吓死

[60:56.79]-Sorry.-lt's okay.-对不起-没关系

[61:01.83]-ls that...?-The Matrix?-那是不是[61:04.73]Yeah.没错

[61:07.50]-Do you always look at it encoded?-Well.you have to.-全都是代码吗?-没办法

[61:10.91]The image translators work for the construct program.得用解码器才能看到影像

[61:14.28]But there's way too much information to decode the Matrix.资讯太多根本无法完全破解

[61:17.91]You get used to it.l don't even see the code.我习惯了,看到的已不是代码

[61:21.08]All l see is blonde.brunette.redhead.而是看到一个个



[61:24.82]Hey.do you...你要

[61:27.39]-...want a drink?-Sure.-喝一杯吗?-好啊

[61:33.33]You know...你知道吗?

[61:35.50]...l know what you're thinking.我知道你在想什么

[61:37.30]Because right now l'm thinking the same thing.因为我现在想的跟你一样

[61:39.94]Actually.l've been thinking it ever since l got here.实际上我来了以后就一直在想

[61:45.17]Why.oh.why didn't l take the blue pill? 为什么我不吞蓝色药丸呢?

[62:00.56]Good shit.huh? 好酒,对吧?

[62:02.79]Dozer makes it.道瑟酿的[62:04.43]lt's good for two things: Degreasing engines and killing brain cells.有两个用处 去油污和破坏大脑细胞

[62:10.00]So can l ask you something? 我可以问你吗?

[62:15.20]Did he tell you why he did it? 他有没有跟你说为何要这样?

[62:19.44]Why you're here? 为何找你来?


[62:27.92]What a mind job.你是怎么想的[62:31.25]So you're here to save the world.所以你来这里是要拯救世界

[62:35.56]What do you say to something like that? 说说看你要怎么做?

[62:42.80]A little piece of advice.我给你个建议

[62:46.00]You see an agent...你看到电脑人

[62:47.74]...you do what we do.要学我们[62:50.34]Run.快跑

[62:52.24]You run your ass off.拼命地跑

[63:01.25]Thanks for the drink.谢谢你的酒

[63:07.62]Sweet dreams.祝有个好梦

[63:12.83]Do we have a deal.Mr.Reagan? 你答应吗,雷根先生?

[63:16.80]You know...你知道吗?

[63:19.50]...l know this steak doesn't exist.这块牛排并不存在 [63:22.94]l know that when l put it in my mouth...当我把肉放进嘴里

[63:25.91]...the Matrix is telling my brain that it is...母体会告诉我的大脑


[63:30.68]...and delicious.又美味

[63:35.35]After nine years...过了九年

[63:37.65]...you know what l realize? 苦日子,你知道吗?

[63:47.03]lgnorance is bliss.无知就是快乐

[63:53.27]Then we have a deal.你答应了

[63:57.64]l don't want to remember nothing.我要忘了这一切

[63:59.81]Nothing.You understand? 这一切 明白吗?

[64:06.35]And l want to be rich.我要当有钱人

[64:09.49]You know.someone important.最好是重要人物

[64:13.66]Like an actor.像是明星

[64:16.06]Whatever you want.Mr.Reagan.悉听尊便,雷根先生


[64:23.27]You get my body back in a power plant...把我的身体带回去

[64:26.07]...reinsert me into the Matrix.l'll get you what you want.重新接上母体 我就答应你

[64:29.84]Access codes to the Zion mainframe.给我锡安主机密码

[64:32.07]No.l told you.l don't know them.不行,我不知道密码

[64:37.21]l can get you the man who does.我会交出知道的人


[64:51.89]Here you go.buddy.Breakfast of champions.来吧,拿去 你的营养早餐

[64:56.53]Close your eyes.it feels like you're eating runny eggs.闭上眼睛假装这是荷包蛋

[64:59.67]Yeah.or a bowl of snot.或是一坨鼻涕

[65:01.70]Do you know what it reminds me of? 我倒觉得有点像

[65:05.27]Tastee Wheat.Did you ever eat Tastee Wheat? 早餐麦片,你吃过吗?

[65:08.11]No.but technically.neither did you.没,实际上谁都没吃过

[65:10.21]That's exactly my point.Exactly.一点也没错

[65:12.25]Because you have to wonder now...这不禁令人纳闷

[65:14.15]...how do the machines really know what Tastee Wheat tasted like? 电脑怎么知道麦片的味道?

[65:17.72]Maybe they got it wrong.也许它们搞错了

[65:19.29]Maybe what l think Tastee Wheat tasted like actually tasted like...DNA 也许麦片的味道其实很像

[65:22.96]...oatmeal or tuna fish.鲔鱼三明治

[65:25.23]That makes you wonder.Take chicken.for example.我开始怀疑,就拿鸡肉来说

[65:28.20]Maybe they didn't know what to make it taste like...它们搞不清鸡肉的味道

[65:30.73]...which is why it tastes like everything.所以和很多肉都像

[65:32.87]-And maybe they---Shut up.Mouse.-也许[65:36.14]lt's a single-celled protein...这是蛋白质


[65:37.94]...combined with synthetic aminos.vitamins and minerals.维他命和矿物质

[65:41.18]Everything the body needs.人类只需要这些

[65:42.71]lt doesn't have everything the body needs.人类也有别的需要

[65:48.42]So l understand that you've run through the agent training program.你接受过辨识敌友训练

[65:52.55]You know.l wrote that program.程式是我写的 [65:54.82]Here it comes.又来了

[65:56.43]-What did you think of her?-Of who?-你觉得她怎样?-谁?

[65:58.76]The woman in the red dress.l designed her.我设计的红衣女郎

[66:02.10]She doesn't talk very much...她话不多,不过

[66:05.13]...but if you'd like to meet her.l can arrange a more personal milieu.你想见她,我可以安排

[66:09.31]-The digital pimp hard at work.-Pay no attention to these hypocrites.Neo.-活像个皮条客-别管这些伪君子

[66:14.54]To deny our own impulses...压抑自己的情欲

[66:16.61]...is to deny the very thing that makes us human.就是否定与生俱来的人性

[66:21.52]Dozer.when you're done.bring the ship up to broadcast depth.道瑟,吃完后 把船开上去进行传送

[66:25.35]We're going in.我们要进去

[66:27.42]l'm taking Neo to see her.我要带尼欧去看她

[66:33.26]See who? 看谁?

[66:35.06]The Oracle.祭师

[66:41.77]Everyone please observe...各位乘客

[66:43.47]...the ''fasten seat belt'' and ''no smoking'' signs are on.请系好安全带,请勿吸烟

[66:46.91]Sit back and enjoy your flight.请坐好,好好享受旅程

[67:14.57]We're in.进去了

[67:31.22]We'll be back in an hour.一小时后回来


[67:49.51]...isn't it? 对吧?


[67:56.95]l used to eat there.我常在那儿吃饭

[68:00.58]Really good noodles.面很好吃

[68:07.02]l have these memories from my life.我这一生中的记忆

[68:11.96]None of them happened.全都没发生

[68:14.40]What does that mean? 这代表什么?

[68:15.80]That the Matrix cannot tell you who you are.母体不知道你是谁

[68:19.00]-But an oracle can?-That's different.-祭师就知道?-那不同

[68:26.94]Did you go to her? 你见过她?


[68:31.05]What did she tell you? 她跟你说什么?

[68:35.65]She told me....她跟我说[68:38.19]What? 什么?

[68:43.16]We're here.到了

[68:44.79]Neo.come with me.尼欧,跟我来

[69:07.15]So is this the same oracle that made...这个祭师曾经

[69:10.15]-...the prophecy?-Yes.-做出预言?-是

[69:12.42]She's very old.She's been with us since the beginning.她很老,一开始就帮我们

[69:16.02]-The beginning?-Of the Resistance.-开始?-反抗运动

[69:20.30]And she knows what? Everything? 她无所不知吗?

[69:24.67]She would say she knows enough.她知道的不少

[69:27.77]Then she's never wrong.她没有错过

[69:31.74]Try not to think of it in terms of right and wrong.别拘泥于对或是错

[69:35.28]She is a guide.Neo.她是引导者

[69:37.21]She can help you to find the path.可以帮你找到道路

[69:39.92]-She helped you?-Yes.-她帮过你?-对

[69:43.32]What did she tell you? 她怎么说?

[69:47.16]That l would find the One.我会找到救世主

[70:02.54]l told you l can only show you the door.我只能带你到门口

[70:05.31]You have to walk through it.你得自己进去

[70:11.18]Hello.Neo.You're right on time.嗨!尼欧 你很准时

[70:22.09]Make yourself at home.Morpheus.Neo.come with me.莫斐斯,随便坐 你跟我来

[70:31.57]These are the other Potentials.这些是候选人

[70:33.40]You can wait here.在这儿等

[71:15.81]Do not try and bend the spoon.别试着折弯汤匙

[71:18.75]That's impossible.那是不可能的[71:21.68]lnstead.only try to realize the truth.你要试着看清真相

[71:26.25]What truth? 什么真相?

[71:27.82]There is no spoon.汤匙不存在 [71:32.13]There is no spoon? 没有汤匙?

[71:33.70]Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends.lt is only yourself.改变的不是汤匙,而是你自己

[71:54.22]The Oracle will you see now.祭师要见你

[72:06.19]l know you're Neo.我知道你是尼欧

[72:08.33]Be right with you.我马上来

[72:10.70]-You're the Oracle?-Bingo.-你就是祭师?-答对了

[72:15.70]Not quite what you were expecting.right? 跟你想像的不一样,对吧?

[72:19.64]Almost done.快好了

[72:24.31]Smell good.don't they? 很香,对吧?

[72:27.72]-Yeah.-l'd ask you to sit down...-很香-我就不请你坐了

[72:30.75]...but you're not going to anyway.反正你也不会坐

[72:33.66]-And don't worry about the vase.-What vase?-花瓶的事没关系-什么花瓶?

[72:39.66]That vase.那个花瓶

[72:41.66]l'm sorry.对不起

[72:43.07]l said.don't worry about it.我说没关系

[72:46.13]l'll get one of my kids to fix it.我会叫那些孩子修

[72:48.67]How did you know? 你怎么知道?

[72:51.91]What's really going to bake your noodle later on is...让你觉得更困惑的是

[72:55.94]...would you still have broken it if l hadn't said anything? 我不说你会打破花瓶吗?

[73:03.85]You're cuter than l thought.你比我想的更帅

第二篇:电影《黑客帝国》剧本 字幕文件 中英双译

[1439:30.00]=字幕制作:LRC中国 http://www.xiexiebang.com [00:07.61]片名:骇客任务 DNA娱乐363

[00:18.52]-Is everything in place?-You weren't supposed to relieve me.(启动通话)


[00:22.06]I know.but I felt like taking a shift.我知道,我只是想接班

[00:25.23]You like him.don't you? You like watching him.你喜欢他,对吧?喜欢看着他

[00:27.90]-Don't be ridiculous.-We're gonna kill him.You understand?-别傻了-我们会害死他,你知道吗?

[00:31.20]Morpheus believes he is the One.莫斐斯相信他是救世主

[00:33.91]-Do you?-It doesn't matter what I believe.-你信吗?-那并不重要

[00:37.08]You don't.do you? 你不信,对吧?

[00:38.91]-Did you hear that?-Hear what?-听到了吗?-什么?

[00:41.25]Are you sure this line is clean? 你确定没被窃听?

