第一篇:H3C杯 2011年全国大学生网络技术
h3c 华为网络认证试题-1(1-30)
1、目前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基于()的以太网标准.(A)IEEE 802.1(B)IEEE 802.2(C)IEEE 802.3(D)IEEE 802.5 ? 答案:C
(D)地址在192.168.19.0网段上(E)地址在192.168.16.0网段上(F)这是一个公有地址? 答案:CE
3、Quidway系列路由器在执行数据包转发时,下列哪些项没有发生变化(假定没有使用地址转换技术(_(A)源端口号(B)目的端口号(C)源网络地址(D)目的网络地址(E)源MAC地址(F)目的MAC地址? 答案:ABCD
4、下列所述的哪一个是无连接的传输层协议?()(A)TCP(B)UDP(C)IP(D)SPX? 答案:B
5、以太网交换机端口的工作模式可以被设置为()(A)全双工(B)Trunk模式(C)半双工(D)自动协商方式? 案:ACD
6、PING命令使用ICMP的哪一种code类型:()(A)Redirect(B)Echo reply(C)Source quench(D)Destination Unreachable? 答案:B
7、在配置命令fr map ip dlci 7 broadcast中,数字7的含义是:()
(A)本端逻辑通道编号(B)本端DLCI编号(C)对端接口编号(D)对端节点编号 答案:B
8、对路由器A配置RIP协议,并在接口S0(IP地址为10.0.0.1/24)所在网段使能RIP路由协议,在系统视图下使用的第一条命令是:()(A)rip(B)rip 答案:A
9、指出下列哪些接口上可以配置逻辑通道()(A)X.25(B)帧中继(C)Dialer(D)同/异步串口? 答案:ABC
10、如下访问控制列表的含义是:()[Quidway]acl 100 [Quidway-acl-100]rule deny icmp source destination any icmp-type host-unreachable(A)规则序列号是100,禁止到10.1.10.10主机的所有主机不可达报文(B)规则序列号是100,禁止到10.1.0.0/16网段的所有主机不可达报文(C)规则序列号是100,禁止从10.1.0.0/16网段来的所有主机不可达报文
(D)规则序列号是100,禁止从10.1.10.10主机来的所有主机不可达报文? 答案:C
(C)ospf是一个基于链路状态算法的边界网关路由协议(D)ospf发现的路由可以根据不同的类型而有不同的优先级 答案:ABD
12、在运行windows 98的计算机中配置网关,类似于在路由器中配置()(A)直接路由(B)默认路由(C)动态路由(D)间接路由
(C)在接口上应用访问控制列表(D)制定日志主机 答案:ABC
14、DNS工作于(??)(A)网络层(B)传输层(C)会话层(D)表示层(E)应用层 答案:E
15、以下关于DTE的说法的正确的是(??)(A)DTE是指 数据终端设备(B)DTE是指 数据电路终接设备
(D)DTE在模拟技术体制下是调制解调器,而在数字技术体制下可以是数据业务单元 答案:AC
16、路由器A串口0配置如下 interface serial0 link-protocol ppp ppp pap local-user huawei password simple quidway ip address 路由器B串口及全局配置如下
local-user huawei service-type ppp password simple quidway!interface serial0 link-protocol ppp ppp authentication-mode pap ip address 当两台路由器串口0相连时,两台路由器是否可以连接到对端()(A)能(B)不能 答案:A
(D)千兆以太网支持网络速率的自适应,可以与快速以太网自动协商传输速率 答案:AB 参考知识点:
18、高层的协议将数据传递到网络层后,形成(),而后传送到数据链路层(A)数据帧(B)信元(C)数据包(D)数据段 答案:C 参考知识点:
19、在路由器上配置帧中继静态map必须指定(???)参数(A)本地的DLCI(B)对端的DLCI(C)本地的协议地址(D)对端的协议地址 答案:AD 20、路由器的主要性能指标不包括()(A)延迟(B)流通量(C)帧丢失率(D)语音数据压缩比 答案:D
21、一个B类网络,有5位掩码加入缺省掩码用来划分子网,每个子网最多(?)台主机(A)510(B)512(C)1022(D)2046 答案:D
22、在路由器中,能用以下命令察看路由器的路由表(?)(A)arp-a(B)traceroute(C)route print(D)display ip routing-table 答案:D
23、DHCP客户端是使用地址(??)来申请一个新的IP地址的(A) 答案:D 注释:是全网广播,DHCP客户端发送全网广播来查找DHCP服务器.24、下面有关NAT叙述正确的是(?)
(A)NAT是英文“地址转换”的缩写,又称地址翻译(B)NAT用来实现私有地址与公用网络地址之间的转换(C)当内部网络的主机访问外部网络的时候,一定不需要NAT(D)地址转换的提出为解决IP地址紧张的问题提供了一个有效途径 答案:ABD
25、以下属于正确的主机的IP地址的是(?)(A) 答案:D 注释:这个题目不是太严谨,应该加上子网掩码.A:是多播地址 B:保留作为测试使用 C:网络地址
26、设置主接口由up转down后延迟30秒切换到备份接口,主接口由down转up后60秒钟切换回主接口的配置为()(A)standby timer 30 60(B)standby timer 60 30(C)standby timer enable-delay 60 disable-delay 30(D)standby timer enable-delay 30 disable-delay 60 答案:D
27、在一个以太网中,30台pc通过Quidway R2501路由器s0口连接internet,Quidway R2501路由器配置如下:
[Quidway-Ethernet0]ip address [Quidway-Ethernet0]quit [Quidway]interface s0 [Quidway-Serial0]ip address [Quidway-Serial0]link-protocol ppp 一台PC机默认网关为192.168.2.1,路由器会怎样处理发自这台PC的数据包?
