课 题 名 称
学 生 姓 名
段 贤 苗
指 导 教 师
曾 爱 华
1、前 言
2、信 息 的 量 化
香 农(Claude E.Shannon)指 出,信 息是对体系的统计描述的一种性质,是体系的一种基本属性,即它们的组织化程度的度量。香农证明的一个基本定理表明,一个体系的信含量等于对该体系的完备的统计描述进行编码所需的二进位数最少位数。一个体系的信息所反映的是其可能的存在状态的量值。量度信息 的 单 位 是 比 特(bit);一 比 特 信 息 是两个相等的可能性之间决定一个所需的信 息 量。如 某 个 体 系 有2r 个 可 能 的 存 在状态,那它的信息就是 r 比特。对可能的存在状态的观测受测
不准原理、测量水平等所制约,不同测量水平所测量的信息记录是不同的。在一个完全封闭的系统里,可精确地描述出大量的态,我们常称之为微观态。在量子力学里,这就是系统可能的量子态。这些微观态根据粗粒化区分的不同性质,分 类 聚 集 到 一 块 儿(可 称 之 为 宏 观 态)。在一给定宏观态中的微观态可以看成是彼此等价的,所以我们通常只关心微观态的数目。
3、香 农 熵
表示。其中 1,2,„..,n为可能发生的结果,pi为i发生的概 率。X 的 不 确 定 性 大 小取决于 n 的大小与 pi 分 布 的 均匀 程 度。这 个 不 确 定 性 是(p 1 , p
一个 函 数,记 为 H,它 具 有 如 下 性 质 : 2 ,„ ,p n)的(1)对称连续性,即H(p1,p2,„,pn)是(p1,p2,„,pn)的对称连续函数;(2)H(0, 1)=0;
(3)如q=p n +p n + 1 则 H(p 1 ,p 2 ,„ ,p n ,p n + 1)=H(p 1 ,p 2 ,„ ,p n-1 ,q)+qH(p n /q ,p n + 1 /q)。通过数学的推导,得香农熵:
log 的 底 我 们 取 2,H(X)的 单
位 是 比 特(bit)。如(X,Y)为 二 元 随 机 变 量,取 值 为(x ,y),x=1 ,2,„,m,y=1 ,2 ,„,n ;联合概率分布为pij,则 联 合 熵 为 :
称 H(Y| X)= H(X,Y)- H(X)为 Y 关于 X 的条件熵,它表示条件不确定 性。当 Y 不 依 赖 于 X 时,即 X、Y 相 互独 立 时 H(Y| X)=H(Y),得 :
H(X,Y)= H(X)+H(Y)
4、熵 和 信 息 的 一 个 守 恒 定 律
熵和信息有一个守恒定律,就是一个体系的信息与熵的和保持守恒,并等于该体系的最大信息或最大熵。即:H+I=H m a x =I m a x =const
H 和 I 表 示 熵 和 信 息 的 值,Hmax 和
同 时,熵 与 粗 粒 化 有 关,即 与 被 描 述系统详尽的程度有关。的确,一个体系如果所有的细节都考虑了的话,那么在数学上就可以认为熵不会再增加,熵将保持不变。但事实上,一个分为许多部分的体系常常只用它的某些变量来描述,这些比较少的变量的有序性会随着时间而散失到其他变量中去,于是前者也不能再看成是有序的了。这就是热力学第二定律的真正意义。
5、宏 观 信 息 向 微 观 信 息 的 转 换
2r 个“宏 相 格 ”,我们把宏观信息确定为这些宏相格所对应的一组概率所需的信息;确定概率在宏相格内部的分布所需的信息,则定义为微观信息;但实际上,我们可把每个“宏相格”分割成 2q“ 微 相 格 ”,我们可以把微观信息确定为所有这些微相格所对应的一组概率所需的信息。同时,我们可以把宏观信息看作是我们对体系的统计性质的知识,而把微观信息看作是对各个微观粒子的具体知识,具体来说就是微观信息代表了我们对各个粒子的速度之间的相互关联的了解。
我们设想一个假想实验,在空气完全静止的封闭空间的一角,放置一瓶密封 香水。瓶密封香水放在空间的一个“宏相 格 ”中,它 占 据 的 体 积 是 1/2 r,其 宏观 信 息 就 是 r; 随 着 时 间 的 推 移 我 们 看不到宏观信息的变化,这是由于它
若我们把更微的相格的长度确定为Planck 长 度,根 据 测 不 准 原 理,我 们 知道,这将是最微观的信息。这时,若把这样的更微的相格再向下细分,那么,信息就消失在量子涨落中,因为我们不可以再测量了;或者说,根据信息减小原理,当这个最微观的信息继续减小时,信息就消失在量子涨落中了。同时,一个名义上孤立的体系同世界其余部份的不可避免的相互作用是以微小的随机扰动的方式来进行的,这的微扰破坏粒子之间的关联,能消耗微观信息。
6、光 子 是 物 质 的 最 基 本 粒 子
我们知道,电子有 22 个 可 能 的 存 在状态(它有两种电荷两种自旋状态,是现在的测量水平下所能测到的),要指定具体什么电子,需要 2 个二进位数,所 以 单 独 一 个 电子 的 信 息 是 2bit。对 于光子,自旋方向有平行与反平行于物质运动方向两种,他最少的可能存在状态 2 1 个,所 以 单 独 一 个 光 子 的 信 息 是应是1bit,这 是 现 在人 们 的 测 量 水平所 观 测得到的。对于由大量光子组成的一个孤立体系,左旋与旋相等混合并均匀地分 布,这 时 这 个 体 系 的 信 息 是 0bit。
基本粒子中信息容量最小的信息应该 是 1bit,现 在 我 们 来 看 看,在 测 不 准原理制约下,基本粒子中信息最小的粒子是不是光子。我 们 知 道 能 量 与 质 量 是 一 回 事。设 Q为热量、E 为能量、T 为绝对温标、m 为质量,S 为势力学熵。考虑在一个与外界没有作功的系统中,据热力学第一定律,得:
dS=dE/T 由能量均分原理
dS≥ 0,则 : dm≥ 0
质量的可加性,我们完全可以相信存在 这 么 一 个 体 系,上 式 仍 然 成 立。而 且,在一个孤立的不可逆体系中,只要有足够的时间,熵一定能达到最大值,信息一定能达到最小值。在测不准原理制约下,我们可以找出能计算其信息容量的最深层次结构的最微观的信息。在这个最深层次的结构下,当系统信息达到 0时,微观系统的单一粒子就一定会存在基本粒子中信息最小的粒子。由相对论,得:dv≥ 0v 是组成这个特殊的孤立的不可逆体系 的基本粒子的速率。
这说明了熵增加的方向就是使组成这粒子的最基本粒子的速率最终达到光速,粒子最终分解成静质量为零的最基本粒子,也就是说,在一个完全孤立的没有给定任何制约条件的物理体系中,熵增加原理就是使其系统中的总静质量最终为零。从相对论可得知,一个静质量不为 0 的物质是不可能被加速到光速,但我们认为它可以分解为光速的光子。因而,光子是静质量为零、信息为bit 的 粒 子,它就 是 物 质 的 最 基 本 粒 子。也就是说作为速度极限的光子,也是信息最小的粒子,是基本粒子无限细分的极限。
7、信 息 和 静 质 量
