
时间:2019-05-14 15:29:39下载本文作者:会员上传




0422.Don't speak all you know, but know all you speak.//不要尽言所知,而要尽知所言。

0423.Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.//休要班门弄斧。

0424.Don't throw out your dirty water before you get in fresh.//清水未打来,赃水莫倒掉。

0425.Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.//不要自寻烦恼。

0426.Don't whistle until you are out of the wood.//没有脱离险境,不要过早高兴。

0427.Do one's level best.//尽力而为。

0428.Dot the i's and cross the t's.//一点一划,循规蹈矩。

0429.Doubt is the key of knowledge.//怀疑乃知识的钥匙。

0430.Do well is better than say well.//说得好不如做得好。

0431.Downy lips make thoughtless slips.//嘴上没毛,办事不牢。

0432.Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed.//事未齐备,切莫妄动。

0433.Draw water with a sieve.竹//篮子打水一场空。

0434.Dream are lies.//梦不足信。

0435.Dreams go by contraries.//梦想总与现实相反。

0436.Drive your business, do not let it drive you.//要推动事业,不要让事业来推动你。

0437.Drop by drop the oceans are filled;stone by stone the walls are built.//滴水汇大海,垒石诛高墙。

0438.Drowning man will catch at a straw.//溺水的人一根草也要抓。

0439.Drunken days have all their tomorrows.//今日花天酒地,明日潦倒穷途。

0440.Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals.//酒后露真言。

0441.Dumb dogs are dangerous.//哑犬最凶恶。

0442.Dying is as natural as living.//死亡与生存一样自然。


0443.Each bird loves to hear himself sing.//鸟儿都爱听自己唱歌。

0444.Each day brings its own bread.//天无绝人之路。

0445.Each man is the architect of his own fate.//命运掌握在自己手中。

0446.Eagles catch no flies.//大人物不计较小事情。

0447.Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together.//鹰单飞,羊群集。

0448.Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble.//早期的错误可以酿成日后的麻烦。

0449.Early sow, early mow.//播种早的收获早。

0450.Early start makes easy stages.//早开始是成功的保证。

0451.Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.//早睡早起,令人健康、富有而且聪明。

0452.Early wed, early dead.//早婚早夭。

0453.Easier said than done.//说话容易做事难。

0454.East or west, home is best.//在家千日好,出门时时难。

0455.Easy come, easy go.//易得易失。

0456.Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.//随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

0457.Eat one's cake and have it.//又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。

0458.Eat to live, but not live to eat.//吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

0459.Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.//吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。

0460.Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.//人的教养始于教育,成于社交。

0461.Education has for its object the formation of character.//教育的目的在于培养品德。

0462.Elbow grease gives the best polish.//只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

0463.Empty vessels make the greatest sound.//空桶响声大。

0464.Enough is as good as a feast.//知足常乐。

0465.Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak.//高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。

0466.Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.//支支吾吾,其言必诈。

0467.Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;he who would search for pearls must dive below.//错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。

0468.Even Homer sometimes nods.//人非圣贤,孰能无过。

0469.Even the walls have ears.//隔墙有耳。

0470.Every advantage has its disadvantage.//有利必有弊。

0471.Every bean has its black.//人人有其缺点。

0472.Every bird likes its own nest.//人爱其家。

0473.Everybody's business is nobody's business.//人人都管,大家不管。

0474.Every brave man is a man of his word.//勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。

0475.Every bullet has its billet.//无风不起浪。

0476.Every cloud has a silver lining.//山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

0477.Every cock crows on its own dunghill.Every dog is a lion at home.//夜郎自大。

0478.Every cook praises his own broth.//自吹自擂。

0479.Every country has its customs.//乡有乡俗。

0480.Every couple is not a pair.//同床异梦,貌合神离。

0481.Every day is not Sunday.//好景不常在,好花不常开。

0482.Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history.//生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。

0483.Every dog has his day.//凡人都有得意之日。

0484.Every dog has his day, and every man his hour.//人人都有得意的日子。0485.Every dog is valiant at his won door.//狗在家门前条条都凶悍。

0486.Every door may be shut but death's door.//除了死门外,每门都可关。

0487.Every extremity is a fault.//万事过分都差误。

0488.Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy.//蠢人也能找出聪明人无法弥补的岔子来的。

0489.Every heart has its own sorrow.//人人都有伤心处。

0490.Every horse thinks his sack heaviest.//每疋马认为自己驮的袋子重。

0491.Every Jack has his Jill.//有情人终成眷属。

0492.Every little makes a mickle.//积少成多。

0493.Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.//情人眼里出西施。

0494.Every man has a fool in his sleeve.//聪明一世,糊涂一时。

0495.Every man has his faults.//人孰无过。

0496.Every man has his hobby-horse.//人各有所好。

0497.Every man has his liking.//人各有所好。

0498.Every man has his weak side.//人人都有自己的弱点。

0499.Every man is best know to himself.//自己最了解自己。

0500.Every man has the defects of his qualities.//一个人的好品质上也有不足之处。

0501.Every man is the architect of his own fortune.//每个人都是他自己命运的建诛师。

0502.Every man is the master of his own fortune.//每个人都是他自己的命运的主宰。

0503.Every man is the son of his own works.//种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

0504.Every man thinks his own geese swans.//每个人都以为自己的东西了不起。

0505.Every medal has its reverse.//事物都有它的反面。

0506.Every mother's child is handsome.Every potter praises his own pot.Every salesman boasts of his own wares.Everything is nice in your garden.//老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。