[00:43.15]Yeah.of course I'm sure.我很确定

[00:45.49]I better go.我得走了

[01:24.76]-Freeze!Police!-Hands on your head!-别动,警察-手举起来

[01:27.09]Do it!Do it now!快点,举起来



[01:53.19]Lieutenant.you were given specific orders.警官,我给你的指令很明确

[01:56.59]Hey.l'm just doing my job.我只是公事公办

[01:58.96]You give me that ''juris-my-dick-tion'' crap.you can cram it up your ass.要是你给我摆臭架子 你就去死吧

[02:03.86]The orders were for your protection.我是为了你们的安全

[02:07.87]l think we can handle one little girl.我们对付得了一个女人

[02:15.17]l sent two units!我派了两组警员

[02:17.18]They're bringing her down now!他们就要逮到她了

[02:18.98]No.Lieutenant.your men are already dead.才怪,警官,他们早就死了


[02:54.81]Morpheus.the line was traced.l don't know how.莫斐斯,我的行踪暴露了

[02:57.48]I know.They cut the hard line.我知道,电话线被切断

[02:59.35]There's no time.Get to another exit.来不及了,你得找别的出口

[03:01.79]-Are there any agents?-Yes.-附近有干员吗?-有

[03:04.42]Goddamn it.该死

[03:05.86]You have to focus.Trinity.崔妮蒂,你得专心

[03:07.63]There's a phone at Wells and Lake.威斯和雷克街口有电话

[03:10.43]You can make it.你赶得到

[03:12.30]-All right.-Go.-好-去吧

[04:16.00]That's impossible.不可能

[04:52.13]Get up.Trinity.Just get up.起来,崔妮蒂 快起来

[04:54.80]Get up.起来

[05:41.91]She got out.她逃走了

[05:43.75]lt doesn't matter.无所谓

[05:45.25]The informant is real.线人没说错

[05:48.55]-We have the name of their next target.-The name is Neo.-我们知道下一个目标-名字是尼欧

[05:55.53]We'll need a search running.必须进行搜寻

[05:57.36]lt has already begun.已经开始了





[06:54.02]What? 什么?


[07:01.03]What the hell? 搞什么?


[07:10.17]''Follow the white rabbit.'' 跟随小白兔?



[07:23.92]Who is it? 什么人?

[07:25.32]lt's Choi.是乔伊

[07:40.13]You're two hours late.你迟到了两小时

[07:41.93]-l know.lt's her fault.-You got the money?-我知道,都是她的错-钱呢?

[07:46.97]Two grand.两千元

[07:48.97]Hold on.等等



[08:09.56]You're my savior.man.My own personal Jesus Christ.你是救世主,老兄 你是我的救星

[08:12.63]You get caught using that....要是你被逮到

[08:14.37]l know.This never happened.You don't exist.我知道,不能把你抖出来

[08:18.04]-Right.-Something wrong.man?-对-怎么了?

[08:20.34]You look a little whiter than usual.你的脸色很苍白 [08:23.51]My computer.it....我的电脑

[08:28.68]You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming? 你会不会觉得 自己在半梦半醒之间?

[08:34.12]All the time.lt's called mescaline.每次嗑了药就有这种感觉

[08:37.32]lt's the only way to fly.让你腾云驾雾

[08:39.69]Hey.look.it just sounds like you might need to unplug.man.听起来你得发泄发泄

[08:43.56]You know? Get some R and R? 休息一下吧

[08:45.97]What do you think.Dujour? Should we take him with us? 怎么样?带他去好吗?


[08:53.21]No.l can't.l have work tomorrow.不行,明天我得上班

[08:56.84]Come on.来吧

[08:58.28]lt'll be fun.l promise.一定会很好玩,我保证


[09:09.79]Sure.l'll go.我去


[09:41.79]How do you know that name? 你知道我名字?

[09:43.52]l know a lot about you.我知道的很多

[09:46.23]-Who are you?-My name is Trinity.-你是谁?-我叫崔妮蒂


[09:52.23]The Trinity? That cracked the lRS D-base? 不就是侵入国税局的电脑骇客

[09:55.67]That was a long time ago.那是很久以前


[09:59.77]l just thought...我以为

[10:03.34]-...you were a guy.-Most guys do.-你是男的-男人都这么想

[10:07.41]That was you on my computer.你侵入我的电脑

[10:10.25]-How did you do that?-Right now.all l can tell you...-怎么办到的?-现在我只能告诉你

[10:15.29]...is that you're in danger.你有危险

[10:17.29]-l brought you here to warn you.-Of what?-我是来警告你-什么危险?

[10:20.29]They're watching you.Neo.他们在监视你,尼欧

[10:22.73]-Who is?-Please.just listen.-谁?-听我说

[10:28.50]l know why you're here.Neo.我知道你来的目的 [10:31.14]l know what you've been doing.还有你在做什么

[10:33.37]l know why you hardly sleep...我知道你辗转难眠

[10:35.54]...why you live alone.and why.night after night...每天晚上都独自一个人

[10:38.88]...you sit at your computer.坐在电脑前工作

[10:42.38]You're looking for him.你在找他

[10:44.68]l know.because l was once looking for the same thing.我也曾找过同一个人

[10:48.25]And when he found me...当他找到我[10:50.99]...he told me l wasn't really looking for him...他说其实我不是在找他

[10:54.99]...l was looking for an answer.而是寻找一个答案

[10:57.36]lt's the question that drives us.Neo.有个问题驱使着我们,尼欧

[11:01.13]lt's the question that brought you here.这问题把你带来这里

[11:05.94]You know the question...你我

[11:07.57]...just as l did.都知道这个问题

[11:10.58]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?

[11:12.44]The answer is out there.Neo.世上一定有答案,尼欧

[11:15.58]lt's looking for you.它在寻找你

[11:18.42]And it will find you...只要你愿意

[11:20.35]...if you want it to.它就会找到你



[11:41.71]You have a problem with authority.Mr.Anderson.安德森先生,你很叛逆

[11:44.81]You believe that you are special.that somehow the rules do not apply to you.你自以为很特别 可以不遵守公司的规定

[11:49.58]Obviously.you are mistaken.很显然,你错了

[11:54.45]This is one of the top software companies in the world...这是世界顶尖的软体公司

[11:57.66]...because every employee understands they are part of a whole.每个员工都是小螺丝钉

[12:01.29]Thus.if an employee has a problem.the company has a problem.只要一个员工出错 公司就会出毛病

[12:08.20]The time has come to make a choice.Mr.Anderson.你现在有两个选择 安德森先生

[12:12.30]Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth...从今天起准时到公司上班

[12:16.81]...or you choose to find yourself another job.或是另谋高就

[12:20.25]Do l make myself clear? 你明白吗?

[12:21.81]Yes.Mr.Rhineheart.Perfectly clear.是的,我完全明白

[12:32.69]Thomas Anderson? 汤犸斯安德森吗?

[12:35.83]Yeah.that's me.我就是


[12:47.81]Have a nice day.祝你愉快


[13:07.03]Do you know who this is? 你知道我是谁吗?

[13:11.40]-Morpheus.-Yes.-莫斐斯-是的[13:13.40]I've been looking for you.Neo.我一直在找你

[13:15.63]I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you...我不知道你准备好了没有

[13:19.07]...but.unfortunately.you and I have run out of time.不过我们恐怕没时间了

[13:22.51]They're coming for you.Neo.and I don't know what they're going to do.他们来抓你 尼欧,后果不堪设想

[13:26.48]Who's coming for me? 谁来抓我?

[13:28.05]Stand up and see for yourself.站起来自己看

[13:30.38]What? Right now? 什么?现在吗?

[13:32.15]Yes.Now.对 现在 [13:35.52]Do it slowly.慢慢站起来

[13:37.86]The elevator.电梯那边


[13:50.44]-What do they want?-I don't know.-他们抓我干嘛?-不知道

[13:52.34]But if you don't want to find out.get out of there.如果不想被逮 我建议你快逃

[13:55.54]-How?-I can guide you...-怎么逃?-我教你

[13:56.98]...but you must do exactly as I say.不过你得听话

[13:59.81]-Okay.-The cubicle across from you is empty.-好-对面是空的[14:05.58]-But what if they--?-Go.Now.-要是他们-快去

[14:14.49]Stay here for just a moment.先待在这里躲一下

[14:24.10]When I tell you.go to the end of the row...等我下令就走出去

[14:27.01]...to the office at the end of the hall.到走廊尽头的办公室

[14:29.27]Stay as low as you can.尽量趴低点


[14:49.56]Good.Now.outside there is a scaffold.很好,现在外面有个洗窗架

[14:55.67]-How do you know all this?-We don't have time.-你是怎么知道的?-来不及了,尼欧

[14:58.30]To your left there's a window.Go to it.左手边有窗户,快点

[15:03.41]Open it.打开

[15:05.74]Use the scaffold to get to the roof.用洗窗架上到屋顶

[15:07.81]No way!No way!This is crazy!不行,太疯狂了

[15:10.65]There are two ways out of this building.只有两个方法能出去

[15:13.25]One is that scaffold.The other is in their custody.爬上洗窗架或是被他们带走

[15:17.36]You take a chance either way.I leave it to you.都很危险,你自己决定

[15:24.16]This is insane!太疯狂了

[15:27.07]Why is this happening to me? 怎么会有这种事?

[15:29.23]What'd l do? 我干了什么?

[15:31.24]l'm nobody.l didn't do anything.我是小人物,什么也没干

[15:34.57]l'm gonna die.我死定了



[16:13.25]l can't do this.我办不到


[17:17.98]As you can see.we've had our eye on you for some time now.Mr.Anderson.如你所见 我们已经注意你很久了

[17:24.12]lt seems that you've been living...看来你一直有

[17:26.99]...two lives.两种身份

[17:30.56]ln one life.you're Thomas A.Anderson...其中一个是汤犸斯安德森

[17:33.29]...program writer for a respectable software company.软体公司的程式工程师

[17:37.70]You have a social security number.You pay your


[17:41.40]And you...还有

[17:44.27]...help your landlady carry out her garbage.你会帮房东太太倒垃圾

[17:50.41]The other life is lived in computers...另一个你活在电脑中

[17:53.78]...where you go by the hacker alias ''Neo''...使用的骇客代号是尼欧

[17:57.02]...and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for.几乎犯下每项电脑犯罪

[18:03.16]One of these lives...你其中一个身份

[18:05.32]...has a future.有前瞻性的未来

[18:07.49]And one of them does not.另一个则没有

[18:13.20]l'm going to be as forthcoming as l can be.Mr.Anderson.我就直话直说吧,安德森

[18:18.07]You're here...找你来,是因为

[18:19.74]...because we need your help.我们需要你的协助

[18:25.61]We know that you've been contacted by a certain...我们知道你常常联络


[18:31.55]A man who calls himself ''Morpheus.'' 这个人称呼他自己为莫斐斯

[18:36.62]Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant.你对他了解多少都不重要

[18:40.83]He is considered by many authorities...警方都把他视为

[18:43.56]...to be the most dangerous man alive.世上最危险的人物

[18:49.27]My colleagues...我的同事

[18:50.97]...believe that l am wasting my time with you.认为我是在浪费时间

[18:54.17]But l believe you wish to do the right thing.不过我相信你想改过自新

[18:57.88]We're willing to wipe the slate clean...我们愿意删除你的不良纪录

[19:01.75]...give you a fresh start.让你重新做人

[19:04.42]All that we're asking in return is your cooperation...你只要跟我们合作

[19:07.55]...in bringing a known terrorist to justice.把这名恐怖份子绳之以法


[19:14.86]Well.that sounds like a really good deal.这条件听起来很棒

[19:18.70]But l think l got a better one.但我有更棒的想法

[19:20.67]How about...这样吧

[19:22.63]...l give you the finger...我向你伸中指

[19:27.24]...and you give me my phone call.你就让我打电话


[19:37.28]...you disappoint me.你让我很失望

[19:38.75]You can't scare me with this gestapo crap.你这样是吓不倒我的[19:41.59]l know my rights.我有权利

[19:43.22]l want my phone call.我要打电话

[19:45.32]Tell me.Mr.Anderson...请你告诉我,安德森

[19:48.36]...what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak? 开不了口 打电话有什么用?

[20:27.40]You're going to help us.Mr.Anderson...你一定要帮我们

[20:30.27]...whether you want to or not.不管你要或不要

[21:30.70]This line is tapped.so I must be brief.电话被监控,我长话短说

[21:34.20]They got to you first.but they've underestimated how important you are.他们逮到你却低估你的重要性

[21:38.77]If they knew what I know...要是他们知道

[21:40.84]...you would probably be dead.你或许早就没命了

[21:43.88]What are you talking about? What is happening to me? 你在说什么?我是什么人?

[21:47.81]You are the One.Neo.You see.you may have spent the last few years...你是救世主,尼欧

[21:52.85]...looking for me.but I've spent my entire life...这几年来你在找我 但是我这辈子

[21:56.05]...looking for you.都在找你

[21:59.12]Now.do you still want to meet? 现在,你还想见我吗?

[22:02.29]-Yes.-Then go to the Adams Street bridge.-想-那就到亚当街桥

[22:15.31]Get in.上车

[22:28.89]-What the hell is this?-lt's necessary.Neo.-这是干嘛?-是必须的[22:31.72]-For our protection.-From what?-这是为了保护我们的安全-你们怕谁?

