【摘要】 《窦娥冤》是关汉卿的代表作之一,同时也是一出杰出的古典悲剧,是中国历史上悲剧的典型代表作品。窦娥最大的悲剧,源于封建社会的各种弊端,源于元朝官僚制度的腐败。对《窦娥冤》文本进行具体的分析,从悲剧性质的界定、悲剧的题材、激烈的悲剧冲突、悲剧的结局、悲剧的效果、典型化的悲剧形象这六个方面来探讨《窦娥冤》的悲剧性。
【关键字】 悲剧性质 题材 冲突 结局 效果 形象
关汉卿是我们中华民族的骄傲,他对中国戏剧的发展做出了卓越贡献,奠定了中国。戏剧发展的基础。王国维《宋元戏曲考 元剧之文章》中说“关汉卿一空依傍,自铸伟词,而其言曲尽人情,字字本色,故当为元人第一”。指出了他对中国戏剧的开创奠基之功。
一 悲剧性的表现
她始终将身世的不幸归结于命运,“是不是前世里烧香不到头”,“是不是八字儿该载 着一世忧”。她尽管有抱怨,但依然恪守贞洁孝道,严守封建礼教。但在地痞流氓的欺压诬陷,贪官污吏惨绝人寰的迫害下,一个原本屈服命运的弱女子也勇敢地发出了反抗的吼声。
【正宫 端正好】没来由犯王法,不提防遭刑宪,叫声屈动地惊天。顷刻间游魂先赴森罗殿,怎不将天地也生埋怨。
《窦娥冤》的第一戏剧冲突是窦娥与张驴儿的冲突。张驴儿是一个寡廉鲜耻、阴险狠毒的泼皮无赖。他无意中救了蔡婆性命,按照他的逻辑,蔡婆的命便属于他了,婆媳二人就应当“肉身陪侍”。为了达到霸占窦娥的目的,他不惜投毒杀人。药死谁对他来说都无所谓,用父亲一条命换取窦娥叫他三声丈夫,他就满足了。否则便翻脸不认人,张驴儿是社会的蠹虫,他无权无势,成不了大气候。他之所以能够得逞,有着适宜他生存、纵容他胡作非为的社会条件,这便是官府黑暗,吏治腐败。由此引出了本剧的主要矛盾——与官府的矛盾冲突。本来是应当镇压张驴儿一类恶人的官府,反而成了他们作恶的保护伞。钱成了判断是非曲直的标准。在同社会邪恶势力的斗争中,窦娥是普通民众要求和愿望的体现着,她是为了实现这些要求和愿望而死的。她的死,不是由于自身的过失,也不是突然的偶发事件,更不是乞求生存而不可得,被迫无奈死的;而是以自己的死换取他人的生,意识到了死的危险,又毅然以死相愽,以生命殉、真理殉、正义殉体现了历史必然要求的愿望。她的死是由于“主人翁之意志”,死得壮烈,有价值,是具有震撼人心力量的悲剧。在整个过程中,窦娥一步步退让,直到刑场上,她没有办法证明自己的无辜,只能靠上天为她作证“若没有儿灵圣谕世人传,也不见得湛湛青天”,临终前立下三桩誓——第一桩 要丈二白练挂在旗枪上,若系冤枉,刀过头落,一腔热血休滴在地下,都飞在白练上;第二桩,现今三伏天道,下三尺瑞雪,掩盖你孩儿尸首;第三桩,着他楚州大旱三年。她的三桩誓愿只有在上天的公正光芒中才能实现。
在《窦娥冤》中,代表新生力量的窦娥是孤零零的一方,她善良,孝顺,是真善美的和谐统一体;而代表邪恶势力的则是一个大群体,他们是居心不良的赛卢医,恶徒流氓张驴儿,昏庸无能的桃杌之流。邪恶势力对于窦娥这一悲剧主角施加苦难和毁灭,由此,悲剧观众被邪恶势力的所作所为震撼,潜藏于悲剧观众内心的真善美的情感得到激发,在悲 剧观众的头脑中就形成了对邪恶势力的比较清晰的认识和评判,从而使邪恶势力得到了否定。悲剧观众在欣赏悲剧的时候能够获得认识和情感的再生,窦娥这一悲剧人物的人生价值得到了增值。
二 悲剧形成的原因
窦娥是世界文学画廊中一个著名的悲剧典型。造成窦娥悲剧还有内存因素,即窦娥自身的性格原因,窦娥的性格具有二重性,她的性格体系中有两大既对立又统一的脉络:自觉高尚和伦理精神和刚烈不屈的斗争精神,这两脉络又由很多具体的、活生生的性格元素组成,这些性格元素又分别组成一组一组既对立又统一的联系,如接受封建礼教 影响和挣脱封建礼教的束缚。甘受命运的摆布和对命运的抗争;靠天与骂天。造成窦娥悲剧很大程度上就是由于她的性格的二重性。
[2]王国维《宋元戏曲考 元剧之文章》《王国维戏曲论文集》,中国戏剧出版社1984年版。[3]鲁迅《鲁迅全集》卷一,人民文学出版社1959年版。[4]王季思《中国十大古典悲剧》人民文学出版社1985年版。[5]郑传寅《传统文化与古典戏曲》湖南人民出版社2004年版。[6]胡开祥《悲剧心理学》三环出版社1989年版。
惊心动魄的人间惨剧 极度恶化的生存空间 维护自身的人格尊严 满腔怒火喷薄而出人间正义的最
按1、2、3、4说 客观原因:社会背景
第五篇:浅析哈代《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧性及其原因 英文
On the Tragedy of Tess and Its Causes 浅析哈代《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧性及其原因
This paper states the writing background and main contents of the novel Tess of the D’urerviles, introduces the author----Thomas Hardy, the most outstanding realistic writer of the 19th century, describes the struggling spirits of the beautiful and innocent girl Tess when she was facing sufferings;and at the same time, reveals Tess’s failure in marriage, and the miserable destiny of being hanged.This paper also analyses the family background and social phenomena, and her personality, summaries all kinds of reasons leading to Tess’s miserable fate, and deeply exposes the darkness of the capitalist society and the more miserable destiny of the women.Key words: Tess, Tess’s tragedy, Social causes, Character, Inevitability
摘 要
关键词: 苔丝, 悲剧, 人物性格, 必然性错误!未找到引用源。
Table of Contents ChapterⅠ.Introduction..............................................................................................1 ChapterⅡ.The background of the novel: Tess of the D’Urbervilles......................2 2.1.About the author: Thomas Hardy........................................................................2 2.2.The main content of the novel.............................................................................3 ChapterⅢ.Inevitable causes of Tess’s tragedy.........................................................5 3.1.Objective factors..................................................................................................5 3.1.1.Social phenomenon and Social background.................................................5 3.1.2.“Impetus” from her family...........................................................................6 3.1.3.Hypocrisy of bourgeois morality and religion..............................................8 3.1.4.Unequal legal system....................................................................................9 3.2.Subjective factors..............................................................................................10 3.2.1.Tess’s figure and character..........................................................................10, diligence, self-esteem.............................................................10, kindness, bravery............................................................11 3.2.2.Weakness of Tess’s personality and fate.....................................................11, ignorance.....................................................................11 mind and weak personality..............................................12 fate theory.......................................................................12 Chapter Ⅳ.The influence of Tess.............................................................................14 ChapterⅤ.Conclusion..............................................................................................16 Bibliography...............................................................................................................17 Acknowledgements....................................................................................................18 毕业设计小结.............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
