xx学 院
学 年 论 文
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班 级: 姓 名: 指 导 教 师:
7月 Comparison of the Wine Culture between
China and the West
摘 要
关键词:中国 西方 酒文化 比较
Comparison of the Wine Culture between
China and the West
Abstract ’s daily life, in the long history of human culture, it is not only an objective physical existence but also a cultural symbol.That is the symbol of wine culture.Wine culture is long standing and well established.Wine culture is one of the irreplaceable parts of a country’s historic development and cultural sediment.Chinese and western values are basically different, and so is the wine culture.Though comparing the origin and the material and category of wine-making, drinking customs, the communicative functions and drinking culture between China and the West, this paper studies the differences between Chinese wine culture and the Western wine culture.Thus further to compare the difference between China and the western culture, especially the value.Key words: China the west wine culture comparison
目 录
1引言................................................................1 2中西方酒文化的起源..................................................2 2.1中国酿酒的起源.................................................2 2.2西方国家酿酒的起源.............................................2 3中西方酒文化的差异..................................................3 3.1酿酒原料与酒的种类的差异.............................................3
3.1.1酿酒原料的差异...........................................3 3.1.2酒的种类的差异...........................................3 3.2酒器的差异............................................................3 3.3饮酒礼俗的差异........................................................4 3.4饮酒目的的差异........................................................4 4.中西方酒文化之间的交流及发展趋势....................................6 4.1中西方酒文化的交流.............................................6 4.2中西方酒文化交流的发展趋势..............................................6
5结语................................................................8 注释..................................................................9 参考文献.............................................................10
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在中国,酒常常被当做一种工具。所谓醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。山水之乐,得知心而寓之酒。[1]人们更多的依靠饮酒而追求酒之外的东西。青梅煮酒是为了论证谁是英雄;杯莫停的将进酒,为的是与尔同消万古愁;竹林里狂歌的XX 学 院 学 年 论 文
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当面对生活的不如意时,人们习惯用酒精麻醉自己,以此“借酒消愁”。在此观点上,中国和西方有相近的人生观。但不同的是,汉语中的“借酒消愁”常含有“愁上加愁”的隐身含义。如诗仙(酒仙)李白的名句“抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。”英语中“wine”却不会令人“愁上加愁”,相反,它能令人忘记烦恼。《圣经》中就有喝酒忘记烦恼的说法:“Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those who are bitter to heart.Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.”(proverbs, 31:6-7,The Old Testament)汉语中有“旧瓶装新酒”的说法,它源自英语谚语“to put new wine in old bottles”,但两者的与已有很大的差别。英语中的“to put new wine in old bottles”来自《圣经》,常用来指:“把一些新的原则强加于太老或者不适合的人或事物,以至于使之承受不了”。而汉语中的“旧瓶装新酒”则出现在“五四”新文化运动兴起之后,用来比喻文言文与新思想内容的格格不入[2]。随着时间的推移,“旧瓶装新酒”的含义发生了根本性的转变,多数情况下用作褒义,比喻用旧形式来表现新内容。
在中西方文化交流过程中,中西方酒文化也得到进一步融合:青岛的啤酒节,水井坊中法酒文化交流,张裕葡萄酒的成立,国酒茅台走向了世界,西方酒如白兰地、威尼斯的洋酒名字在中国的出现,近年来中国市场上出现了越来越多的酒吧,甚至有些中国人家里还出现了西方家庭式的酒柜,这些现象都是中西酒文化交流的结果。随着商品经济的发展,中西方酒都成了商品。在中国的市场上我们可以看到不少洋酒店,里面有来自西方各国的酒:Scotch whisky-royal, French champagne-Remy Martin and French Martell;当然中国的茅台,水井坊,张裕葡萄酒也远销西方。
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[1] 王守国.酒文化与艺术精神[M].郑州:河南大学出版社, 2006 [2] 韩胜宝.姑苏酒文化[M].苏州:古吴轩出版社, 2000.
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[1] 王守国.酒文化与艺术精神[M].郑州:河南大学出版社, 2006. [2] 铁流.中华酒文化大观[M].北京:当代中国出版社, 2000.
[3] 张爱敬.酒文化[M].青岛:中国海洋大学出版社, 1999.
[4] 张长兴.酒文化[M].呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社, 2003.
[5] 赵荣光.中国传统酒人形象的历史异变[M].香港:饮食文化研究出版社, 2002.
[6] 蒋雁峰.中国酒文化研究[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 2000.
[7] 朱迪.带一只酒杯去巴黎[M].北京:团结出版社, 2005.
[8] Thomas Karlauf.突然想喝酒,微醺[M].上海外文出版社, 2003.
[9] 蕭曦清酒國春秋[M].台北:台湾新生报出版社, 2001.
[10] 韩胜宝.姑苏酒文化[M].苏州:古吴轩出版社, 2000.
