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6-10 DCBCA

11-15 CDACB

16-20 CFEAG 21-25 BACDA 26-30 CACBA

31-35 ABDBD 36-40 CBDCB

41-50(One possible version)41.harder



44.whether/if 45.using

46.to drink 47.physically 48.be discussed



短文改错(One possible version)Dear Susan,You have won the first prize in the English Speech Contest for middle school students,so I am writing to give you my congratulation on your success.congratulations

As your good friend, I am proud in you!Your

of fluent English and beautiful pronunciation, especially your confident manner, have given me ∧ deep

a impression.I hope that I can be speak English as good as you one day.So could you please tell me well

how I can do to improve my speaking English? what

spoken Your experience will be of great helpful to me in

help my learning.I will appreciate you if you can write

it me back and give me your advice.I’m look forward

looking to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua 书面表达(One possible version)Dear Tom,I’m sorry to hear that you broke up with your best friend Jack.Don’t be upset.It’s possible to make up with him if you clear up the misunderstanding.As for your misunderstanding, you and Jack might not have tried to explain it to each other because of your anger and stubbornness.Perhaps you two were unwilling to give in to the other, which made you ignore each other temporarily.Now what you should do is talk with him face to face.Only in this way can you regain your friend.If not, you are likely to lose him forever.I hope you two can make up as soon as possible.Yours, Li Hua 第14期听力练习参考答案 Section A 1-5 BACAB

6-10 ABCBB 11-15 CBAAB Section B(One possible version)16.top five 17.No.6 18.No.5 19.Dark Horse 20.three weeks

阅读理解 A


1.D。推理判断题。根据第二段的In 2008, she gained a lot of fame from her first album The Fame.可知,这张专辑很受欢迎。

2.A。细节理解题。根据第三段的While Miley is no longer singing the same country style songs that kids are used to可知,她以前是唱乡村歌曲的。3.B。细节理解题。根据第四段介绍Nicki Minaj的Her first album, Pink Friday可知应选B项。4.A。细节理解题。根据第一段的Do you like pop music? If you do, you must have heard songs of the female singers listed below.可知,她们都是女性流行乐歌手。B



6.D。猜测词义题。根据第四段的描述,具有幽默感的人凭借自己吸引人的性格,能很快地触动他人的心弦,引起共鸣,故选D项。7.C。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段第三、四句You will be the centre of attraction anywhere you go.You and your partner will be the target of people’s envious glances for the happiness that surrounds you.可知,你们的快乐使你们能成为众人的焦点,吸引他人羡慕的目光,故选C项。

8.B。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句They are equally passionate and serious about relationships and matters of importance.可知,有幽默感的人在处理重要事情的时候同样激情满满,认真对待,故选B项。C


9.C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段的they are seldom patient enough和后文的解决方法Physical activities for children should change frequently so that children won’t find them boring.可知,小孩子缺乏耐心,所以父母应该经常换活动。

10.A。推理判断题。根据文章第三段内容可知,小孩子的很多习惯都是从自己的父母那里学来的,不论好坏,故提到电视和电脑是为了说明父母应该为孩子树立榜样。11.C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的Raising healthy kids can be easier and more rewarding when it’s a team effort.可以推断,为了养育出健康的孩子,家长应该尽可能跟其他人合作。D

军舰鸟是一种海鸟,这种海鸟可以在空中飞翔几周而不用着陆。12.D。细节理解题。根据第一段的This seabird can stay up in the air for weeks on end, covering hundreds of miles a day and eating and sleeping on the wing.可知,这种鸟可以在空中连续飞行几周,这是它们与别的大多数鸟的不同之处。

13.A。细节理解题。根据第四段的But Weimerskirch said those birds are too small to be fitted with the kinds of sensors used in the latest research.可知,是因为现在没有足够轻的感应器来安装到这些鸟身上。

14.C。细节理解题。根据第五段的sometimes rising to 4,000 meters可知,这些鸟有时候可以到达4000米的高度。

15.B。推理判断题。根据第六段的To make the most of helpful air currents, the tracked birds weren’t afraid to fly straight into clouds — another big surprise.可知它们是为了能够飞起来更省力。七选五

本文主要介绍了在伦敦购物旅行时需要了解的一些知识。16.C。本句与前一句形成递进关系,对上面的结论作出提问,为何人们都喜欢蜂拥至伦敦? 17.F。本句对前后的内容起承上启下的作用,提示下文会给读者一些去伦敦购物旅行的建议。