Tess of D’Ubevilles, published in 1891, is one of Hardy’s last and most important novels, undoubtedly, one of his most significant masterpieces.The story tells us the tragic life of an intelligent and sensitive country girl, she turns from a simple and native girl to a woman who commits a supposedly criminal or immoral action, and she endures a great deal of tragedy during her brief life.Hardy demonstrates his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s lower class during his era, particularly for rural woman.Tess, the heroine of this novel, was full of ups and downs in her whole life, and her tragic fate has always been a hot topic in the literary research.However, when considered it deeply, Tess’s pathetic life is not merely a story or an accidental event.What are the reasons for this unfortunate, poor peasant girl to have such sufferings? what lead to her tragedy? What killed her? So the aim of this paper is to look back the novel together, step by step, and make a detailed analysis on the novel to demonstrate the various causes of the heroine’s tragedy from the following prospective of social background, a main and objective factor.Family background, a promoting factor, and unequal legal and religion system as well as Tess’s imperfect personalities are being discussed to show the era of Hardy and Tess and Tess’s unavoidable tragedy.ChapterⅡ.The background of the novel: Tess of the
2.1.About the author: Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 in a small town near the Dorchester where later became the famous “Wessex” in many of his novels.When he was young, he showed a strong interest in religion and music.At the age of 16, he left school and was apprenticed to a local architecture.He left the rural South West at the age of 22 and traveled to London where he worked as an architect for Arthur Bloomfield.During his years in London, he continued his studies in his leisure time.He read works of Charles Darwin, Herbert Spenser, and John Stuart Mill.Their philosophy had a quite strong influence on him.At the same time, he began to write poetry.But the poetries were all refused by the magazines, thus he embarked to write fiction.The first novel of Hardy was Desperate Remedies.Later he became one of the most important realism writers in the 19th century in England.The age Hardy wrote was called Victoria Period.There were many famous works of Hardy’s whole life, including Under the Greetwood, A Pair of Blue Eyes, Far fromthe Madding Growd, The Return of the Native, Major of the Casterbridge, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Jude the obscure.By the vivid description of the health, the fields, the seasons, the weather, Wessxs attained a physical presence in the novels and acted as a mirror of the psychological conditions of the characters.Hardy's poetry, first published in his 50s, has come to be as well-regarded as his novels and has had a gigantic influence over modern English poetry, especially after the movement poets of the 1950s and 1960s cited Hardy as a major figure.Thomas Hardy devoted most of his life to literary career and created a large amount of significant literary works which bring the society spiritual values and profound influence.2.2.The main content of the novel
Tess of the D’Urbervilles was published at the beginning of the last decade of the 19th century which was a time of considerable intellectual and social ferment.According to the novel, Tess is a beautiful, innocent, strong and diligent girl, but she is born in a poor and peasant family.One day, Tess’s father of the Durbeyfield household is wandering home when he is told that he is of the ancient line of the D’Urbervilles, a once powerful family.Knowing this, he returns home happily and relays the news to his family.Although being from a once great family, his current family is in need and decides to seek help from relatives by the name of D’Urberville.So, Tess is arranged and persuaded by her mother to claim kindred with this more prosperous branch of the D’Urbervillies family.Tess reluctantly agrees and begins working for them.However, she finds out that they are not truly of the D’Urberville line but simply changed their names to D’Urberville.Also, she finds out that the son of the house, Alec, is not of good character.There she is seduced and raped by Alec and gets pregnant;Then, Tess has to return home in disgrace.After she goes home, she gives birth to a baby, while unfortunately;the baby dies in a couple of days.Tess is hurt deeply again, she decides to look for a new life elsewhere where no one knows of her and the incident.Afterwards, she ends up at a farmland working as a milk maid.There, she meets three girls and a man, Angel Clare, the intellectual and free-thinking son of a clergyman.And soon, they two fall in love with each other and want to get married.There, Tess does live a most joyful life in her whole life.All the hurts in her heart are diluted and forgotten immediately.She starts to begin her new life full of love, passion, and hope.But, the virtual and kind Tess would not like to continue her life with the shadow by Alec and the guilty in her heart.Thus she decides to tell Clare all the truth about her history.She writes a letter to Clare, however, Clare doesn’t see it.With a restless heart, she comes to the church to marry Clare.On their wedding night, Tess and Angle tell each other about their past, Tess forgives him about Angle’s embarrassed past because she loves and cherishes him so much.But after hearing
Tess’s confession, Clare cannot accept the truth.He becomes so angry that he leaves her abruptly for Brazil.Poverty forces Tess to work at a farm Flincomb Ash.At the same time, Alec appears again, and tempts Tess by many methods, although Tess doesn’t change her mind.But her dad’s death makes the family lose their home.Then Tess is in contradiction and confusion in the periods.She writes several letters to Clare to ask for help, but gets nothing reply, meanwhile, Alec keeps in persuading her and cheating her, hopeless and helpless Tess, only can choose to be with Alec again, though her heart still goes with her lover Clare, who, on the other hand, is ill in Brazil.He knows none of the troubles of Tess.Eventually, noticed by a friend in Brazil, Clare realizes his fault and decides to come back to forgive Tess and begins their new life in Brazil together.When he finally finds his dear wife and tells he is still loves her so much.Tess is so excited and broken-hearted but only to tell him it’s too late.Angle gets to know everything and leaves the boarding house lonely.At the time of his getting into the train, somebody runs to him, it’s his wife, Tess.They get in to the train together;Tess tells Clare that she killed Alec, Clare makes up his mind to share anything with his wife.After several days of escaping for no destination, they are found by the police.Tess is arrested for murder and sentenced to death.Finally, Angel Clare marries Tess’ younger sister as Tess’ last wish.Soon after Tess of the D’Urbervilles was published some critics had already recognized that Mr.Hardy’s latest novel is his greatest.ChapterⅢ.Inevitable causes of Tess’s tragedy
3.1.Objective factors
Compared with the other heroines in the Hardy novel, Tess is more beautiful, passionate and dynamic.But so kind-hearted a girl has suffered a lot in his short life unfortunately and eventually forced to destruction.Thomas Hardy emphasizes the unavoidability of death.Actually, even though Hardy try to explain the misfortune of his characters from the viewpoint of the unseen but potential fate, his characterization and truthful representation of the lives of his characters reveal that their unfortunate fate is evidently determined by the objective factors.Tess’s life is closely connected with the world and background she lives in.Tess’s miserable life, Hardy shows in many different ways how her life was determined only partly by her own efforts, and how much it depends upon the pressure of things over which she had no control.To a large extent, the bourgeois society should assume much more responsibility for Tess’s pathetic death.Following, the paper is going to analyze the external factors from 4 angles which are classified to the Objective Causes that lead to Tess’s tragedy.3.1.1.Social phenomenon and Social background
