
时间:2019-05-13 23:48:06下载本文作者:会员上传


A beautiful mind “is the legend of the genius of John Nash Professor, mainly about natural disposition is eccentric Nash refused and students, the surrounding people exchanges, and the all the energy invested in mathematical research, although classmates ridicule and bullying and the tutor's disappointment made him extremely painful and inferiority, but he did not give up the hearts of the ideal, tireless study of mathematics.But because of the research is too deep, leading to the last he suffered from schizophrenia, Nash in love with his wife Alicia's help, tenacious struggle, after efforts he finally overcome this misfortune, and in 1994 won the Nobel prize.The plot development of the film is the same as all the people's life.Two hours of the film, I simply followed the protagonist Nash together with mental illness, think everything is so normal and natural, so that the problem has not been found in the presence of.When doctor Luo said Nash paranoid and coerce him into the car,I do not believe this thing, and are deeply sympathetic to Nash, because I think it must be the doctor wrong judgment, Nash is thought to be psychiatric just because he was doing underground work, he indulged in password cracking is for the safety of the country and the people.And that roommate was a man who betrayed him.Until his wife to find Nash put in the abandoned building in the mailbox all Kaifeng so-called encrypted messages and Nash digging arm trying to find into the plumbing and not after, I was sure of his disease.I can only understand thoroughly admiration screenwriter of character, his intellect cheated us these audience sharp eyes.After watching the film, I also recognize a little: do not care about the views of others.The disappointment and frustration of the instructor did not cause Nash to lose confidence in his career, and eventually he studied the great balance theory;and he was not afraid of the ridicule and

rehabilitation of others, his own will power and his wife's love and support to his friends.In 1994, Nash got the pen of university teachers in Princeton, representing the people of his life achievement of affirmation and appreciation, and in that year, he won the Nobel prize in speech, in his speech, he said: “I’ve always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, ”What truly is logic? Who decides reason?" My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional--and back.And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.I'm only here tonight because of you.You are the reason I am.You are all my reasons.“These words, perhaps, is the best generalization of his life.Nash's life is rough, there is pain and happiness and success, but he is suffering, and

after the success of the hard work, I think, this kind of life is what I should pursue, because only this life is a complete life.






Life Is Beautiful One day someone walk into your life, and then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for.In 1939 , Italy a Jewish guy Guido who is funny and imaginative fall in love with a beautiful and elegant school teacher Dora.Because of the girl’s mother they can’t get together.But in Dora‘s engagement party.Guido wins her heart completely.They get married and have a lovely boy Giosué Orefice Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the world can explain.Their love is so quickly but deeply and strong.Maybe they will have a beautiful life in the century we are living ,but that timeThe World War II broken out.Nazis come and take them away.Nightmare begins.The happy family gets swept off to a concentration camp.The father in order to make his son believe that the predicament is just a game his family is participating in, uses very imagination and makes his son believe that it is just a game they are playing and the first prize is a tank.Various levels of creativity are used by to protect his son in the camp, where the old and the children are killed because they are not strong enough to work.At the end of the war , Guido want to help his wife out , unfortunately ,he got a shooting.Then American soldiers save the little boy.Giosué Orefice reunion with his mother.I think many years later, the boy would know that was his father use the life for his beautiful life.Life is not always what we want it to be.We fight.We cry.And sometimes, we give up.But in our hearts, we know it's still full of love.So always remember,life is beautiful.



Hello, everyone!

I'm glad to share my favorite's film with you.The film is original from a true story, the mathematician John Forbes Nash who suffered from Schizophrenia when he was at college and he lived the virtual world which he built all the time.Finally, his sickness was becoming more and more serious, and even one time, he hardly killed his son.So a lot of people thought he is horrible and incurable and fear to

come into contact with him.However, his wife didn't think so, she loved Nash and believed him could overcome the disease, so she encouraged him to go out from the virtual world.With his wife's

encouragement, Nash tried all his best to study math to avoid falling into his virtual world.Though his disease was incurable, he learnt to control

himself and spend all of his energy to teaching and study.At last he did well in math and put forward a famous theory named equilibrium which benefit economy a lot.Because of the great contribution to

the economy, he won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1994.What impressed me most is love after watching the film, what is love? I think when the entire world abandons you, but your family will never abandon you.Instead, they encourage you and give you strength to walk out from the trouble.So, that's love!

The film is very nice, so I hope you can spend time watching it.OK!

That's what I want to share with you!Thank you!




