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① 由于辅导员自身经验不足,对考级难度预估不足,对剑桥英语考试不太了解是造成此次考级情况不佳原因之一。剑桥英语考试分听力、读写、口语三部分。从成绩统计情况来看,也说明辅导员对听力与读写的难度考虑不足,平时训练不够。

② 从追求考级的成绩上,考前辅导是一个相当重要的影响因素。这个包括两个方面:一是课程结束后复习课的内容安排与设计。从考级成绩来看,这一次的复习课安排,其效果是不尽如人意的。因此,一级复习内容到底该如何取舍,单词读写背诵要求、句子的听读要求究竟通过何种途径落实等等都是需要教师深思并且向其他辅导员讨教的问题。二是课外的补差。这最后一个阶段的补差,从听力、读写、口语三方面来看,读写、口语是宜于并且也往往是最需要补差的。尤其是读写,在课堂上不能达到要求的学生,教师力求通过课外的辅导帮助其达到。


① 多向其他有经验的辅导员请教,包括一些较有难度的教学内容、形近、义近单词的区分、单词背诵的落实、教学进度及复习时间的安排等。② 做好课前的准备工作,做到有准备地上课。在此基础上,努力做到教学有效度,又能培养学生兴趣,既能达成教学目标,又能培养学生语言能力。

③ 在教学过程中注重培养学生良好英语学习习惯。从考试中可以看出,剑桥英语考试相当重视读写的考查,因此,教师在平时教学过程中安排一定量读的练习。力求帮助学生在读的过程中实现对文本的理解,同时又能体验基本句型的运用。④ 总的来说,与成年人相比,儿童的心理特征对学习外语更有利。但也存在不利的因素。自控能力差。他们容易培养兴趣,也容易失去兴趣。如果遇到挫折或失败,或者遇到枯燥乏味的教学内容或教学形式,他们很容易对外语学习失去兴趣。所以,即使面对考级的压力,教师仍然不能忽视学生英语兴趣的培养。否则,将课堂变成应对考级的模拟考场后,反而会削弱学生的学习动力,其后果反是影响教学效果的。



上学期,我开始尝试着教授BEC(2)中级英语。很感谢很多老师的帮助和支持,让我能够顺利的上完本学期课程。“剑桥商务英语教程”非常实用,我初步总结一下有以下三点: 1.交流性。教授是商务英语专业的学生,不出于应试的目的,肯定是主要提高其在以后工作中用英语高效沟通的能力。这套教材确实非常注重交流能力的提升。2.系统性。比较喜欢这套教程的语法部分,全都是难度不大但是非常精要、必要的语法讲解和练习。可以多快好省地帮助学生们建立英语学习的框架,又不至于让同学们头疼。好语法不是为了难学生,而是为了帮助学生更准确地沟通和理解。3.开放性。有别于新概念等传统的教材,这套教材更侧重口语和实用英语的提升;而且其课程设臵很开放,没有被语法框死,所以教师的发挥余地很大。我可以根据学生的情况重新设计(也是为了弥补教材本身的不足),给中高级别的学生加大交流英语的练习,极大激发学生主动说和写英语的主动性。但我也感到在教授本课程当中,也受时间限制,没有能够晚上讲完所有章节。在教学过程中,我慢慢在摸索商务英语的学生到底需要怎样的英语,所以每次备课结合教材和和自己的教学方式去教自己认为对他们最实用的东西,尽力剔除学生可能永远用不到的东西。到学期刚结束,我稍微总结下这学期的教学心得。关于学什么,以我长期的观察,不论是学校里的,还是培训机构里的东西,大都不能满足很多商务专业人事的需求。新概念所追求的系统性,往往让人不堪重负。我看过新概念3,4级别的阅读材料。有些材料太复杂太无用,学生学过来,永远也用不上。没有人在工作和生活的沟通中用那么复杂的句子结构,用那么偏门的词汇,这些东西太应试太认知型了太脱离真正交流的语境。以致很多学得挺扎实的人还是缺乏表达能力。因为教材就是一篇篇的文章,没有把精力放在让你交流上。虽然很多人反映在大学的课堂上是积极分子,但是有些课程设臵有点应试化。剑桥过英语教程也充斥着很多看似贴近生活,其实很难被运用到的词汇和话题,用最简洁高效也就是他们觉得最好讲的句子结构,让人能明白的词组,用最普遍的5个时态串联成一句话,而这句话他们会在课堂上用10次左右,并且以后也很可能用到。对于商务英语专业的学生来说,我们要根据他们在以后工作中国运用英语、出差、出国旅游等几个比较大的语境,让他们有目的性的讨论。所以,我在教授他们在工作和一些他们很可能碰到的工作情境中该如何运用英语。有些是是书上的理论,有些是我的个人经验。