As a heroine in the novel, Tess’s tragedy,to some degree, is arranged and determined by the Author’s tragic consciousness.Tess lived in the time of Victorian, when the rural areas were invaded by the British capitalist industrial civilization.At that time, as something new, capitalistic economy developed rapidly, meanwhile, the Enclosure Movement prevailed, which also reflected and coincided with Hardy's awareness of social tragedy.Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of Hardy’s Wessex novels, which gives the background of his home town Wessex.In the mid 19th century, the English capitalist industrial civilization penetrated the countryside;Hardy’s home also suffered the impact strongly.The rapid disintegration of patriarchal society and unemployment of
individual farmers lead to the poverty and plight.Confronting with the consequences brought by industrial civilization, Thomas Hardy, as a humanist, his heart was hit strongly.He was attached to the ancient patriarchal civilization deeply in emotion and hated the industrial civilization which was a radical destruction to people’s harmonious life.So the awareness of social tragedy in Hardy’s novel existed for the social background at that time.It starts from the clash between individual civilization and patriarchal civilization, and from the panorama to the local, from the surface to the point, it gives an objective description and comprehensively expresses people’s living troubles.In the book, Hardy creates a panoramic picture of the impact from industrial civilization on the rural, deeply shows the throes in their physical plight.The social tragedy, however, mostly is caused by the conflicts between human and the environment they live in.Tess lives in the Victorian age which British capitalism assaults the countryside even poisons the social atmosphere.Under this circumstance, people’s social status is classified by their economic status.People who rank top class always are those rich in material.Just like the slave owners in slave society, the landlord in feudal society and the capitalist in capital society.Hardy witnessed the emerging of the local bourgeoisie and ruination that farmers suffered;sensitive he intuitively realized that this is the kind of conflict between human and social environment, which is totally objective as well as irreversible.Tess is smart, beautiful and diligent, but she was born in a family as poor as washed, as a labor and a farm worker with no right and money, which compels her to fall into Alec’s trap gradually.This kind of economic status only can belong to the bottom society of that time and dooms to suffer from sorts of social oppression and abuse.From this angle, Tess’s tragedy comes from society;also as a micro social side consciousness exists in the Hardy’s exploration of life and fate.3.1.2.“Impetus” from her family
Family, as a small unit, has a substantial influence to each family member.People’s character and attitude link with their living background, and a great extent
inherited from their parents.Tess’s family belongs to a particular rural community—the small traders, and lives together with traditional agricultural laborers, but Tess’s family’s status is slightly higher than the traditional one’s.They are more knowledgeable, and not only the backbone force of the ancient village life, but also a storeroom for rural customs and tradition.They are better educated, have received many advanced ideas and live a purposeful life with a quite stable career.Relatively speaking, they are supposed to be more independent.However, they are not engaged in agricultural work even though they live in rural areas.So, there’s no wonder that they don’t be liked by others.Tess’s family is big with lots of children;generally speaking, the parents should be diligent and work very hard to take up the important task of raising children and sustaining a family.But the fact is totally on the contrary, what is the attitude of this poor couple? They refuse through efforts and to use their own hands to improve their social status a little bit, but merely rely on the tiny and trivial achievements.When noticed that their family possibly be one branch of a noble descent, meantime, there is a wealthy relative lived not afar, the immediate idea came out of their mind is to persuade Tess to claim kindred and daydreaming she could be able to marry a gentleman in order to gain many benefits without any efforts.They immediately undertake the idea into reality.Upon such a heavy burden, Tess, with a special responsibility, an innocent country girl has been sent to the road of destruction without any other choices.Thus, confront of Alec’s material temptation and an opportunity to get a perfect job, together with the special task from her family as well as nature greed, even if she has already aware of Alec is a dangerous role on their way to Alec’s home, she still cannot get rid of him.Eventually, Tess has been raped by Alec, lost her chastity and falls into Alec’s trap step by step.Nevertheless, when Tess’s parents find that Tess cannot satisfies with what they want, they keep blaming Tess instead of comforting and helping the injured daughter.Later, when Tess is abandoned by Angel and hurts deeply again, both of her father and mother seem indifferent to explore the truth, what’s more, out of vanity and
narrow mind, they boast to the villagers about their daughter has obtained a satisfactory marriage.This is undoubtedly a heavy pressure on Tess, to protect her poor self-esteem, Tess have to spare half of her little money to satisfy the greedy parents, and pretend to be very happy and rich.However, Tess’s method only promotes her parents’ laziness, vanity and greed.They think they have a noble birth and now the daughter marries a rich man, so it is almost unnecessary to work any more.But Tess, she couldn’t be much poorer and become penniless soon.Meanwhile unfortunately, her father’s sudden death, withdrawal of rental lease and family house, which almost destroys this family, make Tess feel hopeless and into desperation.In order to maintain family, helpless Tess has to abandon her dignity, but commit herself to Alec once again.As mentioned above, it is the poor family impact that forces Tess head to the destruction.Under the circumstance of that time, because of the limitation and narrow mind of peasantry, Tess’s tragedy is unavoidable.3.1.3.Hypocrisy of bourgeois morality and religion
Hypocrisy of feudal ethical morality is another important factor that leads to Tess’s tragedy.In Victorian era, women are still men’s appendages.Their natural attributes are the objectives of slavery.Treated as an incomplete beings, women are under the oppression of that society, where dominated by men’s core power.It’s impossible for a man and a woman that could be equal in marriage and love.Triangle love relations, divorce and outside marriage relationship and so forth, are also considered as unethical behavior.Tess, exactly, is the victim of this unfair ethics and morals.Her whole life is under the force and violence, nevertheless, the society and the law regards those insults and persecution as justified.Tess couldn’t self-defense.In this traditional patriarchal society, women will be considered as not pure if they lost virtue and will suffer from endless abuse despite they are willing or not.Men can do everything they want, women, however, because of restriction from traditional morality, they had no right, no freedom.Alec is a representative who put his particular male right into practice perfectly, constantly torture, makes Tess under a huge
pressure both physical and emotional.As to Angel Clare, the love between him and Tess is pregnant with tragedy from the beginning.Apparently, he loves Tess, but he couldn’t as selfless and frank as Tess.To some degree, most of his love is a sense of satisfaction came from completely possess.In his eyes, Tess is “the daughter of nature”, the symbol of purity and the perfect masterpiece, no one can compare with her.Even so, when his sweet lover Tess confesses her embarrassed and terrible past to him, her perfect image collapsed momentarily.Clare can’t accept the fact;he abandons Tess and goes away resolutely.What Clare has done is a deadly hit to Tess again.Thus, externally, Clare is open and broad minded, but actually, the traditional moral concept firmly rooted in his heart.His prejudice of chastity and indifferent attitude to Tess reflect the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality, which traps Tess into an abyss of tragedy.Religion, serviced as a spiritual tool used by governing class also has to be responsible for Tess’s tragedy.There is an extreme irony plot said that, Alec, who directly lead to Tess’s tragic fate, he is rude, misbehaving and “sensual”.He depends on the business and soon become a rich bourgeois.He sets a trap to lure Tess, but use the allusion from bible to shirk the responsibility to Tess.Later, he even becomes a cleric to deliver Christian sermon.Obviously, in capitalist society, religion is only a tool for ruling class to cheat and fool the people.Through the Author’s depiction about Alec, Hardy spares no efforts to expose the darkness and hypocrisy of British society and religion.Live in this environment, no matter how hard Tess’s struggling and resisting, she can not survive and escape from the tragedy.3.1.4.Unequal legal system