0507.Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune.//人对自己的命运总不感满足。

0508.Every one's faults are not written in their foreheads.//知人知面不知心。

0509.Every pleasure has a pain.//乐中必有苦。

0510.Every shoe fits not every foot.//不能以己度人。

0511.Everything comes to him who waits.//安心等待必有好处。

0512.Everything has its seed.//无风不起浪。

0513.Everything has its time and that time must be watched.//任何事情都有好的时机,不要随意放过。

0514.Everything hath an end.//任何事物都有它的结果。

0515.Everything is good in its season.//万物逢时皆美好。

0516.Everything is good when new, but friend when old.//东西新的好,朋友老的好。

0517.Everything must have a beginning.//凡是都有起源。

0518.Everything new is fine.//新事物总是美好的。

0519.Every tide hath its ebb.//兴盛之日必有衰退之时。

0520.Every tree is known by its own fruit.//观其言行,知其为人。

0521.Every why has a wherefore.//事出有因。

0522.Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches.//罪恶来时,尺进寸退。

0523.Evil communications corrupt good manners.//交往恶劣,有损风度。

0524.Evil gotten, evil spent.//悖入悖出。

0525.Example is better than precept.//言教不如身教。

0526.Exchange is no robbery.//公平交易并非强行夺取。

0527.Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.//锻链、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。

0528.Experience is a school from which one can never graduate.//经验无止境。

0529.Experience is the best teacher.//经验是良师。

0530.Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.//经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

0531.Experience is the mother of wisdom.//智慧来自经验。

0532.Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other.//吃亏学乖代价高,笨汉非此学不好。

0533.Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.//亲身经验,才是经验。

0534.Experience must be bought.//若要得经验,必须化代价。

0535.Experience teaches.//经验给人教训。

0536.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.//有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

0537.Extremes are dangerous.//物极必反。

0538.Extremes meet.//否极泰来。

0539.Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.//以牙还牙,以眼还眼。


0540.Facts are stubborn things.//事实是不容改变的东西。

0541.Failure is the mother of success.//失败是成功之母。

0542.Fair and softly go far in a day.//谦和稳重,前程远大。

0543.Fair faces need no paint.//貌美毋须修饰。

0544.Faith will move mountains.//精诚所至,金石为开。

0545.Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not.//患难见真情。

0546.False friends are worse than open enemies.//明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

0547.False tongue will hardly speak truth.//虚伪者不肯说真话。

0548.False with one can be false with two.//对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。

0549.Fame is a magnifying glass.//名誉是放大镜。

0550.Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off.//名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。

0551.Familiar paths and old friends are the best.//熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。

0552.Far from eye, far from heart.//离远而情疏。

0553.Fast bind, fast find.//保存得好,东西好找。

0554.Fasting comes after feasting.//今日有酒今日醉,明日无钱不揭锅。

0555.Fat hens lay few eggs.//肥鸡不下蛋。

0556.Faults are thick where love is thin.//一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。

0557.Fear not the future;weep not for the past.//不要为未来担忧,不要为过去悲泣。

0558.Feed a cold and starve a fever.//伤风时宜吃,发热时宜饿。

0559.Feed a pig and you'll have a hog.//种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

0560.Feed by measure and defy physician.//饮食有节制,医生无用处。

0561.Few words are best.//少说为妙。

0562.Few words, many deeds.//少说话,多做事。

0563.Fine clothes make the man.//人要衣装。

0564.Fine feathers do not make fine birds.//人不可貌相。

0565.Fine feathers make fine birds.//人要衣装,佛要金装。

0566.Fine words butter no parsnips.//画饼充饥。

0567.Fine words dress ill deeds.//漂亮的言词可以掩饰恶劣的行为。

0568.Finished labours are pleasant.//大功告成,好不高兴。

0569.Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters.//水火是忠仆,造灾成元凶。

0570.Fire proves gold, adversity proves men.//烈火显真金,逆境识英雄。

0571.Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.//关得最紧的火,燃烧得最炽烈。

0572.Fire, water, and money are good servants, but bad masters.//水火金钱是忠仆,使用不当是祸首。

0573.First catch your hare, then cook him.//不要谋之过早。

0574.First come, first served.//先来先卖。

0575.First impressions are most lasting.//最初的印象最为持久。

0576.First think, and then speak.//先想后说。

0577.First try, and then trust.//试了才能相信。

0578.Fish begins to stink at the head.//上梁不正下梁歪。

0579.Flattery brings friends, but the truth begets enmity.//奉承惹人喜,直言招人仇。

0580.Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee.//追求爱情,它要逃走;逃避爱情,它会跟你。

0581.Fools grow without watering.//笨蛋自然成,无需浇水勤。

0582.Fool's haste is no speed.//欲速则不达。

0583.Fools have fortune.//戆人有戆福。

0584.Fools make feasts and wise men eat them.//愚者设筵,智者赴宴。

0585.Fools never know when they are well off.//傻瓜永远不知道他们何时能享福。

0586.Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.//智者裹足不前,愚者铤而走险。

0587.Fools will be fools.//笨蛋总是笨蛋。

0588.Fools will be meddling.//愚者总好无事生非。

0589.For age and want save while you may;no morning sun lasts a whole day.//为了年老和急须,要及时积蓄,因为早晨的太阳,不会整天照耀。

