
时间:2019-05-14 10:39:14下载本文作者:会员上传



(一)Directions: Write a short essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on Telecom Fraud.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Telecom Fraud

In the cartoon above, a man is making a phone call, telling the woman that her child is seriously ill and is staying in hospital now, and she should transfer the medical expense immediately.But the womananswering the call is suspicious ofthe stranger’s words.In recent years, China has seen spike in telecom frauds.In some cases,the scammerswould tell victims they were involved in a economic case,their bank accounts had been compromised and then advise them to transfer their money to designated “safe” accounts.Other tricks include telling victims they won a lottery or prize, or pretending to be legitimate online sellers, either with a fake website or a fake ad on a genuine retailer site.Intensified efforts are needed to crack down on telecom fraud.Firstly, people should enhance fraud prevention awareness, andbe alert to calls asking for cash or fund transfers.Secondly, governmentshould conduct workshops and trainings to equip the public with knowledge about common tricksused byscammers.Thirdly, more efforts should be made to plug loopholes in supervision in telecom and banking sectors, which are often taken advantage of by fraudsters to easily succeed.点评:第一段对图片内容进行了描述。第二段指出近几年电信诈骗案件不断增多,谈及犯罪贩子进行电信诈骗惯用的几个小把戏。第三段结合作者自己观点,就如何打击电信诈骗提出建议。

besuspicious of表示对„„感到怀疑。scammer与后文的fraudster意思相近,意为“诈骗犯,行骗者”;be involved in表示被卷入,被牵涉其中;designated “safe” accounts表示指定的“安全”账户;enhance fraud prevention awareness表示提高诈骗防范意识;be alert to表示警惕,后面常接名词;equip sb.with sth.表示为某人提供某物,用某物武装某人;common tricks 在这里表示惯用伎俩; plug loopholes表示填补漏洞。

(二)Directions: Write a short essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the phenomenon that quite a few senior college students skip classes to be more involved in job-hunting.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.In the above picture, only two students attend the class for senior college students, and the teacher is unwilling to give a one-man show, leaving the classroom disappointedly.Meanwhile,seniors are striving to get a job or engaged in their internship outside of the campus.The sarcastic picture reveals a kind of common phenomenonwhich has been called “Senior Empty Nests”.The reason why senior college students skip classes for job-hunting is that they are uneasy about job prospects, so they dare not miss every single chance.Still some think that it is a waste of time to listento teachers who keep reading the textbook word for word.I think graduates should be aware of the importance of the last academic year.What they learn during this period of time is an inseparable part ofthe whole college learning and will be of benefit to them in their career development in the long run.Besides, governments should take measures to solve employment pressure.What’s more, teachers should make their lectures more interesting and beneficial so as to attract those graduates.点评:第一段首先描述图片内容,然后引出本文要讨论的主题。第二段谈及出现这一现象的两个主要原因:一是就业前景压力大,二是老师上课很无趣。第三段指出大四课程的重要性,指出大学生应该认识到该学年的重要性,看到该学年对他们职业发展的长远意义;另外政府部门必须采取措施缓解就业压力,同时老师调整自身的上课内容,尽量做到生动有趣。give a one-man show表示唱独台戏;sarcastic表示讽刺的,嘲讽的; job prospects指的是就业前景;every single chance表示每一个机会;word for word表示逐字逐句;an inseparable part表示不可分割的一部分;in the long run 表示从长远来看;more interesting and beneficial指上课更有趣,更能使学生受益。