[22:33.96]From you.怕你

[22:36.39]-Take off your shirt.-What?-脱掉上衣-什么

[22:38.50]Stop the car.停车

[22:43.77]Listen to me.coppertop.给我听好,你最好废话少说

[22:45.24]We don't have time for 20 Questions.我们没时间慢慢的回答 你所有的问题

[22:47.77]Right now.there's only one rule: 现在,你只有两个选择

[22:50.41]Our way...不听我们的 [22:51.91]...or the highway.就滚下车


[23:02.65]Please.Neo.you have to trust me.拜托,尼欧 请你相信我[23:05.69]-Why?-Because you have been down there.Neo.-为什么?-因为你活在这虚拟世界

[23:09.09]You know that road.对它很清楚

[23:11.30]You know exactly where it ends.只有一个后果

[23:15.10]And l know that's not where you want to be.那不是你想要的[23:31.58]Apoc.lights.开灯

[23:35.69]Lie back.Lift up your shirt.躺下来,掀开上衣

[23:39.86]-What is that thing?-We think you're bugged.-那是什么?-你肚子里有虫

[23:49.73]Try and relax.试着放轻松

[23:57.41]Come on.现身吧

[23:59.78]Come on.快点

[24:02.55]lt's on the move.它在动

[24:05.25]Come on.you shit.可恶

[24:08.32]-You're gonna lose it.-No.l'm not.-你抓不到它-才怪


[24:20.27]Jesus Christ!That thing is real?!天啊,那玩意是真的[24:56.30]This is it.我们到了

[25:00.97]Let me give you one piece of advice.我给你一个建议

[25:04.41]Be honest.老实点

[25:07.65]He knows more than you can imagine.他几乎无所不知

[25:18.59]At last.我们终于见面


[25:23.73]As you no doubt have guessed...你一定猜到

[25:25.93]...l am Morpheus.我就是莫斐斯

[25:28.20]lt's an honor to meet you.见到你是我的荣幸


[25:31.87]...the honor is mine.这是我的荣幸

[25:34.07]Please.come.Sit.请 过来坐

[25:51.69]l imagine...我猜

[25:53.73]...that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice.你现在一定觉得 有点像爱丽丝

[25:58.20]Tumbling down the rabbit hole? 梦游到了仙境

[26:01.53]You could say that.有点像

[26:03.43]l can see it in your eyes.从你的眼神,我看得出来 [26:06.67]You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees...你对这一切逆来顺受

[26:10.17]...because he's expecting to wake up.你想从梦中惊醒

[26:13.88]lronically.this is not far from the truth.老实说,你会醒过来

[26:17.18]Do you believe in fate.Neo? 尼欧,你相信命运吗?

[26:20.08]-No.-Why not?-不信-为什么?

[26:22.62]Because l don't like the idea that l'm not in control of my life.我相信我能掌控自己的生命

[26:26.36]l know exactly what you mean.我了解你所说的意思

[26:34.03]Let me tell you why you're here.让我告诉你来的原因

[26:37.27]You're here because you know something.What you know.you can't explain.你知道有些事 虽然你无法解释

[26:41.61]But you feel it.却能感觉到

[26:43.81]You felt it your entire life: 你这一生都感觉到

[26:46.34]There's something wrong with the world.You don't know what.but it's there.这世界很不对劲 你说不出个所以然来

[26:50.95]Like a splinter in your mind...就像心头有根刺

[26:53.45]...driving you mad.会把你逼疯

[26:56.22]lt is this feeling that has brought you to me.所以你才会找上我[27:01.49]Do you know what l'm talking about? 你知道是什么吗?

[27:05.23]The Matrix? 母体吗?

[27:09.00]Do you want to know...你想知道

[27:11.04]...what it is? 它是什么吗?

[27:15.57]The Matrix is everywhere.母体无所不在 [27:17.68]lt is all around us.随处可见

[27:19.64]Even now.in this very room.它甚至在这房间

[27:22.35]You can see it when you look out your window...你从窗户外可以看到它

[27:24.95]...or when you turn on your television.或在电视上也会看到它

[27:27.62]You can feel it when you go to work...上班时感觉它的存在[27:31.69]...when you go to church...当你上教堂

[27:33.83]...when you pay your taxes.或纳税时也一样

[27:37.00]lt is the world that has been pulled over your eyes...它是虚拟世界

[27:40.16]...to blind you from the truth.在你眼前制造假象蒙


[27:43.97]What truth? 什么真相?

[27:49.47]That you are a slave.Neo.你是个奴隶

[27:52.34]Like everyone else.you were born into bondage...每个人呱呱落地后

[27:55.11]...born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch.就活在一个没有知觉的牢狱

[28:00.08]A prison for your mind.一个心灵的牢笼

[28:09.73]Unfortunately.no one can be...很不幸,我无法告诉你

[28:12.36]...told what the Matrix is.母体到底是什么?

[28:18.27]You have to see it for yourself.你必须亲眼目睹

[28:29.65]This is your last chance.这是你最后一次机会

[28:32.12]After this.there is no turning back.决定了就不能反悔

[28:34.99]You take the blue pill...吞下蓝色药丸的话

[28:36.75]...the story ends.you wake up in your bed and believe...幻境结束,起床后

[28:40.06]...whatever you want to believe.想信什么就信什么 [28:42.09]You take the red pill...吞下红色药丸的话

[28:43.63]...you stay in Wonderland...就留在幻境

[28:46.16]...and l show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.而我就带你去见识见识


[29:00.78]...all l'm offering is the truth.Nothing more.我只能告诉你真相

[29:18.16]Follow me.跟我来

[29:21.97]Apoc.are we online? 艾巴,上线了吗?


[29:28.67]Time is always against us.时间老是不够

[29:31.08]Please.take a seat there.请坐下来

[29:50.76]You did all this? 你也这么做过?

[29:56.60]The pill you took is part of a trace program.药丸里有追踪程式

[29:59.44]lt disrupts your input/output carrier signals so we can pinpoint your location.用来追踪你身体所在的位置

[30:04.38]What does that mean? 什么意思?

[30:06.14]lt means buckle your seat belt.Dorothy...系好安全带,菜鸟

[30:08.65]...because Kansas is going bye-bye.跟老家说再见吧

[30:49.19]Did you...? 你们?

[31:01.57]Have you ever had a dream.Neo.that you were so sure was real? 你曾做过一种梦 仿佛实实在在的发生过?

[31:07.14]What if you were unable to wake from that dream? 要是你醒不过来呢?

[31:09.91]How would you know the difference between the dream world...你该怎么分辨梦世界

[31:13.21]...and the real world? 和真实世界?

[31:16.21]-This can't be.-Be what?-不可能-什么?

[31:19.18]Be real? 不可能是真的?

[31:24.69]lt's going into replication.开始复制程序

[31:26.32]Still nothing.找不到

[31:27.99]lt's cold.lt's cold!好冷 好冷

[31:34.57]Tank.we're going to need a signal soon.坦克,赶快找到讯号

[31:37.37]l got a fibrillation.心脏衰很


[31:40.67]Targeting almost there.就快找到了

[31:45.48]He's going into arrest.他的心跳停止

[31:47.08]-Lock.l got him!-Now.Tank.now!-找到了-坦克,快动手


[34:48.33]...to the real world.来到真实世界

[34:51.66]We've done it.Trinity.我们成功了,崔妮蒂

[34:53.70]We found him.我们找到他了

[34:55.50]-l hope you're right.-l don't have to hope.-希望你没错-不用怀疑

[34:58.87]l know it.我很确定

[35:05.51]Am l dead? 我死了吗?

[35:07.14]Far from it.正好相反

[35:23.26]He still needs a lot of work.他需要很多复健

[35:26.16]What are you doing? 你在做什么?

[35:27.57]Your muscles have atrophied.We're rebuilding them.你的肌肉萎缩,得重新锻炼

[35:30.53]Why do my eyes hurt? 我的眼睛好痛

[35:32.67]You've never used them before.你从来都没用过

[35:38.48]Rest.Neo.The answers are coming.休息吧,尼欧 你会知道答案的[36:55.85]Morpheus.what's happened to me? 莫斐斯,我发生什么事?

[36:58.16]-What is this place?-More important than ''what'' is ''when.''-这是哪里?-更重要的是这是几时

[37:02.86]-''When''?-You believe it's the year 1 999...-几时?-你以为是1999年

[37:06.06]...when.in fact.it's closer to 21 99.其实是2199年左右

[37:09.43]l can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know.我无法告诉你确定的年份 因为我不知道

[37:14.61]There's nothing l can say that will explain it for you.我怎么说你都不会懂,尼欧

[37:17.71]Come with me.See for yourself.跟我来,你自己看吧

[37:20.95]This is my ship.这是我的船

[37:23.05]The Nebuchadnezzar.lt's a hovercraft.《尼布加尼撒号》,是艘气垫船

[37:28.79]This is the main deck.这是主舱

[37:36.56]This is the core...核心地带


[37:40.06]...where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix.我们非法向母体传播讯号

[37:47.20]Most of my crew you already know.这些人你都认识

[37:55.38]This is Apoc...这是艾巴


[38:00.48]-...and Cypher.-Hi.-塞佛-你好

[38:01.89]The ones you don't know.Tank and his big brother.Dozer.你不认识的是 坦克和他大哥道瑟

[38:06.46]The little one behind you is Mouse.在你后面的是茂史

[38:13.26]You wanted to know what the Matrix is.Neo? 你想知道母体是什么吗?


[38:39.79]Try to relax.放轻松

[40:06.54]The world as it was at the end of the 20th century.就是二十世纪末的世界

[40:11.95]lt exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation...其实这是互动的虚拟世界

[40:16.55]...that we call the Matrix.我们所谓的母体

[40:22.33]You've been living in a dream world.Neo.你一直活在梦世界,尼欧

[41:40.90]Fate.it seems.is not without a sense of irony.命运,它似乎充满了反讽

[41:48.31]The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 1 20-volt battery.电脑人身体发出的生化电力 超过120伏特

[41:52.92]And over 25.000 BTUs of body heat.产生25000热量单位

[41:58.99]Combined with a form of fusion...只要经过核翰合 [38:46.23]This will feel a little weird.你会觉得有点怪



[39:01.61]...is the Construct.是主架构

[39:03.75]lt's our loading program.资料载入程式

[39:06.05]We can load anything.from clothing...应有尽有

[39:08.82]...to equipment...包括有衣服器材


[39:12.42]...training simulations...模拟训练

[39:14.66]...anything we need.要什么有什么

[39:20.00]Right now we're inside a computer program? 我们已在电脑程式中?

[39:22.67]ls it really so hard to believe? 这么难以置信吗?

[39:25.10]Your clothes are different.The plugs in your body are gone.你的穿着不同,插孔不见了

[39:28.91]Your hair has changed.发型也不一样

[39:31.44]Your appearance now is what we call ''residual self-image.'' 这是所谓的“残留自我影像”

[39:35.48]lt is the mental projection of your digital self.你在虚拟世界的投影

[39:43.99]-This isn't real?-What is ''real''?-这都不是真的?-什么是真实?

[39:47.29]How do you define ''real''? 真实该怎么定义?