Tess’s tragedy is the product of contradiction between human beings and that society.Also, unjust legal system is one of the important reasons leading to Tess’s tragic fate.During the Victorian era of late 19th century and early 20th century when Capitalism invade the rural region, the society in which Tess’s living, similar as religion, the bourgeoisie and the legacy of feudal nobility are the ruling class.All of
the national systems are worked for the government class.Of course, the legal system has no exception.Farmers are at the bottom of the society who never hold equal right as the capitalist class.Alec, however, is the typical representative of capitalist power and violence.He dares to do what he want, on one hand, is because he has lots of money and ranks as a top class of that society, on the other hand, is also because his evil behavior is always protected by the capitalist law and rules.As a young upstart, in the eyes of Victorian people, Alec is noble, nevertheless, Tess is considered as a bad girl who lures Alec in order to get his money.Tess has to endure all the injustice alone and silently all the way.And, she is hanged for paying, when she encouraged defending herself for the first time.Just as what Hardy says at the end of this novel: “Justice was done, and the President of the immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had ended his sport with Tess”.(Tess, 467)Thus, obviously, hypocritical law should assume responsibility for Tess’s tragedy.3.2.Subjective factors
The basic principle of dialectic said that, the cause of all things, the inner reason is always the dominant factor.In this book, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, undoubtedly, the author has deep mercy on Tess, whom, to a large extent, is a innocent victim of social environment.Well, however, when throughout the whole text, it is not hard to find that, in addition to condemning the social background, Hardy holds a criticism attitude toward the heroine’s tragedy between the lines.He believes Tess’s weak character is a deadly factor that should be responsible for her inevitable tragic fate.Here, this paper is going to analyze the heroine’s figure and character weakness to clarify the internal cause that lead to Tess’s tragedy.3.2.1.Tess’s figure and character, diligence, self-esteem Tess is a significant figure in Hardy’s masterpiece, under Hardy’s writing, Tess is a pure country woman although she has been seduced and lost virginity.From the beginning, the author gives a special depiction to Tess, and prominent her pure, beauty, outstanding.She dares to sacrifice herself, set at defiance for good wishes.She is kind,love and believe others, gentle as well as strong enough.She is loyal and honesty as all the other people in Wesex.That is why she has courage to confess to her husband about her embarrassing past.As the oldest daughter in her family, Tess keeps a diligent habit all the time.When she first goes to claim kindred with another branch of D’Urbervilles, she doesn’t mean to please the host by her beauty, but would like to work for pay.After she is cheated and seduced by Alec, she doesn’t marry him or live with him, but leaves the manor without hesitation.From the above, we can feel that Tess is self-respect that when even she gives birth to her baby, she never asks for Alec’s help either asks for help from Angle’s parents when she is abandoned by Clare., kindness, bravery On the other hand, Tess is obedient, she always obey what her parents say.What’s more, Tess’s sense of responsibility plays a central role in tragedy.When the horse Prince dead, she becomes self-blaming and think that is her fault, what exists in her mind all the time is that as the oldest child, she has the responsibility to her family.In order to save her mother, brothers and sisters out of the difficult life and heavy burden after her father’s death, Tess compromised and turns to Alec for help again and again and neglects her own feelings.Tess’ kindness provides Alec with a perfect opportunity to cheat her.Even suffers a lot, Tess always keep an optimistic mind and a hot heart full of hope to future.She is brave enough and finally not flinch when encounter with love.She loves Clare so much, that