2012 假期生活(寒假)答案

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第一篇:2012 假期生活(寒假)答案

2012 假期生活(寒假)



导管 / 叶脉 / 由下向上 上方

形成层 / 韧皮部 筛管 / 韧皮纤维 导管 / 纤维 形成层 蒸腾作用 年轮 / 形成层 形成层 活细胞 二,选择 B B C A D A 第二节 一,填空

血液循环系统 / 淋巴系统 循环系统

心脏 / 血管 / 血液 血细胞 / 血浆

白细胞 / 红细胞 / 血小板 / 红细胞 血红蛋白 / 铁 / 与氧结合 / 与氧分离 舒张 / 12 厚 / 大 / 快 / 薄 / 小 / 慢 / 非常薄 / 一层上皮细胞 / 细 / 广泛 / 很慢 淋巴 / 淋巴器官 / 淋巴结 / 淋巴腺 / 淋巴管 加快 / 减慢

12~18.7 千帕 / 8~12千帕 A / B / AB / O 二,选择 D A A A D C D A C B C 三,略 四,略

第六章 第一节 一,填空

气孔 / 皮孔 / 根毛 通气 细胞

氧气 / 细胞 / 二氧化碳 / 水 / 能量 能量 / 生命活动 / 热 氧气 / 二氧化碳 / 越大 萌发的种子呼吸吸入氧气 石灰水 二,选择 A D C B C 三,略 第二节 一,填空 二氧化碳

阻挡灰尘 / 湿润 / 洁净 / 温暖 C / 保持气管通畅 / 黏液 / 上 / 喉部 会厌

外界空气与肺泡内的气体交换 / 肺泡与血液之间的气体交换 / 气体在血液中的运输 / 血液与组织细胞间的气体交换 外界空气与肺泡内的气体交换 / 呼吸运动 / 收缩 / 收缩 / 增大 / 扩张 / 小于 红 / 血红蛋白 / 血浆


频率 / 深度 / 呼吸肌 / 肺泡 / 肺活量 / 气温骤变 / 呼吸道传染病 气管 / 支气管 / 鼻黏膜 / 灰尘 / 细菌 / 保护清洁 一氧化碳 / 烟碱 / 慢性支气管炎 / 肺癌 / 禁止吸烟 二,选择 C A C D B C 三,略 四,略 第三节 一,填空 双重呼吸 鳃丝

气门 / 腹部两侧 / 气管 / 支气管 气管直接把氧气送到组织细胞 皮肤 / 湿润 / 毛细血管 水 浮头 二,选择 D B B A D 三,略

第七章 第一,二节 一,填空 尿 / 汗 泌尿系统

泌尿 / 腰部脊柱 / 腹腔

两层 / 肾皮质 / 肾小球集中的部位,肾小球是毛细血管球 / 肾髓质 肾脏 / 输尿管 / 膀胱 / 尿道

水 / 无机盐 / 水 / 无机盐 / 细胞生存环境 二氧化碳和少部分水/血液循环系统/呼吸系统 大部分水/无机盐/尿酸/尿素/泌尿/血液循环/尿/汗 肾门/输尿管 水/蛋白质 二,选择 D B A D 三,略 第三,四节 一,填空

表皮 / 真皮 / 真皮

毛发 / 皮脂腺 / 汗腺 / 指(趾)甲 生物体 / 外界环境 / 物质 / 能量 同化作用 / 异化作用 物质代谢 / 能量代谢 上皮组织/血管 表皮/厚/结缔组织 二,选择 C B C B B C C 第八章 第一节 一,填空 整体 向性 / 感性

肌肉 / 身体平衡 / 方向

爬行 / 行走 / 奔跑 / 跳跃 / 攀缘 / 飞行 向光性/向地性 二,选择 D A B B A C 三,略 第二节 一,填空

生活环境和形态结构的差异 骨 / 骨连结 / 骨骼肌 / 神经系统

不活动连结 / 半活动连结 / 活动连结(关节)/ 关节 206 / 颅骨 / 躯干骨 / 四肢骨 胸骨 / 胸椎 / 肋骨 髋骨 / 骶骨 / 尾骨 肌腱 / 肌腹

肱二头肌 / 肱三头肌 肱二头肌 / 肱三头肌 二,选择 C A C D A 三,略 第三节 一,填空

生存 / 发展 / 种族繁衍 阳光 / 有机物 食物 / 天敌

速度 / 耐力 / 灵活性 二,略

第九章 第一节 一,填空

神经细胞 / 神经组织 细胞体 / 突起

神经纤维 / 传入 / 传出 / 神经末梢 灰质 / 大脑皮层

大脑皮层 / 运动中枢 / 感觉中枢 / 听觉中枢 / 视觉中枢 / 语言中枢 脊柱 / 椎管 / 白质 / 灰质 反射 / 反射弧 / 感受器 / 效应器

非条件反射 / 先天就有 / 简单 / 神经中枢位于大脑皮层以下 条件反射 / 后天学习的 / 相对复杂 / 神经中枢位于大脑皮层 非条件反射 / 条件反射 / 条件反射 / 条件 / 特有 / 具体二,选择 D B B C C C A C 三,略 第二节 一,填空

视觉 / 眼 / 视神经 / 视觉中枢 听觉 / 耳 / 听神经 / 听觉中枢 外耳 / 中耳 / 内耳 耳毛 / 耵聍腺 / 保护 鼓膜 / 鼓膜 味觉中枢 / 味觉

