1.(2010甘肃兰州)已知关于x的一元二次方程 有实数根,则m的取值范围是.答案
2.(2010安徽芜湖)已知x1、x2为方程x2+3x+1=0的两实根,则x12+8x2+20=__________.答案-1 3.(2010江苏南通)设x1、x2 是一元二次方程x2+4x-3=0的两个根,2x1(x22+5x2-3)+a =2,则a= ▲.答案8 4.(2010四川眉山)一元二次方程 的解为___________________.答案
5.(2010江苏无锡)方程 的解是 ▲.答案
6.(2010 江苏连云港)若关于x的方程x2-mx+3=0有实数根,则m的值可以为___________.(任意给出一个符合条件的值即可)答案
8.(2010湖北鄂州)已知α、β是一元二次方程x2-4x-3=0的两实数根,则代数式(α-3)(β-3)=.答案-6 9.(2010 四川绵阳)若实数m满足m2-m + 1 = 0,则 m4 + m-4 =.答案62 上文就是给您带来的2016学年八年级上学期寒假生活指导数学答案,希望大家及时注意并了解相关动态!!
1.下列四个说法中,正确的是()A.一元二次方程 有实数根;B.一元二次方程 有实数根;C.一元二次方程 有实数根;D.一元二次方程x2+4x+5=a(a≥1)有实数根.答案D 2.一元二次方程 有两个不相等的实数根,则 满足的条件是
A.=0 B.gt;0 C.lt;0 D.≥0
答案B 3.(2010四川眉山)已知方程 的两个解分别为、,则 的值为
A.B.C.7 D.3 答案D 4.(2010浙江杭州)方程 x2 + x – 1 = 0的一个根是 A.1 – B.C.–1+ D.答案D 5.(2010年上海)已知一元二次方程 x2 + x ─ 1 = 0,下列判断正确的是()A.该方程有两个相等的实数根 B.该方程有两个不相等的实数根
C.该方程无实数根 D.该方程根的情况不确定
答案B 6.(2010湖北武汉)若 是方程 =4的两根,则 的值是()A.8 B.4 C.2 D.0 答案D 7.(2010山东潍坊)关于x的一元二次方程x2-6x+2k=0有两个不相等的实数根,则实数k的取值范围是().A.k≤ B.klt;C.k≥ D.kgt;
答案B 8.(2010云南楚雄)一元二次方程x2-4=0的解是()A.x1=2,x2=-2 B.x=-2 C.x=2 D.x1=2,x2=0 答案A 上文就是给您带来的初二上学期寒假生活指导数学答案,希望大家及时注意并了解相关动态!!
一、1 列: ji籍 tui颓 yi贻 yan俨 ni腻 fang枋 2 列: 夕日欲颓、太阳快要落山啦(课本解释)3--5 略
二、1 赏析、略 P9 2 为了使儿子劳动勤劳所撤的慌才知父亲都是为了自己。3 《狐假虎威》
作者:奥斯特洛夫斯基 主要内容:以主人公保尔·柯察金的生活经历为线索,展现了1915到1930年前后俄广阔的历史画面。
精彩语录摘抄:朱赫莱被匪徒抓去了。保尔与朱赫莱一起逃跑。由于维克多的告密,保尔被投进了监牢。从监狱出来后,保尔跳进冬妮亚的花园。冬妮亚和保尔产生了爱情。在激战中,保尔头部受了重伤。出院后,他参加恢复和建设国家的工作。冬妮亚和保尔思想差距越来越大,便分道扬镳。在筑路工程快要结束时,保尔得了伤寒,体质越来越坏。1927年,他几乎完全瘫痪了,接着又双目失明。他一方面决心帮助自己的妻子达雅进步;另一方面决定开始文学创作工作。这样,“保尔又拿起了新的武器,开始了新的生活。” 同冬尼娅的爱情纠葛,同丽达磊落的友谊,以及对达雅诚挚的感情表现了保尔精神世界的纯洁。八年级寒假生活指导答案
P13 BDCCB 填空6、1.3
9、等腰三角形 等边三角形
10、(1)s t(2)t s 11、2 2 直线
13、(2,0)(0,2)<0 >0
14、略 15、2y2-2xy
17、△ADE≌△ABE,△ADC≌△ABA,△CDE ≌CBE AC⊥BD 18.表达式:y=4x+1.和X轴交于(-1/4,0)P15 1-3 B C A 4.m=2 P16 学以致用(鞋码那个不对,应该是y=1/2x+5)能力挑战 1.x=-1,y=3 2.值为675 P17 4.(1)y=1.6x
八年级寒假生活指导答案 英语园地:
P18 c: 2.Healthy
3.vacation plans
4.transportation 5.invitations 6.personal traits 7.cooking at home 8.school trip 9.people we admire 10.life goals 八年级寒假生活指导答案 品德养成:P23 情境分析(1)愧疚(2)1讲文明,有礼貌是中华民族的传统美德。2.在人们互相交往中,平和的语气亲切称呼,诚信的态度,都是对他人的尊重友好的表现。
P24价值判断 1(错误)这是对父母的歧视。2(正确)讲文明,有礼貌是中华民族的传统美德。在人们互相关注中,平和的语气亲切的称呼,诚恳的态度,都是对人尊重的表现。3(错误)竞争与合作是相伴相随的的小竞争与合作无处不在,生活中处处有合作与竞争。4(错误)这种不利于自己长久无谓,只有从小事左起才可以,诚信是与他人的通行证。5(错误)盗版光盘便宜,但侵犯了他人的智利成果权,是一种违法行为。心灵对话 我:如果父母子女之间产生矛盾,我们需要怎么办? 我:明白了,子女只有更好的与父母沟通,理解父母,才能有可能避免这些矛盾。我:应该是小女孩老婆婆那里明白了父母的辛劳,理解父母知道自己错了,十分后悔。我:被爸爸妈妈您辛苦了,祝福你们新春愉快,工作顺利。
P25 探索实践(1)不需要竞争,合作也很重要所以不光要注意竞争,而且还要合作。(2)(3)略 成长故事 思考:当合作过程与他人一起时,要主动站在对方立场思考问题,体谅对方情感。
一、1上海 鸦片 南京条约 2 A五四运动B黄海海战C金田起义 ①B②C③A 3 左宗棠 1875 1876年进入新疆1881年中俄两国签订条约中国收回伊犁188千年在新疆设立行省 4无 身边的历史、1、19473月山东孟良崮 2略
p30 二 1 冰雪、大雾 2 水果蔬菜无法运输。3注意保暖,开车注意路面滑大雾天气注意开车。
p31 三 1 贴春联 放鞭炮 八年级寒假生活指导答案 物理探索:
一、略 P33
4、传粉不足、染色体改变 二生物与社会 : 寄生病毒没有细胞。P36空气,大力搞好个人卫生。
三、1能 遗传物质改变 2 两对 3 自然环境等。
实践探索: P40活动一: 春联起源于桃符,明代桃符改称‘春联’ P42活动三 1.1---B 2---C 3---D 4----A
3、山青水秀风光好 鸟语花香岁月新
A 保卫祖国 保持安静 歌唱英雄 整顿作风(动宾短语)B 风俗习惯 正大光明 缤纷络绎 天高地厚(并列短语)C 精神文明 宝贵意见 多么活泼 伟大成就(偏正短语)D 人民伟大 成果辉煌 黑了一阵 宿舍旁边(主谓短语)2 选出下列说法正确的一项:()
A 清醒过来 推辞一番 卧倒在地 工作数月(动补短语)B 边走边谈 穷凶极恶 居安思危 朝夕相处(并列短语)C 内心激动 增长很快 态度诚恳 精力充沛(主谓短语)D 久经风霜 进驻营地 深入研究 学习技术(动宾短语)
①《人类的语言》②《回忆我的母亲》③《苏州园林》④《记一辆纺车》⑤《藤野先生》⑥《回延安》⑦《纪念白求恩》⑧《怀疑与学问》⑨《鲁提辖拳打镇关西》⑩《事事关心》11《岳阳楼记》12《谁是最可爱的人》 A①②⑥⑦ B②④⑥⑦ C②⑥⑦⑧ D②⑦⑾⑿
①《最后一课》②《同志的信任》③《回忆我的母亲》④《人民英难永垂不朽》⑤《中国石拱桥》⑥《竞选州长》⑦《范进中举》⑧《济南的冬天》 A③④⑥⑦ B①③⑥⑦ C①④⑥⑦⑧ D②⑦⑥⑧ 下面各组短语的结构方式全是并列关系的一组是:()A 音容笑貌 舆论鼎沸 变化无穷 虚张声势 B 晴天霹雳 节衣缩食 前程万里 襟怀坦白 C 张灯结彩 十全十美 轻描淡写 姹紫嫣红 D 五彩斑斓 任劳任怨 不屑置辩 好意难却 6 选出短语结构相同的一项:()
A 欣喜万分 参天耸立 B 历史悠久 精神抖擞 C 绞尽脑汁 不折不挠 D 风卷残云 百年大计
