
时间:2019-05-13 22:17:36下载本文作者:会员上传


一选择提1,to have missed

2,can they expect 3,leading 4,those 5,now that

6,were working 7,from 8,will have perpared

9,was required 10,although 二1,work--has worked

2,successful--successfully 3,complete--will be completed


5,take--had taken 6,impress--were impressed



9,achieve--achievement 10,bad--worse 三,阅读理解(选项答案)

1,to have your car serviced at the serveice station 2,Mileage(里程碑 figures 3,It is money-saving and easy to learn

4,they become worn out 5,ALL kinds of spanners(扳手)6,frequent passengers

7,get free tickets 8,pay for their flighe at least once within twenty months 9,I vory is the starting membership level 10,Introduction to Flying Blue 四,根据所给文章,从文章中选词填空,()内为答案1,olvera street ,the(birth place)of Los Angeles

2,the oldest(church)in the city 3,Mann's(chinese Theatre)

4,cement(hand and foot)prints of the Hollywood great people

5,Beverly Hills and(Rodeo prive)五,中问英文对照填空

单价:unit price 出口商Exporter 合同号:contract No 卖方:Seller 运输方式:Mode of transport商品编码Code of goods 数量:Quantity 买方:Buyer 总值:Total value 发证日期:License date 六,根据文章的提问,从文章内容中找出答案回答问题,部分题目给出,()内为答案

1,A worker(fell)from a water tower 2, He was(24 years old)

3, He(was painting)the inside of the tower

4, He did not wear(fall protection equipment)

5, Employees should be instructed to avoid(unsafe conditions)

单项13 ultimate 14 each 15 presented 16 probably 17 into 18 elp up 19 shamed 20 intend 21 went off 22 sign ,denied 23 persist 24 as been discussing 25 what 26 hasturned 27 he did 28 that, 29 Three times as much as 30 having been given 31 that 32fixed 33 producers of movies music and TV shows 34 be warned by the provider 35 without the user knowing it 36 when decided by the law 37 appeared to be generally acceptable 38 Jessica;39 developing an image of yourself that you want to project in things you do;40 Something good thant people say about someone;41 attitudes and behavior;42 personnal brand can be judged and changled 48 fragile 49 peaches require more labor to harvest 50 a machine;construction jobs 51 pay higher wages to them 52 more expensive



1.can have had 2.took place 3.in possession of 4.which 5.How many 6.is being short 7.a;the 8.because of 9.are to adopt 10.motivation 词型转换

1.will be 2.closely 3.to relax 4.has won 5being caught 6have been placed 7.to be considered 8.writing9understood 9.understood 10 is thought 阅读理解:

一.1.don’t want others to know they are rich2.live in apartments3.an area in another town or city4.a popular name in the United States5.Impossible 二.1.the cultural differences Yuxin experienced in America.2the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at home

3host mom’s rule about playing with the kids 4The host family’s two children didn’t like Yuxin at all By words and by actions.选词填空

1.integrity and forthrightness 2.a good member of my parish 3.land in the airport 4.into marginal 5.in the garage at home 俱乐部新成员newest member of club 法律委员会-law committee 客户经理-account manager 商务评估business caluations 风险处理-risk management 医药销售pharmaceutical sales 地域扩长territory expansion 法律顾问 legal compliance 产品安全保障industril safety programs 员工关系employee relations 翻译:托尼非常热爱中国,花了六年时间学习汉语为的是要更多的了解中国文化

Tony loves China so much that he has spent six years learning Chinese in order to learn more about Chinese culture 我们相信,中国人将用大约十年时间就能制造出大型飞机:have two ways of learning English。One is to read English aloud,and the other is to keep watching English programs 3这个小镇过去污染很严重。人们既看不到蓝天,也呼吸不到新鲜空气