气态物质 / 嗅觉中枢 / 嗅觉 二,选择 C D B A C C A 三,略 第三节 一,填空

生物体中特定的活细胞 / 有机物

反应 / 激素调节 / 很少 / 很大 / 高效性和特异性 内分泌腺 / 血浆 / 组织液 / 淋巴 甲状腺分泌/碘元素 胰腺/胰岛/调节血糖浓度 二,选择 B D C D C A 三,略 第四节 一,填空

刺激 / 活动表现 运动

遗传 / 非条件 / 成长 / 生活 / 条件 先天 / 后天 蜜蜂/蚂蚁 二,选择 D C A B B A 第五章 目标形成性检测题 一,选择


表皮与皮层 / 韧皮部 / 形成层 / 木质部 / 髓 有机物 / 水和无机盐

水分以气体状态从植物体内散失到大气的过程 / 水和无机盐 血液依靠心脏的搏动,通过血管在全身往复运行 肺 / 4 / 上下腔静脉 / 2 / 两面凹的圆饼形 / 氧气 / 二氧化碳 / 不规则 / 止血 / 促进凝血 动脉 / 静脉 / 毛细血管 淋巴结 / 淋巴腺 / 脾脏 三,分析说明

书20页图表及图表下的一段文字 四,识图作答

1,(1)动脉瓣 / 房室瓣 / 主动脉 / 左心室(2)动力 / 心肌(3)房室 / 心室 / 房室 / 动脉 / 动脉 2,(1)小动脉 / 毛细血管 / 小静脉(2)A / 血液流动的方向是由动脉通过毛细血管流向静脉 3,(1)D / A / C(2)毛细血管 / 血液 第六章 目标形成性检测题 一,选择


1,[1]鼻腔 / [2]喉 / [3]咽 / [4] / 气管 / [5]支气管 / 洁净 / 温暖 / 湿润 / 肺 2,血红蛋白 / 血浆

3,高于 / 肺泡 / 毛细血管 / 动脉 气管运输气体 / 皮肤 / 气孔 / 皮孔 肺泡 / 100 / 胸 / 左右 深度 / 肺泡

鳃丝 / 的接触面积 / 气体交换 肺 / 皮肤 / 辅助 / 皮肤 / 气囊 气孔 / 皮孔 / 气体交换 三,识图作答

温度较低时,呼吸作用会随着温度的升高而增强,当达到某一特定温度时,呼吸作用最强,然后随着温度的进一步升高呼吸作用会越来越弱,直到消失(1)肺泡 / 心脏 / 组织细胞 / 氧气 / 二氧化碳 / 动脉血 / 静脉血(2)低 / 高 四,分析说明

含二氧化碳浓度大的气体 / 变混浊 / 空气 / 不变化 生活的植物 / 死亡的植物 / 生活 / 呼吸作用

在光照条件下,植物光和作用吸收的二氧化碳量会超过呼吸作用释放的二氧化碳量,影响试验结果 第七章 目标形成性检测题 一,选择

CDDBD CCBDA BCCBC 二,填空 自我更新 物质 / 能量

有害废物 / 细胞生存环境 / 体温

排出体内代谢终产物的过程(以不同的形式把生命活动过程中产生的废物排出体外的过程)肾 / 腹腔 / 腰部脊椎 / 两 滤过 / 原尿 / 重吸收 / 尿液 及时排尿 / 适量饮水 / 防止尿道感染 同化作用 / 异化作用

肾小球 / 滤过 / 肾小囊 / 肾小管 / 重吸收 三,识图作答

1,(1)1.入球小动脉 / 2.肾小球 / 3.肾小囊 / 4.肾小管 / 5.集合管(2)肾小体(3)肾单位(4)2.肾小球 / 滤过作用(5)4.肾小管 / 重吸收 2,(1)1.表皮 / 2.真皮(2)9和7.汗腺 / 汗液 / 汗腺导管(图中没有标出)/5.汗孔(3)无机盐 / 尿酸 / 尿素(4)保护 / 感觉 / 分泌 四,书49页图7-2 五,书46图表

第八章 目标形成性检测题 一,选择


生存 / 发展 / 种族繁衍 骨髓腔 / 骨松质的空隙 骨骼 / 骨 / 骨连结 / 骨骼肌 胸骨 / 胸椎 / 肋骨 肌腱 / 肌腹 / 刺激 神经

肌肉收缩引起的身体摆动 四肢与尾椎间的皮膜 体内肌肉的收缩与舒张 三,识图作答

1,(1)骨膜 / 骨密质 / 骨松质 / 骨髓腔 / 骨髓 / 血管和神经(2)结缔 / 红骨髓 / 造血(3)红骨髓 2,(1)关节囊 / 关节腔 / 关节头 / 关节窝 / 关节软骨(2)结缔 / 韧带(3)关节软骨(4)肘关节 / 膝关节


一、单项选择:(10分)()1.His story is so funny that it makes everyone _________.A.laughing B.laugh C.laughs()2.I love seeing films, _______ Harry Potter and Caribbean Pirates.A.such as B.for example C.as well as()3.The singer is famous _______ his songs.Many people love him.A.as B.of C.for()4.Hurry up!There is ________ time left.A.a little B.little C.few()5.Your room is dirty.You should _________.A.tidy it up B.tidy up it C.tidy them up()6.There is ____ in today’s newspapers.A.new something B.anything new C.nothing new()7.It’s difficult for us ______ that we shouldn’t spend all our time on hobbies.A.to remember B.remember C.remembering()8.He was ill in hospital.________, he couldn’t go to school.A.As well as B.Such as C.As a result()9.On Sunday I usually ________ two hours doing my homework..A.spend B.take C.cost()10.The book is very ________.I am so _______ in it.A.interesting, interested B.interested, interesting C.interested, interest



