
时间:2019-05-13 21:37:04下载本文作者:会员上传


The Recovery of Humanity in The Kite Runner


This paper analyses Amir, the protagonist of The Kite Runner, who is an average person growing in struggle.Throughout the whole life, his heart struggles hard and is full of contradictions, longing for redemption.Later, he remedies the regrets to the full play by great courage and firm belief and finds the way to become good person again.he experiences the whole process from deep sleep to recovery of humanity.In the end, he succeeds in forgiving himself.My thesis analyses the ways to recovery of humanity The Kite Runner with four important parts: the vacant love from parents, betrayal and redemption for the brotherly friend, the way to redeem the guilt, and watching the inner heart.Key words: kite, redemption, betrayal, love, rebellion, watching


这篇论文对作品《追风筝的人》中主人公阿米尔,一个在挣扎中成长的成年人,进行分析。纵观他的一生,内心做出了艰难的挣扎,渴望得到救赎。后来,为了赎罪,他以极大地勇气和坚定的信念最大能力地弥补了遗憾,找到了再次成为好人的路,经历了人性从沉睡到复苏的全过程。我的论文主要从四个部分对作品《追风筝的人》中人性的复苏进行分析:来自父母残缺的爱,对朋友的背叛和愧疚,拯救罪恶的途径,内心的守候。关键词:友情, 痛苦,背叛, 救赎,忠诚 ,守望



The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini.Published in 2003, it is the first novel published in English by an author from Afghanistan.It contains almost all important themes----love, friendship, loyalty,fear, guilt and redemption.Due to this novel, he receives the favorable comments and the widespread attention as well.Amir the hero of the novel, who is haunted by the guilt of betraying his childhood friend Hassan, the son of his father's servant, Hazara longing for acceptance, redemption and recovery of humanity, which attract the eye of the whole world.The hero struggles in his inner heart.This is a paper about friendship, loyalty, redeem, and at last –the recovery of humanity.Through analyzing the redemption journey and growing experiences of the protagonist, this thesis mainly deals with how the protagonist understands his past mistakes in his thoughts and actions and with some internal and external impetus and how he gradually overcomes his flaws and grows mature through the redemption.I divide the recovery of humanity into four important parts: the vacant love from parents, betrayal and redemption for the brotherly friend, the way to redeem the guilt, and watching the inner heart.Ⅱ.The symbolic meaning of “the kite” 1.Definition of symbolism In generally, symbolism is one of the writing skills.Its goal is to convey elusive illusion and its content is mysticism.What’s the writer wants to express is not the realistic objective world, but the individual subjective inward world.The original meaning of the symbolism in Greek is ―broke one board into two parts and take one part of each other, in order to indicate the authenticating object of connecting.And then it has evolved to be the delegate of the habit of taking a form as concept.Symbol is always in its way.It is a way of associating, for example, connects the things saw in sight with the things felt before and then forms a fresh and peculiar artistic conception.Symbolism in literature was appeared in mid 19th century in France.Symbols are things that have a much deeper meaning than what it appears to be.Symbolism is 1

the use of an item that causes the reader to think about what it stands for.The meaning it holds depends on the individual.it could mean different things to different people.The purpose of symbolists is to express the highly complex feelings that grew out during the contact with the world.There are two types of symbols.A general symbol is universal in its meaning.For instance, a“rose”often is not only a flower, but also a general symbol for love.A specific symbol acquires a specific meaning on how it relates to the content.Some titles of novels are always specific symbols.Symbolism has two characteristics.One is suggestion, it means the word has a deep meaning and it stands for something or a kind of people.The other is ambiguity.Ambiguity means that the meaning of the word is uncertain and it has different meaning if you look them in different level.2.The symbolic meaning of “the kite”