现 在 我 们 设 两 个 光 子 A、B,它 们 以光速运动着,设其动质量(总动能)为m A、m B。由 于 A、B 有 动 质 量,还 会 有 电磁 等 一 些 特 性,所 以 当 A、B 结 合 成 一 个基本粒子――具有“ 刚性” 的粒子时,光子之间存在着相互作用,这就产生了位能。这 时,我 们 设 A、B 的 位 能 为V A *、V B *,总 动 能 为 m A *、m B *,那 么 A、B 的总能量就是:V A *+ m A *、V B *+ m B *。把 A、B 作 为 一 个 总 体 M,那 么 M 的 总 静质量 m 为:m=V A *+ m A *+V B *+ m B *。由最基本粒子组成的物质的静质量即固有质量就是物质内部各粒子间的相互作用而产生的位能与物质内部各粒子间的相互运动而产生的总动能之和。
在一个完全孤立的没有给定任何制约条件的物理体系里,由信息减少原理,随 着 时 间 的 推 移,其 信 息 最 终 为 0bit,可以说是没有信息,这时,整个物理体系 的 总 静 质 量 亦 为 0。当 一 个 物 理 体 系有静质量时,就说明它内部存在光子及粒子间的相互作用,它产生了信息;反之 亦 然,物 理 体 系 存 在 信 息(>1bit)也说明它有静质量;物质信息和静质量都是由其内部的各光子及粒子间的相互作用产生的。如一个电子,它有信息(2bit),亦 有 静 质 量。但 到 现 在 为 止,我们仍不能说有多少信息就有多少静质量,而这需要进一步的研究。
光子通过一定的方式组成物质,通过光子之间的相互作用(可以通过力的作 用)、通 过 转 化 而 成 为 一 个 有 静 质 量的粒子,这时候,亦就产生了位能,产生了新的息,产生了静质量,但也许我们已不能观测到其内部的单一光子了。电子--反电子对可以湮灭转化为一对光子,同样,若干个光子是可以转化为电子的。
8、整 个 宇 宙 的 微 观 信 息
首先,我们把宇宙表示为一条无限长的“ 直 线 ”模 型。为 了 体 现 测 不 准 原 理,我们必须把一维直线分割成长度相等的小段,小段的长度代表单个粒子的位置所能做到的精确度。如果我们又确定占据 每 个 小 段 的 粒 子 数 目,那 么,这 个“ 直线”宇宙就可以用一个由“占有数”构成的、两端都开放的无限数列来表示。于是微观信息就可以这样定义:它使我们能够区分两列具有相同统计性质的(这样的占有数数列即宏观)。现在我们来试图证明这两具数列是相同的。我们从一列占有数数列中选出任意长度的一个子数列,在一个无限数列中,任何有限长度的子数列都将重复出现无限多次。大数定律保证我们经过有限次尝试之后就一定能找到相同统计(即宏观)性质的这样的占有子数列,而且,不管我们选出的子数列有多长,只要长度有限,我们就一定能找到。
9、光 子 的 物 理 特 性、物 理 常 量 影 响 着宇宙的物理规律与物理常量
光子具有量子化,它的能量为:m=hv/c 2其 中 h 是 Planck 常 数,v 是 频 率。由 光 子 的 量 子 化,我 们 认 为 光 子 是 可以合并和分解的。但无论如何,只
光 子 具 有 量 子 性、电 磁 特 性 等 等,光速是它的物理常量。宇宙是由光子组成的,所以光子的物理特性、物理常量影响着宇宙的物理规律与物理常量。若整个宇宙由很多个小宇宙组成,那么每个小宇宙中光子的物理特性、物理常量影响着这个小宇宙的物理规律与物理常量。无论是何种情形,宇宙中的任何事物似乎都是根据科学定律的演化所确定的,而这些则由光子的物理特性、物理常量影响着。对光子物理特性、物理常量的研究应是现代物理的方向。
Photon Is the Ultimate ElementaryParticle of Matter Abstract: According to the entropy increasesprinciple, I make a deduction that photon is ultimate elementary particle of matter and further more, itshows photon’s physical characteristic and physicalconstants affect the physical law and physicalconstants of the whole universe.In this essay, I try totake a lead for the study of elementary particles andthe grand unified physics.Key words: photon, elementary particle, information,entropy, rest mass, grand unification.directory
1.Preface 2.Quantization of information 3.Shannon entropy 4.A conservation law for entropy and information 5.The transfer from macro information into micro information 6.Photon is the ultimate elementary particle of matter 7.Information and rest mass 8.The micro information in the whole universe 9.The physics character and physics constant of photon affect the universe’s physics law and physics constant
Physicists have been searched for elementary particleof matter.Bat what is elementary? People find it hard toanswer this question.From china ancient books--TheBook of Changes, we know that Taiji produces two Yi.Two Yi produce four quadrant, four quadrant produceeight diagrams.Eight diagrams produce all the things inthe universe.Grand means endless.But the taiji is thegreat void, isn’t it that ZERO matter? We know thatphoton’s rest mass is zero.If the ZEROmatter is photon,isn’t it that photon is “the ultimate elementary particle ofmatter”? We knowthat infinitesimal limit is zero.If so,isn’t it that ultimate elementary particle of matter isphoton?
