Unit 7 My pet

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第一篇:Unit 7 My pet

Unit 7 My pet Part B Teaching Aim:

Teach Ss to describe their pets Teaching Focus: 1.“I like…” 2.“It can/can’t …” Teaching Procedure: Step 1: Warm-up

Sing the song “My pet”

Step 2: Revision

Revise the words in part A Step 3: Presetation 1.Show T’s pet.Preset the sentances.2.Explain the meaning of the sentances 3.Show the Flash of Part B Step 4:practice

Complete the sentence one by one Step 5: Consolidation

Tell your partner about your pets Step: Homework 1.copy 2 times of the sentences in Part B 2.Tell your parents about your pet.Functions Using the verb “to like”

Using the modal verbs “can” and “can’t” to talk about abilities Using the pronoun “it” Language point I like the …..It can/ can’t ……

I like the …very much.Difficult and main point The difference between “it can” and “it is” C Story time

一、Revision.Using pictures to revise the words and the sentences in part A and part B.What’s this? It’s a ____.what can it do? What colour is it? Do you like it?


1.Using the story cards to tell the pupils the main idea of the story.2.Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud.3.Play the record for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.三、Practice

1.Ask the pupils to come up and play Tim, Pat and Pat’s mother.2.Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of 3 and read the characters’ speech bubbles.Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story with the aid of a toy cat and a box.3.Use the cards to revise sequence and language of the story.四、Homework Listen to the tape and read part C.

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