0590.For a lost thing care nothing.//一事之失,不必介意。

0591.Forbidden fruit is sweet.//禁果分外甜。

0592.Force can never destroy right.//暴力绝不能摧毁正义。

0593.Forget not that you are a man.//不要忘记你是一个人。

0594.Forget others' faults by remembering your own.//想想自己的错,就会忘却别人的过。

0595.Forgive and forget.//不念旧恶。

0596.Forgive others but not yourself.//待人宽,对己严。

0597.Fortune favours fools.//傻子有傻福。

0598.Fortune favours the bold.//勇者天佑。

0599.Fortune is fickle.//天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。

0600.Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her.//知道利用幸福的人才有幸福。

0601.Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.//人人都有鸿运高照之日。

0602.Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her.//只要有耐心,总会走好运。

0603.Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns upon the coward.//幸运喜欢勇敢的人,而不喜欢怯懦的人。

0604.Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother.//命运对一种人如亲娘,对另一种人却是晚娘。

0605.Four eyes see more than two.//人多识广。

0606.Friendless is the dead.//没有朋友者,等于是死人。

0607.Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight.//朋友像琴弦,不能太拧紧。

0608.Friends are lost by calling often and calling seldom.//交往过密过疏,都会失去朋友。

0609.Friends are thieves of time.//交朋友,费时间。

0610.Friendship cannot stand always on one side.//来而不往非礼也。

0611.Friendship is love with understanding.//友谊是爱加上谅解。

0612.Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.//友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。

0613.Friendship---one soul in two bodies.//友谊是两人一条心。

0614.Friendship should not be all on one side.//友谊不该只是单方面的事。

0615.Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.//友谊地久天长。

0616.Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.//朋友可相逢,高山永分离。

0617.Friends must part.//天下无不散之筵席。

0618.From a little spark may burst a mighty flame.//星星之火可以燎原。

0619.From hearing comes wisdom;from speaking, repentance.//多听增智慧,多言生后悔。

0620.From saving comes having.//富有来自节约。

0621.From short pleasure long repentance.//痛快一时,悔恨终身。

0622.From the father comes honour;from the mother, comfort.//荣誉由父次,安慰由母与。

0623.Frugality is an estate alone.//仅仅节约就是一笔财产。

0624.Fruit ripens not well in the shade.//阴凉处的果子不会成熟。

0625.Full belies make empty skulls.//大腹便便,头脑空虚。


1.Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended.事情要按步就班地做,就会很快地做完。

2.All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment.机会失去不再来,千贯万贯难赎回。

3.All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事都是先难后易

4.A useful trade is a mine of gold.一样有用的手艺是取之不尽的财富。

5.He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is.不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜。

6.He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save.不懂挣钱和积财,只能永远当奴才。

7.I might say that success is won by three things: first, effort;second, more effort;third, still more effort.成功之道唯三点∶努力、努力、再努力。

8.Improve your time and your time will improve you.珍惜时间,时间才会珍惜你。

9.It's no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give ill measure.高价卖不为过,短斤少两才有罪。

10.Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.尽力而为,尽力节约,尽力施舍。

11.Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在天,成事在人。

12.Never cast dirt into that fountain of which thou hast sometime drunk.不要过河拆桥。

13.Never trust another what you should do yourself.自己应该做的事,决不要委托别人做。

14.One hour today is worth two tomorrow.今天的一个小时抵得上明天的两个小时。

15.Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work and wish.只要努力工作而有志向,机会迟早终会来临。

16.Quality matters more than quantity.质量比数量重要。

17.Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.只要自重、自觉、自制,人生就可达到至高无上的境地。

18.Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.技能和信心是不可克服的军队。

19.The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it.--We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds.记忆力好的秘密在于专心,而对于一个问题的专心取决于对这个问题的兴趣。在我们心上留下深刻印象的东西,我们是不大会忘记的。

20.Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。



Rain Cats and Dogs

Rain Cats and Dogs(倾盆大雨)这一短语的出处也不得而知。有记载的用法首次出现在朱纳森·斯威夫特所著的《礼貌会话》一书中,该书大约写于1708年,三十年后才出版。斯威夫特的著作是讽刺一些陈词滥调的,因此,上述短语在斯威夫特写书相当长一段时间就已经在用了。

罗森指出,该短语有更早的一种变体,“Rain Dogs and Pole cats”,(“下狗和鸡貂”),来自理查德·伯罗米的《1652年城市妙语》。关于这一起源的意见包括:




伯罗米所引用的上面这些说法是不可能的,因为古代英语的变体中“Pole cat”与“Cat”是相对立的,说它是从Cat doupe 传下来也不可能。同样,由于Polecats(鸡貂)也并不是Cats(猫),而是类似黄鼠狼或臭鼬之类的动物。至于猫科动物具体神秘特征的涵义,同样也是不可能的。





一说源自古代斯堪的那维亚神话:雨中巫婆骑着猫通过,而雨神乘的是一条狗。还有一个说法:古代街道排水设施太差,一下大雨,许多猫和狗都被淹死,雨水流走后,街上满是猫和狗的尸体。第三个说法是该成语来自希腊文的catadupe,意为“瀑布”,下瓢泼大雨时犹如瀑布,后来慢慢演变成了rain cats and dogs dog

★ Barking dogs seldom bite.★ 吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。

★ Every dog has his day.★ 凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。