[11]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997:65 [12]蒋雁峰.中国酒文化研究[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,2006 [13]杜莉.中西酒文化比较[J].扬州大学烹饪学报,2004(1):1-4
[14]杨利.酒文化及酒的精神文化价值探微[J].邵阳学院学报:社会科学版,2005(4):82-83 [15]万晓艳.从跨文化交际的角度解读中西方酒文化[J].甘肃科技纵横,2009(3):160
学生姓名学号院系 专业
③杜康造酒说 :相传杜康是位牧羊人,于放牧中不慎丢失装有小米粥的竹筒,半月后竹筒复得,竟意外发现小米粥发酵而成为醇香扑鼻的琼浆。杜康于是弃鞭停牧,创酒坊,酿美酒,开酒肆,售佳酿,一举成为天下闻名的酒圣。而“杜康”也成为酒的代名词。古书中说杜康“有饭不尽,委之空桑,郁结成味,久蓄气芳,本出于代,不由奇方。”杜康因此成为酿酒的鼻祖。
古时代,巴比伦人就已用小麦制成啤酒,远古埃及人也有如何酿造啤酒的记载,且西方国家大多以畜牧业或者商业为主、农业为辅,许多地方的气和土壤等不适宜大多数农作物的生长,却对葡萄的生长非常有利,因而,在西方国家葡萄的产量和品质都首屈一指。在这样的条件下,西方的人们可以大量地用葡萄酿制并享用葡萄酒,所以古代西方盛行“啤酒和葡萄酒文 化”。
五谷 杂 粮 是固体物质,不能直接发酵,必须通过对粮食的浸渍、蒸煮、加入水和酒曲等,使淀粉糊化后再进行糖化、发酵而制成酒。在中国流传着这样的俗语:料为酒之肉,水为酒之血,曲为酒之骨。它形象地说明了酿造粮食酒的三个关键:
其一 是 原 料。人们在长期的实践中逐渐发现,五谷杂粮与酒的品类、质量密切相关,如用糯米酿造的黄酒味醇厚、品质最好,用高粱酿造的白酒味很香,且酒精度和出酒率都比较高;而在白酒中,用玉米酿的甜,大米酿的净,大麦酿的冲。此外,人们还注意到,选用独具特色的土特产原料,对酿造风味独特的名酒至关重要。如四川古蔺的郎酒,最理想的原料是当地出产的古蔺高粱,因为它皮薄壳少、颗粒饱满、淀粉含量大,能酿出高品质的郎酒。关键 之 二 是水。“美酒必有佳泉”,水的质量直接关系到酒的品质、风格等,为此人们特别注意识水性、知水味、选好水。如绍兴黄酒,常常用运水船到鉴湖中心取湖心水来酿造,因为这种水的水质清澈、硬度适宜、含适量盐类,是优质酿造用水。茅台、郎酒、沪州老窖则离不开赤水河及河边甘甜、清冽的泉水。
关键 之 三 是酒曲。它含有大量的活性微生物与酶类,不仅是糖化发酵剂,而且能赋予酒特殊的风味和品质,是中国酿酒的重要而精妙之处。《齐民要术》记载道:制曲要选择七月甲寅日,让儿童穿着青衣来和曲、团曲,摊放酒曲的地方要画上吁陌街巷、摆上用面粉捏的曲人和曲王,摊完酒曲后要给曲王供酒脯等食品,并读三遍《祝曲文》。
有了 这 三 个关键因素作为基础,还需要酿酒师的妙手点化才能酿成酒。早在两千多年前的周代,人们就已经系统地总结出酿酒的6条原则:“林稻必齐,曲聚必时,湛炽必洁,水泉必香,陶器必良,火齐必得,兼用六物,大酋监之,无有差忒。”即原料要充足、酒曲供应、制作要适时,浸泡、蒸煮要清洁,水质要清冽、无杂质,酿造器具要精良,蒸煮时的火力要适当。中国的酿酒技艺高超而精湛,巧夺天工,各种名酒各得其妙。
中国:醉翁之意不在酒。许多中国人认为, 酒是一种供人使用的工具,中国人虽然十分热爱它、经常使用它,但很少注重酒本身,缺少对美酒进行科学而系统的理性分析和品评、鉴别,更在意的是使用它以后产生的美妙作用,在于“味外之味”,就像欧阳修说的那样,“醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也”,“山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也”,即使是现在,网络上常有人
(2017 届)
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(英语毕业论文)文化杂糅背景下的身份诉求——解读奈保尔的《半生》(开题报告+Communication 134、(英语毕业论文)《绝望的主妇》中的中产阶级女性独立意识的研究(开题报告+论
文)135、136、述)137、综述)138、(英语毕业论文)从《无名的裘德》看哈代的现代性意识(开题报告+论文+文献综述(英语毕业论文)浅析《愤怒的葡萄》中主要人物的性格特征(开题报告+论文+文献(英语毕业论文)学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响(开题报告+论文+文献综述)(英语毕业论文)从美国总统就职演说看美国文化价值观(开题报告+论文+文献综+外文翻译)139、140、141、142、例 143、(英语毕业论文)英语系动词语义属性及句法行为研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+(英语毕业论文)从好莱坞电影看美国的文化霸权
(英语毕业论文)从动态对等角度分析中国旅游景点名称英译——以中国庐山网为外文翻译)144、(英语毕业论文)《嘉莉妹妹》和《名利场》中的女性的性格及命运对比分析(开题报告+论文)145、述)146、(英语毕业论文)简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度(开题报(英语毕业论文)浅析《乞力马扎罗的雪》的现代主义特征(开题报告+论文+文献综告+论文+文献综述)147、148、(英语毕业论文)Grammatical Analysis of Academic Writing(英语毕业论文)解读奥斯卡•王尔德的《莎乐美》中的女性意识(开题报告+论文+文献综述)149、150、151、152、(英语毕业论文)论关联理论在商业广告翻译中的运用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)(英语毕业论文)探析《老人与海》的主题(英语毕业论文)从关联理论看电影字幕的翻译
(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of the Problems on Chinese Early Childhood Education(英语毕业论文)从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突(开题报告+论文+文献综述)(英语毕业论文)从关联理论看《茶馆》两个英译本中修辞格的处理(开题报告+论(英语毕业论文)论《简•爱》中伯莎•梅森的疯癫(开题报告+论文)(英语毕业论文)The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我
(英语毕业论文)目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文文+文献综述+外文翻译)179、(英语毕业论文)《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻观对当代中国的现实意义(开题报告+论文)180、181、182、183、184、185、186、187、188、(英语毕业论文)A Symbolic Analysis of Paradise Lost(开题报告+论文+文献综述)(英语毕业论文)从关联理论角度看英语广告语的修辞(英语毕业论文)浅析《恋爱中的女人》中劳伦斯的爱情观(英语毕业论文)从思维方式差异看英语复杂句汉译
(英语毕业论文)从小说《百万英镑》中看对当今社会的讽刺意义(开题报告+论文)(英语毕业论文)An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting(英语毕业论文)《麦琪的礼物》主题与写作手法分析(开题报告+论文)(英语毕业论文)女性主义视角下《白象似的群山》与《莳萝泡菜》中男性形象的对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)189、(英语毕业论文)中西方悲剧爱情故事折射出的文化差异—《穆斯林的葬礼》与《荆棘鸟》之比较(开题报告+论文+文献综述)190、191、192、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我(英语毕业论文)从语体学论《一九八四》中的反极权主义
(英语毕业论文)On Translation of Cultural Factors in News under Skopostheorie(开题报告+论文+文献综述)193、(英语毕业论文)Gothic Romance: Inheritance and Development of Medieval Romance-- A Case Study of The Castle of Otranto 194、195、(英语毕业论文)中外大学校训对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)
(英语毕业论文)The Application of Free Association in Literature Creation—Artistic Styles Presented in Mrs.Dalloway 196、文)197、198、199、200、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Youth Subculture through the Movie--Trainspotting(英语毕业论文)论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克里夫性格的双重性(英语毕业论文)《追风筝的人》中哈桑自我牺牲精神的研究(英语毕业论文)论中英思维方式差异对主语翻译的影响(英语毕业论文)从艾米莉•狄金森与李清照的诗歌看女性文化差异(开题报告+论
摘 要
This paper studies the differences between Chinese wine culture and the Western wine culture.Different from previous research, this paper, wants to emphasize the importance of wine culture through studying English language.There are five parts in this paper.We start with a brief introduction to the background and objective of the course.Then we expound on the two parts of the comparison, and the fourth part is about innovation.We end this paper with a summary of the paper.The fresh focuses and methods will help some English learners with some points that they have not fully realized.Wine culture is one of the irreplaceable parts of a country’s historic development and cultural sediment.Through comparing the origin and the material and category of wine-making, drinking customs, the communicative functions and drinking culture between China and the West, this paper further compares the differences between Chinese and the western cultures, especially the value.Key Words: country, wine culture, compare
文化是一个国家的灵魂,是一个民族凝聚力形成的关键,是落叶归根的根源。文化的差异导致中外风俗习惯的不同,引起中外人们思维方式的差异。无论是东方还是西方,酒在人们的日常生活中占有重要的地位。酒的历史漫长,随之形成的酒文化也就源远流长。酒就象血液一样,在每个民族文化里流淌。然而源于中西方不同的文化背景,中西方酒文化亦显现出不同的特征。在中国文化中,酒都是作为一种文化消费,亲朋聚会,浅尝小酌可以营造气氛、增进感情。《圣经》记载道,耶稣基督在最后的晚餐下把葡萄酒分给门徒,并告诉他们,葡萄酒是自己的血,让人们记住他是为了替人们赎罪而死的。在西方人眼中,酒是特殊的艺术品,拥有魅力和生命。面对这个充满魅力和生命的神圣艺术品,西方人自然会热爱它、饮用它,并且用心去欣赏和玩味。可以说,古今中外,酒已经渗透到了包括政治、经济、文学、艺术、饮食、养生等各方面在内的社会生活中。由此可见,在人类文化的历史长河中,酒不仅仅是作为一种物质而存在,更是一种文化象征。它伴随着人类文明的发展,不断形成了自身独特的文化——酒文化。酒作为文化的一种载体,与文化一样,由于历史背景、生活环境、宗教信仰、风俗习惯和思维模式等的不同,在中西方呈现出其风格迥异的民族特性。2.中西酒文化的共同点 2.1美好的历史渊源