下面的课文题目都是短语,从结构上看完全相同的一项是:()A 出师表 木兰诗 忆江南
B 愚公移山 曹刿论战 望天门山
C 七根火柴 苏州园林 驿路梨花 D 从三到万 想和做 纪念白求恩 8 构成方式与其余三项不同的一项短语是:()A 论拼搏 B 回娘家 C 学雷锋 D 小桔灯 9 选出对短语分类有错误的一组:()
①天气睛朗 ②发挥作用 ③仔细翻阅 ④丰功伟绩 ⑤认真讲解 ⑥美好回忆 ⑦甜言蜜语 ⑧打击敌人 A 主谓短语有① B并列短语有④⑥⑦ C偏正短语有③⑤ D动宾短语有②⑧
下列短语结构方式相同的一组是:()A 舒活筋骨 扫得干净 歌咏春天 磨炼意志
B 高尚情操 长江源头 一粒种子 灵魂深处 C 性格和蔼 灯火辉煌 白云飘飘 积累经验 D 狂风暴雨 光明正大 仔细观察 手舞足蹈
下列短语中与“露珠晶莹”结构相同的一项是:()A 科学技术 B 坚持真理 C 会议结束
A 战斗里程 慈祥目光 红得耀眼 前途无量 B 蔚蓝天空 相差很远 巍然高大 红日东升 C 最后一课 美丽温柔 比他胖点 战果辉煌 D 光辉业绩 纷纷议论 美观大方 路途遥远
下面每项中有两个短语,全部属于“主谓短语”的几项是:()A 性格温和 会议结束 B 雄伟壮丽 品学兼优 C 露珠晶莹 我很高兴
D 形式美丽 参观访问
下列各句加点部分与“王剑是中学生”中加点部分结构相同的一句是:()A 张帆语文成绩第一名。B 意志是成功的关键因素。C 李娜是歌唱演员。
D 我听到的是欢乐的歌声。
选出短语结构相同的一组:()A 马上出发 渐渐消散 一片漆黑 香山红叶 B 工作紧张 精神抖擞 风俗习惯 理想崇高 C 倒在地下 连升三级 变化无穷 前程万里 D 震撼人心 发挥作用 易受阻碍 得心应手
下列成语,与“惩前毖后”结构完全相同的一组是:()A 谦虚谨慎 寂然无声 B 扬眉吐气 姹紫嫣红 C 生气勃勃 天寒地冻 D 莺歌燕舞 精力充沛 18 选出全是主谓短语的一组:()
A 资源丰富 调查研究
B 心胸宽广 勇敢坚强 C 品质高尚 实现理想
D 感情强烈 精力充沛
“母亲是一个平凡的人,她只是中国千百万劳动人民中的一员,但是,正是这千百万人创造了和创造着中国的历史。”句中划线部分是:()A 动补短语 B 偏正短语 C 主谓短语 D 动宾短语
判断下列名词短语并列是否正确,并列不当的是:()()A 小说、诗歌、散文和剧本
B 日用品和牙刷、洗衣粉 C 记叙文和散文
D 农村和城市 22指出下列短语的结构
1、A、祖国万岁 B、品质优良 C、天气晴和 D、思想品质 E、成绩好
2、A、看了两眼 B、打扫教室 C、洗得干净 D、热了起来 E、扔出去
3、A、十分伟大 B、我的书包 C、小声地说 D、追歼敌人 E、很热闹
4、A、讲解语法 B、讲述清楚 C、种植玉米 D、制造火箭 E、听故事
5、A、用圆珠笔(写)B、对于我们 C、按照习惯 D、必然产生 E、被大雨(淋)
6、A、报纸杂志 B、调查研究 C、身体健康 D、严肃认真 E、读和写
龟兔赛跑: 花好月圆:
英勇地战斗: 喜欢晴天: 参考答案 D 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 B 10 B 11 C 12 B 13 A C 14 C 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 D 19 D 20 窗户明亮 地板干净 21 B C 22题:
1、主谓 D、思想品质(偏正)
2、动补 B、打扫教室(动宾)
3、偏正 D、追歼敌人(动宾)
4、动宾 B、讲述清楚(动补)
5、介宾 D、必然产生(偏正)
6、并列 C、身体健康(主谓)
第一部分 选择题(95分)
本部分共有4道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。
本部分共有6道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。5.What time did Sandy wash her face this morning? A.At 6:00 B.At 6:05 C.At 6:15 6.Where is the man going? A.To the zoo.B.To the post office.C.To the park.7.Whose hair is the longest? A.Leo’s.B.Joe’s.C.The woman.8.When will the train leave? A.At 6:10 B.At 6:20 C.At 6:30 9.Why does the girl vote for Max? A.Because he is clever.B.Because he is funny.C.Because he is handsome.10.What does Mr.Smith like? A.Tea B.Films C.TV 第三部分
这一部分你将听到两段对话和三篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听第11段材料,回答第11、12题。
11.What are Lucy and Mike talking about? A.A birthday party.B.A new bike.C.Lucy’s parents.12.What did Lucy ask Mike to do? A.Say thanks to his parents.B.Join her in the party.C.Try her new bike.听第12段材料,回答第13、14题。
13.Where are the students going to visit this Sunday? A.The Palace Museum.B.The Great Wall.C.The Summer Palace.14.What does Lisa have to do this Sunday? A.Take a few photos.B.Take care of her mother.C.Make a homepage.听第一篇短文, 回答15-17题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。Watching TV is a good way to relax(放松)in our free time.good things Some programs help children to understand 15 all ove r the world.bad things Watching TV too much is bad for our eyesight.Some channels(频道)are really 16.Advice Parents should help children to find other interesting things to do.It’s fun to read books, to 17 or to visit friends.15.A.the people.B.the language.C.the news.16.A.unhealthy.B.uncommon.C.unpopular.17.A.play chess.B.play games.C.play cards.听第一篇短文, 回答18-20题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。A school trip on Saturday Morning Many boys are 18.Then Girls are singing and dancing at 9:00.We are sitting by a lake and some are 19.Finally We are watching animals in the zoo.Afternoon We were visiting 20.18.A.getting on the bus B.having breakfast C.climbing the hill 19.A.drawing B.swimming C.drinking water 20.A.factories B.the museum C.a market 听第三段短文, 回答第21-25题。