The pollution in the town used to be so serious that people neither saw the blue sky nor breathed in the fresh air 4.The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near the waterfall.这种耐水材料适合用在瀑布附近的天线.5.The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.手巧的左撇子把一方漂亮手帕留在手提包的提手上


听力 postoffice、2 she hired someone、3 to paint the house、4 A salesperson、5 at home It arrived early、6 she is still preparing the report、7 Fine、8 Buy a dictionary for herself、9 Go shopping、10 Book her flight to beijing、11 It is some distance from school、12 He is going to visit an apartment building 单项 ultimate、14 each、15 presented、16 probably、17 into、18 elp up、19 shamed、20 intend、21 went off、22 sign ,denied、23 persist、24 as been discussing、25 what、26 hasturned、27 he did、28 that、29 Three times as much as、30 having been given、31 that、32fixed 阅读

producers of movies music and TV shows 34 be warned by the provider 35 without the user knowing it 36 when decided by the law 37 appeared to be generally acceptable、38 Jessica;39 developing an image of yourself that you want to project in things you do;、40 Something good thant people say about someone;41 attitudes and behavior;42 personnal brand can be judged and changled 48 fragile、49 peaches require more labor to harvest 50 a machine;construction jobs、51 pay higher wages to them 52 more expensive T1:若嫌疑人的违法行为任不停止,服务商有可能暂时降低网速,或者将浏览器重定向特定网页,直到用 户与公司联系.T2:个人品牌塑造就是个人形象塑造,也就是你在做一切事情中表现出来的形象.T3:世界遭受的最大损失莫过于你因为怕失败就放弃你本可做出的独特贡献.T4:或许,解决问题的一个办法是让墨西哥人作为外来工人来此工作,即可帮他们养家糊口,又可帮助弄 采收.T5:我相信我们已经有周全的计划安排,能办好一届安安全全的奥运会.S1:matter S2、probably S3:managements S4:depends S5:online S6:improving 作文:1.实现远大志向需要从小事做起。2.如果从小事做起。Starting from small things 范文:As we all know, no one can succeed with ambitions.Many people dream of becoming successful businessmen, powerful officials, well-known scientists and so on.However, Rome can’t be built in one day.We need take actions and make efforts.we should start from small things.There are many examples to prove that.For instance, if you want to be a scientist, the first thing you should do is to study well some courses such as mathematics and physics from middle schools to colleges.They can prepare you necessary basic knowledge required in further research.In addition, you are expected to do as many experiments as you can in the field you are interested in because they are foundations for you to build up on your practical skills and experience.To sum up, as college students, we can have ambitions and set good goals for our future.But we must bear in mind that we should begin with so-called small things to achieve them


1.can have had 2.took place 3.in possession of 4.which 5.How many 6.is being short 7.a;the 8.because of 9.are to adopt 10.motivation 词型转换

1.will be 2.closely 3.to relax 4.has won 5 being caught 6 have been placed 7.to be considered 8.writing9understood 9.understood 10 is thought 阅读理解:

一.1.don’t want others to know they are rich2.live in apartments3.an area in another town or city4.a popular name in the United States5.Impossible 二.1.the cultural differences Yuxin experienced in America.the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at home The host mom’s rule about playing with the kids The host family’s two children didn’t like Yuxin at all By words and by actions.选词填空

1.integrity and forthrightness 2.a good member of my parish 3.land in the airport 4.into marginal 5.in the garage at home 汉译英

俱乐部新成员------newest member of club 法律委员会---------law committee 客户经理--------account manager 商务评估---------business caluations 风险处理-------------risk management 医药销售------------pharmaceutical sales 地域扩长----------territory expansion 法律顾问-------legal compliance 产品安全保障--------industril safety programs 员工关系--------employee relations 翻译


Tony loves China so much that he has spent six years learning Chinese in order to learn more about Chinese culture 我们相信,中国人将用大约十年时间就能制造出大型飞机 have two ways of learning English。One is to read English aloud,and the other is to keep watching English programs 3这个小镇过去污染很严重。人们既看不到蓝天,也呼吸不到新鲜空气

