The Museum of the Terracotta Army In March 1974, when several farmers were sinking a well about 1.5 kilometers east of the Qing Shihuang Emperor’s Mausoleum, they found many fragments of terracotta figures.The results of archaeological excavation showed that it was an oblong pit with terracotta warriors and horses.Again in 1976, two more pits were discovered 20 and 25 meters north of the former one.They were then named Pit 1, Pit 2 and Pit 3 according to the order of discovery.The three pits cover a total area of more than 22, 000 square meters.In order to provide the historical artifacts with adequate protection, a museum was set up on the site of Pit 1 in 1975 upon the approval of the State Council.Pit 1 covers an area of more than 16, 000 square meters.The museum was officially open to the public on October 1, 1979.The exhibition hall of Pit 3 was open to the public on September 27, 1989.The exhibition hall of Pit 2 was completed and open to the public in 1994.Pit 1 takes an oblong shape.It is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide and five meters deep.It is an earth-and –wood structure in the shape of a tunnel.There are five sloping entrances on the eastern and western sides.Inside the pit are ten earth-rammed partition walls, across which huge and strong rafters are placed.The rafters are covered with mats and fine earth.The floor is paved with bricks.The terracotta warriors and horses in Pit 1 are arrayed in battle formation.In the long corridor to the east end of the pit stand three rows of terracotta warriors facing east in battle robes, 70 in each row, totaling 210 altogether.Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the vanguard.There is one row of warriors in the south, north and west of the corridor respectively, facing outward.They are probably the flanks and the rear guard.Holding crossbows and arrows and other long distance shooting weapon, they took up the job of defending the whole army.The ten rammed partition walls divided Pit 1 into 11 latitudinal corridors where stand 28 columns of warriors facing east with horse drawn chariots in the center.The warriors, clad in armor and armed with long shaft weapons, are probably the main body of the formation and represent the principal force.There are altogether 27 trail trenches.According to the density of the formation in each trail, it is assumed that more than 6, 000 terracotta warriors and horses could be unearthed from Pit 1, most of which are infantryman.Pit 2 is located 20 meters to the north of the eastern end of Pit 1.This pit is L-shaped and consists of four different mixed military forces in four arrays.It is estimated that there are over 1, 000 terracotta figures, 500 horse drawn chariots and saddled horses.The pit is measured 6, 000 square meters.The first array, the eastern protruding part of the pit, is composed of 334 archers;to the south of the pit is the second array, including the first through eighth passage ways.It is composed of 64 chariots, each of which carries three warriors.The third array, the middle of the pit, including the ninth through the eleventh passage ways, is composed of 19 chariots and 100 infantrymen.The fourth array to the north of the pit, including the 12th through 14th passage ways, is composed of six chariots, 124 saddled horses and cavalrymen.The four arrays are closed connected to constitute a complete battle formation and can be divided up to act independently, capable of attacking and defending.Three of the four arrays in pit 2 have charioteers.The chariots took up most of the battle formation.This proves that charioteers were still the principal fighting forces in the Qin dynasty.Pit 3 is located 25 meters to the north of Pit 1.The plane of the pit is of concave shape, totaling about 520 square meters.One chariot, four terracotta horses and 68 clay armored warriors were unearthed out of the pit.To its east there is a sloping entrance, 11 meters long, 3.7 meters wide, opposite which is a stable.On both sides of the stable, there is a winging room.68 terracotta figures were unearthed from it.The arrangement of the terracotta figures is quite different from that in Pit 1 and Pit 2, in which warriors are placed in battle formation.But those in Pit 3 are arrayed opposite to each other along walls, in two rows.Even the weapons held by the warriors in Pit 3 are different from those in Pit 1 and 2.The latter were armed with long range crossbows and bows and short weapons such as spears, barbed spears, swords and axes.Only one kind called “shu” was discovered in Pit 3.This kind of weapon had on blades and is believed to be used by the guards of honor.A remaining of deer horn and animal bones were unearthed in this pit.This probably is the place where sacrificial offerings and war prayer were practiced.Judging by the layout of Pit3, this is most likely the headquarters directing the mighty underground army.Archaeological excavations show that Pit 1 and Pit 2 were destroyed after a fire.It was burnt down and who did it was not recorded in history.There are various opinions about its destruction in academic world.The floors of both Pit 1 and Pit 2 were covered with a layer of silt, 15 to 20 cm thick.The remains of crossbeams and logs burnt to ashes can be clearly seen and most of the relics remain fragmented.This illustrates that the pits were destroyed soon after they were completed.According to historical records, fours yeas after the First Qin Emperor’s death, Xiang Yu came, and “burnt the palaces and dug up the grave”.Archaeological discoveries also proved that there are many broken bricks and tiles piled up inside the ruins of the ground structure of the mausoleum, with burnt clay, coal and ash traces.So it was perhaps destroyed together with other