19.A。本句回答了前一句的提问,在伦敦购物旅行可以从Oxford Street开始,下文接着介绍Oxford Street的特色。



21.B。第一句说她被诊断得了乳腺癌之后,她赋予“Fight like a girl”新的意义,由此可知,Martha应该是一个意志坚强的人,空后也是她决心要做的事情。

22.A。与前面的get married相对应的应该是have children,结婚然后生孩子,后文接着提到了自己的外孙。




26.C。当她不得不剃头时,她不让最小的外孙在场,有意避开他,其目的是不让他害怕。27.A。the wear and tear意思是“损耗”,Martha患癌症当然需要治疗,所以选A项。她的身体开始表现出治疗所带来的损坏。


32.B。根据后文的after losing her和with her passing可知,应该选B项,她不让人们在她的葬礼上伤心。


34.B。根据前文的sad和后文的My heart hurts可知,应该选B项,失去了Martha,作者怎么也摆脱不了悲伤。

35.D。选项D与前文的after losing her符合,作者因为失去了Martha而感到心痛。36.C。Martha患有乳腺癌,却能够保持乐观态度,坚持活下去,这是非常坚强的。37.B。从作者运笔措辞的风格可以看出,作者他们都爱戴着Martha。

38.D。与前文的the world相呼应的只有D项。世界仍在运转,生活还将继续。

39.C。这里描述了Martha在与不在时作者内心的变化,所选副词修饰动词shine,意为“阳光没有Martha在世时那么明亮”,因此C项最符合。40.B。根据句意选B项,as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。句意:而且我知道只要我活着,我就会思念她。语篇填空


41.harder。考查形容词比较级。此处是说随着你变老,上文所提到的一些变化会让你更难应 对,由下文的You may also be at greater risk也可得到提示用形容词比较级,故填harder。42.illness。考查名词。根据空格前面的不定冠词和形容词可知,此处应该填一个名词,故填illness。



45.using。考查非谓语动词。consider意为“考虑”时,后接动名词作宾语,故填using。46.to drink。考查非谓语动词。be sure to do sth表示“一定、务必做某事”,故填 to drink。47.physically。考查副词。此处用副词在作状语修饰谓语are prepared,表示“在身体方面做好准备”,故填physically。

48.be discussed。考查谓语动词的语态。discuss与句子主语exercise program之间是动宾关系,因此应该用被动语态,should是情态动词,后接动词原形,故填be discussed。49.at。考查介词。at least是固定搭配,意为“至少”。50.planned。考查非谓语动词。and连接了三个名词destination,length of stay和activities,由此可知,此处所填词应该能够作定语修饰activities,plan与被修饰名词activities之间是动宾关系,因此需要用过去分词形式,故填planned。


2016-2017学年高二W版·广东专版第7期测试题参考答案及部分解析 1-5 CACDD

6-10 ABDAC

11-15 BBAAC

16-20 ACGBF 21-25 CDCBA

26-30 BCDCB

31-35 ACDBA

36-40 CCDBA

41-50(One possible version)41.willingness 42.by 43.comfortably 44.an


46.going 47.to explain 48.is



短文改错(One possible version)The teacher who made the deepest impression with me is Wang Peng.Years ago, I was ∧primary on

a school student of Grade 5.He was a college student, and he comes to my home twice a week.came He was clever, outgoing and very much energetic.He had some specially skills in teaching.At the

special beginning, it was bored for me to study English,boring and I showed little interest in them.He taught me

it to sing English song and told me many jokes in

songs English.After several classes, I began to like studying English.Later, he graduated from college but found a job in another city.Before he left, he and gave me a piece of advice — to study English by practice it as much as possible.Many years later, practicing I still remember his suggestion.书面表达(One possible version)Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our wildlife park.Wild animals are our friends, without whom we can’t live on the earth alone.Therefore, to protect our friends and guarantee your safety, please do as follows.Firstly, never get close to the animals, especially dangerous ones like tigers, lions, and elephants.Not only are you forbidden to throw anything at the animals or feed them, but also you aren’t allowed to take photos with them in case you will be attacked.Meanwhile, you’d better not play games with animals trained by non-professionals.Finally, no littering signs can be seen around the park, so please respect them.I wish you have a good time here.Li Jin 第7期听力练习参考答案 Section A 1-5 ABCBB