The pollution in the town used to be so serious that people neither saw the blue sky nor breathed in the fresh air 4.The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near the waterfall.这种耐水材料适合用在瀑布附近的天线.5.The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.手巧的左撇子把一方漂亮手帕留在手提包的提手上 作文

6月5日(June 5)为世界环境保护日,雅玛人预言2012将是世界末日,虽然此预言无法兑现,但是我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重…

应x网站邀请,向我校学生征稿,呼吁社会重视环境,假如你是学生joke 要求简明举例现有的环境问题2.呼吁社会重视环境保护3阐述自己的观点

玛雅人---Mamy 预言-----Prophecy-----World Environment Day




Part I Listening Comprehension Section A1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B Section B)6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A Section C)11.wonderful 12.same area 13.check 14.writing 15.Two(kinds)Part II Structure Section A 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C Section B 26.lost 27.insurance 28.interesting 29 heart 30.performance 31.is equipped 32.quickly 33.have become 34.less 35.were / was Part III Reading Comprehension Task 1 36.C 37.B 38.B 39.D 40.A Task 2 41.B 42.B 43.C 44.B 45.B Task 3 46.college /CBM 47.various activities 48.communication 49.full-time 50.Student Advising Office Task 4(每题1分)51.O, F 52.I, L 53.G, B 54.D, C 55.E, A Task 5(每题1分,得分为0分、0.5分、1分;若有拼写错误但尚能辨认,酌情扣0.5 分或不扣分;名词单复数错误酌情扣分或不扣分;填写超过三个词不给分)56.account 57.free 58.12(languages)59.close 60.(continue to)use / log in to Part IV Translation---English into Chinese 61-64:BCCA Part V Writing(25 minutes)(Only for Reference)

Dec.21, 2008

stDear Manager, I am writing to complain about the SQ200 cell phone I bought last week in your shop, the First Department Store.I guess that something has gone wrong with the information system of the phone.I can’t send or receive any messages with it.Neither can I take any photos even though the users’ guide says that I can do so.I really feel upset about it.Could you please change another one for me or send me the refund? Enclosed please find the receipt.I am returning the cell phone by post.Your early reply will be well appreciated.Yours sincerely,



一 选择题:

1:B(until)2:A(that)3:C(another)4:C(leaves)5:D(mature)6:A(being discussed)


二 填空题:

1:payment 2:were interviewed 3:be 4:conducted responsibility 7:injured

8:to acceept 9:quickly

三 阅读理解:


1: B(better organizide our activities)

2: C(study efficiently)

3: B(Any activities we're eager to do)B(Taking a short nap in the afternoon)A(Study Habits and time Management)


1:(start a new small business)B 2:(determination and originality)D 3:(advise beforehand)C 4:(those with fewer than 50 employees)A 5:(linking to other relevant articles)B


:were : 5 6Ⅳ:搭配题

1:现金价格 E(Cash price)

2: 销售合同 D(sales contract)

3:到达港 J(port of arrival)

4:供货合同 A(supply agreement)

5:逾期付款 H(Late payment)

6:索赔通知 P(notice of claim)

7:贸易协定 B(Trade agreement)

8:信用证 M(letter of credit)

9:固定价格 G(Fixed price)

10:即期装运 K(Prompt shipment)


1:BCD 2:AB 3: ACD 4:ABC



假如你是某公司的产品推销员,请用英语完成下面的产品介绍: 1.产品名称:INSTANT-DICT 2.产地:中国香港

3.厂家:Hongyun Company Ltd.4.产品特点:电子辞典,储存有一百万英语单词和短语.采用该公司20年的研究成果,由高级电脑科技控制,用轻金属制成,体小,携带方便,操作简单,价格合理.注意:词数100左右.One possible version: INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China.It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd.with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it.So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period.INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research.The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal.Therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry;besides, it is easy to operate.The price is reasonable.It is a wise choice for English learners