(三)Directions: Write a short essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the importance of looking at things from different perspectives.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.In the cartoon,two men are quarreling about the number of blocks.One says that there are four blocks while the other says three, and from each of their perspectives, both of them are correct.The picture reveals that we should see things from different perspectives.By usingthe same bag of tricks, we can onlyend up with the same magic show.For getting a new solution, the best way is to change our perspectives.Whenwe explore new angles of a problem, weset our feet on the road tocreativity and true innovation.The same is true about getting along with others.The act of putting ourselves in another person’s shoes has a host of benefits.It makes us more likely to help others, moreunderstanding and charitable about other people’s mistakes, and evenmore successful when we’re negotiating with someone.All in all, to be more creative and to create a better, more cooperative world, we need tosee things from different perspectives.点评:文章第一段描述图片中的内容,并在最后一句揭示文章的主题——需要从不同的角度考虑问题。第二段谈到从不同的角度去看问题,就会找到解决问题的新方法。第三段谈到换位思考在人际关系中的运用,谈到与人相处时设身处地为他人着想的必要性。最后一段总结全文——要变得更有创造性,创建更好、更和谐的社会,就必须从不同角度看问题。reveal表示揭示,透露;end up with表示以„„告终,以„„结束;set one’s feet on the road to 意为“踏上通往„„的道路”;put oneself in another person’s shoes是一个惯用表达,表示设身处地为他人着想;charitable表示仁慈的,宽容的。

(四)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to Helen to apologize for your failure to meet her at Pudong Airport.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

假设你是玛丽,请你给海伦写一封致歉信,内容包括以下几点: 1.告知对方家人紧急送医,故未能接机; 2.告知对方家人病情已稳定,不用担心; 3.提出约见。

Dear Helen, Hope you can kindly excuse me for my failure to meet youat Pudong Airport yesterday as I have promised.The reason that I did not show up was one of my family member was sick and should be sent to hospital immediately.On that occasion I have no resason to leave but to stay with him.Luckily, because of the timely medical treatment, he has come through and feels much better now.Please feel assured about his situation.Once again, please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience that I have caused.Anyway, I would like to give you a gift in person.Would it be convenient for me to drop by this Sunday?

Yours sincerely,Mary

点评:本篇文章要求写一封道歉信,需注意道歉信的书写格式:一般在信件的开始,表达自己的歉意,希望对方能原谅自己;之后解释自己失约的原因,并再次表达歉意;最后提出约见的请求。excuse既可作名词,也可作动词。作为名词意为借口,道歉;作为动词意为原谅,为„„申辩,excuse sb.for sth.表示因为某事原谅某人,另外表达道歉还能用apologize,其名词形式是apology。show up表示出现,露面。timely medical treatment表示及时的治疗。come through指(健康)恢复。in person表示亲自。

(五)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on “Could online shopping replace in-store shopping?” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1.随着互联网技术的发展和网络购物平台的日益完善,越来越多的人选择网上购物; 2.一些人认为网购将会代替商场购物,商场未来会消失,而另一些人则争辩说商场不可能消失,它有自己的优势;3.谈谈你的看法。

With the development of Internet technology and improvement of on-line shopping platform, the last decades witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of people opting for online shopping.Hot discussion has arisen about whether digital sales willovertake shopping at traditional brick and mortar stores.Some people claim that online shopping will certainly replace shopping in retail stores, and shopping malls will vanish some day.On the contrary, others hold the idea that in-store shopping won’t be replaced since it has its own advantages and has stood the test of time.As for me, I’m in favor of the latter.It is true that online shopping offers us attractive benefits and convenience, but there certainly exist concerns about its security and the quality of the products purchased online.Besides, malls have excelled at providing shoppers with a sense of discovery and community that online shopping simply lack.Online shopping may be today’s most popular option, but it will never live up to all that the mall delivers.点评:第一段开门见山,指出网上购物的人越来越多,引发了人们的热烈讨论——网购能否取代商场购物。第二段谈及不同的人对该问题的不同看法。第三段提及作者自己的观点,认为商场购物不会被网购所取代,虽然网购很便捷并且价格便宜,但是对产品安全和质量存在担忧;另外商店能给顾客提供网购所提供的体验,如探索感和社群感。opt for表示选择,后面一般接名词;表示取代,代替可以用overtake 或者replace。brick and mortar store指的是实体店;stand the test of time表示经受住时间的考验;in favor of表示赞成,同意;live up to表示达到,不辜负。