6-10 CBBCC 11-15 BBCCC Section B 16-20(One possible version)16.March 2

17.oil company

18.middle name 19.50


阅读理解 A

GRAMMY Museum向游客展示音乐的各个方面,是一个了解音乐的好去处。1.C。细节理解题。根据第三段关于The Crossroads exhibition的describe the impact that music has on the world可知,答案应选C项。

2.A。细节理解题。根据第五段的The third floor shows the art of recording.可知,答案应选A项。

3.C。细节理解题。根据Adults: $12.95以及Children: $10.95(6-17 yrs)可知一对夫妇和一个六岁的孩子应该付36.85美元。


Mount Kenya建了一个野生动物保护区,在保护犀牛和大象方面取得了很好的成绩。5.D。细节理解题。根据第二段的But the last rhino was killed by poachers’ guns in 2013.Elephant poaching in the region is down, too „可知这个野生动物保护区在保护犀牛和大象方面取得了很好的成绩。6.A。细节理解题。根据第三段的plus a helicopter that can reach remote parts fast可知只有一架直升飞机,故选A项。

7.B。推理判断题。根据第四段的the patrols deal more with cattle rustlers than poachers.Confrontations with the latter are rare.可知,作者是想以此表明偷猎行为在那里已经不是很大的威胁了。

8.D。推理判断题。根据第五段的For the point being, if the community gets the benefit of wildlife surviving, then they’ll want to protect that source of income.可知,这句话是指如果某个东西对人们有益,那这个东西就会一直存在,故选D项。C

十七岁的男孩Jerouen Paul Lumabao用从一些植物中提取出来的物质成功地杀死了一种蚊子的幼虫。

9.A。推理判断题。根据第二段的With no vaccine to prevent it, up to 400 million people suffer dengue each year.可知,没有好的方法来阻止这种疾病的传播。

10.C。细节理解题。根据第三段的He knew that many insect-killing chemicals were first discovered in plants.可知,他决定这么做是因为他知道很多植物含有消灭昆虫的化学物质。11.B。推理判断题。根据末段的They would not have grown into healthy adults.The San Francisco plant extract proved even more dangerous to the insects.In just 24 hours, it had killed all of the mosquito eggs and larvae in the water.可知,这个发现减少蚊子的数量,从而达到阻止一些疾病传播的目的。D


12.B。推理判断题。根据第二段的Compared to other animals, they tend to sleep more as a means of conserving energy.On a daily basis, they sleep at an average of 12 to 16 hours.可知,猫可能会给人一种没有精神的印象。

13.A。细节理解题。根据第三段的Moreover, purring cats are sending people signals that they are not posing any kind of threat.可知,答案应选A项。

14.A。词义猜测题。根据第四段的it can also mean something bad for cats可知,这里是指当猫“生病的”时候。

15.C。推理判断题。根据末段的these creatures also produce other important sounds for the purpose of communication.These include grunting, squeaking and trilling.可知,猫会发出多种不同的声音来交流。七选五



meaningless things与下句呼应,故选C项。干扰项E与下文无逻辑关系,故排除。

18.G。本句对上文进行总结,提出应有积极的态度,选项G中a positive attitude与上文complaining about things doesn’t help you in any way对应,故选G项。




22.D。作者给学生布置家庭作业的目的之一是为了给学生“创造”跟父母互动的机会。23.C。根据作者让学生来完成Family Page Project可知,她想让学生“了解”他们自己以及家庭的特别之处。

24.B。根据instead of以及提到那两个特殊的家庭作业的语境可知,开学初作者不给学生布置“传统的”家庭作业。



27.C。通过Family Page Project这个家庭作业,作者可以对学生的家庭有一个很好的了解,故作者认为这是了解学生家庭的一种“很好的”方式。28.D。这里是指会有一封这样的信“寄给”家长们。29.C。根据with interesting facts about their family可知,此处是指用有趣的家庭信息来“装饰”这张纸。

30.B。根据that families can use to make their page interesting可知,信上面提供了很多“主意”。



34.B。根据magazine以及of people可知,此处是指从杂志上剪下来的“图片”。35.A。根据It looked funny可知,作者认为那个家庭很有“幽默”感。36.C。根据语境可知,此处应为作者总是给学生时间让他们在课堂上“展示”他们的作品。37.C。根据to present their family page in class可知,此处是指学生在课堂上“分享”的内容。38.D。根据前文内容可知,作者认为家庭作业“真地”很重要。