In The Kite Runner, the kite symbolizes the recovery of humanity.in the novel, many deeds need forgiveness;many individuals seek redemption, and in the end , they all find the one thing that their new world cannot grant him: redemption, as the most important character, Amir in the novel betrays someone, but in the end, he got the chance of redemption.Overall, this is a story of betrayal, guilt, and redemption.The price of betrayal and the possibility of redemption and it is also about the power of fathers over sons---their love, their sacrifices, their lies.The flying kite symbolizes not only ideal and humanity return, but also a real growth of the protagonist.It was somehow like of a memoir, a memoir about how a man was esteemed, neglected, tortured and finally expiate his guilt before he was called a man.Time, youth, mortal life, when it all elapses, what still will remain might be the kite which the two main characters once was so mad about.The kite flew over trust, faith, betrayal and innocence will last forever, telling the story of the writer had experienced, telling us that no matter how dark the society is, we still have a dream to chase.The kite once the main characters chased is now for us to chase, but it is not a kite any more, but also the deep thought of humanity.Among those, the deepest

symbolic meaning of ―the kite‖ is the recovery of humanity.III.The ways to convey of humanity in The Kite Runner 1.The vacant love from parents.Amir, his close friend is Hassan., his father’s young servant.Amir’s father, a wealthy merchant, loves both boys, which made Amir jealous about every single care from his father.but actually they are good friends for any years or from they are born.Amir had a love for literature, a trait similar to his mother, who died while giving birth to him.Amir’s first love is Papa, but Hassan’s is Amir.Suggesting that Amir looks up to Papa and Hassan looks up to Amir.One of the most cherished times spent together was when Amir read stories to Hassan, under a pomegranate tree.However, this troubles his father who tries to make Amir more like himself, active and courageous.Baba puts Amir on a soccer team and tries to teach him to defend himself, but fails with every attempt.The first word that Amir can say is the name of Hasson’s.Hassan is like Amir's father, brave and intelligent.He can do everything better than Amir except studying.But Amir is totally the different.So Amir thinks that Hassan robs him of his father's love and careness.But his father is the greatest person in his eye.Because of Amir's envyness, he resent Hassan.Love is so remedy which Amire longs for and the pressure that he can not stand.What can not let Amire bear is that his father inexpertly show love to the son of servant.He can see the praise which flows in the eye of his father.Even more serious, His father asks for the best doctor to cure the harelip of Hasson’s.Amire thinks it is unfair.He hopes that something disability appeared in his body.Which he can get the sympathy comes from his father.There is no doubt that Amire has to admit that Hasson is cleaver, stronger then himself.for you, a thousand times over which is the friendship maxim that Hasson scrupulously abide by.Although Hasson treats Amire just like they are brothers with his loyal heart.Amir is still jealousy Hasson because Amir regards Hasson as the enemy who takes away the love of his father’s.Hasson who is a harelip runs the kite with his great perseverance;he knows where the kite will land without watching it.One triumphant day, Amir wins the local tournament, and finally Baba’s praise.Hassan runs for the last cut kite.And this last kite finally cut the friendship between them for several decades.He firmly thinks that

Amir and he is friend.He guards the Amir bravely and does everything for him, bearing the pain for him.In order to protect Amir, who was sieged by a group of children, but now I am the only one who has the slingshot!Love, is not mean to die, or to occupy something.Love is a kind of thing that is perfect.Love is like a kite, you have the right to let it fly freely;you also know when to pull it back.2.Betrayal and redemption for Hassan

When people betray someone, they would form guilt inside their deep heart.When people betray someone, they would form guilt deep inside their heart.Sometimes these people will regret what they have done, and the sense of guilt usually affects how people react.In the kite runner, betrayal and redemption are the most essential themes that involve the characters on different levels throughout the novel.Betray which can be considered as a form of sin which is enduring and ends up being cyclical in the kite runner.Amir betrayed Hasson, his best fiend.He watched Hassan be raped by Assef, but he just stood there and watched without giving any help to his best friend.He rans back from the way he had come.It takes a period of time to make fault, however it costs us the whole life to save redemption.Admittedly, everyone has his kite and everyone is a kite runner at the same time.We must and have to be brave to take the responsibilities that belong to us and admit the errors we made.We should not betrayal our heart.One should never be too selfish.Just like Hassan, we can learn to be loyalty and we ought to cherish friendship.Guilt in the inner heart, how does guilt affect Amir, For example, Amir felt