★ Dog does not eat dog.★ 同类不相残;同室不操戈。

★ a cat-and-dog life

★ 争争吵吵的日子

★ Dog does not eat dog.★ 同类不相残,同时不操戈

★ Dumb dogs are dangerous.★ 不叫的狗咬人

★ Give a dog a bad name and hang him.★ 谗言可畏,欲加之罪,何患无辞

★ go to the dogs ★ 每况愈下

★ hang-dog look ★ 愁眉苦脸

★ If the old dog barks, he give the counsel.★ 老狗叫,是忠告。

★ Love me, love my dog.★ 爱屋及乌

★ He is a lucky dog.★ 他是个幸运儿。

★ lead a dog's life ★ 过穷困潦倒的日子

★ not have a dog's chance ★ 毫无机会

★ top dog

★ 当权派;头儿

★ treat sb.like a dog ★ 不把某人当人看

★ a hunting dog ★ 猎犬

★ a lazy dog ★ 懒汉

★ a gay dog ★ 一个快乐的人

★ a dirty dog ★ 下流坯

★ dog-days n.[pl.] ★ 三伏天, 大热天;无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子

★ A good dog deserves a good bone.★ [谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

★ A living dog is better than a dead lion.★ [谚]死狮不如活狗。

★ A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.★ [谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

★ An old dog barks not in vain.★ [谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

★ An old dog will learn no new tricks.(=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)

★ [谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。

★ as [like] a dog with two tails

★ 非常开心[高兴]

★ Barking dogs seldom bite.★ [谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿

本文转自《中华励志网》 http://www.xiexiebang.com ,转载请注明出处。

★ be(old)dog at(a thing)

★ 对...有经验;对...很内行

★ Beware of a silent dog and still water.★ [谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

★ come like a dog at a whistle

★ 一呼即来

★ Every dog has his day.★ [谚]凡人皆有得意日。

★ Every dog is a lion at home.[Every dog is valiant at his own door.]

★ [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

★ Fight dog, fight bear.★ [谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。

★ Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).★ [谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏。

★ It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleeping dogs lie;don't wake a sleeping dog.]

★ 别多事, 别惹麻烦。

★ lead a dog's life

★ 过着牛马不如的生活

本∷ 学习&工作&生活的加油站&减压舱 ∷


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★ love me, love my dog.★ [谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友;爱屋及乌。

★ Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.★ [谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择, 饥不择食。

★ teach an old dog new tricks ★ 使守旧的人接受新事物

★ teach the dog to bark

★ 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举)★ The dog returns to his vomit.★ 狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。

★ A living dog is better than a dead lion.★ 一条活狗胜过一头死狮.★ The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends.★ 猫狗可以相吻,但不会成为好友。★ Dumb dogs are dangerous.本文转自《中华励志网》 http://www.xiexiebang.com ,转载请注明出处。

He is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。

lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have a dog's chance 毫无机会

top dog 当权派;头儿

treat sb.like a dog 不把某人当人看

a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog 懒汉

a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯

dog-days n.[pl.]三伏天, 大热天;无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子

A good dog deserves a good bone.[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.[谚]死狮不如活狗。

A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

An old dog barks not in vain.[谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

An old dog will learn no new tricks.(=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)[谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。

as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴]

Barking dogs seldom bite.[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。

be(old)dog at(a thing)对...有经验;对...很内行

Beware of a silent dog and still water.[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

come like a dog at a whistle 一呼即来

Every dog has his day.[谚]凡人皆有得意日。

Every dog is a lion at home.[Every dog is valiant at his own door.] [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

Fight dog, fight bear.[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。

Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏。

It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleeping dogs lie;don't wake a sleeping dog.] 别多事, 别惹麻烦。

lead a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活

love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友;爱屋及乌。

Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.[谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择, 饥不择食。

teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物

teach the dog to barkHe is a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。

lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子 not have a dog's chance 毫无机会

top dog 当权派;头儿

treat sb.like a dog 不把某人当人看

a hunting dog 猎犬 a lazy dog 懒汉

a gay dog 一个快乐的人 a dirty dog 下流坯

dog-days n.[pl.]三伏天, 大热天;无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子

A good dog deserves a good bone.[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.[谚]死狮不如活狗。

A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

An old dog barks not in vain.[谚]老狗不乱吠;老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

An old dog will learn no new tricks.(=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)[谚]老狗学不了新把戏;老年人很难适应新事物。

as [like] a dog with two tails 非常开心[高兴]

Barking dogs seldom bite.[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人;咬人的狗不露齿。

be(old)dog at(a thing)对...有经验;对...很内行

Beware of a silent dog and still water.[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

come like a dog at a whistle 一呼即来

Every dog has his day.[谚]凡人皆有得意日。

Every dog is a lion at home.[Every dog is valiant at his own door.] [谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

Fight dog, fight bear.[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。

Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉;人言可畏。

It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.[let sleeping dogs lie;don't wake a sleeping dog.] 别多事, 别惹麻烦。

lead a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活

love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友;爱屋及乌。

Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.[谚]人到危急时,平时所不屑做的也要做;急不暇择, 饥不择食。

teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物

teach the dog to bark 教狗怎么叫(意指多此一举)

The dog returns to his vomit.狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。


The dog returns to his vomit.狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。

.One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

★ 11.The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日

.Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

★ 18.Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。

本文转自《中华励志网》 http://www.xiexiebang.com ,转载请注明出处。

1.No excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success.莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。

2.One developed by those who have faith in the power, greater than 99 is only interested in.一个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于99个只有兴趣者。