第二篇:恩波2011年12月 四级作文预测




(一)Unhealthy Lifestyles of University Students 1. 不少大学生的生活方式消极,不上课,不运动,不出去社交,而是宅在家里或宿舍,导致知识水平下降的同时身体素质也在下降。2. 你对此有什么看法和建议? 【范文】

In recent years, many university students would like to stay at home or dormitory rather than to attend compulsory(必须做的, 强制性的)courses(课程), take exercises or join in social activities.This kind of unhealthy lifestyle will do harm to their physical conditions to some extend(在某种程度上), and reduce their scope of knowledge.Unhealthy lifestyles of university students are caused by their reversed biological clock(颠倒的生物钟), addiction to(成瘾)computer games, irregular(不对称的, 不规则的)dietary(饮食的)structure(结构), all kinds of competition pressures, and so on.To improve this way of life, joined efforts are needed.As to universities, they should hold the idea “health comes first”(健康第一)and educate students to conscientiously observe(认真遵守)the rules(规章,守则)of discipline(纪律)and study hard.Parents should cooperate with universities by creating comfortable atmosphere(气氛)at home.Most importantly, university students themselves should form(培养)good habits and healthy interests, take extracurricular(学校课程以外的)activities positively(坚定的)and do exercises regularly(有规律的).【点评】


文章第一段中would like„ rather than意为“宁愿„„而不愿„„”; to some extend意为“在某种程度上”; reversed biological clock意为“颠倒的生物钟”;health comes first意为“健康第一”;conscientiously observe意为“认真遵守”;form意为“培养”。


(二)Character Education 1. 学校教育除了培养学生的学习能力之外,还应注重诸如孝顺、诚实等的品德培养; 2. 品德培养的重要性。


Normally school education aims to cultivate students' abilities to learn and think.But more and more people realize that without the cultivation of moral norms and ethics, we can hardly(几乎不)expect a society to be nice enough for leading a harmonious life(引领和谐生活).As a result, schools should attach more attention to(更加重视)develop students’ character education, such as qualities of honesty and filial piety.Character education plays an important role in(起重要 作用)the development of future society.It meets the need of emphasizing and developing the students’ all-round qualities.In the long run, it protects students from being selfish, indifferent, conceited as well as impolite in their daily lives.What's more, it teaches students how to learn efficiently(高效地学习), how to live colourfully(多姿多彩地生活), how to do things seriously(认真负责地做事), for their own future, and also for the future of their motherland.【点评】


第一段第一句中hardly意为“几乎不”;leading a harmonious life意为“引领和谐生活”; attach more attention to 意为“更加重视”; 第二段第一句 plays an important role in意为“起重要作用”;efficiently,colourfully和seriously作为副词,修饰前面的动词,分别指代有效地学习,多姿多彩地生活,认真负责地做事。


(三)Does Knowledge Change Fate? 1. “知识改变命运”曾是无数寒门子弟奋斗的动力所在,可如今现实却是,不仅知识难以改变命运,穷孩子能接触到知识的机会也在减少。

2. 你对此有什么看法,且应采取什么措施阻止这种现象?


Large number of children from poor families once held the belief “Knowledge can change fate” and thought that hardworking could reward them--As one sows, so will one reap.But now the true fact is that not only knowledge can't change fate, but also the chances for poor ones to gain knowledge have decreased.This phenomenon brings more harm than good to society.First, it makes the rich-poor divide ever widening, and sense of injustice ever deepening.Second, it may let many real potential genius go away.Third, it runs against the repeated call for building a people-oriented, harmonious society.Therefore it needs to take urgent measures.On the part of government, it should increase its investments on education and urge all universities and colleges to make preferential policies for enrolling poor students.As to colleges and universities, they should establish completed systems for scholarship and fellowship in order to assist poor students.【点评】

文章由习语“知识改变命运”引出话题,指出当今社会现实---知识无法改变命运。文章第二段分析了该现象的危害:加剧穷富差距和不公平;导致“潜在的”人才流失;不利于建立和谐社会。最后一段分别给政府,学校提出建议,采取措施改变这种状况。第一段中reward 意为“回报”;As one sows, so will one reap.为习语,意为“ 一分耕耘,一分收获。” 文章第二段中列举该现象的危害,分别用 First,„Second,„Third表示“首先„„其次„„再次”。building a people-oriented, harmonious society意为“创建以人为本的和谐社会”。

第三段中 make preferential policies意为“制订优惠政策”,establish completed systems意为“建立完善的体系”。


(四)Indirect Employment 1. 工作难找,大学生流行“曲线就业”,通过实习或做一些杂活积累社会经验。2. 你对此有什么看法?