when Clare’s back from Brazil, she breaks out courage and determines to get rid of Alec forever.Thus, she is forced to choose a wrong way to kill Alec and eventually fails to escape from the legal sanctions.3.2.2.Weakness of Tess’s personality and fate, ignorance The biggest feature of Tess’s character is pure and innocent, however, in the society at that time, her selflessness and self-sacrifice offers an opportunity to the evil force to ruin her.Her own pursuit of purity and candor makes her miss the chance with happiness.After the death of horse Prince, to look after her family, she comes to a chicken farm which gives Alec chances to lure her.In case of been ridiculed, she
even jumps onto Alec’s horse, we can easily find, her pure mind and lack of the sense of self-protection traps her into dangerous.When it is already dark and only Alec and herself in the forest, she shouldn’t have realized that Alec is attempting to infringe on her.During the wedding night, her pure nature makes her to confess her past to Clare regardless of her mother’s objection.She innocently thinks, Clare is kindhearted, selfless and generous as her.But the fact is she is abandoned by her husband.Finally, she picks up weapon to resist and kills Alec and also destroy herself. mind and weak personality
Arthur Schopenhauer, a very famous philosopher said, personality plays an important role in our lives and works every moment.It can affect our mind to make different choices when face to different problems and determine our fate to a large extent.So Tess is a good example.Even though, lots of external causes lead to her tragic fate, but her weakness in character is the radical and decisive inner reason contributed to her tragedy.Tess is born in a farmer family, when resisting the old tradition and morality;she presents her weakness because of the remnants of traditional morality and fatalistic view.She is obedient, and never disobey her parents words regardless what they said is correct or not.According to her father and mother’s order, she goes to claim kindred with Alec, when she knows that Alec is not a good person, she cannot rebel and protect herself.While, after losing her virginity, she feels guilty, unconfident, complex, flinched and concessive.It is this mentality that makes her refuse Clare’s proposal repeatedly.Her heart is struggling in a great contradiction.When confesses her past to Clare, her husband’s unforgiveness and abandon deepen her inferiority.To get his heart back and live with Clare forever, she explains and begs his forgiveness continuously, willing to be his slave and even sacrifice for him.Tess used to be a brave and strong country girl, but after raped by Alec, the painful memory tortures her so much.Clare’s love is a heavy burden to her and increases her fear, anxiety, shame and regret.It seems that she is born with guilty and pain.All of these characters illustrate the weakness of Tess. fate theory
Thomas Hardy, however, to some degree is a pessimistic person, He believes in fatalism.There is a definition of fatalism in Cliff's Notes, it says fatalism being view of life which says that all action is controlled by the nature of things or by fate which is a great, impersonal, primitive force existing through all eternity, absolutely independent of human wills and superior to any god created by man.As the author, heroine's tragic fate is arranged by Hardy, so Tess's character, to some extent is influenced and similar with Hardy.There is also a weakness of fatalism in Tess's character.Many coincidences are linked with her fate.Through the novel, we can get many clues that present her mind of fatalism.When first time Tess go to claim kindred with Alec, she is injured by rose, which she thinks is an unlucky sign and shadowed her life.Tess believes a folk idiom said “The wedding dress will never fit a bride who lost her chastity”, when she is trying her new wedding dress.She worries about that and become heavy in mind.Besides, she feels anxious and fear if it is not a good sign when seeing the picture of ancestor in her wedding room.This kind of fatalism always exists in Tess mind and tortures her all the time, impairs her courage.All these tiny plots display Tess's mentality of fatalism, from this aspect, Tess's tragedy seems a more reasonable and inevitable result.Chapter Ⅳ.The influence of Tess