[39:49.73]lf you're talking about what you can feel.what you can smell.taste and see...如果你指的是触觉 嗅觉、味觉和视觉

[39:54.63]...then ''real'' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.那全是大脑接收的电子讯号

[40:02.71]This is the world that you know.这是你熟悉的世界[40:26.10]This is the world as it exists today.这才是真实的世界

[40:42.38]Welcome to the desert...欢迎来到

[40:46.15]...of the real.真实世界

[40:51.16]We have only bits and pieces of information.我们只有残缺的资料

[40:53.76]But what we know for certain is that in the early 21 st century...不过我们知道在21世纪初

[40:57.80]...all of mankind was united in celebration.全人类都欢欣鼓舞

[41:01.30]We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to Al.庆祝我们伟大的成就 AI终于研发成功


[41:08.81]You mean artificial intelligence.你是说人工智慧? [41:10.61]A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.这个人工智慧繁衍出电脑人

[41:15.95]We don't know who struck first.us or them.谁先攻击谁已经不可考

[41:19.78]But we know that it was us that scorched the sky.不过人类却遮蔽了天空

[41:24.72]They were dependent on solar power...当时电脑人只能依靠太阳能

[41:27.06]...and it was believed that they would be unable to survive...人类以为电脑人只要

[41:30.79]...without an energy source as abundant as the sun.失去太阳的能量就会灭亡

[41:34.50]Throughout human history.we have been dependent on machines to survive.在近代的历史 人类一直仰赖电脑生

[42:01.53]...the machines had found all the energy they would ever need.电脑人就有用之不尽的能量

[42:10.43]There are fields.Neo.endless fields...它们开发出一望无际的场地

[42:14.44]...where human beings are no longer born.人类不再从娘胎出生

[42:18.38]We are grown.而是被栽培出来

[42:26.22]For the longest time.l wouldn't believe it.我一直不肯相信

[42:29.09]And then l saw the fields with my own eyes...直到我亲眼看见它们

[42:32.99]...watched them liquefy the dead...将死人融化

[42:35.03]...so they could be fed intravenously to the living.融化的液体用来喂食新生儿

[42:38.86]And standing there.facing the pure.horrifying precision...我眼睁睁看着它们规律的运作

[42:43.30]...l came to realize the obviousness of the truth.终于知道残酷的真相

[42:48.91]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?


[42:54.31]The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world...母体是电脑模拟的梦世界

[42:58.45]...built to keep us under control...为了控制所有的人类

[43:02.75]...in order to change a human being...把我们从人

[43:06.52]...into this.变成这玩意




[43:11.86]l don't believe it.我不相信

[43:13.80]lt's not possible.不可能

[43:15.60]l didn't say it would be easy.Neo.我没说这很容易相信,尼欧

[43:19.00]-l just said it would be the truth.-Stop!-我只说这是真相-别说了

[43:22.21]Let me out!让我出去

[43:24.21]Let me out!l want out!放开我,我要出去

[43:28.08]-Easy.Neo.Easy.-Get this thing out of me.-尼欧,冷静点-把这玩意弄掉

[43:30.95]Get this thing out of me!把这玩意弄掉

[43:34.45]Don't touch me!Get away from me!Stay away from me!别碰我,走开 离我远一点

[43:38.26]l don't believe it.我不信

[43:40.42]l don't believe it.我不相信你

[43:41.99]-l don't believe it.-He's gonna pop.-我不信-他会发疯

[43:45.00]Breathe.Neo.Just breathe.深呼吸,尼欧

[44:05.58]l can't go back.can l? 我回不去了,对吧?


[44:10.42]But if you could...要是你能

[44:12.46]...would you really want to? 你真想回去吗?

[44:16.46]l feel l owe you an apology.We have a rule: 我向你道歉 我们有个规矩

[44:20.30]We never free a mind once it's reached a certain age.绝对不能解放成人的心灵

[44:23.90]lt's dangerous.非常危险

[44:25.57]The mind has trouble letting go.会无法接受真相

[44:27.47]l've seen it before.and l'm sorry.我见过,很抱歉这么说

[44:30.77]l did what l did because...我这么做是因为

[44:33.61]...l had to.别无选择

[44:43.49]When the Matrix was first built.there was a man born inside...当母体成形时 有一个人在里面出生

[44:48.03]...who had the ability to change whatever he wanted...他有能力随意改变母体

[44:52.26]...to remake the Matrix as he saw fit.重新创造真实


[44:56.90]lt was he who freed the first of us...他解放了第一批反抗份子

[45:01.27]...taught us the truth.告诉我们真相

[45:04.34]As long as the Matrix exists...只要母体存在一天

[45:07.71]...the human race will never be free.人类就没有自由

[45:14.02]After he died...他死后

[45:16.35]...the Oracle prophesied his return...祭师预言他将再度降临

[45:19.42]...and that his coming would hail the destruction of the Matrix...他将带来母体的毁灭

[45:23.06]...end the war...战争的终结

[45:25.00]...bring freedom to our people.和全人类的自由

[45:27.63]That is why there are those of us who have spent our entire lives searching the Matrix...所以我们终其一生游走母体中

[45:32.60]...looking for him.寻找救世主

[45:36.61]l did what l did because...我这么做是因为

[45:40.34]...l believe that search is over.我相信我找到了

[45:47.55]Get some rest.好好休息

[45:49.59]You're going to need it.你需要体力

[45:54.39]For what? 做什么?

[45:58.43]Your training.接受训练

[46:17.65]Morning.Did you sleep? 早,睡得好吗?

[46:20.22]You will tonight.我保证

[46:21.82]l guarantee it.你今晚一定睡得好

[46:24.92]l'm Tank.l'll be your operator.我是坦克,你的总机 [46:27.26]-You don't--You don't have any---Holes? Nope.-你身上没有-插孔?没有

[46:30.56]Me and my brother Dozer.we're both 1 00 percent pure...我和我老哥道瑟 我们是百分之百的

[46:33.60]...old-fashioned.homegrown human.纯种人类

[46:35.57]Born free right here...土生土长的自由人

[46:37.37]...in the real world.在真实世界出生的 [46:38.94]Genuine child of Zion.锡安之子

[46:41.44]-Of Zion?-lf the war was over tomorrow...-锡安?-要是战争结束

[46:44.11]-...Zion's where the party would be.-lt's a city?-锡安就热闹了-那是个城市?

[46:47.48]The last human city.The only place we have left.硕果仅存的人类城市

[46:52.35]Where is it? 在哪里?

[46:55.32]Deep underground.near the Earth's core.where it's still warm.在地底,靠近温热的地心

[47:00.39]You live long enough.you might even see it.你活得够久就能看到

[47:04.49]Goddamn!l gotta tell you.l'm excited to see what you're capable of...老实说,要是莫斐斯说得没错

[47:09.70]...if Morpheus is right and all.我很想见识你的本事

[47:11.84]We're not supposed to talk about this.but...我们不该谈这档事

[47:14.87]...if you are...不过如果你是

[47:17.34]...it's a very exciting time.真令人兴奋

[47:20.44]We got a lot to do.We gotta get to it.今天会很忙,我们快开始吧


[47:27.05]We're supposed to start with these operation programs first.本来要从这些程式先开始

[47:30.95]That's major boring shit.Let's do something a little more fun.不过太无聊了 先来点好玩的 [47:34.76]How about...搏击训练

[47:37.83]...combat training? 怎么样?

[47:45.60]''Jujitsu''? 柔道?

[47:47.97]l'm going to learn jujitsu? 我要学柔道?

[48:00.95]Holy shit!我的天

[48:02.45]''Hey.Mikey.l think he likes it.'' 乖乖,他很喜欢

[48:05.12]How about some more? 再来吗?



[48:11.86]“少林拳” “跆拳道”、“醉拳”

[48:23.41]-How is he?-Ten hours straight.He's a machine.-怎么样?-练了十个钟头都不会累

[48:37.99]l know kung fu.我学会功夫了

[48:41.02]Show me.练给我看

[48:43.83]This is a sparring program...这是搏击程式

[48:45.80]...similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix.跟母体创造的世界很像

[48:48.73]lt has the same basic rules.Rules like gravity.一样有地心引力等定律

[48:51.43]These rules are no different than the rules of a computer system.这些定律跟电脑系统没两样

[48:55.44]Some of them can be bent.有些可以更改

[48:57.17]Others can be broken.有些甚至可以破解

[49:00.28]Understand? 懂不懂?

[49:02.61]Then hit me.if you can.那就打我 尽你所能



[49:48.83]But your weakness...不过你的弱点

[49:50.39]...is not your technique.不在于技巧

[49:58.70]Morpheus is fighting Neo.莫斐斯和尼欧对打

[51:13.08]How did l beat you? 我是怎么打败你?

[51:20.72]You're too fast.你太快了

[51:22.45]Do you believe that...难道你以为

[51:24.19]...my being stronger or faster...我在虚拟世界身手这么敏捷

[51:26.96]...has anything to do with my muscles in this place? 跟我的肌肉发不发达有关吗?

[51:34.63]You think that's air you're breathing now? 你在这里需要呼吸吗?


[52:02.66]Jesus Christ.he's fast!天啊,他动作好快

[52:05.23]His neuro-kinetics.they're way above normal.他的运动神经异于常人

[52:13.04]What are you waiting for? 你在等什么?

[52:14.70]You're faster than this.你的动作还要更快

[52:18.91]Don't think you are.别去怀疑

[52:21.38]Know you are.要有信心

[52:33.42]Come on!Stop trying to hit me.and hit me!来呀,别犹豫,直接打我[52:46.14]l don't believe it.我不敢相信

[52:49.44]l know what you're trying to do.我知道你想做什么

[52:53.18]l'm trying to free your mind.Neo.我想解放你的心灵,尼欧

[52:55.71]But l can only show you the door.You're the one that has to walk through it.我只能开启那道门 你得自己走过去

[53:02.55]Tank.load the jump program.坦克,载入跳跃程式


[53:16.33]You have to let it all go.Neo.Fear...你得摆脱一切,尼欧 恐惧

[53:19.57]...doubt and disbelief.犹豫和怀疑

[53:22.94]Free your mind.解放你的心灵


[53:45.53]Free my mind.解放心灵

[53:47.46]-What if he makes it?-No one's ever made their first jump.-他行吗?-没有人第一次就成功

[53:50.70]l know.l know.我知道

[53:52.64]-But what if he does?-He won't.-要是他能呢?-他不能

[53:55.77]Come on.加油

[53:57.04]All right.好吧

[53:58.61]No problem.Free my mind.没问题,解放心灵

[54:01.51]Free my mind.No problem.Right.解放我的心灵,来吧

[54:23.67]What does that mean? 这代表什么?

[54:25.70]lt doesn't mean anything.这不代表什么

[54:28.17]Everybody falls the first time.第一次每个人都会跌倒

[54:31.17]Right.Trin? 崔妮蒂,对吧?

[54:53.13]-l thought it wasn't real.-Your mind makes it real.-我以为这是假的-你的大脑认为是真的[54:59.00]lf you're killed in the Matrix...在虚拟世界里死亡

[55:01.80]-...you die here?-The body cannot live without the mind.-也会死在这里?-大脑死了,身体也活不了

[55:36.11]l don't remember you ever bringing me dinner.你从来都没送过晚餐给我 [55:42.55]There is something about him.isn't there? 他与众不


[55:45.82]Don't tell me you're a believer now.别说你也相信了

[55:48.65]l just keep wondering.if Morpheus is so sure...要是莫斐斯这么有信心

[55:51.82]...why doesn't he take him to see the Oracle? 怎么不带他见祭师?

[55:54.52]Morpheus will take him when he's ready.他准备好了就会去

[56:07.40]The Matrix is a system.Neo.母体是个系统,尼欧

[56:10.67]That system is our enemy.就是我们的敌人

[56:12.64]But when you're inside.what do you see? 你在虚拟世界看到什么?


[56:19.42]The very minds of the people we are trying to save.都是我们想拯救的人

[56:22.29]But until we do.these people are a part of that system...目前这些人被系统控制

[56:25.52]...and that makes them our enemy.所以就是我们的敌人

[56:27.72]You have to understand.most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.你要了解 许多人不能接受真实世界

[56:32.53]And many of them are so inert...更多人已经习惯

[56:34.40]...so hopelessly dependent on the system...非常无望地依赖这系统

[56:37.10]...that they will fight to protect it.愿意誓死保护它

[56:41.34]Were you listening to me.Neo.or looking at the woman in the red dress? 你在听还是在看红衣女郎?

[56:45.48]-l was---Look again.-我是在-再看一次

[56:48.24]Freeze it.停格

[56:55.95]-This isn't the Matrix?-No.-我们不是在母体内?-对

[56:59.42]lt's another training program designed to teach you [57:53.88]Men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air.被我们乱枪扫射却毫发无伤

[57:57.71]Yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules.它们的力量却受限于电脑系统

[60:03.91]...that spanned hundreds of miles.Now these sewers are all that's left of them.现在只剩下水道


[60:53.56]You scared the bejesus out of me.你差点把我吓死

one thing: 这是另一个训练程式 用来教你一件事

[57:03.89]lf you are not one of us.you are one of them.不是朋友就是敌人

[57:06.86]-What are they?-Sentient programs.-谁是敌人?-有思想的电脑人

[57:10.37]They can move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system.他们能在任何软体自由进出 不须更改他们的系统

[57:15.07]That means that anyone we haven't unplugged...我们尚未拯救的每个人

[57:18.61]...is potentially an agent.都可能是电脑人

[57:21.08]lnside the Matrix...在虚拟世界里

[57:23.51]...they are everyone...它们化身为任何人

[57:25.48]...and they are no one.它们无所不在[57:27.45]We have survived by hiding from them and running from them...幸好我们能隐藏起来 并逃脱它们的追踪

[57:30.85]...but they are the gatekeepers.它们是守卫

[57:32.76]They're guarding all the doors and holding all the keys.把守每个门户,掌握每个关键

[57:35.96]Sooner or later.someone will have to fight them.总有一个人迟早会把它们打败

[57:39.00]Someone? 一个人?