(C)路由器丢弃数据包,这时候需要重启路由器,路由器自动修正误配(D)路由器丢弃数据包,不做任何处理,需要重配PC网关为192.168.1.1 答案:D
28、ISDN B信道速率是()(A)16kbps(B)64kbps(C)144kbps(D)2048kbps 答案:B
29、异步串口可以设为()(A)专线方式(B)拨号方式(C)语音方式(D)PRI接入方式 答案:AB 参考知识点:华为3com认证教材第一册3-11 30、在Quidway路由器上,应该使用什么命令来观察网络的路由表((A)display ip route-path(B)display ip routing-table(C)display interface(D)display running-config(E)display ip rip 答案:B
第二篇:H3C 杯2012 全国大学生网络技术大赛预选赛试卷(本科组)
H3C 杯2012 全国大学生网络技术大赛----预选赛试卷 本科组
版权所有 © 2003-2012 杭州华三通信技术有限公司
一、选择题(单选题每题10 分,共30 道,多选题每题12 分,共50 道)
单选题:(300 分)
1.某路由器上启用了RIP 协议,进程号为1,优先级为100;同时启用了OSPF 协议,进程号 为100,优先级为10。如果这2 个进程同时学习到了10.0.0.0/8 网段的路由,度量值分别为1(跳数)和100(开销值),则哪个进程学习到的路由10.0.0.0/8 会进入IP 路由表中?()A.RIP 进程1 B.OSPF 进程100 C.同时导入 D.无法判断 2.在一台MSR 路由器上看到路由表如下:
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Static 60 0 GE0/0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Static 60 0 GE0/0 RIP 100 1 GE0/0 那么对此路由表的分析正确的是______。()A.该路由器上接口GE0/0 的IP 地址为100.1.1.1 B.目的网段为8.8.8.8/32 的路由下一跳接口为InLoop0,说明该路由下一跳是类似于Null0 的 虚接口,该路由属于黑洞路由
C.该路由器运行的是RIPv1,因为目的网段30.0.0.0 的掩码是自然掩码
D.该路由表不是该路由器的完整路由表,完整的路由表至少应该有接口GE0/0 的直连网段路由 3.如果要达到全网互通,图示4 种划分OSPF 区域的方式,哪种是不合理的?()
A.图1 B.图2 C.图3 D.图4 4.某网络的拓扑较复杂,核心和分部之间存在多条路径。为了控制核心与分部间的路由,有效 利用带宽资源,并且降低维护成本,则以下哪项措施是最优的?()A.使用RIP 作为核心和分部间的路由协议,通过调整路由优先级来控制路由 B.在核心和分部之间用IPSec 加密路由协议报文
C.使用IS-IS 作为核心和分部间的路由协议,并通过路由策略来控制路由 D.在核心和分部间使用快速重路由技术
5.RIP 是如何通过抑制时间和路由毒化结合起来来避免路由环路的?()
A.从某个接口学到路由后,将该路由的度量值设置为无穷大,并从原接口发回邻居路由器 B.从某个接口学到路由后,将该路由的设置抑制时间,并从原接口发回邻居路由器 C.主动对故障网段的路由设置抑制时间,将其度量值设置为无穷大,并发送给其他邻居 D.从某个接口学到路由后,将该路由的度量值设置为无穷大,并设置抑制时间,然后从原接 口发回给邻居路由器
6.下列路由协议中,属于IGP 的是______,采用路径矢量算法的是______。()A.BGP; OSPF B.OSPF; BGP C.RIP; RIP D.IS-IS; IS-IS 7.用IKE 为IPSec 提供自动协商交换密钥,建立SA 的服务时,在IKE 协商的第二阶段定义了 哪种IKE 交换模式?()
A.主模式(Main Mode)B.快速模式(Quick Mode)
C.野蛮模式(Aggressive Mode)D.信息交换模式(Informational Exchange Mode)8.一台MSR 路由器通过S1/0 接口连接Internet,GE0/0 接口连接局域网主机,局域网主机所 在网段为10.0.0.0/8,在Internet 上有一台IP 地址为202.102.2.1 的FTP 服务器。通过在路由 器上配置IP 地址和路由,目前局域网内的主机可以正常访问Internet(包括公网FTP 服务器),如今在路由器上增加如下配置: firewall enable acl number 3000 rule 0 deny tcp source 0 source-port eq ftp destination 0 然后将此ACL 应用在GE0/0 接口的inbound 和outbound 方向,那么这条ACL 能实现下列哪些 意图?()
A.禁止源地址为10.1.1.1 的主机向目的主机202.102.2.1 发起FTP 连接
B.只禁止源地址为10.1.1.1 的主机到目的主机202.102.2.1 的端口为TCP 21 的FTP 控制连 接
C.只禁止源地址为10.1.1.1 的主机到目的主机202.102.2.1 的端口为TCP 20 的FTP 数据连 接
D.对从10.1.1.1 向202.102.2.1 发起的FTP 连接没有任何限制作用
9.IPS(入侵防御系统)是一种基于_____的产品,它对攻击识别是基于______匹配的。()A. 应用层,特征库 B.网络层,协议 C.应用层,协议 D.网络层,特征库
10.防火墙具有隐藏私网内部网络结构,防止外部攻击源对内部服务器的攻击行为的技术,称 之为______。()
A.地址过滤 B.NAT C.反转 D.IP 欺骗