39.B。根据think if they are making a positive impact on our students可知,老师们在布置家庭作业的时候要想一下那些家庭作业的“目的”是什么。




43.comfortably。考查副词。此处需要用副词作状语,修饰动词breathe,故填comfortably。44.an。考查冠词。a couple of几个。extra是元音读音开头的词,因此不定冠词应用an,故填an。此空易误填to或up,构成add to或add up短语,结果导致couple前缺少必要的冠词。


46.going。考查非谓语动词。feel like doing sth“想要做某事”,故填going。

47.to explain。考查非谓语动词。此处为固定句型It + is + adj + to do sth,故填to explain。48.is。考查主谓一致。动名词短语walking with others作主语,谓语动词用单数,故填is。防止受others的就近干扰而误填are。




第44期阅读理解五天集训营参考答案 第一天

1.C。主旨大意题 2.D。细节理解题 3.A。推理判断题 4.A。细节理解题 5.B。推理判断题 6.A。作者意图题 7.D。主旨大意题

8.B。细节理解题 9.B。细节理解题

10.A。推理判断题 11.C。细节理解题

12.D。推理判断题 第二天

1.C。作者意图题 2.C。细节理解题 3.B。推理判断题 4.D。细节理解题 5.C。细节理解题 6.D。细节理解题 7.C。推理判断题

8.B。主旨大意题 9.C。细节理解题 10.D。细节理解题 11.C。推理判断题 12.D。词义猜测题 第三天


2.B。词义猜测题 3.D。推理判断题 4.B。细节理解题 5.D。细节理解题 6.A。细节理解题 7.A。推理判断题

8.A。细节理解题 9.B。细节理解题

10.C。细节理解题 11.A。推理判断题

12.D。细节理解题 第四天

1.A。主旨大意题 2.D。作者意图题 3.A。推理判断题 4.B。词义猜测题 5.D。推理判断题 6.B。细节理解题 7.C。推理判断题 8.A。主旨大意题 9.C。细节理解题 10.D。推理判断题 11.B。细节理解题 12.D。细节理解题 第五天

1.D。推理判断题 2.A。推理判断题 3.A。作者意图题

4.D。细节理解题 5.D。推理判断题

6.C。细节理解题 7.B。推理判断题

8.A。主旨大意题 9.C。细节理解题

10.B。细节理解题 11.B。细节理解题 12.A。推理判断题 听力周周练参考答案 第一节


6-10 AACBA 11-15 ACBBA 第二节 16-20(One possible version)16.challenges 17.struggled 18.serious 19.base

20.unstoppable 第44期阅读理解五天集训营解析

《学生双语报·辅导测评周刊》的读者请注意:A-K的参考答案请参照以下D-N)A 本文是一篇影评,作者简要评论了3D版电影《泰坦尼克》,认为它与1997年上映的2D版的《泰坦尼克》并没有太大的区别。


2.D。细节理解题。根据第三段With the help of the 3D technology, the scene is more realistic.可知,3D技术使得电影里的场景更加逼真,故选D项。

3.A。推理判断题。本文是一篇影评,因此最有可能出现在报纸的娱乐专栏里。B 这是一位编辑给学生读者的回信,信中她鼓励这位学生要以积极的态度对待学校生活,这样就可以找到自己所想得到的美好时光。

4.A。细节理解题。由第二段的Summer was amazing but the memories have already faded.Back-to-school is to some extent okay, but only for about a week可知,答案选A项。

5.B。推理判断题。根据这一段最后一句说到:那些享受生活的人也会遇到不愉快的事情,所以选B。6.A。写作意图题。依据第一段的第二句You said that you had difficulty in keeping your mind in anything at school now和第四段第一句Come on.Look around.There are people who actually seem to be enjoying their lives可知,这封信是给John提供一些关于如何享受学校生活方面的建议。

7.D。主旨大意题。由最后一段最后一句Focus on the positive stuff and you’ll notice that the “good times” are all around you.可知答案为D。C 作者打算在Circuit City买一份圣诞礼物,但店员的冷漠态度让作者深感失望。

8.B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句I went to Circuit City because it was right next to another shop where I always shopped.可知作者选择亲自去Circuit City是由于他对该店的位置很熟悉。9.B。细节理解题。根据第一句Last week I was doing some Christmas shopping.和第四段Still, I was in search of a particular gift可知,作者去Circuit City是为了购买圣诞礼物。

10.A。推理判断题。通读全文,我们可以看出,作者在Circuit City时,售货员对待他的态度非常冷淡,由此可以判断该店应该提高服务水平。

11.C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句It will state on the web page whether it is only available online or not可知,作者前去寻找电脑的目的是为了查看他要购买的物品是否只在网上销售。12.D。推理判断题。根据文中Never did this clerk ask me what item I was looking for.Never did he offer to help me in any way.及I promptly walked out, never to return.可知,由于在商店受到冷遇,作者离开商店时非常气愤。D 作者讲述自己带孩子一起看歌剧的经历,并根据自己的经历给歌剧初始爱好者一点指导性建议。

1.C。写作意图题。根据第二段最后一句Based on it, I have two tips for the beginners when it comes to going to see an opera with kids.可知,作者写作的目的是给歌剧初始爱好者一点和孩子一起看歌剧的建议,故选C。

2.C。细节理解题。根据第三段Most kids, though, will prefer a book that comes with a CD or a novel that includes the opera’s story.可知C项正确。3.B。推理判断题。根据第二段I learned that The Magic Flute, a family-friendly show可知该歌剧利于家庭,从而可推断它有利于家庭成员之间建立良好的关系。E

本文为我们介绍了大食蚁兽的一些生活习性。4.D。细节理解题。根据第三段Their appearance is unique compared with most, if not all, other animals on earth.They are easily recognized by their long, tube-like noses and thick, strawlike hair可知选D。

5.C。细节理解题。根据第三段Giant anteaters will use their long noses to search large anthills and termite nests.可知,大食蚁兽用鼻子觅食,因此选C。

6.D。细节理解题。根据第四段Giant anteaters have long, bushy tails that may act like blankets;they can cover themselves with their tails while sleeping可知,大食蚁兽的尾巴在其睡觉时当做“毯子”用。

7.C。推理判断题。根据最后一段While young ride on their mother’s back, their stripes form a long line and make a perfect type of camouflage可知,小食蚁兽爬到母亲的背上,母子两个身上的条纹形成一种独特的伪装从而保护自己,因此选C。F 如果到了2080年,全球气温将升高2摄氏度,我们将面临什么样的问题?我们的生活将如何改变?


9.C。细节理解题。根据第二段Afterwards, the country built shelters and early warning systems和Better preparation can bring down the death rates可知,2007年的龙卷风造成的死亡人数较少的原因是人们做了较好的准备。

10.D。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句Despite such efforts, crops will fail more often, probably leading to high food prices.可知,如果气候变暖,农民们将面临更多的欠收。

11.C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Models show tropical diseases will move into higher latitudes可知,如果气温升高,那些本来发生在热带地区的疾病将出现在高纬度地区,从而可推断高纬度地区的人们健康方面的支出将增加。

12.D。词义猜测题。从该句后半句so the worst of those consequences probably will not have kicked in even by 2080可知,到2080年时最坏的结果可能还不会出现,说明海平面上升速度滞后于气候变暖速度。G 文章对互联网、人类居住环境、能源应用等的未来做出了预测。

1.A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段中the housing shortage will be solved可知①正确,根据You can travel from one dome to another via a kind of submarine which will also be made of glass可知②正确;根据the view under the sea will be so impressive可知③正确。2.B。词义猜测题。从该句后半句“因为它将只是水蒸气”,可推测exhaust指的是未来汽车排放的“废气”。

3.D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一句Also, all energy will be supplied by natural sources: sunlight, wind and water可知,D项正确。H 埃斯特·沃吉尔是荷兰轮椅网球选手。自2003年1月起,她在单打比赛中获得了418场连胜,至今保持不败。4.B。细节理解题。根据第一段的Esther Vergeer, a 29-year-old Dutch wheelchair tennis player,has not lost a singles match since January 2003....over the course of eight years可知,29岁的埃斯特·沃吉尔自从2003年以来的8年里没有输过单打比赛,所以答案选B。5.D。细节理解题。根据第二段she underwent surgery, which saved her life, but left her paralyzed可知,答案为D。


7.A。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句The pursuit of perfection, however, requires a career spent obsessing about one’s faults, as Vergeer admits that “sometimes it’s tiring always to try to improve.”,可知选A。I 现如今,沙画是一种风靡全球的艺术,但事实上它最初是用来治病的。8.A。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句But traditionally, the paintings are created to heal a person during a ceremony.可知沙画最初是用来给病人治病的。

9.B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句During the ceremony, the person who needs healing will sit on the Native American sand painting.可知,在治疗仪式中病人需要坐在沙画上接受治疗。10.C。细节理解题。根据第三段This is necessary because the sand painting is now seen as poisonous, having absorbed the illness, and must be destroyed.可知,治疗仪式结束后沙画要马上毁掉,是由于人们认为它是有毒的,含有疾病。

11.A。推理判断题。根据第一段The type of image and ceremony is determined by the disease which the person is suffering from.可知人们会绘制不同的图像来治疗不同的疾病。

12.D。细节理解题。根据最后一段首句It is believed that it was a medicine man named Fred Stevens who was the first person to create a Native American sand painting for sale in the 1950s.可知,Fred Stevens是世界上首位沙画出售者。J 发展公共交通可带动一个国家的经济发展,利国利民,无论是否乘坐,你都会从中受益。1.A。主旨大意题。文章首段概述公共交通是有益的,然后在二、三、四段具体阐述了公共交通给美国上班族及企业、家庭及农村居民带来的有益之处,主要为了介绍公共交通的益处,故选A。

2.D。作者意图题。第三段第一句提出了本段的主旨:公共交通可减少美国人家庭开支。后文以小汽车为例主要就是为了说明这一主旨,答案为D。3.A。推理判断题。根据最后一段However, access to public transportation in these areas needs to be greatly expanded.可知,农村地区的公共交通需要被大力发展,A项正确。K 两位美国大学教授研究发现,教师通常使用的红色笔标识批改或给论文打分往往会很影响学生的学习、逐渐破坏师生关系,因为红色让人焦虑不安。

4.B。词义猜测题。根据第一段的impacts students negatively可知erode是“破坏”的意思。5.D。推理判断题。根据第三段ABC Science also reported that students whose papers were graded with blue ink tended to give teachers higher scores in a quality that Dukes and Albanesi termed “bedside manner.”可知D正确。


7.C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的„with red improving attention可知,他们对用红色笔是持乐观态度的,故答案选C项。L 1948年伦敦奥运会是二战后的第一届奥运会,二战后的伦敦百废待兴,在筹办过程中遇到了种种困难,但人们最终克服了这些困难,成功举办了这次奥运会。

8.A。主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了二战后第一届奥运会——1948年伦敦奥运会。具体介绍了伦敦被选为举办城市的原因、筹办过程中遇到的各种问题及其解决及最终的成功举办。9.C。细节理解题。从文章第一段As London had been selected to host the cancelled 1944 Games, the IOC decided to offer the 1948 Games to London.可知答案为C。



12.D。细节理解题。文章第三段提到了场馆问题,第四段提到了住宿问题,倒数第二段提到了交通问题,只有娱乐问题在文中并未提及。M 本文主要是向读者介绍美国手势语及父母如何教会孩子手势语等。1.D。推理判断题。从第三段的A deaf child born to deaf parents who already use ASL will begin to acquire ASL as naturally as a hearing child picks up spoken language from hearing parents可知D项正确。

2.A。推理判断题。从文章最后一段The very early discovery of a child’s deafness provides parents with an opportunity to...during this important stage of development可知,及早检查、发现孩子的听力问题可使家长有机会知道孩子需要的交流方式,从而在1-6月这个重要的语言学习阶段开始孩子的语言学习过程,不错过最佳语言学习阶段。

3.A。作者意图题。本文主要是向读者介绍美国手势语的相关信息,包括它的内容、起源和父母如何教会孩子手势语及最佳学习期等,故选A项。N 本文讲述的是美国的一些高薪企业尽管提供了很高的工资,但仍招聘不到足够的高科技人才,出现了“人才荒”。

4.D。细节理解题。根据文章第五段the United States offers only 65,000 visas to high-skilled workers annually可知美国有从国外招聘高科技人才。

5.D。推理判断题。根据第四段The need for qualified high-skilled workers is immediate and chronic和最后一段的内容可知,“人才荒”不是立马就能解决的。

6.C。细节理解题。根据第五段American universities annually award approximately 40,000 bachelor’s degrees in computer science, but about 120,000 new computing jobs require such a degree every year可知C正确。

7.B。推理判断题。文章整篇讲述的都是关于美国高科技企业缺乏人才的事情,可归于经济领域,故选B。O 2011年音乐产业的销量有了明显增长,最畅销唱片“21”取得500多万张的销量,这对于音乐产业来说无疑是一个好消息。

8.A。主旨大意题。本文主要报道了2011年音乐产业销量增加情况,并分析了销量增加的原因,故选A。9.C。细节理解题。根据第一段What is surprising is that “21” sold more than 5 million copies.可知C项正确。

10.B。细节理解题。根据第三段Nielsen analyst David Bakula believed that music sales rebounded because retailers got more aggressive with pricing and promotions.及后文对Lady Gaga唱片畅销原因的分析可知,低价是2011年音乐产业销量增长的原因。

11.B。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句Physical albums still outsold digital albums by a 2:1 margin.可知答案。

12.A。推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句Indeed, music sales overall increased by more than 3 percent in 2011.Not coincidentally, the last time when overall music sales rose by so much was in 2004 as well.可以推断,2004年整个音乐产业的销售量增加了百分之三还多。


七年级(上)Module 4 能力测试听力原文及参考答案 听力原文

第一节 听句子,选择最佳答语 1.What’s your favourite food? 2.Are vegetables healthy food? 3.What do you have for breakfast? 4.What fruit do you like to eat? 5.Can you take this apple to your grandmother? 第二节 听力理解

听下面一段材料,回答6~7两个小题。W: Allen, is your favourite food rice? M: No, my favourite food is noodles.Do you like noodles, Emma? W: No, but my brother likes noodles.I like hamburgers.M: Do you eat hamburgers everyday? W: Yes, I do.听下面一段材料,回答8~9两个小题。W: Tom, does your sister like candy? M: Yes, she does.W: Do you like candy? M: No, candy is not healthy.I don’t like it.W: What’s your favourite food? M: Well, I like rice best.听下面一段材料,回答10~12三个小题。

M: It is hot today.Do you have any Coke in the fridge, Anna? W: Yes, Uncle.M: Where are your grandparents? W: They are in the gym.M: Do they have any apples? W: No, they don’t.M: Do they have any juice? W: Yes, they do.M: Do you like sports? W: Yes.My favourite sport is basketball.What’s your favourite sport? M: Swimming.听下面一段材料,回答13~15三个小题。M: Hi, Zoe.What’s your favourite food? W: My favourite food is rice.M: What’s your favourite drink? W: Coke.Do you like it, Chuck? M: No.I like juice and milk.W: I like them too.M: Do you like pork? W: No, but I like beef.M: What fruit do you like? W: I like pears.M: Do you like candy? W: Oh, I don’t like it.It is not healthy.第三节 听取信息

(M)Hello, everyone!I’m Bill from the UK.I’m thirteen years old.I’m a middle school student in China.I like Chinese food very much.My favourite food is rice.My favourite drink is milk.I like white, black and blue.And blue is my favourite colour.I like sports, and my favourite sport is basketball.参考答案

一、第一节 1-5 BAACC 第二节

6-10 CCABA 11-15 ACBAB 第三节(One possible version)16.thirteen 17.rice 18.milk 20.basketball

二、19.blue 第一节 单项选择

21-25 ACCCA 26-30 CBCAC 31-35 AABAC 第二节 完形填空

36-40 BCACC 41-45 ACCBB

三、第一节 阅读理解 46-50 ABDDA 第二节 主题匹配 56-60 BEDAF 第三节 回答问题(One possible version)61.Bill goes shopping with his mother.62.Because Bill likes carrots and beans very much.63.Bill’s mother likes drinking milk and coffee.64.Betty White is Bill’s classmate.65.Betty buys some fish for her mother.四、(One possible version)第一节 综合填空 66.old 68.food 67.three 69.drinking 51-55 BCADC 70.hospital 71.healthy 72.breakfast 73.vegetables 74.bad 75.well 第二节 完成句子 76.isn’t good for 77.Have you got any 78.He hasn’t got any 79.Let’s get 80.a bit tired 第三节 材料作文

Hello, I’m Lingling.There are three people in my family.My father likes potatoes, fish and bananas.Fish is his favourite food but he doesn’t like carrots.My mother likes beans, meat and apples.Her favourite food is beans.She never eats beef.What about me? I like chicken, cola and noodles.Cola is my favourite drink.But I don’t like cheese.写作指导:认真阅读表格信息,然后按顺序对人物的饮食情况逐一介绍,先介绍家人喜欢什么、最喜欢什么,最后介绍不喜欢什么。可适当发挥。


九年级(上)Module 9 能力测试题 听力原文及参考答案 听力原文

第一节 听句子,选择最佳答语 1.When did Danny hurt his leg? 2.Jenny, Danny is badly hurt!3.Hi, Bob.Nice day, isn’t it?

