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http://dl.guixue.com 大连雅思培训之雅思阅读机经:科学的偶然性

今天的雅思阅读机经词汇是科学的偶然性,这里为大家提供相关的高频词汇,这就开始学习吧~ 今日雅思阅读机经——科学的偶然性

deductivism [dɪ'dʌktɪvɪzəm]n.演绎主义serendipity [,ser(ə)n'dɪpɪtɪ]n.意外新发现serendipitous [,ser(ə)n'dɪpɪtəs]adj.偶然发现的sociology

[səʊsɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]n.社会学fairy tale神话故事sagacity [sə'gæsɪtɪ]n.睿智antiquarian [,æntɪ'kweərɪən]n.古文物研究者physiologist n.生理学家immunologist n.免疫学者electromagnetism n.电磁学resonance ['rez(ə)nəns]n.共鸣benign [bɪ'naɪn]adj.吉利的denigration [,deni'greiʃən]n.诋毁aphorism ['æfərɪz(ə)m]n.格言secularism ['sekjʊlərɪzəm]n.世俗主义


paradox ['pærədɒks]n.矛盾;反论paradoxicaladj.矛盾的;似是而非的hardly adv.几乎不扩充:rarely adv.很少地nearly adv.几乎scarcely adv.几乎不merelyadv.仅仅count as视为;看成anticipate [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt]v.预期;期望on the other hand另一方面notion ['nəʊʃ(ə)n]n.概念 = conceptionout of the question 不可能= impossibleout of question 毫无疑问= undoubtedly

A paradox lies close to the heart of scientific discovery.If you know just what you are looking for, finding it can hardly count as a discovery, since it was fully anticipated.But if, on the other hand, you have no notion of what you are looking for, you cannot know when you have found it, and discovery, as such, is out of the question.理解:科学发现的核心一直都和一个看似矛盾实际上却又可能正确的说法有关:如果你已经知道自己所要寻找的科学事实,那么这样的科学发现很难被定义为一个“发现”,因为这样的发现已经是在预料之中的事了。但是如果从另一个方面来看,你对所要寻找的科学事实没有任何概念,那么即使它出现的时候你也很难知晓,因为“发现”正如它的意思一样,是不可能的。




Topics1、more and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items.what are the reasons? do u think it is a positive or negative development?

2、Internet shopping has increased recently.How does it make an impact on the environment? What new types of jobs can be created?

3、Famous people play an important role in shaping the characters of others, especially young people – these well-known people may act as ‘role models’ for the young.Is it a good or a bad development?

4、Scientists are warning about the need to save energy for the sake of the environment, yet some people don’t care enough to change their habits.Why haven’t those people changed? What kind of activities should we adopt to encourage those people to change?

5、Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children.Others believe this has negative effects on a child.Discuss both views and give your own opinion6、Some people think a rise in standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities more than rural areas.What problems may those differences cause? How to reduce this problem?

7、Many parents these days work in other countries, taking their families with them.Do you think advantages of the development outweigh its disadvantages?

8、It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the media on our lives.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a media rich society.Model:

The media is about communication and I suppose most of us would agree that, as human beings we need to communicate.We need to know what is going on in the world generally;we want to be entertained and to keep in touch with people.Older media, such as newspapers, radio and TV help us do this, but the newer media, particularly the internet and mobile phones go further.We have more choice in terms of what we watch or who we talk to.I have an I-Phone which allows meto make phone calls, use the internet, listen to music, play games and watch videos.And it's all immediate, and portable.It makes you feel in control, but there arc disadvantages too.People are always texting and emailing each other and if they don't have their phone or laptop around, they feel cut off.Also, have you seen a group of teenagers in a cafe where they're not talking to each other, but using their phones? It's a very common sight these days, which many people feel is worrying, as we seem to prefer using technology to face-to-face communication.We are also spoilt for choice-perhaps too much choice.There are so many TV channels, but so many of the programmes are poor quality.There's also so much advertising all around us, trying to persuade us to buy things we don't really need.To survive in such a society, you have to be very aware of the power the media can have over you, your actions and your opinions, and try not to let it control your life.To my mind, there's no doubt we live in a media-rich society, and there's nothing we can do about that.What we can do is use the media responsibly and not let it use us.9、Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices every day.Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.Model:

In recent years the vast expansion of information and communications technology has made teleworking much more practical.Although in many cases office workers could be made geographically independent by using modems, faxes and cell phones, few companies or employees take full advantage of this possibility.There are a number of strong arguments in favor of allowing workers to work from home.Firstly costs for employers would be reduced because businesses would require less office space, which is often situated in the center of large cities.Secondly, worker's lives would be improved in a variety of ways.For example, they would not need to travel to get to work, which would give them more free time.Also, they could combine their work with their family life, which is a major advantage if they are parents of young children or they have old people to look after.On the other hand, traveling to a centralized workplace also has a number of points in its favor.The first is that many employees would miss the social aspect of work such as seeing colleagues and meeting customers.A further point is that employers would need to be able to trust their workers to work at a high standard and finish their work on time, since supervising teleworkers is even more complicated than supervising workers in the same office.Finally, working from home might inhibit teamwork and creative work and so perhaps so only really suitable for people doing routine office work.In conclusion, I believe that while many workers welcome the opportunity to go out to work, others would find the chance to work from home very convenient.Where possible, I think workers should be offered the choice, but not forced to work from home unless they wish to.


www.xiexiebang.com 大连雅思培训之艺术类雅思词汇


painting 绘画

sculpture 雕塑

tapestry 壁毯

visual arts 视觉艺术

plastic arts 造型艺术

pottery 陶艺

performance art 戏剧表演艺术

street artist 街头艺人

watercolor 水彩画

oil painting 油画

sketch 素描

representational 具象派的 abstract 抽象派的

contemporary art 现代艺术

art gallery 画廊

exhibition 展览

exhibit 展品

artefact 手工艺品

masterpiece 杰作

priceless 无价的 heritage 遗产

culture vulture 文化狂热分子

philistine 文化修养低的人

a work of art 一件艺术品

original 原创的 creative 有创意的更多雅思考试信息,可关注大连学为贵教育官网!届时,连贵贵将为广大贵粉们提供最新、最全、最专业的考试信息。





P1 名字,职业,语言,有没有其他需要想学的语言


p3 怎么防止忘记东西,高科技有帮助我们记忆吗?有好处还是坏处? 记忆会随着时间而改变吗?


part1 describe the place where you live, cooking

part2 advertisement



P1姓名 学习工作 专业有意思么 照片 喜欢照片么 保留照片么 希望把摄影当职业么 什么时候拍照 亲戚朋友 喜欢拜访哪个 亲戚重要么 朋友有用么


P3做决定时有求助谁么 年轻人要做哪些决定 会求助他人么 大人做什么决定 回忆4

P1: party, sunshine

P2: something you can not live without(escape computer,telephone)

P3: 年轻人容易被新科技所打动。。之类的回忆5

p1家乡 音乐 唱歌 生日

p2 家族企业

p3 大公司好还是小公司好 跟家里人工作好还是陌生人好 交流技巧重要吗 成为成功商人的要素 商人为什么会开创自己的生意


p1 学习工作 computer 喜欢的科目


p3 globalization


P1 Where you live, Music, Rain

P2 A restaurant

P3disadvantages of eating outside,大饭店是不是比小饭店好,贵的饭店是不是比便宜的好 回忆8


P2 restaurant

P2 restaurant的价格,服务,地段,快餐等等。


P1 name,major,time efficiency in morning or afternoon,music.P2 ADS

P3 influence of ads,music of ads








part2 描述一个你认为有智慧的人。

part3老师做什么能够让学生对学习有兴趣?老师需要具备什么特点? patience应该怎么做, 老师家长哪个重要? 成为一个有智慧的人开心吗?



p2 describe a sport.描述一项体育运动,为什么,需要什么器材,要穿什么衣服,p3人们爱不爱运动,以前人们喜欢运动还是现在更喜欢为什么,家长会担心他们的孩子投身体育事业吗


part 1 your hometown sunshine, news.part 2 website

part 3 中国什么网站最有名, 你喜不喜欢上网,上网干嘛,你觉得玩电脑游戏好不好 回忆4

P1 name,hometown, rain


P3 为什么人们会忘记带东西,怎样能不忘带东西,记忆力对其他技能的学习有帮助吗 回忆5


p2 遇到老朋友的场景

p3 联系老朋友的好处,为什么你喜欢联系联系老朋友,什么让友谊长存,什么让友谊完蛋 回忆6

Part1 major(why choose it?), language(how to study), shopping

Part2 sports(how to play, need what equipments?)

Part3 why lots of people choose to do sports as their work? success can be duplicated? 回忆7

part1 hometown cooking(who taught and why like cooking)

part2 popular product made in China(food and so on)

part3 about what else food popular in China and something popular imported from other countries


part1: rainy(like or dislike)TV program(the change of television in china recently)climate in your city(the change of climate recently)

part2: a product in your region(food,handcraft or car)




Part3:看完广告人们会不会买?广告有没有背景音乐?背景音乐重要还是画面重要? 回忆11

part 1住哪,天气好不好








p1 学生还是工作 专业 做饭 电脑

p2 描述最忙得经历

p3 许多人不喜欢改变 你怎么看 人们呆在安静的地方有必要吗?