guilt that he just watched Hassan had been raped by Assef and then leaving Hassan in the alleyway without stopping them.He couldn’t face this reality, so every time he saw him, it would always remind him of that incident.He felt shame and guilt in the depth of his heart, so he chose to stay away from Hassan.One day, Amir asked Hassan to walk up the hill with him, and then he asked Hassan what he would do if he threw a pomegranate at him.Amir began pelting Hassan with pomegranates and yelled at Hassan to hit him back.In fact, Amir wanted Hassan to hit him back.He hoped he could get punished by Hassan.Maybe that could let him feel better in his

mind.But Hassan wouldn’t.He crushed a pomegranate against his own forehead, asked Amir if he was satisfied, and left.Those made Amir feel guiltier, it also lead Amir to betray Hassan again.He told Baba that Hassan stole his birthday money and a watch, and tried to make Hassan in trouble by hiding those things under his mattress.Surprised by Hassan’s reaction, Amir felt more guilt then before after seeing Hassan admitted that he was the thief.After that, Amir moved to America with Baba, even though it was a hard life in there, he could forget his past in Afghanistan for a while.But that sense of guilt still existed deep in his heart.Until Amir received Rahim Khan’s call and he told him, ―There is a way to be good again‖(Hosseini, 2).Amir knew that it was the time to get redemption for his guilt.Just as lyrics which describe friendship: if I lost my way, you’d carry me home, Take me all the way to heaven and never leave me alone.Friendship never ends.Amir has many weaknesses, cowardice, jealousy, selfishness, arrogance.However, we are in fact the same as him.Many people criticize him regardless of the same mistakes we have ever made.Sometimes we are coward as Amir, we cannot stand up for our friends even our family members in that we are afraid of hurting ourselves.Sometimes we hurt our lovers for self –protection reasons.We feel so guilty for our betrayal and so ashamed that we want to avoid meeting them, but we know escapism is not the right choice, we won’t feel better until we turn back and face our mistakes.Amir tells us that only love can get our courage back, only love can release us and finally get redemption.―He had the blue kite in his hands, which was the first thing I saw.And I can not lie now and say my eyes did not scan it for any rips.His chapan had mud smudges down the front and his shirt was ripped just below collar.He stopped swayed on his feet like he was going to collapse.Then he steadied himself.Handed me the kite(Hosseini, 100).‖

From this quote, the blue kite is a sign of Amir’s betrayal of Hassan.It indicates that Amir is too coward to protect his friend when he faces the bully event.After that incident, Amir could not treat Hassan as usual as before, since he could not overcome the guilt inside his heart after seeing what has happened to Hassan.He beats him, he