In western countries, collecting Barbie Dolls is a popular hobby for girls.Many of them collect Barbie Dolls for fun.A Barbie Doll looks like a teenager.Girls can buy clothes for her.They can also buy a house and a car for her.Girls can collect all the things about Barbie Dolls.Barbie Dolls were first made in 1959 by an American toy company.Now, they have become the most popular toys in the world.At first, Barbie Dolls just had blonde hair, and were Americans.Now they look like people from all over the world.There is an Indian Barbie, a French Barbie and a Chinese Barbie!And Barbie Dolls have over 108 careers.She can be a doctor, a policewoman, a lawyer and a teacher.I spent many hours playing with Barbie Dolls when I was a child.Now my daughter has all kinds of Barbie Dolls.She also has a great time playing with her Barbie Dolls.()1.Barbie Dolls is a popular hobby for ___________.A.boys B.girls C.men D.women()2.A Barbie Doll looks like a __________.A.teenager B.boy C.girl D.woman()3.At first, Barbie Dolls were __________.A.Chinese B.French C.Indian D.American()4.The underlined word “career” means _______.A.衣服 B.采访 C.种类 D.工作()5._____________ has all kinds of Barbie Dolls.A.My daughter B.I C.My son D.My husband(B)Pets can help to reduce(减轻)our stress.We are always very busy in this modern world.It is not easy to do with our worries and stress.However, spending time with pets can make us feel better.How do pets help us to reduce our worries and stress?

Many people like talking to their pets.It is good because they can tell their pets about their problems.This helps to reduce a person’s stress.Pets can be our good friends.They help us to stop feeling lonely when we have troubles.Spending time with pets can help us to be more active.We will stop worrying about some things and work happily.Some people play games with their pets.When they play with them, they can relax.Playing with pets can also give us confidence(自信)to get over our troubles.Pets can help us to think more about the good things in our lives.Playing with pets can help to reduce our worries and stress in many situations.We can have a happier life by keeping pets.()6.Pets can help people to ___________.A.reduce our stress B.feel lonely C.get busy D.become stressed()7.Talking to pets is good because they can tell their pets about ____________.A.their happiness B.their problems C.their work D.their study()8.When we have troubles, pets can help us to stop ____________.A.feeling lonely B.feeling happy C.working happily D.worrying()9.Spending time with pets can _____________.A.help us to be more active B.make us feel relaxed.C.give us confidence.D.all the above(以上皆是)()10.By keeping pets, we can ________.A.learn how to play with pets B.work happily

C.be more active D.have a happier life(C)

Before the exam:(1).Find out when and where it will be held at first.(2).Don’t bring wallets, mobile phones or electronic dictionaries(电子词典).But you can bring your own stationery(文具)such as pencils, rulers and erasers.If you bring things that are not allowed, the teacher won’t let you take the exam.(3).Bring your ID card.If you don’t have an ID card, the teacher won’t let you in.During the exam:(1).Don’t be late.If you arrive 30 minutes late for the exam, you can’t take the exam.(2).Don’t speak to another student.If you do, the teacher will ask you to leave.After the exam:(1).Don’t leave the room during the first 30 minutes.That is not allowed.(2).Don’t take away the exam paper and the answer paper.()11.Before the exam, you need to ____________ at first.A.look for your wallet B.buy pencils and erasers

C.find out when and where it will be held D.check when you can leave()12.You can bring your _____ to the exam.A.stationery B.computer C.wallet D.mobile phone()13.If you arrive _____ minutes late for the exam, you can’t take the exam.A.5 B.15 C.25 D.30()14.After the exam, you can not __________.A.leave the room during the first 30 minutes B.take away the exam paper C.take away the answer paper D.all the above(以上皆是)()15.The information is mainly about _______ rules.A.exam B.class C.writing D.party(D)()16.Sorry may be the hardest word--but scientists claim it could be one of the healthiest since it may help women live longer, the Daily Mail reported.Researchers claimed they have discovered that women who received an apology for hurtful behavior suffer less stress than those who don’t.()17.According to an online survey by Sohu.com for International Sleep Day(March 21), many Chinese young people don’t sleep well.Around 1/4 of the surveyed say they sleep fewer than 7 hours a day and 66% say they have too many dreams.College seniors especially have sleep problems.()18.A robot waiter served food to customers at Hajime Japanese restaurant in Bangkok April 1, Reuters reported.At Thailand’s first Japanese robot restaurant, Where all the servers are robots, customers mechanical server will also dance and automatically collect empty dishes at the customers’ table.()19.I’ve known her for four years and I really like her.But she always copies everything I do.If I buy some new clothes, the next day she’ll go out and buy exactly the same ones.It’s the same with music, films, even my friends!What should I do?()20.Australia’s seasons are the opposite of the Northern Hemisphere(半球)—summer starts in December, autumn in March, winter in June and spring in September.The best time to go there is September or October.It’s warm enough to go to the beach.But this does depend on which part of Australia you go to.三、选词填空---请把答案写在文章后的横线上:(10分)