三、加强学法指导,帮助学生寻找学法规律。教师怎样教,有其规律可循,学生怎样学也有其规律可导。在我的英语课堂教学中,我一般都帮助学生寻找学法规律,使他们能够运用规律,在短时间内,掌握所学的知识,提高学习效率。例如,在教音标/e/时,先出示一些单词,head, bread, ready, steady等,然后逐个读出,要学生听、观察、分析,让他们自己去发现规律,然后再进行小结,得出这些单词中间的字母ea都是发/e/的音。再进行指导,学生就会学会探索发现规律的学习方法,这样,大大地提高了教学效果。







Unit 8(a)Business equipment I.Teaching Objectives:

i.To enable Ss to talk about business equipment ii.To practise reading for specific information iii.To practise listening for gist and specific information iv.To review language for giving instructions and practise form-filling II.Materials needed: Cassette-Pass cambridge BEC Preliminary III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·Office equipment Vocabulary: Ss sort items of office equipment according to whether they are essential, useful, not important.Reading: Ss scan two advertisements for photocopiers.Ss read the advertisements again and answer multiple-choice questions.Speaking: Ss discuss which of the two photocopiers would be best for three different people.Reading: Ss complete a form to obtain more information about one of the photocopiers ·Giving instructions Listening: Ss listen to a conversation to identify the problem with a new shredder.Ss listen again to complete instructions on using instructions.Languages focus: Ss review language for giving instructions.Speaking: Ss Play a board game to consolidate business-equipment-related

vocabulary.(Activity sheet page 127)

Ss take turn to give instructions for and identify pieces of equipment.·Self-study Vocabulary: Sorting exercise(matching verbs with machines).Word-building exercise(equipment-related vocabulary).Writing: Ss give written advice on problems with equipment.Ss write operating instructions for a piece of equipment.Reading: Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise.Exam practice: Matching visuals with sentences.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1.Office equipment Ex.1 Vocabulary.Ss sort vocabulary relating to office equipment.Ss discuss their categories in pairs before a general feedback session.Ex.2 Reading.Ss scan the two photocopier advertisements in order to answer the two questions.The advertisements are authentic with correspondingly rich language.Ss should simply focus on the answers to the questions.Ex.3 Reading Ss read the advertisements in more detail in order to answer the multiple-choice questions.Ex.4 Speaking

Ss read the descriptions of the three people and decide which photocopier each person should buy.Ex.5 Ss complete the form for more information for James Clarkson from the previous exercise.Step 2.Giving instructions Ex1&2.Listening.Ss listen to a conversation about a new shredder in order to decide what the problem is and how Anna and Becky solve it.Then Ss listen again in more detail in order to complete the notes.Ex.3 Speaking Ss work in a group of four to play the game.To make counters T photocopies and cuts out the line drawings of the machines on the game Activity sheet on page 127.The purpose of this game is to recycle vocabulary in order to prepare for the following exercises.Ex 4.Speaking

One S gives instructions for one of the pieces of equipment illustrated, without saying which one it is.His partner guesses which object it is.Ss then change roles.Step 3.Self-study Help Ss finish Self-study exercises.Unit 8(b)Correspondence I.Teaching Objectives:

i.To raise awareness of and practise writing formal correspondence ii.To practise reading for specific information II.Materials needed: None III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·Sending a quotation Warmer: T brainstorms different types of business letter.Reading: Ss read three types of correspondence and match them with descriptions before answering comprehension questions.Speaking: Ss discuss differences between letters, faxes and e-mails then exchange information about their correspondence.·Letters of acceptance Reading: Ss order extracts from a business letter and match the extracts with descriptions of the paragraphs.Languages focus: Ss match functions with letter phrases.Writing: Ss write a letter querying an invoice.·Self-study Vocabulary: Explanation of abbreviations.Matching exercise(letter openings and closures).Spoken vs.written functional phrases.Writing: Ss correct a grammatically correct but informal letter of enquiry.Exam practice: Party invitation notice.Letter replying to an enquiry.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step1.Sending a quotation T quickly brainstorms different types of formal business letter such as complaint, enquiry, etc.T also brainstorms alternation types of inter-company correspondence.E.g.fax, e-mail, memo.When would we use a formal little and the alternations? One of the deciding factors is the relationship between the writer and reader.Ex.1.Reading The aim of exercise to introduce some samples of writing and to make the point that the type of correspondence we use and the language we write depends on a number of factors, including relationship.Ss quickly scan the 3 forms of correspondence to find the necessary information.Note: 1、10th,sept.(BE)/ 11.10th(AE)2、Subject:/Re:

3、① Dear Miss××/Dear Mrs.××

Dear Ms×× / Dear Mr.×× Yours sincerely ② Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully ③ Dear Nancy/Alan Best Regards Best wishes ④ I’ve attached a copy of…;Please find enclosed a copy of… Attach

附加,enclose 兹附上…

Enclose 用于信函,attach


Enclose is used only with letters but attach can be used with letters but attach can be used with both letters and e-mails.Suggested answers:

1、Julian Hughes(fax)---has already organized courses for Norwest.Dave(e-mail)may also done so.2、Rebecca Brooks(letter)---has not worked with Norwest before.3、Dave(e-mail)-is a personal friend of Alan’s.Ex 2.Reading Ss read through the questions and scan the correspondence for the relevant information.Then Ss explain their answers, referring to the correspondence.Suggested answer:

1、Synergy Management Consultants(7.5 hours)

2、Watson & Railton

3、ATC Consulting(525 pounds includes VAT, whereas Watson and Railton’s 499 pounds does not)4.Synergy Management Consultants 5.Watson & Railton(or in---company)Ex 3.Ss work in pairs and read the correspondence for detailed comprehension,noting any differences between the three replies.The different fall into several categories such as salutation, use of language and familiarity.The linguistic differences include use of conventional phrases and also vocabulary such as venue/location, delegates /no.of people.Note:

1、Julian Hughes(fax)①use Alan’s first name, signs off with his own first name, no reference line.②some informal language(Many thanks)③some abbreviations(I’ve attached)④some less formal vocabulary(no of people)

2、Rebecca Brooks(Letter): ①uses formal salutations(Dear Mr.Pickering, Yours sincerely)②reference line, formal phrases(your enquiry of 16 April)③formal vocabulary(venue, delegates)④use no contraction at all.3、Dave(e-mail): ①uses first names, no reference line, informal time reference(yesterday)②contractions(Here’s, I’ve)③informal vocabulary(quote,wanted,give me a call)④ellipsis(hope you can read it ok)⑤ Informal salutations(Best wishes)Ex.4 Speaking Ss work in pairs and exchange information about their own correspondence.Step2.Letters of acceptance.Ex 1.Reading.Alan decides to accept the Synergy offer and writes a letter of acceptance.Put the paragraphs of his letter into the correct order.As an alternative to doing the exercise from the book, T photocopies the extracts, cut them into separate pieces and give them to Ss as a jigsaw.T points out that the jigsaw letter is a reply to the correspondence from the previous page.During feedback Ss explain why they chose their particular order.Ex 2.Ss read the four functions and match them with the relevant paragraph from the jigsaw letter.During feedback Ss identify the exact language supporting their answers.This will highlight the functional phrases in the letter and lead into the next exercise.Ex 3.Vocabulary The matching exercises introduces some more functional phrases.Ss match phrases with functions and then T leads feedback..EX 4.Writing

This writing task is similar to Part Two of the Cambridge BEC Preliminary Writing Test(60---80 words).First of all, the class brainstorms the contents of the required letter.Then T puts Ss in pairs and asks them to follow the procedure under the bullets in the exercise.Ss submit the first draft for editing by the class.Notes: 1、Delegates:8@ &549 per person 出席人数:8,单价为547英镑/人 Extras: Training Packs @&2.5 per person 额外费用:培训资料袋,单价为2.5英镑/人 发票中@的意思是:单价为……