Confronting the more and more severe employment situation(严峻的就业形势), university graduates have tried indirect employment for finding ways out(寻求出 路).Instead of getting good jobs, they try to gain social experience by doing internships or taking in some social activities.I am completely in favor of(支持)taking indirect employment.Firstly, it can not only relieve employment pressure, but also let students gain new knowledge and practical experience which can't be gotten from books.Secondly, it benefits students a lot since it helps them to realize clearly what their real potentials are, and in which kind of jobs they really show interests.Last but not the least(最后但是最重要的是), it improves university students' social skills, qualifications and personal qualities, which are the main factors for their future jobs.【点评】

文章第一段指出大学生就业形势严峻,随之出现“曲线就业”。文章第二段开门见山,说明自己的观点---赞成这种做法,然后一一列出了好处:第一,缓解就业压力,获取新的知识和实践经验;第二,有利于大学生认识自己兴趣所在;第三,锻炼学生的社会技能 和个性。

第一段中severe employment situation意为“严峻的就业形势”;finding ways out意为“寻求出路”;第二段中in favor of 意为“支持”;not only„but also意为“不仅„„而且„„”;Last but not the least意为“最后但是最重要的是”。


(五)Who Should Pay the University's Tuition? 1. 大学学费不断上涨,有人认为大学学费应由学生自己赚取,有人认为应由父母供给。

2. 作为大学生,谈谈你自己的观点,并给出理由。


University education plays an important role in a person’s career since it offers people more opportunities.With the rising of university's tuition(随着大学学费的上涨), hot discussions have arisen about who should pay the university's tuition.Some say students should pay fees by themselves as they pay for their own life.Some think that tuition fees should be paid by their parents because that amount of money is beyond students' ability.As far as I am concerned, I think parents should pay part of the fees while university students bear the rest part.It is true that trying to make money will affect university students' studies.But doing part-time jobs will help them gain working experience, learn more of society as well as realize the importance of saving money.Most importantly, it helps to lighten financial burdens of parents.【点评】


第一段中With the rising of university's tuition意为“随着大学学费的上涨”;be beyond one' s ability意为“超出某人的能力范围”。第二段中gain working experience意为 “获取社会经验”;lighten financial burdens意为“减轻经济负担”。

第三篇:2012 6 恩波四级英语作文预测




(一)Luxurious Buildings On Campus





With a view to improving their image and comprehensive strength, many universities are rushing to build luxurious constructions.Some people are in favor of this trend, because the considerably more comfortable environment could let students apply themselves to academic studies.The others who hold the opposite opinion think it not only wastes money but also disturbs the normal teaching activities.Generally speaking, newly-built blocks/large buildings help to meet the increasingly demanding requirements of the modern students.But with the breakdown of heaps of大量age-old buildings, their original historic significances would disappear.Most importantly, the trend towards luxury shows the commercialization of college education, which gives negative influence on students.Therefore, I strongly hope universities could attach more attention to the construction of specialties and improvement of their cultural connotation, attracting students by their excellent teaching qualities and research achievements.【点评】



第一段中With a view to意为“为了”,后面接v.-ing;第二段中apply themselves to academic studies意为“全身心投入学业”;第三段中construction of specialties 意为“专业队伍的建设”,improvement of their cultural connotation意为“提高自身文化内涵”。


