Unit 1 A White Heron Do you think Sylvia should helped the young man ?Why or why not? A: Do you support what the little girl did? B: Yes,I do.A: Don’t you think Sylvia should help the young man? B: No,I don’t think so A: Why not?If she help the young man,she can get the money he offered.Ten dollars is a big temptation for the little girl B:Maybe she can get so much money.But at the same time,it will give the white heron’s life away.You know,as a country girl,animals and woods are better friends to the little girl than the man.A: But she can’t stop the man from hunting other birds.B: As for the little girl,she loves the nature.And she had tried her best to protect the animal.A: The article had referred that the little girl was sad when the young man went away.The child is alone.B: No,the girl isn’t alone.The nature is her best friend.Different feelings for the birds :
1.The young man considered that he could save the birds if he stuff them 2.Sylvia thinks that if he likes the birds,he shouldn’t kill them.Unit 2 The Nutrition in Food A: Are you concerntrate on your health? B: Maybe.But these days,I didn’t have breakfast.A: It’s awful to hear that,why not? B: Sometimes I get up late in the morning and I’m afraid of being late.A: Do you know? Nutrients are the fuel for human energy and help buid the human body.And food can provide nutrients which build,fuel and maitain the human body.So if you don’t eat breakfast,you will feel tired in the morning.B: It seems that eating breakfast is really important.What kind of food should I eat to get more nutritions?
A: The nutrients are divided into 5 groups,such as fats proteins vitamins and so on.Different kinds of food contain different nutrients.So we should eat a balance diet.B: Ok,I will care about my health.Thank you for telling that!
Unit5 Books Emerson:Three rules for reading Never read a book that is not a year old.Never read any but famous books.Never read a book do not like.A: Do you like reading? B: Yes,I do.Reading a favourite book will calm me down.It also increase my mental stature.Have you heard three rules of reading books suggested by Emerson? A: Yes,I have.I agree with it.Do you think his rules still apply to the information age today? B: Of course.Nowadays,there are many kinds of books in libraries.But not all kinds of books are benefitial to us.A: Maybe you are right.We form many of our opinions from our favourite books so we should read the best books
第二篇:酒吧实用英语口语Bar English
1.Do you like to have a drink with us?
Drink 这个字虽然是「喝」的意思, 但是如果没有指明是喝水(drink water)或是喝其它的东西, 则多半指的是喝酒(drink alcohol)的意思.所以如果别人邀请你 “Wanna have a drink with us?” 你可别呆呆地回答, “Drink what?” 那可是会笑死人的喔!另外像是如果听到某人有很严重的 drinking problem, 指的就是他有「酗酒」的习惯啦!而不是说他喝东西有问题.不过在快餐店的话是一个例外, 因为大家都知道快餐店是不卖酒的.所以如果店员问你, “What kinds of drinks do you want?”(你要什么饮料?)则很明显的这个 drinks 指的是 soft drinks 的意思.2.I'll buy you a drink.我请你喝一杯吧.如果想跟老外建立友谊, 有时候不妨略施小惠.请人家喝杯小酒, 人家会很感激的.不过在他们的观念里, 你请人家就算是泼出去的水, 别人通常是不会回请的.这跟中国人抢着付帐或是这次我请你, 下次你请我这种礼尚往来的习俗有很大的不同.另外「请客」的说法还有很多种, 例如比较常听到的有, “It's on me.”(算我的好了)或是 “My treat.”(我请客).以前在学校老师教的, “Be my guest.”(当我的客人吧!)也有人这样用, 不过很少听到就是了.3.Draft, please.请给我生啤酒.Draft 是啤酒的一种, 中文翻译作「生啤酒」, 我这么说大家就会有些概念吧!生啤酒通常是装在一个大桶子里, 要喝的时候水龙头(tap)一扭就是好大的一杯啤酒, 所以酒吧的门口常常挂着斗大的 “On Tap” 招牌, 就是由此而来。此外老美们还喜欢用一种超大像是一颗球一样的杯子来装生啤, 这种杯子英文叫 “fishbowl”.以其大小跟鱼缸一样而得名.4.Do you want domestic or imported beer?
你是要国产的还是进口的啤酒.如果你是第一次来到一个酒吧想点杯啤酒, 但却对啤酒一点概念也没有.通常这时候别人就会问你是要, “Domestic or imported?” 简而言之就是问你要国产啤酒或是进口啤酒啦.像是 Bud Lite, Budweiser 是在美国生产的, Heineken 是在荷兰生产的, 所以属于进口的(imported)了!
5.My favorite beer is from a microbrewer.我最喜欢的啤酒是一家小酿造厂出产的.那你要喝什么样的酒才算「酷」呢? 最好是一些越小越没人知道的厂牌越好, 这样表示你的品味与众不同.这种小酒厂老美就称之为 microbrewer.另外如果你要更「酷」的话, 你可以说 “I like craft beer”(我喜欢手工酿造的啤酒)或是有一次更夸张, 有一个老美说, “I usually brew beer in my home.”(我都是自己酿酒的)结果此话一出, 果然大家立刻就对他另眼相看, 争相问他啤酒要怎么做?
6.Make it two.再给我另一杯.有些情况例如你原来已经点了一杯酒, 但是后来想到还有另一个人跟你点同样的, 所以应该要点二杯才对, 这时候你会怎么说呢? “Give me another one?” 呵呵, 这样说当然也没错啦.不过我听老美在这种情况下喜欢用 make 这个动词.你看 “Make it two.” 不是很简单明了吗?
当然 make it two 这句话还有很多意思, 例如原来有三个人约好要出去玩, 可是你希望不要有电灯泡, 这时你可以说, “Can we make it two?” 意思就是我们可不可以二个人去? 或者另一种用法例如两个人原来约三点见面, 但是你觉得三点太晚了, 这时你就可以说, “Can we make it two?”(可以改二点吗?)记得在电视剧 “Friends” 里有一集就有跟这句双关语有关的剧情.不知道看过的人有没有印象?
7.I am still sober.我还很清醒.有一个道理大家都知道, 喝醉的人很少说自己醉的说.如果你要说自己醉了的话, 就是 “I am drunk.” 或是俚语的讲法可以把 drunk 换成像是 afloat, all at sea, bashed, belted 或是 boozed.但如果你坚持自己是清醒的话, 就是, “I am sober.” 要是你要强调自己非常清醒的话, 则可以说, “I am stone sober.” 或是 “I am cold sober.” 还有一个跟酒醉有关的字叫 hangover, 中文翻成宿醉, 也就是指喝醉酒后隔天早上醒来头痛等等的症状.例如你一早醒来发现头痛得不得了, 就可以说, “I've got a hangover.Having a hangover sucks.”(我还在宿醉啦.宿醉真讨厌.)
8.If you want to puke, just go ahead.如果你想吐的话, 就去吧.「吐」这个动作在英文里叫 puke 或 throw up, 俚语的讲法则是 toss(up)one's cookie.一般人比较容易犯的毛病是把 throw up 说成 throw out.因为感觉上「吐」是往外吐而不是往上吐, 所以我自己也常搞不清楚应该是 throw up 或是 throw out.
基础教程: 第1单元
1.What was your first job? Do you still have the same job? 2.Did you like your first job? Why(not)? 3.What have you learnt from your first job? 4.What do you think are the three most important characteristics that the following people should have? ① engineers ② teachers ③ doctors ④ lawyers ⑤ business people ⑥ government officials 第2单元
1.What do you know about the Net economy? 2.Have you ever tried Internet shopping? What do you think of it? 3.How is the Net economy going in our country? 4.Talk about the present situation of Net economy in our country.① How do you like Internet surfing? ② What do you think is the future development of Internet? ③ How does Internet change your life?
1、Do you know how much damage human activity is doing to the environment?
2、What kinds of envirommental problems have appeared on our planet in recent years?
3、Have you got some ideas about how to preserve our planet?
4、Talk about the environment problems which occourred on our planet in recent years.第4单元
1.Is it easy for you to apologize for past wrongs? Why or why not? 2.Why do heads of state feel the need to apologize, and why now? 3.Do world leaders take risks when saying sorry for past wrongs? 4.Do you think the official apology is helpful in promoting a leader’s image?
1.What do you think “education” is: inputting information or allowing young minds to explore? 2.What should it be in your opinion? 3.How do you rate your school education on a scale of one to ten? Why? 4.“Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.” Do you understand this statement? Do you agree with it? 5.Although “education” comes from a Latin word meaning “to draw out,” nowadays it seems to mean “to accept”.What do you think? 6.Join a partner and discuss your own primary school experiences.Also share your points about how you should teach your own children when they are still young.第6单元
1.What is engineering ? What is the content of it ? What association could you make between engineering and our life ? Please cite some examples.2.In your opinion , what is the job of an engineer ? Are you an engineer ? what do you do in your work ? 3.Do you know Industrial Revolution ? who are some famous representatives of the Industrial Revolution ? What effect did the revolution have on people’s life? 4.What abilities or traits may help a person become a successful engineer ? Do you think that you are a successful engineer ?
听力教程: 第1单元
1.Different from Amy Chua, “the Tiger Mother”, a Chinese father claims himself to be a “Cat”, a docile and gentle role in Chinese culture, who successfully sent his daughter to Harvard University in a liberal parenting style.Which parenting style do you prefer? 2.Do you know some differences between Chinese and American parenting styles? 3.Describe a challenging experience or opportunity you met in the university? What the challenge or opportunity is.How you overcome or grasp it.What you have learned from this experience.4.There are five styles of parenting based on Dr.Baumrind.They are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved and evil cyborg.Decide which one is good for a 5-year-old preschooler, a 14-year-old college student respectively.5.Work in small groups and have an interview with your group members on the topic “the biggest challenge of the university life”.Then report your findings to another group.6.Should public schools in China eliminate the traditional 0-100 grading scale? And if so, what assessment do we replace it with?
1.Do you know where your money goes ? Keep a spending log and record everything you spend.How do you manage your personal finance ? 2.Do you agree that “Money talks” ? What are the things that money can buy and cannot buy? 3.Role play:Borrow money from your classmates.4.Have you ever met the situation that your parents have different attitudes toward your values about money? And what’s the difference or big contrast between your parent’s attitude and yours? Interview five of your classmates and then report your findings to the whole class.5.Earlier in May 2011,Yahoo,the largest stakeholder of Alibaba said the ownership of Alipay , Alibaba’s online payment platform , had been shifted to a Chinese firm owned mostly by Alibaba chairman Jack Ma without the knowledge or approval of Alibaba’s board of directors or shareholders ,which also include Japan’s Softbank Corp.What is your opinion of Alipay Dispute ? Do you support Ma’s decision of the transfer ? Defend your viewpoint with justifiable evidences.第3单元 What do you usually do in your free time ? 2 What kinds of leisure activities are popular in China today ? 3 Olympic Games had attracted the attention of whole world ,and in 2010 Guangzhou successfully held the 16 th Asian Games.Discuss the significance of such global and regional sports events.4 Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors.Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors.Interview five of your classmates and then report your findings to the class.5 Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully.Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time.Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making palns.Which do you prefer ? Planning or not planning for your leisure time ?USE specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.第4单元
1、What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever discovered? Why?
2、What`s the difference between ancient and modern architecture(建筑)in China?
3、Should children be taught arts and crafts at school?
4、Tell a story about a past experience related to engineering.Remember to stay in the past axis(轴)when you say it.5、Genetic engineering(基因工程)is popular in agriculture and medical research.It is said that people would be modified genetically just like the plots in Gattaca.Interview five of your classmates for their opinion on build-in modification before birth and then report your findings to the whole class.6、Will modern technology help or destroy human beings? Decides which side you will take and then argue for your choice.
XXXX教育学科教师辅导讲义 讲义编号 学员编号: 年 级: 初 一 课时数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英 语 学科教师: 学科组长签名及日期 教务长签名及日期
课 题 初中英语口语话题训练 授课时间: 备课时间: 本次课通过对“结交新朋友”话题的共同探讨,尤其是针对学生感兴趣的问题,进行互动
教学目标 式口语听说训练。在寓教于乐的氛围中,让学生可以独立的完成自我介绍以及介绍别人。
重点、难点 1.经典口语句型 2.标准语音规范 3.正常语调规范 4.交叉话题能力
口语能力测试是中考考试的一部分,分值15分,要求学生能够具备语言的综合运用能力,考点及考试要求 重点是听说能力。
Be a Better One!
Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other!Conversation 1:Interests Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart.What is your name? Student: My name is Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you? Student: Teacher: What else do you like? Student: Teacher: Why do you like Student: Because Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball? Student: Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now.It was very nice to meet you!Student: Teacher: Bye!Student:
Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir.Teacher: Good afternoon, Student: This is my best friend , , this is my English teacher, David.Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do.Student: My best friend is good at , and he likes.He lives in , and there are members in his/her family.We are often together playing.Teacher: It was really nice to meet your best friend, but time is up, I have to go to class.Student: Fine, see you.Teacher: Bye.Now, can you introduce family to your teacher? Conversation 3:Family Teacher: Hi!,how are you today?
Student: Teacher: I am fine too.This is the picture of my family.The old man on the left is my grandfather.He is an engineer.He loves playing Chinese chess.My grandmother is next to my grandfather, she is a school teacher, and she loves watching TV.These two people are my parents, they are both working in America, they are school teachers, too.Student: What a happy family!Teacher: Thank you, what about your family? Student: There are members in my family..My father is , and he likes My mother is , and she likes Teacher: What a happy family you have!Student: It is very kind of you!Teacher: It is 8 o’clock, I have to go to school, see you next time!Student: See you!
Ok, right now, please draw your parents’ portrait on the whiteboard and make an introduction of them.Well done!From now on, you can introduce yourself through these following 3 steps:
Your interests Your family and Never forget your best friends!
Topic Two: Making Friends / Conversation Structure When making new friends, there are usually three parts to the conversation you will have with your new friend.The first is the greeting.In this part, you and your new friend will greet each other and tell each other your names.The second part is the conversation.Sometimes the conversation is small talk and some times the conversation is about important matters, such as business.“Small talk” is an American slang term.It means that the conversation is about matters that are not very important.When conversing with your new friend, it is customary to give information about your family, your work, or you will talk about any matter that is important to you and your new friend.The third part of the conversation is the leave-taking.In this part, you tell your new friend that you are happy to meet him and that you must end the conversation.Greetings Conversation 3 Primary Elements: Leave-taking In this conversation, Jacky will introduce himself and his wife to Jim, their new neighbor.Jacky: Hello.Jim: Oh, hi there!Jacky: Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Jacky Wu and this is my wife, Lan Li.Jim: Pleased to meet you.My name is Jim Peters.Do you live in next door? Lan: Yes, we do.How many years do you live here? Jim: Me? I've lived here for about 6 years now.Have you lived in America very long? Jacky: No.Not really.When we left China and came to America we lived with a cousin in Dallas for 2 years.Where do you work, Jim? Jim: I teach mathematics at Springs community college.What do you do? Jacky: I am a football player.Jim: What about you, Lan? Lan: I am a nurse's assistant at hospital.Jim: Well, Jacky and Lan, it was good to meet you.I have to go now.I'm teaching a class this evening and I need to get to the college.Jacky: It was good to meet you, too, Jim.Lan: Yes, it was good to meet you.Jim: See you around!Jacky and Lan: Good-bye, Jim!
Please identify the part of greeting in the above conversation.Topic Three: Our Daily Life More useful oral speaking expressions: Appreciation You are beautiful!你真漂亮~ You are clever!你真聪明~ You are good!你真棒~ Great!/ Good!/ OK!好。Very nice!非常好~ Happy New Year!新年快乐~ Happy birthday!生日快乐~ Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐~
Thank you very much!非常感谢你~ Wonderful!太棒了~ I am the winner!我是胜利者~ I am the first!我是第一名!You are beautiful!你真漂亮~ You are welcome!欢迎你~ How beautiful!多美呀~ How funny!多有趣呀~
Wow!It’s so nice!哇~它太好了。It’s a nice day!这是一个很好的一天~ Oh, my god / goodness!哦,我的上帝~ Wow!It’s so nice / lovely!哇~它太棒了 / 太可爱了~
Nice girl / boy.好女孩 / 男孩。You are so sweet.你是非常可爱的。You look very smart.你看起来非常聪明。I wish you a Merry Christmas~ 我祝你圣诞快乐~
I wish you a Happy New Year~我祝你新年快乐~ Miss Li, you are very beautiful~ 李老师你真漂亮~
I love you~ 我爱你~ Daily expressions:(1)Sleep and waking up(睡觉/起床)It’s time to go to sleep.(到睡觉的时间了。)Sweat dreams.(做个好梦。)It’s time to go to bed./Time for bed.(该上床了。)It’s time to have a nap.(该午休了。)Wake up!(起床。)Did you sleep well?(睡好了吗,)Time to get up.(该起床了。)(2)Getting dressed(穿衣)It’s time to get dressed(该穿衣服了。)What do you want to wear today?(今天想穿什么,)This shirt doesn’t go with those pants.(这件上衣和裤子不搭配。)Stand still./ sit still.(站好/坐好。)Now put on your sweater.(现在穿上毛衣。)Take your clothes off./ Take off your clothes.(脱衣服。)Pick up your socks, please.(请把袜子捡起来。)Put on your trousers/shoes/coat/cap.穿上你的裤子/鞋子/外套/帽子。
(3)Meal time(吃饭)Come sit at the table.(过来坐在桌旁。)Stop playing with your food.(不要再玩食物了。)Don’t talk with your mouth full.(嘴里吃着不要说话。)Help Daddy do the dishes.(帮助爸爸收盘子。)Help Mommy to set the table.(帮助妈妈放桌子。)Help us clear off the table.(帮我们收拾桌子。)(4)Washing up(清洁)Your hands are sticky.(你的手很脏。)Wash your hands immediately.(马上去洗手。)Look at the mess you’ve made.(看看你弄的。)You need to have a bath.(你得洗个澡了。)
Topic Four: Brainstorm
Function-crossing Conversation Practice, please write down our conversation.A: Hello~ B: A: B: A:
B: A: B: Don’t forget to review your A: lessons!B: A: B: A: B: More topics, more friends and more confidence,HOMEWORK 1.请找出生词,记录在单词本上,记忆并准备下次课检查。
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Dictation: Brush your teeth.I spilled my soup.You are so sweet.It’s time to get Come sit at the
Are you thirsty? Wash your face.There is no tissue I wish you a dressed.table.Yes, I am./ No, I Show me your paper.Merry Christmas~ What do you want Don’t talk with am not.nose / hands / I want to go to the You look very to wear today? your mouth full.I like fish / beef / head.toilet.smart.This shirt doesn’t Help Daddy do lamb.I am hungry.I like orange-juice.Sweat dreams.go with those the dishes.Have some water I am full.Merry Christmas!It’s time to go to pants.Help Mommy to / tea / milk.I have done my Wonderful!bed./Time for Stand still./ sit set the table.Help yourself, hands.I am the winner!bed.still.Your hands are please.I want more rice / How beautiful!It’s time to have a Take your clothes sticky.What’s for lunch / vegetable.How funny!nap.off./ Take off your Wash your hands breakfast / Oh, my god / Wake up!clothes.immediately.supper? goodness!Did you sleep Pick up your Look at the mess well? socks, please.you’ve made.Time to get up.You need to have a bath.
1.谈论你的一次旅游经历。(Talk about your travel)
I went to Rizhao last year.It’s in the east of China.I went there with my father and mother.We stayed there for three days in july.We climed the Wulianshan mountain.And we visited the Liujiawan park.It was beautiful.We had a lovely time there.2.搜集一些你的爷爷或奶奶的相关信息,写一写。
Many year ago, my grandpa was tall and strong.He was a teacher.my grandma was beautiful and she was a nurse.They didn’t have televisions.They lived in a small house.They didn’t have enough food.Now,they are old and they are retired.They live in a big house.They have got lots of food.They watch TV everyday.They live a happy life.3.谈论一下你上周末做了什么。(What did you do last weekend?)
I had a busy weekend.I did my homework on Saturday morning.In the afternoon, I visited my grandma and helped her with the housework.In the evening, I watched TV.On Sunday morning, my parents and I went to a park.In the afternoon, I washed my clothes and cleaned the room.I read books in the evening.I really had a wondful weekend.4.谈论一下你的下周末计划。(What are you going to next weekend?)
I am going to visit my grandma next weekend.My grandma is sixty years old.She likes bananas and eggs.So I will buy some for her.And I will take my football.I will play it with my little brother.I think I am going to have a nice day.5.介绍自己一天的生活起居。(用一般现在时态)
I usually get up at half past six.Then I have breakfast with my parents at seven o’clock.I go to school at eight o’clock.My favourite subject is English.Because it’s interesting.And I’m good at playing football.After school,I go home and do my homework.After dinner, I watch TV, then go to bed.This is my all day life.6.简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。并表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物。
Now I will talk about my three meals.For breakfast, I eat an egg and drink milk.As for lunch, I have rice,or noodles, vegetables.I like vegetables and fruits.I don’t like meat.I often had soup and fruits for dinner.Good food makes us healthy.7.介绍你的朋友。能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。
I have a good friend.Her name is.She is 12 years old.She is tall and beautiful.She likes English, but she doesn’t like math.She likes football, but she doesn’t like basketball.She likes apples, but she doesn’t like bananas.This is my friend.8.介绍学校(School life)
My school is very beautiful.It’s in zhangguandian, near Xiangjiahe.It’s zhangguandian primary school.I like my school very much.My English teacher is Miss Huang.She is beautiful and kind.My favourite subject are English and chinese.They are interesting.I don’t like math, it’s hard for me.The teachers are kind.The students are smart.I’m happy in my school.