Survey of the Relationship Between
Love and Study on Campus
Deng Yibing Yan Jin Yang Ziwei
Recent years, campus love is becoming a popular and common phenomenon.Students fall in love not so frequently,but once they lost into love,the study weather can be affected.However, little is known about the experience and views of oversea students studying and dating.This purpose of this study is to give some of these oversea students have a chance to voice their opinions and to identify what they see as the relationship between study and campus love.Method and Procedure The project of this paper uses the form of the questionnaire.In this questionnaire, we design 12 questions involves an aspect about the relationship between love and study.From these questions, we can know about students’ attitudes towards the campus love.A total of 30 individuals participate in the survey.They are all from oversea students in Glasgow University.Although the number of people involving this survey is small, they are covering different gender, different ages, it still can stand for some point of view.If time permits we can design more questions in this questionnaire and find more students to join in this investigation.After stating these questionnaires, we use excel to make charts in order to make our investigation more clearly and vividly.Through the statistics, we can get our results.Then we analysis the results and have our discussions.Finally, we will get our conclusion.Results
In this part,nine charts will be shown below.Each chart represents the result to the corresponding question.Then I will give some explanations to these charts.Among the investigation,there are 15 male and 15 female.All of them are students in University of Glasgow.Are you in love?
Chart 1
From chart 1,the two pies in above shows the same percentage of people who is in love between male and female students.30% of students are in love now.chart 2
As we can see in chart 2,the main reason of male why would you like to study with your girlfriend/boyfriend is accompanying(50%).Only 10% of male thought studying with girlfriend would promote study.According to the female,the three percentages are similar.Around 44.4% of female choose that studying with boyfriend will enhance emotion.The percentage of female who thought studying with boyfriend will promote study is also the least one(22.2%)in three main reasons.chart 3
Chart 3 shows the reasons why would you not like to study with your girlfriend/boyfriend.Both male and female thought studying with girlfriend/boyfriend would decline the learning efficiency and the percentage respectively were 80% and 40%.In surprise,none male choose causing a distraction.chart 4
As we can see in chart 4,most students thought falling in love will a little affect their study.Particular,66.7% of female choose this option and 53.3% of male choose that.There are the same percentage of sudents who thought falling inlove would totally affect sudy(13.3%).chart 5 Chart 5 indicated that none of sudents’ reason why would mind falling in love with a boy/girl who had poor academic performance is feeling shame.There are big different reasons in this problem between male and female.Specifically,75% of male thought falling in love with a poor academic performance girl would cause bad infulence on
their study.On the contrary,66.7% of female thought the reason was some block for communicaation.chart 6
As we can see from chart 6,boys and girls shown the same percentage.77.8% of girls thought loving is nothing to do with academic performance.18.2% of boys choose that falling in love with a girl who had poor academic performance will helping each other.chart 7
Chart 7 shows that both male and female thought character and morals is the most important factor when they chose girlfriend/boyfriend(43%).None of female
considered appearance and education background,and none of male considered the physical condition of lover.chart 8
As we can see from chart 8,most sudents thought that breaking up with somenone will a little bit influence their academic performance,which includes 53.3% of girls and 40% of boys.chart 9 Chart 9 shows 80% of female and 53.3% of male thought learning and dating are related in a certain degree.Discussion
According to the result,the majority of students(both male and female)appear to think that falling in love on campus will affect study to some degree, which can be explained by several possible reasons.In the first place, studying with the boyfriendgirlfriend may cause a distraction and thus decrease the learning efficiency.A second possibility is that most students who are in love cannot reasonably and effectively balance the time between date and study.Moreover, as for some vulnerable students,if they break up with someone, it may increase the likelihood to produce a poor academic performance.In this survey , the number of subjects who have the campus love experiences is limited.If more students who have love experiences can be investigated, the data will be more accurate and objective.Conclusion
To conclude, this project aimed to explore the relationship between love and study on campus and compare the male and female students’ attitudes towards campus love.Both male and female students(73% totally)think that falling in love will affect study ,but if students who are in love can effectively distribute their time and energy, love and study are not mutually exclusive.In future studies,the topic of how to manage the time between love and study may provide the supplementary information for our survey.Appendix A:Questionnaire
Survey of the Relationship
between Love and Study on Campus Dear friends, This questionnaire is only used to collect data for our studies.Thank you for your cooperation.□ Female
□ Male 1.Are you in love?
□ Yes
□ No 2.Will you study with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
□ Yes, I will(Go to question 3)
□ No, I won’t(Go to Question 4)3.Why would you like to study with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
□ Accompanying
□ Promoting study
□ Enhancing emotion
□ Others______ 4.Why don’t you like to study with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
□ Causing a distraction
□ Preferring to study alone
□ Declining the learning efficiency
□ Others________ 5.Do you think falling in love will affect your study?