(二)On Buying Graduation Thesis





Since graduation thesis serves as a role of evaluation, college students are required to write academic essays focusing on their major before graduation.Afraid of not getting their degree, buying graduation thesis has become a prevailing盛行的practice.Consequently, heated discussion on the issue has been arisen.Some don't think it is necessary to write the graduation essay while the others support the current educational system.However, the main argument for scrapping取消 essays is because most of them are of such a low quality.As this work is usually assigned in the last term, exactly when they are starting to hunt for jobs, it is no wonder that they are not fully focused on the task.Furthermore, the communication between student and tutor is far from adequate.Nevertheless, I still believe that theses are something from which students can gain a lot if they put their heart into the task.【点评】


第一段中serves as a role of evaluation意为“起着评估的作用”;第二段中Consequently意为“随之产生,因此”;第三段中are of such a low quality意为“质量低”,fully focused on意为“集中精力关注于”。




Salary or Interest?

1.2.有的人找工作的时候选择兴趣,有的选择工资 你的看法



Salary or Interest

Upon graduation,virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice.It is truly a tough choice.Students’ opinions differ greatly on this issue.Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in jobs,but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.As to myself,I prefer the latter view.A well paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people,with no exception to me.Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money,salary counts most when I choose my future career.In my view,our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up.I come from a poor urban family and my parents were both laid off workers.In order to finance my tuition,they have been working hard over the past four years.As the only son in my family,I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.In short,salary is the first and only consideration in my choice of career.◇第一段思路点评:



(1)此句式priority should be given to something(应优先考虑……),牢记。

(2)注意分述不同观点时,可使用不同的动词或动词短语,这样可以避免重复,如: hold,take the attitude。




(1)exert … on 对……施加

(2)finance my tuition 承担我的学费


Certificate Craze on Campus






Certificate Craze on Campus

In recent years, getting a certificate has become a new craze among college students.Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing;quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind.Why does this craze appear?

There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon.First, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates.With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market.How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe.Second, diploma and certificates are still important standards by which many employers measure a person’s ability.In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability.Being crazy in getting certifications blindly is nothing but wasting time.To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.◇第一段思路点评:



此句Why does this craze appear?作为过渡,引出下文。


解释出现这一现象的原因,注意所使用的连接词语:first, second。


the admission expansion of colleges高校扩招




(1)nothing but=only

(2)focus on/upon=concentrate on/upon


Internet-based CET






Internet-based CET

It is reported that College English Test will be Internet-based.Some individuals argue that it is necessary to adopt this new testing system.Firstly, they claim that it is favorable for students to enhance their computer skills, which are of vital importance in modern society.In addition, Internet-based test will be more efficient and convenient.Others, however, hold the opposite opinion.They think this new testing system will result in injustice.On the one hand, a number of students can hardly afford their food and clothes.How can they be as skillful as those from rich families in using computers? On the other hand, CET, in their opinion, should test the examinees’ English proficiency rather than computer skills.Personally, I am convinced that the new test will contribute a lot to students’ comprehensive ability.Not only should they get a good command of English, but also master some basic knowledge on computer.Only in this way can they become winners in the future job-hunting.To conclude, I am in favor of this new test system.◇第一段思路点评:

简要阐述举行网络考试的必要性,注意使用的连接词语:firstly, in addition。


此句式It is favorable for sb.to do…(对某人来说做某事是有利的),要牢记。




分点论述时,可使用on the one hand… one the other hand这组短语。




be in favor of 赞成,其反义短语:be against 反对,不赞成预测4

How Will Our Life Go on without Internet?

1.2.3.网络提供给了人们丰富多彩和便捷的生活 很多人开始感觉离开网络寸步难行 你对网络依赖症的看法




How Will Our Life Go on without Internet?

If asked whether the Internet is the greatest discovery of the 20th century, my answer would be yes.The Internet has drawn the world closer together, realized countless incredible dreams, and provided modern people with a great many conveniences and a brilliant life.Today, many people simply feel they cannot live without the Internet.Governments publish their latest policies and decisions online for worldwide recognition.Political campaigns are often done online to gain wider public support.Companies and enterprises resort to the Internet for more business opportunities and potential customers home and abroad.Universities and researchers turn to the Internet if they’d seek international cooperation or funding.Common folks like us also rely on the cyber world in various ways, for communication, entertainment, banking and shopping.The power of the Internet is all pervasive, yet its many negative effects are already visible.For example, Internet addicts tend to withdraw to their own fantasy world rather than communicate with a real person.Children are exposed to online pornography and violence.Internet frauds are an everyday occurrence.In view of all this, you are advised to use the Internet with wisdom.Keep it at a safe distance and never lose yourself.◇第一段思路点评:



一句话中连用三个动词draw, realize, provide,显得句子很有气势。




从政府部门、研究机构到普通老百姓,网络已经和我们的生活息息相关。原文通过列举governments, political campaigns, universities and researchers and common folks,一气呵成,让我们真切地感受到网络无处不在。




(1)online pornography and violence,网络色情和暴力。

(2)Internet frauds are an everyday occurrence.网络欺诈每天都在发生。


Choosing an Occupation






Choosing an Occupation

One of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do.There are some people, of course, who from the time they are six years old “know” that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do.You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision.At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications.And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.◇第一段思路点评:



get around to sth.开始考虑某事。




qualify for有资格从事。




be qualified to give有资格提供。



Physical Training 1.保持健康非常重要;

2.据调查显示,大学生身体素质逐年在降低; 3.谈谈在大学校园里进行体育锻炼的重要性。


Physical Training As the saying goes, happiness lies first of all in health.It is certain that health is more valuable than wealth and wisdom.Only with good health a person can achieve and realize his goals.Recently, surveys showed that physical quality of college students declines year by year.In order to better serve for socialist construction, college studens should realize the importance of physical training.Firstly, physical training helps to improve and maintain health as movement is the source of life.Facing with heavy burden of study, the students without strong physique could not gain success.Secondly, it enables college students to form good habits.What’s more, it can strengthen psychological quality.All in all, physical training will not only guarantee college students to live longer, but also let them enjoy the life.【点评】



第一段中“Only…can…”涉及倒装句型,Only放在句首,句子部分倒装;第二段中socialist construction意为“社会主义建设”;第三段中movement is the source of life意为“运动是生命之源”; strong physique意为“强健的体魄”; form good habits意为“养成良好的生活习惯”; psychological quality意为“心理素质”;All in all意为“总而言之”。


Free Passage on Highway 1.目前,高速公路节假日免费通行;

2.有人叫好,认为减少了出行费用;有人反对,认为会导致节假日高速路拥堵; 3.谈谈你的看法。


Free Passage on Highway It is said that highway can be toll-free on the important holidays.Minibuses and motor vehicles with up to 7 seats can enjoy this privilege from 00:00 on the first day to 24:00 on the last during days in the Spring Festival, Tomb-sweeping Day, International Labor Day and National Day.Some favor this rule because it will reduce traveling expenses by about 40 percent or even more.Meanwhile, some oppose it as it may cause traffic jams and other side effects.As far as I am concerned, I think it is a piece of good news for private car owners.Not only does it undoubtedly make travelling easier during holidays, but also helps to stimulate economic growth.But it still needs improving.Local governments need to make out more detailed plans while taking everything into consideration.With improvements, the policy can be more sustainable.【点评】


第一段中toll-free 意为“免费的”,the Spring Festival指“春节”,Tomb-sweeping Day指“清明节”,International Labor Day指“国际劳动节”,National Day指“国庆节”;第二段中Meanwhile表示连接,意为“与此同时”,traffic jams意为“交通阻塞”;第三段中As far as I am concerned意为 “就我而言”,Not only…but also…意为“不仅„„而且„„”;taking everything into consideration意为“全盘考虑”。


My Views on Manners of Charity 1.慈善事业可以通过很多渠道表现,有人说“陈光标式慈善”是慈善的倒退,有人则表示他让慈善在创新中飞得更高、更远; 2.谈谈你对慈善方式的看法。


My Views on Manners of Charity

Chen Guangbiao, a well-known Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist, has made headlines in China for handing out money on the street.Hot discussion has arisen about his high-profile manners.Some say that his unusual manner of doing charity appears kind of backward while the others think it ensures the charity industry to go further and fly higher by self-innovation.As far as I am concerned, I highly appreciate Mr.Chen’s generosity and kind heart.It is quite natural that various presentations emerge in the development of charity as there is no definite way of doing good to others.No matter what the way is, if the outcome appears beneficial and can really help the needy, we should support it.What’s more, we should applaud his public example of charity as his actions can inspire more people to follow suit.The futher development of charity cause requires understanding and support of the public.【点评】

文章开头由陈光标街头派钱的新闻引入文章探讨的主题——慈善方式,然后介绍了人们对此的两种不同观点。第二段阐述了自己对慈善方式的看法,说明自己很欣赏陈光标那颗慷慨善良的心,慈善发展过程中出现多种形式是很正常的,不管方式如何,只要结果的确是帮助了那些需要帮助的人,我们就应该支持。第一段中entrepreneur意为“企业家”,philanthropist意为“慈善家”,made headlines意为“上了报纸头条”,high-profile manners意为“高调的方式”,self-innovation意为“自我创

新”;第二段中highly appreciate意为 “高度欣赏”,generosity意为“慷慨”,doing good to others意为“帮助别人”,inspire more people to follow suit意为“激励更多的人照做”。


Campus Open Day on Internet 1.目前有部分高校打造网上校园开放日,各院系入驻微博,为全国高考(微博)学生、家长和社会各界朋友提供全方位、立体化、跨时空的在线咨询服务; 2.针对这一现象,有人认为此举甚好,节省资源;但有人认为网络交流效果会不尽如人意; 3.谈谈你的看法。

Campus Open Day on Internet


With the development of computers, some universities hold Campus Open Day on Internet.All faculties of these universities have microblog accounts which aim for offering comprehensive online consulting service for students and parents.People hold different opinions to this phenomenon.Those who in favor of it think it can save both human resources and material resources.On the contrary, others dissatisfy with the results of online communication.As to me, I think it is a convenient way for students to get useful and updated infomation about their interested universities.Students can obtain information more quickly and correctly, raise any questions they have casually and get answers more timely.But every coin has two sides.Meanwhile, related colleges and departments are called upon to actively involve themselves in strengthening the supervision regarding the authenticity of information shared and released.【点评】


第一段中microblog accounts意为“微博账号”,后面涉及which引导的定语从句,其中comprehensive意为“全面的”,online consulting service意为“在线咨询服务”;第二段中in favor of意为“赞成”,dissatisfy with意为“对„„不满意”;第三段中用了几个副词修饰,more quickly and correctly意为“更加迅速准确地”,casually意为“随意地”,timely意为“及时地”,strengthening the supervision意为“加强监督”。


Foreigners’ Learning Chinese

1.目前汉语越来越受到全世界重视,学习汉语的外国人也越来越多; 2.出现这种现象的原因; 3.我的看法。


Foreigners’ Learning Chinese

Learning Chinese is becoming more and more popular among foreigners.The number of people learning Chinese is still growing now and quite beyond our expectations.People’s opinions about why so many people are crazy about learning Chinese vary on.Some say they just show interests in it.Some explain it is the will of their parents.Still others mean to gaining a well-paid job and promising career.It is true that a language may serve as a job skill or a stepping stone to a better career.But I still belive that most foreigners are simply motivated by an interest in China’s 5,000-year-old culture.Only by knowing its mother tongue can they find the key to unlocking its philosophy.Most importantly, as China is playing a larger role in the world, many foreigners have seen China's potential and realized that they can benefit from learning Chinese.【点评】


第一段中more and more popular 意为“越来越流行”,beyond our expectations意为“出乎我们的意料”;第二段中are crazy about意为“热衷于”,the will of their parents意为“父母的意愿”;第三段中a stepping stone意为“(事业的)垫脚石”,motivated意为“由„„激发”,此处指大部分的外国人是对中国五千年的文化感兴趣,Most importantly意为“更重要的是”。


