
时间:2019-05-14 15:46:19下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Have you ever experienced a situation in which the customer care was very good? What do you think makes good customer care? Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximize your customers’ satisfaction with your business.It should be a prime consideration for every business-your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy.Being quick , friendly, helpful, courteous, knowledgeable, considerate and professional can make good customer care.I’ve experienced many situations in which the customer care was very good.What most impressed me is going to buy my notebook last year.When they know that I want to buy a notebook, they introduce their product friendly.Although I asked them many questions, they were very patient all the time.At last I decided to buy their product, they gave me many presents.So I think their customer care was very good.2.What is customer loyalty?Are you a loyal customer? Why or why not? The customer frequently uses the same company or buys the same product.Yes, I’m a loyal customer.For example, most of my cloth is from the same company.And I always go to the same restaurant.There is no doubt in my mind that the quality in the product is what has kept me as a loyal customer.And their customer care is also very important.If their quality of the product and the customer care are good, I usually become their loyal customer.3.What kind of company can be called multinational? Please show one example of multinational and describe it briefly.A company or corporation operating in more than two countries.I know a multinational company which all the people know.It is the Apple company.Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone and iPad.The founder of Apple company Steve Jobs has became the idol of many Chinese.They work many days to buy a Iphone.So the Apple is very popular.4.Have you ever used the Internet to shop? Compared with the traditional shopping, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping? Yes, I often use the Internet to shop.1.Can save some money 2.Can have more choices

3.Needn’t spend time parking

4.Needn’t carry goods back home personally 5.Can do shopping at any time

1.Can’t see, touch, smell the goods.2.Can’t get goods immediately.3.Difficult to have the same consumer protection as buying goods from solid shops.4.Personal information may be disclosed.5.May be given the wrong goods or the fake commodities

5.What is retailing? Can you list at least 3 types of retail outlet and say the characteristic of each respectively? The final step in the whole distribution channel;no middlemen between buyers and retailers.1.Supermarket

a large self-service shop selling food and drink and also small household items 2.hypermarket a very large supermarket often located on the edge of a town or city 3.shopping centre/mall A covered area with shops, supermarkets and restaurants 4.department store a large shop with many departments or sections---each department sells a different type of goods 5.specialist retailer

A shop which only sells one type of product, usually of high quality 6.chain store

one of a group of shops owned by the same company

6.What are the four ways in which advertising can work? If you are given “Dyson vacuum cleaner”, how to introduce it to your target customers? Advertising can inform or persuade or remind or motivate;

Dyson vacuum cleaner uses grey and yellow.The silver-grey body, like machined aluminium, resembles a piece of aircraft technology.Yellow is used to highlight the important parts and give it a sense of fun.And the inventor of the cleaner won the European Desigh Prize.The cleaner does not use bags to collect dust.7.What are the workplace cultures in Britain and Spain? What do you think is the workplace culture in our country and why do you think so? The British live to work and the Spanish work to live.“Live to work” obviously implies that one works happily each day and they regard their work as a pleasure.While “work to live” implies something more heavy.I think in our country people work to live.They regard work as a way of making a living.The purpose for which they work is to kill time or to make enough money to support themselves and their families.They often consider work as what they have to do.So they can’t pick up pleasure and enjoyment from their work.Such people, once they can afford to support themselves and their families, perhaps quit their work.8.Many everyday brands used by people can have varying prices throughout the world.What do you think are the possible factors which can influence price? Take a factor as example, and say why it can influence price.Exchange Rate / Taxes / Labor cost / Raw material cost / Shipping cost / Demand and Supply Purchasing Power , etc.Availability of raw materials can greatly influence the prices.For example, water in our country is too much, so the price of water in our country is very low.But in some African countries, water is very poor.So the price of water is as high as the price of oil in our country.9.What is unique selling point? If your company wants to launch a new product “Lucky Cola”, what do you think can be the unique selling point(s)?

It differentiates your product or service from those of your rivals;It is the one thing that singles you out from the competition.It may present a point of view, a promise or a deal that no one else makes;or it may be a benefit applying to just your business, product or service.Like Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola, Lucky Cola will become the third biggest cola company in the world.The “lucky” in lucky cola can imply that the lucky cola can give you good luck.It is very kind for people to hear the name.So this can be regarded as a big unique selling point.10.What would you like to do after you finish your studies? What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan? Go abroad, study further, go to work.I plan to go to look for a job after I finish my studies.What I do now is paying attention to my studies.I think if I have a good grades, I will get a better job.And then I usually surf on the Internet to look for the information about my

第二篇:2012 商务英语口语考试话题


1.Have you ever experienced a situation in which the customer care was very good? What do you think makes good customer care? Yes, I have ever experienced a situation in which the customer care was very good.And in my opinion a good customer care is to serve the people by heart and make every effort, that means he or she should be professional and friendly.Even when a situation is not easily resolved, a caring and motivated person can usually find a way to help.So a good customer care is not to say “sorry, i can't” with smiling.2.What is customer loyalty?Are you a loyal customer? Why or why not?

Customer loyalty is that the customer frequently uses the same company or buys the same product.Yes,I am a particularly loyal customer to the ICBC(industrial and commercial Bank of China)first of all, because they are extremely convenient to use.I can do all my banking over the phone and I can do this at any time of the day.I can find how much money there is in my account.I can pay all my bills.I also think the staff are very professional and very friendly.3.What kind of company can be called multinational? Please show one example of multinational and describe it briefly.Multinationals are companies which operate in a number of countries.And it often has a complicated structure.There is usually a parent or holding company.For example, the Mcdonald's.It is the world's largest hamburger restaurant company.And it has over 19000 restaurants in 100 countries.And the company logo is “We are committed to providing high quality food”.4.Have you ever used the Internet to shop? Compared with the traditional shopping, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping? Yes, I have ever used the Internet to shop.advantages

 Convenience: open for 24 hours  Reduced number of traditional middlemen  Reduced transaction costs  Lower prices and greater variety for the consumer  No sales tax paid  Very transparent market/ a big threat to the survival of traditional retailing outlets  Speedup in the distribution of products, particularly digital goods(written, music, image, software)disadvantages

 Unable to be touched for quality or tried on for comfort  Reduced social interaction(people still need and enjoy the social experience) Insecurity of the payment process(credit card information/be divulged over the net/secure electronic payment systems/software developers, banks, and credit card companies)Yes, I have.Advantages: Shopping on the internet is convenient, and I don’t have to go out.I can compare a variety of things selling on line.Disadvantages: Consumer protection is difficult to rengulate on the Internet, and the consumers may get cheated.And consumers can see the goods, but they can’t touch or try to use the googs.5.What is retailing? Can you list at least 3 types of retail outlet and say the characteristic of each respectively? Retailing is the provision of goods and services to the customer.For example, supermarket, hypermarket and specialist retailer.The supermarket is a large self-service shop selling food and drink and also small household items.The hypermarket is a very large supermarket often located on the edge of a town or city.The specialist retailer is a shop which only sells one type of product, usually of high quality.6.What are the four ways in which advertising can work? If you are given “Dyson vacuum cleaner”, how to introduce it to your target customers? Advertise can inform or persuade or remind or motivate.Obviously the type of ad depend on the products.So take the “Dyson vacuum” for example, The silver-grey body, like machined aluminium, resembles a piece of aircraft technology.Yellow is used to highlight the important parts and give it a sense of fun.And most important, it is now the Britain's best-selling vacuum cleaner.Just have a try, you will feel surprised.7.What are the workplace cultures in Britain and Spain? What do you think is the workplace culture in our country and why do you think so? It is said that the British live to work and the Spanish work to live.It means that the Spanish work in order to enjoy their lives far more than the British do.I think in our country the workplace culture depends on the individual.Some people pursue a busy life and work all day, and they think it is their life.While others prefer to live a comfortable life and they just work in the work hour, and they just believe that work is a way to make a living, people should enjoy life.8.Many everyday brands used by people can have varying prices throughout the world.What do you think are the possible factors which can influence price? Take a factor as example, and say why it can influence price.In my opinion, some of the variations in price are due to the differences in exchange rates, some are due to the differences in local raw materials and production or shipping costs, and some are due to variation in taxes.And for some brands it may be that multinational companies are charging what they think the market will bear.Also it may be because the salaries are different.For example, if the salaries are low and then people won't be able to the expensive things.So the price should be low.9.What is unique selling point? If your company wants to launch a new product “Lucky Cola”, what do you think can be the unique selling point(s)?

Unique selling points differentiates your product or service from those of your rivals;It is the one thing that singles you out from the competition.It may present a point of view, a promise or a deal that no one else makes;or it may be a benefit applying to just your business, product or service.Take the Lucky Cola for example, I think it can be the “lucky”, if you drink the Lucky cola, you will be lucky.This is the unique selling points of “Lucky cola”.10.What would you like to do after you finish your studies? What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan? I want to work as an electrical engineer in the GE after i finish my studies.In order to get the registered electrical engineer certificate someday, I am now studying very hard for the knowledge preparation and I also attend training course to make thorough preparations.And i try to attend a lot of activities in order to be mature and improve interpersonal skills.


 Please describe a city you love or interested in, explain why? 

 How do you like city life? Which aspect of city life do you find most enjoyable? 

 As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport? 

 Describe a person who influences you most in your life.

 Please describe one of the happiest things in your childhood.

 Do you like pets? Why do people have pets? 

 Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth? Why? 

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city? 

 Describe a person you respect or admire.And tell me why? 

 If you were given a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

 Green food is now becoming more and more popular.Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 

 Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside? 

 “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty.

 How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner.

 Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 

 Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why? 

 Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not? 

 If you got 5,000,000 Yuan by winning lottery ticket, what will you do? Share your opinion with your partner.

 Do you often judge people by appearances? How do you think about it? 

 Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams? What are the reasons? If not, what’s your opinion on cheating on exams? 

 Discuss the difference between college life and middle school life 

 What is your favorite holiday?(Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Qingming Festival, Christmas, etc.)

 Do you love traveling? What places have you ever been to? Please share your traveling experiences with your partner? 

 How do you feel about students who are often late for class? 

 How do you get along with your roommates? What’s your advice for those who don’t get along well with each other in the same dorm? 

 Do you think it’s always wrong to tell a lie? 

 Please comment on Cheating in exams 

 Have you ever been cheated by anybody? If yes, please tell us about it.If not, how did you avoid being cheated? 

 What would you do if you find somebody cheating in exams? 

 Have you ever traveled long distances? Please say something about our travels.If not, have you any plans to do so? 

 Can you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules? Please name one or two.

 What are the positive and negative aspects of exams at college? 

 Do you think there can ever be absolute equality between men and women? 

 Can you say something about your grandparent? What do you think elderly people need most? 

 What do you think of campus life?What would you do if you feel lonely on campus?


1.Is part-time job good for university students? Why? 2.What does health food mean? In your opinion, what is the relationship between food and health? 3.Many people like to follow the fashion.Do you think it’s wise? What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the fashion? 4.What damage could an earthquake cause and what can human beings do to deal with it? 5.After finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate degree? Why? 6.Ways to success: do you think success is due more to luck and opportunity ? why? 7.Talk about your experience of studying English.(When;how;what;favorite activities;difficulty;plan;goal;etc.)8.Internet for shopping: Have computers improved our lives? 9.Advertising: should people buy things according to what ads say? Why? 10.Share your traveling experience 11..Introduction to your family 12.Talk about your college life 13.Discussing your future job: what kind of work do you enjoy? 14.The relation between sports and health


1.家庭教育好不好 2.环保


4.延迟退休年龄问题 5.现代科技

6.黑客与非法软件/音乐 7.议价交易 8.你喜欢的运动 9.素食主义 10.阅读好不好 11.回收利用 12.在海外学习13.太空探索 14.学生贷款 15.网络 16.国际援助 17.园艺

18.在电影院看电影好不好 19.付出与收获 20.团队合作

21.中国的成长与发展 22.电子书 23.网课

24.在家做饭好不好 25.团队运动

分类 优缺点类

在家做饭好不好 阅读好不好 家庭教育好不好


学生贷款 电子书 网课 网络




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