Part1 house Name hometown

Part 2intelligence Person you know

Part3 教育 老师对小孩的影响 相比父母 老师的作用



part2 a place far away from your home

part3 各种travel


p1: 工作还是学生,从事什么工作?会在这个行业一直干下去吗?原因

p2: describe something you will wear to a special occasion

p3: 全球化对人们服饰穿着的影响?为什么现在服饰潮流变化如此之快?随着全球化的进一步加深,人们会抛弃本国的传统服饰吗?


p1 work visit friend and relatives

p2.describe a house or an apartment

p3.advantage and disadvantage between house and apartment等等各种问题


P1 家乡 专业 喜欢吗 未来打算从事吗 亲戚 喜欢和亲戚在一起吗 你和亲戚在一起做什么 喜欢和亲戚在一起还是朋友


P3 怎么做计划 年轻人计划和老年人有什么不同 年轻人会做什么计划。


p1 hometown trave by train cooking

p2 intelligent person

p3 老师怎么培养孩子的intelligent 你认为老师应该具有什么品质 intelligent天生还是靠后天培养 家长起到什么作用 你认为high intelligent 的人快乐么


P1住哪里 住多长时间 有什么不满意的不

P2有趣的家中老物件(old subject in your family)

P3 博物馆 有哪些类型


P1 hometown 自行车

P2 a letter

P3各种手写信和打字信的区别 哪个会更流行 为什么写信 商业领域里哪个更正式

第五篇:雅思机经 2018年最新雅思口语机经信息


雅思机经 | 2018年最新雅思口语机经信息


1.Describe a situation in which you were very polite.You should explain: Where the situation took place? How you showed that you were polite? And why you needed to be so polite?

2.Describe a time when you were late for something important.You should say: When it happened? Why you were late? How you managed the situation and explain how you felt about it ? 3.Describe an occasion when someone visited your home.You should say: Who the person was? What the occasion was?

What you did for the occasion and the visitor? And explain how you felt about his visit.4.Describe your favorite season in yourcountry.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

You should say: When that season is?

What the weather is like at that time of year? How that season is different from other seasons? And why it is your favorite season.5.Describe a place where you like to go to.You should say: Where the place is? How you get there? What it looks like?

And explain why you like this place.6.Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.You should say: When you got it? What it looked like? Who gave it to you? And how you used it or played with it.7.Describe a teacher or another person from whom you learned something important.You should say: Who the person is? How you know him/her? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

What you learned from him/her? Why it was important to you? 8.Describe a situation that someone said something positive about your work/study.You should say: When and where it happened? What did you do? Who said those words to you? How did you feel about it and explain why.9.Describe a special meal that you remember having.You should say: Where you had the meal? Who you were with? When you had it? And explain why it was a special meal to you.10.Describe a science subject that you studied and liked.You should say: What it was? Why you chose it? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

How you can use it in your life? And explain what you liked the best aboutthis subject.11.Describe a historical event that you find interesting.You should say: When it took place? What historic connection it has? How it impacted the history? And explain why you find it interesting? 12.Describe a time when you helped someone.You should say: When it happened? Who you helped and why you helped him/her? How you helped this person? What the result was and explain how you felt about it.13.Describe a special meal that you remember having.You should say: When you had the meal? Where you had it? Who you were with? And explain why it was a special meal to you.14.Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

You should say: When you heard or read about the story? What the story was about? Why the story was in the news? And explain why you thought the story wasinteresting.15.Describe a family photograph that youremember You should say: When it was taken? Where it was taken? Who were in the picture And explain why you remember this family photograph.16.Describe something you learned in a place/from a person.You should say: What you learned? When it happened? Who taught you? Why you learnt it? 17.Describe an important river in your country.You should say: What the river is called? Where it is? What you know about it? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

And explain why is it important 18.Describe a person you know well.You should say: Who person is? How long you have known each other? What kind of person he/she is? And explain how you feel about this person.19.Describe a special day out.You should say: Where you went? Who you went there with? What you did? And explain why it was special to you.20.Describe a recent development in your city You should say: What the development is? How you know it? What benefits it could bring? And explain whether it would change yourlife or not.三立在线托福精品课程包括:



教师上课方式:方法论(1/4课程时间)+ 专题训练(1/4课程时间)+ 套题训练(1/4课程时间)+ 查缺补漏(1/4课程时间)赠送:托福在线题库VIP账户。2.托福8000词汇班-录播课程




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