Everyone has hobbies, especially _______1______.Some hobbies are relaxing, ____2_____ as reading, singing and collecting stamps.Some are________3_______, like painting and writing.Some are exciting,for example, mountain biking, playing _____4_____, sailing and going camping.I’m interested in animals and I enjoy looking _____5_____ them.Although my hobby takes up most of my free time, I think that it’s very _____6________.My friend Daming likes reading.His favourite magazines are Reader as ____7_____ as English Salon.As soon as they come _____8______ every month, he buys them immediately.As a ____9_____, he has lots of magazines at home.Daming’s parents have warned him that he ___10_____ spend too much time or money on his hobby.1.________________ 2.______________ 3._______________ 4._______________5.____________

6.________________ 7.______________ 8._______________ 9._______________10.____________


1.她参观了很多城市,如广州、北京.She visited a lot of cities, _______________ GZ and BJ.2.他的小说在2011年出版。His novel ______________________ in 2011.3.她一直弹钢琴和听音乐。She played the piano and listened to music ________________________.4.他起床迟了, 结果迟到了。He got up late.______________________, he was late for school.5.除了游泳,我还喜欢唱歌。I like singing ________________________ swimming.6.爱好会占去了我们的学习时间。Hobbies will ________________________ our time for study.7.我们一直是好朋友。We are good friends __________________________.8.她对运动很感兴趣。She was ____________________________ sports.9.我妈妈在收拾房子.My mother is _____________________ our house.10.昆明因为好天气而闻名。Kunming _____________________________its good weather.请把所有选择题的答案填在表格里:

一、单项选择:(10分,每题1分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

二、阅读理解:(60分,每题3分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1012 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



我的设想:6时半起床,洗脸刷牙.7时半吃早饭,可以帮爸爸妈妈做早饭.8时看书,把寒假作业做完一天,进行复习.10时做家务,帮爸爸妈妈做一件力所能及的事情.11时吃午饭,可以帮爸爸妈妈摆餐具.13时看新闻,了解新的时件.16时运动,呼吸新鲜空气.18时吃晚饭,可以帮爸爸妈妈洗碗.19时游戏,了解望上情况.21时睡觉,早点睡可以长高哦!数学: 1.寻找失去的数.14.59+10.72-25.31=0 49.81-48.32+78.51=80 2.求未知量.解:a=s÷h 解:h=2s÷a

=5.52÷1.2 =2×5.25÷ 2.5 =4.6(m)=10.5÷2.5 =4.2(dm)3.找出等量关系,并列方程解答.

(1)820减去一个数的16倍等于45.5与8的积,求这个数.解:设这个数是x.820-16x=45.5×8 820-16x=364 16x=820-364 16x=456 x=28.5(2)一个数减去6后,扩大7倍等于这个数的2倍,求这个数.解:设这个数是x.7(x-6)=2x 7x-42=2x 7x-2x=42 5x=42 x=8.4 4.写出下列各图案的数字.1.3 2.2 3.1 4.4 英语:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B







数学: 1.下列各题错在哪里?请改正.1.73×3.7+1.73×6.3+1.73 0.125×6.4=1.73×(3.7+6.3)+1.73 =(0.125×8)×0.8

=1.73×10+1.73 =1×0.8 =17.3+1.73 =0.8 =19.03 2.化简.4×3×2×b=24b 8m×3=24m 44b÷4=11b

4×25x=100x 6×4x+x-5=25x-5 7×3x+4×5y-15=21x+20y-15 3.求值:当k=19,m=4,n=5时,求k(3m+6n)的值.

解:当k=19,m=4,n=5时 k(3m+6n)=19×(3×4+6×5)


=19×42 =798 4.不计算,在下面的□填入“>、<”或“=”。

4.7×2.01>4.7 0.28÷0.5>0.28

4.7×1=4.7 0.28÷3.5<0.28

4.7×0.01<4.7 0.28÷0.01>0.28


解:设小长方形的宽为x,则长方形为2x.2(3x+2x)=8 S长=(3×0.8)×(2×0.8)5x×2=8 =2.4×1.6 10x=8 =3.84(dm2)x=0.8 英语:


This is my father.He is a boss.He is tall.He likes to swim.He lies in Shanghai.He can run fast.2.列举短文中包含动作的单词:

feed,clean,live,climb,swing,eat.3.列举Mr Brown与动物所做的事.

He feeds the animals every day.He cleans their cages every morning.4.找出文中动物活动的场所.


1)What does Mr Brown do every day?He feeds the anemals and cleans their cages every day.2)Does the monkey have long arms?Yes ,it does.3)What can the monkey do?It can climb to the top of the cage and swing on a rope.4)where does it live?It lives in a zoo.5)What does it like to eat?It likes to eat fruit and leaves.6.根据短文判断,用T或F表示.(T)1)My uncle works in a zoo.(T)2)My uncle likes the baby monkey.(T)3)The monkey doesn't like to eat sweets.第三天

数学: 1.计算并凑整倒百分位(用四舍五入法).8.02×0.04≈0.32 7.83×1.39≈10.88 8.02 7.83 ×0.04 ×1.39----------------0.3208 7047 2349 783--------10.8837 11.8÷0.21≈56.19 56.194 49.134---------------21∫1180 105 184---------------130 420 126 414----------------40 60 21 46----------------190 140 189 120----------------100 200 184 2.递等式计算(能简则简).6.4×0.29+6.4×8.7+6.4 ×0.25