21.What’s the relationship(关系)between the speaker and Kate? A.Workmates.B.Classmates.C.Neighbours.22.What does Kate look like? A.She’s short and fat.B.She has a round face.C.She has a long nose.23.What’s Kate?
A.A teacher.B.A worker.C.A doctor.24.How does Kate usually go to work? A.By bus.B.By train.C.By car.25.Ho w long does Kate work a day? A.For 10 hours.B.For 8 hours.C.For 6 hours.二、单项选择从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
26.–I missed the first part of ________ film Back to 1942.–What a pity!You should be here half _______ hour earlier.A.a, the B.a, an C.the, a D.the, an 27.Could you say _________ about it, please ? I’d like to know more.A.nothing else B.anything else C.something else D.something other 28.Bob swims ________ than I, but he doesn’t swim_________ my brother.A.much well, as well as B.better, as good as C.better, so well as D.better, so good as 29.–Wow, your new bicycle looks the same _________.– Really ? A.like me B.as me C.like mine D.as mine 30.Mr.Fat has _______ money than Mr.Thin, but he has _______ friends.A.more, fewer B.more, less C.fewer, more D.less, fewer 31.The boys even have no time for their homework _________ the basketball match.A.because of B.because C.as D.since 32.The old man got on the bus, but nobody _________ for him.A.made a space B.made spaces C.made space D.made a room 33.Parents ________ good conditions ________ us.We should be grateful to them.A.provide, to B.provide, for C.protect, to D.protect, for 34.– _______ useful information you gave us!Thanks a lot!– You are welcome.A.How B.What C.What an D.What a 35.– I’m afraid I can’t go to the party tomorrow.– _______ you told me you would.A.And B.But C.Or D.So 36._____of giant pandas is getting _________ because their living areas are becoming farmland.A.The number, larger and larger B.A number, larger and larger C.The number, smaller and smaller D.A number, smaller and smaller 37.The trip from my school to the park _______ about twenty minutes by bike.A.takes B.spends C.costs D.uses 38.– How many babies can a mother giant panda have _________ ? – One or two.A.one time B.at a time C.at times D.some time 39.Let’s enjoy the song ―Yesterday Once More‖.It sounds________.A.bad B.sadly C.well D.wonderful 40.— I don’t think their going swimming ____telling adults is a good idea.— But things are now better ____worse.They’ll let their parents know before going.A.instead of;without B.without;instead of C.without;than D.instead of;than
三、完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When I was young,my father told me that little acts of kindness may give one great happiness.Since then I have always tried to help people in 41.One hot summer afternoon, I was 42 down the highway to New York when another car suddenly 43 into my lane(车道).My car was in the far right lane,so it ran onto the roadside.As a(n)44 driver,I moved my car quickly and skillfully back onto the highway without causing any accident.I was 45 with that driver,but I thought that he just did not pay attention to(注意)the lane change, and he 46 did not do that on purpose(故意).The car ran away 47 after cutting me off.Very soon it disappeared from sight.After a whi le,I came around a curve(弯道)and found the 48 car.The driver was