structures within the tomb by Xiang Yu.Pottery figures first appeared in the Warring State Period in China, but they were small in size and roughly made with low temperature.The Qin terracotta warriors and horses were not only big in size, but also exquisite in craftsmanship.The height of the terracotta warriors varies from 1.78 to 1.97 meters.Their weights are also different.The lightest is less than 110 kilograms and the heaviest 300 kilograms.In order to keep the balance of the terracotta warriors, the workmen in the Qin dynasty added a pedal to each warrior under his feet, so that the warriors would stand more firmly.The foot pedals were made in molds.The feet, shoes, legs and armors of the warriors were made by hand.Some legs are hollow, and some are solid.The solid ones were made separately, but the hollow ones are made through a method called “coiling clay rope”.The bodies of the warriors are hollow.They were made separately and then joined together to complete the work.There are also two kinds of arms: hollow and solid.There are two ways of making the hands: molding and hand shaping.The most sophisticated technique of processing is the heads.Two molds are used to made faces and most parts of the heads, and the two parts are joined together.Ears and noses which are made separately are added later on.The roughly made models are carved exquisitely in detail according to their personal strata and characters.Finally, moustache and hair in various styles were made.After careful and detailed engraving, the terracotta warriors look vivid, different in appearance and expressions.After the terracotta warriors were readily made, they were put into kilns to be fired.In order to prevent the warriors from deforming or exploding, one, two or even three small holes were made in the body of the warriors and horses.After the horses were fired, the small holes in the body were covered with terracotta cakes of the same size.Most of the terracotta heads were fit in the body after being fired, so the necks of the terracotta heads were natural ventilation holes.Thus, the air stream produced in the firing process of the terracotta warriors and horses could escapes, and the figures would not explode.The clay figures were carefully painted with colors after they were baked.As the terracotta figures have been burnt and gone through a natural process of decay, we can not see their original colors.The pits are located to the east of the First Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum, symbolizing the main defending force that guarded the Qin capital, Xianyang.All the terracotta figures in the pits face east with practical weapons.This shows that the First Qin Emperor would never forget his great ambition to conquer the six states and to unify the whole nation.Thousands of real weapons were unearthed from the pits, including broad knives, swords, spears, dagger-axes, crossbows, arrows, and arrow heads.The weapons can be classified into four categories: long shafted weapons, short weapons, long range weapons and weapons for guards of honor.The most arresting among the weapons is a bronze sword, which still glitters, through buried underground for over 2, 000 years.Being very sharp, the sword can cut through 20 pieces of paper put together.Technical examination reveals that the sword is composed of an alloy of copper and tin, and more than ten other rare metals.It was plated with a thin layer of oxidated chromium.In December 1980, two sets of large painted bronze chariots and horses were unearthed 20 meters west of the First Qin emperor’s Mausoleum.They were labeled as Chariots 1 and Chariots 2 according to the order of discovery.They had been enclosed in a wooden coffin and buried in a pit seven meters deep.When excavated, the chariots and horses were serious damaged due to the decayed wooden coffin and the collapse of earthen layers.Chariot 2 was found broken into 1555 pieces when excavated.After two and a half years of careful and painstaking restoration by archaeologists and other experts, they were finally open to the public on October 1, 1983.Chariot 1 was also open to the public in 1988.The bronze chariots drawn by four horses, with a single shaft, were placed one before the other vertically.The front chariot, chariot 1, was named “High chariots”.The back chariot, chariot 2, was named “security chariot”.It has a front and back room, between which there is a partition.The front is supposed to be for the charioteer and the rear one for the master.There is a window on either side with a door at the back.The windows and doors could close and open easily.The small holes in the window were used for ventilation.On top of the chariot, there was an elliptical umbrella-like canopy.The chariot was color painted against a white background.Chariot 2 was fitted with more than 1, 500 pieces of silver and gold and other ornaments.Probably it was used for the First Qin Emperor soul to go our on inspection.Chariot 1 was equipped with crossbows, arrowheads and shields.The charioteers wore a hat.This shows that it was employed to protect the chariot 2.The chariots and horses are exactly the imitation of actual chariots and horses in half life size.Each chariot with horses is composed of 3, 400 components.The bronze chariot is 3.17 meters long and 1.06 meters high.The bronze horse is 65-67 cm high, 1.2 meters long.Their weights vary from 177 kilograms, the lightest, to 213 kilograms, the heaviest.The total weight of the chariot, the horses and the driver is 1, 243 kilograms.The main body is cast in bronze.There are altogether 1, 720 pieces of gold and silver ornaments on the chariots and horses.The umbrella-like canopy on the top is only four mm thick, and the window is one mm thick, with many ventilation holes.
