本科毕业论文一般包括以下几个部分:Introduction、(Literature Review)、(discussions)、Conclusion 等等。当然,研究类型不同,中间部分章节内容也就不同。北京第二外国语学院教务处对各章布局作如下规定,Introduction、Chapter
1、Chapter 2…Conclusion。其中,Introduction和Conclusion前不加Chapter等字样。下面对这些章节的大致内容略作介绍。
1,2,3 „(具体章节,首字母大写,其他字母小写)论文主体部分对论文所要探讨的研究问题进行展开陈述。
本结论部分应包括以下几方面的内容:本研究的主要发现(Major findings)、本研究的启示(Implications)、本研究的局限性(Limitations)以及需要进一步研究的问题(Further research suggestions)等等。
用法1的基本做法是,把作者的姓(Family name)作为句子的一部分(通常作主语),随后用括弧标出所引用文献的出版年代。比如:
Long(1991)argues that without this, outcomes such as those from immersion education are likely to occur, with a lack of sustained development.如果文献有两个作者,须将两个作者的姓都写出来,并用and连接。比如:
Perkins and Gass(1996)argue that, since proficiency is multidimensional, it does not always develop at the same rate in all domains.如果文献有三个或三个以上(六个以下)的作者,论文中第一次引用时必须把所有作者的姓都写出来,用逗号隔开,最后一个作者的姓用and连接。
Sanders, Spooren and Noordman(1992)present a useful taxonomy of coherence relations.在第二次及以后再引用该文献时,只需写出第一个作者的姓,再加上 et al.,比如:
Sanders et al.(1992)studied coherence relations based on four criteria.如果文献有六个或六个以上的作者,论文中第一次引用时只需写出第一个作者的姓,再加上et al.和年代。
Messick(1989: 20)presents what he calls a “progressive matrix”.如果所引用的内容在原文献中跨页,则要标出页码范围,比如:
Hu(1994: 5-6)points out that text studies in the 1960s and early 1970s are more or less concerned with “text grammar” and textual “grammaticality”.在直接引用文献时,如所引用的内容较长(一般超过50单词),则应该另起一段,左右缩进。比如:
Lorenz(1999: 55)voiced a very similar view that because in written communication, coherence cannot be explicitly negotiated face-to-face between text producer and text receiver,Writers therefore have every reason for trying to be unequivocal and to make their ideas, intentions and arguments unmistakably clear.One way of doing this is to carefully signal logical relations and thereby „signpost‟ the path to coherence for the reader.Consequently, when looking at the fabrication of coherence in written discourse, we need to pay special attention to those explicit signposts of coherence, i.e.the text‟s cohesive ties.用法2的基本做法是,把作者的姓、出版年代以及页码均放在括弧里,格式为作者的姓+空格+出版年代+冒号+页码。比如:
This approach tends to assume an automatisation or practice view of learning(Bruton 2002).The first criticism is that the text-based researchers choose to study the text itself for “methodological convenience”(Givón 1995: 59).使用用法2时,如果文献有两位作者,则必须把两位作者的姓都写出来,用&连接,比如:
During the 1970s there were considerable moves within language teaching to embrace the communicative approach(Brumfit & Johnson 1979).One validates not a test, but “a principle for making inferences”(Cronbach & Meehl 1955: 297).(二)转引的格式
If construct validity is seen as an exhaustive process that can be accomplished over a 50-year period, test developers may be inclined to think that any validity information is good enough in the short run(Shepard 1993: 444, cited in Chapelle 1998).上例中的cited in表示“转引自”。注意,学位论文中不能有过多的转引的内容。
论文集是指各章节由不同作者撰写并由一位或几位作者编辑出版的著作。负责编辑出版的作者称为editor(s),封面和扉页一般会注明edited by。在论文集中,前言、导论及每篇文章(或每章)都有各自的作者。引用论文集的内容时,要根据文献作者进行引用,不能用编辑者的姓名进行引用。比如,M.A.Gernsbacher和T.Givón在1995年编辑出版了一本名为Coherence in Spontaneous Text的 5 论文集。其中有A.Sanford和L.Moxey写的一篇文章Aspects of coherence in written language: a psychological perspective。如果要引用这篇文章的内容,则应该按以下格式:
Obviously Reinhart‟s criterion of relevance is in fact obviously psychological, since “relevance can only be defined with respect to background knowledge, and reasoning processes”(Sanford & Moxey 1995: 163).在这种情况下,论文最后相对应的参考文献的写法是:
Sanford, A.& Moxey, L.1995.Aspects of coherence in written language: a psychological perspective.In M.A.Gernsbacher & T.Givon(Eds.), Coherence in Spontaneous Text.pp.161-187.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.(四)如何引用汉语文献
For example, text studies in the 1960s and early 1970s were more or less concerned with “text grammar” and textual “grammaticality”(胡壮麟 1994: 5-6).(五)关于引文的其他注意事项
A principle of text sequencing is that “without overt indications to the contrary, the order of mention of certain items may be assumed to reflect the order of these items in reality or in our conceptualization of reality”(Dik 1997: 435).This equals to say that textual description of events or states-of-affairs should follow either the order which actually exists in the worlds described or the order in which we perceive the worlds.As Dik(ibid.: 436)further points out, “as long as the ordering within the discourse is in accordance with these natural defaults, this adds to the overall coherence.Where such orders are shifted around, overt markers must warn the interpreter of this marked situation”.2.有时论文中不是直接或间接引用文献,而只是为了描述或介绍研究现状而提及某些文献,往往同时提及多种文献。在这种情况下可以采用如下格式(注意使用e.g.,):
The situation with accuracy is not so clear.Some studies(e.g., Foster & Skehan 1996;Skehan & Foster 1997;Mehnert 1998)do suggest that accuracy is raised when there is planning, but other studies(e.g., Crookes 1989;Ortega 1999;Wigglesworth 1997, 2001)do not support this claim.在这种情况下,可以用两种方法来安排文献的顺序。一是按文献的年代排列,较早的排在前面(如上例);二是按作者的姓氏的字母顺序排列。
According to Halliday(1973, 1978, 1985, 1994), language has three main metafunctions, namely, ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction and textual metafunction.4.如果需要同时引用某个作者在其独立完成的某个著作中的观点以及这个作者与其他作者合作的著作中的观点,可以采用下列两种格式:
However, McNamara(1995;McNamara & Lumley 1997)has challenged the Bachman model.However, researchers have challenged the Bachman model(McNamara 1995;McNamara & Lumley 1997).5.在同一篇论文中如果需要引用同一作者在同一年出版的两种或两种以上的文献,则在年代后面用a, b, c等进行区分。比如:
He draws up a possible research agenda that would flow from the inclusion of a social perspective – and in-deed such a research agenda has already borne fruit in several studies of the nature of the interaction in oral tests(Porter 1991a, 1991b).在参考书目中按下列格式列出对应的条目:
Porter, D.(1991a).Affective factors in language testing.In J.C.Alderson & B.North(Eds.), Language testing in the 1990s: the communicative legacy(pp.32–40).London: Macmillan(Modern English Publications in association with the British Council).Porter, D.(1991b).Affective factors in the assessment of oral interaction: gender and status.In S.Anivan(Ed.), Current developments in language testing(Vol.25, pp.92–102).Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.Anthology Series.6.在同一论文中如果需要引用的两个作者的姓氏相同(即使出版年代不同),则需要加上作者的名字(First name)的首字母加以区分。比如:
R.Dawkins(1986)and M.S.Dawkins(1980)have contributed to an understanding of consciousness in animals.7.如果所引用的文献没有具体的作者,而是某个机构出版物,在引用时用机构的名称代替作者的姓,比如:
Retired officers retain access to all of the university‟s educational and recreational facilities(Columbia University 1995: 54).8.词典或百科全书一般用出版物的名称,如果有大家熟悉的缩写形式,也可以使用缩写形式。