walking along the roadside.He was an elderly man and looked 49.As there was no telephone nearby and the nearest services were twenty miles away, I decided to 50 and see what the problem was.The man’s car had a flat tire(瘪胎).Although he had another tire,he had nothing to work with.I decided to 51 him.I changed the tire for him and allowed him to sit in my air-conditioned car while I did it.Fifteen minutes later,I 52 the work.I was hot and tired,but I really felt 53 after an act of kindness to the man who had earlier 54 my car run off the road.You can really enjoy great 55 from kindness acts, so always lend your hands to others in trouble.41.A.need B.school C.danger D.summer 42.A.walking B.riding C.running D.driving 43.A.fell B.jumped C.came D.climbed 44.A.new B.experie nced C.frightened D.cheerful 45.A.unhappy B.interested C.kind D.friendly 46.A.even B.certainly C.almost D.simply 47.A.quickly B.quietly C.politely D.carefully 48.A.new B.red C.same D.other 49.A.excited B.relaxed C.surprised D.worried 50.A.stay B.search C.stop D.hide 51.A.give B.train C.help D.encourage 52.A.began B.finished C.took D.continued 53.A.good B.sorry C.angry D.shy 54.A.kept B.made C.watched D.heard 55.A.friendship B.success C.excitement D.happiness
四、阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A Here is the bulletin board of Class 3.Some of the students put their notes on it.Please read them and answer the following questions.I want to say thanks to Miss Li, our dear teacher.We couldn’t have a wonderful class without you.Tom Dear Mr Chen, Please accept my best thanks.I have a lot of fun in your P.E.class.David Many thanks to John for helping me with Maths homework.Jane I am thankful to Bill for lending me books.I’ll remember to bring mine next time.Mario A thousand thanks to Alex.He always helps me clean the windows when I’m busy.Julia I’mthankful to know that I have so many kind students.I love you all.Miss Li 56.The Chinese meaning of “bulletin board” is _______.A.电影广告 B.寻人启事 C.公告栏 D.通缉令
57.According to the notes on the bulletin board, what holiday might be coming? A.Christmas B.Halloween C.Thanksgiving D.New Year's Day 58.When Julia is busy, what does Alex always help her do? A.To do math homework.B.To clean the windows.C.To have P.E.class together.D.To take books to school.59.From the bulletin board, we know that Mr Chen is a ___________.A.repeater B.P.E.teacher C.doctor D.pilot 60.Why does Bill lend books to Mario? A.They are classmates.B.Miss Li wants him to do so.C.Bill has too many books.D.Mario forgot to bring his books to school.B Which animal do you think is “the king of the animals”, the elephant, the lion or the tiger? They are all large and strong.But I think the tiger is “the king of the animals”.If you watch carefully , you can find some black lines on the tiger's forehead(前额).The lines look like the Chinese word “WANG”.The word means “the king of the world” in Chinese.Most of the tigers come from China and India.Tigers are dangerous animals.They look scary(吓人的).They like eating meat.They have yellow fur with black lines.They usually weigh about 200 to 300kg.Tigers can run fast.They run at a speed of 20 meters per second.Some people think they are dangerous.But they don't know tigers are in danger now.There are only 20 to 30 wild South China Tigers in China and less than 300 in the world.Lots of people kill them for their fur.We should take action to protect them.61.Which animal does the writer think is “the king of the animals” ? A.The elephant.B.The lion.C.The tiger.D.The lion and the tiger.62.Some black lines on the tiger's forehead look like ___________.A.王 B.汪 C.主 D.丰