Meanwhile, nowadays physicists are trying hard tosearch for the physics law, the physical constants and thetheory of grand unification.If we have defined what theultimate elementary particle is, we’re then sure that thephysics law and the physical constants of the ultimateelementary particle have certain relation with thephysics law and the physical constants in the universe.The modern superstring theory is considered as grandunification by some people, a theory which includeseverything and describes every natural power under themathematical framework..In the view of superstringtheory, string is the most basic unit and all the elementalparticle which formed the universe, for example,electron, photon, quark and neutrino are its specific states.Up till now, the string theory is only a scientifichypothesis.The human being haven’t observed the basicstring, yet.The superstring theory is very hard to beproved through experiment, since the extra dimensionspace is curled so limited, people have to build a particleaccelerator as enormously as the galaxy to do theexperiment.According to Kurt Friedrich Göde’s un-completenesstheorem on math field, in any self-evident axiom formsystem, there always exits a problem which could not beproved right or wrong of its definition.That’s to say anytheory has some unsolved problems.Therefore, thegrand unification doesn’t include all the branch physicstheories, while it becomes a common andbasic part ofall the branch physics.So it must be the most simple and elegant one.I try to take a lead for the study of elementary particleand the grand unification.This essay is based on theexisting theories(e.g.theory of relativity,thermodynamics law)and then it forms a new theory.After all, it isn’t built on a new hypothesis.2.Quantization of information
Claude E.Sannon pointed out information is a kind ofcharacteristic which describes the statistics of a system,is also a basic attribute of the system that they’re theorganized measurement.Shannon’s basic theorem showthat a system’s containing information equals to thefewest digits of binary system in which we code theperfect describing statistics.The information of a systemreflects its possible existing state magnitude.The unit ofinformation measurement is bit.Abit of information istwo equal possibilities but chosen one amount ofrinformation.Forexample,one certain system has 2possible states.Then its amount of information is r bits.To observe the possible states is restricted by theHeisenberg uncertainty principle and people’s measuringlevel.Different measuring levels lead to differentrecords of information.In a completesealed system, wecan describe lots of states precisely.We often call themmicro states.In the field of quantum mechanics, weconsider them as the possible system quantum states.These micro states gather together on different kinds dueto different sorts of coarse granulating(which could becalled macro states).In a defined macro state, microstates could be considered as equivalence, so we oftencare the numbers of micro states.At the same time, if we don’t know the finalcomponents of a matter or the deepest layer of structure,we could not count the amount of the information and could not calculate their Shannon entropy of thestructure.But we can find deeper layer structure inwhich we could calculate the information amounts.By the development of micromation technique, we canimagine that in the future quarks could be used to store information.May be a quark could store a bit of information.3.Shannon entropy
Shannon entropy reflects an uncertainty of a randomexperiment(or random variable).A random experimentcan be expressed as:
In the formula, 1, 2 ,…, n express the possible result,while pn shows i’s probability.X’s uncertain value is decided by n’s value and pn’s distributing even rate.The uncertainty is a function of(p1,p2,…,pn)and is marked as H.it has the next qualities:(1)Symmetric continuity.Viz.H(p1,p2,…,pn)is the symmetrical continuous function of(p1,p2,…,pn);(2)H(0,1)=0;(3)If q=qn+qn+1, then H(p1,p2,…,pn,pn+1)= H(p1,p2,…,pn,q)+ qH(pn/q,pn+1/q).Through the math deduction, we get the Shannon entropy: bit.log’s base is 2, and the unit of H(X)is If(X,Y)are the duality random variables, valued as(x,y), x=1,2,…,m , y=1,2,…,n.The unitedprobability distribution is pij, then their united entropies are:
We call H(Y|X)=H(X,Y)-H(X)as Y for X,s conditional entropy.It shows the conditional uncertainty.When Y doesn’t depend on X, Viz.X and Y are separately independent, H(Y|X)=H(Y).we get: H(X,Y)=H(X)+H(Y)
As is known from the concept, thermodynamics entropy has the same equipollence with the Shannon entropy.When Shannon tries to quantify the information from a information, he naturally gets a same formula as Boltzmann’s.Boltzmann entropy which represents different forming numbers reflects the amount of Shannon information which is ready for meeting a certain compound mode.4.A conservation law for entropy andinformation Entropy and information have a conservation law that in a information and entropy keep conservative, and equal to the biggest information or the biggest entropy.Viz.: H+I=Hmax=Imax=const
H and I refer to the values of entropy and information.Hmax and Imax refer to the most possible values of entropy and information.The entropy increase principle can be described as
the information decrease principle.Namely the information in a sole system can get to its smallest information.Entropy is an uncertainty measurement.When information is obtained and recorded, energy was used up.In this circumstance the uncertainty decreases.At the same time the recorded information increases.When the record is cleaned, the recorded information decreases.But the uncertainties in the whole closed system increase by the same amounts.At the same time, entropy has some relation with coarse granulating, Viz.it has something to do with the extent of the described system.Surely, if all the details of a system are considered, we think that their entropy won’t increase in the view of math again.So the entropy keeps constant.But in fact, if a system has many parts, we only use some variables to describe it.These smaller variables will add up to other variables due to their orderliness with the running of time.And then the former ones no longer become orderly.This is the concept of the second law for thermodynamics.Not only the record of information but also the record of entropy, its result has something to do with people’s measuring level and people’s considering variables.When we measuring more accurately and consider more variables, we will find out more micro information.5.The transfer from macro information intomicro information
