hello every one.my name is yang yuewu.i am graduatefrom the fourth middle school of tongzhou.now i study in beijing youth political college.there are four people in my falimy.iam the youngest one in my family.in my spare time,i like to read novels.ithink reading could enlarge my knowledge.as for novels,i couldimagine whatever ilike such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.in addition to reading,when i study alone,i like to listening to music.but i am not lonely,i like to chat with my friends,almost talk everything.my favorite sport is play badminton.i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.i have full confidence in a bright future.my plan during graduate study life is to to get higher degree which is my lifelong goal.工商企业管理2班
杨乐武2013131217 篇二:personal statement 英文自我介绍
/the-vampire-diaries/video/nina-dobrev-now-that-stefans-a-different-person-elena-will-grow-closer-to-damon dear my home-stay family, hi, i’m so lucky and honored to be assigned to live in your house.i don’t want to cause you any trouble during my stay.but i best regards, liu zhongqi personal statement now, i’m 19.just like many other girls, i have already passed the peak of my adolescence.it means that i am not rebellious any more.i know how to control my emotions and try not to let the negative side hurt people around me.generally, i’m an easy-going girl who love to make friends and traveling.i always get inspired by meeting new things and i enjoy this inspiring moment very much, which could shed light on some life puzzles and give me passion to keep moving forward.in my spare time, i always surf the internet for updated information, or do some sports like table tennis, basketball, and swimming with my friends.sometimes i also play the piano to please myself.by the way, my favourite music is classic music--the minuet in g major by beethoven in particular, fascinates me.the reasons i apply for this program are based on my interest and self-development.first of all, i am interested in american culture, with which i fell in love after watching the movie--“titanic” when i was 6 years old.at that time, i found the actress and actor were gorgeous, the cruise ship was splendidly decorated and the scene was so real and spectacular.from then on, i always pay special attention to anything about american.i just want to figure out how this country can develop so well and have such great influence in the world.maybe, i suppose, it’s the diverse culture, the open and democratic environment that nurture a powerful country.since what i know about the usa is kind of shallow, this program provide me a chance to further know about the culture of the country through learning at school, staying with american families, and living american style!i just can’t wait.what’s more, the university’s location—south california, enjoys agreeable weather and convenient public facilities, which enable me to study and play well while adjusting the local life without much difficulty.now i am in my sophomore year.i put my emphasis on my specialized courses and in the meantime, i don’t lose my eye on my english learning.according to the regulation of my university, the cet-4 are allowed to attend only from one’s sophomore year.so i will attend it in december.at this time, i can prove my english ability through this article and my first prize certificate of national english contest of college student(neccs).knowing that the language fluency is the first consideration when moving to america, i will strengthen my english ability through everyday practice.that is, for example, the english listening practice before my sleep should be added to 40minutes.and i will try to remember more professional english expressions.still, don’t give up reading english novels and newspapers.篇三:英文自我介绍 英语面试自我介绍范文
