
时间:2019-05-14 13:42:41下载本文作者:会员上传


Alchemy-The Transformative Power of Love 炼金术——爱的转换力




KIRAEL: In the last few sessions, I have focused on love in the context of ascension, prana, pineal and photon, and now alchemy.It may seem repetitious, but I want to emphasize just how important the healing power of love is and how love can be woven into every aspect of your life.It’s the one source of energy that will get you through the Shift.齐瑞尔:在过去几个会议里,我都集中讲爱在提升、气呼吸、松果体和光子的内容,今天讲的是炼金术。这似乎是重复的,但我要强调爱的治疗力量非常重要,爱如何可以被编织进你生活的每一方面。它是使你通过大蜕变的能量的一个来源。

See and Hold the Gold


So today we concentrate on alchemy, which the populace has always thought of as the transformation of a base metal into gold.The alchemy I’m talking about today is spiritual and involves the transformative power of love, the alchemy that occurs in your four-bodied system every time love is introduced into the mix.In the alchemical process, fear is pulled out of the love so that you’re left with the purity of love.You ask, “Master Kirael, how can love have fear in it?” Well, the third dimension is all about duality, which means that love must have an opposite.Here, love is woven with fear, because you believe you can’t know love unless you know fear.It is this fear that makes third-dimensional love conditional.Alchemized love is pure and unconditional, a love without fear.那么,今天我们集中谈论炼金术,民众一直把它视为一种贱金属到黄金的转化。我今天谈论的炼金术是灵性的,涉及爱的转换力,每一次当爱被引入到混频中,炼金术就在你的四体系统内发生。在炼金过程中,恐惧从爱中被抽出,使你留下纯粹的爱。你们问:“齐瑞尔大师,爱里面怎么会有恐惧呢?”嗯,第三次元都与二元性有关,这意味着爱必须有一个相对物。在这里,爱和恐惧被一起编织着,因为你相信你不能够了解爱除非了解恐惧。正是这种恐惧使得第三次元的爱是有条件的。被提炼的爱是纯粹的、无条件的,一种没有恐惧的爱。

To perform alchemy, you will have to place a magical series of energies, namely, your cellular consciousness of fear, into your mind.In other words, you will have to recall all your fears by bringing them up to the surface of your mind, and then pulling them out of your love.Practice pulling out the fear.Close your eyes and bring all the fears you've ever had to the surface of your mind.Then ask the God Creator to open the path for you to release the fears and enter into the state of love.See the golden energy that everybody has inside glowing in front of your eyes.Normally you see black when you close your eyes, but you will see the gold, because you're allowing the fear to go away and love to enter into you.You are completing a journey of fear and starting a journey of love.要进行炼金,你必须将一系列神奇的能量,即你细胞的恐惧意识,放到你的脑海。换句话说,你必须记起所有恐惧,让它们浮到思想的表面,然后把它们从爱中拉走。请练习拉出恐惧。闭上眼睛并把曾经有过的恐惧带进你的脑海。然后请求神为你打开道路,释放恐惧并进入爱的状态。看到那每一人体内都有的金色能量在你眼前发亮。你合上眼睛时通常看到黑色,但你会看到金色,因为你正允许恐惧消失而爱进入。你正结束一趟恐惧之旅而开始爱之旅。

You cannot begin a new journey without ending an old one.See and hold the gold, my friends.When you can see and hold the gold, you have come to the close of your fear, so to speak.That little magical moment of time and space when no fear is present creates, for just a split second, a new opening for you to feel the purity of love.You can do this any time you want.你不可能没有结束旧旅程就开始新旅程。看到并保持那金色,我的朋友。当你能看到和保持金色时,你就来到恐惧终结了,可以这么说。那个小小的没有恐惧的时空的神奇时刻出现了,一刹那间,一个新的出口让你感受到纯粹的爱。任何时候你都可以这样做。