4.I’d love to have a trip next week, Tom.5.I know about first aid.Let me help you.第二节 听力理解

听下面一段材料,回答6~7两个小题。M: What are you going to do this weekend, Nancy? W: I am going to take the train to New York to see my uncle.M: How long will the journey take? W: Well, the train leaves at seven in the morning and arrives at eleven.M: Have a good journey, Nancy.W: Thank you.听下面一段材料,回答8~9两个小题。

M: Helen, where will you spend your Christmas this year? W: I’d like to go home.I really miss my parents.But the air ticket costs too much.M: Why not go by train? It would be cheaper.W: However, I’ve never traveled by train.I think it may make me sick.M: That’s a big problem.How about staying here with us friends? W: Sounds great.I’ll think about it.听下面一段材料,回答10~12三个小题。M: Sally, will we have to put off holding our party? W: Yes, David.Most of the friends are too busy these days.M: What will Jeff do then? W: He’ll help his uncle hand out advertisements.M: What about Linda? Will she have anything important to do? W: Yes.She’ll put up some signs to ask for old bikes with me.M: Ask for old bikes? Why? W: We’ll fix them up and give them away to poor children.M: What kind girls you are!In fact, I won’t have much free time.I’ll visit my uncle in the hospital.W: It seems we’ll have the party when we are free.听下面一段材料,回答13~15三个小题。W: What do you do, Mr Brown? M: I am a cartoonist in a movie company.But I used to be an artist in an art club.W: What kind of cartoon movies do you make? M: The ones that teenagers like watching.W: How do you like your job? M: It is interesting but kind of hard.We should make our movies interesting and educational.W: Are you making a new movie at present? M: No.But we will have one next year.第三节 听取信息

(W)Ann used to be a school teacher.Her mother was also a teacher.But when she was young, she wanted to be a writer.So Ann and her mother often went to the library every week.Now she has started some new books.In one of her new books, Ann introduces four girls.These girls are more than friends — they’re family.The book shows us their experiences as they grow up.Ann thinks some of the best ideas have come from her family or her own life.She has a lot of letters.They were written by her grandparents.Ann always encourages kids to write a lot.Ann says that writing stories is really a good start of writing.参考答案

一、第一节 1-5 CBACB 第二节 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 BCBAC 第三节(One possible version)16.teacher 18.grandparents 20.write stories

二、第一节 单项选择

21-25 BBCBB 26-30 CCACA 31-35 ABACC 第二节 完形填空

36-40 BCABC 41-45 ABCCC

三、第一节 阅读理解

46-50 DDBAC 51-55 BDABD 第二节 主题匹配 56-60 CEADF 第三节 回答问题(One possible version)61.The audiences can know the stories behind delicious food from different places in China and some Chinese culture.62.Anyone of any age with some kind of talent can apply.63.It started on July 13th, 2012 on Zhejiang TV.64.They take a scientific look at what people say or think to see if it is true.65.There are two kinds of Chinese TV programs that are mentioned.四、(One possible version)第一节 综合填空 66.beginning 67.feel 68.carrying 69.problem 70.stronger 71.died 17.the library 19.family 72.moved 74.helped 73.rest 75.sorry 第二节 完成句子 76.have a word 77.have been translated into 78.be in trouble 79.win the heart of 80.ever since 第三节 材料作文

I have enjoyed watching cartoons ever since I was a child.I watch them when I’m free and I often talk about cartoons with my friends after class.My favourite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.All the characters in this cartoon make me laugh.I also like the Monkey King because he is very brave.Cartoons are easily understood.They bring joy to my life.Some teach me to be brave and confident whenever I’m in trouble.Some teach me to help others who are in need of help.Some teach me to be happy when life is not that easy.What about you? Do you like cartoons? 【材料作文思路点拨】




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