Life Is Beautiful

One day someone walk into your life, and then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for.In 1939 , Italy a Jewish guy Guido who is funny and imaginative fall in love with a beautiful and elegant school teacher Dora.Because of the girl’s mother they can’t get together.But in Dora‘s engagement party.Guido wins her heart completely.They get married and have a lovely boy Giosué Orefice

Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the world can explain.Their love is so quickly but deeply and strong.Maybe they will have a beautiful life in the century we are living ,but that timeThe World War II broken out.Nazis come and take them away.Nightmare begins.The happy family gets swept off to a concentration camp.The father in order to make his son believe that the predicament is just a game his family is participating in, uses very imagination and makes his son believe that it is just a game they are playing and the first prize is a tank.Various levels of creativity are used by to protect his son in the camp, where the old and the children are killed because they are not strong enough to work.Guido has faced a lot of troubles, but he still be optimistic about life.At the end of the war , Guido want to help his wife out , unfortunately ,he got a shooting.Then American soldiers save the little boy.Giosué Orefice reunion with his mother.I think many years later, the boy would know that was his father use the life for his beautiful life.Life is not always what we want it to be.We fight.We cry.And sometimes, we give up.But in our hearts, we know it's still full of love.So always remember,life is beautiful.





“……and I have made the most important discovery of my career,the most important discovery of my life.it is only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found.I'm only here tonight because of you.you are the reason I am,you are all my reasons,thank you.” John Nash said.这是《美丽心灵》这部电影男主人公站在颁奖台上所说的话,他衷心地感谢他的妻子,感谢她在患难中不舍不弃,感谢她在他低谷时的理解与安慰。正如他所说,之所以他能站在台上,这完全是因为她。









也许是上天的眷顾,一开始John Nash就明白他跟别人不一样,比别人聪明,于是他潜心寻找一个真正有创意的理论,来证明自己。正因为这样,他藐视同学的“无聊”论文,看不起去上课的嫩脑袋们,因此,不善交际的他被人嘲笑,被人孤立,于是他直接把自己给封闭起来。就在此时,来了一位宿友,去帮助他,去开导他,去启发他,去鼓励他。而这些这些正是他所需要的。

成功之后,如愿进入了麻省理工学院进行研究和教学的工作,可日复一日地研究和教学,令John Nash快耐不住这般地默默无闻,终于转机来了,一次偶然的机会,进入五角大楼的中情局帮忙破译密码,而后面遇到了神秘人,接受一系列的神秘任务,让他证明了自己,得到了满足。殊不知,这一切一切都是他的幻觉。

宿友的来访让他确信这些都不是幻觉,可面对医生、妻子的苦苦规劝,面对摆在他面前那一沓旧得已发霉却还没开封的保密文件,面对原来大学宿舍只有他一个人住的事实,就在这一个个真相面前,他内心正在痛苦地挣扎着,最后John Nash接受了药物治疗。



就在暴雨倾盆的街道上,John Nash冒雨拦在车子的前方呐喊“她并没有长大!她并没有长大!”

一旦患有精神分裂症,只能接收药物治疗,没有人能靠自己治愈自己,因为问题正是发生在用来思考的脑袋上。但是,John Nash没有采纳医生的建议,而是选择了接受。


John Nash迈出第一步,回到普林斯顿大学,重新去认识这个社会,认识身边的人,重新融入这个团体。有时他依旧还会疯疯癫癫,依旧还会自言自语,自我封闭,遭到学生嘲笑,依旧摆脱不了那些幻觉。可就在昔日的同学和妻子的帮助与理解下,慢慢地,一年过去了,两年过去了,十年过去了,他走出了困境,理解了真相,理解了自己。

明白自己有精神分裂是痛苦的,那些缠人的幻觉正无时无刻地提醒着John Nash,可他没有去逃避,没有去急着摆脱这些幻觉,因为摆脱他们就是否认现实,否认那些你曾经需要他们的现实。想回以前,当John Nash独自一个人苦苦追索那些理论时,没有一个人能理解他,包括他的同学们,甚至连他的导师都责怪他不去上课,拖交论文。可就是那个他幻想出来的宿友一直陪在他的身边。当John Nash成功后,依旧他的才华还是被掩埋在虚度的时光,他不甘心,他要更成功,就在这时,那些幻想再一度伸出了援手。其实,所有的所有都是有因可循,真正的接受,是明白那些已经被遗忘了,被隐藏了,却植根于心的痛与伤。





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