2、Bankers: Lloyds Bank PLC …… 开户银行:英埃德(股份)银行 Useful expressions: 1、Re:事由 2 Invoice:发票清单

3、Thank you for your letter of …

4、I am writing to…

5、With reference to…事关

6、I am please to… 7、T am afraid that…

8、I would be grateful if you could 9、I look forward to hear from you.Suggested answer: RE: Training course invoice 1948 Dear Mrs.Brooks Thank you for your letter and invoice of 24 May 2001.I am afraid we are unable to accept the invoice as only six participants attended the seminar, not eight.Moreover, training packs were included in the price.I would be grateful if you could send me a correct invoice for the training course.I look forward to receiving your early reply.Yours sincerely Alan Pickering Step3.Self-study Ex 5.Writing Useful expressions:

1、price list

2、a copy of brochure is enclosed 随函附上产品宣传小册子

3、a wide range of photocopiers

4、Thank you for your letter of …

5、I enclose…

6、Any further questions/in formation

7、Do not hesitate to contact me

8、discounts available for…可得到折扣

9、a 3% discount is offered on…对 打折 10.I look forward to hearing from you Ex 6 Writing

Useful expressions、to hold/have a farewell party 2、to leave for his new job 3、to wish him well、in Reception / in the assembly hall at 5:30 pm 会议厅





3.Good morning/ afternoon/Evening!早上/下午好/晚上好!

4.Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children!同学们,上午/下午好!5.How are you? 你们好吗?

Fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。6.Nice to meet/see you.很高兴见到你们.Glad to meet you.见到你很高兴!Nice to see/meet you again.It’s nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们!7.Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐!8.Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐!9.Happy Mid-Autumn Day.中秋快乐!10.Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!11.Happy New Year!新年快乐!

12.Happy Teachers’ Day!教师节快乐!13.What’s your name?My name is Bobo.你叫什么名字?我叫Bobo。

Now, let me introduce myself.现在我介绍一下我自己。14.Are you Andy ? Yes, I am.你是安迪吗?是的,我是。15.Where is Andy?I am here.安迪在哪里?我在这里。16.Give me a big hug.给我一个大大的拥抱。17.You look so pretty today!你今天看上去真漂亮!18.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样啊? It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy today.今天阳光灿烂/雨天/多云/有风/下雪。二.课堂组织用语。1 Class begins!上课。Now let’s begin our class/Lesson.上课。Time is up.It’s time for class.时间到了,该下课了。4.Well, that’s the end of our class.下课。5.Be quiet!安静!6.Silence, please.安静!7.Stand up, please.起立!8.Sit down, please.坐下!9.Sit up/well.做好!

10.One, two, three, four , four ,four.(做好的前提语)11.No playing.不要玩。

12.Hands on knees.小手放在膝盖上。13.Sit well/straight.坐好/正。14.Be careful.小心。15.Follow directions.听指令。16.Listen carefully.仔细听。三.课堂活动用语

1.Come here ,please.请过来。

Come to the front, please.请到前面来。2.Go back to your seat, please.请回到你的座位上。3.Let’s listen.咱们一起听。4.Let’s make.一起做。5.Let’s chant.一起说唱。6.Let’s sing.一起唱。7.Let’s learn.一起学。8.Let’s count.一起数。

9.Let’s do actions.一起作动作。10.Let’s watch cartoon.一起看动画。11.Let’s talk in English.一起来说英语。12.Let’s play a game.我们一起做游戏。13.Let’s watch and play.一起看图说话。14.Let’s do a Warm-up.我们一起做热身。15.Are you ready ? 你们准备好了吗? 16.Ready, go!准备,开始!

17.Quicky/slowly.快点、慢点。Hurry up!赶快!18.By turns./One by one.按顺序./一个一个的来。19.Look at me ,please.请看着我。

Look at me/her/him.看我/她/他

20.Pease look at the blackboard/your books..请看黑板/书。21.Please speak loudly.请大声说。22.Lit next to me.请坐在旁边。

23.Everybody together!/ All together!大家一起来。24.I’m going to tell you a story.我要给你们讲个故事。25.Shh,please listen carefully.嘘,请仔细听。26.Behave yourself.表现好一点。27.Look at the blackboard 看黑板/书!28.Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗? 29.Understand? 明白吗?/ Clear? 明白吗? 30.Pardon? 再说一遍好吗? 23.Can you hear me? 能听见吗?

24.Can you see it / the blackboard? 能看到它/黑板吗? 25.Listen and do the action.听并做动作。26.Listen and point.听并指。27.Listen and repeat.听并重复。

28.Listen and answer the question.听然后回答问题。29.Listen read and spell the words.听读并拼出这些单词

30.Listen and read twice for each word.听并把每个词读两遍。31.Read and write.读并写

32.Write it on the blackboard/in your exercise book/workbook/ a piece of paper.把它写在黑板上/你们的练习本上/活动用书/一张纸上。

33.Have a try.试一试Try again, please./Once more, please.再试一次/再来一遍。34.Pay more attention to this, please.请注意这一点。35.Put up your hands/Raise your hand/Hands up.举起手来

36.Put down your hands/ Hands down.放下手。

37.Now please work in groups/pairs小组/同桌两人讨论。38.Talk to your partner.跟同桌讨论。39.Tell your desk mate 告诉同桌。

40.Let review the song/game.我们来复习歌曲/游戏。41.Open your books, please.请翻开书。42.Please turn to Page 12.请翻开书到12页。43.Please take out your notebooks/exercise books.请拿出笔记本/练习本。


1.Good!(better best)好!(更好!最好!)2.Right!正确!3.Yes!是的!4.Very good!非常好!5.Great!太棒了!6.Wonderful!非常精彩!

7.Excellent!很棒的!/Much better.好多了。8.Great job!做的不错!Exactly.完全正确。9.Well done!做的好!

10.Cool!太棒了!/Super!超级棒!/Bingo!很棒!11.That was great!非常好!12.You are great!你真棒!

13.You have done a great job.你做的非常棒。14.He has done a good job.他做的很好!15.You are a wonderful boy/ girl.你是个很棒的男孩/女孩。16.You are the winner!你是获胜者!17.Congratulations!祝贺你!

18.Claps 鼓掌!/A big kiss/hug.一个热情的吻/拥抱。19.You are special!你很特别啊!20.You are so clever.你太聪明了!


1.Stop talking!No talking!不要讲话!2.Don’t be late again!下次不要再迟到!3.Don’t do that again!不要再那么做了!4.I’m sorry you are wrong.很遗憾,你错了!5.I’m sorry, but that’s wrong.很抱歉,那是错的!6.No laughing /fighting/pushing/yelling/Playing!(Pease don’t laugh /fight/push/yell/play!)请不要笑/打架/推/大喊/玩。六.课堂提问用语 1.What’s this/that/it? 这/那/它是什么?

It’s a book/an apple/egg.它是一本书/一个苹果/鸡蛋。2.Is this/that/it a bird/an elephant? 这/那/它是一只鸟/大象吗?

3.What day is it today? 今天星期几?

It’s Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/ Friday/Saturday.今天是星期日/一/二/三/四/五/六.4.What do you like? 你喜欢什么?

5.Do you like apple or banana? 你喜欢苹果还是香蕉? 6.What color is it? 它是什么颜色?

It’s red/green/blue/yellow.它是红/绿/蓝/黄/色。7.How many fingers do you have? 你有几个手指? 8.Who would like to answer my question? 谁想回答我的问题?

9.Who wants to try? 谁来试一试?

10.What’s wrong/matter with you ? 你怎么了? 七.课堂告别用语 1.Bye.再见!

2.Goodbye/bye-bye。再见!3.See you!再见!

4.See you tomorrow!明天见!5.See you on Tuesday.星期二见!6.Have a nice weekend.周末愉快!7.Have a nice holiday.假期愉快!

8.Have a good time!祝你们度过一个快乐的时光!9.Hope to see you again.希望再次见到你们。10.Good lucky!祝你好运!

11.Have a wonderful night!做个好梦。



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