63.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Tigers like eating meat.B.All of the tigers come from China.C.Tigers usually weigh about 200 to 300 kg.D.Tigers can run at a speed of 20 meters per second.64.How many wild South China Tigers are there in China? A.There are less than 20.B.There are only 20 to 30.C.There are less than 200.D.There are less than 300.65.Why do you think the tigers are in danger? A.Because the tigers couldn't find enough food to eat.B.Because lots of people kill them for their safety.C.Because lots of people think they are dangerous.D.Because lots of people kill them for their fur.C Jackie visited his grandparents on their farm.And he was playing with a slingshot(弹弓)in the woods.He practised in the woods but he could never hit the target.As he was walking back, he saw Grandma’s pet duck.Without thinking, he shot, hit the duck in the head, and killed it.He was very afraid.He knew Grandma loved the duck.She would be sad or even angry if she knew that her duck was killed.He then hid the dead duck under a tree.His sister Susan saw it all, but she said nothing.After lunch that day Grandma said, ―Susan, let’s wash the dishes.‖ But Susan said, ―Grandma, Jackie told me he wanted to help in the kitchen today, didn’t you, Jackie?‖ And then she whispered(小声说)to him, ―Remember the duck?‖ S o Jackie did the dishes.Later Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing, but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Susan to help clean the house.” But Susan smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right because Jackie told me he wanted to help.” and she whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Susan went fishing with Grandpa and Jackie stayed.These “remember the duck” went on for many days.Then finally Jackie couldn’t stand it any longer.He came to Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck.She gave him a hug, and said, “Sweetheart, I know.You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing.But because I love you, I forgave you.But I just wanted to see how long you would let Susan make a slave(奴隶)of you.” 66.What did Jackie hit with the slingshot at last? A.The target.B.A rabbit.C.The pet duck.D.A pet dog.67.Susan didn’t tell Grandma about Jackie’s secret because ______.A.she wanted Jackie to do something for her B.she was afraid Grandma would be very sad C.she didn’t want to make Grandma angry D.she loved her brother very much 68.Jackie helped clean the house instead of going fishing with Grandpa because ______.A.he liked cleaning the house B.Grandma asked him to C.he didn’t like going fishing D.he wanted Susan to keep his secret 69.The phrase ―couldn’t stand ‖ in Chiese means___________ A.不能站立 B.迫不及待 C.不能忍受 D.