throws pomegranates at him, and he is no longer willing to be his friend, even though Hassan still treats him as his best friend after his horrific experience.Every time Amir saw Hassan, the sense of guilt always reminded him of that incident.So it let Amir to betray Hassan again.Amir forced Hassan to leave by framing him as a thief, and Hassan falsely confessed.These are betrays that were found throughout the novel.Amir knows that Hassan treats him with all his heart, better than treating a friend but rather like treating his brother.Hassan tries everything he could to make Amir happy and to protect Amir.But, Amir knows that he is not able to do what Hassan does for him to Hassan, and he is even not brave enough to do it.So, the sense of guilt is the only feeling of Amir to Hassan, but not love.It is this feeling that makes Amir afraid to be Hassan’s true friend.Maybe this is what our life is, everyone is a Amir, who always runs for his Hassan, sometimes exhilarated, sometimes frustrated, sometimes laugh, sometimes cry.We are runs for our own kites in every single moment.3.The way to redeem the guilt The kite runner, betrayal and redemption are the most essential themes that involve the characters on different levels throughout the novel.When people betray someone, they will form guilt deep in their heart.So these people will regret what they have done, and the sense of guilt usually affects how people react.At the beginning of the novel, ―there is a way to be good again,‖ is said by Rahim Khan.It reminds the characters in the novel that there is something they can do to get redemption and forgive themselves.Betrayal, which can be considered as a form of sin, is enduring and ends up being cyclical in the Kite Runner.Many deeds need give.Many individuals seek redemption, in the end, they all find it.As the most important character, Amir in the novel began by betraying someone, but in the end, he got the chance of redemption.He got the chance of redemption.Therefore the three significant themes in this novel are betrayal, guilt and redemption, which displace throughout the book.Amir treats Hassan like a toy, but Hassan never gives in when fighting for Amir.He even chooses to lose his dignity for Amir’s desire.But Amir chooses to stand by when Hassan is in trouble.So when Ami’s heart aches every time he meets Hassan.He feels ashamed and guilty.He wonders how timid and selfish he is when compared with Hassan, he even starts to look down upon himself.Jealousy, deceives, rebellion and insult which all became the nightmare in the road of Amir’s growth.He tried all the means to save himself, but the result is unpleasant.How time flies.He was eighteen years old and became an adult, it is the season of growth, however, the disaster in the mind and heart delayed his growth.When the war broke out, Amir followed his father escaped from American, the counter is defeated and the home is lost.Amir thinks that American is a place where all the unpleasant memories will go with the wind.However he is wrong.He found that American is not a place which can bury the memories that tangles in his mind and heart just like the poisons snake.Although the time of young has passed by quickly, the sense of evil in his heart made him not breath freely, he still can not get ride of the coward and self-accessions.And still can not make his inner world became strong.Amir has his own family and careers.But, He finds a road to save everything in the past.After more than 20 years, Amir hopes to make a last effort to save his soul.To his surprise, he finds an amazing secret—Hassan is his half brother!After complex thinking, he decides to bring Hassan’s son Sohrab to America, at the same time, he succeeds in forgiving himself.When Amir and his wife saw the smile on the little boy’s mouth, he found back the recovery of his inner heart.―For you, a thousand times over!‖ Amir and his wife take the son of Hassan to fly the kite.In the process of running the kite, He saved the son of Hassan, his nephew.Twenty-six year’s sense of evil disappeared.4.Watching the inner heart

Admittedly, Amir has many weaknesses, cowardice, jealousy, selfishness, arrogance.However, we are in fact the same as him.Many people criticize him regardless of the same mistakes we have ever made.Sometimes we are coward as

Amir, we can not stand up for our friends even our family members in that we are afraid of hurting ourselves.We feel so guilty for our betrayal and so ashamed that we want to avoid meeting them, but we know escapism is not the right choice, we will not feel better until we turn back and face our mistakes.Amir tells us only love can get our courage back, only love can release us and finally get redemption.Not every one has a pure character, more or less we have some faults and make some mistakes, and it is no doubt that there are lies, Jealousy and insult.Even though when we grew up, those faults will still bury in the inner heart.And which became the secret that can not be said.But there is a kite in every one’s heart.And we all have a chance to run the kite and the chance to watch the inner heart.Everyone has his kite and everyone is a kite runner at the same time.We must and have to be brave to take the responsibilities that belong to us and admit the errors we made.We should not betrayal our heart.One should never be too selfish.Just like Hassan, we can learn to be loyalty.And we ought to cherish friendship.Just as lyrics which describes friendship: if I lost my way, you’d carry me home, take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone.Friendship never ends.At the end of the story, Amir took the little Sohrab to fly a kite: it takes only a smile, nothing else.It didn't make everything all right.Just a smile, a small thing, like a leaf in the woods, in the starlings flies in the shaking.But I will meet it, with open arms.Because when spring comes, it's the time to melt a snowflake and maybe I just can see, it is the first Accumulated years of depression and guilt finally released at that moment, Amir perhaps understand it, as brave as Sohrab who finally smiled, In the end, all the book says is that Sohrab only shows a lopsided smile, but Amir takes it with all his heart.Amir then runs the kite for Sohrab showing that he indeed is the real kite runner.He succeeds in forgiving himself.It is the first accumulated years of depression and guilt finally released at that moment, Amir perhaps understand it, as brave as Sohrab who finally smiled, because this kite, Sohrab smiled again, the smile is more like a warm spring sun, warming in his heart, because the word said by