Whether the probability scatters evenly or not shows that a system has distinguished information.We divide the space into 2 r “macro phases”.We look on the macro phase information as the needed informations by a group of probabilities which are corresponding with these phases.The probabilities which are distributed in the macro phases can be defined as micro information.In fact, we divide each “macro phase” into 2 q “microphase”.We look on the micro information as a group of corresponding messages needed by the probabilities.Meanwhile, we look on the macro information as the knowledge by which we understand the quality of the whole system.Then we look on the micro information as the knowledge by which we concretely understand every micro particle.In other words, micro information shows that we understand every particle’s related speed.Let’s imagine an experiment that in a corner of a close space we place a sealed bottle of perfume in it.The bottle of the perfume was then placed onto a “macrphase” of a certain space.And its cube is 1/2 of which the macro information is r with the running of time, we couldn’t see the changes of macro information, because it is under a restricted condition(e.g.the bottle is sealed.).If we take off the lid, with the time gone, the molecules of the perfume will escape from the bottle.And we know that the macro information is decreasing till all the macro information change into micro information.But the total amounts of information haven’t changed at all.We still can go on dividing the micro phases.With the time gone, we may use more accurate measuring method, and we may consider more variables.At last we can find that micro information will change into even more micro information.If we define the length of even more micro information as Plank length, according to the uncertainty principle, we know that these will become the most micro information.By now if we go on dividing the even more micro information, the information will disappear in the quantum fluctuation, because we couldn’t go on doing the measuring any more.In other words, according to the information decreasing principle, when the most micro information goes on decreasing, all the information will disappear in the quantum fluctuation.At the same time, a nominal sole system and the rest parts of the world will interact and they come to action by the way of random disturbances.These perlur batives will damage the relationship among the particles.Further more, they will consume the micro information.Macro information can change into micro information and vice versa.Information comes from quantum fluctuation and produces elementary particles with information.By the interaction and relation of these elementary particles, they will produce more information, and then produce macro information.But in this process, energy will be consumed.6.Photon is the ultimate elementary particle of matter
As we know an electron has 22 possible existing states(it has two electric charges and two spinning states, which is measured by people now).If you want to specify what electron it is, you need 2 digits of binary.So a sole electric, information is 2 bits.As for the photon’s spinning, it has two ways of motion which parallels the matter’s moving direction or opposite of it.Its least possible existing states are 2 1.So a sole photon, information is 1 bit which is measured by people now.For a sole system which is formed by lots of photons, their left and right spins are equal and scattering evenly.The whole system information is 0 bit.The least capacity of the information in an elementary particle is 1 bit.Under the
uncertainty law, among the elementary particles isn’t the least information particle photon?
We know that energy and mass are the same things.If Q for heat quantity, E for energy, T for Kelvin scale, for mass, S for thermodynamics entropy, we consider a system which has no power with the outer world, according to the first law of thermodynamics, we then get:
Obey the principles of energy’s equipartition, we get:
If >0,them dm > 0
Suppose a special in-equilibrium sole system, it can be divided into limitless approximate equilibrium small systems.Due to the fact that entropy and mass can be summarized, we absolutely believe there is such a system, the above formulas are acceptable.Further more, in a sole in-reversible system, if given enough time, the entropy must get to its maximum value and the information must get to its minimum value.Under the restriction of uncertainty law, we can find deeper layer structure in which we could calculate the information amounts.In the deepest layer of structure, when the system information gets to zero, the micro system’s single particle must have the fewest information particles among the elementary particles.Form the theory of relativity, we get: dv >0 v stands for the speed of elementary particles in the special in-reversible sole system.It shows that the direction of entropy adding up is to make the particle’s ultimate elementary particles come to the speed of light.The particle at last will break up into the ultimate elementary particle whose rest mass is zero.That’s to say in a completely sole and no restriction physics system, entropy increase principle makes the system’s total rest mass zero.Form the theory of relativity, a rest mass which is not a zero matter couldn’t be accelerated to light speed.But we think it can be broken up into light speed photon.So photon’s rest mass is zero and its information is 1 bit particle.It is the ultimate elementary particle of matter.Namely the fastest speed is photon which is also the fewest information particle.Photon is the limit while dividing the elementary.On the other hand, we can use photon to form a coordinate in order to survey a sole physics system.Based on theory of relativity, we will find those which form the physics system are all light speed particles, Viz.photon.Generally speaking, people won’t build a photon coordinate to survey a sole physics system, because it is the extreme condition.But if a common physics law could not apply to an extreme condition, what is the common?