无法停止 70.What lesson does the story want to tell us? A.It’s dangerous to play with a slingshot on a farm.B.It’s impossible to let girls keep secrets for you..C.It makes you feel better to tell than to hide.D.It’s dangerous to let others see what you’ve done.D Today more and more cars go into families.Which car is the best for people? Different people have different ideas.Some people like the bright colour car made in China.It's really a good choice(选择).The bright colour car made in China is cheap, nice and safe.This kind of cars is suit for(适合于)the general income(收入一般的)family.Some people love famous foreign cars like Japanese cars, American cars and German cars.They're good but too expensive.But most people think famous foreign cars of better quality are better in safety.These are suit for the high income family or for business.Some people like sports cars, because they're fast and exciting.Some sports cars are very nice but very expensive.Only rich people can afford them.Some people like travelling, so they need a travel car.Travel cars are comfortable.But they use much oil(油).What's the best car for us? Maybe it's a new and popular topic in life.71.What does the writer think of the bright colour car made in China? A.It's nice but expensive.B.It's good but too expensive.C.It's cheap, nice and safe.D.It's comfortable.72.To the writer, the famous foreign car is suit for _________.A.the high income family B.the general income family C.people like traveling D.people like sports 73.Some people like sports cars because they're _________.A.cheap and nice B.comfortable and save oil C.good but too expensive D.fast and exciting 74.Which is NOT true about cars? A.Cars made in China are cheap.B.famous foreign cars are too expensive.C.Sports cars are also cheap.D.Travel cars are comfortable.75.The passage tells us _________.A.some expensive cars B.famous foreign cars C.some cars made in China D.different cars
第二部分 非选择题(共55分)
五、阅读表达 阅读短文, 按要求完成短文后的各项任务(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Welcome to HongKong!Here is some information that can help you know the city very well.Hong Kong lies in the southeastern part of China.She returned to our motherland in 1997.If you go to Hong Kong by air , you will arrive at Kai Tak(1)________, because there was not enough land.This airport was built out into the sea.It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon.Kowloon is one of the two big cities in Hong Kong.The other city is Hong Kong itself.It is on an island.You can get there by ship or(1)_________a tunnel under the sea.Much of Hong Kong is farmland and mountains.The population(人口)of Hong Kong is over six million.Chinese and English are spoken by many people there.Clothes, computers, radios and TVs are made in Hong Kong.You can buy all kinds of things, such as watches and computers.People from all over the world travel to Hong Kong every year.You can watch horse racing or motor racing.Some places are quiet and beautiful.(2)When you are hot and tired, there are small cool gardens to rest in.There are also a lot of buildings to live in.Hong Kong is also a good place for Chinese food.You can enjoy many kinds of cooking.For example, fish, meat and vegetables.Beijing duck is famous.There is certainly a lot to see and to do in Hong Kong.76.在(1)处填上适当的词,使句意完整,上下文通顺:____________, _____________ 77.将(2)句译成中文:__________________________________.78.根据短文内容回答问题:
How many people are there in HongKong? _____________________________________________ 79.在文中找出 Of course, you can see a lot and do a lot in HongKong的同义句: _______________________________________________ 80.在文中找出本文的中心句:__________________________________________________