11.802.11b 协议在2.4GHz 频段定义了14 个信道,相邻的信道之间在频谱上存在交叠。为了 最大程度地利用频段资源,可以使用如下哪组信道来进行无线覆盖?()A.1、5、9 B.1、6、10 C.2、7、12 D.3、6、9 12.确定无线设备间信号传输距离的最优方法是______。()A.使用强烈直线光源来估算RF 信号 B.目测传输距离
C.使用AP 进行现场测试确定传输距离 D.使用路径损耗计算公式计算传输距离
13.如果一个无线局域网中只包含STA,这种网络结构在802.11 网络中有一个特殊的名称,此 名称为()
A.BSS B.IBSS C.DBSS D.EBSS 14.描述空间电磁波的电场方向的术语是______。()A.带宽 B.分集 C.增益 D.极性
15.iMC 从版本上分为中小企业版、标准版与专业版,其中iMC 的专业版支持而标准版不支持 的特性是:()
A.支持Oracle 数据库 B.支持分布式部署 C.支持二次开发接口 D.支持分级网管 16.下面关于H3C 设备中VTY 特点的描述,正确的是______。()A.只用于对设备进行Telnet B.每台设备可以支持多个VTY 用户同时访问 C.每个VTY 用户对应一个物理接口 D.不支持无密码验证
17.如果用户指定的配置文件不存在,则路由器用_____进行初始化。()A.默认配置 B.最后保存的配置 C.使用最多的配置 D.使用最少的配置 18.下面关于H3C 网络设备升级的说法,正确的是______。()A.使用Xmodem 升级可以达到与FTP 一样的速度 B.当使用FTP 升级时,设备只能做FTP 客户端
C.在设备无法引导到命令行模式而需要对操作系统软件进行升级时,只能使用Xmodem 方式 D.在客户端和服务器之间不便于复杂交互的环境下,可以使用TFTP 进行升级 19.IPv6 邻居发现协议中的路由器发现功能是指______。()A.主机发现路由器及所在网络的前缀及其他配置参数 B.主机发现网络中的路由器的IPv6 地址 C.路由器发现网络中主机的IPv6 地址
D.路由器发现网络中主机的前缀及其他配置参数 20.IPv6 主机A 要与IPv6 主机B 通信,但不知道主机B 的链路层地址,遂发送邻居请求消息。邻居请求消息的目的地址是______。()A.广播地址 B.全部主机组播地址
C.主机A 的被请求节点组播地址 D.主机B 的被请求节点组播地址
21.源主机ping 目的设备时,如果网络工作正常,则目的设备在接收到该报文后,将会向源主 机回应ICMP______报文。()
A.Echo Request B.Echo Reply C.TTL-Exceeded D.Port-Unreachable 22.IPv4 地址包含网络部分、主机部分、子网掩码等。与之相对应,IPv6 地址包含了______。()
A.网络部分、主机部分、网络长度 B.前缀、接口标识符、前缀长度 C.前缀、接口标识符、网络长度 D.网络部分、主机部分、前缀长度
23.DHCP 客户端向DHCP 服务器发送_______报文进行IP 租约的更新?()A.DHCP Request B.DHCP Release C.DHCP Inform D.DHCP Decline E.DHCP ACK F.DHCP OFFER 24.主机PCA 的IP 地址为40.1.1.1,MAC 地址为0011.1111.1111。PCA 连接在交换机SWA 的GigabitEthernet1/0/1 端口上。在交换机SWA 上配置了如下命令:
[SWA]vlan 10 [SWA-vlan10]quit [SWA]vlan 20 [SWA-vlan20]protocol-vlan ipv4 [SWA-vlan20]quit [SWA]vlan 30 [SWA-vlan30]quit [SWA]mac-vlan mac-address 0011-1111-1111 vlan 30 [SWA]vlan 40 [SWA-vlan40]ip-subnet-vlan ip [SWA-vlan40]quit [SWA]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 [SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port link-type hybrid [SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port hybrid pvid vlan 10 [SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port hybrid vlan 10 20 30 40 untagged [SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port hybrid protocol-vlan vlan 20 0 [SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port hybrid ip-subnet-vlan vlan 40 [SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]mac-vlan enable 基于上述信息可以判断PCA 会加入________。()
A.VLAN10 B.VLAN20 C.VLAN30 D.VLAN40 E.配置命令有误 25.DNS 可以采用的传输层协议是______。()A.TCP B.UDP C.TCP 或UDP D.NCP 26.在系统启动过程中,根据提示键入______,系统将中断引导,进入BootROM 模式。()A.