尽管中国和西方的国家有很多的不同之处,但我们不能忽略这其中的相同点。中国和西方国家在酒的起源方面都有着一个美丽的传说。在中国,酒有5000年以上的历史,在龙山文化时期(约5000年)就出现了,一些人都认为杜康用引进的新酿酒技术,是就占据了4000多年的历史。当然,也有些人为仪狄是酿酒第一人。但不管怎样,对于酿酒的历史,我们都是有着很清楚详细的记录。在西方,尽管他们没有太多详细的记录着关于酒的历史,但关于酒的起源仍有一个美丽的传说流传下来。古埃及认为酒是由死者的庇护神奥里西斯发明 的,希腊人则认为酒是由狄奥尼索斯带到人间来的。在这些传说中流传最为广泛的是“酒神造酒”说。酒神狄奥尼索斯是希腊神话中的神,相传是众神之父宙斯与底比斯公主塞密莉所生。天后赫拉出于嫉妒烧死塞密莉。宙斯把狄奥尼索斯救出缝在他的大腿里,使他获得第二次诞生。后由女神伊诺及山林仙女们抚养长大,流浪于小亚细亚色雷斯和希腊,到处传授种植葡萄和酿酒的技巧。2.2酒所象征的精神 酒是一种艺术,它以其水的外形,火的性格,渗透在人类生活的每一个角落、人类文化的每一个方面。它在世界文化中也有着惊人的相似之处。在文学和艺术的领域,酒的精神无处不在,并且深深影响着文学人士在各方面的造诣,是自由,艺术和美丽相结合。毫无疑问,酒在中国人的生活和文化中占据了重要的位置。酒与大对数中国文人有着密不可分的联系,它也是普通国人生活中密不可分的一部分。古代帝王的宴会也离不开酒作为招待,各种各类的酒也成为祭祀物品中的一个重要部分。当然,中国很多知名的诗人或艺术家都会在酒后创造出很多杰作。例如:唐代诗人李白,他很是爱饮酒,并因此写出很多不朽的诗。早期的作家都爱好饮酒,认为饮酒是消磨时间的雅致方法。除此之外,品酒也是饮酒的一部分。人们发明多种游戏来进行一系列的饮酒活动,包括历史知识,文学,音乐和诗歌。在古代打战前,将军会用酒和肉来宴请自己的士兵。如果赢得了战役,会被奖赏上等好酒。如果有战士战死沙场,同僚会把酒洒在那一片土地上,以此作为祭奠。最后,思想意识形态上流传下来的相似之处催生出浪漫主义,并发展为主流思想。在西方,神人用神酒来对抗着文明世界。他厌恶文明世界的产物,在他看来,文明世界里的人都渴望与沉醉在肉体和精神里。美国西部的人认为,一个人最大的成功包括沉醉。谨慎与热情的冲突贯穿于西方的历史,正如美国人对于酒的敬仰。西方浪漫主义哲学也由此产生。在美国东部,酒文化对浪漫主义产生很大的影响,尽管浪漫主义没有太多理论上的哲学立据,但是他们主张要随时保持现实的态度。3.中西酒文化的不同点 3.1中国酒文化 3.1.1祭祀与酒
据记载,青稞酒的酿制技术,还是唐朝时文成公主进藏带去的。青稞(一种高原生长的麦子)煮熟后,拌入酒曲,装入陶罐或木桶中,封严发酵,几天后加入水,再放一两天后就可饮用。青稞酒酒精含量约10度,属低度酒,颜色清淡,味道酸中带甜,人称“西藏啤酒”。3.2西方酒文化 3.2.1酒的种类和酒器
酒吧是一个自由的地方,西方人喜欢一群人边喝酒边高谈阔论,一边喝着,一边聊着,人与人之间都是平等、自由地进行交流和沟通,他们相互尊重彼此的看法。酒吧文化实质上是西方文化的重要表现形式,酒吧就是其文化表现力的标准模式,它属于一种新型的娱乐文化。欧洲人说:要找人,不在办公室或家里,到酒吧去;不在酒吧,肯定在去酒吧的路上。这句话听起来夸张了点,但确实体现出酒吧在西方人生活中的重要地位。西方绝大部分人都把酒吧当成社交、娱乐和饮食的场所。西方人的交往联系,往往是在酒吧里进行的,而不像中国人喜欢把朋友带到自己的家里。西方人士的许多重要的聚会,如生日聚会、结婚纪念聚会等都是在酒吧举行。在英国,在以冷漠著称于世的英国社会里,酒吧文化的形成被看作是为了促进社会交往。因为,人们在排队的时候,可以和身边同样等待买酒的人交谈。而想要了解英国生活和文化核心,酒吧是必不可少的。所有的邻里交往、朋友相聚基本上都是在酒吧中进行的,在酒吧喝啤酒也是溶入社会的一个简单易行的方式,平常克制保守的英国人在酒吧里表现另一个张扬,并且表现得淋漓尽致。而美国酒吧是用餐或者和朋友们喝一杯的好地方。他们通常会提供一份包罗了汉堡、牛排、沙拉和各种小吃的内容全面的菜单。许多酒吧还会以提供各种进口的葡萄酒、啤酒以及装在附带龙头的酒桶里的地方啤酒等广泛选择为特色。在白天,如果电视里正在播放一场体育比赛的总决赛,酒吧里会十分吵闹。在晚间,酒吧会播放生动的音乐,可以跳舞或者只是作为背景音乐。4.中西酒的创新 4.1酒器
Patrick Matthews.2000.Real wine: the rediscovery of natural winemaking.Mitchell Beazley.Patrick McGovern.2000.Ancient wine: the search for the origin of viniculture.Princeton University.康明官,2003,《酒文化问答》。北京:化学工业出版社。
A Comparative Study on Alcohol Culture Between China and Western Countries
First and foremost, my appreciation goes to my affectionate parents, and the rest of my family.On the process of composing the paper, they have been giving me continuous support, encouragement and understanding.Their love and support encouraged me to pursue progress all the time.And I also would like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years.I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectures but also from their constant encouragement.Finally, my deepest gratitude and respect go to my supervisor, Lu Li.It is for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, her great care and precious advice and suggestions that this paper appears in the present form.Abstract
Alcohol,which plays an important role in people’s daily life, is familiar to human beings.People’s life becomes colorful with it.As to alcohol culture, differences and similarities co-exist between China and the western countries.A large number of previous researches have been done on specific alcohol culture, whereas few studies focus on the alcohol culture comparison between China and western countries.Systematic and comprehensive researches in this regard are hard to find.Since comparative studies on the similarities and differences of alcohol culture between China and western countries are lacking, this paper attempt to explore the differences from the raw materials and drinking customs and conclude their similarities to introduce the alcohol culture of China and western countries.Key Words:alcohol;cultural difference;China and western countries
酒是人们非常熟悉的一种饮品,它在人们的日常生活中起着不可替代的作用。酒使人们的生活变的丰富多彩。关于酒文化,中国和西方相似之处与差异共存。前人对特定的酒文化研究较多,而对中西方酒文化的比较都只做了简要的探讨,并未系统、全面的做出总结, 关于中西方酒文化的相似和差异的对比研究还比较欠缺。本文试图在前人研究的基础上,从酿酒的原料和饮酒的习俗等方面探讨中西方酒文化的不同, 并结合它们的相似处,介绍中西方酒文化。
关键词: 酒;文化差异;中国和西方国家
Introduction …………………………………………………………...1 I.History of alcohol ………………………………...……………........3 1.1 In China ………………...………………………………………....3 1.2 In west countries ………………………………………………......4 II.Alcohol culture in China and western countries ………………....6 2.1 Similarities in alcohol culture …………………………………......6 2.2 Differences in alcohol culture …………………………………......7 III.Intercommunication of alcohol culture …………………………15
3.1 The necessity to promote intercommunication of alcohol culture..15 3.2 Suggestions to the intercommunication of alcohol culture …...…..15 Conclusion ………………………………………………………..……16 Bibliography …………………………………………………..….........17
The alcohol as an objective substance in the world is in the shape of water but it has the character of fire.It will brighten the bright and fool the fool.People, such as the emperors, the heroes, the liberators, the ordinary people and the beggars, all like it since it appeared.Undoubtedly, the alcohol can be said as a riddle.People no matter in China or in western countries all have the habit of drinking alcohol.They regard drinking alcohol as an indispensable part of life.The formation of alcohol culture is different in different countries.In China, the word for alcohol “jiu” is used to refer to all types of alcoholic beverages.Since long time ago China had have the stories about Du Kang who invented the method of brewing alcoholic beverages.A legend in western countries about the origin of alcohol is also spread.The alcohol culture was gradually formed after the appearing of alcohol.The phrase ”the alcohol culture“ is put forward by the renowned economist professor Li in China.In 1994, Xiao jiacheng