[57:40.40]l won't lie to you.Neo.我不想骗你,尼欧

[57:42.30]Every single man or woman...任何单独一人面对它们

[57:44.60]...everyone who has fought an agent.has died.每一个都打不过它们而丧命

[57:47.50]But where they have failed.you will succeed.但是它们就打不过你,你会赢

[57:50.17]Why? 为什么?

[57:51.34]l've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall.它们一拳能击穿水泥墙

[58:02.55]Because of that...因此

[58:03.99]...they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.它们永远都强不过你或快过你

[58:11.66]What are you trying to tell me? 你想说什么?

[58:14.23]That l can dodge bullets? 我能闪躲子弹吗?


[58:19.57]l'm trying to tell you that when you're ready...我是说当你准备好

[58:23.34]...you won't have to.就不必躲子弹

[58:29.05]We got trouble.有麻烦了

[58:48.97]-Did Zion send the warning?-No.another ship.-锡安传来警告吗?-不,是我们的同志


[58:56.24]Squiddy's sweeping in quick.乌贼追上来了

[58:58.37]-Squiddy?-A sentinel.-乌贼?-是艘巡逻舰

[59:00.21]A killing machine designed for one thing.它们用来

[59:02.78]Search and destroy.搜寻及毁灭

[59:05.28]Set her down right over there.把船停在下面

[59:28.07]How are we doing.Tank? 坦克,情况如何?

[59:37.98]Power off-line.切断动力

[59:39.62]EMP armed...启动EMP

[59:42.18]-...and ready.-EMP?-准备发射-EMP?

[59:44.02]Electromagnetic pulse.就是电磁波

[59:46.12]Disables any electrical system in the blast radius.能够破坏任何电子系统

[59:49.26]lt's the only weapon we have against the machines.对付乌贼唯一的武器

[59:57.37]-Where are we?-Their old service and waste systems.-这是哪里?-旧世界的排水系统

[60:01.87]-Sewers.-There used to be cities...-下水道-这里曾是数百里大的城市

[60:56.79]-Sorry.-lt's okay.-对不起-没关系

[61:01.83]-ls that...?-The Matrix?-那是不是-母体?


[61:07.50]-Do you always look at it encoded?-Well.you have to.-全都是代码吗?-没办法

[61:10.91]The image translators work for the construct program.得用解码器才能看到影像

[61:14.28]But there's way too much information to decode the Matrix.资讯太多根本无法完全破解

[61:17.91]You get used to it.l don't even see the code.我习惯了,看到的已不是代码

[61:21.08]All l see is blonde.brunette.redhead.而是看到一个个性感美女

[61:24.82]Hey.do you...你要

[61:27.39]-...want a drink?-Sure.-喝一杯吗?-好啊

[61:33.33]You know...你知道吗?

[61:35.50]...l know what you're thinking.我知道你在想什么

[61:37.30]Because right now l'm thinking the same thing.因为我现在想的跟你一样

[61:39.94]Actually.l've been thinking it ever since l got here.实际上我来了以后就一直在想

[61:45.17]Why.oh.why didn't l take the blue pill? 为什么我不吞蓝色药丸呢?

[62:00.56]Good shit.huh? 好酒,对吧?

[62:02.79]Dozer makes it.道瑟酿的[62:04.43]lt's good for two things: Degreasing engines and killing brain cells.有两个用处 去油污和破坏大脑细胞

[62:10.00]So can l ask you something? 我可以问你吗?

[62:15.20]Did he tell you why he did it? 他有没有跟你说为何要这样?

[62:19.44]Why you're here? 为何找你来?


[62:27.92]What a mind job.你是怎么想的[62:31.25]So you're here to save the world.所以你来这里是要拯救世界

[62:35.56]What do you say to something like that? 说说看你要怎么做?

[62:42.80]A little piece of advice.我给你个建议

[62:46.00]You see an agent...你看到电脑人

[62:47.74]...you do what we do.要学我们


[64:26.07]...reinsert me into the Matrix.l'll get you what you want.重新接上母体 我就答应你

[64:29.84]Access codes to the Zion mainframe.给我锡安主机密码

[64:32.07]No.l told you.l don't know them.不行,我不知道密码

[65:36.14]lt's a single-celled protein...这是蛋白质

[65:37.94]...combined with synthetic aminos.vitamins and minerals.维他命和矿物质

[65:41.18]Everything the body needs.人类只需要这些

[65:42.71]lt doesn't have everything the body needs.人类也有别的需要

[65:48.42]So l understand that you've run through the agent [64:37.21]l can get you the man who does.我会交出知道的人

training program.你接受过辨识敌友训练


[62:52.24]You run your ass off.拼命地跑

[63:01.25]Thanks for the drink.谢谢你的酒

[63:07.62]Sweet dreams.祝有个好梦

[63:12.83]Do we have a deal.Mr.Reagan? 你答应吗,雷根先生?

[63:16.80]You know...你知道吗?

[63:19.50]...l know this steak doesn't exist.这块牛排并不存在[63:22.94]l know that when l put it in my mouth...当我把肉放进嘴里

[63:25.91]...the Matrix is telling my brain that it is...母体会告诉我的大脑


[63:30.68]...and delicious.又美味

[63:35.35]After nine years...过了九年

[63:37.65]...you know what l realize? 苦日子,你知道吗?

[63:47.03]lgnorance is bliss.无知就是快乐

[63:53.27]Then we have a deal.你答应了

[63:57.64]l don't want to remember nothing.我要忘了这一切 [63:59.81]Nothing.You understand? 这一切 明白吗?

[64:06.35]And l want to be rich.我要当有钱人

[64:09.49]You know.someone important.最好是重要人物

[64:13.66]Like an actor.像是明星

[64:16.06]Whatever you want.Mr.Reagan.悉听尊便,雷根先生


[64:23.27]You get my body back in a power plant...把我的身


[64:51.89]Here you go.buddy.Breakfast of champions.来吧,拿去 你的营养早餐

[64:56.53]Close your eyes.it feels like you're eating runny eggs.闭上眼睛假装这是荷包蛋

[64:59.67]Yeah.or a bowl of snot.或是一坨鼻涕

[65:01.70]Do you know what it reminds me of? 我倒觉得有点像

[65:05.27]Tastee Wheat.Did you ever eat Tastee Wheat? 早餐麦片,你吃过吗?

[65:08.11]No.but technically.neither did you.没,实际上谁都没吃过

[65:10.21]That's exactly my point.Exactly.一点也没错

[65:12.25]Because you have to wonder now...这不禁令人纳闷

[65:14.15]...how do the machines really know what Tastee Wheat tasted like? 电脑怎么知道麦片的味道?

[65:17.72]Maybe they got it wrong.也许它们搞错了

[65:19.29]Maybe what l think Tastee Wheat tasted like actually tasted like...DNA 也许麦片的味道其实很像

[65:22.96]...oatmeal or tuna fish.鲔鱼三明治

[65:25.23]That makes you wonder.Take chicken.for example.我开始怀疑,就拿鸡肉来说

[65:28.20]Maybe they didn't know what to make it taste like...它们搞不清鸡肉的味道

[65:30.73]...which is why it tastes like everything.所以和很多肉都像

[65:32.87]-And maybe they---Shut up.Mouse.-也许-闭嘴

[65:52.55]You know.l wrote that program.程式是我写的 [65:54.82]Here it comes.又来了

[65:56.43]-What did you think of her?-Of who?-你觉得她怎样?-谁?

[65:58.76]The woman in the red dress.l designed her.我设计的红衣女郎

[66:02.10]She doesn't talk very much...她话不多,不过

[66:05.13]...but if you'd like to meet her.l can arrange a more personal milieu.你想见她,我可以安排

[66:09.31]-The digital pimp hard at work.-Pay no attention to these hypocrites.Neo.-活像个皮条客-别管这些伪君子

[66:14.54]To deny our own impulses...压抑自己的情欲

[66:16.61]...is to deny the very thing that makes us human.就是否定与生俱来的人性

[66:21.52]Dozer.when you're done.bring the ship up to broadcast depth.道瑟,吃完后 把船开上去进行传送

[66:25.35]We're going in.我们要进去

[66:27.42]l'm taking Neo to see her.我要带尼欧去看她

[66:33.26]See who? 看谁?

[66:35.06]The Oracle.祭师

[66:41.77]Everyone please observe...各位乘客

[66:43.47]...the ''fasten seat belt'' and ''no smoking'' signs are on.请系好安全带,请勿吸烟

[66:46.91]Sit back and enjoy your flight.请坐好,好好享受旅程

[67:14.57]We're in.进去了

[67:31.22]We'll be back in an hour.一小时后回来


[67:49.51]...isn't it? 对吧?


[67:56.95]l used to eat there.我常在那儿吃饭

[68:00.58]Really good noodles.面很好吃

[68:07.02]l have these memories from my life.我这一生中的记忆

[68:11.96]None of them happened.全都没发生

[68:14.40]What does that mean? 这代表什么?

[68:15.80]That the Matrix cannot tell you who you are.母体不知道你是谁

[68:19.00]-But an oracle can?-That's different.-祭师就知道?-那不同

[68:26.94]Did you go to her? 你见过她?


[68:31.05]What did she tell you? 她跟你说什么?

[68:35.65]She told me....她跟我说

[68:38.19]What? 什么?

[68:43.16]We're here.到了

[68:44.79]Neo.come with me.尼欧,跟我来

[69:07.15]So is this the same oracle that made...这个祭师曾经

[69:10.15]-...the prophecy?-Yes.-做出预言?-是

[69:12.42]She's very old.She's been with us since the beginning.她很老,一开始就帮我们

[69:16.02]-The beginning?-Of the Resistance.-开始?-反抗运动

[69:20.30]And she knows what? Everything? 她无所不知吗?

[69:24.67]She would say she knows enough.她知道的不少

[69:27.77]Then she's never wrong.她没有错过

[69:31.74]Try not to think of it in terms of right and wrong.别拘泥于对或是错

[69:35.28]She is a guide.Neo.她是引导者

[69:37.21]She can help you to find the path.可以帮你找到道路

[69:39.92]-She helped you?-Yes.-她帮过你?-对

[69:43.32]What did she tell you? 她怎么说?

[69:47.16]That l would find the One.我会找到救世主

[70:02.54]l told you l can only show you the door.我只能带你到门口

[70:05.31]You have to walk through it.你得自己进去

[70:11.18]Hello.Neo.You're right on time.嗨!尼欧 你很准时

[70:22.09]Make yourself at home.Morpheus.Neo.come with me.莫斐斯,随便坐 你跟我来

[70:31.57]These are the other Potentials.这些是候选人

[70:33.40]You can wait here.在这儿等

[71:15.81]Do not try and bend the spoon.别试着折弯汤匙

[71:18.75]That's impossible.那是不可能的[71:21.68]lnstead.only try to realize the truth.你要试着看清真相

[71:26.25]What truth? 什么真相?

[71:27.82]There is no spoon.汤匙不存在 [71:32.13]There is no spoon? 没有汤匙?

[71:33.70]Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends.lt is only yourself.改变的不是汤匙,而是你自己

[71:54.22]The Oracle will you see now.祭师要见你

[72:06.19]l know you're Neo.我知道你是尼欧

[72:08.33]Be right with you.我马上来

[72:10.70]-You're the Oracle?-Bingo.-你就是祭师?-答对了

[72:15.70]Not quite what you were expecting.right? 跟你想像的不一样,对吧?

[72:19.64]Almost done.快好了

[72:24.31]Smell good.don't they? 很香,对吧?