2010年12月湖南省大学英语三级试卷 1.the new drng will not be....(until)....2.it was because og his good...(that)...3.our company...(another)..4.according to the....(leaves)....5.althoug she is only....(mature)...6.the proposal...(being discussed)...7.when he patted...(casual)..8.there is no....(that)...9.it is reasonable for...(to)...10.the weather forecast..(persist)..填空题


2.interview--were interviewed

3.It is(be)---be 4.conduct--conducted 5.If I(be)--were


7.injure--injured 8.accept--to accept 9.quick--quickly阅读

1.college is a place to explore many possibilites(文章开头句)

1)we need to plan....(better organizeour...)

2)strategic time are...(study efficiently)

3)which of the following could be...(any activities we're...)

4)what can help us to keep...(taking a short napin...)

5)which of the following could...(study habits andy time...)

2.welcome to our small business set-up guide(文章开头句)

1)this guide is in tended...(start a new small...)

2)what are most unportant for...(determination...)

3)what does the word...(advise before hand...)

4)what kind of businesses are...(those with fener...)

5)more information about...(link to other relevant...)


1.how to write contact details in your CT?(文章开头句)

top of page(print)...to be included 1.(address)2.(email)

not to be included 1.(personal information)such as...2.(include a photograph)unless it is..阅读问答

1.sale contract(文章标题)

1)what is the brand of the apple jam?


Great Wall brand

2)what is the total value of the contract?

答案:US 3000

3)when will the goods be shipped?


august 2009

4)what are the ecrms of...?


by letter of cred it


cash against交货付款

cash price现金价格

advice of到货通知书

sales contract销售合同

port of arrival到达港

supply agreement供货合同

late payment逾期付款

note of claim索赔通知

trade agreement贸易协定

letter of credit信用证

fixed price固定价格

prompt shipment即期装运


1.when exporting goods it is...答案: 为了促进货物出口,减少货物的丢失或者损坏,必须发展保险业

2.if we do not rective payment...答案:


3.party B has the....答案:


4.I have already given....



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    一选择提(AB卷通用答案,无题目,只有答案,顺序不明) 1,to have missed 2,can they expect 3,leading 4,those5,now that 6,were working 7,from 8,will have perpared 9,was r......


    一 选择题: 1:B (until) 2:A(that) 3:C(another)4:C(leaves)5:D(mature)6:A(being discussed) 7:C (casual)8:B(that)9:D(to)10:B(persist) 二 填空题: 1:payment 2:were interviewed 3:be responsibilit......


    301 Unit 1 Hi! How are you? Vocabulary Task Answers/Script 1. Hello! Hi, how are you doing? Pretty good. 2. Hi, how are you? Fine, thanks. 3. Good mornin......


    答案一 1-5 23142 6-10 44113 11-15 32442 16-20 23124 21-25 13341 26-30 34211 31-35 34331 36-40 42343 41-45 42422 46-50 41321 51-52 34 T1-T5 ACBAB S......


    选择提(AB卷通用答案,无题目,只有答案,顺序不明)选择直接给的正确选择答案 1,to have missed2,can they expect3,leading4,those5,now that6,were working7,from8,will have per......


    一选择提(AB卷通用答案,无题目,只有答案,顺序不明)1,to have missed 2,can they expect 3,leading 4,those5,now that 6,were working 7,from 8,will have perpared 9,was requi......


    Unit 2 What’s your address? Vocabulary Task Answers: 1. 1. Petra Fields 2. 2. 1904 Broadway San Francisco CA 94001 3. 3. 554-0912 4. 4. Petra@news.com 5. 5. Ma......


    一选择提(AB卷通用答案,无题目,只有答案,顺序不明) 1, hose5,now that 2,can they expect3,leading4,t were working6, ,from7 will have perpared8, was required9, to have mi......