
时间:2019-05-14 13:52:53下载本文作者:会员上传


Beautiful in White 白色新娘

Not sure if you know this 不确定你是否知道这个

But when we first met但当我们第一次见面的时候

I got so nervous I couldn't speak我十分紧张我说不出话来

In that very moment在那个特别的时刻

I found the one and My life had found this missing piece我找到了那个人我的生活也找


(高潮部分开始)So as long as I live I love you所以只要我活着我就会爱着你

Will heaven and hold you天堂会拥有你吗 You look so beautiful in white穿白色婚纱的你如此动人 And from now to my very last breath而且从现在到我生命的尽头

This day I'll cherish我都会珍惜这一天

You look so beautiful in white你穿白色婚纱真的很美

Tonight今晚(高潮部分结束)What we have is timeless我们永恒拥有 My love is endless我的爱没有尽头

And with this dream I Say to the world我要对这个世界大声说

You're my every reason你是我所有可能的原因

you're all that I believe in 你是我信仰的一切

With all my heart I mean every world我说的是全世界


And if our daughter is what our future holds如果我们的女儿是我们拥有的未来

I hope she has your eyes我希望她能拥有你的眼睛 Finds love like you and I did找到像你我之间这样的爱

Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go如果她爱上了某个人我就会放她走 I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她走过那条通道 She looks so beautiful in white穿白色婚纱的她看起来很美

You look so beautiful in white穿白色婚纱的她看起来很美

Cry on My Shoulder 在我的肩膀上哭泣

If the hero never comes to you


If you need someone you're feeling blue


If you wait for love and you're alone


If you call your friends and nobody's home如果你打电话给朋友却没有一人在家

You can run away but you can't hide


Through a storm and through a lonely night

经历了风暴忍受了孤独 Then I show you there's a destiny


The best things in life


They're free


But if you wanna cry


Cry on my shoulder


If you need someone who cares for you


If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder


Yes I show you what real love can do


If your sky is grey oh let me know

如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我There's a place in heaven where we'll go天堂总有一块我们要投奔的乐土

If heaven is a million years away


Oh just call me and I make your day

哦,只要来个电话 让我与你相约

When the nights are getting cold and blue


When the days are getting hard for you


I will always stay here by your side


I promise you I'll never hide


But if you wanna cry


Cry on my shoulder


If you need someone who cares for you


If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder


Yes I show you what real love can do


But if you wanna cry


Cry on my shoulder


If you need someone who cares for you


If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder


Yes I show you what real love can do


What real love can do


What love can do


Tomorrow will be better 明天会更好

When you wake up in the morning 当你早晨醒来 When you haven't started to think 当你还没来得及思考时

There is a whole brand new day 忙碌的新的一天 Open wide and waiting for you 张开双臂在等待着你

I know in life's sorrow 我知道生活的不如意 you're on the verge of drowning 使你处于频死的边缘 May your tears flee with yesterday 也许昨天你已流过泪了

blow away with the wind 你的泪水已随风儿逝去 When you wake up in the morning 当你早晨醒来 When you haven't started to think 当你还没来得及思考时 The world is out there calling 外面的世界正呼唤着你 open eyes to new beginning 睁开眼睛新的一天开始了

A newborn sun is shinning 初升的太阳在闪耀 Chasing shadows from your mind 驱逐你内心的阴影 Everything will be alive,一切都是充满生命力的 under the sunshine's smile 在阳光的笑脸下

Come out from your corner 从你的内心深处走出来

No doubt in join us 不用怀疑,加入我们吧 You can decide the future 你可以把握你的未来

Devote your youthful power to this world 为世界贡献你年轻的力量

Come together, hand in hand together 来吧,一起手拉手

I know you'll do 我知道你会这样做的 We pray and believe 我们祈祷并相信 that tomorrow will be better.明天会更好

No, I don't know what your name is 是的,我并不知道你的名字

But you're so familiar to me 但是对我来说,你很熟悉 Cause we belong to one family 因为我们属于一个大家庭 You can hear my heart calling 你可以听到我心灵的呼唤

Life can be music,生活就像是音乐

rainbows can be reached 彩虹也可以触手可得 If you face yourself truly如果你能真实地面对自己 keep striving for your dream 为了自己的梦不懈地努力

Come out from your corner 从你的内心深处走出来

No doubt in join us 不用怀疑,加入我们吧 You can decide the future 你可以把握你的未来

Devote your youthful power to this world 为世界贡献你年轻的力量

Come together, hand in hand together 来吧,一起手拉手

I know you'll do 我知道你会这样做的 We pray and believe 我们祈祷并相信 that tomorrow will be better.明天会更好


When I said go I never meant away 当我说离开时我从不打算离开

You ought to know the freaky games we play 你应该知道我们玩的任性游戏

Could you forgive and learn how to forget 你可以原谅而且学习该如何忘记吗?