Either using information decrease principle, or entropy increase principle or photon coordinate principle to survey matter, we can draw a conclusion that photon is ultimate elementary particle of matter.7.Information and rest mass
Suppose there are two photons A, B.They are moving in light speed.Their moving mass(total kinetic energy)are mA, mb.Since A,B are owning moving mass, they also have some magnetic characteristic.A and B combine into an elementary particle------a particle which has “strong character”, when photons interact with each other, and produce position energy.Now, we suppose the position energy of A, B are VA , VB*.The total moving energies are mA*, mB*.Then the total energy of A and B is: VA*+ mA*,VB*+ mB* Considering A, B as a general M, then M’s total rest mass m is: M=VA*+ mA*+VB*+ mB*
The rest mass(Viz.proper mass)which consists of the ultimate elementary particles is the total value of position energy produced in the circumstance that the matter’s inner particles interact with each other and total moving energy produced in the circumstance that matter’s inner particle are moving towards each other..In a completely sole and no restriction physics system, following the information decrease principle, with the time going, its ultimate information is 0 bit.We can say that it has no information.At that time, the total rest mass in the whole physics system is also zero.When a physics system owns rest mass, it proves that the inner interaction between photons and particles.So it produces information and vice versa.If the physics system exists nformation(>1 bit), it shows that it owns rest mass.The matter’s information and rest mass are produced by the interactions between photons and particles.If an electron owns information(2 bit), it also owns mass.But by now, we couldn’t come to a conclusion that how much information there is decide how much rest mass there is.What we need is a further study.Photon form matter by a certain way.By the interaction between the photons(or by the effect of power)or by transformation it will form a rest mass particle.At the same time, it will produce position energy and then produce new information and the next produce rest mass.Perhaps we can no longer survey a certain photon of the matter inner.Electron and anti electron can die into a pair of photon.Similarly, several photons could change into an electron.8.The micro information in the wholeuniverse
Firstly, let’s consider the universe as an endless “straight line” model.In order to stress the uncertainty principle, we must divide the one dimension line into line segments.Each length of the line segments stands for the position of the particle and its possible accuracy.If we can confirm the numbers of the particles in each segment, then, about the “straight line” universe, we can use limitless sequence of the particles to express the universe which is formed by “occupation numbers” and open at both ends.The micro information is defined as: it helps us to distinguish two same statistics(macro)character occupation number sequences.Now we try to prove the two sequences are same.We will chose a subsidiary sequence from a occupation number sequence.In a limitless sequence, any length-limited subsidiary sequence will repeat to appear endless times.According the large numbers law after finite times of attempt, we could find out some possessing same characteristic occupation subsidiary sequence.Moreover, despite the length of the chosen subsidiary, so long as the length is finite, we can find that kind of sequences.We extend the above proof to the three-dimension endless universe.So long as it meets the condition that the strong universe principle and the part universe structure are limit, the whole universe character is all statistics(macro)and its micro information does not exist at all.9.The physics character and physics constant of photon affect the universe’s physics law and physics constant
Photon has the character of quantization.Its energy is: he is the Plank constant, v is frequence.Due to the quantization of photon, we think photon can be compounded and broken down.Nevertheless, if its rest mass is zero, it is a photon.For separate particles, they all have the same
physics characteristic.Only in different fields, they show different physics characteristics.Photon owns the characteristics of quanta and electromagnetic.Light speed is its physics constant.The universe consists of photons.So the photon’s physics characteristic and constant affect the universe’s physics law and constant.If the whole universe consists of many small universes, the photon’s physics characteristic and constant in each small universe affect the physics law and constant of this small universe.No matter what circumstance it is, anything happening in the universe seems that its evolution is based on the science laws.All these are affected by photon’s physics characteristic and constant.It is the direction for people of modern physics to study photon’s physics characteristic and constant.I believe that in the future people will know more about photon’s nature and will know more about the matter’s structure.
6.Liberty is more important than life.(英译汉)
She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.4.去年我一天洗两次澡,早晚各一次。
I used to take a bath twice a day last year,morning and night.5.坦白地说,面试后我一直认为这个职位不适合我。
Frankly speaking,I have been thinking that the position is not right for me after the
interview.6.Some people assert that nothing is impossible.Such people should get a grip on
reality and understand it‘s impossible to create another Universe.In more down-to-earth
terms,it’s impossible to know with any certainty whether you will live or die tomorrow.(英译汉)
一些人断言没有什么事是不可能的。这些人应该把握现实,知道再造一个宇宙是不可能的。更现实的 说法是不可能明确地知道明天你会活着还是会死。
get a grip on抓住,控制,管束
Most probably he isn,t coming.2.他巴不得立刻见到你。
He is very anxious to meet you immediately.3.这刀不会留下任何疤痕。转载自:考试大-[Examda.Com]
The cut will not leave any scar.4.孩子成了他唯一的安慰。
The child became her only consolation.5.非常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒绝这份工作。
I really appreciate your offer,but I must decline it.6.Things aren’t even starting to take shape yet.(英译汉)
It is clear you were wrong.2.仔细看看信的地址是否写对了。
Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.3.现在全厂上上下下都普遍认为工厂必须进行改革。
It is now generally accepted that reform is necessary in the factory.4.这儿是头两卷,第三卷下个月出版。
Here are the first two volumes,the third one to come out next month.5.我们不知不觉地朝公园走去。公园就在人行桥那边,桥下很深的地方,汹涌的河水滚滚流过。Somehow our path took us toward the park across the footbridge high above the rolling
waters of the river.6.The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him.(英译汉)
In my long seeking for lodging,I often met with a snub.2.树是那样高,笔直,而又整齐的特别可爱!因为是松树和杉树的原故,所以四时都是绿油油的。Standing tall and erect before me in neat array was a forest of evergreen pines and
While walking in the shade of the trees,I preferred not to focus my attention
exclusively on the scenery.4.最有意思的是自己慢慢地在后面走,看着人家一个个地从树荫下经过。
I found it most interesting to watch,by slowing down my pace,other people walking
ahead of me one after another.6.We‘ve all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of,some of us have fallen
for the wrong man,some have let go of the right women,there’re those who have
humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children.Yes,we‘ve all made
mistakes that diminish us and those we love.But there is redemption if we try to learn from
those mistakes and grow。(英译汉)
我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事。有些人爱错了人,有些人错过了爱;有些孩子使父母丢脸,也 有些家长让孩子失望。是的,我们都犯过错,使自己和爱人蒙羞。但如果我们试着从s这些错误中吸取教 训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。
A: Bill Mcphee。我会尽快带他来见你。
Bill Mcphee.I’ll bring him around to see you soon.B: 我们会怀念和你一起共事的时光。
We’ll miss doing business with you.A: Bill Mcphee是个好人。你们会和他相处得很好的。
Bill Mcphee is a good man.You’ll get along with him very well.6.With the rapid development of Taiwan’s economy,a lot of social problems have come
to pass.(英译汉)
Is the plane on schedule?