Tess of D’Urbervilles, when published first time, becomes a bestseller and hot topic and attracts attention of literary research.Tess, a pure kind country girl, her whole fate is full of ups and downs.However, it seems that her tragic fate is more determined by the social background than her own reasons.Hardy’s depiction gives us a intuitive idea about the author and Tess’s society, reflects a backward feudal society.Bourgeois society is not a mature society, for it is not harmony and equal in human rights.Tess is innocent, her pure mind, simplicity and diligence could not prevent her from being ruined in the circumstance of bourgeois society, only because she is a poor and weak female who is never respected by others and eventually becomes a victim of hypocritical morality of the capitalist society.Literature is a mirror of real life which can reflect many aspects of people’s lives and also can be meaningful and inspiring to our contemporary life.Generally speaking, the only way for a society to survive and be sustainable is that equal in human rights and harmony in people’s relations.Tess of D’Urbervilles, through this novel, we can easily see the impact of ideology on society, nation, families and individuals is crucial.As a ruling class, to some degree, their mentality determines the whole society, they have to aware of that, equality of status of human rights, and establishment of a sound legal and religious system is directly related to a long term
survival of an era.The promotion and penetration of culture ideas affect the people’s way of thinking and behaving.Besides, as the folk, we have to be better educated and open-minded, improve our quality and keep a positive mind.As far as I am concerned, under this circumstance, Tess’s tragedy is not her own tragedy, but a whole feudal society.The bourgeois society is full of injustices and destruction.Thus, connecting with the above many aspects, the society Tess lived in, fool ruling class, narrow minded people, hypocritical in morality and religion and unjust in legal system as well as unequal status between men and women, dooms to be an end society.Besides, I want to highlight that, Tess’s rough and rugged life is not only the fate tragedy, but the tragedy of our female.So, for the female, we should keep our pure, self-esteem nature, and, at the same time, we only to break the bound of tradition morality find our right position, self-worth and equal social status, we can get our happiness and realize our life value.ChapterⅤ.Conclusion
Comprehensive speaking, Tess's tragedy is linked with social elements, while her character has an inescapable responsibility to her tragic fate as well.Further more, all these causes are directly related to the bourgeois society and Tess's tragedy is a vivid reflection of it.Under that environment, the purer and poorer a woman is, the easier she will get hurt.Thomas Hardy is a giant;his depiction of this novel gives us a much clearer knowledge of the society he lives in.After a thorough appreciation to this touching novel, we can't help having mercy on Tess, and her figure is unforgettable.But, when we think about this story rationally, the society of Victorian era together with Tess's kind and weak character lead to Tess's unavoidable destruction.Just as Soviet literary critic Alnwick Manchester says the real reasons for Tess's destruction are the reality, the heroine's nature, the dispossession, and the social prevailing conventions.All these determine the poor lady's miserable fate.From the above narrative, we can easily see Tess’s tragedy is inevitable;besides, we can have a general knowledge about Thomas Hardy’s society of 19th century and deeply educated that we’d better to take the essence and discard the dregs of different eras and histories.Thomas Hardy is a great author, his affection and contribution to the literature
is immense and eternal.Bibliography
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Firstly I would like to show my gratitude to my supervisor Sun zhonglun for his guidance during my studies.Although he was very busy then, he was willing to spare time to give me generous guidance and support, especially to provide me with a good environment, which benefits me a lot.With his serious and responsible attitude, rigorous scientific research methods, keen academic insight, diligent style of work, innovative and pioneering spirit, Mr.Sun has set a good example for me.Here I extend my deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Mr.Sun
I’m also grateful to my parents for their hard working.Then I thank those who help me in course of the writing and whose names I can’t list here one by one.