Units 1-2(精选五篇)

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第一篇:Units 1-2


by oneself 单独地,独自地 keep up with 跟上

be up to 取决于…的,须由…决定的 for oneself 独自地,依靠自己 at first 起先,开始时

have sth.under control 使某事恢复正常;使某事处于控制之下 in addition 另外;加之 set up 建立 as a result 结果

look on/upon(以特定目光或情绪)看;看待 turn out 证明是

grow up 长大;成长;成熟 in store 即将发生;等待着 ahead of 在…面前







Passage 1

It was a beautiful morning that summer day.I neatly packed(将…打包)everything that I needed into my little green car.Then I started my car and drove out of my large neighborhood(街坊)in Lawrenceville.Today was the day I would move into college.I glanced back at my house for one last time and knew life would never be the same.Taking that big step from living at home to moving away involved(包括)many gains and losses.Arriving at college that day, I realized that I had already lost many things.First, I had lost my parents’ guidance(指导)I had had all my life.The comfort(舒服)and support of my family would not be there as much as before.For instance, when I got sick my mother would make me some hot soup and care for me.Now I would have to care for myself.Also, I had left some of my closest friends.Many of them had chosen to go to different colleges.It is difficult to keep in touch with(与…保持联系)fiends who are far away.I would miss the nights all the girls would get together and talk about what was going on in their lives.Finally, I noticed that I was missing my hometown.I had lived near big stores and several movies theatres.Here at college I feel as if I am in the country.I can’t find any store as big as those in Lawrenceville.Maybe, as time goes on I will come to like the move.Now that I have been in college for a few weeks, I am discovering that it is not as bad as I thought it would be.I have gained new friends from all parts of Georgia(佐治亚州)and who knows, maybe they will become some of my closest friends.We all have classes together and go to the same parties.Secondly, I have been able to become more independent.For example, I used to need somebody by my side wherever I went, but here I feel so comfortable with my surroundings(环境)that I sometimes like to take walks by myself.Lastly, I have learned to be more responsible for my actions.I know that homework always comes first and that my social life must wait until all my work is done.(395 words)

1.It can be learned from the first paragraph that __________.A)the writer was happy to leave home B)the writer was a little sad when she left home C)the writer forgot something and went back home again to get it D)there were too many things for her to put into her little green car 2.How many things did the writer mention that she had lost when she arrived at college? A)1



D)4 3.Which of the following sentences tells the main idea of the second paragraph? A)Arriving at college that day, I realized that I had lost many things.B)Maybe, as time goes on I will come to like the move.C)First, I had lost my parents’ guidance which I had had all my life.D)Here at college I feel as if I am in the country.4.After staying at college for a few weeks, the writer found that college life _________.A)had helped her to become more friendly to other people B)was more difficult than she had thought C)had helped her to join in all kinds of social life D)was not as bad as she had thought 5.Which of the following examples has the writer given to show that she is more independent now? A)She always has someone with her wherever she goes.B)She feels happy with the surroundings.C)She likes to talk walks by herself.D)She does not live with her parents.Passage 2

When you see Sally, she is usually carrying a book under her arm.I am not talking about the times when you see her at school.She often has a book with her when she is shopping, riding in the car, going to see relatives(亲戚),or doing just about anything where there might be an opportunity(机会)to read.Now, you might think Sally is a bookworm(书呆子), but that would not be accurate(准确)because she also enjoys spending a lot of time with her friends and doing lots of different things.Very simply put, books are one of Sally’s main hobbies(业余爱好).People practice their hobbies in many different ways.Some people like to collect stamps, others like to listen to music or go to the movies, and still others like to travel and visit new places.Sally likes to read books — many different kinds of books.When she finds a good book in the library, she usually borrows it to investigate(研究)more deeply.She also likes to go to a large bookstore near her home, where she can see all kinds of new books and sometimes buy one that she likes.Sally’s love of books has made it a lot easier for her to do well in school because, after all, you do have to read a lot of books in your classes.When Sally gets an assignment and has to read a chapter(章), it almost seems like she is practicing her hobby.The books she uses in her classes are written very clearly and are really quite interesting.The only different thing is that sometime she has to do a written exercise for homework.To Sally that seems like a small price to pay for the opportunity to read another book about something new and interesting.As Sally has read so many books and learned so many new words, she usually only has to do an assigned reading once because she understands just about everything the first time through.(344words)