46∫1882 2.98×1.25×(4-0.8)=2.98×1.25×3.2×0.=6.4×10 =2.98×1.25×0.4×8×0.25

=64 =(1.25×8)×(0.25×0.4)×2.98

=10×0.1×2.98 =2.98 9.9×101-9.9 [0.68÷(3.2-3.03)+1.4÷(6-0.6)=9.9×(101-1)=[0.68÷0.17+1.4]÷5.4

=9.9×100 =[4+1.4]÷5.4 =990 =5.4÷5.4 =1 3.列方程解应用题.小丁丁买了1支圆珠笔和1支钢笔,钢笔的售价是圆珠笔的3倍,小丁丁共付了18元,圆珠笔和钢笔的售价各式多少元? 解:设圆珠笔是x元,则钢笔是3x元.3x+x=18 4x=18 4.5×3=13.5

x=4.5 答:各是4.5、13.5。


1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C 小实验: 答:在杯中的水进入黄豆细胞中,激活了它们的营养成分,使其不断膨胀,所以他们会从杯里涌到外面,落在锅盖上发出喧闹声.第四天 语文: 地势平坦:一马平川





增智阅读: 下雨天里有一两家的鸡在叫,竹林里小溪潺潺,木板桥歪歪斜斜。


数学: 1.解方程.0.8x+3.2=7.2 12.5-3x=6.5 解:0.8x=7.2-3.2 0.8x=4 3x=6 x=5 x=2 56.4÷x+14.8=24.2 1.2(x-0.64)=0.54 解:56.4÷x=24.2-14.8 56.4÷x=9.4 1.2x=0.54+0.768 x=56.4÷9.4 1.2x=1.308 x=6 x=1.09 x+12.5=3.5x

解:3.5x-x=12.5 2.5x=12.5 0.9x=15.33-7.86 x=5 0.9x=7.47

:走马观花 立了功劳:汗马功劳 单独行动:单枪匹马 非常危险:盲人瞎马 随便走走:信马由缰 解:3x=12.5-6.5 解:1.2x-0.768=0.54 7.3×2.1-0.9x=7.86 解:15.33-0.9x=7.86 6

x=8.3 2.那么△=4,□=1.2,○=8.3.列方程解应用题.果园里有苹果树和梨树共500棵,其中苹果树的数量是梨树的2倍少40棵.问:苹果树和梨树各有多少棵? 解:设梨树有x棵,则苹果树有(2x-40)棵.2x-40+x=500 180×2-40 3x-40=500 =360-40 3x=500+40 =320 3x=540 x=180 答:各有320、180棵.英语: 1.What does Tommy want to do on May 1st?He wants to fly kite.2.When is Tommy's mother's birthday?It's on the fifth of May.3.Does Tommy want to play football on May 21st?Yes.,he does.4.How many people's birthdays are there in May?There are two people's birthday in May 5.Where does Tommy want to go on May 16th?They go to the cinema.第五天

语文: 1.给“肖”加上不同的部首后变成不同的字,再把这些字填在括号里。











数学: 1.填空。

18小时41分-13小时49分=4小时52分 5小时20分+57分=6小时17分

7小时10分23秒-3分18秒+57分57秒=8小时15分2秒 2.计算图形的面积。

解:S=(a+b)h÷2 S=ah =(10+14)×4÷2 =2×

4=24×4÷2 =8(dm2)=96÷2


解:S=ah÷2 S=ah =2.5×5÷2 =10×7.5=12.5÷2 =75(dm2)6.25(dm2)75+6.25=81.25 3.选择(将正确的序号填在括号里)。


A.24 B.30 C.40 D.48(2)如果把一个三角形的底扩大8倍,高是原来的二分之一,三角形的面积将是原来的(C).A.6倍 B.六分之一 C.4倍 D.四分之一

(3)如图,如果长方形的面积是30cm2,那么阴影部分的面积是(A)cm2;如果阴影部分的面积是30cm2,那么长方形的面积是(C)cm2.A。15 B.30 C.60 D.120 英语: Card A:列举出短文中的生词并查阅字典了解词义.1.early 2.hide 3.seek 4.meet 5.speak 6.think Card B:学习短文中关键的句子,掌握句子结构.(略)Card C:以my school为topic,进行主题对话.(略)Card D:Write three sentences about your school.Think about these questions.就下面问题描述自己的学校.1.What special rooms does it have?There are fourteen rooms in my school.2.What do you like about it?It's beartiful.3.What is your favourite class?I like English.第六天

语文: 黄忠出阵----不服老 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉----痴心妄想

泥菩萨过河----自身难保 飞机上吹喇叭----空想(响)孙大圣七十二变----神通广大 瞎子点灯----白费蜡

哑巴吃黄连----有苦说不出 脚底抹油----溜之大吉

六月里下雪----反了 骑驴看唱本----走着瞧

黄鼠狼给鸡拜年----没安好心 刘备摔阿斗----收买人心

鸡蛋里挑骨头----无中生有 包公断案----铁面无私

撑拐杖上鸡窝----故意捣蛋 两个喇叭一齐吹----想(响)到一块了

聋子的耳朵----摆设 乌龟爬门槛----但看此一翻(番)狮子大张口----好大的口气

数学: 1.你知道自己的身份证码吗?填一填.例:3***241018 2.某边防站有12名战士守卫,每小时轮流派出3名战士站岗,全天24小时.平均每名战士站岗几小时? 24÷(12÷3)