Hear me as I'm calling out your name 听到我呼唤你名字的时候

Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮

I'll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你

Tell me that you're lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单

Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我

follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳

that's the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做

Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

You and me 你和我

we shared a mistery 我们分享朦胧的感觉

We were so close 我们是如此接近

like honey to the bee 像是一对亲密的蜜蜂

And if you tell me how to make you understand 而且如果你告诉我该如何使你了解

I'm minor in a major kind a way 就能让我在混乱中找到属于自己的路

Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮

I'll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你

Tell me that you're lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单

Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我

follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳

that's the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做

Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

Fly firefly through the sky 萤火虫飞越天空

come and play with my desire 过来与我的渴望嬉戏

Don't be long,don't ask why 不要太久,不要问为什么

I can't wait another night 我不可以等到下一个夜晚

Wait another night 等到下一个夜晚

Don't be long 不要太久

Fire...fly 萤火...虫

Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮

I'll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你

Tell me that you're lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单

Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我

follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳

that's the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做

Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边


《Say You Say Me 》

Say you, say me Say it for always

That's the way it should be Say you, say me Say it together, naturally

I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the park Playing game in the dark And what they played Was a masquerade

But from behind the walls of doubt A voice was crying out Say you, say me Say it for always

That's the way it should be Say you, say me Say it together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway

Seems the hardest thing to do Is to find a friend or two That helping hand

Someone who understands When you feel you've lost your way You've got someone there to say I'll show you oo, oo, oo Say you, say me Say it for always

That's the way it should be Say you, say me Say it together, naturally

So you think you know the answers Oh no!

Well the whole world's got ya dancing That's right I'm telling you It's time to start believing Oh Yes!

Believe in who you are You are a shining star...oh Say you, say me

Say it for always

That's the way it should be Say you, say me Say it together, naturally

《Oh my love(人鬼情未了)》

Oh, my love, my darling I've hungered for your touch Alone, lonely time.time goes by so slowly and time can do so much, are you still mine? I need your love I need your love

God speed your love to me!Lonely rivers flow to the sea to the sea

To the open arms of the sea.Lonely rivers sigh“Wait for me, wait for me!”

I'll be coming home wait for me!

Oh, my love, my darling

I've hungered, hungered for your touch Alone lonely time.And Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much are you still mine? I need your love I need your love

God speed your love to me!

《Take me home country road》

Almost heaven west Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah river

Life is old there older than the trees

Younger than the mountains blowin' like a breeze

Country roads take me home To the place I belong

West Virginia mountain momma

Take me home country roads

All my memories gather round her Miner's lady stranger to blue water

Dark and dusty painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine teardrop in my eyes

Country roads take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia mountain momma

Take me home country roads

I hear a voice in the morning how she calls me

The radio reminds me of my home far away

Drivin' down the road I get a feelin'

That I should been home yesterday yesterday

《Yesterday once more》

When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing along, It make me smile.Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where they'd gone.But they're back again just like a long lost friend All the songs I love so well.Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine When they get to the part where he's breaking her heart It can really make me cry just like before.It's yesterday once more.(Shoobie do lang lang)

(Shoobie do lang lang)

Looking bak on how it was in years gone by

And the good times that had makes today seem rather sad, So much has changed.It was songs of love that I would sing to them

And I'd memorise each word.Those old melodies still sound so good to me

As they melt the years away

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're startingTo sing so fine

All my best memorise come back clearly to me

Some can even make me cry just like before.It's yesterday once more.(Shoobie do lang lang)

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

《Last Christmas》

Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away.This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away.This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.Once bitten and twice shy

I keep my distance but you still catch my eye Tell me baby,Do you recognize me? Well it's been a year it doesn't surprise Me I wrappend it up and sent it With a note saying “I love you”I meant It Now I know what a fool I've been But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away.This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away.This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man under cover but you tore me Apart Maybe next year I'll give I'll give I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away.This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.《The Power Of Love》爱的力量

The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight

Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to your body

And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake(First Chorus)

'Coz I am your lady And you are my man

Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can

Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms

When the world outside's too Much to take

That all ends when I'm with you Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away

(But)Never wonder where I am 'Coz I am always by your side(Second Chorus)

We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn

('Bout)Of the power of love The power of love

The sound of your heart beating Made it clear suddenly

The feeling that I can't go on Is light years away

《I do it for you》 对你倾情

look into my eyes

you will see what you mean to me search your heart search your soul and when you find me there you“ll search no more

don”t tell me it“s not worth trying for you can”t tell me it“s not worth dying for

you know it”s true everything i do i do it for you look into your heart

you will find there“s nothing there to hide

take me as i am take my life i would give it all i would sacrify don”t tell me it“s not worth fighting for i can”t help it there“s nothing i want more

you know it”s true everything i do i do it for you there“s no love like your love and no other could give more love there”s no one unless you“re there all the time all the way ah you can”t tell me it“s not worth trying for i can”t help it there“s nothing i want more yeah i would fight for you i”d lie for you walk the wire for you yeah i“d die for you you know it”s true everything i do ah...i do it for you


as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好

although loneliness has always been a friend of mine.孤独一直是我的朋友

i'm leaving my life in ur hands.自从你离开我的生活

people say i'm crazy that i am blind.朋友说我疯了太盲目

risking it all in a glance.激情总是短暂的

how you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜

i can't get u out of my head.我就是无法忘了你

don't care what is written in ur history.我不在乎你过去的种种

as long as u're here with me.只要你陪在我身边

i don't care who u are.我不在乎你是怎样个人

where u're from.你从那里来

what u did.你做过什么

as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好

who u are.你是怎样个人

where u're from.你从那里来

don't care what u did.我不在乎你做过什么

as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好

every little thing that u have said done.所有你说过的话和做过的事

feels like it's deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里

doesn't really matter if u're on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开