Now in order to go deeply into this process, you must understand your part in this journey of alchemy.Your part involves feeling the love that alchemy makes available to you.To feel the love throughout your four bodies, activate your God cell, your Signature cell.You will feel the love rise and come out of your chest and surround you.You will be able to distinguish this momentary feeling of love from the fear you usually feel.If you feel spirit energies in front of you when you feel this love, you needn’t be concerned.Those spirits may come in any shape or form and they will permit your journey to go forward without interference, because they are love energies and they have to go through God Creator to get to you, and only love can go through the God Creator.现在,为了深入这个过程,你必须了解炼金术旅程中你的部分。你的部分涉及感受那炼金术提供给你的爱。请通过四体感受爱,激活你的主细胞,你的特征细胞。你会觉得爱升起并从你的胸部出来环绕你。你将能够从平常的恐惧中分辨出这个爱的短暂感觉。如果你感受到面前的灵性能量,就不用担心了。那些灵性能够以任何形 式或形态到来,他们将允许你的旅程不受干扰地前进,因为他们是爱的能量,必须经过神造物主才能接触你,而只有爱才能通过神创物者。

Opne up to Your Magi Powers


I am not here to teach you alchemy, because you are already alchemists.I am here to get you to remember alchemy.If you were to trace your energetic roots back to Lemuria, you would see your alchemical history, so to speak.You would see that in that lifetime, your cellular consciousness was free of fear.It was pure love.When you do this alchemy process in the Now, don’t be concerned about your body.You will be working with your cellular consciousness.You can use this process of pulling out the fear in Signature Cell Healing, because alchemy is woven into the Signature Cell Healing process.Pure healing takes place in Signature Cell Healing because of the infusion of love into the process.Signature Cell Healing will not work in fullness without the love that cleanses your cellular consciousness.So, if you want to heal using Signature Cell Healing or most any other modality(except allopathic medicine, which is a different journey, not bad, not good, just what it is), do it in love.It will be a profound and permanent healing, because you will stream love in after pulling out the fear.我在这里不是教你炼金术,因为你已经是个炼金术士。我在这里让你忆起炼金术。如果你跟踪你的能量根源回到利穆里亚,那么会看到你的炼金术历史,可以这么说。你会发现在那一生,你的细胞意识无有恐惧。它是纯纯的爱。当你现在进行炼金术过程时,不要关心自己的身体。你会与细胞意识一起工作。你可以在特征细胞 治疗中使用这个拉出恐惧的程序,因为炼金术被织入特征细胞治疗过程中。由于爱注入其过程中,特征细胞治疗里会有纯愈合发生。没有爱清净你的细胞意识,特征 细胞治疗是无法完全发挥作用的。因此,如果你想用特征细胞治疗来治疗,请在爱中进行,其它大多数方式也一样(除了对抗疗法药物,这是一个不同的旅程,不坏,不好,只是它所是)。这会是一个深刻的永久愈合,因为恐惧拉出之后爱将潺潺流入。

If you don’t succeed in your first session, don’t feel badly, because if you do, you’ll go back to fear.Do your best to pull the fear out.When you do, you can open up another journey into that little space of magic, not sleight of hand magic, but what I call the “magi” powers that lie within the glow of the golden energy.The magi powers are available to you.Jesus embodied the magi powers.That’s how he was able to heal others as quickly and completely as he did.He filled his being with that energy, drew the same energy from the crowd around him, and put it all into the person receiving a healing.如果第一次时没有成功,别觉得遗憾,因为如果这样,你就会回到恐惧。尽力把恐惧拉出来。那样做,你可以打开通向那小小魔法空间的另一旅程,不是那种玩弄手 法诡计的魔术,而是我所说的在金色能量光芒里的“法师”力量。法师能力可供你使用。耶稣体现了法师力量。那就是他为什么能够尽快医治别人,而且做的时候完 全康复。他自身充满了那能量,从周围人群里吸引相同的能量,并把它们全都注入到那个接收治疗的人身上。

It takes very little time to do this process, maybe five or six seconds, and you can do it at any time, anywhere.After a while, it will be automatic.The love you feel will last less than the time it took to shut off your fear, but each time you do the process, the love will last a little longer.It may be marginal in the beginning, but at some point, you’ll feel a love so pure that you will be traumatized when you have to leave it to return to the third dimension.做这个程序只需很少时间,可能5、6秒,你可以在任何时间任何地点进行。一段时间后,它会变得自发进行。开始时爱的持续时间比关闭恐惧的时间短,但每一次 你进行这个程序时,爱就持续多一点时间。开始的时候可能只是轻微的,但在某个程度,你会觉得这爱如此纯粹,那么当你必须回归到第三次元时会受伤。

The Love of Magic


Q: What is the difference between magi and magic?