Connor, U.(1996).Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second Language Writing.New York: Cambridge University Press.注意,专著的书名一定要用斜体,书名的每个单词的首字母(冠词、单音节介词、连词和动词不定式的to除外,除非在句首)都要大写。一般地,书名中的副标题不需要全部大写,只将第一个单词的首字母大写。
Brown, G.& Yule, G.(1983).Discourse Analysis.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.三位作者以上的文献参照两位作者的文献的格式。比如:
Butt, D., Fahey, R., Spinks, S., & Yallop, C.(1995).Using Functional Grammar: An Explorer’s Guide.Macquarie University: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research.注意,参考书目的条目中不允许使用et al.来代替其他作者。应列出文献的所有作者的信息。
Bateman, J.A.& Rondhuis, K.J.(1997).Coherence relations: Towards a general specification.Discourse Processes, 24(1), pp.3-49.注意,如果所引用期刊的整卷统一编排页码(即一卷中的若干期连续编排页码),那么在参考文献中不需要提供期号,只需提供卷号和页码。如果每一期单独编排页码(即每期从第1页开始),那么则需要提供期号,如上例。
论文集全书:格式与专著基本相同,只是在编者后面要加上(ed.)或(eds.)如果只有一个编 8 者,用ed.;如果有两个或两个以上的编者,则用eds.。如:
Couture, B.(ed.).(1986).Functional Approaches to Writing: Research Perspectives.Norwood, NJ.: Ablex.论文集中的文章:引用论文集中的文章时,参考书目要提供以下信息:作者,出版年代,文章名称(正体,只有第一单词的首字母大写),编者、论文集名称、所引文章的起始页码、出版地点、出版机构。比如:
Coulthard, M.(1994).On analysing and evaluating written text.In M.Coulthard(ed.), Advances in Written Text Analysis.pp.1-11.London & New York: Routledge.Bublitz, W.& Lenk, U.(1999).Disturbed Coherence: „Fill me in‟.In W.Bublitz, U.Lenk, & E.Ventola(eds.), Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse.pp.153-174.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.(四)学术会议上宣读的论文
Jochens, J.(1992).Gender equality in law?: The case of medieval Iceland.Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, Binghamton, New York.(五)未出版的学位论文
Wang, X.(2003).A Functional Approach to Euphemism.Unpublished PhD dissertation, Beijing Normal University.(六)互联网上的文献
Office of the U.S.Trade Representative.(1999).North American Free Trade Agreement
[On-line].Available Telnet: liberty.uc.wlu.edu.(七)汉语参考文献样例
王艾录、司富珍, 2002, 语言理据研究。北京: 中国社会科学出版社。
伍铁平,1990,术语的模糊性和语言规律。杨自俭、李瑞华(编),英汉对比研究论文集。179-188页。上海: 上海外语教育出版社。
Halliday, M.A.K.(1989).Spoken and Written Language.Oxford: Oxford University Press.Halliday, M.A.K.(1994).An Introduction to Functional Grammar(2nd ed.).London: Edward Arnold.3.由某个作者独立撰写的著作排在该作者与其他作者合作的著作之前。也就是说,首先将作者独立完成的文献按时间顺序排列完毕,然后在排列该作者与其他作者合作的著作,比如:
Halliday, M.A.K.(1978).Language as Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning.London: Edward Arnold.Halliday, M.A.K.(1994).An Introduction to Functional Grammar(Second Edition).London: Edward Arnold.Halliday, M.A.K.& Hasan, R.(1976).Cohesion in English.London: Longman.Halliday, M.A.K.& Hasan, R.(1989).Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective.London: Oxford University Press.4.姓名前有前缀(如van, de)的作者,要按照前缀的字母顺序排列。如下面的de Beaugrande, R.1980排在Dahlgren, K.1992之后,而不是按照Beaugrande中的首字母B来排顺序:
Dahlgren, K.(1992).Convergent evidence for a set of coherence relations.In Stein, D.(ed.), Cooperating with Written Texts: The Pragmatics and Comprehension of Written Texts.pp.631-663.Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.de Beaugrande, R.(1980).Text, Discourse, and Process: Towards a Multidisciplinary Science of Texts.Norwood, NJ.: ABLEX Publishing.
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