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W: May I help you? M: Yes, please.I want to buy shoes for my brother.W: What size does he wear? M: Size Seven and a half.The same size as mine.W: Would he like a style like yours, too? M: No.He wants something very different from mine.W: What about these? M: These are more expensive than mine.Do you have anything cheaper? W: Yes, we do.Why don't you look on the first floor? 试音到此结束,听力考试正式开始。第一节


1.W: Hello!Could I speak to Jim, please? M: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.He’s at the cinema.Q: Where is Jim now? 2.M: I usually come to school by bus.What about you, Lucy? W: I usually come by bike on fine days.If it rains, I come by bus.Q: How does Lucy come to school on sunny days? 3.W: What are you doing, Lucy? Are you listening to music?

M: No.I’m writing to my friend.Q: What’s Lucy doing? 4.M: What does Mr.Black look like?

W: He’s of medium height, but his son is heavy and tall.Q: What does Mr.Black’s son look like? 5.W: What did you do last weekend? M: I played computer games with my father Q: What did the boy do last weekend? 第二节



W:Hello!This is Mary speaking M:This is Mike.How are you.Mary? W:Fine,thank you.

M.What’s the weather like in Sanya? W:It’s very hot and wet now.

M: We want to spend our summer holiday in Hainan. W:Really? Have a good time!

广水市2018年九年级英语四月适应性考试听力稿及答案 第1页·共3页 M:Thank you very much.听下面一段对话,回答第9-11小题。

M:Excuse me, is there a post office near here? W: No, there isn’t.but there is one on Green Street.M: Is it far from here? W: It takes you about 30 minutes to walk there.M: Can I take a bus? W: Yes, you can take the No.5 bus.M:Thank you so much.W: No problem.听下面一段对话,回答第12—15小题。

M: Hi, Miss Wang.Can I play games in the classroom? W: No, you can’t, Mike.You have to play outside.M: OK.W: Don’t run in the classroom or in the hallways.You can run and wear your hat on the playground.M: All right.What other things do I have to do? W: you can’t go out on school nights, and can’t go out with your friends after school.Well, do you finish your homework? M: Sorry, I don’t.W: Don’t go out to play.You have to finish yor homework now.听下面一段独白,回答第16—20小题。

Last week Tom had a very busy weekend.On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room.That made his mother very happy.In the afternoon, he did his math homework.It was not difficult, so it only took him one hour to finish the homework.And in the evening, he went to visited his aunt with his parents.They had a good dinner there.The next morning, he went to swim after getting up.Usually he goes swimming twice a week.He love it very much.After lunch he went to school and played football.That exercise makes him in a good health.On Sunday evening, he watched TV for an hour at home and then put the books in his schoolbag foe next day.第三节


Scott works very long hours.He usually gets up at 17:00.He has a shower and then eats his breakfast.What a funny time to eat breakfast!After breakfast the plays his guitar, then he goes to work.To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the BaiTe Hotel.The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15.He works all night.People love to listen to him!He gets home at 7:00, and he watches morning TV.He goes to bed at 8:30.Can you think what his job is? 广水市2018年七年级下学期期末考试




6-10 BCABC

11-15 AABBC

16-20 BACBB 21.shower




25.8:30 笔试部分


26-30 CCDCA

31-35 BDACA

广水市2018年九年级英语四月适应性考试听力稿及答案 第2页·共3页


36-40 CBBAA

41-45 BBDAC

46-50 DACBD


51-55 CBBCD

56-60 BDADA

61-65 CDEBA









72.take;message 73.saw;sleeping








80.put 81.lucky





八、书面表达 参考范文:

I have a friend.He comes from Australia.His name is Steve.He is a 13-year-old boy.He is tall and of medium build.He has curly hair.He is very cool.He loves pandas o lot, because he thinks they are very smart and cute.He likes playing basketball, because it is relaxing.He likes Chinese food very much, he thinks it is delicious.He wants t be an actor, because it’s interesting and exciting.广水市2018年九年级英语四月适应性考试听力稿及答案 第3页·共3页



1.would like to do sthwant to do sth


2.spend time / money doing sth


3.have a great time doing sth / have fun doing sth


4.enjoy doing sthenjoy oneself


4.tell / ask sb to do sth


5.forget / remember to do sth


6.hear sb doing / do sth


7.so ……that


8.It is + adj + for sb to do sth


9.be goodatsth / doing sth


10.be good for sth


11.be good with sb


12.be interested doing sth /sth


13.help sb do/to dosth


14.help sb with sth


15.have to do sth




17.It takes sb some time to do sth

____________________________________________________.there be(is / are)+ 某物+某地。




20.It is time to do sth


21.need sb to do sth


22.be friendly to do sth


23.the number of ____________ a number of ______________________

第三篇:人教七年级下英语Unit9 阅读 作文


An old friend from California was going to spend a few days with me.He called me from the station to tell me that he had arrived.I wasn’t able to leave the office, but I had got ready for his visit.I told him where my new house was and that I had left the key under the doormat(门垫).Because I knew it would be very late before I could get home, I asked him to make himself at home and help himself to anything in the fridge.Two hours later, my friend phoned me from the house.At the moment he said he was listening to some music after a nice meal.He had found two fried eggs, and had helped himself to some cold chicken in the fridge.Now he said he was drinking a glass of orange and he wished me to go back soon.When I asked him if he had any trouble in finding the house, he answered he didn’t find the key under the doormat.But the window by the apple tree was open and he climbed in through the window.I listened to this in surprise.There was no apple tree outside my window at all.But there is one by the window of my next door neighbor’s house!