KIRAEL: Magic is illusion and sleight of hand.It produces fear in people.The energy of the magi can be called supernatural.It gives you goose bumps when you experience it.Here’s the rub: magic is the fear portion of the magi energy;yet, the magi energy stems from the purity of love.This may be confusing for you to understand, but in this dimension, magic is present in the magi energy, otherwise the magi energy wouldn’t work.That’s the duality of this third dimension.In order to have magi energy, you must have magic.So the magic is the sleight of hand, the tricksters, etc.The magi is the love of the magic.I’ve given you two defined words with defined meanings that don’t make sense to anybody except perhaps my own energies.However, the more I talk about this, the more enlightened you’ll become.When you take the magic out of the magi energy, you feel love and your powers become supernatural, if you will, and you won’t need magic;you won’t need tricks.齐瑞尔:魔术是幻想和双手的把戏。它在人群中制造恐惧。法师的能量可称为超自然。当你体验时会使你起鸡皮疙瘩。难就难在这里:魔术是法师能量的恐惧部分; 可是,法师能量来源于纯粹的爱。这可能使你混淆难以理解,但在此次元,魔术是在法师能量里呈现出来,否则法师能量无法发挥作用。那就是这第三次元的二元 性。为了拥有法师能量,你必须拥有魔术。因而,魔术是耍花招,是骗子,等等。法师是魔术的爱。我给了你两个有明确含义的明确词语,这对任何人来讲都是都讲 不通的,可能除了我自己的能量才明白。然而,我越是讲这一点,你就会变得越开悟。当你从法师能量去除魔术时,你会感受到爱而且你的能力变得超自然,那样的 话,你不再需要魔术;不再需要手法。

You can find the magi energy in anything.Take surfing, for example.The magi of surfing comes in the elation one feels when pushing through the fear of a monstrous wave and becoming part of it.At that moment of oneness, the magi takes over.你可以在万物中发现法师能量。例如,冲浪。冲浪法师在人们感到兴高采烈的时候到来,人们挤过一个怪异波浪的恐惧并成为其中一部分。在那天人合一的一刹那,法师接管了。

The magi energy is present in the death process.When you are about to leave this life, you see the magi energy and you love it and go willingly into the light.If you’re driving along at 600 miles an hour and you hit a wall, you know you will die, but you will also see the magi energy before you hit that wall.You’ll be out of this human journey and you’ll watch your death happen, because you will leave your body about 40 seconds before you hit that wall.You never, ever experience a violent death, because the magi energy, that supernatural energy, takes over before death.The magi energy, as I know it, stems from a love that many humans call divine.It is indeed divine.法师能量出现在死亡过程。当你即将离开这个生命时,你看到法师能量而且爱上它心甘情愿进入光里。如果你以时速600英里开车并撞墙,你知道会死掉,但你也 将在撞上墙之前看到法师能量。你会离开这趟人类之旅并看着死亡发生,因为在撞上墙之前的40秒你会离开身体。你永远也不会经历激烈死亡,因为法师能量,那 超自然能量,在死亡之前就接管了。法师能量,正如我知那样,源于许多人称之为神圣的爱。它真的是神圣的。

Q: Where is the magi?