Let’s get our tickets and boarding pass ready.3.如果有退票的,请通知我。
Please notify me if there is any cancellation.4.请于起飞前一小进到达机场。
Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure?
You’ll be late if you don’t arrive in one hour before leaving.5.我需要提前多少天付款订票?
How long in advance of the flight must I pay to confirm the booking?
6.Promises are often like the butterfly,which disappear after beautiful hover。(英译
We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.2.在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。
Before you build a personal site,ask yourself why you want one,and what you want to
accomplish.3.在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给 你多少网络空间及多大的传输流量。
When you visit the site of a Web host,you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much
space and so much network traffic for so much money.4.典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内 容。
Web site typically contain graphics,texts and pictures,while more elaborate ones
include animation,video,audio and other extras.5.关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。
There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain
frustrating.6.Pizza came to the U.S.with Italian immigrants;the first U.S.pizzeria opened in
1905,and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。It is now
popular worldwide.(英译汉)
比萨随着意大利移民引进美国;1905年第一家美国比萨店开业了,第二次世界大战后比萨成为全美国 最喜爱的食物之一。现在比萨畅销全世界。
Is it within walking distance?
My son rode pickaback on me to watch the parade.3.其实我一点都不喜欢我现在的工作。
The fact of the matter is I’m not enjoying my new job at all.4.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。
He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.5.如果我今早没忘了把油箱加满,我们不会没油的。
If I hadn’t forgotten to fill up the tank this morning,we wouldn’t be out of gas.6.Are there any charter flights?(英译汉)
Is there anything I can help you with?
B:是的,我想知道你是否可以帮我找到一些这个城市的旅游指南,或许也要一张公路地图。Yes,I was wondering if you could help me find some travel guides for this city.And
maybe also a rode map,too.A:我们有各种不同的那个题材的书。有些相当概扣,而其他的则比较专业化。
We have a variety of books on that subject.Some are quite general while others are more
specialized and specific,B:我想概括性的就可以了。我只是要在这儿停留几天。但我想要那种多多少少能使我感觉到这个城 市的东西。
I think the generalized ones would do.I’m only staying here for a couple of days.But
I want something that can give me more or less the feel of the city.A:那样的话,也许这本书可以。它有很多图片,而且容易阅读,里头也有公路地图。
In that case,maybe this book will do.It has a lot of pictures and is easy to read.There are also road maps in it.B:太好了!我买这一本。
That’s perfect.I’ll buy this one.(英译汉)
2、At Christmas the air is filled with carols.圣诞节的时候到处都可以听到圣诞颂歌。
I think young people should have the freedom and the space to make their own decisions.2.由于奥运会规模越来越大,为了大多数的城市将没有能力举办。来源:考试大
The Olympic Games are growing so big that most cities may not be able to host them in
future.3.当奥运会结束后,所有累积的专业经验就消失,使下一届主办城市必须一切从零开始。Currently,once the Games are finished,all the gathered expertise vanishes and the
next city has to begin from scratch.4.除了一般大学程度的课程之外,卢浮学院也提供大众免费的夜间艺术史课程。
The Ecole du Louvre,in addition to its regular university-level curricula,offers
free public evening classes in art history.5.你会相信咖啡有助于保护你的脑部免收一种危险的退化性疾病的侵袭吗?
Would you believe coffee and help protect your brain from a dangerous degenerative
6.The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until closing time,watching
the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red,blue,gold,and a near blinding
white.On the way out,someone coughs,and the sound goes on and on—acoustics in this
chapel are remarkable.(英译汉)
I am deeply offended by her conduct.2.稳定性带来的好处有可能被夸大。
It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization.3.这事若是事实,它将给我们造成许多麻烦。
If true,this will cause us a lot of trouble.If it is true,this will cause us a lot of trouble.4.任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价。
Any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.5.许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to
spend much more time waiting for a bus,which is usually crowded with a large number of
passengers.6.Love is the greatest refreshment in life。
You‘d better form the habit of studying.2.别把这两个近义词混淆了。
Don’t mix up this pair of synonyms.3.给出这个词的同义词和反义词。
Give the synonym and antonym of this word.4.他脸皮厚,从来不在乎别人讲什么。
He is thick-skinned and never cares what others say.5.面试时,有些面试者会有夸大的倾向。
During the interview,some interviewees tend to exaggerate.6.You’re really too good for me.(英语)
An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward
I recently spent time asking effective professionals about their most memorable and
effective learning experiences.3.我的目的,是要找出成人教育的最佳方式。{来源:考{试大}
My goal was to find out what works best when it comes to adult education.4.那么为什么在适合成人的训练方式与公司的训练部门实际所提供的训练之间会有如此的断层呢?So why is there such a disconnect between what works for adults and is offered by
corporate training departments?
5.在世界各地,极少数的训练人员在从事他们的工作时,具备有充分的学习方面的知识。Very few trainers,in world over,come to their work with much knowledge about
learning.6.What I discovered is that adults are remarkably similar in how they learn best: The
most unforgettable and transformative learning occurs through personal experience,group
support and/or mentoring.(英译汉)
我发现,成人学习最有效的方式其实非常类似:最难忘、带来最深远改变的学习经验,均是通过个人 的体会、小组支持或者良师的启发。
摘要:随着实践的发展与学术、媒体的关注和刺激, 物流企业绩效评价系统得到了很好的发展,而基于经济增加值和平衡计分卡(BSC)方法的物流企业绩效评价就此产生。该系统通过相关的测试和线性回归被给予了实证,就长远的眼光而言,经济增值是这个系统最重要的目的。为了得到高的经济效益,这四个方面包括财务、顾客、内部业务流程和学习和成长都将有巨大意义。经济附加值在企业的战略目标和企业价值的相关性上占据绝对的重要地位。在研究企业绩效的线性回归数据中有经济附加值、运行费用、审计报告和员工的内部控制的教育比等数据,他们被用来代表了前面四个方面。其中,财务和企业内部业务流程有量化的系数与理论分析一致。
许多外国的日报都聚焦在这三个方面1)介绍应具有的特性,个性 2)该方法需要涉及到的员工3)该企业要选择的方法步骤。而一个建立水平轴的反映国际物流组织所规定的服务质量和性能和垂直轴代表特定服务对客户的重要性的矩阵式相当困难的。
在中国,物流企业绩效评价研究的主要内容有:1)选择的措施;(2)评价的方法;3)绩效评价体系。一个正确的绩效评价系统通常包含许多个部分。其中,王,杨两个人研究的内容,他们在乎费用、效率、风险、客户管理,而魏强调物流企业的竞争和发展能力。在这些 系统中,最常用的措施都是相关的,比如收入、成本、供应、订单交付延迟时间,指令反馈的精度等。支持以上的理论分析且已应用于物流企业的方法有很多,比如模糊分类方法,主成分分析方法,利用数据包络分析方法等。尽管这些方法都已经有一些高质量的研究成果,但是它们却很少关注公司的策略问题。
在卡普兰和诺顿建立平衡计分卡以后,有些文章开始逐渐将平衡计分卡在应用在物流绩效评价之中。布鲁尔和斯潘通过对先前的平衡积分卡的修改,进而推出一套可用于供应供应链绩效评价的BSC,他们建立的框架包括供应链管理(SCM)的目标、最终客户利益、财务收益、SCM提高;根据平衡计分卡模型,刘和王给出了一个3 + 1的模型,这其中的物流绩效评估包括财务、客户、内部操作和学习四个方面;在孙的导师的论文中,他将平衡积分卡方法与网络程序分析(ANP)相结合来对企业进行绩效评价,该方法以物流企业发展战略作为评价标准,并建立了网络程序分析模型(ANP),由此可以量化绩效评价的影响和便于定量矩阵的反馈。
2.3 经济附加值(EVA)
尽管我们基于EVA和BSC对物流企业绩效评价的方法进行了描述,同时简述了EVA 与其他方法的的关系和不同点,但是EVA就真的满足企业长期发展战略的目标么?EVA就真的能在BSC系统的传统绩效评价方法中占据主导地位?
My Laptop computer
I have already eleven years old,I get a lot of gifts from my parent,butI like they give me the Laptop computer the best beacause it give plenty of happy.I have a desktop computer at home, although it can also surf the Internet, play the games, listen to music, but it has a fault, the downside is that it can't move.And my laptop computer don't have this problem, it is the friend a inseparable, in the home, whether I'm in the sitting room, bedroom, even in the toilet I can watching English cartoons I like;Go out to travel, I will put it with them,listen to a lot of music with the tipe, long a journey no longer lonely.My laptop computer looks very delicate, have a warm golden appearance, 13 inches LCD screen, it is particularly powerful, with all the functionality of the desktop and its speed is faster than a desktop computer for several times, it was my study and life ?
In my class,there are only a few student have laptop computer,I must treasure it.