81.When he was only a child, he found himself ________(interest)in math.82.Some wild animals are in danger of the _______________(lose)of living areas.83.Xiao Zhang is one of my_________(close)friends.84.Many birds can live _______________(comfortable)in Zhalong all year round.85.I’ll watch the dolphin show alone if Tom _____________(be not)free tomorrow.86.I didn’t do well in the exam and he did even_________(badly).87.Our English teacher encourages us ____________(speak)English as much as possible.88.Tim and I are good friends, and we keep our secrets to _____________(we).89.Do you have a great time ____________(chat)with each other during lunchtime? 90.On the ninth of November, we celebrate my grandmother’s __________(90)birthday.91.A crane _________(fly)over our house an hour ago.92.Look!How wonderfully the children___________(d ance).93.At the __________(begin)of the lesson, we learned some new words.94.His father from the USA in half a month.(return)95.Do tigers have good eyesight and __________(hear)?
七、短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 补全空格内单词, 使短文完整、通顺(请在答题卡上写出完整单词,每空一词)(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)
My 14-year-old brother John and I saw the coat at the same time.The thick black woolen coat was soft, and it cost only $28.We looked at each other, saying n 96 , but John’s face was shining with joy.Dark woolen coats were p 97 with boys just then, and could cost several hundred dollars.But this coat was even better and m 98 cheaper.John t 99 on the coat and bought it at once.John wore the coat to school the next day and came home with a big smile.―H 100 did the kids like your coat?‖ I asked.―They loved it,‖ he said.I started c 101 hi m ―Lord(老爷)John‖.A few weeks later , something good h 102 to John.He became more polite, more helpful and more pleasing.He was willing to lend his classmates his pens;he was willing to bring his father a cup of tea when he got home;he was w illing to help a blind man c 103 the road.When my mother told this to one of his teachers, he said, ―It must be his coat!‖ One day, in the library, my brother and I ran into a friend.―Could this be John?‖ he asked.John shook hands with him, l 104 a gentleman(绅士)!I think John changed b 105 of his own attitude(态度).If you think you are a gentleman or a lady, you can become a perfect one.96.n___________ 97.p__________ 98.m_________ 99.t_________ 100.H________ 101.c___________ 102.h__________ 103.c__________ 104.l_________ 105.b_________
Zhalong Nature Reserve is __________________________________________.107.如果农民不断砍伐树木和森林,大熊猫将没有地方住。
If farmers keep cutting down trees and forests, giant pandas _______________________.108.如果我们不采取措施,世界上将没有大熊猫了。
If we ________________, there will be no giant pandas in the world!109.如果我能成为观鸟俱乐部的一名成员我将很高兴。
I _______________ if I can become a member of the Birdwatching Club.110.他们简直等不及下周的表演了。
They __________________ the performance next week.九、书面表达(满分15分)请根据以下提示写一篇短文。要求:要点齐全,书写工整,不少于60个单词。
假如你是李峰,是上海阳光中学一名八年级学生,你的学校最近建立了一个保护野生动物俱乐部――Friend of Nature。请你写一封申请信,要求加入俱乐部。要点如下:
5、联系方式:0523-83880945 E-mail: Li Feng@sina.com.cn.Dear Sir/ Madam _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Yours Sincerely Li Feng
2012-2013八年级英语第一学期 第二次学情调查听力材料 第一部分
本部分共有4道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。1.M: Excuse me, I’m afraid you can’t park here.W: Sorry, I didn’t see the sign.2.M: How wonderful you sing Beijing Opera!Can you teach me? W: Yes, of course.Let’s begin.3.M: Which foreign country do you want to visit? W: I want to visit the USA.4.M: Can we travel to the Summer Palace by underground? W: No, we can’t.We can take a bus.第二部分
本部分共有6道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。5.M: What did you do this morning, Sandy? W: I got up at 6 and washed my face 15 minutes later.6.M: I’ve lost my way.My friend is waiting for me in the park.Can you help me?
W: Yes, look at the map.Go along this road and take the second turning on the left.You will find it on your right.7.M: Your hair looks longer than Joe’s.W: But Leo’s is even longer.8.M: Hurry up.It’s 6:20 already.W: Yes.The train will leave in 10 minutes.We have to run all the way.9.M: Who will you vote for? W: Max.He is a funny boy.He can make me happy when I am sad.10.M: Does Mr.Smith go to Laoshe Tea House? W: Yes, he goes there every day.第三部分
这一部分你将听到两段对话和三篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听第11段材料,回答第11、12题。
M: Hi, Lucy.When did you buy the new bike? W: I didn’t buy it.It was my birthday present.M: Oh, who gave it to you? W: My father gave it to me.What do you think of it? M: It’s so nice.I like it very much.W: Thank you, Mike.Would you like to have a try? M: I’d love to.Thank you.W: You’re welcome.听第12段材料,回答第13、14题。
M: We’re going to visit the Summer Palace this Sunday.Will you join us? W: Yes.When and where s hall we meet? M: Let’s meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.We’ll take the bus there.W: Will Lisa go with us? M: No, she won’t.Her mother is ill.She has to look after her.W: Sorry to hear that.M: You can take some photos and put them on your homepage for Lisa to see.W: Good idea!听第一篇短文, 回答15-17题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。
Watching TV is a good way to relax in our free time.Many boys and girls love to watch TV.They spend many hours a day in front of the TV set.A child can learn both bad things and good things from them.There are many kinds of TV programs.Some programs help children to understand the news all over the world.With television a child doesn’t have to go to the zoo to see the animals.But Watching TV too much is bad for our eyesight.It takes up too much time.Some channels are really unhealthy.They’re bad for children.So parents should help them to find other interesting things to do.Tell them it’s fun to watch some TV programs, but it’s also fun to read books, to play games or to visit friends.听第二篇短文, 回答18-20题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。
On Sunday morning, after breakfast our classmates are getting on the bus to the park.At 7:00 we are getting off the bus in front of the park gate.We are going into the park behind our teacher, Mr.Lee.First we see a hill and many boys begin to climb it.After a while, at 9:00, girls are singing and dancing under the tree.What are we doing at 10:00? We are sitting by a lake and some of them are drawing.Finally, all the classmates are watc hing animals in the zoo.At noon, we are eating fast food.For the whole afternoon, we ar e visiting the museum.When we arrive at the school on foot, it is 5:00.听第三段短文, 回答第21-25题。Kate is my best friend.She lives next door and we are friends for almost 10 years.Kate is tall and slim.She has a square face and a long nose.I like her bright smiling eyes.They make her look really pretty and kind.She works in a hospital.Her house is far from the hospital.She usually goes to work by train.She starts work at eight in the morning and finishes work at six o’clock in the evening.She works from Monday to Friday.On Saturdays and Sundays she doesn’t go to work.Sometimes she goes to see her friends.Sometimes she stays at home and reads books.