said that the alcohol culture referred to the integration of material, technical, spiritual, custom, psychological, and behavior phenomenon which generated around the center.While we pride ourselves on the long history of alcohol culture, we only to find that we depend excessively on the traditional alcohol culture.As a result we can not make any innovation.There is no development and progress without innovation.In this case, we can learn from the western countries.There are varied types of alcohol with different raw materials, such as Gin, Whisky, Vodka, Rum, and Brandy.Even the cocktail which appeared later is brewed based on some types of the alcoholic beverages.It is generally acknowledged that China is far away from the western countries geographically.As a result, the way to drink is different.Even in China, there is also some difference between nationalities on the way to drink.There are also some similarities of alcohol culture between China and western countries although the difference exists.The development of alcohol spirit accompanied with alcohol culture.While alcohol culture developed to a certain degree, schools of ideology came into being.In order to push the development of alcohol culture we should do our utmost to promote the international communication of the alcohol culture.2 I.History of alcohol
1.1 In China The earliest evidence of alcohol in China are wine jars from Jiahu(Jiahu(贾湖 pinyin: Jiǎhú)was the site of a Neolithic Yellow River settlement based in the central plains of ancient China, modern Wuyang, Henan Province)which dated back to about 7000 BC[1:314].This early drink was produced by fermenting rice, honey, and fruit.A variety of alcoholic beverages was used in China since prehistoric times.Alcohol, known in Chinese as jiǔ was considered a spiritual food rather than a material(physical)food, and extensive documentary evidence attests to the important role it played in the religious life.”In ancient times people always drank when holding a memorial ceremony, offering sacrifices to gods or their ancestors, pledging resolution before going into battle, celebrating victory, before feuding and official executions, for taking an oath of allegiance, while attending the ceremonies of birth, marriage, reunions, departures, death, and festival banquets[1:314].“
A Chinese imperial edict of about 1116 BC makes it clear that the use of alcohol in moderation was believed to be prescribed by heaven.Whether or not it was prescribed by heaven, it was clearly beneficial to the treasury.At the time of Marco Polo(1254-1324)it was drunk daily and was one of the treasury's biggest sources of income.Alcoholic beverages were widely used in all segments of Chinese society, were used as a source of inspiration, were important for hospitality, were considered an antidote for fatigue, and were sometimes misused.Laws against making alcohol were enacted and repealed forty-one times between 1100 BC and AD 1400.However, a commentator writing around 650 BC asserted that people ”will not do without beer.To prohibit it and secure total abstinence from it is beyond the power even of sages.Hence, therefore, we have warnings on the abuse of it.“ 3 1.2 In west countries In Pre-Columbian American, alcoholic beverages were developed by many Native American civilizations some of which are still produced today.The traditional native beverage of Mesoamerica was pulque or octli which was made from the fermented juice of maguey.Mezcal was obtained by distilling pulque and tequila is a form of mezcal.It is believed to be beer but the main carbohydrate was a complex form of fructose and not starch.[3:178]
South America produced Chicha which is a Spanish word for a variety of traditional fermented beverages.Fruits, maize and manioc root formed the main ingredients of chicha.The Native American populations of Brazil made the traditional alcoholic beverage known as Cauim which was very similar to chicha and made using the same ingredients.A characteristic feature that set cauim apart from other alcoholic drinks was that the starting material is cooked, chewed and then re-cooked before fermentation.The saliva that is present in the ingredients of the cauim break down the starches into fermentable sugars.During the early modern period(1500-1800), Protestant leaders such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, the leaders of the Anglican Church, and even the Puritans did not differ substantially from the teachings of the Catholic Church: alcohol was a gift of God and created to be used in moderation for pleasure, enjoyment and health;drunkenness was viewed as a sin.A beverage that clearly made its debut during the seventeenth century was sparkling champagne.The credit for that development goes primarily to Dom Perignon, the wine-master in a French abbey.Around 1668, he used strong bottles, invented a more efficient cork(and one that could contain the effervescence in those strong bottles), and began developing the technique of blending the contents.However, another century would pass before problems, especially bursting bottles, would be solved and sparkling champagne would become popular.The original grain spirit, whisky and its specific origins are unknown but the distillation of whisky has been performed in Scotland and Ireland for centuries.The first confirmed written record of whisky comes from 1405 in Ireland, the production of whisky from malted barley is first mentioned in Scotland in an entry on the 1494, although both countries could have distilled grain alcohol before this date.Distilled spirit was generally flavored with juniper berries.The resulting beverage was known as jenever, the Dutch word for ”juniper.“ The French changed the name to genievre, which the English changed to ”geneva“ and then modified to ”gin.“ Originally used for medicinal purposes, the use of gin as a social drink did not grow rapidly at first.However, in 1690, England passed ”An Act for the Encouraging of the Distillation of Brandy and Spirits from Corn“ and within four years the annual production of distilled spirits, most of which was gin, reached nearly one million gallons.It should be noted that at that time ”corn“ in England meant ”grain“ in general.5 II.Alcohol culture in China and western countries