[72:27.72]-Yeah.-l'd ask you to sit down...-很香-我就不请你坐了

[72:30.75]...but you're not going to anyway.反正你也不会坐

[72:33.66]-And don't worry about the vase.-What vase?-花瓶的事没关系-什么花瓶?

[72:39.66]That vase.那个花瓶

[72:41.66]l'm sorry.对不起

[72:43.07]l said.don't worry about it.我说没关系

[72:46.13]l'll get one of my kids to fix it.我会叫那些孩子修

[72:48.67]How did you know? 你怎么知道?

[72:51.91]What's really going to bake your noodle later on is...让你觉得更困惑的是

[72:55.94]...would you still have broken it if l hadn't said anything? 我不说你会打破花瓶吗?

[73:03.85]You're cuter than l thought.你比我想的更帅

[73:08.79]l can see why she likes you.难怪她喜欢你

[73:11.96]-Who?-Not too bright.though.-谁?-你不太聪明

[73:18.40]You know why Morpheus brought you to see me.莫斐斯对你很有信心


[73:25.74]...what do you think? 你觉得呢?

[73:28.98]Do you think you are the One? 你是救世主吗?

[73:32.71]Honestly.l don't know.老实说,不知道

[73:37.12]You know what that means? 你看得懂吗?

[73:39.39]lt's Latin.拉丁文

[73:40.89]Means.''Know thyself.'' 意思是“了解自己”

[73:44.59]l'll let you in on a little secret.我跟你说个秘密

[73:48.80]Being the One is just like being in love.当救世主就像谈恋爱

[73:53.30]No one can tell you you're in love.You just know it...没什么道理,你却很确定

[73:56.47]...through and through.全身上下都知道

[73:57.94]Balls to bones.从毕丸到骨子里都知道


[74:05.31]...l'd better have a look at you.我最好看看你

[74:08.75]Open your mouth.Say.''Ah.'' 张开口说“啊”


[74:26.90]Now l'm supposed to say.''Hmm.that's interesting.but....'' 现在我该说 有意思,不过

[74:32.37]Then you say...你要反问

[74:34.28]...''but what?'' 不过什么?

[74:35.68]But you already know what l'm going to tell you.你早就知道我要说什么

[74:41.02]-l'm not the One.-Sorry.kid.-我不是救世主-小子,很抱歉

[74:45.59]You got the gift...你很有潜力

[74:48.69]...but it looks like you're waiting for something.不过你在等待什么

[74:55.93]-What?-Your next life.maybe.Who knows?-等什么?-等着投胎转世吧,谁知道?

[75:00.20]That's the way these things go.事情就是这么无奈


[76:23.08]Don't worry about it.不过别担心

[76:24.79]As soon as you step outside that door...你一出去

[76:27.49]...you'll start feeling better.心情就会好多了

[76:30.33]You'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap.你不相信什么狗屁命运

[76:34.90]You're in control of your own life.你掌控自己的生命

[78:54.90]Let's go.走吧

[79:00.88]They cut the hard line.lt's a trap!Get out!被切断,是陷阱,快走


[79:49.69]That's what they changed.We're trapped.我们被困住,出不去

[79:52.43]Be calm.Give me your phone.冷静,电话给我 [79:54.56]They'll be able to track it.他们能追踪

[79:56.30]We have no choice.没办法

[75:03.51]-What's funny?-Morpheus.-有什么好笑?-莫斐斯

[76:38.50]Remember? 记得吗?

[75:09.41]He almost had me convinced.我差点就相信他

[75:11.38]l know.我知道

[75:14.08]Poor Morpheus.可怜的莫斐斯

[75:18.55]Without him.we're lost.没有他,我们早就输了

[75:23.26]What do you mean.''without him''? 那是什么意思?

[75:29.36]Are you sure you want to hear this? 你真的想听?

[75:33.50]Morpheus believes in you.Neo.莫斐斯相信你,尼欧

[75:38.01]And no one.not you.not even me...没有任何人,包括你和我[75:40.41]...can convince him otherwise.也劝动不了他

[75:43.01]He believes it so blindly...他为了这盲目的信念

[75:45.71]...that he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours.愿意牺牲自己救你一命

[75:50.29]-What?-You're going to have to make a choice.-什么?-你必须做出选择

[75:54.89]ln the one hand.you'll have Morpheus' life.一方面是莫斐斯的性命

[75:58.99]And in the other hand.you'll have your own.另一方面是你自己的[76:03.30]One of you is going to die.你们其中一个会死

[76:07.67]Which one...will be up to you.你能决定哪一个会死

[76:12.27]l'm sorry.kiddo.l really am.真是抱歉

[76:14.44]You have a good soul.你的心肠很好

[76:17.25]And l hate giving good people bad news.我不想跟


[76:44.54]...take a cookie.吃块饼干

[76:46.68]l promise.by the time you're done eating it...我保证等你吃完饼干

[76:50.95]...you'll feel right as rain.就会心情开朗

[77:02.49]What was said...她想说的话

[77:04.46]...was for you...只是针对你

[77:06.46]...and for you alone.只有你能听


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[77:31.19]They're on their way.他们回去了

[78:02.32]What is that? 什么玩意?

[78:18.00]Whoa.deja vu.似曾相识

[78:22.94]-What did you just say?-Nothing.Just had deja vu.-你说什么?-没什么,我眼花了

[78:25.91]-What did you see?-What happened?-看到什么?-怎么了?

[78:29.04]A black cat went past us...一只黑猫走过去

[78:31.45]...then another just like it.另一只又过去

[78:33.28]How much like it? Was it the same cat? 是同一只猫吗?

[78:36.05]Might have been.l'm not sure.我不确定


[78:43.12]-What is it?-A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix.-怎么了?-通常电脑有变动

[78:46.33]lt happens when they change something.才会这样

[78:51.93]Oh.my God.我的天


[80:00.67]Find a structural drawing of this building.Find it fast.快找出旅馆的蓝图,快点

[80:11.41]-Got it!-I need the main wet-wall.-找到了-管线入口在哪里?

[80:17.29]Eighth floor.They're on the eighth floor.八楼 他们在八楼

[80:20.16]Switch.straight ahead.苏哩琪,就在前面

[80:29.63]l hope the Oracle gave you some good news.希望你真是救世主

[80:40.04]Now left.That's it.左边,到了


[80:52.62]Where are they? 他们在哪里?

[81:54.38]They're in the walls.在墙里面

[81:56.95]ln the walls!在墙里面

[82:19.57]lt's an agent!是电脑人

[82:30.22]You must get Neo out!He's all that matters!救出尼欧 他最重要




[82:44.43]-We can't leave him!-We have to!-不能丢下他-一定要

[83:10.79]Cypher.come on!快点

[83:17.47]The great Morpheus.伟大的莫斐斯

[83:19.93]We meet at last.我们终于见面

[83:21.40]And you are? 你是谁?

[83:23.10]A Smith.史密斯

[83:25.14]Agent Smith.电脑人

[83:27.01]You all look the same to me.你们长得都一样

[84:24.70]Take him.把他带走


[84:39.21]-Operator.-I need an exit.fast.-总机-我要找到出口


[84:43.15]There was an accident.Goddamn car accident.出了意外,是车祸

[84:46.35]All of a sudden.boom.突然就撞车

[84:48.39]-Somebody up there still likes me.-l got you.-上帝保佑我-找到你了

[84:51.83]-Just get me out of here fast.-Nearest exit.Franklin and Erie.-快把我救回去-出口在法兰克街的修理店

[84:55.40]An old TV repair shop.一间电视修理厂,老店


[85:01.04]-Operator.-Tank.it's me.-总机-坦克,是我 [85:02.87]ls Morpheus alive? 莫斐斯还活着吗?

[85:04.44]ls Morpheus alive.Tank? 他还活着吗?

[85:05.87]Yes.They're moving him.I don't know where to yet.他被他们带走了

[85:08.34]-He's alive.We need an exit.-You're not far from Cypher.-他没死,我们得逃走-塞佛在附近

[85:11.98]-Cypher?-l know.-塞佛?-我知道

[85:13.58]-I sent him to Franklin and Erie.-Got it.-他在法兰克街-收到

[85:24.73]Got him.接到了

[85:36.90]-Where are they?-Making the call.-他们呢?-我在打电话


[85:55.09]You first.Neo.你先走


[86:08.77]l don't know.lt just went dead.我不知道,电话突然断线


[86:39.37]Cypher? Where's Tank? 塞佛,坦克呢?

[86:46.27]You know...你知道吗?

[86:49.01]...for a long time...常久以来

[86:52.35]...l thought l was in love with you.我以为我爱上你

[86:56.05]I used to dream about you.我常梦到你

[86:59.19]You're a beautiful woman.Trinity.你是个美女,崔妮蒂

[87:02.16]Too bad things had to turn out this way.可惜是这种结局

[87:05.26]You killed them.你杀死他们


[87:08.36]l'm tired.Trinity.我累了,崔妮蒂

[87:11.20]l'm tired of this war...我讨厌这场战争

[87:13.37]...tired of fighting.l'm tired of this ship...我不想打仗,我恨这艘船

[87:16.54]...of being cold.of eating the same goddamn goop every day.冷冰冰的,每天吃那坨浆糊

[87:23.68]But most of all...我最恨的是

[87:25.21]...I'm tired of that jackoff and all of his bullshit.我受不了那家伙的痴心妄想


[87:31.42]l bet you never saw this coming...你一定没想到

[87:33.89]...did you? 对不对?

[87:37.22]God.l wish l could be there...我真希望当时在场

[87:40.16]...when they break you.看他们如何扁你

[87:42.73]l wish l could walk in just when it happens...我真想亲眼目睹

[87:46.60]...so right then...而且当场

[87:48.54]...you'd know it was me.让你知道是我干的 [87:50.61]-You gave them Morpheus.-He lied to us.Trinity.-你背叛莫斐斯-他耍我们,崔妮蒂

[87:53.84]He tricked us!他欺骗我们

[87:55.88]lf you had told us the truth...要是你告诉我们实话

[87:58.05]...we would've told you to shove that red pill up your ass!我们就不会吞下红色药丸

[88:01.28]That is not true.Cypher.He set us free.错了,塞佛,他给我们自由

[88:03.72]''Free.'' You call this ''free''? 自由?这也叫自由吗?

[88:08.96]All l do is what he tells me to do.我只能听他的话

[88:13.06]lf l got to choose between that and the Matrix...在他和母体之间

[88:17.10]...l choose the Matrix.我会选择母体

[88:18.60]The Matrix isn't real.母体是虚拟世界

[88:20.53]I disagree.Trinity.我不同意,崔妮蒂

[88:22.17]l think the Matrix...我认为母体

[88:24.77]...can be more real than this world.比这个世界还要真实

[88:29.54]All l do is pull the plug here...我只要拔掉插头

[88:32.41]...but there...在母体里

[88:34.15]...you have to watch Apoc die.你就得眼睁睁看着他死



[88:44.19]-Welcome to the real world.huh?-But you're out.Cypher.-欢迎到真实世界-你被带出来

[88:47.36]-You can't go back.-No.that's what you think.-回不去了-不见得

[88:50.06]They're gonna reinsert my body.我会重新接上母体

[88:51.87]I go back to sleep.When I wake up.I won't remember a goddamn thing.睡一觉起来就会忘记一切

[88:55.70]By the way.if you have anything terribly important to say to Switch...对了 你想跟苏哩琪讲话

[89:00.21]-...I suggest you say it now.-No.please don't.-趁现在快说-住手

[89:03.18]Not like this.我不想这样死

[89:06.51]Not like this.我不想死

[89:12.52]Too late.太迟了

[89:14.02]Goddamn you.Cypher!你真该死,塞佛

[89:15.92]Don't hate me.Trinity.别恨我,崔妮蒂

[89:18.16]l'm just a messenger.我只是信差

[89:20.46]And right now.l'm going to prove it to you.现在,我要证明给你看

[89:24.73]lf Morpheus was right...要是莫斐斯没错

[89:26.87]...there's no way l can pull this plug.我就杀不了他

[89:29.44]I mean.if Neo's the One...如果尼欧是救世主

[89:31.41]...then there'd have to be...就一定会发生奇迹

[89:33.47]...some kind of a miracle to stop me.阻止我 [89:36.61]Right? 对吧?

[89:38.11]l mean.how can he be the One if he's dead? 我是说他死了怎么当救世主?