1.What is Sally usually doing when you see her? A)She is shopping.B)She us riding in a car.C)She is carrying a book under her arm.D)She is reading in a classroom.2.Why is it not accurate to say that Sally is a bookworm? A)Because reading is just one of her hobbies.B)Because she practices her hobbies in very simple ways.C)Because books make her look like a student.D)Because she does everything better then other people.3.The writer talks about people’s different hobbies in the second paragraph in order to tell us __________.A)how many hobbies there might be among different people

B)that reading is something that everybody likes to do

C)why Sally likes reading more than other people

D)that reading is a healthier hobby than other hobbies

4.Sally finds it easier for her to do well in school because__________.A)through reading she has learnt a lot already

B)the books she uses in her classes are interesting

C)once she finishes a book, she never reads it again

D)she pays a small price for the opportunity to read her books

5.What does Sally not like to do according to the third paragraph? A)Fast reading.B)Reading assignments.C)Chapter questions.D)Written exercises.Vocabulary and Structure 1.The family gathered together to _______ the holiday meals.A)divide



D)smell 2.Jenny _________ to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt.A)managed

B)controlled C)handed

D)regulated 3.I had to work hard to ______ the other students.A)keep away from

B)keep up with

C)keep back

D)keep out 4.Helen asked me _____ the film called “ Star War.” A)have I see

B)had I seen C)whether I have seen

D)if I had seen 5.This was the place ________.A)about that I was telling you

B)where I was telling you C)about which I was telling you

D)that I was telling you 6.---Why were you so late for work today?---__________ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic accident.A)Drive



D)That driving 7.When the teacher _________ the classroom, all the students stood up.A)came




8.He doesn’t ________ to take a holiday this summer.A)suggest



D)pursue 9.The reason _______ we should learn a foreign language is very clear.A)when




10.My new glasses cost me ____ the last pair that I bought.A)three times

B)three times larger than C)three times as much as

D)as much three times as

11.The girl was fined(罚款)$20 for failing to keep her dog ________.A)under control

B)in mind

C)in addition

D)in store 12.Adults are capable of ________ their lives outside their homes and at their jobs.A)controlling



D)handling 13.The two countries have _______ friendly relations for many years.A)refused



D)motivated 14.They asked so many questions that they ________ me.A)wondered



D)gained 15)In order to _________ your goals, you must work hard.A)achieve



D)grow 16.The hotel ______ we stayed was both cheap and comfortable.A)at which



D)in that 17.She told me that her sister _______ to the market when I arrived.A)has just gone

B)just went C)had just been going

D)had just gone 18.The teacher didn’t tell me _____ to read after class.A)what




19.He was asked to speak louder ______ all the students in the classroom could hear him.A)so as to

B)so that


D)than 20.He didn’t tell me where he had spent his holidays._____ to know.A)Neither I cared

B)Not did I care C)I didn’ t care

D)Neither did I care

21.She heard the terrible news without showing any(emotional)________.22.Hurried(decide)_______ are likely to be bad ones.23.---I passed the final examination!

---Congratulations.I think you(study)_____ a lot before you took it.24.The children stopped(talk)______ as the teacher came in.25.Your manager will(assignment)_____ you your work for today.26.We spent two weeks(drive)______ in England last summer.27.These new foreign students were welcomed(warm)_____ than they had expected.28.Yesterday on my way home I met Tom and his girlfriend in(additional)______.29.We don’t doubt Jack’s(able)_____ to do the work.30.She warned me that I(have)______ an accident if I didn’t take more care.第一册第二单元 lead to