Hassan----for you, a thousand times the smile is more like a warm spring sun, warming in his heart.We do not need to know where a broken kite will fly;even its shadow is not worth to follow.It must be in the direction you are looking for!


In a word, Amir is a man of daring to take actions to redeem what he has done wrong and gets the recovery of humanity in the end;the four parts embody Amir’s ways to get the recovery of humanity in the inner heart.As a masterpiece in American literature, The Kite Runner establishes its hero, Amir, to be a man who succeeds in getting the redemption and got the recovery of humanity with his great effort;he tries his best to overcome difficulties to get the recovery of humanity.The author shows that Amir is not a coward but a man who can take responsibilities.This journey is typically defined by an acquisition of education, which leads to a confrontation of one’s past, recognition of familial guilt and burdens and finally a fuller awareness of one’s self and eventual get the recovery of humanity.
















































书里的哈桑,追逐的不仅仅是阿米尔的战利品——一只宝石蓝的风筝,更是忠诚、友情、勇气以及宽容博大的少年的心。堆满破铜烂铁的小巷里哈桑那羔羊的神色、阿米尔怯懦的逃离、暗夜里将雪地染成黑色的血滴、哈桑被逼走、阿米尔同父亲逃往美国……原本和谐的生命节奏被种族间的摩擦和战争的梦魇打乱。可是在任何混乱且无助的时候,其实大家都没有放弃自己世界里的追逐。就像一段话是这样说的“you must be a little nearer to some port or other;for since your ship was first launched upon the sea of life you have never been still for a single moment;the sea is too deep ,you could not find an anchorage if you would;there can be no pause until you come into port.”“我们每一天都在离属于自己的港口更近一点点,因为自从你驶入人生之海,你的航船至今尚未停歇片刻,这片海洋太深了,总是你想找到一个抛锚停泊之处也难以求得。因此,在驶入港口之前,你无法稍作休息。”我们一直在路上,从没有停歇片刻;我们一直在追逐,从没有丝毫懈怠。









2001年,罹患绝症的拉辛汗从巴基斯坦给阿米尔打电话,让他去巴基斯坦,因为“那儿有再次成为好人的路”。原来拉辛汗在阿米尔父子走后, 去哈扎拉贾特找到了哈桑及其母亲,他们一起回到喀布尔管理阿米尔家的大房子,哈桑还有了一个儿子索拉博。然而1996年塔利班占领喀布尔之后,强占了这个房子,还因为种族歧视当街枪毙了哈桑及其妻子。索拉博进了孤儿院。拉辛汗希望阿米尔回去喀布尔救索拉博,但阿米尔不愿意。拉辛汗于是告诉阿米尔,哈桑其实是阿米尔爸爸的私生子。









相较于小说,电影给哈桑的镜头很少,却丝毫不影响哈桑在整个小说、整部剧的中心地位。哈桑追风筝从来不看风筝飞向哪里,也从来不看风筝的影子,却总是准确无误的在风筝的降落点等待风筝落入他手中!我们没有必要知道断线的风筝会飞到哪里去,甚至连它的影子都不值得去追随。只要你能为它而付出真心,它一定就在你所追寻的方向!他说过一句可以让人掉泪的话:“为你,千千万万遍。” 这样的真诚很美好,不是吗?













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