人机工程学是一门新兴的边缘科学。它起源于欧洲,形成和发展于美国。人机工程学在欧洲称为Ergonomics,这名称最早是由波兰学者雅斯特莱鲍夫斯基提出来的,它是由两个希腊词根组成的。“ergo”的意思是“出力、工作”,“nomics”表示“规律、法则”的意思,因此,Ergonomics的含义也就是“人出力的规律”或“人工作的规律”,也就是说,这门学科是研究人在生产或操作过程中合理地、适度地劳动和用力的规律问题。人机工程学在美国称为“Human Engineering”(人类工程学)或“Human Factor Engineering”(人类因素工程学)。日本称为“人间工学”,或采用欧洲的名称,音译为“Ergonomics”,俄文音译名“Эргнотика”在我国,所用名称也各不相,有“人类工程学”、“人体工程学”、“工效学”、“机器设备利用学”和“人机工程学”等。为便于学科发展,统一名称很有必要,现在大部分人称其为“人机工程学”,简称“人机学”。“人机工程学”的确切定义是,把人—机—环境系统作为研究的基本对象,运用生理学、心理学和其它有关学科知识,根据人和机器的条件和特点,合理分配人和机器承担的操作职能,并使之相互适应,从而为人创造出舒适和安全的工作环境,使工效达到最优的一门综合性学科。
[3]沃马克,J.P.,琼斯,D.T.,与鲁斯,D.(1990)。改变了机 世界。纽约:罗森联营公司。
AI EDAM: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
In aneffort to improve customization for today’s highly competitive global mar ketplace, many companies are utilizing product families and platform-based product development to increase variety, shorten lead times, and reduce costs.The key to a successful product family is the product platform from which it is derived either by adding, removing, or substituting one or more modules to the platform or by scaling the platform in one or more dimensions to target specific market niches.This nascent field of engineering design has matured rapidly in the past decade, and this paper provides a comprehensive review of the flurry of research activity that has occurred during that time to facilitate product family design and platform-based product de velopment for mass customization.Techniques for identifying platform leveraging strategies within a product family are reviewed along with metrics for assessing the effectiveness of product plat forms and product families.Special emphasis is placed on optimization approaches and artificial intelligence techniques to assist in the process of product family design and platform based product development.Web-basedsystems for product platform customization are also discussed.Examples from both industry and a cademia are presented throughout the paper to highlight the benefits of product families and product platforms.The paper concludes with a discussion of potential areas of research to help bridge the gap between planning and managing families of products and designing and manufacturing them.Today’s h igh ly competitive global mark etplace is redefining the way many companies do business.The new form ofcompetitive advantage is mass customization, and is, as Pine~1993a, p.xiii!says, ―a new way of viewing business competition , one that makes the identification and fulfillment of the wants and needs of individual cu stomers paramount without sacrificing efficiency, effectiveness, and low costs.‖In his seminal text on mass customization, Pine ~1993a,p.6!argues that ―customers can no longer be lumped together in a huge homo geneous market, but are individuals whose individual wants and needs can be ascertained and fulfilled.‖ He attributes the increasing attention on product variety and customer demand to the saturation of the market and the need to improve customer satisfaction: newproducts must be different from what is already in th e market and must meet cu stomer needs more comp letely.Sand-erson and Uzu meri ~1997, p.3!add that ―the emergence of global markets has fundamentally altered competition as many firms have known it‖ with the resulting market dynamics ―forcing the compression of product development times and expansion of product variety.‖ Findings from studies of the automotive industry ~Womacketal., 1990;MacDuffieetal., 1996;Alford et al., 2000!and empirical su rveys of manufacturing firms ~Chinnaiah et al., 1998;Duray et al.,2000!confirm these trends.Similar themes pervade th e tex t by Wortmann et al.~1997!, who examine industry’s response in Europe to the ―customer-driven‖ market.The social development and technological progress, product updates, rhythm of life pace, and so on a series of social and physical factors, so that people in the enjoyment of material life at the same time, pay more attention to products in the “convenience”, “comfortable”, “reliable”, “value”, “security” and “efficiency evaluation, is often mentioned in the product design, personalized design.山东交通学院毕业设计(论文)
The so-called user-friendly products that includes the man-machine engineering products, as long as it is ”person“ used in products should be considered in the man-machine engineering, product design and ergonomics is undoubtedly together.We can be described as: Center for psychological, physiological radius in order to build a harmonious relationship between people and things(products), maximum to tap potential, comprehensive balanced use of muscle, protection of human health, so as to improve the productivity.Only from the category of industrial design, to aerospace systems, urban planning, construction, automatic chemical plant, machinery and equipment, transport, small furniture, clothing, stationery and flower pots, cups, bowls and chopsticks, such as production and life to create the ”objects“, in the design and manufacture must take the ”human factor“ as an important condition to consider.If the products of distinguished professional supplies and general supplies and professional activities in the man-machine engineering will have more consideration, it is more emphasis on in physiology level;and general products must balance the psychological problems, need to be more in line with the aesthetics and the trend of the design, that is, should be to the needs of the product humanization.Ergonomics is a rising edge science.It originated in Europe, formed and developed in the United States..Ergonomics in Europe known as ergonomics, the name of the first is by Poland scholar Ya J Tele Bo J J Kiti, it is composed of two Greek roots.The meaning of ”ergo“ is ”output,“ and nomics said the meaning of ”law, rule.Therefore, ergonomics meaning is“ people contribute to the rules ”or“ working rules ”.That is to say, the subject is the research in the production or operation of reasonable, moderate labor and force of law of.Ergonomics in the United States known as “Engineering Human”(Human Engineering)or “Factor Engineering Human”(Human Factor Engineering).Japan, known as the “human engineering”, or the European name, transliterated as “Ergonomics”, Russian transliteration names “middle, in this paper the author, with large K” in our country, with the name of a also varied, with “human engineering”, “human engineering”, “Ergonomics”, “equipment using learning” and “Ergonomics”.For the development of subject, it is necessary to unify the name
of the subject.Now most people call it ergonomics.“.The exact definition of ”Ergonomics" is the humanenvironment system as the basic research object, the use of physiological science, psychology and other related disciplines of knowledge, according to the conditions and characteristics of man and machine, a reasonable allocation of human and machine bear operation functions, and mutual adaptation, in order to create the comfortable and safe working environment for people, to optimize the efficiency of a comprehensive discipline.山东交通学院毕业设计(论文)
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