make … out of … 用…制造出 take care of 照料,负责 make up 组成,构成

take up 占去(时间或地方)pick up 拿起;捡起;提起 come to(指主意)被想起 in honor of 出于对…的敬意

1.你可以把信息转变成(transfer …into)由点、划组成的密码来使它保密。2.刀从她湿漉漉的手中滑落,扎伤了她脚边的小宠物(pet)。




6.消息在传达给军官之前就在士兵中间传开了。Passage 1

Florence Nightingale was the daughter of a rich family in England.Her parents wanted her to become a person of high social class, but Florence had other plans.By the time she was 12, she was determined to “do something worthwhile(值得做的).” She liked books.She enjoyed caring for sick farmers.Once she even saved the life of an old farmer’s dog that had broken its leg.At the age of 16, she began to read a lot of nursing(护理)books she had bought.She visited hospitals in London and other places.Her parents didn’t want her working in those “dirty” hospitals, but she was determined.She finally left home and went to Kaiserwerth Hospital in Germany(德国)to study.She was an excellent student, and after her graduation, she returned to London and got a job running a hospital.During the Crimean War(克里米亚战争), she was put in charge of(负责)nursing.She went to the battlefield(战争)with 38 nurses.The hospital was a huge, dirty building.She got men to clean it up and managed to get the supplies(供给)they

needed.She carried a lamp as she walked the halls of the battlefield hospital and became known as the “lady with the lamp.”

She saved thousands of lives.People called her an angel(天使)in the hospitals, but she herself became ill with a disease she got there.In her later years she was not able to travel, but people came to her from all over the world for her advice.During the Civil War(美国南北战争), the United States asked her advice(意见)about setting up military hospitals.She became known as the founder of modern nursing.(275 words)

1.Nightingale’s parents wanted her to ______.A)become a rich person

B)do something worthwhile C)enter the upper(上层)class D)study medicine

2.When she was young, Nightingale enjoyed doing all of the following EXCEPT _____.A)reading nursing books

B)taking care of dogs C)caring for sick farmers

D)working in hospitals 3.Nightingale completed her study in a hospital in ______.A)England

B)the United States C)Crimea

D)Germany 4.What did Nightingale do during the Crimean War? A)She opened a hospital for the wounded soldiers.B)She trained 38 nurses for the army.C)She worked in a battlefield hospital.D)She sent medical supplies to the battlefield.5.Nightingale is known for her achievement in ______.A)running hospitals

B)establishing modern nursing

C)building military hospitals D)saving thousands of lives Passage 2

Noah Webster was born in Connecticut(康涅狄格州).He lived during the time of George Washington.He attended(上学)law school for a while, then he went home and found that his family needed help.He took a job teaching school to earn(挣)money to support them.The school was very poor and as the teacher, he had to do everything.He had to clean and repair the building as well as teach.But he wanted to set a good example for his students, so he did every task well.Later, he decided to write a spelling book and a grammar book.He went from town to town in many states showing people his books.He called them “American books for American children.”

Over the years, he found that the people in America spoke many languages and they could not understand each other.He thought there needed to be one language, a “mother tongue,” so that people could understand each other and work together.He decided to make a dictionary for the people.He changed some of the spellings of words.He changed words such as “musick” to “music,” “centre” to “center,” and “plough” to “plow(犁).” He wanted to change “tongue” to “tung” and “women” to “wimmen,” but people didn’t want to make the changes, so he kept the old spellings of those words.When he started working on his dictionary, he wanted everything in it to be right.He spent more than 20 years and thousands of dollars finding out where the words first appeared and how we came to use them.He looked in libraries in England, France and the United States and did all the work himself.When the dictionary was finished, it had 70,000 English words in it.He called it “an American Dictionary of the English Language.”(301words)1.When Noah Webster taught in a school, he also cleaned and repaired the school building because______.A)the school asked him to do so

B)he could earn more money to support his family C)he wanted to work in a clean environment D)he wanted to set a good example for the students

2.Why did Webster decide to make a dictionary? A)Because he had already written a spelling book and a grammar book.B)Because he left his students needed one in their study.C)Because he thought America should have its own dictionary.D)Because he wanted to help people understand each other.3.From the example in Para.5, we learn that Webster wanted to change the spelling of some words so as to _______.A)make the words shorter and easier to wrote B)match(使一致)the spellings with the pronunciations of the words C)help people understand the words better D)create an American dictionary of the English language