()1.The writer left the key under the doormat for ______.A.his uncleB.himselfC.his friendD.his children

()2.The writer told his friend to look after himself before he got home because _______.A.he would get home very late.B.his friend would stay with him for a few days.C.his friend would not mind that.D.he would not be able to return home that day.()3.His friend told him on the phone that _______.A.he found the house without any trouble.B.he enjoyed himself very much in the house.C.he found the key very easily.D.he liked his new house.()4.How did the writer’s friend come into the house?

A.He used the key to open the door.B.He got in easily because the door was open.C.He got in through the window.D.He knocked at the door.()5.Which of the followings is right?

A.The writer’s friend went into the wrong house.B.The writer’s friend liked the neighbor’s house.C.The writer’s house was easy to find.D.The window of the writer’s room was open.二、书面表达。

写作要求:根据你周一在校的活动,以My Day为题描写一下你一天的活动。80字左右。______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

第四篇:人教七年级下英语Unit7 阅读 作文


My father is tall and has short gray hair.He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框).But I just saw a picture of him from 1968.What a surprise!In the picture, he’s 15 years old.He’s short and he is wearing glasses with small, round frames.He has short yellow hair and it’s really straight.He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”.I’m 15 years old now.I’m of medium height and I have short hair.My hair isn’t yellow.It’s blue.My dad thinks it’s strange(奇怪的), but my friends think it’s great.I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames.They’re so cool!I have an earring in one ear, too.I never wear blue jeans.I like big baggy pants and long T-shirts.Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them.阅读短文后,选择最佳答案。

()1.What kind of glasses is the writer’s father wearing in the picture?

A.Glasses with heavy black frames.B.Glasses with bright red frames.C.Glasses with small round frames.()2.What color is the writer’s hair?

A.Yellow.B.Blue.C.Gray.()3.What does the writer like to wear?

A.Blue jeans and a T-shirt.B.Yellow jeans and a long T-shirt.C.Big baggy pants and long T-shirts.()4.What’s on Father’s T-shirt?

A.The word “love”.B.Cool earrings.C.Pictures of rock bands.()5.Who has an earring in one ear?

A.The writer’s father.B.The writer.C.The writer’s friends.二、书面表达


姓名刘翔 身高1.88米

性别 男 体重 74公斤

出生日期 1983.7.13个人爱好 唱歌、电脑

提示词汇:体育明星a famous sports star;奥运会 Olympic Games;获胜 win






四、请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,短文读两遍。My friends Mike, Jack and I go to a restaurant for dinner.I’m medium build.My friend Mike has short straight hair.Jack is short and heavy.The waiter asks what we would like, I’d like chicken noodles.Mike doesn’t want noodles.He’d like some fish and orange juice.Jack dislikes fish.He likes mutton.So he’d like a Number 1.My sister is of medium build and she has long black hair.Number 2.My math teacher isn’t tall.He is a little heavy.Number 3.I’d like noodles and orange juice, please.Number 4.The dumplings are only 15 yuan.Number 5.On Saturday I studied for the math test.二、听下面5组对话,每组对话后有一个问题,请根据对话和问题从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每个对话读两遍,每个问题仅读一遍。

Number 6.W: Mike, do you have a sister?

M: Yes, she’s cute.She has long hair and big eyes.Question: What does Mike’s sister look like?

Number 7.M: What does your father do, Linda?

W: He was a teacher ten years ago.Now he is a reporter.Question: What is Linda’s father now.Number 8.W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like a medium bowl of noodles.How much is it?

W: 15 dollars.Question: Where is the boy?

Number 9.W: Tony, are you hungry?

M: Yes, Mom.W: Let’s have some mutton noodles.M: No, Mom.I want some beef and carrot noodles.I don’t like mutton noodles.Question: What kind of noodles does Tony like?

Number 10.W: Did you go to the beach last weekend, Mike?

M: No, I didn’t.I stayed at home and watched TV.Question: What did Mike do last weekend?


M1: Good afternoon.Can I help you?

M2: Yes, please.I would like a hamburger and some French fries.What about you, Lucy?

W: I’d like a hamburger, some chicken and a bowl of ice cream.I don’t like French fries.M1: Would you like something to drink?

W: Black tea, please.And you, Bob?

M2: I’d like green tea.W: OK.We’d like two hamburgers, some French fries, some chicken, a bowl of ice cream, a black tea and a green tea.M1: Sure.四、听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案,短文读两遍。

Dear Brad,Thanks for your letter.Let me tell you about my last weekend.On Saturday morning I went to English class.I practiced English.In the afternoon I played the piano for two hours.Then I went to a sports club.In the evening I went to the movies.On Sunday morning, I went to the library.I read Harry Potter.Then I visited my grandparents.On Sunday evening I studied for a math test.That’s what I did last weekend.Please write and tell me about what you did last weekend.Love,Tom

七下英语期末测试卷large bowl of mutton soup and bread.Zehua Paper 2010.7



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