B.Trunk 端口发送数据帧时,若数据帧不带有VLAN ID,则对数据帧加上相应的PVID 值作为 VLAN ID C.Trunk 链路可以承载带有不同VLAN ID 的数据帧 D.在Trunk 链路上传送的数据帧都是带VLAN ID 的
30.二台路由器通过局域网连接在一起,组成VRRP 备份组,各接口上配置如下: [RTA-GigabitEthernet1/0]display this ip address vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip [RTB-GigabitEthernet1/0]display this ip address vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip 从上述信息可以得知______。()A.RTA 为备份组Master 路由器 B.RTB 为备份组Master 路由器
C.RTA、RTB 无法选举出备份组Master 路由器 D.RTA、RTB 都处于VRRP Master 状态
多选题:(600 分,部分题目会有一个或多个正确答案)
1.(多选)如下关于MSR 路由表的描述,哪些是正确的?()
A.如果到同一目的网段的路由有多个来源,那么只把Preference(优先级)值最小的路由写入 路由表
B.如果到同一目的网段的路由有多个来源,那么只把Metric(度量)值最小的路由写入路由表 C.如果到同一目的网段的路由有多个来源,那么只把Preference(优先级)值最大的路由写入 路由表
D.如果到同一目的网段的路由有多个来源,那么只把Metric(度量)值最大的路由写入路由表 E.如果同一路由协议发现到达同一目的网段的多条路径,那么这些路由有可能都会被写入路由 表
F.如果同一路由协议发现到达同一目的网段的多条路径,那么这些路由不可能全部被写入路由 表
2.(多选)XYZ 公司深圳分公司的路由器的Serial 0/0 和Serial 0/1 接口通过两条广域网线路 分别连接两个不同的ISP,通过这两个ISP 都可以访问北京总公司的网站202.102.100.2,在深 圳分公司的路由器上配置了如下的静态路由:
ip route-static 24 Serial 0/0 preference 10 ip route-static 24 Serial 0/1 preference 100 那么关于这两条路由的描述哪些是正确的?()A.两条路由的优先级不一样,路由器会把优先级高的第一条路由写入路由表 B.两条路由的优先级不一样,路由器会把优先级高的第二条路由写入路由表 C.两条路由的Cost 值是一样的
3.(多选)三台MSR 路由器通过图示的方式连接。三台路由器都属于OSPF Area 0,同时在 Area 0 里通过network 命令发布了三台路由器的互连网段。在RTC 上,网段NET-1 也通过 network 命令在OSPF Area 0 中发布了。三台路由器之间的OSPF Cost 如图所示。目前三台路 由器的邻居状态稳定,那么______。()
A.在RTA 的路由表只有一条到达NET-1 网段的OSPF 路由 B.在RTB 的路由表有两条去往目的网段NET-1 的OSPF 路由 C.对RTB 而言,到达目的网段NET-1 会优先选择RTB--->RTC 路径
D.网络状态稳定后,在接下来的45 分钟之内,网络上OSPF 邻居之间只有Hello 报文传递 4.(多选)小L 是网络设计工程师。在某网络项目中,为了降低复杂度,小L 设计网络采用二 层架构,接入层功能并入到汇聚层中。设计时小L 考虑到核心层需要具有快速收敛功能,汇聚 层进行路由聚合,减少路由数量。在以下路由协议中,小L 应该使用哪种作为汇聚层路由协议?(选择两项)()
A.BGP B.OSPF C.RIP D.IS-IS 5.(多选)在MSR 路由器RTA 上执行display ospf routing 命令后,路由器输出如下: OSPF Process 1 with Router ID Routing Tables Routing for Network
Destination Cost Type NextHop AdvRouter Area 1 Transit 2 Inter Routing for ASEs Destination Cost Type Tag NextHop AdvRouter 1 Type1 1 1 Type1 1 1 Type2 1 1 Type2 1 Total Nets: 6 Intra Area: 1 Inter Area: 1 ASE: 4 NSSA: 0 从以上输出可以判断______。()
A.总共有6 条OSPF 路由,其中1 条区域内路由,1 条区域间路由,4 条外部路由 B. 是接收到的Type1 LSA C. 是接收到的Type2 LSA D. 这个网段不在Area0 内
6.(多选)如下关于OSPF 信息显示与调试命令的说法正确的是_____。()A.通过display ospf peer 命令可以查看路由器的OSPF 邻居关系
B.通过display ospf lsdb 命令可以查看路由器的链路状态数据库,网络中所有OSPF 路由器的 链路状态数据库应该都是一样的
C.通过display ospf routing 命令可以查看路由器的OSPF 路由情况,并不是所有的OSPF 路由 都会被加入全局路由表
D.通过display ospf fault 来查看OSPF 出错的信息
7.(多选)客户的网络连接形如:N1-----MSR-1-----MSR-2----MSR-3-----N2 在MSR-1 上配置了如下的静态路由: ip route-static null0 那么关于此路由的解释正确的是______。()
A.在该路由器上,所有目的地址属于192.168.100.0/16 的数据包都会被丢弃 B.在某些情况下,该路由可以避免环路 C.该静态路由永远存在于路由表中
8.(多选)将一台空配置的MSR 路由器分别通过GigabitEthernet0/0、GigabitEthernet0/
1、Serial1/0 接入网络,分别配置这三个接口的IP 地址为10.1.1.1/30、、。配置后,这三个接口可以与其直连的对端设备接口互通,然后在该路由器上 又增加如下配置: [MSR]rip [MSR-rip-1]network [MSR-rip-1]network 那么关于此命令的作用以及意图描述正确的是______。()
A.该路由器上的Serial1/0 和GigabitEthernet0/0 接口能收发RIP 报文 B.该路由器上的GigabitEthernet0/1 接口不发送RIP 报文
C.如果该路由器的Serial1/0 接口在90 秒内没有收到RIP 的Hello 报文,那么就将该RIP 邻 居状态设置为初始化状态
D.RIP 也会将直连网段192.168.10.0/24 的路由信息通过该路由器的GigabitEthernet0/0 接口 发布
9.(多选)路由器MSR-1 的两个广域网接口S1/0、S1/1 分别连接路由器MSR-
2、MSR-3。同时MSR-1 的以太网口连接MSR-4,所有四台路由器都运行了RIP 协议。在MSR-1 上7{的网络 发生故障后,MSR-1 立刻将此路由不可达的更新消息发送给其他三台路由器,假如
不考虑抑制时间,那么______。()A.在MSR-1 上使用了RIP 的快速收敛机制 B.在MSR-1 上使用了RIP 的触发更新机制
C.如果MSR-1 关于此路由的更新信息还没有来得及发送,就接收到相邻路由器的周期性路由 更新信息,那么MSR-1 上就会更新错误的路由信息
10.(多选)在路由器的路由表中有一条目的网段为10.168.100.0/24 的路由,其Cost 为15,Preference 为100,那么下列关于该路由的说法哪些是正确的?()A.这条路由有可能是一条手工配置的静态路由 B.这条路由有可能是通过RIP 动态发现的路由