□ Absolutely yes
□ Yes, and a little bit
□ Absolutely no 6.Do you mind falling in love with a girl/boy who has poor academic performance?
□ Yes, I mind(Go to question 7)
□ No, I don’t mind(Go to question 8)7.Why do you mind that?
□ Bad influence on my study
□ Feeling shame
□ Others________
8.Why don’t you mind that?
□ Love has nothing to do with academic performance
□ Helping each other
□ Others_____
9.What is the most important factor when you choose your girlfriend/boyfriend?
(Two Options)
□ Appearance
□ Family background
□ Education background
□ Character and morals □ Ability and talent
□ Physical condition
10.If you break up with someone, how your academic performance will be affected?
□ It doesn’t have any influence
□ A little bit influence
□ Lead to a poor academic performance
□ Give you learning motivation 11.How do you describe the relationship between learning and dating?
□ They are completely unrelated
□ They are related in a certain degree
□ They are very closely related
12.Any other comments about this topic that you would like to make:
主题:Is logistics a new concept?
参与者:陈悦盈 梁秋婵 李泳欣 陈诗雅 彭佩 吴淇楚 崔俊权 发言内容:
The team members raise our own ideas about the logistics whether a new concept.讨论结果:
Ya said that according, to what I know, there was a record of logistics activities in the first World War.And In 1935, the American Sales Association defined logistics as early as possible.In Asia, Japan began using the concept of logistics in 1964.Afterwards, the term of “logistics” began to be used in China in 1979.Pei said that Our country began to use the term “logistics” in 1979.At that time, it was in the stage of reform and opening to the outside world.In order to cater for economic development ,our country introduced the definition of logistics from Japan.And then, the traditional logistics gradually turn to modern logistics and the development of the logistics industry is getting better and better.In the twelfth five year plan, our country pays close attention to logistics development.Chu said that Logistics is not a new concept.The existence and development of logistics relate to the business which have a long history.The concept of logistics was formed in America first in the 1930s and developed in Japan in the 1960s.Ying said that since the human society had economic activity, logistics which hadn’t been recognize and define is existed.When the car is invented and used universally, the transport industry become more developing, which pushes and promotes the logistics development.Quan said Logistics is not a new concept.The conceptof logistics was first formed in the UnitedStates.It originated in 1930s and wasoriginally intended as “physical distribution” or “goods distribution”.Chanchan said that Logistics , in a narrow sense , is the efficient flow and storage of goods.Owing to its depth and breath , it is difficult to give a complete and systematic definition of logisitics.Difference country may have difference definitions.The earlist “logisitics” we can regard as the maintenenace of force, such as providing weapons ,food and so on.But now, logisitics is that part of the supply chain process, meeting customer requirements.Xin said that I don't think logistics is a new concept, and I know something about the history of logistics in china.In 1979, Li kai Xin and Gu Xiao Yu attended the tour Japan International Logistics Conference, for the first time the “logistics” concept into our country,followed by a series of academic research and exchange activities.In summary, we think logistics isn’t a new concept.
两人于2010年6月经人介绍相识,经过一段时间的相处后,双方感觉较好,经双方父母同意,确定恋爱关系,特向支队司令部报告,望批准为盼!此致 敬礼!
第五篇:校园恋爱 中学生论文
(一)、孩子生理和心理发育到一定程度,对恋爱产生好奇心和神秘感,从而对异性产生好感,继而产生早恋。诗经有云:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”,那是人的本性使然。(二)、受不健康影视节目和读物的影响。不少文艺节目,流行歌曲对早恋起到了推波助澜的消极影响。也有一部分喜欢文学的人,他们感情丰富,多愁善感,常用文学中的浪漫情节 1
家庭是社会的细胞,也是孩子们最早接触社会,接受教育的第一间学校。因此,孩子们在后天形成和发展 起来的心理素质如何,能否像大部分家长所希望的那样成“才”,这跟家庭环境的好坏有着极其密切的关系。然而,家庭环境又是复杂的,多方面的,其中,家庭的心理氛围和教育对孩子心理素质的形成与发展,则往往起着长远而深刻的影响。身为父母就很有必要学习和掌握教育科学理论知识,结合教育子女的实践,巧妙运用,不断提高自身的教育能力,创建文明家庭,实施有效教育的科学方法,创设有利于孩子健康成长的心理氛围,实施有效的家庭教育,从而达到教育理想的目的。【结语】: