论文关键词:潜层语义 表层语义 增益 删略
论文摘要:《英译中国现代散文选》是一本不是教材的好教材,它为中 国学 者深入研究 翻译 理论与技巧提供了丰富多彩的典型实例;张培基教授半个世纪译苑耕耘的经验及其科学的一丝不苟的译风不可多得;同时该书也为外国人研究1919年“五四”运动以来中国人鲜活的思想铺了一条近路。编辑。
近百年来把西方一些知识分子的思想或理论译介给国人者不乏其人,中国人中自己主动把一九一九年“五四“运动以来存在于散文中那些鲜活的思想译介给外国人的学者却并不多见。张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》弥补了这个缺憾。二十世纪末能在炒得沸沸扬扬的书市上偶拾到这样一本选材精当、译功踏实的新书《英译中国现代散文选》,幸甚!《英译中国现代散文选》的译者很看重所选散文中的“真情”——那种迫于必要而非出于志愿的应景文章一概不译;译者对曾有过争议的名人作品也不看其名气大小,而着眼于其散文是否仍有现实意义;如果能给后人留下一点值得思考的东西,那么就将其译出。例如所译胡适的《差不多先生传》在揭示我们 民族 劣根性方面很有特色,至今读来尤有极深刻的现实意义。《英译中国现代散文选》篇幅有限,但它几乎囊括了1919年“五四”运动以来中国一大批杰出作家寓意深邃的有一定代表性的散文作品。这些作家或名人包括李大钊、方志敏、鲁迅、郭沫若、胡适、叶圣陶、朱自清、郁达夫、柔石、萧红、老舍、郑振铎、萧乾、冰心等等;也有至今仍在笔耕的 文学 巨匠如巴金、季羡林等等。《英译中国现代散文选》可成为让当代的西方人了解中国,了解中国人的思想脉搏的一面三棱镜或一本好教材。目前西方一些国家首脑人物都很重视其“智囊团”对 孔子、老子、孙子等我国古代思想家或军事家的研究,这方面的译作也较多,但对上述我国知识层面的代表人物知之甚少。因此,《英译中国现代散文选》的推出对国人的翻译 指导 思想或翻译观念的更新也会起到先导作用。让世人了解中国,了解中国人民真实的思想感情,有条件的有识之士应多做些这方面的译介工作。张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》问世的意义不可低估。
如果只读《英译中国现代散文选》(汉英对照)中的英文,你不会觉得这是译文,不会觉得其英文是出自一位中国人的手。译者不仅在句子层面上力求做到 语言 自然流畅、准确细致、雅俗得当而且又特别着意语篇神韵的再创造,力求既完美地保持原文的信息、原文的功能又译出原文的风格或味道来。
“许久储蓄在心里的诗料,今晨在理发店里又浮上了心来了。——”这是郭沫若《白发》一文的首句,开门见山地点出了作者 写作 动机,其中关键词为“诗料”。因为通篇讲的是作者对一位“年青的,年青的远隔河山的姑娘”为其理发时“拔去了一根白发”后的感情经历,为此将其译为poetic emotion显得很得体,如译成“poetic material”便有伤大雅;全句的译文my long pent_up poetic emotion emerged again this morning at a hairdresser’s也很简练,把“储蓄在心里的”较长的定语浓淡缩成意为“心扉封闭”或“被压抑”的pent_up也很 经济 实惠又形象逼真。把“远隔河山的”有意淡化为of the distant land也很不俗,不然“mountains”“rivers”通通直译出来必然使句子变得很臃肿,甚至言不及义。“你的慧心替我把青春留住了”句中的“慧心”颇不好译。中国人常有“慧眼”“慧心”之说,“慧心”原是佛教用语,指能领悟真理之心,英文中没有十分贴切的对应词,译者将其“模糊”处理译为feeling heart,颇有见地。
小处见大,翻译的真功夫往往在一些小地方流露出来。收在《英译中国现代散文选》中夏尊一篇散文标题是《我之于书》,一般译者多半会译为i and books。但booksand i的译法却符合英文习惯,而且读起来也上口。该文中“我的房子里比较贵重的东西就是书。”一句的译法也很有特色——用“under my roof”来译“我的房子里”而不用“inmy house”这不能不说是对原文的再创造,恰到好处。
Mr.About-the Same
Do you know who is the most well-known person in China?
The name of this person is a household word all over the country.His name is Cha and his given name, Buduo, which altogether mean “About the
Same”.He is a native of every province, every country and every village in this country.You must have seen or heard about this person.His name is always on the lips of everybody because he is representative of the whole Chinese nation.Mr.Cha Buduo has the same physiognomy as you and I.He has a pair of eyes, but doesn’t see clearly.He has a pair of ears, but doesn’t hear well.He has a nose and a mouth, but lacks a keen sense of smell and taste.His brain is none too small, but he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking.He often says: “whatever we do, it’s OK to be just about right.What’s the use of being precise and accurate:”
One day, when he was a child, his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar, but he returned with some white sugar instead.As his mother scolded him about it, he shook his head and said, “Brown sugar or white sugar, aren’t they about the same?”
One day in school, the teacher asked him, “Which province borders Hebei on the west?” He answered, “Shaanxi,” The teacher corrected him, “You are wrong.It’s Shanxi, Not Shaanxi.” He retorted, “Shaanxi or Shanxi, aren’t they about the same?”
Later Mr.Cha Buduo served as an assistant at a money shop.He could write and calculate all right, but his mathematics were/was often faulty.He would mistake the Chinese character十(meaning 10)for 千(meaning 1000)or vice versa.The shop owner was infuriated and often took him to task.But he would only explain apologetically with a grin, “The character千differs from 十in merely having one additional short stroke.Aren’t they about the same?”
One day, he wanted to go to Shanghai by train on urgent business.But he arrived at the railway station unhurriedly only to find the train already gone, because he was two minutes late.He stood staring helplessly at the smoke belching from the diminishing train, and shook his head, “Well, all I can do is leave tomorrow.After all, today and tomorrow are about the same.But isn’t the railway taking it too seriously? What’s the difference between departing at 8:30 and 8:32?” He walked home slowly while talking to himself and kept puzzling over why the train hadn’t waited for him for two minutes more.One day he suddenly fell ill and immediately told one of his family to fetch Dr.Wang of East Street.The latter went in hurry, but couldn’t find the physician on East Street.So he fetched instead Veterinarian Wang of West Street.Mr.Cha Buduo, lying on his sickbed, knew that a wrong person had been brought home.But, what with pain and worry, he could ill afford to wait any longer.So he said to himself, “Luckily, Vet Wang is about the same as Dr.Wang.Why not let Vet Wang have a try?” there-upon, the veterinarian walked up to his bed to work on him as if he were a cow.
Consequently, Mr.Cha Buduo kicked the bucket before an hour was out.When Mr.Cha Buduo was about to breathe his last, he uttered intermittently in one breath, “Live or die, it’s about„about„the same„Whatever we do„it’s OK„to be „just„just about right...Why„why„take it„so seriously?” as soon as he finished this pet phrase of his, he stopped breathing.After Mr.Cha Buduo death, people all praised him for his way of seeing things and his philosophical approach to life.They say that he refused to take things seriously all his life and that he was never calculating or particular about personal gains or losses.So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going.His name has spread far and wide and become more and more celebrated with the passing of time.Innumerable people have come to follow his example, so that everybody has become a Mr.Cha Buduo.But lo, China will hence be a nation of lazybones!
(1)“他姓差,名不多”如仅仅译为His name is Cha and his given name, Buduo,外国读者只知其音,不知其意,故在后面加补充说明which altogether mean “About the Same”。
(2)“他的思想也不很细密”译为He is„sloppy in thinking, 其中sloppy作“无条理”、“凌乱”解。
(4)“钱铺”又称“钱庄”,大多仅从事兑换业务,后为银行所代替。“钱铺”可译为private bank或banking house,但均不如money(exchange)shop确切。
(5)“格言”在这里意同“口头语”,现参照上下文译为pet phrase。
(6)“想得通”意即“达观”或“随遇而安”,故译为philosophical approach to life。
枣 核
Date Stones
Xiao Qian
Before I set out for the US, a former schoolmate of mine wrote me by airmail, asking me in all earnest to bring him some raw date stones.They
were not heavy in weight, yet I was curious about their use.At Philadelphia, shortly before staring out for my friend’s place, I called him up.So when I got off the train at the destination, I found him already waiting for me at the station.It was about half a century since we last met, and we were now both in our declining years.After hugging each other, he asked me eagerly, “have you brought them with you?” I immediately fished out the date stones from my handbag.He fondled them in his palm as if they were something more valuable than pearls or agates.Obviously he was just as childlike as before, when I asked about the use of the date stones, he put them into his pocket and replied by way of fooling me deliberately, “You’ll understand soon.”
It was really a beautiful mountain city.As we drove on, an expanse of rich crimson up and down the slope came into sight.In China a place like this would have been described as a maple city.After passing through several cols, my friend said pointing to a three-storied house amidst the maple trees, “here we are.” The car turned into a lawn and when it was three or four meters away form the garage, its door automatically opened as if it recognized its own master.My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: At the time he bought this big house, his children had all been at school.Now they had their own homes and jobs.His wife, a biochemist, was a dietician at a research institute.After assigning me a room on the second floor facing a lake, he showed me around his back garden, which, though not too big, was exquisite and nicely arranged.The moment we sat down on a white bench close to a hedge, he asked me, “Don’t you find something here smacking of our native place in China?” at this, I noticed a weeping willow, planted by himself, on either side of a flight of steps as well as a water-lily pond in the middle of the garden.He said with deep feeling, “When I planted the willows, my son was only five.Now he serves as head of chief mechanics in a nuclear submarine.My daughter teaches at Harvard University.I’m happy with my family and my career.I own all modern household facilities I need.But I still feel something lacking.Maybe I’m a bit too foolish.How come the older I become, the more I think of my homeland.Now I fully understand the frame of mind of one residing in a place far away from home.I always think of Changdian and Longfusi.Every time Christmas is celebrated here in America, I think of lunar New year back in China.I can never forget the date tree in the courtyard of the house on Zongbu Hutong.That’s why I’ve asked you to bring me some date stones.I’ll try to plant them here.Then he said pointing to a jumble of rockery standing in a corner of the garden, “Believe it or not, the rocks, hand-picked by me, were bought by the kilogram.I drove dozens of kilometers away to haul them back in
my car.Look, that’s Beihai in our home.”
Thereupon, we rose to our feet simultaneously and walked along a cobbled footpath beside the lawn towards the miniature Beihai.What a careful man my friend was!He had had the artificial hill inlaid with a clay pavilion and a red temple, with a white pagoda on top.He said he had bought the decorative objects from China Town in San Francisco.He also told me that on a moonlit night he and his wife would sit side by side on the bench recalling how they had used to go boating on the Beihai Lake.Meanwhile, as I smelled the faint scent of the water-lilies carried to us by the breeze, I felt as if the beautiful scene of a Chinese lotus pond were flashing past my eyes.The change of nationality doesn’t mean the change of national feeling.No other nation has such a strong attachment for the native land as we Chinese.注释
(1)“再三托付我为他带几棵生枣核”中的“再三”作“恳切”解,不能按字面理解为“一次又一次”或“重复”。因此全句译为asking me in all earnest to bring him some raw date stones,其中in all earnest是成语,作“认真地”或“恳切地”解。
(2)“我赶快从手提包里掏出那几棵枣核”中的“掏出”译为fished out比took out 贴切,因前者有“搜寻”的含义。
(3)“他托在掌心”译为He fondled them in his palm,比He held them in his palm贴切,因to fondle表达了原文的内涵“爱抚”。
(4)“故弄玄虚地说”中的“故弄玄虚”作“故意把„„搞得神秘化”解,通常可译为deliberatedly to make a mystery of„„。现全句按“故意开玩笑地说”的意思译为replied by way of fooling me deliberately,其中by way of 是成语,其意思是“为了”或“意在”(with the intention of)。
(5)“领我去踏访他的后花园”译为he showed me around his back garden,其中to show around是短语动词,作“带领某人参观某地”解。
(6)“布置得却精致匀称”译为was exquisite and nicely arranged,其中nicely的意思是“恰当好处”或“恰恰合适”。
(7)“也许是没出息”不宜按字面直译,现按“也许是自己有些傻”译为Maybe I’m a bit too foolish。
(8)“堆起的一座假山石”译为a jumble of rockery,其中jumble的意思是“杂乱的一堆”。
(9)“你相信吗?”本可译为Don’t you believe it?现译为Believe it or not,为具有同样意思的常用口头语。
(10)“论公斤买下”即“按公斤计算买下”,译为bought by the kilogram。注意这里介词by和后面的定冠词the属习惯搭配。
(11)“走到‘北海’跟前”译为Walked„„towards the miniature Beihai,其中miniature(微型的)是译者添加的成分,用以表达原文中加引号的北海。
Predawn Beijing
Ji Xianlin
I’ve been in Beijing altogether for over 40 years.So I can well call myself a long-timer of Beijing.Like all other long-timers of the city, I’m supposed to be very familiar with its scenic spots and historical sites, nay, its superb attractions.But I believe there is one thing lying unknown to most of the long-time residents –the predawn hours of Beijing.For many years, I have been in the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four.Instead of going out for a jog or walk, I’ll set about my work as soon as I’m out of bed.As a result, it is from inside my study that I’ve got the feel of predawn Beijing.Years ago, I hit upon
a newspaper article about street cleaner in Tian’anmen Square at daybreak.It must have been a very moving scene, but what a pity I haven’t seen it with my own eyes.I can only picture it in my mind longingly.Forty years ago, I lived downtown in Dongchang, a compound which had housed the secret service of the Ming dynasty.There were inside it several deep spacious courtyard one leading into another.I was the sole dweller of the three innermost courtyards.My friends, calling this place too ghastly, seldom dared to come to see me in the evening whereas I myself found it quite agreeable.In summer, the moment I got out of bed before daybreak, I would smell the delicate fragrance of the giant silk trees coming from outside my window.Thereupon, I would feel refreshed and joyful, and the clumsy pen in my hand would seem to have become as agile as it could.Several years later when I moved to the western suburbs, I kept my habit of rising at four to begin work at the window.The glittering spire atop the tower of the daytime through my window, would no longer be visible now in the early morning haze.Nevertheless I knew that, tough invisible, it remained there intact, towering to the skies to inspire people with hope and the urge for moving ahead.At this, I would be beside myself with joy and feel as if my heart were also flying high up into the skies.Ten years after, I moved again.In the new home of mine, I had no silk trees, nor could I get sight of the glittering spire from afar.There was, however, a lotus pond of limpid blue in front of my door.In the first few years after I moved there, lotus flowers continued to blossom on the surface of the pond.In the summertime, when day broke early at four, a vast stretch of lotus leaves looking skywards outside my window came dimly into sight while the quiet fragrance of the lotus flowers assailed my nose.All that delighted me even more than the silk trees and the glittering spire.Is it exclusively due to the above-mentioned that I’ve developed a liking for predawn Beijing? No.for 30 years, I’ve been bogged down in the mire of meetings.To tell you the truth, with the experience accumulated over the 30 years, I’m now scared of meetings.In the daytime, there is no telling when I may be served a notice for attending a meeting.To exaggerate it a bit, that keeps me in constant suspense and makes me fidgety.Even when no meeting is to take place, I feel restless all the same.However, my experience tells that it is only during the predawn hours that I can be truly havened from any involvement in meetings.As soon as I sit at my desk before dawn, something similar to the conditioned reflex will begin to function within me: Instantly I’ll pick up my pen to play my proper part with perfect peace of mind.Then inspiration comes gushing to my mind and my memory becomes as quick as a newly-sharpened knife.I’ll feel overjoyed, almost to the point of waving my arms and stamping my
feet.In short, I love Beijing, especially predawn Beijing.注释
(1)“黎明前的北京”除译为predawn Beijing外,也可译为Beijing Before Dawn或Beijing Before Daybreak。
(2)“算是一个老北京了”除译为I can well call myself a long-timer of Beijing外,也可译为I‘m eligible for being called a long-timer of Beijing。又long-timer也可用old-timer代替。
(3)“北京的妙处”是上句“北京的名胜古迹“的补充,故译为nay, its superb attractions,其中nay是副词,作“不仅如此”解,是译文中添加的成分。
(4)“有一点„„老北京并不了解”译为there is one thing lying unknown to„ long-time residents,其中lying和remaining同义。
(5)“在什么报上读过一篇文章”译为I hit upon a newspaper article,其中to hit upon是成语,作“偶然发现”解,和to come across、to find by chance等同义。
(6)“我则怡然自得”意即“我却觉得很惬意”,故译为whereas I myself find it quite agreeable。
(7)“此时当然看不到了”译为would no longer be visible now in the morning haze,(8)“香气幽然袭来”意即“香气悄悄地扑鼻而来”,故译为the quiet fragrance„assailed my nose(或nostrils)。
(9)“开会迷”在文中并不指“对开会着迷”或“特别爱好开会”。它的真正意思却是“陷入繁多的的会议之中”或者“疲于应付各种会议”,因此可译为I’ve been bogged down in the more of meetings或I’ve been bogged down in meetings。
(10)“只有在黎明以前„„没有哪里会找你开会的”译为it is only during the predawn hours that I can be havened from any involvement in meetings,灵活处理,其中havened是由名词haven(避难所)转化为动词的。因此be havened from的意思是“免受„„之忧”。
(11)“‘文思’如泉水喷涌”中的“文思”实际上指“灵感”,现将全句译为Then inspiration comes gushing to my mind。