2.1 Similarities in alcohol culture 2.1.1 Beautiful legends on the origin of alcohol Although there is much difference of alcohol culture between China and western countries, we can not neglect the similarities.In the first place, both China and western countries have a beautiful legend about the origin of the alcohol.In China, some people think that Du Kang invented the method to make alcohol with a history of 4000 years, while other people think that Yi Di was the first person to brew alcoholic drink.However, there is a basically clear record about the origin of alcohol.In the west, though there is a not clear historical record, a beautiful legend about the origin of alcohol was handed down.It was said that an ancient Persian king sealed the remnant grapes in the barrel and labeled the word ”poison“ to prevent others from eating them.There was a concubine disfavored by the king and lived painfully opportunely to see the poison barrel and wanted to die at that time.She opened it and drunk for a few mouths.She felt not painful but a sense of intoxication when she was waiting to die.Then she told the king the matter.A test is unavoidable.This, of course, is a beautiful legend.But the alcohol beverages, indeed, enhanced the enjoyment of mankind.2.1.2 Alcohol and literature In the second place, the alcohol culture has the surprising similarities on literature.In the realm of literature and art, the alcohol spirit is everywhere and affects the men of letters and refined scholars deeply in that freeness, art and beauty is united.Freeness reaches art and art produces beauty.To get the free state of art with intoxication is an important channel to get rid of bind and get the ability of creation by the ancient Chinese arts.[6:101] Alcohol, more than any other beverage, had a great impact on men of letters as it seems that many of them produced their peak masterpieces in states of drunkenness.Being drunk, and so being released of inhibition, was and is an important way for men of letters to unleash their artistic and creative talents.After drinking the mysterious liquid, many famous poets, such as Li Bai and Du Fu, excelled in writing and left us surprisingly marvelous poems.[7:54] The famous poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty(AD618-907)is known as the ”Immortal of Wine“ because of his love for alcohol.Guo Moruo, a modern scholar, compiled statistics about Li's poems and found 17 percent of them were about drinking.Alcohol inspired the poet and helped him create many beautiful poems.When Li Bai was happy he wrote: ”People should enjoy drinking as much as possible when they succeed“.When he was sad he wrote: ”I tried to comfort myself with wine but the wine made the sadness even worse“.Not only poetry but also painting and calligraphy were elevated to new heights with the consumption of alcohol.Wang Xizhi, the famous Chinese calligrapher respectfully called the Saint of Calligraphy, tried dozens of times to outdo his most outstanding work, Lantingxu(Orchid Pavilion Prologue), which was finished when he was drunk, but he failed.The original one was the best.The consumption of alcoholic beverages isn't just a coincidentally recurring quirk in the literary world: it's downright traditional.For many famous writers of the past and present, a cocktail glass is as at home in their hand as a pen.Consider what Ernest Hemingway said, “A man does not exist until he is drunk.” or William Faulkner, “Civilization begins with distillation.” and, famously, F.Scott Fitzgerald who spent the majority of his writing career(and life)in a state of perpetual tipsiness, “First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.”
2.2 Differences in alcohol culture 2.2.1 Different categories of alcohol
China is one of the three ancient countries in the world and has thousands of years of history to brew alcohol.Today, China is also famous for its masterly technology and distinctive style of alcohol and is more renowned for the long history and profound culture.The world people gradually realized the great value of alcohol culture of China as the rapid development of Chinese alcohol since the foundation of China.In China, the word for alcohol ”jiu“ is used to mean all types of alcoholic beverages, from ”pijiu“(beer)to liquors(just called ”jiu“)to grape alcohol(”putaojiu“).The origins of the alcoholic beverages from fermented grain in China can not be traced definitely.The distilled drink was not popular until the 19th century.Traditionally, Chinese distilled liquors are consumed together with food rather than drunk on their own.[8:59]The alcohol can be generally classified into two types, namely, yellow liquors(huangjiu)or clear(white)liquor(baijiu).The yellow liquor is fermented alcohol that is brewed directly from grains such as rice or wheat.Such liquor contains less than 20% alcohol due to the inhibition of fermentation by ethanol at this concentration.This alcohol is traditionally pasteurized,aged, and filtered before their final bottling for sale to consumers.Yellow liquor can also be distilled to produce white liquor or baijiu.White liquor(baijiu)are also commonly called shaojiu, which means ”hot liquor“ or ”burned liquor“, either because of the burning sensation in the mouth during consumption and the fact that they are usually warmed before being consumed, or because of the heating requirements for distillation liquors of this type typically contain more than 30% alcohol in volume since they have undergone distillation.[9:25]There are a great many varieties of distilled liquors, both unflavored and flavored.According to different kinds of material, there are a large number of types of famous Chinese liquors and wines familiar to us, such as:
Fen Jiu(汾酒)--this liquor was dated back to Northern and Southern Dynasties(5500 A.D.).It is the original Chinese white liquor made from sorghum.Alcohol content by volume: 63--65%;Zhu Ye Qing Jiu(竹叶青酒)--this sweet liquor is Fen Jiu brewed with a dozen or more selected Chinese herbal medicine.One of the ingredients is bamboo leaves which give the liquor a yellowish-green color and its name.Its alcohol content ranges between 38 and 46 percent by volume;Mao Tai Jiu(茅台酒)--this liquor has a production history of over 200 years.It is named after its origin at Mao Tai town in Guizhou province.It is made from wheat and sorghum with a unique distilling process that involves seven iterations of the brewing cycle.This liquor is famous to the western world when the Chinese government served this in state banquets entertaining the US presidents.Alcohol content by volume: 54--55%;Gao Liang Jiu(高粱酒)--”Gaoliang“, commonly written ”Kaoliang“, is the Chinese word for a specific type of sorghum.Besides sorghum, the brewing process also use barley, wheat etc.The alcohol was originated from Da Zhi Gu since the Ming Dynasty.Nowadays, Taiwan is a large producer of sorghum.Alcohol content by volume: 61--63%;Mei Gui Lu Jiu(玫瑰露酒rose essence wine)--a variety of sorghum with distilling from a special species of rose and crystal sugar.Alcohol content by volume: 54--55%;Wu Jia Pi Jiu(五加皮酒)--a variety of gao liang jiu with a unique selection of Chinese herbal medicine added to the brewing.Alcohol content by volume: 54--55%;Da Gu Jiu(大麴酒)--originated from Sichuan province with 300 years of history.This alcohol is made of sorghum and wheat by fermenting in a unique process for a long period in the cellar.Alcohol content by volume: 52%;Yuk Bing Shiu Jiu(玉冰烧酒)--a rice alcohol with over 100 years history.It is made of steamed rice and stored a long period after distillation.Alcohol content by volume: 30%;Shuang Jing(双蒸酒double distillation)and San Jing(三蒸酒triple distillation)Jiu--two varieties of rice alcohol from the Jiujiang(九江)area by distilling twice and three times respectively.Alcohol content by volume: 32% and 38--39% respectively;San Hua(three flowers三花酒)Jiu--a rice alcohol made in Gui Lin with allegedly over a thousand years history.It is famous for the fragrant herbal addition and the use of spring water from Mount Elephant in the region.Alcohol content by volume: 55--57%;Fujian Glutinous Rice Wine(福建糯米酒)--made by adding a long list of expensive Chinese herbal medicine to glutinous rice and a low alcohol rice alcohol distillation.The unique brewing technique uses another alcohol as raw material.The alcohol has an orange red color.Alcohol content by volume: 18%;
Hua Diao Jiu(花雕酒)--a type of yellow alcohol originates from Shaoxing, Zhejiang.It is made of glutinous rice and wheat.Alcohol content by volume: 16%.[11:75-77] This is the raw material of alcohol in China.In western countries, the types of alcohol are divided by the raw material:
Qinjiu(Gin), the first action of a special purpose for the spirits.Sylvius Docter, maker of this alcohol, was a professor of medicine well known in the Netherlands to Dayton University in the 17th century.He knew that the oil of Cadinene strawberry contained an element of diuretic which together with pure ethanol distillation to obtain cheaper diuretic drugs, and he succeeded finally.Not only medicine but it is a new species of alcohol beverages.[3:205] Qinjiu Types: The unique and different formula of Qinjiu used by the distillery.Qinijiu can be divided into 4 types according to brands, types, production.Netherlands Qinjiu(Holland)or(Dutch Gin), the taste is sweet accompanied with hot no matter it is pure to drink or to drink plus some ice.The two cases are both very tasty.It is basically made from malt.The flavor came from gin.It adds ice and a piece of lemon which is the best alternative of dry Martini.London Qinjiu(Tom Gin)or(London Gin): The sweet London Qinjiu is made with malt and grain as raw materials and primary products.Plymouth Qinjiu: It is similar to London Qinjiu although with different flavor.British Qinijiu: This alcohol is not sweet and has not the original savor.The difference British and the United States is an important factor.The British Qinjiu has lower alcohol after distillation but it retains more grain characteristics of low alcohol distillation.Secondly, the water, of course, Britain and the United States are different.Which mutually affect the characteristics of the technique and distilled spirits.Whisky The Characteristics of Whiskey: Whiskey is made from the smashed fermentation and distillation of grains and then placed into a barrel.Although any cereal can be used to brew whiskey, the most important materials are corn, wheat, and barley.[3:206] The Origin of Whiskey: At present, four major producing areas, namely, Scotland, Ireland, Canada and the United States.Most of these areas have produced whiskey named its origin in addition to Bourbon whisky and the United States blending whisky(Blended Scotch)and Light customers(Scotch whiskey)The Types Whiskey: Scotch whisky, American whiskey, Irish whiskey, Tennessee whiskey, Canadian whiskey Brandy Brandy's Character: Brandy is a mixture of fermentation and distillation of fruit juice and residue.Distilled alcohol content is less than 95% in order to retain its flavor and aromatic character.