现在,我们来到了3号坑,它位于2号坑西边25米处。这个坑是1976年发现的。它里凹字形,占地520平方米。在3号坑里,考古专家们只发现1辆战车和64件武士俑。它们两两相对站立,手捏仪卫兵器曼(sh6)。大多数考古专家认为,从这个坑里武士的排列方式和手中所握的兵器,以及该坑与秦陵的位置来判断,3号坑是整个军阵的指挥部。据 估计,等1、2、3导坑全部开掘后,将出土8000多件陶俑。这些俑相貌各异:有的沉稳刚毅,有的英勇果敢,有的慈善含笑。可谓栩栩如生,神情各异。因为,它们全是根据秦始皇御林军中的将士们制作的,因此,在8000“地下御林军”中,绝对找不到两个相貌、形体相同的俑。他们一个个气度不凡,最重的有300多公斤,最轻的也有100多公斤,身高从1.7米到1.9米不等。如果大家仔细观瞧,不难分辨出兵俑中哪些是陕酉人,哪些是四川人,哪些是甘肃东部人。这从他们的胡须梳理方式和长相即可看出。我们很多人在电影中都见过日本人的“仁丹须”.其实,秦俑中就有蓄仁丹胡的,可见,这并不是日本人的发明,早在2000多年前,中国就有人留这种胡须了。
兵馬俑(へいばよう)は、本来は古代中国で死者を埋葬する際に副葬された俑のうち、兵士及び馬をかたどったものを指す。現在では、陝西省にある秦の始皇帝の陵墓の周辺に埋納されたもののみをさすことが多い。ここでは、世界的に著名な始皇帝のそれについて記す。秦の始皇帝陵の一部として1987年、世界遺産(文化遺産)に登録されている。発掘以前 [編集]
本格的に発掘されるようになったのは、畑を営んでいた住人が井戸を掘ろうとして偶然見つけたのがきっかけだった。その当人は現在、博物館の名誉副館長となっている。発掘と調査 [編集]
また、この文物により、当時の秦軍の装備や編成等、これまでは文献史料のみでしか伝えられていなかったものが、こうして実物大のものとして現代に生きる我々の目の前に登場したことは非常に大きい意義がある。現在も続く調査・研究 [編集]
手の形もさまざまで、まるで生きている人の手のような形をしている。ベルトと飾り金具は2200年前のものとは思えず 現代でも通用しそうだ
三人は横一列に立って乗り、中央の一人が御者(ぎょしゃ・馬を扱う係り)で両端が殳(しゅ)又はを弓を持った兵士、三人とも冑をまとっている。詳しくは兵器の頁参照。1、2、3号の兵馬俑坑合わせて130両余り戦車が発掘された。戦車は全部木造だったため、発掘された時に朽ちてしまって、痕跡しか殘っていない。その形は、二つの車輪に車軸とカジ棒がそれぞれ1本で構成され。車体は長方形で幅1.4㍍、前後の長さは1.2㍍。車体の 周辺には、高さ40㌢mの囲いが付いていた。後ろに出入り の扉が一つ、車輪の直径は1.35㍍である。
騎馬隊の馬俑と兵俑。兵俑は左手に鋒を持っていたと推測される。▼ 1、2、3号の兵馬俑坑合わせて130両余り戦車が発掘された。戦車は全部木造だったため、発掘された時に朽ちてしまって、痕跡しか殘っていない。その形は、二つの車輪に車軸とカジ棒がそれぞれ1本で構成され。車体は長方形で幅1.4㍍、前後の長さは1.2㍍。車体の 周辺には、高さ40㌢mの囲いが付いていた。後ろに出入り の扉が一つ、車輪の直径は1.35㍍である。
The museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, Today, we are going to visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.This museum is located at the foot of mountain Li Shan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an.First, I will give you a brief introduction about the master of this underground army---the First Qin Emperor, Yingzheng.He came to the throne at the age of 13 and seized the power at the age of 22.By 221BC, he had annexed all the six independent states and established the first centralized autocratic feudal empire in the long history of China.After the unification of the whole country, he styled himself the First Emperor and standardized the coinage, weights and measures, the legal codes, the written scripts and so on.He also ordered the linkage of the original Great Wall.All these exerted an everlasting influence on the long feudal history of China.But the First Qin Emperor was very ambitious.As soon as he came to the throne, he ordered that a magnificent mausoleum should be built for him.It took 37 years to complete this great project.Actually, the site of those terracotta warriors and horses we now see is just a small part of his mausoleum.Ok, everyone, now we are standing at the front gate of the Eighth Wonder of the world---the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.As one of the top ten places of historical interest in China, it was also listed as a world heritage site.So next, let’s go to uncover the veil of this miraculous work.In March 1974,when several farmers were sinking a well about 1.5km east of the First Qin Emperor’s Maosolem, they came upon many fragments of the terracotta figures.The results of archaeological excavation showed that is two more pits were discovered respectively.They were then named pit1,pit2, and pit3 by the order of discovery.The new discovery stirred up a sensation all over the world.In order to provide the historical artifacts with adequate protection, a musem was set up on the site of Pit 1 in 1975 upon the approval of the state council.Pit 1,covers an area of 16,300 square meters, is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel.The terra cotta armies in pit 1 were arranged in battle formation.In the front of this formation, there are 210warriors in 3 lines facing forward.Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the so-called vanguard.Meanwhile, there is one row of warriors on each of the borders of this pit, facing outward---they are the flanks and the rear guard.Holding long-distance shooting weapons, they took up the job of defending the whole army.Then, this way please.We may find ten partition walls
which divided this pit into 11 corridors.The warriors standing inside them with horse-drawn chariots represent the principal military force of this battle formation.According to the density, there are over 6000 terracotta warriors and horses, and most of them are infantrymen.Ok, Here now we arrived at Pit 2.we can see that Pit 2 is still under cover, that’s because we want to preserve them.Pit 2 consists of 4 different mixed military forces in four arrays, they are infantrymen, cavalrymen, archers and charioteers.And pit 2 also include many chariots and horses.They can be divided to act independently, capable of attacking, and defending with a quick response.As you see, those worriors, their feet, legs, bodies, necks, hands and heads, all with different faces, were all made separately and joined together.we may find they are all vivid and true to life.And also as we can see, here are some actual weapons unearthed in those pits.The most attractive one is a bronze sword.Although it was buried over thousands of years, it is still very sharp.It can cat through 20 pieces of paper put together.Now we come to pit 3.Pit 3 covers an area of about 520 square meters.There are only 68 warriors and 4 clay horses.The warriors were arranged opposite to each other in two rows, and only one kind of weapon called “SHU” had been discovered.This kind of weapon has no blade, and is believed to be used by the guards of honor.We have found many animal bones in the north side, and it is supposed to be “Prayer Hall”, and “Commander’s office” is on the south side.This suggests pit 3 is the headquarters directing the whole underground army.Then we have arrived at the exhibition hall of Bronze Chariots and Horses.In 1980, two sets of large painted bronze chariots and horses were found.They broke into thousands of pieces when we found them and after 8 years’ careful restoration;they were rebuilt and open to the public.The first one was named “High Chariot” and the second one was called “Security Chariot”.They were the eariliest and most exquisitely and intricately made bronze valuables,and also the largest bronze wares discovered in the history of world archaeology.It provides extremlyvaluable material and data for the research of the metallurgical technique and technological modeling og the Qin Dynasty.So now we will finish our journey in the museum today, I believe that you must be very astonished at this world wonder.So it’s your time,you can work around and take some pictures.thank you for listening~
秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。秦始皇兵马俑是世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一。1978年,法国前总理希拉克参观后说:“世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。不看秦俑,不能算来过中国。”从此秦俑被世界誉为“八大奇迹”目前已 挖掘出3个俑坑。
秦兵马俑令全中国人自豪,令全世界人惊叹!神秘的兵马俑,还有多少悬疑没有解开? 为何没有统帅俑?1及2号坑为何被焚毁?青铜剑两千年不折?兵马俑的争议还一直在持续,出土文物带给世人许多千古之谜,等待我们去发现去探究。