it seems like we're meant 2 be.我以为我们是一对的i've tried 2 hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道

but i guess it shows.但我无法不流露真情

when u look in 2 my eyes.当你凝视着我时

what u did where u're comin from.你做过什么从那里来

i don't care,as long as u love me,baby!我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!i don't care.我不在乎

eyes on me


whenever sang my songs.每次唱自己的歌 on the stage,on my own!独自在舞台上

whenever said my words.道出心声

wishing they would be heard.希望有人聆听 i saw you smiling at me.看见你对我微笑

was it real or just my fantasy?真的吗?亦或只是我的幻想? you'd always be there in the corner.你总待在角落里 of this tiny little bar.在这个小酒吧中

my last night here for you.最后在此为你待一个晚上 samg old songs,just once more.最后唱一遍相同的老歌 my last night here with you?这是与你在一起的最后一晚吗? maybe yes,maybe no.也许,是也许不是.i kind of liked it your way.我有些喜欢你注视我的方式 how you shyly placed ur eyes on me.害羞地凝视着我 oh,did you ever know?哦,你可知道 that i had mine on you.我也在注视着你

darling,so there you are.达令,你就在那儿 with that look on your face.脸上的表情 as if you're never hurt.好象从未受过伤害 as if you're never down.从未失败

shall i be the one for you?我可以是哪个人吗? who pinches you softly but sure.那个温柔而坚定地拧你一下的人 if frown is shown then.如果你皱眉

i'll know that you're on dreamer.我会知道你不是在梦游

so let me come to you.让我靠近你 close as i wanted to be近到我满意 close enough for me.近到我

to feel your heart beating fast.能听见你的心跳加速 and stay there as i whisper.我停靠在那儿悄声诉说

how i love you peaceful eyes on me.多么喜欢你凝视我的宁静的双眼 did you ever know.哦,你可知道

that i had mine on you.我也在注视着你

darling,so share with me.爱人,如果你的爱够深

your love if you have enough.和我分享吧

ur tests if you're holding back.强忍住的泪水和痛苦 or pain if that's what it is.也让我分担 how can i let you know.怎样让你知道

i'm more than the dress the voice.我不仅是这样的音容笑貌.just reach me out then.伸手碰一下我

you'll know that you're not dreaming.便会知道你不是在做梦

Trouble is a friend

Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh.无论你躲到哪,麻烦都会找上你,哦哦

No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.无论你是快还是慢,哦哦 The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.在拂晓痛哭,就像暴雨来袭,哦哦

Your fine for a while but then start to lose control.你暂时安好,但也即将失控 He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中 He's there in my heart,他就在我心里 He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待 He's gotta play a part.他准备发威

Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友.Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.麻烦是朋友,可也是魔鬼,哦哦 And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh.不管我怎么对待他,他似乎都在成长,哦哦

He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh.他看我所看,知我所知.哦哦

So don't forget as you ease on down the road.因此即便将来安宁也别忘了他 He's there in the dark,他就在黑暗中 he's there in my heart,他就在我心里 He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待 He's gotta play a part.他准备发威

Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶

Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌

I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm.我摇下车窗,我臣服于他 Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶

Trouble is a friend of mine.Oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦

Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel.哦,我痛恨他给我的感受 And how I try to make him leave;I try.我该如何赶他离开,我尽力 Oh Oh I try!哦哦,我尽力

But he's there in the dark, 他就在黑暗中 He's there in my heart, 他就在我心里 He waits in the winds 他在幕后等待 He's gotta play a part.他准备发威

Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶

Trouble is a friend of mine.oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.所以即便他拽住你的手臂了也别惊慌

I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm.我摇下车窗,我臣服于他 Trouble is a friend,yeah 麻烦是个朋友,耶

Trouble is a friend of mine.Oh oh!麻烦是我的一个朋友,哦哦 Oh 哦







我一生向你问过一次路 你一生向我挥过一次手 远远的我为你唱一支歌 静静的你露出天边的笑容 我一生向你问过一次路 你一生向我挥过一次手 轻轻的我触摸涌来的羊群 默默的你转动手中的经筒 为了圣山下的相逢 我向你匍匐顶礼啊 冈仁波钦





《燃灯之歌 》

词:陈建名 曲:王建勋 原唱:王建勋


點一盞明燈 燃希望之火 照亮黑暗的每一個角落 遠離迷惘

解開疑惑 海天任遨遊

阿彌陀佛 阿彌陀佛 歡喜自在心開闊 不沾塵埃

菩提靜坐 開蓮花一朵朵.....《我开始懂了》

演唱:李佳宁 词:妙音居士 曲:黄勇胜 编曲:许俊华 〔特别献给年轻的朋友〕













怙主大智 离二障云 如日清净极明朗 所有境界 如实知故 手托经箧在胸间 三有狱中 所有众生 无明暗迷苦所逼 悲悯彼等 皆如独子 为说六十支音语 如雷大震 烦恼睡醒 业力铁链使解开 无明暗除 为令断尽 一切苦芽持宝剑 本来清净 十地究竟 功德圆满佛子身 百一十二 相好庄严 请除心暗我敬礼