[3:206] ”Cognac“ Brandy: Cognac is a kind of Brandy alcohol distilled from alcohol in Cognac, French.It named by the French government law.Lyme alcohol(Rum): Islands of west Indies is the home of Rum alcohol where is abound in sugarcane.Rum is the first three words of Rum bullion which means excitement.Rum is distilled alcohol made from sugarcane as the raw material.It is different for the difference of producing area and the way to make it.It can be divided into three types according to the tint.It is one of the basic alcohols in confecting cocktail.[3:207] The Origin of Rum: The producing area is mainly in the place where people speak Spanish and English, such as Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Java along the East Indies.Puerto Rico Rum(Puerto Rico)which is famous for its light alcohol.Demerara Rum rather than Jamaica sales a large amount to the United States.Batavian Run(Batavian)is spicy Java Lime liquor.It is special because of the special flavor of honey, water, and the rice added to it to ferment.Hawaiian Rum(Hawaii)is the lightest available alcohol in the market which is made lately.It is the best beverages with orange juice.With ice and quinine water, Rum is the best beverages in the hot days.At present, ordinary Chinese people have always just used alcohol to help them celebrate the happiness in their lives.In China, a banquet known as ”jiuxi“ means an alcohol banquet and the life of every person, from birth to death, should have pauses for drinking banquets starting a month or 100 days after a baby's birth when the parents invite people in for a drink.When someone builds a new house, marries, starts a business, makes a fortune or lives a long life, he should invite people in for a drinking session.In modern times it is a pity that the games that go with drink are not the elegant ones of the past that involved poetry or music.Today, drinkers just play simple finger guessing games along with a lot of heavy drinking.It also seems today that friendship depends only on the volume of drink being consumed.It is widely said among the drinking fraternity that ”if we are good friends, then bottom up;if not, then just take a sip“.As we know, China has 56 nationalities and a wide range of territory.There is varied drinking custom for different nationalities.2.2.2 Different customs of drinking alcohol Several major Chinese festivals of the year have corresponding drinking activities, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and drinking ”calamus wine“.Double Ninth Festival drink ”chrysanthemum wine“ to ward off evil and to wish their elders good health and longevity.Of course, no wedding ceremony is complete unless the happy couple symbolizes their love for each other by linking their arms to drink to their future happiness(jiaobeijiu), after which they offer a dutiful toast to their parents to thank them for the care they have given to them as children.In some places, such as Jiangxi, people gathered to drink after planting the cereal crop or to celebrate the harvest time.Chinese New Year also is known as New Year's Eve.It is the day for family reunion to have the most sumptuous dinner of the year.Dinner and alcohol are essential to the even poorest family.In some places, people generally do not leave the house on the first day of the first lunar month.From the second day, people begin to drop around.The owner of the house takes the dishes which have been prepared earlier to the table and enjoy the alcohol with the guests.” liquor of daughter in the south“(女儿酒)According to the earliest record by the ”Southern Grasses“ that the southern people began to brew alcohol when their daughter was born.Then they bury the brewed alcohol underground and keep it until their daughter marries.Then they take the jar up and paint auspicious pictures upon it to give greetings.This kind of alcohol was inherited in Shaoxing and developed to be famous as ”Huadiao jiu" Another difference exists in the custom of drinking alcohol.As is known to us, China is a big country with 56 nationalities and vast territory.Most of the nations have its own distinctive alcohol and custom of drinking alcohol.However, there still exists the common character: encouraging people to drink.While in western countries, no one will encourage you to drink.It is up to you to drink or not.No one would associate toasting people with the face.It there exists buying alcohol culture, that is, today I buy the alcohol for you in a bar;tomorrow you will buy for me.Alcohol culture brings about the difference of ideology of flows.Alcohol culture that caused great effect on the east and west civilization is embodied in the feminism.In the west, fete is an important means of worship of alcohol.The housewives and girls gathered in wild mountains to dance and enjoy themselves the whole night.Women could communicate with any people.[4:89]Although the man was discontented with this, he could not have any complaints.This tradition was handed down.As a result, women got almost the same status with the man in the west.The worship of alcohol came along with the mysterious worship of maternity, which rippled in the civilization of the west.It was not the case in China.Although at the beginning, the alcohol was brewed for Yi Di, the daughter of Yu, women were deprived of right of drinking alcohol by man.The girls in The Dream of Red Mansion mostly drank fruit wine.The liquor, was the patent of men, such as Jia Zheng.The status of women was gradually promoted after the spread of western culture during the period of Fourth Five.Women have the same right of drinking alcohol in modern times.2.2.3 Different purpose of drinking alcohol In China, alcohol is often used as a tool, the so-called “a tippler's delight lay not in alcohol but in mountains and waters.The delight to enjoy mountains and waters came from the bottom of his heart, and relied on alcohol as well”.People are mostly rely on alcohol to pursue other things rather than alcohol.