C.如果这是一条RIP 路由,那么该路由是一条无效路由 D.这条路由一定是通过动态路由学习到的
11.(多选)两台空配置的MSR 路由器通过图示的方式连接,通过配置IP 地址,两台路由器 的GE0/0 接口可以互通。如今分别在两台路由器上增加如下配置: RTA: [RTA]ospf [RTA-ospf-1]area 0 [RTA-ospf-1-area-]network [RTA-GigabitEthernet0/0]ospf dr-priority 2 RTB: [RTB]ospf [RTB-ospf-1]area 0 [RTB-ospf-1-area-]network [RTB-GigabitEthernet0/0]ospf dr-priority 那么在OSPF 邻居状态稳定后,______。(选择一项或多项)()
A.OSPF 接口优先级相同,在192.168.1.0/30 网段上不进行OSPF DR 选举 B.两台路由器中,一台为DR,一台为BDR C.两台路由器中,一台为DR,一台为DRother D.两台路由器的邻居状态分别为FULL、2-Way 12.(多选)两台路由器MSR-
1、MSR-2 通过GigabitEthernet0/0 互连,同时两台路由器之间 运行了RIPv2,现在在其中一台路由器MSR-1 的GigabitEthernet0/0 接口想要只发送RIP 报文 而不接受RIP 协议报文,那么如下哪些实现方式是可行的?()
A.在MSR-1 的GigabitEthernet0/0 接口配置silent-interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 B.在MSR-2 的GigabitEthernet0/0 接口配置silent-interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 C.在MSR-1 上配置ACL 并应用在其GigabitEthernet0/0 接口inbound 方向 D.在MSR-2 上配置ACL 并应用在其GigabitEthernet0/0 接口inbound 方向
13.(多选)下面关于AH(Authentication Header,验证头)和ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload,封装安全载荷)的描述正确的有______。(选择一项或多项)()A.AH 不能提供数据的完整性保护
B.两者都可以提供数据源验证以及可选的抗重播服务 C.两者都可以提供机密性保护 D.两者可以同时使用
14.(多选)关于L2TP VPN 与GRE VPN 描述正确的是______。(选择一项或多项)()A.都是点到点的VPN B.都支持隧道验证
C.都属于L3 VPN(Layer 3 VPN,三层VPN)技术 D.都是基于IP 封装
15.(多选)下列关于L2TP 中客户机、LAC 和LNS 的表述,正确的有______。()A.一个LAC 同时只能与一个LNS 建立连接 B.一个LAC 可以同时与多个LNS 建立连接 C.客户机可以同时作为LAC D.客户机可以同时作为LNS 16.(多选)某企业部门间的业务传输需要采用IPSec 提供端到端的安全保护,并要求数据必 须进行加密传输。针对该企业业务传输安全性的要求,IPSec 应采用哪种工作模式以及封装协 议?(选择一项或多项)()
A.传输模式 B.隧道模式 C.ESP 封装协议 D.AH 封装协议 17.(多选)802.11n 可以工作在以下哪几个频率?()A.2.4GHz B.3.5GHz C.1.8 GHz D.5 GHz
18.(多选)在H3C 系列产品中,适宜用于数据中心网络的设备包括有______。()A.S12500 B.S9500E C.S3610 D.S5820 19.(多选)在MSR 路由器上,如果以访问级登录设备后想要修改一些配置,可以使用______ 命令切换到level 3。(选择一项或多项)()A.super B.level 3 C.password D.login 20.(多选)在路由器上配置好Telnet 服务的相关配置后,从PC 能够ping 通路由器,但是 Telnet 路由器失败,PC 一直显示正在连接到x.x.x.x,可能的原因是______。(选择一项或多
A.中间网络路由配置不对 B.Telnet 密码设置不正确 C.路由器Telnet 服务没有启动
D.中间网络阻止了PC 对路由器的TCP 端口23 发起连接
21.(多选交换机上的以太帧交换依靠MAC 地址映射表,这个表可以通过______来建立。(选
C.交换机之间相互交换目的地的位置信息 D.生成树协议交互学习22.(多选)以下哪些属于H3C 公司的交换机系列产品?()A.S7500E B.S8800 C.S3610 D.S7800 E.S3100 F.S5500 23.(多选)以下关于CSMA/CD 的说法中正确的是______。()
A.CSMA/CD 应用在总线型以太网中,主要解决在多个站点同时发送数据时如何检测冲突、确 保数据有序传输的问题。
24.(多选)WLAN(Wireless LAN)是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物。下列哪些属 于WLAN 技术标准?(选择一项或多项)()A.802.11a B.802.11b C.802.11c D.802.11g 25.(多选)关于IPv6 地址2001:0410:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:45FF 的压缩表达方式,下列 哪些是正确的?(选择一项或多项)()
A.2001:410:0:1:0:0:0:45FF B.2001:41:0:1:0:0:0:45FF C.2001:410:0:1::45FF D.2001:410::1::45FF 26.(多选)下列有关光纤的说法哪些是正确的?()A.多模光纤可传输不同波长不同入射角度的光 B.多模光纤的成本比单模光纤低
C.采用多模光纤时,信号的最大传输距离比单模光纤长 D.多模光纤的纤芯较细
27.(多选)某公司组建公司网络需要进行广域网连接,要求该连接的带宽大于1Mbps,则下 面哪些接口和协议可用?()
A.V.35 规程接口及线缆,使用PPP 作为链路层协议 B.V.35 规程接口及线缆,使用Frame Relay 作为链路层协议 C.PRI 接口及线缆,捆绑多个时隙,使用PPP 作为链路层协议 D.BRI 接口及线缆,捆绑多个时隙,使用PPP 作为链路层协议。
28.(多选)客户的两台路由器通过V.35 电缆背靠背连接在一起,并在V.35 接口上运行了PPP 协议,在其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息: [MSR-Serial0/0]display interface Serial 0/0 Serial6/0 current state: UP Line protocol current state: DOWN 从如上信息可以推测______。()
A.两路由器之间的物理连接正常,但PPP 协议协商没有成功 B.PPP 的LCP 协商有可能未通过 C.PPP 验证可能失败了
D.两路由器V.35 接口的IP 地址有可能不在同一网段 29.(多选)客户的网络连接形如:
HostA----GE0/0--MSR-1--S1/0-----WAN----S1/0--MSR-2--GE0/0----HostB 在两台路由器MSR-1 和MSR-2 的广域网接口S1/0 上都只封装了PPP 协议并配置IP 地址。目 前HostA 与HostB 可以互相ping 通。在MSR-1 接口S1/0 下增加命令ppp authentication-mode chap,然后对MSR-1 的S1/0 执行shutdown 和undo shutdown 操作。那么______。(选择一