电视连续剧《格达**》片尾曲 演唱:韩磊



阿爸已走 你为何不走 阿妈没走。阿妈已走 你为何不走 情人没走。情人已走 你为何不走 儿子没走。儿子已走 你为何不走 耗牛没走。

耗牛已走 你为何不走 草原没走 草原没走。甘丹人已走 你为何不走 色拉人没走。色拉人已走 你为何不走 哲蚌人没走。哲蚌人已走 你为何不走 若刹人没走。若刹人已走 你为何不走 经幡没走。

经幡已走 你为何不走圣山没走 圣山没走。





演唱:李明德 他生长在印度拉达克,有喜马拉雅的性格,他笑像自然绽放的花,像冰天雪地灿烂的一幅画。他送我一朵金黄色的小花,在寸草不生的炎夏,大地开始说春天的话,从合掌小手温暖的传达。噢!拉达克的花香,拉达克的天使小孩,他眼里有纯洁的光心底有最善良的芬芳噢


:吴德福 曲:黄康淇

主音: 黄康淇 黄杏怡 林裴颖 李红惠 谢如安 罗忆强 陈明凤

建一座花园在你我心中 前世的耕耘 今生的花踪 面向阳光 我们继续一起栽种

孕育体会的妥协 浇洒放下的让步 在和乐的温情暖意中

我给你生活的智慧 你教我生命的感动 在这缘起的屋檐下 这座花园叫做家 建一座花园在你我心中 前世的努力 今生的花种 面向阳光 我们继续一起耕作 培植谅解的同意 绽放爱护的用心 在无量的心花怒放中

我给你生活的智慧 你教我生命的感动 在这缘起的屋檐下 这座花园叫做家

本歌曲出自《缘起的屋檐下》专辑 马来西亚佛教青年总会出品







(荣华犹如三更梦 富贵还同九月霜)天下丛林饭似山



惟有袈裟披身难 朕为大地山河主



不及僧家半日闲 来时糊涂去时迷


未曾生我谁是我生我之时我是谁 长大成人方是我合眼蒙眬又是谁


来时欢喜去时悲 悲欢离合多劳虑



从此回头不算迟 世间难比出家人



身上常穿百衲衣 五湖四海为上客



披搭如来三种衣 金乌玉兔东复西



万里乾坤一局棋 禹开九洲汤放桀



南北山头卧土泥 黄袍换却紫袈裟



为何落在帝王家 十八年来不自由



不管千秋与万秋 本歌曲属于《法音清流》专集







词/曲:阿色 益西降错仁波且/陈俊宇











恩重山丘,五鼎三牲未足酬,亲得离尘垢,子道方成就,嗏,出事大因由,凡情怎剖,孝子贤孙,好向真空究,因此把五色金章一笔勾。凤侣鸾俦,恩爱牵缠何日休,活鬼乔相守,缘尽还分手,嗏,为你两绸缪,披枷带 杻,觑破冤家,各自寻门走,因此把鱼水夫妻一笔勾。身似疮疣,莫为儿孙作远忧,忆昔燕山窦,今日还存否,嗏,毕竟有时休,总归无后,谁识当人,万古常如旧,因此把贵子蘭孙一笔勾。独占鳌头,谩说男儿得意秋,金印悬如斗,声势非常久,嗏,多少枉驰求,童颜皓首,梦觉黄梁,一笑无何有,因此把富贵功名一笔勾。富比王候,你道欢时,我道愁,求者多生爱,得者忧倾覆,嗏,淡饭胜珍馐,衲衣如绸,天地雪庐,大厦何须构,因此把家舍田园一笔勾。学海长流,文陈光芒射抖牛,百艺业中走,斗酒诗千首,嗏,锦绣满胸头,何须夸口,生死跟前,半时难自救,因此把盖世文章一笔勾。夏赏春游,歌舞场中乐事绸,烟雨迷花柳,棋酒娱亲友,嗏,眼底逞风流,苦归身后,可惜光阴,(忄+麽)(忄+羅)空回首,因此把凤月情怀一笔勾。


黄梅芥子词 玄智真曲 米米演唱 朵朵祥云哎,忽去又忽来;凌空荡荡阔,云走兰天在.那是空呀那是色,细观刹那佛如来.那是空呀那是色,细观刹那佛如来.灿灿香花哎,谢了又重开;当风飒飒立,花落青天外.那是色呀那是空,细观刹那佛如来.那是色呀那是空,心无所住佛如来.那是色呀那是空,心无所住佛如来.《藏文四皈依》




竹清仁波切和夏沛仁波切的唱腔刚柔并济,绵密不绝,对安住心性特别有助益。采集自深山旷野的神秘虫鸣和天然音韵,仿佛置身在山岚飘渺的山林空谷,呈现出一股纯净稳定的力量。选自《显密教法之王 宗喀巴》专集







Within the palace of the Lord ablaze with Great Bliss, DETONG SOSOR TOG PAY YESHE KU 乐空圣妙观察智慧身

The Wisdom Body(Jnanakaya)realizing Bliss and Emptiness individually MACHAG DE DEN PADMAY RANGSHIN LE 离欲具乐莲花自性中

Is the nature of a lotus endowed with unattached Bliss, from this DORJE NYIMA NANGWA CHEN POI PAL 金刚日尊大光明威德

the Glory of the Great Shining Vajra-Sun(manifests as CHOKU NANGWA THAYE DORJE CHO 法身无量光佛金刚法