KIRAEL: The magi energy is in your cellular consciousness.You can never reach outside to find the magi energy.When you go from one place to another, you end one journey and begin a new one.That’s how the magi energy encourages you to find love.First, you must go to the place of pulling out the fear.That’s one journey.Then, when that is done, you must begin a new journey to find the purity of love.In other words, the magi adventure is not love when you first touch into it.You must first pull out the fear.When the magi energy goes into the purity of love, you will feel the difference and you will know and feel what you’ve really come here to experience.齐瑞尔:法师能量在你的细胞意识内。你永远也不可能在身外找到法师能量。当你从一个地方去到另一个,你结束了一个旅程并开始一个新的。那就是法师能量如何 鼓励你找到爱。首先,你必须去到拉出恐惧的地方。那是一个旅程。然后,当那完成后,你必须开始一个新的寻找纯粹之爱的旅程。换言之,当你首次接触法师能量 时,那冒险不是爱。你必须首先清除恐惧。当法师能量进入纯粹的爱时,你会感觉不一样,了解并感受到你在这里真正要体验什么。

Fear is the most predominant part of this third-dimensional journey because it’s the easiest for you to get into.It’s the foundation of duality.You’ll rock and roll through this duality journey, but your pure love, the magi part of this journey, is not that easy to find in this dimension.Work at it.Practice tapping into the magi energy whenever you can.恐惧是此第三次元旅程的最主要部分,因为你最容易陷入。它是二元性的基础。在此二元旅程里你会摇摇摆摆,但你的纯爱,此旅程的法师部分,在此次元里不是那么容易发现。请努力。只要能够就请练习接入法师能量。

Bring Out the Alchemist in You


Q: Can alchemy be used to perform long-distance group healings to help people around the world access this love energy?


KIRAEL: I guarantee it.You can’t measure that little space of love, but you can expand it every time you use this process.Close your eyes and follow the process I described in my opening statement and feel yourself burst out of this journey, go around the world, and return.That’s all you have to do.If you get only a quarter of an inch out of your body, that’s perfect.Learn how to shut off your fears, enter the space of love, and stay there as long as you can.You can heal the world like this, but don’t expect results overnight.More than likely, you can reach one person or perhaps one town at a time.On the other hand, if every lightworker did this exercise, the world could change exponentially.The more often you touch someone else with that pure love energy, the more likely he will be to access that energy in himself.This exercise also works to get you into the fourth light.齐瑞尔:我保证可以。你不能测量那小小的爱的空间,但每一次使用这个程序时你都可以扩展它。闭上眼睛,按照我在开头所讲的过程,感受自己出离这段旅程,周 游世界并返回。那就是你要做的。如果你只能离开身体四分之一英寸就很完美了。学习如何关闭你的恐惧,进入爱的空间,尽可能长地停留在那里。你可以像如此这 般治疗世界,但不要指望一蹴而就。非常可能的是,你也许一次遇到一个人或一个小镇。另一方面,如果每个光之工作者都做这项练习,世界将呈指数变化。你越是 经常用纯粹爱能量接触其他人,他就越有可能访问自己的内在能量。这项练习也有助于你进入第四光。

Q: How do we use alchemy to move from fear to love in light of the proliferation of fear concerning the swine flue vaccine?


KIRAEL: First, you must know that this swine flu is a human-made journey.It wasn’t developed by accident.It was developed in a laboratory to do exactly what you described—create fear.You can alchemize this journey by going inside yourself and tapping into your love the way I just showed you.You will not only pull out the fear from your love, but you will neutralize the effect of the flu and the H1N1 vaccine.If you want to get the vaccine, do so;it won’t hurt you.If your blueprint says you are to die from the swine flu, it won’t matter whether or not you get the vaccine.The opposite is also true.If you are not meant to die from swine flu, you won’t, regardless of whether or not you get the vaccine

齐瑞尔:首先,你必须明白,这猪流感是人类制造的旅程。它并非意外产生。它是在一个实验室开发出来的正是要做你所描述的——制造恐惧。你可以转化这旅程,按我刚才教你那样进入内在并接入你的爱。你不但能够从爱中清除恐惧,而且会抵消猪流感和H1N1疫苗的作用。如果你想接种疫苗,去吧;它不会伤害你。如果 你的蓝图说你将死于猪流感,不管有没有接种疫苗都一样。相反也是如此。如果你不应死于猪流感,就不会;不管有没有接种疫苗。

Those who created this flu will come up with another type next year.A new type of flu that can engender fear will always be available.It is up to you to be aware that you can control your body’s response to the flu and any vaccine related to it.If you go into that little magi place and do what I told you to do, you will know what is best for you.那些制造猪流感的人会在明年制造另一种类型的病毒。可以产生恐惧的新型猪流感永远存在。由你自己决定是否相信,你能控制自己身体对猪流感和任何相关疫苗的反应。如果你进入那小小的法师地方,按我说的那样做,就会知道什么最适合你。

Q: What part does the non-polarity attribute of love play in performing alchemy and how do I bring out the alchemist that I am on a quantum level?


KIRAEL: As I have already stated, alchemy is the process by which you can reach into the non-polarity attribute of love, or pure love.The attainment of pure love is the goal of alchemy.Practice what I’ve given you in the meditation and you will bring out the alchemist in you.In this dimension, you believe that the opposite of love is hate or fear.If you go deeper into this process, you’ll understand that love is actually the absence of fear, not the opposite of it.You must learn to take the fear out of your journey.Pull it out and submerge it into love.The fear will not grow, and the love will envelope the fear.Do this with your mind.When you open up the local brain, where your mind resides, tentacles of energy emerge and weave with the omni brain, which is outside your journey.It’s a profound journey, requiring all of your concentrative powers.齐瑞尔:正如我已经说过,炼金术是一个过程,通过它你可以进一步接触爱的非极性特点,或纯爱。达到纯爱是炼金术的目标。请练习我在冥想中给你的做法,你会 引出体内的炼金术士。在这个次元里,你认为爱的对立面是仇恨或恐惧。如果你深入这个过程就会明白,爱其实无有恐惧,不是恐惧的对立。你必须学会从旅程里清 除恐惧。扯它出来并把它淹进爱中。恐惧不会增长而爱将封存恐惧。利用想像想到这点。当你开放本地大脑,你思维的居所时,能量触角出现并与全脑编织在一起,全脑在你旅程之外。这是一个深刻的旅程,需要你集中所有注意力。

Alchemy has no room for fear.You’re a particle of the God Creator, and when you open your brain and touch into that omni presence, you are touching into a part of you that is the love of all light.This process is pure and precious.You can do this, if you want to.The alchemy journey is the Mecca of love.When you get free of this fear that you’ve been learning since birth(spankings, yelling, screaming by parents, etc., in schools, in religious institutions, from teachers, on your job, etc.), you will touch into your child self, the one that is free of this fear, the one you were before birth.Do this regularly and you will pull the fear out of this third-dimensional experience of love.Your omni brain is absolutely fearless.When you weave your local and omni brains together, you create a purity that will be woven into your entire journey.Each time you do this, you will be above where you started here on Earth.炼金术没有恐惧的空间。你是神造物主的粒子,当你开放大脑并接入全一存在时,就接触到了你的一部分,即所有一切光的爱。这个过程纯粹又宝贵。如果想的话你 可以做到点。炼金术旅程是爱的麦加圣城。当你从出生起就一直学习着的恐惧中自由出来时(被父母打、骂、叫等,在学校、在宗教机构、从教师、从工作,等 等),你将触摸到你的孩子自我,他自由于恐惧,他是出生前的样子。经常练习这点,你就从爱的第三次元经历里抽出恐惧。你的全脑绝对无所畏惧。当你编织本地 大脑和全脑时,制造了一个纯粹的旅程,它将被编入你的整个旅程。每次这样做时,你就会在地球的所在地这里升起。

You Can Heal Anything if Your Have the Courage 如果有勇气就可治愈一切

Q: As a healer, can I use alchemy to assist in healing mental illnesses, such as addiction?


KIRAEL: After you learn what addiction or mental disability the healee has, you must enter that space of loving the fear.Each of the four bodies—the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—has seven layers, and any issue within the bodies has seven layers.It’s an exponential journey.That means that seven levels of a concentrated form of the addiction or mental illness exist within each of the four bodies of the person with an addiction.All humans have the lightest form of the seventh layer of addiction or mental illness.For those who have the concentrated form of addiction that invades all four bodies, the addiction becomes a journey in and of itself, a mental illness, if you will.When I say mental illness, I’m not talking about “craziness.” I’m talking about a lack of awareness.That means that when someone with an addiction comes for healing, the journey as healer is all about awareness.When performing a healing, it is sometimes good to have a third person in the room to send and concentrate the love energy.So you have the healer, the healee, and the third person, who will give love.How will this person give this love? He must free himself by taking the fear out of his love and then penetrating his love into yours.Let’s suppose that I am the third person, you are the healer, and then there’s the healee.I will pull the fear out of my love, open it up and get into that little space where I can sense the purity of love.When I sense the love, I will send it out to you.You might have to wait a few seconds or minutes before you feel it.I will continue to send more love in increments.After a while, you will feel your etheric hand go down into the healee’s brain, which will tell you about one of the seven levels of this addiction process.This is the power of Signature Cell Healing.齐瑞尔:当你了解患者的上瘾或精神残疾是什么之后,必须进入爱上恐惧的空间。四体里的每一个——身体、情绪体、心智体和精神体——都各有七层,每一体内的任何问题都有七层。这是一个指数旅程。那意味着:有毒瘾那人的四体里的每一体里,都存在七个层次的毒瘾或精神疾病的浓缩形式。所有人类都有最轻微形式的第七层上瘾或精神疾病。那些已经浓缩了上瘾形式的人,该形式已经侵入所有四体,毒瘾变成了自身的一个旅程,一种精神疾病,如果你愿意的话。当我说精神疾病时,不是指“疯子”。我说的是一种认识不足。那意味着有毒瘾的人前来治疗时,作为医师的旅程是知觉。进行治疗时,在房间里有第三者发送并集中爱的能量有时是件好事。那么你就有医师、患者和提供爱的第三者。第三者如何提供爱呢?他必须通过将恐惧从爱中消除而释放自己,然后把他的爱渗透到你的。让我们假设我是第三者,你是医师,然后还有个患者。我将从爱中去除恐惧,敞开爱,并进入那个我可以感受到纯爱的小小空间。当我感受到爱时,我将其发送给你。在你感受到爱之前,可能要等几秒或几分钟。我会渐进地持续发送更多的爱。一会儿之后,你会觉得你的以太之手探入到患者脑部,它会告诉你有关这个上瘾过程的七个层次的其中之一。这就是特征细胞治疗的力量。

When you feel your love enter the healee, stay with it.You can heal anything with Signature Cell Healing, if you have the courage.You can do this without the third person, if you focus.Put your hand on the healee’s head or some other part of the body, depending on what you’re working on, and bring the fear out of your body, holding your hand steady.Then enter into that little space in the process and drop your love into the person.You’ll watch the healee’s entire body shift as the fear leaves his or her body.If addiction is the illness, you will know what causes it and what you need to do to heal it.It may take several sessions, but if you focus your love and alchemize all four bodies, you will achieve a healing beyond your wildest dreams.当你觉得爱渗入患者时,坚持下去。如果你有勇气的话,可以用特征细胞治疗治愈任何疾病。如果集中注意力,你可以无需第三者而行。把你的手放在患者头部或身体其它部分,取决于你治疗什么,把恐惧清出你的身体,保持双手稳定。然后在过程中进入那小小的空间,让你的爱降落到患者上。你会看到患者的身体随着恐惧离 开他或她而移动。如果上瘾是病,你就会知道是什么原因导致它而你需要做什么去医治它。可能需要几个疗程,但如果你专注你的爱并转化所有四体,就会获得超越 最疯狂梦想的治疗。

Q: I used Signature Cell Healing on my grandson, whose asthma has improved enough for the doctor to take him off one of his medications and to say that he could use the other only when needed.I believe I used alchemy to heal my grandson.Would you speak about this please?


KIRAEL: Yes, you did have a defined effect on your grandson.You used alchemy and Signature Cell Healing to bring about this healing.At the heart of this process is getting your grandson off the medication to free him to play in the world of love and light.Your healings are one of the reasons that he’s had any results at all.The healings coupled with your prayers have brought him to where he is today.You pulled the fear out and you were left with pure love and that’s what healed him.齐瑞尔:是的,你确实对你的孙子有一个明确的治疗。你使用炼金术和特征细胞治疗以实现这一愈合。此过程的核心,是要使你的孙子摆脱药品让他自由地在爱与光 的世界里玩耍。你的治疗是他有治疗结果的其中一个缘由。你的治疗加上祷告把他带到如今这境地。你拉出了恐惧留下纯洁的爱,那就是治好他的原因。

Put Your Golden Energy Out in Front of You


Q: How does alchemy weave with the Goddess Light?


KIRAEL: Goddess energy is the Love of the Creator.The Goddesses here are practicing their Goddess Light, which means they’re doing their best to act, speak and live as that energy.That doesn’t mean that the Goddess Lights have succeeded at it or that they’re any better or worse than anyone else.You all have Goddess energy, but those who are practicing with that energy will be ahead of the crowd.Connect with your Goddess energy by getting your gold energy out in front of you.All of the particles within you will be encased in the golden light when you get to the fourth dimension.Right now, however, you must practice encasing them in that golden light.The fourth strand of your DNA is gold.If you could cut your hand open and check your DNA, you’d see the colors of all four strands of the DNA, but the golden fourth strand is all inclusive, meaning that it contains all the other colors.When you meditate effectively, you feel this whole process.You will know you’re healing.齐瑞尔:女神能量是造物主的爱。这里的众女神正练习着女神之光,意味着她们正根据那能量尽全力行动、讲话和生活。但不意味着女神之光已经获得成功,或者她 们比任何人更优秀或更差。你们所有人都拥有女神能量,但那些正在练习那能量的人们将比其他人领先一步。当你进入第四次元时,你内在的全部粒子都包裹在金光 里。但是,眼下你必须练习在金光里装入它们。你的第四链DNA是金色的。如果你能切开双手并检查DNA,就会看到四链DNA的所有颜色,但第四链的金色包 含一切,意味着它包含所有其它颜色。当你有效地静心时,就会感受到这整个过程。你会知道你正在痊愈。

When Jesus walked into a crowd and put his hand on someone, he drew love from every person who was willing and put that love into the healee, who was then healed.He had the fourth strand of a sixth-dimensional being to guide the energy through the process.Jesus was able to put the gold energy of God Creator incarnate into the healee, instantaneously pulling away the fear, causing a healing.当耶稣走进人群并把手放到某人身上时,他从第一个愿意提供爱的人中吸取爱并把爱置入患者身上,然后他痊愈了。他拥有一个第六次元存在体的第四链来引导整个过程。耶稣能够把神造物主的金色能量显化到患者上,瞬间拉出恐惧,达到痊愈。

Q: My biological family is depressed and anxious and I choose not to participate in their dramas.How do I avoid making them feel as if they’re being rejected?


KIRAEL: If they feel rejected by your comings and goings, then you’re not doing your total journey.When you can speak to your biological family without any “airy fairy” talk, and they say, “That made sense for a second,” even if they change the subject, that moment that you made sense represented your true journey.You must infuse love into your journey.So pull the fear out of your love and then say what you have to say.If you’re doing it right, they won’t feel rejected.You’ll go into that love portion of your body presence, your cellular consciousness, and you’ll pull the fear back and speak from that open space.You’ll be surprised at what you’ll say, because you’ll be speaking another language, the language of love, and they’ll hear what you’re saying for the first time.They will be caught in your love and that’s the whole journey.You’ll see it, feel it and know it.Each time you do this, you’ll pull more fear out and you’ll put even more love in and your communication will be life-altering.齐瑞尔:如果他们因你的到来和离开而觉得被拒绝,那么你就没有完全进行你的旅程。当你对你的亲生家庭不再说什么“飘渺仙境”的谈话而且他们说:“那是有那 么一点点道理”,即使他们改变话题,那一刻你便使你的真正旅程有意义。你必须把爱注入旅程。因而,把恐惧从爱中拉出来,然后说你必须要说的话。如果正确去 做的话,他们不会觉得被拒绝。你将去到身体存在的那爱的部分,你的细胞意识,就会拉开恐惧并从开放的空间发言。你会惊讶于自己说什么,因为你说的是另一种 语言,爱的语言,而他们就首次聆听你说什么。他们会陷入你的爱,那就是整个旅程。你会看到它,感觉到它,了解它。每一次这样做,你会拉出更多的恐惧,放进 更多的爱,而你的沟通将改变生命。

Be True to Your Journey 忠实于你的旅程

Q: How do we use alchemy to help us understand and work with those experiencing dementia and Alzheimer’s and how do we help ourselves as we’re working with them?


KIRAEL: Alzheimer’s is a progressive, degenerative, alternative journey of love.It can be curbed by not focusing on it.When someone experiences profound memory loss, the type where the individual cannot recall his name, his address, etc., he is labeled as having Alzheimer’s and everyone reacts as if it’s a terrible thing.If you wanted to heal this person, you wouldn’t go into despair.You would say, “Wait a minute.I don’t buy what you’re saying.I can’t even see the Alzheimer’s.” So what if the person does things others refer to as strange? If you enter this journey and make a commitment to your friend or relative to make him feel good about himself every day, speaking to him in love, changing the subject from what he can’t remember to something lighter, regardless of the stage of his disease, you can bring him back.You must pull the fear out of your love and bring the individual’s attention to the beauty in life.The person with Alzheimer’s is trying to find out what he forgot.You can teach him what he forgot.Don’t ever tell him he has Alzheimer’s and is losing his mind.You’ll be feeding your ego and destroying his.Just remind him what a beautiful day it is—change the subject.This is just to start.I could spend a good hour with you just on this subject.You can do Signature Cell Healing to get into the individual’s brain and move stem cells to reverse the Alzheimer’s, but that’s another story.The alchemy portion of the healing is about loving the person as I just described

齐瑞尔:老年痴呆症是一种渐进的、退化的爱的另类旅程。它可由不受重视而被抑制。当某人经历到重大记忆丧失时,那种不记得名字、地址等的人,被贴上老年痴呆症的标签,而每个人的反应都仿佛这是一件可怕的事。如果你想治愈这个人,别气馁。你会说:“等一下。我不买你的帐。我甚至看不到老年痴呆症。”那么,如果那个人真的做着其他人所说的怪事呢?如果你进入这个旅程,并对你的朋友或亲戚作出承诺,要让他每一天都自我感觉良好,那么在爱中跟他交谈,从他不记得的主题改变到较为轻松的话题,不管他的病到了哪个阶段,你都可以带他回来。你必须从你的爱中拉出恐惧,并把患者的注意力拉到生活的美好上。患了老年痴呆症的 人正试着找出忘记的东西。你可以教导他忘记了什么。但千万别告诉他是个老年痴呆症患者而且正失去记忆。你可能满足了自我而破坏了他的。只是提醒他这是多么 美好的一天——改变话题。这仅仅是开始。我可以就此主题跟你讲上一小时。你可以使用特征细胞治疗进入那个人的大脑并移动干细胞以扭转老年痴呆症,但这是另 一个故事。治疗的炼金术部分就是像我刚才描述那样去爱人。

Q: How much of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating is an alchemy journey?


KIRAEL: Alchemy came out of Lemuria, just as the Principles did.The Ten Principles are woven into alchemy, and alchemy is woven into the Principles.To be effective with alchemy, you must be fully acquainted with and practicing the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating.They are part and parcel of each other, inseparable.齐瑞尔:炼金术出自利穆里亚,正如那些原则一样。十项原则融入炼金术而炼金术融入原则。要有效地使用炼金术,你必须充分熟悉和练习知觉创造十项原则。它们相互不可分割,是彼此重要的组成部分。


Alchemy is about love.I’ve spent more time talking about love than I’ve ever done before.I cannot express enough how important love is to this journey, and I’m not talking about third-dimensional romantic love.I’m talking about the love that has no opposite.Pull out your fears and go into that little space called the magi energy and come out through love.It never, ever fails.When anger rises in your energy, don’t rush into it.Stop and try it my way.Try love.炼金术是关于爱。我比以前更多谈论爱。我无法充分表达爱对这个旅程有多么重要,我不是指第三次元的爱情。我说的是没有相反物的爱。拉出你的恐惧,进入那个 被称作法师能量的小小空间然后穿过爱出来。它永远不会失败。当愤怒在你能量里上升时,别冲进去。停下并尝试我的方法。尝试爱。


©Kahu Fred Sterling



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