=3(小时)答:平均每名战士站岗6小时.3.妈妈买了3千克香蕉和5千克苹果,共付41.20元.每千克香蕉比每千克苹果便宜1.2元,每千克香蕉多少元? 解:设香蕉每千克x元,则苹果每千克(x+1.2)元.3x+5(x+1.2)=41.2 3x+5x+6=41.2

8x+6=41.2 8x=41.2-6 8x=35.2 x=4.4 答:每千克香蕉4.4元.4.一个粮食批发部某天上午卖出大米700袋,下午卖出同样的大米300袋,上午比下午多买4000千克.上午下午各卖出大米多少千克? 解:设每袋x千克。

700x-300x=4000 700×10=7000(千克)400x=4000 300×10=3000(千克)x=10 答:上午下午各卖出大米7000、3000千克.5.下列各式中,你认为是方程的,请在()里画√.18-x()4+x=18(√)


英语: 1.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.根据所给的图片,用合适的词填空.It is a fine day.The sun is shining.There is a girl near the river.She is drawing a picture.There is a bee in front of the girl.In the river,there are two ink and a frog.There a bull under the big tree.There is a cat on the tree.Look,the bird is flying in the sky.2.Complete the dialogue.根据所给图片,完成下列对话.1.A:Who is that? B:That's Eddie's mother.A:Where is she now? B:She's in the supermarket.A:What does she need? B:She needs some food and some fruit.2.A:Where are they? B:They are at the aquarium.A:What are they doing? B:They are looking at a shark.第七天

语文: 1.将下列句子换一种说法,使其意思不变.(1)谁有工夫去熬那么一大锅骨头汤?没有人有工夫去熬那么一大锅骨头汤.(2)凡是饭馆没有不备一锅高汤的.凡是饭馆怎么有不备一锅高汤的呢? 2.填空.“异趣”的意思是跟其他不一样的有趣.煎混沌的“异趣”体现在它入油个锅慢火生炸,炸黄之后再上小型蒸屉猛蒸片刻,立即带屉上桌。






1.用递等式计算(能简则简).(1)73.68-45.5-54.5+26.32(2)20.5+1.8×4-22.5÷1.5 =(73.69+26.32)-(45.5+54.5)=20.5+7.2-15 =100-100 =27.7-15 =0 =12.7(3)48÷0.125÷8(4)[0.15+(3.74-1.8)÷0.4]×20


=48÷1 =[0.15+4.85]×20 =48 =5×20 =100 2.下面三个图都是由边长为4厘米和3厘米的两个正方形组成,阴影部分的面积是(C).





答:他平均每步的长度是0.64米,他家到邮局大约297.6米.动脑筋: 一个口袋里有3个小球,另一个口袋内装有5个小球,所有这些小球颜色各不相同.(1)从两个口袋中任取1个小球,有多少种可能? 3+5=8(种)答:有8种可能.(2)从两个口袋中各取一个小球,有多少种可能? 3×5=15(种)答“有15种可能.英语:

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A


语文: 1.我仿佛看到雨水流进小河里,流进田野里,也流进池塘里.2.稻田边飞来两只燕子,它们看见树叶往下落,便一边飞一边叫,好象在说:”从树上飘落下来的叶子太美了,简直比蝴蝶还美!" 增智阅读: 谜面:一把刀砍到心里流了一滴血.谜目:打一字.谜底:忍.猜猜看,下面谜语各是什么字?(1)鲜(2)龟(3)也(4)秋

数学: 1.计算下列各题(能简则简).1.01÷0.125 1.62×4.8÷1.6 3.6÷2.5÷0.4


=8.08÷1 =1.62×3 =3.6÷1

=8.08 =4.26 =3.6 2.如图,问S1比S2大多少? 10×(8+6)÷


=140÷2 =70(cm2)

3.在底为100米、高为24米的平行四边形大豆地里,按照每株占地2平方分米的标准种大豆。如果每株收大豆0.5千克,估计这块地可收大豆多少千克? 100×24÷0.0


=120000(株)120000×0.5=60000(千克)答:估计这块地可收大豆60000千克.动脑筋: 答:A大.英语:


They are four seasons.They are Spring,Summer,Autumn and winter.Spring is warm.the plants grom and grom.Summer is hot.I can swimming and eat ice-creams.Autumn is cool.The leaves are down.I can fly kites.Winter is cold.I make snowman.I like Winter.第九天

语文: 1.选出没有错别字的一组成语抄写在横线上.(1)千钧一发,应接不瑕,恍然大悟.2.用正确的符号修改下列病句,注意保持句子的原意.(1)不知哪来的吵闹声,基本上把孩子们全吸引住了.(2)我们班有三分之二的同学参加了数学邀请赛.(3)同学们是第一次上网,不管他们怎么琢磨,但是都没有解决问题.数学: 1.解下列方程.62.5-x=38.7 8x-22.8=1.2 解:x=62.5-38.7 解:8x=22.8+1.2 x=23.8 8x=24 x=3 16x-5x=14.3 350÷x=840÷12

解:11x=14.3 解:350÷x=70 x=1.3 x=350÷70 x=5 2.某社区服务点从冷饮批发部买回2箱绿豆棒冰(每箱25支,共28元)、3箱水果棒冰(每箱30支,共22.5元).零售价:绿豆棒冰每支1.5元,水果棒冰每支1元.如果全部卖完,可以赚多少钱?