The Dharmakaya Amitabha – Vajradharma;JIGTEN WANGCHUK THUKJE JE CHAG SUG 世间自在大慈大悲身

The(Sambhogakaya)Avalokiteshvara, Lord of the World – kindness that takes form through the force of compassion;PEDMA GYALPO KHORDE NGA WANG GYUR 驾御轮回涅槃莲花王

The(Nirmanakaya)Padma Gyalpo who completely subdues Samsara and Nirvana;NANGSID SIL NON WANGCHEN HERUKA 摧伏三有雄威嘿热嘎

The Great Lord Heruka who overcomes the animate and inanimate world;SANGWA YESHE VAJRA VARAHI 秘密智慧金刚亥母尊

Vajravarahi – Secret Primordial Wisdom;DEM CHOG DOD PAY GYALPO DECHEN TER 胜乐妙欲之王大乐藏

The Treasure of Great Bliss(Hayagriva)– The King who desires the Supreme Bliss;MA LU KYE GUI YID THROG RIDJEDMA 摄诸众生心识作明母

The Goddess Kurukulle – Enchantress of all beings without exception;CHOG THUN CHAG GYAI WANGCHUK DETONG GAR 胜共手印自在乐空舞

The Lord of Supreme and Mundane mudras who dances in Bliss and Emptiness;WANG DZED DORJE PAWO DAKI TSOG 怀柔金刚勇士空行聚

The powerful Vajra Daka and the assemblies of dakinis.NANG TONG NYAM PA CHEN POI NGANG NYID DU 现空广大平等自性中

Within the Great Sphere in which Appearances and Emptiness are equal, DORJE KU GI GAR GYI SID SUM YO 金刚身之游舞震三有

The dance of the Vajrakaya causes the Three Worlds to tremble;GAG MED SUNG GI SHED DRA KHAM SUM GUG 无碍语之笑声召三界

The Joyous Laughter of unobstructed(Enlightened)Speech captivates the Three Realms;ODSER MARPO KHORDE YONG LA KHYAB 红光周遍轮涅一切处

Red light rays completely permeate Samsara and Nirvana;SID SHI DANG CHUD YO SHING DUD PAR JED 撼动聚集有寂之精华

The brilliant essence of existence and peace emanates outwards and is recollected.DORJE CHAGPA CHEN POI THUK KYI NI 依于金刚大欲之意乐

The(Enlightened)Mind of the Great Vajra Attachment NAM NYI NGODRUB DOD GUI CHOG CHOL SHING 赐予所欲二种胜悉地

Bestows whatever Accomplishments of the Two Types that one may desire and DORJE CHAGKYU SHAGPA CHEN PO YI 施以金刚铁钩大绢索

The Great Lasso of the Vajra Iron Hook NANGSI DEWA CHENPOR DOM JED PA 万有显现摄缚大乐中

Binds the entire animate and inanimate worlds.THAYE GYU THRUL DRA WAY ROL GAR CHEN 无边幻网之中游舞者

Endowed with the music and dancing of infinite magical nets, TIL GYI GONG BU CHE WA SHIN SHUG PAY 犹如芝麻荚开而安住

Seated like piles of sesame seeds being opened up are RABJAM TZA SUM WANG GI LHA TSOG LA 怀柔圣众浩瀚三根本

the assemblies of powerful yidams and vast numbers of Three Roots, GU PAY SOL WA DEB SO JIN GYI LOB 至诚恭敬祈祷垂加持

I respectfully beseech all of these assembled deities – Please grant your blessings.CHOG THUN NGODRUB DOD GUI PAL THA DAG 一切所欲胜共诸悉地

Please bestow the siddhi of unobstructed control THOG MED WANG DU JED PAY NGODRUB CHOL 无碍自在成就祈垂赐

With respect to all the glories that one may desire – the supreme and mundane siddhi!This prayer was propagated by the one named DHIH(Kunkhyen Mipham Rinpoche)on the 1st day of the 2nd month of the Earth-Rabbit Year.If one prays in this way, any person at all will definitely attain the activity of control and whatsoever they may desire.Having written this prayer on silken flags, raise them high, or to make a wind or fire circle(wheel)is also acceptable.Virtue Virtue Virtue Sarva Mangalam This prayer with the colophon is jointly translated by Khenpo Tsewang Gyamtso Rinpoche and Greg in Namdroling Monastery, South India in mid 1995.《虔心忆念遥呼之歌—噶玛巴千诺》

















【专集名称】The Buddhist Monks《Sakya Tashi Ling(释迦吉祥林)》

【演唱歌手】佛陀僧侣 / Monjes Budistas 【语言种类】英文/藏文

【音乐风格】new age/pop rock 【专辑简介】




在与外界交流频繁的现代,他们心生一念,将法会中朗诵的藏传佛教经文录制成专辑,乃因透过朗诵这些神秘字句,会带给你的心一种安定的力量,引领人进入更高层次的洞察、带领我们体验更深层次的满足,并且能在当下与万物共享这样的喜悦,进而接近佛、与佛交流。「释迦吉祥林」以New Age与chill-out音乐气氛為基底,辅以轻松顺耳的旋律,收录13首心经歌曲,是喇嘛们在连续10小时的吟唱中一次录制。

这张专辑当初以为是藏传佛教的诵经乐章,结果出乎意料。喇嘛+流行歌手+new age+pop rock,结果是如此般神奇,充满神秘.....【专辑曲目】

01 My Spirit Flies To you 我的心神向你飞去(金刚萨埵百字明/绿度母心咒)02 Secret Energy 神秘力量(白度母心咒)03 The Other side 另一面(庇佑祈请文)04 River of Light 光明之河(莲花生大师心咒与其七支祈请文)05 I Wanna Fly 我要飞(般若心经)06 Om Sai Ram 灵之问候(皈依树下及证道祷文)07 Way to Kundalini 灵量之路(完满仪式(摘要)08 Blessings For Life 生命的祝福(诸位大师祷文/长寿佛-马头明王修行者)09 Emotions 情感(大黑天心咒)10 Urban Buddhism 城市佛学(回向功德祷文)11 Mystic Eyes 神秘之眼(众生大爱祷文)12 Woman's Energy 女力(绿度母心咒)13 Lotus Sunset 莲花余晖(大悲咒)14 My Spirit Flies To you(Remix)我的心神向你飞去(STL Radio Remix)网络收集曲目介绍:

首支单曲“My Spirit Flies To You(我的心神向您飞去)”融合低沉而富含神秘意味的经文念诵以及新世纪流行女声歌唱,美妙旋律带给听者轻松感受,也在iTunes排行榜上夺冠。佛教的大智慧,透过传颂神圣的心经真言,在释迦吉祥林的僧侣口中,首次以世界共通的语言--音乐--普渡全球众生。

开头合唱:Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra(金刚萨埵百字明)插曲短咒:Tara Mantra(绿度母心咒)开篇合唱:金刚萨埵百字明-藏音

om │ ban-ze^re sa-due-sa-ma-ya │ ma-nu-ba-la-ya │

唵 │ 班

萨 埵

萨 玛 雅│ 玛 努 巴 拉 雅│

ben-ze^re-sa-due-dei-no-ba-di-chan-zhi-duo-mei-ba-wa │

萨 埵

诺 巴 地 茶

巴 瓦 │

su-duo-ka^yo-mei-ba-wa │ a-nu-rak-duo-mei-ba-wa │

苏 多

卡^哟 美

巴 瓦│ 阿 努 喇 多

巴 瓦│

su-bo-ka^yo-mei-ba-wa │ sar-wa-si-di-mei-da-ya-za│

苏 波 卡^哟 美

巴 瓦│

萨瓦 悉 地 美 达 雅 杂 │

sar-wa-gar-ma-su-za-mei │ zi-dam-xi^ri-yam gu-ru-hum│

萨 瓦

嘎 玛 苏 杂 美 │ 资 当 希利 阳

咕 汝 吽 │

ha-ha-ha-ha-ho │ ba-ga-wen │ sar-wa-da-ta-ga-da │

哈 哈 哈 哈 火│ 巴 嘎 文 │

萨 瓦 达 他 嘎 达

ben-ze^re-ma-mei-mun-za ben-ze^ri-ba-wa │

玛 美

杂 班

巴 瓦│

ma-ha sa-ma-ya │ sa-due a │

玛 哈 萨 玛 雅│ 萨 埵 阿│



See the light at me,Searching for many years,My spirit flies to you,Now I guess I see it soar,I Dance with the wind,I'm flowing to your dream,You can lose your fear,You can change your life。




Seasons in the Sun


Goodbye to you my trusted friend / 别了朋友,我的挚友 We've known each other since we were nine or ten /我们已相识很久,那时我们还是孩子

Together we've climbed hills and trees / 我们曾一起爬过无


Learned of love and ABC's / 一起学会了爱,还有许多等等 Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees / 也曾一起伤过


Goodbye my friend it's hard to die / 别了,我的朋友,友情


When all the birds are singing in the sky / 到了鸟儿们一起


Now that spring is in the air / 春天就弥漫在那空气中 Pretty girls are everywhere / 到处都会有可爱的女孩 Think of me and I'll be there / 想起我,我就会在那春天里 We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但我们爬过的那些山,却早已经历了多少沧桑啊 Goodbye Papa,please pray for me / 别了,爸爸,请为我祈祷 I was the black sheep of the family / 我曾是家里的害群之马 You tried to teach me right from wrong / 你总是试图教我改


Too much wine and too much song /太多的酒,太多的歌

Wonder how I got along /真不知我是如何过来的 Goodbye papa,it's hard to die / 别了,爸爸,亲情是不死的 When all the birds are singing in the sky /到了鸟儿们一起飞


Now that the spring is in the air /春天就弥漫在那空气中 Little children everywhere /到处都会有淘气的孩子 When you see them I'll be there / 当你看见他们时,我就会在那春天里

We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊

We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊

Goodbye Michelle my little one / 别了,米歇尔,我的小宝贝

You gave me love and helped me find the sun /你给了我爱,使我找到了阳光

And every time that I was down /每当我消沉的时候 You would always come around / 你总是会来到我身边 And get my feet back on the ground / 让我重新站起来 Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die / 别了,米歇尔,爱情是不


When all the birds are singing in the sky /到了鸟儿们一起飞


Now that the spring is in the air / 春天就弥漫在那空气中 With the flowers everywhere / 到处都会有美丽的花儿 I wish that we could both be there / 我希望我们能一起徜徉