[13:123] Qingmeizhujiu as to demonstrate who is a hero;do not put down your cup in Invitation To Wine(将进酒,Li Bai)is to we may drown the woes age-old;seven sages are sing wildly in bamboo grove, in order to take refuge with alcohol.Alcohol in the eyes of the Chinese people more as a communication tool in China's alcohol culture, and alcohol for their own lack of scientific and systematic analysis and evaluation, they play more attention on wonderful role of alcohol after drinking it.In the West, the drinking purpose is very simple, in order to appreciate the alcohol to drinking the alcohol, in order to enjoy the alcohol to drinking the alcohol.Of course, alcohol in the West also has the function of communication, but it's more pursuing is how much of the flavor of alcohol to enjoy.[5:78]
III.Intercommunication of alcohol culture
3.1 The necessity to promote intercommunication of alcohol culture
The development of world alcohol culture depends on the intercommunication
of different nations.At present, the research communication between professors and experts in especially French, Germany, and England and so on is little.Only by intercommunication people could share different kinds of alcohol culture and make progress quickly.Isolation is bound up with failure.It is a necessity to promote intercommunication of alcohol culture
3.2 Suggestions to the intercommunication of alcohol culture
The development of world alcohol culture depends on the intercommunication of different nations.On this matter, I’d like to present several suggestions as the following:
Firstly, we should launch international communication conference about research of alcohol culture.This give professors, experts and people who are interested in alcohol a chance to exchange their ideas and views about alcohol and put forward new suggestions.It is an important and direct way to push the development of alcohol culture.Secondly, a worldwide organization should be set up to harmonize and guide the deed acted by nations and set the suitable rules.As we know, a proverb says without rules we cannot do things well.Thus it is necessary and important to set the suitable rules.Regions and nations behave according to the rules regulated.Lastly, the innovation is crucial in developing alcohol culture.We couldn’t indulge ourselves in the success we have had and depend on the traditional alcohol culture excessively.We should innovate the alcohol culture to keep the booming vitality of alcohol.Conclusion
The alcohol is the best present that God has given to people.Alcohol culture comes along with the birth of alcohol since alcohol appeared.Due to the difference of alcohol, regions and environment, the faith brought by alcohol culture also has more or less difference.At first, the alcohol in China was the sweet alcohol made from fruits.After that, man gradually found the grain which was used as the raw material of liquor.It was much better than sweet alcohol either in power or taste.Therefore, it is the mainstream to brew alcohol with grain as the raw material.At present, it refers to liquor when it comes to the alcohol of China.However, the alcohol in the west was brewed with barley the raw material firstly.Man began to brew alcohol with grape.The alcohol made man intoxicated and gradually became the mainstream of the west.And now, it refers to Champagne and Brandy, grape as the raw material.Drinking alcohol in China is the common phenomenon of different nations.Most of nations have its own characteristic alcohol and custom of drinking alcohol.The culture of drinking alcohol has endurable vitality and character.The research of drinking custom will promote the unity of nations and progress of civilization.In order to communicate with the consumer, it is necessary to promote the development of alcohol culture.The alcohol can popularize wildly and sell best according to the taste of consumer.The brewed alcohol is to be consumed by man.Consequently, people's suggestion about the way of brewing alcohol is vital, which is to make sure the alcohol is consumed with confirmation and agreement of consumer.Intercommunication is also crucial to the development of alcohol culture.Thus, increasing international communication is essential.Professors and experts can exchange their views and put forward new ideas about innovation of technology.A worldwide organization restrains the behavior of the members.Through this topic, the profound Chinese culture during the course of investigations will be appreciated.Consequently the Chinese alcohol culture will develop along with the development of the world alcohol culture.Bibliography 〔1〕 Patrick McGovern.Ancient wine: the search for the origin of viniculture [M].Princeton University, 2003.〔2〕 Haeger North American Pinot Noir [M].Langman, 2004.〔3〕Patrick Matthews.Real wine: the rediscovery of natural winemaking [M].Mitchell Beazley, 2000.〔4〕 Jeni Port.Crushed by women: women and win [M].Arcadia, 2000.〔5〕 Jancis Robinson.Jancis Robinson's wine tasting workbook [M].Conran Octopus, 2000.〔6〕 王守国.酒文化与艺术精神[M].郑州:河南大学出版社, 2006. 〔7〕 铁流.中华酒文化大观[M].北京:当代中国出版社, 2000. 〔8〕 张爱敬.酒文化[M].青岛:中国海洋大学出版社, 1999. 〔9〕 张长兴.酒文化[M].呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社, 2003.
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