3.The great are great because of his coexistence with others when times are hard, others have lost their confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals.伟大之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。

4.Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to slick mountain.欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。

5.Any restrictions, are from his heart began.任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。6.Every ebb awaits an overwhelming flow.跨过人生低谷,飞跃前途险峰。7.Never say die.永不放弃。

8.FY-chi man;do not show, and air negative natural bachi footer.男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。

9.Own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals, without a sense of 1000 Chi are only difficult to extremely difficult.有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。

10.Take binoculars to see other people, take a magnifying glass to see himself.拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己。

11.Exposure to environmental excellence and the pursuit of excellence, you will become great.置身卓越的环境并追求卓越,你也将变得卓越。

12.Re a long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach.再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。


1.Absence makes the heart grow fonder。


2.Action speak louder than words。


3.Advice when most needed is least heeded。


4.Affection is blind reason。


5.After a storm comes a calm。


6.After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile。


7.After night comes the day。


8.After pleasure comes pain。


9.All cats are grey in the dark。


10.All good things come to an end。


11.All may begin a war, few can end it。


12.All men are mortal。


13.All rivers run into the sea。


14.All roads lead to Rome。


15.All's fair in love and war。


16.All's grist that comes to the mill。


17.All's well that ends well。


18.All that glitters is not gold。


19.All things come to those who wait。


20.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。


21.Another day, another dollar。


22.Any port in a storm。


23.Appearances are deceptive。


24.An apple a day keeps the doctor away。


25.The apple never falls far from the tree。


26.April showers bring forth May flowers。


27.Art apes nature。


28.Art is long, life is short。


29.As a man lives, so shall he die;as a tree falls, so shall it lie。


30.As is the workman so is the work。


31.As soon as is born he begins to die。


32.As you brew, so must you drink。


33.As you make your bed, so you must lie on it。


34.As you sow, so will you reap。


35.Ask no questions and be told no lies。


36.A bad beginning makes a bad ending。


37.A bad excuse is better than none at all。


38.Bad excuses are worse than none。


39.Bad news has wings。


40.Bad news travels fast。


41.A bad penny always come back。


42.A bad workman always blames his tools。


43.A bargain is a bargain。


44.Barking dogs seldom bite。


45.Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home。


46.Be just to all, but trust not all。


47.Be sure of hay till the end of May。


48.Be swift to hear, slow to hear。


49.Beauty and chastity seldom meet。


50.Beauty is but a skin deep。


51.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder。


52.Beggars cannot be choosers。


53.Best is cheapest。


54.The best of friends must part。


55.The best things are hard to come by。


56.Better a bare foot than no foot at all。


57.Better a glorious death than a shameful life。


58.Better be born lucky than wise。


59.Better be sure than sorry。


60.Better give than take。


61.Better late than never。


62.Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know。


63.Beware what and to whom you speak。


64.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。


65.Birds of a feather flock together。


66.Bite not the hand that feeds thee。


67.A blessing in disguise。


68.The blind leads the blind。


69.Blood will tell。


70.Boys will be boys。


71.A brave man smiles in the face of adversity。


72.The bull must be taken by the horns。


73.Business before pleasure。


74.Business is business。


75.Business is the salt of life。


76.Call a spade a spade。


77.Cast not the first stone。


78.A cat has nine lives。


79.Catch as catch can。


80.Catch one napping。


81.Caveat emptor。


82.The chain is no stronger than its weakest link。


83.Charity begins at home。


84.Christmas comes but once a year。


85.Civility costs nothing。


86.Cleanliness is next to godliness。


87.Clothes do not make the man。


88.Clothes make the man。


89.Constant dripping wears away the stone。


90.The course of true love never did run smooth。


91.Courtesy costs nothing。


92.Covetousness is the root of all evil。


93.A coward dies many deaths, a brave man but one。


94.Cowards die many times before their deaths。


95.Creep before you walk。


96.A crooked stick throws a crooked shadow。


97.Curiosity killed the cat。


98.The darkest hour comes before dawn。


99.The darkest hour is that before the dawn。


100.Dead men tell no tales。



A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。

It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。

Readingis to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。

Knowledge starts with practice.实践出真知。

Complacency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,害已误人。

Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.欢笑, 则世界与你同乐;哭泣, 则独自悲伤.Ill news travels fast.坏事传千里。

From saving comes having.富有来自节约。

No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

Friends must part.天下无不散之筵席。

A bad thing never dies.坏事传千年

Every minute counts.分秒必争。

A year's plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。

How time flies!时光飞逝。

Nature teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies.自然教我们爱朋友,宗教却教我们爱敌人。

Life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。

In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty;In time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人问。

He is rich enough who has true friends.有真朋友的人是富翁。

He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.背后说好话,才是真朋友。

Have but few friends though many acquaintances.结交可广,知己宜少。

God defend me from my friends;form my enemy I can defend myself.防友靠天,防敌靠己。

Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.朋友可相逢,高山永分离。

Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.友谊地久天长。

Friendship----one soul in two bodies.友谊是两人一条心。

Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。

Friendship is love with understanding.友谊是爱加上谅解。

Friendship cannot stand always on one side.来而不往非礼也。

Friends are thieves of time.交朋友,费时间。

Everything is good when new, but friend when old.物莫如新,友莫如故。

Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not.患难见真情。

Familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。

Flattery brings friends, but the truth begets enmity.奉承惹人喜,直言招人仇。

Friendless is the dead.没有朋友者,等于是死人。

Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight.朋友像琴弦,不能拧太紧。

Friends are lost by calling often and calling seldom.交往过密过疏,都会失去朋友。

Between friends all is common.朋友之间不分彼此。

Better lose a jest than a friend.宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

Be slow in choosing a friend;slower in changing.择友宜慎,弃之更宜慎。

A true friend is one soul in two bodies.意义为:一个真正的朋友是如影随形的。


A true friend is known in the day of adversity.疾风知劲草,患难知友情。

A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many.朋友千人尚觉少,仇敌一人犹嫌多。

A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.失友皆从借钱起。

An empty purse frightens many friends.囊中无分文,亲友不上门。

A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.远亲不如近友.A man who has friend must show himself friendly.与朋友交,必须友好相处。

A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有了太阳。

A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.戏谑不能在化敌为友。意思是 开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。

A good friend is my nearest relation.良友如近亲;

A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.好书如挚友,永远不相负.A friend without faults will never be found.没有十全十美的朋友。

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.广交友,无深交。

A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.失友易,交友难。

A friend is never known till a man have need.需要之时方知友。

A friend is best found in adversity.患难见真交。

A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友

A friend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。

A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.父亲是财富, 兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

A faithful friend is hard to find.挚友难寻

Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

It is not work that kills, but worry.劳动不伤人,忧虑才伤人。

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我.Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

Eat to live, but not live to eat.吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Radish and ginger keep away from doctor.冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方.Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃.Nofrolicing dering the meal,no running after the meal.吃饭不要闹,吃饱不要跑.Wanna be healthy?Do please treat youself a nice breakfast.要想身体好,早餐要吃饱.A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入

Leave off with an appetite.吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。

Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口利於病。

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.防范胜于补救

Diet cures more than the doctor.药补不如食补。

I have no secret of success but hard work.成功无秘诀,只是努力干。

Nothing succeeds like success.一是成,百事顺。

If one desires to succeed in anything, he must pay the price.如果想做成点事,就得付出代价一干。

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.初试不成功,努力勿懈怠。

He who wills success is half way to it.伟大的理想造就伟大的人物。

He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.看破生死者,大多会成功。

Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母。

Diligence is near success.勤奋近乎成功。

Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。

I succeeded because I willed it;I never hesitated.我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。

Custom is a second nature.习惯是第二天性。

Habit is second nature.习惯成自然。

A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。

Custom makes all things easy.若照习惯办,万事皆不难。

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

Don't leave today's work for tomorrow.当日事,当日毕。

A thousand mile trip begins with one step.千里之行,始于足下

He who had never been to the Great Wall isn't a true man.不到长城非好汉。

Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心志所愿,无事不成.

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

Nothing is impossible(or difficult)to the man who will try.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

Nothing is impossible to willing mind(or heart).有志者事竟成。

nothing is difficult to a man who wills 有志者事竟成。

All things are difficult before they are easy.所有事在变得容易之前,都是困难的。

Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。

Confidence of success is almost success.对成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。

Study to be what you wish to seem.学习可成为你所理想的人物。

Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps.知识的获得是循序渐进而不是突飞猛进的。

A book that remains shut is but a block.书本不常翻,犹如一块砖.Art is long, but lift is short.人生有限,学问无涯;人生有限,艺术无穷;人生有限,学海无涯;

Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.学问在得意时是装饰品,失意时是庇护所,年老时是供应品。

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other.经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。

A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning.一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。

A little learning is a dangerous thing.一知半解,为害不浅。

Knowledge makes humble;ignorance makes proud.知识令人谦虚;无知使人骄傲。

Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。

Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,应求少而精。

A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才能有学问。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy;all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy.只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻

There is no end to learning.学无止境。

No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。

Much more than a bell sound, much more than a candle light.多一个铃铛多一声响,多一枝蜡烛多一分光。

Do not drop sea, makes difficult to garland.滴水不成海,独木难成林。

The collective is the source of power, all is the cradle of wisdom.People together who is strong.集体是力量的源泉,众人是智慧的摇篮。

A stake with three fence, a good brave fellow three help.一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。

One boy is a boy;two boys half boy;three boys no boy.三个和尚没水吃。

Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

Two people are of the same mind their sharpness can cut through metal.二人同心其利断金。

Solidarity means strength.团结就是力量。

Rice type meters to more, more people to speak out.稻多打出米来,人多讲出理来。

When everybody adds fuel, the flames rise high.众人拾柴火焰高。

Fish from the water, the wild goose can't stray.鱼不能离水,雁不能离群。

People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.人心齐,泰山移

Union is strength.团结就是力量。

For better or for worse.同甘共苦。

One tree can't make a forest.独木不成林。

Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.光阴如锉,细磨无声。

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!切勿将今日能干完的事推到明日;明日复明日,明日何其多

To save time is to lengthen life.时间就是生命,节省时间就是延长生命!

Time is the greatest teacher.时间是最好的老师。

Time tries friends as fire tries gold.时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金。

Time means life,time means speed,time means strength.时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.常将今日推明日,推到后来无足迹。

One of these days is none of these days.拖延时日,终难实现。

Time is like river water, can only flow to not back.光阴好比河中水,只能流去不流回。

To cherish the time, do not believe in fate.要珍惜时间,别相信命运。

Time has wings.光阴去如飞。

Time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭。

Time is money.时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金。

An old poacher makes the best keeper.惯偷成名捕,久病成良医。

A man cannot whistle and drink at he same time.一心不能二用。

A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.宁为清贫,不为浊富。

Money often unmakes the men who make it.为富不仁。直译为金钱经常能瓦解那些创造它的人。

Misery loves company.同病相怜。

Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows.落难时不择伙伴。

Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets.爱财如命。

Mischief has swift wings.飞来横祸。

Miracels are to those who believe in them.妖由人兴。

Mills of God grind slowly but sure.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

Might is(or makes or overcomes)right.强权就是公理。

Mickle power makes many enemies.权高树敌多。

Method will teach you to win time.方法可教会你赢得时间。

Merry meet, merry part.好聚好散。

Merry is he that hath nought to lose.人无所失,不亦乐乎。

Mere words will not fill a bushel.空言无补。

Men of courage, men of sense, and menof letters are frequent: but a true gentleman is what one seldom seen.有勇气,有见识,有学问的人易遇,可是真正的君子难逢。

Men may meet but mountains never.人生何处不相逢。

Men love to hear well of themselves.阿谀奉承话,人们皆爱听。

Men know where they were born, not where they shall die.人能知其生于何地,不能知其死于何方。

Men, at soome time, are masters of their fates.人有时是自己命运的主人。

Men are mortal.人生自古谁无死。

Medicines are not meant to live on.不能靠药物度日子。

Measure thrice before you cut once.三思而后行。

Measure is treasure.适度是宝。

Measure for measure.以牙还牙。

Measure another's corn by one's own bushel.以己度人。

Master should be soetimes blind and sometimes deaf.不痴不聋,不作阿家翁。

Marry in lent, and you'll live to repent.借债结婚,一生悔恨。

Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you.给儿子娶亲,想在什么时候皆可;把女儿嫁人要在有力量时才行。

Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.结婚过于急躁,闲来便要懊恼。

Marriaage is the bloom or blight of all men's happiness.结婚是人生的幸福花朵开放的时候,也可能是凋谢的时候。

Marriage is a lottery with more blanks than prizes.结婚如同摸彩票,空票多而中票少。

Marriage is a lottery.婚姻是一件难以预料的事。

Marriage goes by contrasts.夫妻之间难免有差异。

Marriage comes by destiny.姻缘命中定。

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.三月来如雄狮,去如绵羊。

Many words cut(or hurt)more than swords.恶语伤人胜刀见。

Many wells, many buckets.井多吊桶也多。

Many straws may bind an elephant.草多可缚象。

Many sands will sink a ship.积沙沉船。

Many receive advice only the wise profit by it.聆忠言者众,智者独获益。

Many one says well that thinks ill.口蜜腹剑者不乏其人。

Many men, many minds.人多意见多。

Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake.醉翁之意不在酒。

Many have suffered for talking, none ever suffered for keeping silence.多言吃苦,缄默少祸。

Many hands make light(or quick)work.人多活儿轻。

Many hands make a burden lighter.众擎易举。

Many hands are better than one.众擎易举。

Many great men have arisen from humble beginnings.有许多伟人出身卑微。

Many drops makes a shower.积少成多。

Many dishes, many diseases.多吃多病。

Many a true word is spoken in jest.戏言寓真理。

Many ants kill the horse.蚁多可杀马。

Many a little(or pickle)makes a mickle.积少成多。

Many a good father hath but a bad son.好父亲偏生不肖子。

Many a good cow hath a bad calf.虎父生犬子。

Many a flower is born to blush unseen.有许多花儿生来就开着没有人欣赏。

Man's best possession is a loving wife.男人最可贵的是有一个贤淑的妻子。

Man's best plans often miscrarry.神机妙算,常常失算。

Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在天,成事在人。

Manners make the man.礼貌造就人。

Man is the artificer of his own happiness.人之幸福,自己创造。

Man is not the creature of circumstances;circumstances are the creature of man.并非时势造人,而是人造时势。

Man is mortal.人生谁无死。

Man is a tool-using animal.人是用器之兽。

Man has not a greater enemy than himself.人之大敌,自己而已。

Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.只有人,生下时啼哭,活著时抱怨,去世时失望。

Make yourself necessary to someone.使你有益于人。

Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it.白天当白天,夜晚当夜晚,生活过得好,愉快而多欢。

Make the best of a bad business(or job or bargain).身处山穷水尽,力争柳暗花明。

Make hay while the sun shines.趁热打铁。

Make haste slowly.从容赶急。

Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.尽力而为,尽力节约,尽力施舍。

Maidens should(or must)be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak.少女应温良谦恭,敏于听而慎于言。

Know thyself.了解自己。Know something of everything and everything of something.既要有一般常识,又要有专业知识。

Know something like the palm of one's hand.熟知其事,了如指掌。

Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.只有知识而无实践,只能造就半瓢水的艺术家。

Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application.不花力气,不下功夫是得不到知识的。

Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed.知识是万物中最珍贵的财宝,丢不掉,偷不走,也不会损耗。

Knowledge is the antidote to fear.知识可以解除恐惧。

Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.知识有两种,一种是我们自己知道的东西,另一种是知道哪里可以找到有关的资料。

Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age;and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old.学识可使老年时舒适地退隐和有所寄托;但如果年青时不使它扎下根,老年就得不到它的庇护。

Knowledge comes from experience alone.知识来自实践。

Knavery may serve, but honestyis best.欺诈可能得计,但诚实总是上策。

Kinsman helps kinsman, but woe to him that hath nothing.亲帮亲,邻帮邻,无亲无助你倒霉。

Kind words butter no parsnips.画饼充饥。

Kind words are worth much and cost little.口头方便不费力。

Kind words are the music of the world.善言是世上的音乐。

Kindness will creep where it may not go.仁慈可进入任何禁地。

Kindness is the sunshine of social life.仁慈是社会生活中的阳光。

Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand.善良为语言,聋子能听见哑巴懂心间。

Kindness always begets kindness.善有善报。

Kind hearts are more than coronets.善良的心灵胜于显贵的地位。

Kill the goose that laid the golden egg.杀鸡取卵。

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.要多看少说。

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards.婚前张开眼,婚后半闭眼。

Keep your breath to cool your porridge.少管闲事。

Keep some till more come.更多的到手以前,要保持手里的一点。

Keeping is harder than winning.创业不易,守业更难。

Keep good men company, and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤。

Keep thing seven years and you will find a use for it.备而不用。

Lying rides upon debt's back.负债的人谎话多。

Lying is the first step to the gallows.说谎是上断头台的第一步。

Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge.爱你的左邻右舍,但不要拆去你们之间的藩篱。

Love will find out the way.爱情会自找出路。

Love understands love;it needs no talk.爱情可以意会,无需言传。

Love thy neighbours as thyself.爱邻如爱己。

Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord.爱的统治不用刀枪,捆绑不用绳索。

Love rules his kingdom without a word.维持爱情,不用强力。

Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks.情侣靠爱情生活,正像云雀靠韭葱生活一样。

Love not at the first look.切莫一见钟情。

Love needs no teaching.爱情无需教导。

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

Love me little and love me long.不求情意浓,但愿情义长。

Love makes the world go round.世界因爱而转动。

Love makes one fit for any work.爱情使人适合任何工作。

Love makes obedience easy.爱情使服从变为易事。

Love makes all hard hearts gentle.爱情把一切冷酷的心变得温柔。

Love makes all equal.恋爱不分贵贱。

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.爱情无贵贱,贫负皆有之。

Love laughs at locksmith.春闺锁不住。

Love is without reason.爱情是没理智的。

Love is the true price of love.爱情只能用爱情来报答。

Love is the touchstone of virtue.爱情是美德的试金石。

Love is the reward of love.爱情就是爱的报答。

Love is the mother of love.爱产生爱情。

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.爱情始甜而终苦。

Love is not to be found in the market.爱情在市场上是找不到的。

Love is never without jealousy.爱情莫不忌妒。

Love is neither bought nor sold.爱情不能买卖。

Love is like the moon;when it does not increase it decreases.爱情像月亮,不营即亏。

Love is full of trouble.爱情多烦恼。

Love is blind.爱情是盲目的。

Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly.爱情是甜蜜的虐政,情人心甘情愿地受它的折磨。

Love fears no danger.爱情不怕危险。

Love does much, money does everything(ormore).爱情做许多事,金钱做任何事。

Love comes by looking.情人眼里出西施。

Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的宫殿。

Love cannot be forced.爱情不强求。

Love begets love.爱爱相生。

Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness.爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚要求坚贞。

Love and poverty are hard to hide.爱和穷难隐瞒。

Love and cough cannot be hid.爱情和咳嗽是不能掩饰的。

Love and business teach eloquence.爱情和买卖可以培养口才。

Love all, trust a few, be false to none.要爱一切人,相信少数人,不要负于任何人。

Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever.失去的财富可由勤奋而恢复,失去的知识可由学习而恢复,失去的健康可由节制或药物而恢复,但失去的时间却一去永不复返。

Losses make us more cautious.损失使人更谨慎。

Love makes all hard hearts gentle.爱情把一切冷酷的心变得温柔。

Love makes all equal.恋爱不分贵贱。

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.爱情无贵贱,贫负皆有之。

Love laughs at locksmith.春闺锁不住。

Love is without reason.爱情是没理智的。

Love is the true price of love.爱情只能用爱情来报答。

Love is the touchstone of virtue.爱情是美德的试金石。

Love is the reward of love.爱情就是爱的报答。

Love is the mother of love.爱产生爱情。

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.爱情始甜而终苦。

Love is not to be found in the market.爱情在市场上是找不到的。

Love is never without jealousy.爱情莫不忌妒。

Love is neither bought nor sold.爱情不能买卖。

Love is like the moon;when it does not increase it decreases.爱情像月亮,不营即亏。

Love is full of trouble.爱情多烦恼。

Love is blind.爱情是盲目的。

Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly.爱情是甜蜜的虐政,情人心甘情愿地受它的折磨。

Love fears no danger.爱情不怕危险。

Love does much, money does everything(ormore).爱情做许多事,金钱做任何事。

Love comes by looking.情人眼里出西施。

Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的宫殿。

Love cannot be forced.爱情不强求。

Love begets love.爱爱相生。

Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness.爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚要求坚贞。

Love and poverty are hard to hide.爱和穷难隐瞒。

Love and cough cannot be hid.爱情和咳嗽是不能掩饰的。

Love and business teach eloquence.爱情和买卖可以培养口才。

Love all, trust a few, be false to none.要爱一切人,相信少数人,不要负于任何人。

Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever.失去的财富可由勤奋而恢复,失去的知识可由学习而恢复,失去的健康可由节制或药物而恢复,但失去的时间却一去永不复返。

Losses make us more cautious.损失使人更谨慎。



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