A.此时HostA 与HostB 依然可以互相ping 通 B.此时HostA 与HostB 之间无法互相ping 通
C.MSR-2 会发送Challenge,同时附带本端的用户名一起发送给MSR-1 开始CHAP 验证 D.MSR-1 会发送Challenge,同时附带本端的用户名一起发送给MSR-2 开始CHAP 验证 30.(多选)要设置一个子网掩码使192.168.0.94 和192.168.0.116 不在同一网段,使用的子网 掩码可能是______。(选择一项或多项)()A. B. C. D. 31.(多选)下列哪些消息是在IPv6 地址解析中被使用的?(选择一项或多项)()A.邻居请求消息 B.邻居通告消息 C.路由器请求消息 D.路由器通告消息 32.(多选)FTP 常用文件传输类型包括______。A.ASCII 码类型 B.二进制类型 C.EBCDIC 类型 D.本地类型 33.(多选)下列关于路由器特点的描述,正确的是______。()
A.路由器的路由表中存储了转发数据包所需的IP 地址与ARP 地址的对应信息,路由器根据这 些链路层信息为数据包寻找正确的路径 B.路由器可支持多种路由协议
C.路由器是网络层设备,因而其不能依据高层信息识别数据包 D.路由器提供丰富的接口类型,可适应复杂的需求 34.(多选)在路由器上执行如下配置命令: [Router] dhcp enable [Router] server forbidden-ip [Router] server forbidden-ip [Router] dhcp server ip-pool 0 [Router-dhcp-pool-0] network mask [Router-dhcp-pool-0] gateway-list [Router-dhcp-pool-0] dns-list [Router-dhcp-pool-0] expired day 5 完成以上配置后,如下哪些说法是正确的?()A.路由器具有DHCP 中继功能
B.路由器可以分配给主机的地址有252 个 C.路由器具有DHCP 服务器功能
D.主机通过DHCP 服务能够从路由器获得DNS 服务器地址192.168.1.10 35.(多选)下列选项中,哪些是基于端口的802.1x 验证的特点?()A.端口下的所有接入用户需要单独验证
B.当端口下的第一个用户下线后,其他用户也会被拒绝使用网络 C.当某个用户下线时,只有该用户无法使用网络
D.只要端口下的第一个用户验证成功后,其他接入用户无须验证就可使用网络资源 36.(多选)在交换机SWA 上执行display vlan 2 命令后,交换机输出如下:
B.VLAN2 中包含了端口Ethernet1/0/
1、Ethernet1/0/3 和Ethernet1/0/4 C.带有VLAN2 标签的数据帧离开端口Ethernet1/0/3 时需要剥离标签 D.当前交换机存在的VLAN 只有VLAN2 37.(多选)以下关于S 系列以太网交换机access 端口和链路的描述正确的是______。(A.access 端口可以同时属于多个VLAN B.access 链路只能承载不带VLAN ID 的数据帧 C.access 链路只能承载带VLAN ID 的数据帧)D.当access 端口接收到一个不带VLAN ID 的数据帧时,加上端口的PVID 值作为数据帧的 VLAN ID 38.(多选)PCA、PCB 分别与S3610 交换机SWA 的端口Ethernet1/0/
2、Ethernet1/0/3 相连,服务器与端口Ethernet1/0/1 相连。如果使用端口隔离技术使PC 间互相隔离,但PC 都能够访 问服务器,则需要在交换机上配置哪些命令?()A.[SWA] port-isolate enable B.[SWA-Ethernet1/0/2] port-isolate enable C.[SWA-Ethernet1/0/3] port-isolate enable D.[SWA-Ethernet1/0/1] port-isolate uplink-port 39.(多选)在交换机SWA 上执行display 命令后,交换机输出如下:
C.聚合组中包含了3 个处于激活状态的端口 D.聚合组中没有处于激活状态的端口
40.(多选)在交换机SWA 上执行display interface Ethernet 1/0/1 命令后,输出信息如下: [SWA]display interface Ethernet 1/0/1 Ethernet1/0/1 current state: UP......PVID: 10 Mdi type: auto Link delay is 0(sec)Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 10 VLAN permitted: 1(default vlan), 2-4094 Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q Port priority: 0......从以上输出可以判断______。()
A.带有VLAN10 标签的数据帧离开端口Ethernet1/0/1 时会被剥离标签 B.带有VLAN20 标签的数据帧不能从端口Ethernet1/0/1 转发出去 C.带有VLAN1 标签的数据帧进入端口Ethernet1/0/1 时会被丢弃 D.带有VLAN10 标签的数据帧进入端口Ethernet1/0/1 时会被丢弃 41.交换机SWA 上没有划分VLAN。SWA 的MAC 地址表如下所示: MAC ADDR VLAN ID STATE PORT INDEX AGING TIME(s)00e0-fc01-0101 1 Learned Ethernet1/0/1 AGING 00e0-fc01-0102 1 Learned Ethernet1/0/1 AGING 00e0-fc01-0105 1 Learned Ethernet1/0/1 AGING 00e0-fc02-0101 1 Learned Ethernet1/0/2 AGING 00e0-fc02-0103 1 Learned Ethernet1/0/2 AGING 当SWA 由端口Ethernet1/0/1 接收到一个目的地址为00e0-fc01-0103 且源地址为 00e0-fc02-0107 的以太网帧时,下列描述正确的是_______。(选择一项或多项)()A.SWA 会将地址00e0-fc01-0103 加入MAC 地址表 B.SWA 不会将地址00e0-fc01-0103 加入MAC 地址表 C.SWA 不会将地址00e0-fc02-0107 加入MAC 地址表 D.SWA 会将地址00e0-fc02-0107 加入MAC 地址表
B.运行该路由协议的路由器会根据收集到的链路状态信息形成一个包含各个目的网段的加权 有向图
D.该路由协议周期性发送更新消息交换路由表 43.(多选)客户的网络连接形如:
HostA----GE0/0--MSR-1--S1/0-----WAN-----S1/0--MSR-2--GE0/0----HostB 两台路由器都是出厂默认配置。分别给路由器的四个接口配置了正确的IP 地址,两台主机 HostA、HostB 都正确配置了IP 地址以及网关,假设所有物理连接都正常,那么______。(选
A.每台路由器上各自至少需要配置1 条静态路由才可以实现HostA、HostB 的互通 B.每台路由器上各自至少需要配置2 条静态路由才可以实现HostA、HostB 的互通 C.路由器上不配置任何路由,HostA 可以ping 通MSR-2 的接口S1/0 的IP 地址 D.路由器上不配置任何路由,HostA 可以ping 通MSR-1 的接口S1/0 的IP 地址 44.(多选)在一台MSR 路由器的路由表中发现如下路由信息: Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface XXX 100 48 S6/1 那么关于此条路由信息的描述正确的是______。(选择一项或多项)()A.这条路由项中的Proto 可能是static B.这条路有一定是通过动态路由学习到的 C.这条路由项中的Proto 可能是rip D.这条路由一定不可能是一条直连路由
45.(多选)在交换机SWA 上执行display stp 命令后,交换机输出如下: [SWA]display stp-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------CIST Bridge :32768.000f-e23e-f9b0 Bridge Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20 从以上输出可以判断______。(选择一项或多项)()
A.当前交换机工作在RSTP 模式下 B.当前交换机工作在MSTP 模式下 C.当前交换机的桥优先级是32768 D.当前交换机是根桥
46.(多选)MSTP 的特点有______。(选择一项或多项)()A.MSTP 兼容STP 和RSTP。
B.MSTP 把一个交换网络划分成多个域,每个域内形成多棵生成树,生成树间彼此独立。C.MSTP 将环路网络修剪成为一个无环的树型网络,避免报文在环路网络中的增生和无 限循环,同时还可以提供数据转发的冗余路径,在数据转发过程中实现VLAN 数据的负载均衡。D.以上说法均不正确
47.(多选)局域网存在环路可能会导致______。(选择一项或多项)()A.广播风暴 B.端口速率发生变化
C.端口双工模式发生变化 D.MAC 地址学习错误
48.(多选)在如图所示的交换网络中,所有交换机都启用了STP 协议。SWA 被选为了根桥。根据图中的信息来看,______端口应该被置为Forwarding 状态。(选择一项或多项)()
A.SWA 的P1 B.SWA 的P2 C.SWC 的P1 D.SWC 的P2 E.信息不足,无法判断
49.(多选)如图(4110a)拓扑,SWA、SWB 和SWC 构成的环路启用STP,则如下说法正确 的有______。()
A.加入SWD 之前,STP 收敛后,SWB 的端口E0/2 为Alternate 端口 B.加入SWD 之前,STP 收敛后,SWC 会从E0/1 和E0/2 均收到配置BPDU C.STP 收敛后,将SWD 通过图中虚线链路1 和网络相连,则SWD 会首先发送以自己为根的配
置BPDU,经过最长Hello Time 后,SWC 会向SWD 发送以SWA 为根的配置BPDU D.STP 收敛后,将SWD 通过图中虚线链路1 和网络相连,则SWD 会首先发送以自己为根的配
置BPDU,SWB 会立即回应以SWA 为根的配置BPDU 50.(多选)以下属于核心层功能的是______。(选择一项或多项)()A.拥有大量的接口,用于与最终用户计算机相连 B.接入安全控制 C.高速的包交换 D.必要的路由策略
二、问答题(每题50 分,共2 道)
1.在如下图所示的组网中,Area1 配置为NSSA 区域,同时将Switch C 配置为ASBR 引入外 部路由(静态路由)如下:
[SwitchC] ip route-static 24 [SwitchC] ospf [SwitchC-ospf-1] import-route static [SwitchC-ospf-1] quit 请问:
在Switch C 上可能会生成哪几类LSA 发送给Switch A?(15 分)并简单说明原因。(10 分)在Switch A 上可能会生成哪几类LSA 发送给area 0?(15 分)并简单说明原因。(10 分)答案:
2.请尽可能的列举RSTP 协议和STP 协议之间的区别(30 分),并分析RSTP 协议相对于STP 协议主要从哪几个方面实现其“快速”功能(20 分)。答案:__
Facing this audience on the stage, I have the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history, for what we are facing today is more than a mere competition or contest.It is an assembly of some of China's most talented and motivated people, representatives of a younger generation that are preparing themselves for the coming of a new century.I'm grateful that I've been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to stand here as a spokesman of my generation and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as well.Though it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, I believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years.In my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons.The teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me.but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, I always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself.One day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, “Could you please explain this to me? I want very much to do better this time.” I started explaining, and finished in a hurry.Pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, I ran off quickly.Nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam.And two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer.No one ever knew about the little task I failed to fulfill, but I couldn't forgive myself.I simply couldn't forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, “Why didn't you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you? Why didn't you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that I would not have to leave this world in such pain and regret?”