25×1.5+30×1 67.5-(2.8+22.5)=37.5+30 =67.5-50.5 =67.5(元)=17(元)答:可以赚17元.3.如右图,已知三角形ABC是36平方分米,AD=DC,AE=EF=FB,图中阴影部分的面积是多少? 36÷2÷3


=6(dm2)答:图中阴影部分的面积是6dm2.英语: Rewrite the sentences.按要求改写下列句子(每格限填一词).1.Wendy has got alot of money.(对画线部分提问)How much moeny has Wendy got?

2.There are many old uniforms in the room.(改为单数形式)There is an old uniform in the room.3.Mrs Wang goes to the Aquarium on foot.(保持句意不变)Mrs Wang walks to the Aquarium.4.Mick,can you swim and dive in that river?(否定回答0 NO,I can't swim and dive in it.It's too dangerous.5.The butterfly lays eggs on a leaf.(对画线部分提问)Where is the butterfly lay eggs? 6.The ball.sia fifty yuan.(对画线部分提问)How much is the ball? 7.Alice wants some chicken.(一般疑问句)Does Alice want amy chicken? 8.Kitty is happy.(选择问句)Is Kitty happy or sad? 9.Are the children singing?(用所给词改句子)Can the children sing? 10.I fly to Beijing every year.(改写句子,意思不变)I go to Beijing by aeroplane.第十天

收获园:(略)数学: 1.填空....(1)1.2028028028028„„可以写成(1.2018)...(2)将0.3,0.303,0.303,0.333按从大到小的顺序排列,排在第三位的是(0.303).(3)保留三为小数,表示精确到(千分位).2.列方程,并求方程的解.(1)一个数加0.5的3倍等于21,求这个数.(2)一个数的6倍比它的3倍多1.8,求这个数.解:设这个数是x.解:设这个数是x.x+0.5×3=21 6x=3x+1.8 x+1.5=21 6x-3x=1.8 x=21-1.5 3x=1.8 x=19.5 x=0.6(3)一个数的36倍等于7.5与12的积,求这个数.解:设这个数是x.36x=7.5×12 36x=90 x=2.5 画一画:(略)

动脑筋: 甲乙两个工厂招聘技师.甲厂一年工资15000元,以后每年增加工资2000元;乙厂半年工资7000元,以后每半年增加工资600元;两个工厂工作环境和福利待遇不相上下.则哪个厂应聘工资收入比较高? 甲厂一年的工资:15000元

乙厂一年的工资:14600元 答:甲厂应聘工资收入比较高.英语: 1.English Writing.英语小练笔

This is my classmate.She is _____.She goes to school by bike.She's hobby is sing.She doesn't like swim but she like dance.She's my good friend.编者的话



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编者 新浪用户【张诚聪】





一、巧用反义词填补成语 前赴后继 是非分明 避重就轻 新陈代谢 一决雌雄 居安思危 小题大做 内外交困 三长两短 起死回生 翻天覆地 上行下效 大智若愚 别有天地 明争暗斗 出生入死


得意洋洋 忠心耿耿 想入非非 气势汹汹 小心翼翼 生机勃勃 杀气腾腾 死气沉沉

三、辨然填空 意料之外用愕然 理所当然用当然 毫不犹豫用断然 心里平静用坦然 一定发生用必然 非常明显用显然 预料之中用果然 P4

一、红叶似火的 香山 水平如镜的 西湖 波澜壮阔的 大海 峰峦雄伟的 泰山

二、热烈的掌声 屏住呼吸 悦耳的歌声 忍受痛苦 爽朗的笑声 布满伤痕 美妙的铃声 妨碍工作 P5

一、向人祝贺说 恭喜 好久不见说 久违 求人帮忙说 拜托 求人原谅说 包涵 赞人见解说 高见



1、形状 形状 产生新的物质

2、形状发生变化1、2、5、6、8、9、生成新物质的变化3、4、7、10 P14


狼狈为奸 胆小如鼠 鸡犬不宁 顺手牵羊 狐假虎威 惊弓之鸟 狗急跳墙 井底之蛙

二、搬动部件组新字 叶-古 吴-吞 垠-垦 唯-售 加-另 朵-机 呆-杏 叨-召






5、铅笔 P28 猜一猜

















―I believe you’re the right person to write an advice column(专栏)for the students called Dear Amy!‖ Jenny, editor of the school newspaper, said to Andy, who finally agreed to accept the job if Jenny promised not to tell it to anyone else.At first it wasn’t too bad.Most of the letters he received were interesting and quite easy to answer.Then came a letter from a person named Joe.―Dear Amy,‖ it began, ―I’m in real trouble.I’ve wanted to be a songwriter all my life, but my parents won’t even let me take music lessons.I have a guitar, but they both get angry if I play.I’ve tried explaining, but they won’t listen.I feel sad.Should I run away from home? Maybe that will make my parents agree.‖ The letter signed ―Joe‖.Andy thought about this letter for a long time.Should he advise someone to run away from home? Probably not.But didn’t Joe have a right to be a songwriter if he wanted to? Andy thought hard, but couldn’t think out a good answer.Andy couldn’t sleep.He just worried about poor Joe.At a bar a few days later, Eleanor, a girl in Andy’s math class, sat down next to him and asked, ― What’s wrong with you? You look a little worried.‖

―I guess I do,‖ said Andy.―If you got an problem, why don’t you try writing to Dear Amy about it?‖ asked Eleanor.Andy sighed;but she continued, ―in fact, I guess Dear Amy is rather busy with other problems.She still hasn’t answered the phony letter I wrote her last week.You’d better read it – it may even make the most hard-hearted person cry!It was supposed to be from a songwriter named Joe.‖

()1.Andy might be ______.A.an editor of the school newspaper B.a songwriter C.a math teacher D.a doctor in the school()2.It’s clear ―Dear Amy‖ ______.A.helps students who want to run away from home B.answers letters from the students

C.writes songs for the students D.meets readers at a bar()3.It seemed to be easy for Andy to do the job until _____.A.he changed his name B.received a letter signed ―Joe’ C.he met Eleanor at a bar D.his name was well-known()4.In the letter Joe says that ______.A.his parents don’t know about music B.his classmates don’t understand him C.he would stay away from his parents D.he would obey his parents()5.The underlined word ― phony ‖ perhaps means ______.A.unreal B.boyish C.popular D.favourite(B)

It was a quiet village in which there was a military camp(军营).It was far from the towns and cities and there were some high mountains around.Of course it was a good place for training the new soldiers.But it was difficult for the young men to go outside.Mr White, an officer of forty, was strict with them and he hardly let them leave the camp.Once Mr White was ill in bed.He couldn’t work and a young officer, Mr Hunt began to train the new soldiers instead of him.He knew the young men well and let nine soldiers go to the nearest town to have a holiday.But night fell and none came back to the camp.He was worried about it and stood at the gate.It was five to twelve when Mr Hunt decided to go to the town and see what was happening to the young men.He started the car quickly and set off.At that moment the nine soldiers came back.It seemed they drank wine.Of course they found the officer was angry.―I’m sorry, sir,‖ said the first soldier.―I left the town on time.But something was wrong with my bus on my way here.I had to buy a horse and made it run fast.Bad luck!It died and I had to run back.‖

And the other seven soldiers said they were late for the same reasons.It was the last soldier’s turn.He said, ―I’m sorry, sir.I got on a bus on time, but…‖

Having heard this, the officer became even angrier and stopped him at once.He called out, ―If you say something was wrong with your bus, I’ll punish you at once!‖

―No, no, sir,‖ said the young man.―My bus was all right, but the horse died!‖()6.The military camp was built in the village to.A.stop the soldiers from going to towns B.stop the soldiers from meeting their friends C.train the new soldiers D.make the young men live quietly()7.Mr Hunt let the nine soldiers have a holiday because.A.he was kind to them B.they felt lonely

C.they had something important to do D.they were the best of all()8.The young officer was worried because.A.a traffic accident had happened

B.he was afraid something happened to the nine soldiers

C.the nine soldiers would come back D.the nine soldiers drank too much in the town()9.The nine soldiers returned to the camp late because.A.something was wrong with their buses B.their horses died on the return way C.it took them much time to run back D.they all drank much in the town

()10.Which answer do you think is true? A.You’ll believe only the last soldier.B.The officer believed the nine soldiers.C.You’ll believe none of the nine soldiers.D.The officer won’t punish his soldiers.综合填空

Robots are smart.With their computer brains, they help people work in d__11___ places or do difficult jobs.Some robots do regular jobs.Bobby, the mail carrier, brings mail to a large o__12___ building in Washington D.C.He is one of 250 mail carries in the United States.Mr Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet t__13___, has some advantages as a teacher.One is that he does not f__14_ details.He knows each child’s name, the p__15___ names and what each child knows and needs to know.In addition, he knows each child’s pets and hobbies.Mr Leachim does not m__16___ mistakes.Each child goes and tells him or her name, then dials an identification number.His computer brain puts the child’s voice and number t__17___.He knows the child with n__18___ mistakes.Then he starts the lesson.Another advantage is that Mr Leachim is flexible.If the child needs m__19___ time to do their lessons they can move switches.In this way they can repeat Mr Leachim’s lesson over and over again.When the children do a good job, he tells them something i__20__ about their hobbies.At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr Leachim off.II、单项选择中考真题演练(续)(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)单项选择()21.I think many things were invented ________.A.by accident B.by an accident

C.by the accident()22.Simon_______ English for two years by the end of last year.A.have learned B.had learned C.learned

()23.What _______ your uncle that evening? A.happened to B.has happened to C.was happened()24.Did you notice a man _______ into the meeting room when you passed by?

A.walk B.walks C.walking()25.—What are these glasses_______ ?

—Drinking water.A.used by B.used to C.used for()26.Mr.Zhang didn’t_______ at the meeting and nobody knew the reason.A.take up B.come up C.show up()27.The tea my mother made produced a _______ taste.Every one liked it.A.pleased B.pleasure C.pleasant()28.My friend Peter _______ Amy last month.A.married B.was married with C.married to()29._______ my friend could solve the problem more easily.A.On the way B.In this way C.By the way()30.The band were all ________in green and red jackets.A.put on B.dressed C.had on()31.Please hand in your homework ________ or the teacher will be angry.A.in time B.on time C.after time()32.Could you please _______ us Tom’s telephone number?

A.tell B.to tell C.telling()33.He was late for the class because his alarm clock didn’t _________.A.go off B.run off C.take off()34.—I’m really sorry, I couldn’t do it better.—Never mind.________ you have tried your best.A.In all B.After all C.Above all()35.—Could you tell me________?

—About two months.A.when are you leaving for Shanghai B.how often you go to the school library C.how long you have been at this school

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