Unit five

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第一篇:Unit five

Unit Five


1.The Center operates as a school for children with cerebral palsy, combining education-based outcomes with physical activities, such as passive muscle stretching and muscle strengthening exercises, all within a conductive education framework.它是一所为脑瘫儿童开办的学校,结合智能教育与体能训练,比如被动肌肉拉伸、肌肉加强训练等,所有的一切都在一个引导性教育框架下进行。

2.As a group of students, we decided to focus on adapting the environment and activities, to introduce functional therapeutic goals and enhance meaning to the often monotonous and uncomfortable passive stretching and strengthening exercises.我们是一群学生,所以我们打算把重点放在协调环境与活动方面,介绍功能性的治疗目标,强调那些通常是单调而不舒服的被动肌肉拉伸、肌肉加强训练的意义所在。

3.There is also no better and more effective way to learn a language than living in a place that doesn’t speak your first language.Being surrounded by the language everyday and hearing it used in context, not the artificial environment of a classroom, is great for language skills.除了生活在一个非母语环境中之外,没有什么更好更有效的方式能让你学会一门外语,每天被这种语言所包围,倾听它是怎么在实际的语境中使用的,而不是那种在课堂上的人造语言环境中学习它,这将大大有助于你对这种语言技巧的掌握。

4.出国学习,你必须在多方面做好准备,包括心理上和物质上,这样你才能充分利用国外学习的机会,学到更多的东西。就像你刚才谈到的一样,龙,你的中国之行也对你现在的工作和专业研究打下了非常好的基础,是吗? When you are going to study abroad, you must get prepared in many aspects, including psychologically and physically, in which way you can make full use of the opportunity of overseas study and learn more from that experience.Just as you just said, your trip to China laid a solid foundation for your current word and academic research, long, is that the case? Passage 1

5.But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, the best schools in the world—and none of it will make a difference , none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those schools, unless you pay attention to those teachers, unless you listen to your parents and grandparents and other adults and put in the hard work it takes to succeed.但是在最后,就算我们有最敬业的老师、最负责的父母、以及世界上最好的学校——但是他们都不会起作用,也不会是最重要的,除非你们完成你们的学业,除非你们配合这些学校,除非你们在这些老师上课时认真听讲,除非你们倾听你们的父母、祖父母以及其他大人的教导并付出努力使得所有这一切能够获得成功。

6.But at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life—what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home —none of that is an excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude in school.That’s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school.There is no excuse for not trying.但是归根结底,你的人生处境——你的相貌、你的出身、你的收入、你的家庭遭遇——没有那一点可以成为你不做作业或者学习态度不佳的借口;没有哪一点可以成为你顶撞老师、跷课、或者是退学的借口;你没有借口不去努力。

7.Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up.No one’s written your destiny for you, because here in America, you write your own destiny.You make your own future.你现在是什么样子不能决定你将来的结局。没有人为你书写你的命运,因为在这里,美国,你书写你自己的命运,你创造你自己的未来。

8.The story of America isn’t about people who quit when things got tough.It’s about people who kept going , who tried harder, who loved their country too much to do anything less than their best.美国的故事不是那些遇到困境时就选择放弃的人们的故事,而是那些在逆境中迎难而上、再接再厉的人们因为太爱这个国家所以无法不竭尽全力报效祖国的故事。

Passage 2 1.Since my time is limited today, I would like to introduce just three key initiatives: First, Practical and relevant liberal arts education;Second, the ideal environment for cultivation of highly sophisticated and intelligent individuals.And third, meaningful education programs which are attractive for an international body of students.因为时间有限,所以我就主要介绍一下三个重点目标:第一,发展讲求实效和关联性的通识教育;第二,为培养高端精英人才创造理想环境;第三,推出意义重大的教育计划,吸引国际学生前来求学。

2.As Japan is lacking in natural resources, we have make an enormous investment in our most important resource, our people.As the age of Japan’s population increases and the birth rate declines, it becomes more critical that we continue to maintain and invest in education, the foundation of strong human resources.We believe that one solution will be professional graduate schools.由于日本缺乏自然资源,所以我们大力投资我们最重要的资源——人力资源。日本的人口逐渐老龄化,出生率也在下降中,很重要的一点就是我们要继续保持在教育上的投入,以此为发展和壮大人力资源的根基。我们相信其中一个办法就是发展提供专业学位的研究生院。

3.In order for Waseda’s degrees to be widely acknowledged as competitive with degrees from other world-class institutions, we must be an attractive institution not only to Japan’s brightest students, but also to top students throughout the world.为了使早稻田大学的学位得到广泛的认可,并与其他世界级学府颁发的学位进行竞争,我们必须成为一个有吸引力的教育机构,不但吸引日本最聪明的学生,而且也吸引全世界范围内最优秀的学生。

Passage 4

1.中国的基础教育包括学前教育、小学至初中九年义务教育、普通高中教育、残疾儿童的特殊教育和扫盲教育。中国有两亿多中小学生,再加上学龄前教育,占全国人口的六分之一。China’s basic education includes pre-school education, 9-year compulsory education from primary school to junior middle school, senior middle school education, special education for disabled children and education for illiterates.There are more than two hundred million primary and middle school students, who, plus pre-school children, account for one sixth of total population in China.2.高等学校在科学研究方面也取得显著成绩,高等学校科研对国家经济建设和社会发展的贡献日益凸显。高校生产教学科研诸方面加强合作,使科技成果转化速度加快,涌现了一大批高新科技企业和重大科技创新产品。Higher education institutions are also fruitful in scientific researches which make increasingly important contribution to the national economic development and social development.They strengthen cooperation in teaching and scientific researches linking with production, which accelerates the transfer of scientific

and technological research results and therefore gives rise to emergence of a large number of innovative high-tech companies and significant innovative products.3.为了促进教育发展和教育公平,我们近年来采取了两项重大措施: 一是在普通本科高校、高等职业学校和中等职业学校建立健全国家奖学金、助学金制度;二是在直属教育部的师范大学实现师范生免费教育。To promote the development and fairness of education, we have implemented two major measures: one is to establish and improve the systems of national scholarship and tuition assistance in regular higher education institutions for undergraduates,vocational colleges and vocational schools;the other is to realize the free education for normal students in teachers’ university directly under the Ministry of Education.4.这个具有示范性的举措就是要进一步形成尊师重教的浓厚氛围,让教育成为全社会最受尊重的事业;就是要培养大批优秀的教师;就是要提倡教育家办学,鼓励更多的优秀青年终身做教育工作者。This exemplary measure is to further respect teachers and value education, and make the cause of education the most respected one in the society, which is to foster a large number of excellent teachers and encourage talented young people to serve as educating workers for a lifetime, advocating schools and colleges run by educators.

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