I was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for I began to understand the word “responsibility” and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society.Later in my life, I continued to experience many failures.But never again did I feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that I have always done everything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best I can.As I grew up, changed and improved by this incident and many other similar ones, I began to perceive the changes taking place around me and to find that society, in a way, was in its formative years like myself.New buildings, new commodities and new fashions appear every day.New ideas, new information, new technologies.People can talk with each other from any corner of the earth in a matter of seconds.Society is becoming more competitive.Words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts.Such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures.Such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it.Yet in the meantime, many problems still exist.We learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting.We hear that there are still about 1 million children in this country who can't even afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars.We buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people believe, is the most important thing in the world that must be made, even at the expense of morality and responsibility.Such an era, therefore, determines that we are a generation with a keener sense of competition and efficiency and a greater readiness to think critically and act creatively.Such an era, furthermore, demands, that we are a generation with a clear perception of our historical responsibility and an aggressive will to take action and solve the problems.History has long been preparing these qualities in this generation and it is now calling us forward to give testimony to our patriotism and heroism towards this nation and all humanity.Standing here now, I think of the past 15 years of my life as an ordinary student.Probably I'll be an ordinary man for the rest of my life.But this doesn't discourage me any, for I know that with my sense of responsibility and devoted efforts to always strive, for the best, it's going to be a meaningful and worthwhile life that I will be living.Standing here now, I think of the past 15 years of this nation, which has achieved greatness that inspired millions of people of my age, most of whom will not attain fame or prestige and only a few of whom will be remembered by posterity.But that doesn't discourage us any, because we know that the world watches, the world listens, the world is waiting to see where this nation will be heading in a time of rich opportunities and fierce competition.I can't ever forget that little girl in my class who couldn't had the same opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world tomorrow.It is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to the challenges of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the historic cause of making this nation a greater and happier land for every one of us.We are not going to evade that responsibility.We are going to let people down.And people, far and near, will hear of us.Frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, So let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in victory and glory.
Facing this audience on the stage, I have the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history, for what we are facing today is more than a mere competition or contest.It is an assembly of some of China's most talented and motivated people, representatives of a younger generation that are preparing themselves for the coming of a new century.I'm grateful that I've been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to stand here as a spokesman of my generation and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as well.Though it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, I believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years.In my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons.The teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me.but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, I always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself.One day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, “Could you please explain this to me? I want very much to do better this time.” I started explaining, and finished in a hurry.Pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, I ran off quickly.Nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam.And two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer.No one ever knew about the little task I failed to fulfill, but I couldn't forgive myself.I simply couldn't forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, “Why didn't you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you? Why didn't you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that I would not have to leave this world in such pain and regret?”
I was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for I began to understand the word “responsibility” and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society.Later in my life, I continued to experience many failures.But never again did I feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that I have always done everything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best I can.As I grew up, changed and improved by this incident and many other similar ones, I began to perceive the changes taking place around me and to find that society, in a way, was in its formative years like myself.New buildings, new commodities and new fashions appear every day.New ideas, new information, new technologies.People can talk with each other from any corner of the earth in a matter of seconds.Society is becoming more competitive.Words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts.Such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures.Such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it.Yet in the meantime, many problems still exist.We learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting.We hear that there are still about 1 million children in this country who can't even afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars.We buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people believe, is the most important thing in the world that must be made, even at the expense of morality and responsibility.Such an era, therefore, determines that we are a generation with a keener sense of competition and efficiency and a greater readiness to think critically and act creatively.Such an era, furthermore, demands, that we are a generation with a clear perception of our historical responsibility and an aggressive will to take action and solve the problems.History has long been preparing these qualities in this generation and it is now calling us forward to give testimony to our patriotism and heroism towards this nation and all humanity.Standing here now, I think of the past 15 years of my life as an ordinary student.Probably I'll be an ordinary man for the rest of my life.But this doesn't discourage me any, for I know that with my sense of responsibility and devoted efforts to always strive, for the best, it's going to be a meaningful and worthwhile life that I will be living.Standing here now, I think of the past 15 years of this nation, which has achieved greatness that inspired millions of people of my age, most of whom will not attain fame or prestige and only a few of whom will be remembered by posterity.But that doesn't discourage us any, because we know that the world watches, the world listens, the world is waiting to see where this nation will be heading in a time of rich opportunities and fierce competition.I can't ever forget that little girl in my class who couldn't had the same opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world tomorrow.It is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to the challenges of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the historic cause of making this nation a greater and happier land for every one of us.We are not going to evade that responsibility.We are going to let people down.And people, far and near, will hear of us.Frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, So let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in victory and glory.