4.Which of the following spelling did Webster Not change? A)Women




5.Webster spent more than 20 years and thousands of dollars in order to _____.A)collect more English words B)attract more people to using his dictionary C)make everything in his dictionary right D)change the spelling of the words

1.The child ______ and fell down on the ice.A)sprang




2.The doctor’s mistakes in judgment _______ the death of the patient.A)resulted from B)broke off

C)brought out

D)led to

3.The manager let the phone on the table ring several times before he _____ the receiver.A)picked up B)raised up

C)brought up

D)took over

4.“We’ll do what we can to get the goods _____ on time,” said the manager of the company.A)reached




5.The car driver was badly ___ on both legs in a traffic accident.A)wounded




6.He won’t go on doing the job ___ he gets his salary raised.A)when




7.---Can I help you?---Yes, do you know ____? A)when comes the bus

B)when will come the bus C)when does the bus come

D)when the bus comes

8.He had no idea how difficult the experiment would be ____ he was halfway through it.A)until




9.The news has already ___ all over the country.A)imitated




10.It wasn’t as good a dinner ___ she had promised us.A)as




11.The idea that the earth is flat was ____ centuries ago.A)appointed




12.A good student is eager to learn and does not need to be ___ about being absent too much.A)questioned




13.We sat on the top of the mountain to watch the sun ___ early in the morning.A)rise


C)to rise


14.My parents are not used to ___ in big cities.A)live


C)have lived

D)be living

15.He wore dark glasses to avoid ____.A)having been recognized

B)to be recognized C)recognized

D)being recognized

16.___ I in your position, I would do it at once.A)Am




17.The poor boy was ____ with hunger and cold.A)faint




18.In this sense, bad things ____ into good things.A)would turn

B)can be turned C)can be to turn

D)should turn

19.If the weather were more favorable, the crops ____ still better.A)would have been grown

B)would be grown C)would be growing

D)will be grown

20.Women, ___ men, have the right to work.A)as soon as

B)as long as C)as far as

D)as well as

21.For a whole month she stayed in the hospital and not once did she visit her home for fear of carrying the(infect)_____ to her child.22.We thought they had come to repair the phone, but in(real)____ they were thieves.23.Last night she told me that she(go)____ to the United States next week.24.It would be a good idea if British Railway started(simple)_____ their timetables.25.Any increase in the cost of transporting goods will be passed on to the(consume)_______.26.This medicine is(poison)_______ if taken in large quantities.27.A new hospital(build)________ in our hometown now.28.He talked as if he(do)________ all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it.29.The chairman said, “The plan(discuss)________ now must be kept as a secret.” 30.If the medicine(take)_______ in time, it will be quite effective.Keys to Unit 1 of Book 1 Translation

1.John is both smart and responsible.He likes to make friends with other people.2.I have made the decision to compete for the new post.You can compete for it, too.It’s up to you.3.Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control.4.As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5.To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets our needs.6.Though the assignments last week turned out to be more different than I thought, I handed them in on time.V.Passage1





5.C Passage 2





5.D Ⅱ.1.B 2.A



5.C 6.C 7.D



10.C 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C

15.A 16.A 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.D 21.emotion


23.had studied

24.talking 25.assign


27.more warmly 28.addition 29.ability

30.would have

Unit 2 of Book 1 Translation 1.You can keep the message secret by transferring it into a code made up of dots and dashes.2.The knife slipped from her wet hand and injured the little pet at her foot.3.It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the People’s Republic of China, is picked up as the National Day.4.On my vacation in the country, I took pictures of some beautiful buildings, such as this public school and the small church next to it.5.The desire to create is very important.If we only imitate others, we can hardly develop anything new.6.The message had spread among the soldiers before it was delivered to the officers.Passage 1





5.B Passage 2 1.A




5.C Ⅱ.1.B




5.C 6.D




10.A 11.B




15.D 16.C




20.D 21.infection


23.would go

24.simplifying 25.consumer

26.poisonous 27.is being built

28.had done 29.being discussed

30.is taken

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