Influence of Digital Products on College Students 1.数码产品种类多,更新快,大学生人均拥有数码产品的数量越来越多; 2.这种现象对大学生来说是有益还是有害? 3.你的看法。


Currently, college students are unavoidably exposed to all kinds of digital products, such as digital cameras, laptops, cell phones and so on, which grow in an increasing categories and quantities.Many students continuously update their “equipments” to meet their over-growing needs.Meanwhile people show great concerns about the influence of those products.There is no doubt that digital products make things more convenient for college students.For instance, computers and Internet enable students to collect information with greatly improved work efficiency.What's more, digital items widen students' scope of eyesight and make their life more colorful.Although these items also cause negative effects, as they may waste their precious time and cultivate a generation more isolated from the real life.Nevertheless, I cherish a belief that with the help of digital products, college students can benefit a lot and the world will have a wonderful future.【点评】

文章第一段指出现在的大学生不可避免的接触各种数码产品,并且根据需求不断更换产品,这一现象引起人们关注于产品给大学生带来的影响。第二段首先指出数码产品的优势,并列举一种产品进行说明;之后分析了产品带来的负面影响,并给出作者自己的观点。第一段中unavoidably意为“不可避免地”;are exposed to意为“接触”;in an increasing categories and quantities 意为“种类和数量不断增加”。第二段中There is no doubt that… 意为“„„毫无疑问”;For instance表示列举;cultivate a generation more isolated from the real life意为“培养出与现实生活脱节的一代人”。


Test 1 Should smoking be banned in public places?



In recent years, smoking has been made illegal in many public places such as shops, restaurants, and even bus stops.In some country such as India, a heavy fine will immediately be imposed for lighting up anywhere in public.However, the new regulation has triggered much dispute.On the one hand, many welcome the new law since a significant part of all deaths and smoking related.They applaud it as a very sensible step by the government to improve people’s health and living condition.As we all know smoking is harmful for both active and passive smokers, so putting a ban on it seems compulsory.On the other hand, however, some smokers consider the policy has gone too far.They hold that such a strict ban is in fact unnecessary in places where smoking and non smoking area are already separated.Besides, the ban has also ruined the business of cigarette manufacturers and retailers.In my view, to ban smoking is a long term goal which should be achieved step by step.During the process, education rather than enforcement is likely to be the key to its success.CET-4

Test 2

The advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets.1.有很多人喜欢宠物。2.养宠物的利与弊。3.你的建议。

In almost every neighborhood live some lovely creatures together with humans.They may be dogs, cats, birds or other animals.We call them pets to show our affections towards.Pets are good friend for humans.They play with the young and accompany the old.Research shows that living with a pet helps to soothe people’s pain and even decreases the possibility of getting heart diseases.Sometimes it’s the pet that understands better the true feelings of humans.However, many are against living together with animals, especially in cities.They argue that pets are easily infected by diseases which may very possibly pass on to humans.What’s more, the unpleasant smell and waste caused by pets are a source of environment pollution.In my opinion, keeping pets brings joy and adds color to people’s life.But we have to make sure that our pets are properly vaccinated and their behaviors do not get out of control.CET-4 Test 3 Factors of Success.1.人人都梦想成功。

2.成功所需要的因素很多,如......3.我在成功之路上尚需付出的努力......Achieving success is an ideal for almost everyone.However it does not mean everyone can make it.Since it takes effort, time ,amongst other factors.First of all painstaking effort is indispensable for anybody who want to be successful.No pains, no gains, is the universal truth acknowledged by all successful.Secondly success always comes along with time.As the saying goes “Rome was not built in a day.” Likewise, any wish of becoming successful overnight is nothing more than a fantasy.Besides, there are other important factors leading to success, such as confidence, intelligence, patience, perseverance, to name just a few.As a young man, I am still striving on my way to success.Already aware of the challenges and barriers and barriers ahead, I have eguiped myself with the most courage and determination.



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