[89:42.82]You never did answer me before...你没说

[89:45.35]...if you bought into Morpheus' bullshit.你信不信莫斐斯的屁话

[89:48.06]Come on.All l want is a little yes or no.拜托,我只要你说信或不信

[89:52.63]Look into his eyes...看着他的双眼

[89:55.70]...those big.pretty eyes...那对帅气的双眸

[89:59.93]...and tell me...告诉我 [90:02.00]...yes...你信

[90:03.64]...or no.或不信?


[90:08.21]l don't believe it.我不相信

[90:10.54]Believe it or not.you piece of shit.you're still going to burn!浑蛋,你信不信都会下地狱

[90:33.83]You first.你先去

[90:43.21]-You're hurt.-l'll be all right.-你受伤了-我没事

[90:48.28]Dozer? 道瑟呢?

[91:07.67]Have you ever stood and stared at it? 你有没有看着这世界

[91:10.97]Marveled at its beauty...惊鼓它的完美和

[91:14.48]...its genius? 造物主的天才呢?

[91:17.91]Billions of people...亿万人口

[91:20.01]...just living out their lives...浑浑噩噩过活


[91:30.06]Did you know that the first Matrix...你知道第一个母体

[91:33.19]...was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered...被设计成没有痛苦的世界

[91:38.40]...where everyone would be happy.当时每个人都很快乐

[91:41.84]lt was a disaster.结果一塌糊涂

[91:43.57]No one would accept the program.Entire crops were lost.没人习惯这种生活 整批人都死亡

[91:48.78]Some believe that...有些电脑人相信

[91:50.78]...we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world.我们无法设计完美人类世界

[91:55.42]But l believe that.as a species...不过我却认为原来的

[91:58.59]...human beings define their reality through misery...人类是透过痛苦和苦难

[92:02.66]...and suffering.来面对真实

[92:04.26]So the perfect world was a dream...所以完美世界是场噩梦

[92:07.19]...that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.你们人类不断想要从中惊醒

[92:13.37]Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this.所以母体才要经过重新设计

[92:17.54]The peak of your civilization.呈现二十世纪末文明 [92:20.91]l say ''your civilization''...本来是你们的文明

[92:23.48]...because as soon as we started thinking for you.it really became our civilization...换了主人就成为我们的文明

[92:28.32]...which is.of course.what this is all about.就是这么一回事



[92:38.73]Like the dinosaur.就像恐龙灭亡

[92:42.76]Look out that window.看着窗外

[92:45.17]You had your time.人类曾有辉煌岁月

[92:47.97]The future is our world.Morpheus.但是未来属于我们的,莫斐斯

[92:52.24]The future is our time.我们是未来的主人

[92:58.75]There could be a problem.有个问题

[93:00.95]-What are they doing to him?-They're breaking into his mind.-它们在做什么?-侵入他的大脑

[93:04.32]lt's like hacking a computer.All it takes is time.就像侵入电脑,得花点时间

[93:06.99]How much time? 多少时间?

[93:08.49]Depends on the mind.But eventually.it'll crack...他很坚强 但是迟早会崩溃

[93:11.83]...and his alpha patterns will change from this to this.他的脑波会逐渐被控制

[93:16.53]When it does.he'll tell them anything they want to know.完全控制后 莫斐斯什么都会说出来

[93:19.70]What do they want? 它们要什么?

[93:21.14]The leader of every ship is given codes to Zion's mainframe computer.叛军领袖都有锡安主机密码

[93:25.27]lf an agent got the codes and got into Zion's mainframe...要是电脑人侵入锡安主机

[93:28.51]...they could destroy us.We can't let that happen.我们就毁了 绝不能让它们得逞

[93:31.71]Trinity.Zion's more important than me or you...锡安比你或我都重要

[93:35.52]...or even Morpheus.甚至莫斐斯

[93:40.59]-There has to be something that we can do.-There is.We pull the plug.-一定有办法-有,拔掉插头

[93:47.76]You're going to kill him? 你打算要杀他

[93:49.70]Kill Morpheus? 杀死莫斐斯?

[93:51.50]We don't have any other choice.我们别无选择

[93:59.94]Never send a human to do a machine's job.人类就是没有用

[94:03.14]lf indeed the insider has failed...我们的内线失败

[94:05.18]...they'll sever the connection as soon as possible.unless--他们会拔掉他的插头

[94:08.62]They're dead.ln either case--也许他们死了

[94:10.52]We have no choice.but to continue as planned.Deploy the sentinels.我们得照计划进行


[94:20.66]Morpheus.you were more than a leader to us.莫斐


[94:24.33]You were a father.更像是父亲

[94:28.04]We'll miss you always.我们会永远怀念你


[94:39.11]l don't believe this is happening.我们不能这么做

[94:40.81]-Neo.this has to be done.-Does it?-只能这么做-[95:39.87]Even if you somehow got inside.those are agents holding him.Three of them.而且有三个电脑人在看守他

[95:45.55]l want Morpheus back too.but what you're talking about is suicide.我也想救他,不过你这是自杀

[95:49.65]l know that's what it looks like.but it's not.我知道你不会了解

[97:15.90]...that you're not actually mammals.你们不是哺乳动物

[97:20.41]Every mammal on this planet...地球的哺乳动物

[97:23.24]...instinctively develops a natural equilibrium...都会和大自然

[97:26.25]...with the surrounding environment.维持平衡生态


[94:43.62]l don't know.我不确定

[94:45.25]-This can't be just coincidence.-What are you talking about?-这一定不是巧合-什么?

[94:48.62]The Oracle....She told me this would happen.祭师说会发生这种事

[94:51.73]She told me that l would have to make a choice.她跟我说 我必须做选择

[94:56.33]What choice? 什么选择?

[95:01.10]-What are you doing?-l'm going in.-你在干嘛?-我要进去

[95:03.30]-No.you're not.-l have to.-不行,你不能-我一定要去

[95:05.97]Neo.Morpheus sacrificed himself so that we could get you out.他牺牲自己把你救出来

[95:09.94]There is no way that you're going back in.你不能再回去

[95:12.48]Morpheus did what he did because he believed l'm something l'm not.我不是他认为的那个人

[95:17.45]What? 什么?

[95:18.85]l'm not the One.Trinity.我不是救世主,崔妮蒂

[95:20.85]-The Oracle hit me with that too.-No.you have to be.-祭师说的-不,你一定是

[95:24.06]l'm sorry.l'm not.l'm just another guy.抱歉,我不是,我只是凡人

[95:27.36]No.Neo.that's not true.不,尼欧,这不是真的 [95:29.23]-lt can't be true.-Why?-这不可能是真的-为什么?

[95:35.50]Neo.this is loco.They've got Morpheus in a military-controlled building.你疯了,那儿有军队防守

[95:52.75]l can't explain to you why it's not.我也不会解释

[95:56.22]Morpheus believed something.and he was ready to give his life for it.莫斐斯有个信念 他愿意为它牺牲生命

[96:00.19]l understand that now.That's why l have to go.我能体会,所以我得去

[96:03.50]-Why?-Because l believe in something.-为什么?-因为我也有信念

[96:06.47]What? 什么信念?

[96:08.47]l believe l can bring him back.我相信我能把他救走

[96:27.19]-What are you doing?-Going with you.-你干嘛?-我跟你去

[96:29.52]-No.you're not.-''No''?-不行-不行?

[96:32.56]Let me tell you what l believe.让我告诉你

[96:35.13]Morpheus means more to me than he does to you.我比你更关心莫斐斯

[96:37.90]l believe if you are really serious about saving him.you will need my help.你真想救他就需要我的帮助

[96:42.40]And since l am the ranking officer...我比你资深

[96:44.74]...if you don't like it.l believe you can go to hell.如果你不满意,就不如去死

[96:48.38]Because you aren't going anywhere else.没有我,你死定了

[96:51.21]Tank.load us up.坦克 开始吧

[97:03.62]l'd like to share a revelation that l've had...我想跟你分享一个心得

[97:07.33]...during my time here.当我在母体内

[97:09.16]lt came to me when l tried to classify your species...我在为你们分类时有个领悟

[97:13.43]...and l realized...我发现

[97:28.35]But you humans do not.人类却不会

[97:30.78]You move to an area.and you multiply...你们每到一处就拼命利用

[97:34.59]...and multiply.until every natural resource is consumed.直到耗尽所有的大自然资源

[97:39.39]The only way you can survive...生存的唯一办法

[97:41.73]...is to spread to another area.就是侵占别处

[97:50.14]There is another organism on this planet...地球上只有另一种生物

[97:53.24]...that follows the same pattern.才会这么做

[97:55.88]Do you know what it is? 你知道是什么吗?

[97:57.95]A virus.病毒

[98:01.05]Human beings are a disease.人类

[98:04.52]A cancer of this planet.是种疾病

[98:06.32]You are a plague.你们是地球的癌症和瘟疫

[98:08.96]And we...而我们电脑

[98:10.52]...are the cure.就是解药

[98:12.93]Okay.so what do you need? 好吧,除了奇迹

[98:14.93]Besides a miracle.你还要什么?


[98:18.77]Lots of guns.很多枪枝

[98:32.85]No one has ever done anything like this.尼欧 没人敢做这种尝试

[98:36.55]That's why it's going to work.所以才会成功

[98:42.56]Why isn't the serum working? 迷药为什么没用?

[98:45.09]Perhaps we're asking the wrong questions.也许我们问得不对

[98:49.50]Leave me with him.你们先出去


[99:05.65]Hold on.Morpheus.撑着点,莫斐斯,他们去救你

[99:07.45]They're coming for you.They're coming.他们来了

[99:12.59]Can you hear me.Morpheus? 莫斐斯,你听得到吗?

[99:14.96]l'm going to be honest...要老实

[99:17.99]...with you.跟你说


[99:26.07]...hate this place...恨这地方

[99:29.57]...this zoo...这座动物园

[99:32.11]...this prison...这间牢狱

[99:33.54]...this reality.whatever you want to call it.这个真实,随便你怎么说

[99:36.88]l can't stand it any longer.我再也受不了了

[99:39.95]lt's the smell.都是那味道

[99:43.15]lf there is such a thing.真有味道的话

[99:45.42]l feel saturated by it.我觉得这味道包围着我 [99:50.16]l can...我甚至可以


[99:53.53]...your stink.你的臭味

[99:55.73]And every time l do.l fear that l have somehow been infected by it.每次我都怕受到你感染

[99:59.70]lt's repulsive.很恶心

[100:01.50]lsn't it? 对不对?

[100:05.11]l must get out of here.我一定要出去

[100:07.77]l must get free.我必须离开

[100:10.28]And in this mind is the key.而方法却在你脑里

[100:13.41]My key.它是属于我的[100:15.18]Once Zion is destroyed.there is no need for me to be here.只要毁灭锡安,我就可以走

[100:18.42]Do you understand? 你明白吗?

[100:20.32]l need the codes.我要密码

[100:21.99]l have to get inside Zion...你得告诉我

[100:24.62]...and you have to tell me how.怎么侵入锡安主机

[100:27.53]You're going to tell me...你是选择说出来

[100:29.66]...or you're going to die.还是要我赐你一死

[100:52.05]Please remove any metallic items you're carrying.请拿掉金属品

[100:54.79]Keys.loose change.钥匙或零钱

[100:58.99]Holy shit!天啊

[101:12.24]Backup.Send backup.支援 快派人支援


[103:54.97]What were you doing? 你在干嘛?

[103:57.77]He doesn't know.他不知道

[103:59.31]Know what? 知道什么?



[104:28.90]l think they're trying to save him.他们想把他救走 [104:46.22]There is no spoon.汤匙不存在[105:17.62]Find them and destroy them!找出来并杀了他们

[105:21.42]l repeat.we are under attack!重覆,我们遭到攻击[105:55.86]崔妮蒂!


[106:20.11]Only human.只杀人类

[106:22.45]Dodge this.你躲呀

[106:36.56]-How did you do that?-Do what?-如何做的?-做什么?

[106:38.53]You moved like they do.l've never seen anyone move that fast.跟它们一样快 我没见过这么快的人

[106:43.57]lt wasn't fast enough.还不够快

[106:47.67]Can you fly that thing? 你会开吗?