We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但我们爬过的那些山,却早已经历了多少沧桑啊

We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊

We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊

We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun / 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone/ 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节,早已流逝而去啊

We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun/我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the stars we could reach were just starfishes on the beach/但我们得到的那些星星,只不过是沙滩上的海星啊 You’ll be in my heart


come stop your crying It willbe all right just take my hand

hold it tight

I will protect you I will be here dont you cry for one so small you seem so strong My arms will hold you,keep you safe and warm This bond betweenus cant be broken I will be here

Dont you cry

Cause youll be in my heart yes ,youll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more Youll be in my heart no matter what they say youll be in my heart ,always Why cant they understand the way we fell They just dont trust what they cant explain

I konw were different at all

And youll in my heart Yes, youll in my heart From this day on Now and forever more Dont listen to them Cause what do they know We need

each other, to have,to hold Theyll see intime I know!

The show 表演

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle


Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是一个迷宫,爱情是其中的一个谜 I don't know where to go, can't do it alone 不知又会去哪里,我可不想一人 I've tried And I don't know why...我在努力,依然不明所以……

Slow it down, make it stop


Or else my heart is going to pop


Cause it's too much, yeah it's a lot To be something I'm

not 够了,变成一个不认识的自己,我很在意

I'm a fool out of love Cause I just can't get enough...我是个失恋的傻子 我只是不能知足 I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

我只是有点不知所措 Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是一个迷宫,爱情就是那么一个谜 I don't know where to go, can't do it alone 我不知道该去哪里,我不想一个人 I've tried And I don't know why


I'm just a little girl lost in the moment

我只是一时迷茫的小女孩 I'm so scared but I don't show it 我心里很害怕但我不会表现出来

I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down I know 我不能明白,但我知道已深陷其中

I've got to let it go...我不得不放手,随它去吧…… And just enjoy the show

好好欣赏表演吧 The sun is hot in the sky


Just like a giant spotlight 就像一个大大的聚光灯

The people follow the signs and synchronize in time 人们跟随这些指引,及时保持一致

It's a joke, nobody knows 这有点好笑,没人知道

They've got a ticket to the show....他们已经拿到一张演出的门票 I'm just a little bit caught in the middle


Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是一座迷宫,爱情就是那么一个谜 I don't know where to go, can't do it alone 我不知道会到哪里 我可不想一个人 I've tried And I don't know why...我在努力,依然不明所以… I'm just a little girl lost in the moment

我只是一时迷失的小女孩 I'm so scared but I don't show it


I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down I know 我无法明白,但我知道我已经深陷其中

I’ve got to let it go...我不得不放手 And just enjoy the show


Just enjoy the show 好好欣赏表演吧

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle


Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫,爱情就是一个谜

I don't know where to go, can't do it alone 我不知道该如何面对,我一个人做不到 I've tried And I don't know why...我在尝试,依然不知道为什么…… I'm just a little girl lost in the moment 我只是个一时很迷茫的小女孩 I'm so scared but I don't show it


I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down I know 我无法弄清楚 但我已深陷其中

I've got to let it go...我不得不放手

And just enjoy the show… dum de dum dudum de dum


Just enjoy the show dum de dum dudum de dum


Just enjoy the show


I want my money back


I want my money back

我想回到过去 I want my money back

我想回到从前 Just enjoy the show

好好生活吧 I want my money back

我想回到过去 I want my money back

我想回到过去 I want my money back

我想回到过去 Just enjoy the show

好好生活 Yesterday once more 昨日重现

When I was young 当我年轻时 I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音机 Waiting for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌 When they played I'd sing along 当他们演奏时我会跟着唱

It made me smile 令我笑容满面

Those were such happy times 那段多么快乐的时光

And not so long ago 并不遥远

How I wondered where they'd gone 我是多么想知道它们去


But they're back again 但是它们又回来了 Just like a long-lost friend 像一位久未谋面的朋友 All the songs I loved so well 那些歌我依旧喜欢

Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o

Still shines 仍然闪亮

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're starting to sing 当他们开始唱时

So fine 如此欢畅

When they get to the part 当他们唱到

Where he's breaking her heart 他让她伤心的那一段时 It can really make me cry 真的令我哭了

Just like before 一如往昔

It's yesterday once more 这是昨日的重现

(Shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅(Shoobie do lang lang)


Looking back on how it was in years gone by 回首过去的几年

And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐时光 Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤

So much has changed 一切都变了

It was songs of love that I would sing to them 这就是那些


And I memorize each word 我记住的每个字眼

Those old melodies 那些古老旋律 Still sound so good to me 对我仍然那么动听 As they melt the years away 可以把岁月融化

Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o

Still shines 仍然闪亮

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're starting to sing 当他们开始唱时

So fine 如此欢畅 All my best memories 我所有的美好回忆 Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现 Some can even make me cry 有些令我哭了

Just like before 一如往昔

It's yesterday once more 这是昨日的重现 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o

Still shines 仍然闪亮

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're starting to sing 当他们开始唱时

So fine 如此欢畅

Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o

Still shines 仍然闪亮

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're starting to sing 当他们开始唱时

So fine 如此欢畅

The day you went away 你离开的日子 Well I wonder could it be ? 我想知道,这是否可能? When I was dreaming about you baby.当我梦到你的时候

You were dreaming of me.你的梦中是否也有我 Call me crazy.有人说我疯狂 Call me blind.让我盲目

To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.已过去那么长时间仍然在为此伤痛真是太傻了

Did I lose my love to someone better.我把我的爱输给了更


And does she love you like I do.她会像我那样爱你吗 ? I do,you know I really really do.是的,你知道我真的真的很爱

你 Well hey.嗨

So much I need to say.我需要说的有太多太多 Been lonely since the day.从那一天起我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

So sad but true.我是真的很难过 For me there's only you.你是我的唯一

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天 I remember date and time.我记得那一天那一刻 September twenty second Sunday twenty five after nine.9月20日 第2个星期日 9点25分

In the doorway with your case.在门口拿着你的行李 No longer shouting at each other.我们不再争吵 There were tears on our faces.泪水挂在我们的脸上 And we were letting go of something special.我们让某些


Something we'll never have again.这些东西我们再也不会得

I know,I guess I really really know.我明白,我想我真的真的明白了 Well hey.是的

So much I need to say.我多么想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.从那一天起我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

So sad but true.我是真的很难过 For me there's only you.你是我的唯一

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天 The day you went away.你离去的那一天 The day you went away.你离去的那一天

Did I lose my love to someone better.我把我的爱输给某个


And does she love you like I do.她会像我那样爱你吗 I do,you know I'm really really do.是的,你知道我真的真的很


Well hey.是的

So much I need to say.我多么想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.从那一天起我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

So sad but true.我是真的很难过 For me there's only you.你是我的唯一

Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天

Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone? 为什么直到失去了我们才明白自己曾经得到过什么? How could I carry on? 我该怎样继续生活? The day you went away.你离去的那一天

Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say.我不


Been crying since the day.从那一天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.你离去的那一天 The day you went away.你离去的那一天 The day you went away.你离去的那一天

lemon tree


I'm sitting here in the boring room.我呆坐在这了无生趣的房间。

It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon.又是一个周日的午后,又是阴雨连绵。I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do.我无事可做,我空耗着时间。I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you.我不安地徘徊,我期待着你的出现。But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.但是你终究没有出现,我纳闷。I'm driving around in my car.我出去转转,驾着我的车。

I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far.我开得太快,我开得太远。I'd like to change my point of view.我宁愿转移一下我的注意力。I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you.我仍感到如此孤单,我期待着你的出现。But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.但是你至今没有出现,我纳闷。I wonder how, I wonder why.我不知所措,我不明所以。

Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空。And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.但是我所看见的只有一株黄色的柠檬树。

I'm turning my head up and down.I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.我转着我的头,上上下下,我转啊、转啊、转啊、转啊、一遍又


And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.我所看见的只是另一株柠檬树。

Sing,da ,da la da la, de la da,da la da la, de la da,da de le de

da I'm sitting here,I miss the power.我呆坐在这,我精疲力尽。I'd like to go out taking a shower.我宁愿出去沐浴一下。

But there's a heavy cloud inside my head.但是这片阴云总在在我头脑中挥之不去。I feel so tired,put myself into bed.我感到如此疲惫,我把自己扔到了床上。While nothing ever happens, and I wonder.也许你终究没有出现,我纳闷。Isolation is not good for me 自我封闭对我并无益处。

Isolation...I don't want to sit on the lemon tree.自我封闭?…我可不想坐死在这柠檬树上。I'm stepping around in the desert of joy.我在快乐的荒漠中漫步。Maybe any how I'll get another toy.或许不管怎样我可能得到另一个欣喜呢。And everything will happen, and you wonder.什么都可能发生,你纳闷么。I wonder how, I wonder why 我手足无措,我不明所以。

Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空。And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.但是我所看见的只是另一株柠檬树。

I'm turning my head up and down.I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.我转着我的头,上上下下,我转啊、转啊、转啊、一遍又一遍

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.我所有能够看见的只是一株黄色的柠檬树。

And I wonder, wonder


I wonder how, I wonder why 我手足无措,我不明所以。

Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky 昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空。

And all that I can see.而我所有能够看见的 And all that I can see.我所有能够看见的And all that I can see is just a yellow

lemon tree.我所有能够看见的只是一株黄色的柠檬树。my heart will go on 我心永恒

Every night in my dreams

夜夜在我梦里 I see you I feel you 见到你,感觉你

That is how I know you go on


Far across the distance and spaces between us

跨越我们心灵的空间和距离 You have come to show you go on

向我展现你的来临 Near far wherever you are


I believe that the heart does go on


Once more you opened the door

再一次,敞开你心扉 And you're here in my heart


And my heart will go on and on

我心将与你相偎依 Love can touch us one time

我们被爱触动 And last for a lifetime


And never let go till we're gone

都不会与我们离弃 Love was when I loved you

爱是当我爱你 One true time I hold you


In my life we'll always go on

我们就会永远相依 Near far wherever you are


I believe that the heart does go on


Once more you opened the door

再一次,敞开你心扉 And you're here in my heart


And my heart will go on and on

我心就与你相偎依 You're here there’s nothing I fear


And I know that my heart will go on

我知道我心若与你相依 We'll stay forever this way

就能永远在一起 You are safe in my heart


And my heart will go on and on




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