篇四:我的首尔大学申请(学习计划和自我介绍英文版)seoul national university form 2: personal statement & study plan for undergraduate applicants please type or print in english or korean.academics secondary schools entry date ____________graduation date _____________ mm/yyyy mm/yyyy number & street city/townstate/province country zip/postal code current or most recent secondary school attended _______________________________________________ school address ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ mm/dd/yyyy applicant’s name ______________________ birthdate ________ department of your choice _____________ writing short answer 1.please describe any unique characteristics of your school or distinctive qualities to your secondary education.give a brief account of the curriculum and mention any set of courses which were pedagogically significant in
2.in relation to your academic interests and personal perspectives, please describe your aptitude and motivation for the department of your choice, including your preparation for this field of study, your academic achievement
personal essay and other objective data.it will demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.given your personal background, evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken;or discuss an issue of personal, local, or international concern and its importance to you, or;describe a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that impact.we are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student.study plan 5.please explain in some detail your purpose in studying at seoul national university and your plans for study.be as specific as you can regarding your academic interests and the curriculum you expect to follow in achieving your goals.required signature i certify that all information submitted during the admissions process – including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials – is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented.i understand that i may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation or expulsion, should the information i’ve certified be false.signature ________________________________________________________ date___________ mm/dd/yyyy 篇五:自我介绍文档 郭景璐老师 2012年授课目录
目 录
一.郭景璐老师简介„„„„„„„„„.„„„„„„„„..2 二.郭景璐老师2012年授课目录清单„..„„„„„„„„..4 三.郭景璐老师2012年授课提纲„.„.„„„„„„„„„...错误!未定义书签。1.人力资源管理„„„„„„„..„„„„„„„.„„„.错误!未定义书签。2.心理资源管理„„„„„„..„„„„„„„„„„„„错误!未定义书签。3.创业指南„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„..„„错误!未定义书签。4.公文写作„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„..9 联系方式:
电话:0631-5190919 手机:*** 郭景璐老师简介
? ? 国家注册一级职业指导师 ? ? 国家注册二级秘书、心理咨询师 ? ? 国家注册高级人力资源管理师
源方面的课程,为其考取国家注册人力资源管理师做授前辅导。同时,在广 ? 亲和兼具专家型讲师风格。授课内容以职业指导、人力资源管理和社会心理学等理论知识为基础,凭借深厚的知识底蕴、丰富的社会阅历、资深的教学经验,通过个人独特的思考角度和成功的实际案例分析,运用风趣、生动、幽默的语言风格,以深入浅出的办法,实实在在地为学员解决个性化问题。? 在授课过程中,尊重学员的个性,强调亲和平等的沟通方式与思维模式,帮助企业发掘人力资源、培养人力素养、运用人力资本,确立企业树立新观
【心理资源】情绪与压力管理;职场团体心理疏导;心理亚健康疗愈;婚姻 心理咨询;家长与青春期子女的沟通;团体凝聚力训练;情绪生产力训练;员工责任心训练;职业幸福感体验等。
【创业指南】播洒创业种子,让学员了解什么叫企业;分析性格,看看哪些 人更适合创业;介绍企业类型,讲解什么叫现金流、什么叫商品流;从人的根性出发,提出不同性格的人对创业面临内部压力和外部挑战;挖掘适合创业人群潜在的创业优势;讲解国家对创业者实施的优惠政策等。
篇六:全国小学英语旗舰相互自我简短介绍整理 talking about ourselves.----全国小学英语旗舰相互自我简短介绍整理(2012.05.03)
时间:2012年5月3日星期四 20:00 地点:全国小学英语旗舰群
话题第一主持人:安徽罗素玲 话题第二主持人:四川王丽君老师
安徽-辛勤:各位好,本人来自安徽,从事小学英语一线教学工作。中文名辛勤,英文名victor,望此平台能充分发挥学习、交流、研讨、分享、进步、提高的作用。现所教教材版本为pep,曾任教过牛津江苏初中版,新目标(go for it)初中版,外研安徽小学版等教材。希望能与大家共同交流学习。
浙江 姚贺国:05年毕业后一直从事英语教学,主要任教六年级英语教学工作,两年六年级班主任工作经历,小学初中英语教学均有涉及。2011年开始投稿,目前最高荣誉是小班专题论文在杭州市获一等奖,专业论文在双核心刊物《中小学英语教学与研究》上发表,另有一篇专业论文在双核心刊物《中小学外语教学》论文评比中获一等奖。此外在《中国教师报》有一篇夜话整理和几个微语刊登,在《班主任之友》小学篇和中学篇各有两篇教学案例发表,在地方报纸《杭州日 报》《钱江晚报》上有几次刊登,有诗歌刊登于《柏风》,有游记发表于《阳台》,最骄傲的事:2011年5月受邀参加在华东师范大学举办的全国中小学英语教学研讨会,并在会上发言探讨。必须坚持的事:凡是要版面费的杂志都不是好杂志,沾不得!
四川外研王丽君:网名:幽幽百合 笔名:冰水凌 英文名:lily 教过8年语文,2001年转行任教小学英语。
/forum.php?mod=group&fid=1301 同时群组共享有编辑报名表请下载申报
安徽pep辛勤:这是一个很好的开始!well begun is half done.也真心期待我们群组活动越来越精彩,期望我们能真正的学有所有。
小英群是武汉裴年忠老师民间组织——中国教师俱乐部的成员,裴老师特意赶来为小英送来美好祝福。小英群的口号:小英(群)是我家,热闹靠大家。要想同进步,常来交流呀!小英发起人四川王丽君老师激动地说:“交流学习共同成长 成全他人成就自己”。这也是小英全体成员最美好的祝愿,也是大家正在实践着的。
hello every one.my name is yang yuewu.i am graduatefrom the fourth middle school of tongzhou.now i study in beijing youth political college.there are four people in my falimy.iam the youngest one in my family.in my spare time,i like to read novels.ithink reading could enlarge my knowledge.as for novels,i couldimagine whatever ilike such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.in addition to reading,when i study alone,i like to listening to music.but i am not lonely,i like to chat with my friends,almost talk everything.my favorite sport is play badminton.i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.i have full confidence in a bright future.my plan during graduate study life is to to get higher degree which is my lifelong goal.工商企业管理2班
杨乐武2013131217 篇二:personal statement 英文自我介绍
/the-vampire-diaries/video/nina-dobrev-now-that-stefans-a-different-person-elena-will-grow-closer-to-damon dear my home-stay family, hi, i’m so lucky and honored to be assigned to live in your house.i don’t want to cause you any trouble during my stay.but i best regards, liu zhongqi personal statement now, i’m 19.just like many other girls, i have already passed the peak of my adolescence.it means that i am not rebellious any more.i know how to control my emotions and try not to let the negative side hurt people around me.generally, i’m an easy-going girl who love to make friends and traveling.i always get inspired by meeting new things and i enjoy this inspiring moment very much, which could shed light on some life puzzles and give me passion to keep moving forward.in my spare time, i always surf the internet for updated information, or do some sports like table tennis, basketball, and swimming with my friends.sometimes i also play the piano to please myself.by the way, my favourite music is classic music--the minuet in g major by beethoven in particular, fascinates me.the reasons i apply for this program are based on my interest and self-development.first of all, i am interested in american culture, with which i fell in love after watching the movie--“titanic” when i was 6 years old.at that time, i found the actress and actor were gorgeous, the cruise ship was splendidly decorated and the scene was so real and spectacular.from then on, i always pay special attention to anything about american.i just want to figure out how this country can develop so well and have such great influence in the world.maybe, i suppose, it’s the diverse culture, the open and democratic environment that nurture a powerful country.since what i know about the usa is kind of shallow, this program provide me a chance to further know about the culture of the country through learning at school, staying with american families, and living american style!i just can’t wait.what’s more, the university’s location—south california, enjoys agreeable weather and convenient public facilities, which enable me to study and play well while adjusting the local life without much difficulty.now i am in my sophomore year.i put my emphasis on my specialized courses and in the meantime, i don’t lose my eye on my english learning.according to the regulation of my university, the cet-4 are allowed to attend only from one’s sophomore year.so i will attend it in december.at this time, i can prove my english ability through this article and my first prize certificate of national english contest of college student(neccs).knowing that the language fluency is the first consideration when moving to america, i will strengthen my english ability through everyday practice.that is, for example, the english listening practice before my sleep should be added to 40minutes.and i will try to remember more professional english expressions.still, don’t give up reading english novels and newspapers.篇三:英文自我介绍 英语面试自我介绍范文
■临场发挥 篇四:我的首尔大学申请(学习计划和自我介绍英文版)seoul national university form 2: personal statement & study plan for undergraduate applicants please type or print in english or korean.academics secondary schools entry date ____________graduation date _____________ mm/yyyy mm/yyyy number & street city/townstate/province country zip/postal code current or most recent secondary school attended _______________________________________________ school address ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ mm/dd/yyyy applicant’s name ______________________ birthdate ________ department of your choice _____________ writing short answer 1.please describe any unique characteristics of your school or distinctive qualities to your secondary education.give a brief account of the curriculum and mention any set of courses which were pedagogically significant in
2.in relation to your academic interests and personal perspectives, please describe your aptitude and motivation for the department of your choice, including your preparation for this field of study, your academic achievement
personal essay and other objective data.it will demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.given your personal background, evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken;or discuss an issue of personal, local, or international concern and its importance to you, or;describe a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that impact.we are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student.study plan 5.please explain in some detail your purpose in studying at seoul national university and your plans for study.be as specific as you can regarding your academic interests and the curriculum you expect to follow in achieving your goals.required signature i certify that all information submitted during the admissions process – including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials – is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented.i understand that i may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation or expulsion, should the information i’ve certified be false.signature ________________________________________________________ date___________ mm/dd/yyyy 篇五:自我介绍文档 郭景璐老师 2012年授课目录
目 录
一.郭景璐老师简介„„„„„„„„„.„„„„„„„„..2 二.郭景璐老师2012年授课目录清单„..„„„„„„„„..4 三.郭景璐老师2012年授课提纲„.„.„„„„„„„„„...错误!未定义书签。2.心理资源管理„„„„„„..„„„„„„„„„„„„错误!未定义书签。
电话:0631-5190919 手机:*** 郭景璐老师简介
? ? 国家注册一级职业指导师 ? ? 国家注册二级秘书、心理咨询师 ? ? 国家注册高级人力资源管理师
? 亲和兼具专家型讲师风格。
篇六:全国小学英语旗舰相互自我简短介绍整理 talking about ourselves.----全国小学英语旗舰相互自我简短介绍整理(2012.05.03)
时间:2012年5月3日星期四 20:00 地点:全国小学英语旗舰群
话题第一主持人:安徽罗素玲 话题第二主持人:四川王丽君老师
安徽-辛勤:各位好,本人来自安徽,从事小学英语一线教学工作。中文名辛勤,英文名victor,望此平台能充分发挥学习、交流、研讨、分享、进步、提高的作用。现所教教材版本为pep,曾任教过牛津江苏初中版,新目标(go for it)初中版,外研安徽小学版等教材。
浙江 姚贺国:05年毕业后一直从事英语教学,主要任教六年级英语教学工作,两年六年级班主任工作经历,小学初中英语教学均有涉及。
/forum.php?mod=group&fid=1301 同时群组共享有编辑报名表请下载申报
小英群是武汉裴年忠老师民间组织——中国教师俱乐部的成员,裴老师特意赶来为小英送来美好祝福。小英群的口号:小英(群)是我家,热闹靠大家。要想同进步,常来交流呀!小英发起人四川王丽君老师激动地说:“交流学习共同成长 成全他人成就自己”。
Good afternoon, my professors!It’s really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, and I hope I can make a good performance today, and eventually I can be qualified for enrollment to this prestigious university in september.My name is XXX,24 years old.I come from Jiaozuo ,which is located in the northwest of Henan province.I have finished my college life and got my bachelor’s degree at Tianjin polytechnic university with the major of electronics information engineering after my graduation in July last year.I have acquired basic knowledge of computer programming and hardware design both in theory and in practice.Perhaps you may ask,“Why do you give up your own major and choose public administration as your major during your graduate study in the future?” Now ,I would tell you that after pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally arrived at conclusion that public administration is something I truly want to study and It’s worthwhile.Firstly,the target of public administration is to maxmize the public interests,which attracts me a lot ,and just as a saying goes ,“interest is the best teacher”.My grades ranked the third place during my undergraduate study.But in my opinion, the study at the postgraduate level needs further exploration of unknown realms,So interest is very important.Secondly, the major has
gained wide application and concern for the time being.And Tianjin University has a good reputation in the field fo public administration and so many excellent teachers who have strong research abilities.Thirdly, four years study in science cultivate myself to be rigorous, strict, relistic and truthful, which I think is helpful for my further study in public administration, so I think it’s a wise choice.The year before last, I attended Tianjin University’s entrance exam, but to my disappointment, I failed.However, I do love the atmosphere in your university.Tianjin University is a dream in my heart.If I give up, I will regret for the rest of my life.Then I made up my mind to have a try again.So it’s a great pleasure for me to stand here for the second test!
I dream to be a member in your university and I want to receive systematic professional training in public administration.That’s all aboat my presentation.Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Good morning!Ladies and gentlemen!It is my great honor to have this opportunity for this interview.Now please allow me to introduce myself briefly.My name isxxx, I am a senior student of Xiamen University, my major is digital media technology.Today I come here for the PM&BA intern.It’s the position I want and I am sure I can do a great job.I always like to take an active part in all kinds of social activities in my spare time, which makes me have a good skill in communication and collaboration.Otherwise, Participating in composition contest makes my sentence structure and communication skills better.Therefore, when I see this, I see not only a job, but a great challenge.If I have the honor to enter your team, I will try my best to do my job.That is all!Thank you!