[106:50.41]Not yet.还不会

[106:54.51]-Operator.-I need a pilot program...-总机-我要B212款直升机的驾驶程式

[106:56.58]...for a B-2 1 2 helicopter.[106:59.32]Hurry.快点

[107:08.53]Let's go.走吧


[108:17.90]Morpheus.get up.Get up.get up.莫斐斯,起来起来

[108:58.57]He's not going to make it.他跳不过来

[109:09.42]l got you.抓到你了

[110:59.36]l knew it.我就知道

[111:01.46]He's the One.他是救世主

[111:18.54]Do you believe it now.Trinity? 崔妮蒂,你相信了吗?

[111:26.75]The Oracle....祭师

[111:28.86]-She told me---She told you...-她跟我说-她已告诉你

[111:31.62]...exactly what you needed to hear.That's all.你需要听的话 就说到这里

[111:35.86]Neo.sooner or later you'll realize.just as l did...尼欧,你迟早会知道

[111:39.13]...there's a difference between knowing the path...知道你的未来不够

[111:42.24]...and walking the path.你得体验


[111:48.57]-lt's good to hear your voice.sir.-We need an exit.-听到你的声音真好-我们需要出口

[111:51.51]Got one ready.Subway station.State and Balboa.有了,州立街和包威街地铁站

[112:07.23]-Damn it!-The trace was completed.-可恶-追踪完毕

[112:09.96]-We have their position.-Sentinels are standing by.-找到他们了-乌贼正在待命

[112:15.27]Order the strike.命令它们攻击

[112:23.28]They're not out yet.他们还没走

[112:36.46]You first.Morpheus.你先走

[112:58.51]Neo.l want to tell you something...尼欧,我要告诉你一件事

[113:04.05]...but l'm afraid of what it could mean if l do.不过我很怕 会有不好的结果

[113:11.62]Everything the Oracle told me has come true.祭师跟我说的都成真

[113:17.70]Everything but this.除此之外

[113:21.07]But what? 除了什么?

[113:47.96]-What the hell happened?-An agent.-发生什么事?-是电脑人

[113:49.96]-You have to send me back.-l can't.-送我回去-不行



[114:04.78]-What is he doing?-He's beginning to believe.-他在干什么?-他开始相信了

[114:34.87]You're empty.你没子弹了

[114:36.81]So are you.你也一样

[115:11.28]l'm going to enjoy watching you die...我打算看着你死


[115:57.42]Jesus.he's killing him.老天,他活不成 [117:25.64]You hear that.Mr.Anderson? 你听到了吗?

[117:28.51]That is the sound of inevitability.这是命运的轰隆声

[117:34.15]lt is the sound of your death.你的死期到了


[117:40.93]My name...我的名字是

[117:45.56]...is Neo.尼欧

[118:19.90]-What happened?-l don't know.l lost him.-怎么回事?-他不见了




[118:40.25]-How long?-Five.maybe six minutes.-还有多久?-


[118:44.52]Tank.charge the EMP.启动电磁波

[118:46.93]-We can't use that until he's out.-l know.Trinity.Don't worry.-他出来才能发射-我知道,别担心

[118:51.20]He's gonna make it.他逃得出来

[118:52.47]Flat or pumps? No.just--平底的还高根的?不用,就

[118:54.63]What the shit? That's my phone!搞什么?那是我的电话

[118:57.94]That guy took my phone!他抢走我电话

[119:02.04]Got him!He's on the run.找到了,他正在逃

[119:04.34]Mr.Wizard.get me the hell out of here!老兄,快把我救走

[119:07.35]I got an old exit.Wabash and Lake.华伯和雷克街有出口


[119:35.74]Help!Need a little help!求助,我需要帮个小忙

[119:39.38]The door.那道门

[119:56.60]The door on your left.左手边的门

[119:58.96]No.your other left!另一边

[120:06.94]The back door.走后门



[120:31.76]Here they come.它们来了

[121:02.06]He's going to make it.他回得来

[121:13.54]The fire escape at the end of the alley.room 303.巷尾的太平梯 303室


[121:51.88]They're inside.它们钻进来了


[122:52.40]lt can't be.不可能

[123:01.38]Check him.他死了吗?

[123:06.79]He's gone.他死了


[123:27.54]l'm not afraid anymore.我不再害怕

字幕制作:LRC中国 http://www.xiexiebang.com

[123:31.11]The Oracle told me that l would fall in love.and that that man...祭师说我会爱上一个人

[123:35.95]...the man that l loved would be the One.那个人是救世主

[123:41.19]So you see...所以

[123:43.82]...you can't be dead.你不可能会死

[123:47.43]You can't be...不可能

[123:50.80]...because l love you.因为我爱你

[123:54.83]You hear me? 听到了吗?

[123:57.64]l love you.我爱你

[124:23.13]Now.get up.起来吧


[125:00.77]How? 怎么会?

[125:02.70]He is the One.他是救世主

[127:28.38]I know you're out there.我知道你们在听

[127:30.32]I can feel you now.我感觉得到

[127:32.58]I know that you're afraid.我知道你们很害怕

[127:34.62]You're afraid of us.你们怕我们

[127:36.56]You're afraid of change.也很怕改变

[127:39.73]I don't know the future.(系统当机)

[127:41.16]I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end.未来不可知


[127:44.26]I came here to tell you how it's going to begin.我只知道该怎么开始

[127:47.87]I'm going to hang up this phone.我要挂断电话

[127:49.74]And then I'll show these people what you don't want them to see.让众生见到真实世界

[127:53.27]I'm going to show them a world...一个没有

[127:55.34]...without you.电脑的世界

[127:57.41]A world without rules and controls.without borders or boundaries.没有硬性规定和任何界线

[128:01.28]A world where anything is possible.一个充满可能性的世界

[128:07.65]Where we go from there...以后的发展

[128:09.22]...is a choice I leave to you.就让你们决定

字幕制作:LRC中国 http://www.xiexiebang.com [128:55.37]编剧,导演:华卓斯基兄弟




















哲学,神学,无神论都在《黑客帝国》里有浓重的表现.诺斯替教的教徒也会注意到很多相关的主题.还有很多内容涉及印度教,佛教,道教和基督教,还蕴含启蒙,涅盘,重生的概念.对印度教和佛教的深度涉及包括自由意志对抗命运,还在电影的配乐中使用印度教的颂歌,理念,虚幻(Maya),因果报应(Karma)和自然存在的多种观点.<黑客帝国>以很多方式解析真实,超现实,还有人的观点是,实质的,物理的世界才是虚幻.一些基督教自由主义者说我们正生活在这样的世界,离开这个世界的方法就是被教化,启蒙.他们相信达到启蒙的人有亚伯拉罕(相传为希伯来人的始祖),摩西(《圣经》故事中犹太人古代领袖),施洗约翰,耶稣和穆罕默德(伊斯兰教创始人).他们认为电影中Neo,Morpheus和Cypher对应圣经新约中的耶稣,施洗约翰和犹大.这些基督教自由主义者相信黑客帝国和现实唯一的区别是,外部世界应该是天堂而不是电影中描述的黑暗的世界.现在有许多书和网站探讨黑客帝国哲学.其中最主要的探讨是这个问题:我的世界是真实的还是虚拟的?这个问题也因为其他电影而提出,比如eXistenZ和The Thirteenth Floor(都和《黑客帝国》同年发行,但在票房和受注意度都不及《黑客帝国》).还有相似的电影,The Truman Show(楚门的世界)和Abre los ojos(翻拍为Vanilla Sky).这个学说还被哲学家Nick Bostrom升级,写成(你生活在一个电脑世界吗?)

《黑客帝国》以相似的文学精度跟随的所有阶段,甚至包括周游,大战发生于地下这样的细节,甚至三个头的永生敌人(电影中三个特工).先知的角色类似古希腊神话中的先知角色.细致的说,她对Neo的警告十分类似神话中先知给斯巴达王Leonidas在塞莫皮莱大战前的警告.在希腊神话中,她警告Leonidas说,那么他的城市被毁灭,要么一个斯巴达国王必须死去,所以Leonidas必须选择自己的生命或是整个城市的命运.深远的说,如果Neo选择救自己的命,Smith就能从Morpheus那里得到进入Zion城的密码,那Zion就会毁灭.所以,根本上说,Neo的选择和Leonidas一样:他自己的生命,或是整个城市的命运.《黑客帝国》背后的观点基于哲学的认识论,比如柏拉图的洞穴理论和笛卡尔的<第一哲学沉思录>.在一个唯我论的著名的实验中,物体只是缸中之脑;《黑客帝国》里,Neo是被装在营养皿中.是否选择红药片,接受真实的选择类似上世纪70年代的一个美国哲学家罗伯特·诺兹克(Robert Nozick)设想的一个实验.后现代思潮在电影中也有重要的地位.在电影开头,Neo藏非法软件的书是法国哲学家让·鲍德里亚(Jean Baudrillard)的<模仿和拟像>(Simulacra and Simulation),这部作品描述了基于拟像的超现实体验.人们往往用鲍德里亚的哲学来论证<黑客帝国>是对现代商业化,媒体化社会的寓言.Morpheus的著名台词“pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth”(拉到我们眼前来使我们看不到真实)直接来自Charle Peirce的言论.相关文学

黑客帝国的故事对历史和文学有众多的联系,包括<爱丽丝漫游仙境>,救世主信仰,佛教,诺斯替教,和威廉吉布森(William Gibson)的小说,特别是<神经漫游者>.吉布森在世界范围内普及了虚拟现实和计算机网络的界面,他还在自己的蔓生三部曲中首次使用了Matrix这个词.然而其名字和概念显然出自更早的1976年英国科幻电视剧系列Doctor Who,使用了Matrix

作为虚拟现实的代名词.(在吉布森的小说中具体指代网络拟像).第一个写作关于虚拟现实的作家是Daniel F.Galouye,在1964年出版了Simulacron Three.人工智能打败人类的概念先前被数百部科幻作品触及到.很多人认为黑客帝国系列受到Philip K.Dick作品的影响,不只是因为包含了大量诺斯替教的教义和预言,还有后启示录世界与机器打仗.世界被机器控制,人类藏于地下的创意最早出自1909年E.M.Forster的短篇小说Machine Stops.《黑客帝国》剧情类似吉布森的<神经漫游者>的基本走向.这并不奇怪,因为<黑客帝国>和<神经漫游者>都是相同的赛博朋克,属于软科幻.(<神经漫游者>的出版造成了对赛博朋克普遍深入的影响).两个故事中,一个黑客被招募执行一项艰难的任务.相似之处有黑客英雄,女性助手,和恶意的虚拟对手.两部作品仍然有极大的不同之处.比如说,吉布森的人类图灵机警察(<攻壳机动队>等作品的创意来源之一)限制人工智能的增长.Matrix中的特工则相反,是AI限制人类的增长.吉布森的作品表现了人类必须在AI能源冬天的时候行动;最后也是好人获得胜利.相反的,黑客帝国中人类和AI的关系模糊了正义与邪恶的界限.以这个立场来看,黑客帝国中叙述性的内容时常与<神经漫游者>相反.两者之间另一个联系是一个叫做Zion的地方.<神经漫游者>中,Zion是由塔法里教徒创建的殖民地,是主要角色在到达自由乐土之前休息的地方,是一个巨大的轨道站.小说的最后部分就发生在这里.<黑客帝国>中,Zion是自由人类的地下家园.这很有可能是一个巧合,因为Zion是一个常用的神话城市隐喻,代表人类的最后希望.Zion在黑客帝国中的使用既是一个隐喻,又是表达对吉布森的敬意.黑客帝国和Frank Herbert的小说Dune也有相似之处,人和机器的战争蕴含宗教暗示.其他的相似之处出现在<黑客帝国3矩阵革命>中.Neo在与敌人搏斗中弄瞎了,但仍然可以看见,但“看见”的方式不同了.Paul Muad'Dib在Dune中也一样.在那之后,Neo看见了一条“金色大道”,在Dune中则被称为“选择”,Dune中的Muad'Dib没有选择这个,而在<黑客帝国3矩阵革命>中,Neo选择了这条路.还有,Neo选择牺牲自己来达到和平,Paul Muad'Dib放弃了一切到Dune Messiah的沙漠来拯救他帝国里的人民.但并不是说<黑客帝国>大量受这部书的影响,<黑客帝国>中的各项举动都是来自宗教概念.科幻作品大量的相似性是由于宗教观念的普及导致的



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