
时间:2019-05-14 15:44:48下载本文作者:会员上传


Devils Are In the Details Speaking of detective novels, Arthur Conan Doyle will instantly jump out from my mind.He was born in Scotland and studied medicine there, famous for molding successful detective—Sherlock Holmes.“Sherlock Holmes” is the immortal classic detective novel, which opened a “golden age” in detective novels.Besides, relating to detective novels, our minds will certainly emerge out of the mysterious process of detection, bizarre cases, as well as detective's profound ideas.And if someone asks you that do know any detective novels? Most of them will answer SHERLOCK HOLEMS, which is one of the representative works of detective novels, and the cases inside also has become a classic.Thus this winter holiday, I read the book called THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLEMES.It was the first time that I had read the detective fiction, but Its ups and downs of the plot, careful logical reasoning, meticulous psychological analysis and Sherlock Holmes, a well-known detective image, deeply touched my heart.Besides, I was aware that how crucial the detail was, especially in a case related to some people’s lives.In LONGMAN DICTIONARY, the definition of ‘careful’ is that ‘paying a lot of attention to details, so that everything is done correctly and thoroughly’.Thus to be a careful person , like Sherlock Holmes, who is without doubt one of the most beloved figures in the history of mystery fiction.He never let any detail go off, from a trace of blood under the carpet to the subtle asymmetry of the steps and any other clues, can not escape from his smart eyes.Because he knows that the details decide success or failure, and all the details together will become a crucial discovery.Therefore, we’d better keep our eyes on details.Just as an saying illustrated, details determine your fate.I fully agree it which attaches the importance to details.Hence I keep reminding myself of polishing my eyes and giving weight to details in my daily life, which contributed me to make fewer mistakes.For instance, in THE SIX NAPOLEONS , it was Holmes that he found all the busts of the statues Napoleon were broken, and he could infer the true intentions of the criminals and he could speculate the suspect.Hence the police could seize the criminal.In THE NORWOOD BUILDER, thanks for his carefulness, he found one passage shorter than the others, thinking of the identity of the homeowner, an architecture, the police could found Oldacre’s hiding place, the suspect could be saved and the true criminal could be found out.In THE GOLDEN GLASSES , on account of Holmes’ circumspection, he was able to determine the identity of the owner of the glasses, gender and even outlook only from the style of golden glasses and a short dialogue with glasses’ shopper.What’s more, he successfully deduced where the criminal hidden just through the similarities between the two passages.And the police eventually solved the case.In THE SECOND BLOOD, it was the Sherlock Holmes found the details of the carpet movement, only to find the key to deal with the case.These details seem to be usual, as a matter of fact, it is a strong performance of the Sherlock Holmes meticulous observation and ample imagination.And all the cases in this book, and all the discoveries Sherlock Holmes found out, exactly as Mies van der Rohe saying, devils are in the details.It is obviously whether a man will be successful depends largely on his attention to the details in his life.However, in our daily life, people always neglect details, thus causing bad results.Taking programmers as an example, If they finished programming some significant programs, but they carelessly missed a letter or a punctuation, the entire program will collapse.Furthermore, taking myself as an example, once I was interviewing a tutor job, the parents asked me to teach their kid in English.I followed, but I found a detail that he frowned several times when I was talking about something.And I assumed that maybe the speed was so fast that he could not quite understand what I was teaching.So I slowed down my speed and tried to use some easy-to-understand words to make him better comprehend them.At last, he understood what I was saying and his parents were satisfied with me.Under this circumstance, I got the job on accounting of pay attention to detail.That’s why I stressed the importance of carefulness.Undoubtedly, In 1890s, Sherlock Holmes was a character very much of his time and place, who appealed to British readers directly by confronting the messy, changeable world they lived in.Rather than dwelling in romance or in an idealized past, as many of Arthur Conan Doyle's other characters did, Holmes was grounded squarely in Victorian London.The Sherlock Holmes mystery stories, written over a forty-year span from 1887 to 1927, represented the good, the bad, and the ugly of Victorian society: its ideals, its accomplishments, and its deepest fears.What’s more THE RUTURN OF SHELOCK HOLMES is a masterpiece of all the time.From my perspective, the reason why this book gained unrivaled popularity among the world, not merely because the author created how keen and admirable Holmes was, also not only because how many amazing cases Holmes dealt with, but also because he partly showed how crucial the carefulness was.Owing to the carefulness, Holmes successfully found out the key of the case ,and helped the police capture the real criminal, which saved both criminals and victims.In a word, the largest sense for me after reading this book is that I really understood ‘devils are in the details’, I knew how advisable ‘details determine success or failure’ was.Hence we are supposed to polish our eyes and be more attentive to details in our daily lives.


The truth is always only one 学校:宜兴市实验中学 班级:三(13)姓名:杨镇远 The Sherlock Holmes of Arthur Conan Doyle called “the father of a detective story,” he is a success, because the people, the detective Sherlock Holmes.And become a detective novel is history the most important novelists besides he has written many other types of fiction, such as science and the suspense, the historical novel, love, fiction, drama and poetry, etc.Sherlock Holmes, is a fictional detective, is the late 19th century English crime novelist Arthur Conan Doyle shaped by a brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes said.He is a “" the detective, as other private or official of the detectives are in difficulties often asked him for help.Most of the story will focus on some more difficult and need to be Sherlock Holmes out of the case.Sherlock Holmes by observation is to solve the problem.Arthur Conan Doyle from his trip to Edinburgh, when the hospital is a good judge of the teacher's inspiration to create a body, and Sherlock Holmes this figure.He usual stays in 221B Baker Street.He is an apartment with his pipe, called for a client or chemistry experiments.Once received, he at once becomes a prey to them, lock, the whole event back, that these layers of the filter until at last the truth became known.The doctor Dr.John H.Watsonwas his years of my roommate, when handling the right-hand man and his biography writer and his life's good friends.Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes had a close match, James Military.The so-called ”criminals genius", that is a mathematician.Professor moiety professor military the London group of a crime, criminal cases are mostly to.London streets of a group of kids, Baker Street Irregulars are his best Assistant.As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case.读《福尔摩斯探案集》


The truth is always only one

学校:宜兴市实验中学 班级:三(13)姓名:杨镇远

The Sherlock Holmes of Arthur Conan Doyle called “the father of a detective story,” he is a success, because the people, the detective Sherlock Holmes.And become a detective novel is history the most important novelists besides he has written many other types of fiction, such as science and the suspense, the historical novel, love, fiction, drama and poetry, etc.Sherlock Holmes, is a fictional detective, is the late 19th century English crime novelist Arthur Conan Doyle shaped by a brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes said.He is a “" the detective, as other private or official of the detectives are in difficulties often asked him for help.Most of the story will focus on some more difficult and need to be Sherlock Holmes out of the case.Sherlock Holmes by observation is to solve the problem.Arthur Conan Doyle from his trip to Edinburgh, when the hospital is a good judge of the teacher's inspiration to create a body, and Sherlock Holmes this figure.He usual stays in 221B Baker Street.He is an apartment with his pipe, called for a client or chemistry experiments.Once received, he at once becomes a prey to them, lock, the whole

event back, that these layers of the filter until at last the truth became known.The doctor Dr.John H.Watsonwas his years of my roommate, when handling the right-hand man and his biography writer and his life's good friends.Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes had a close match, James Military.The so-called ”criminals genius", that is a mathematician.Professor moiety professor military the London group of a crime, criminal cases are mostly to.London streets of a group of kids, Baker Street Irregulars are his best Assistant.As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case.读《福尔摩斯探案集》



sherlock holmes, does not need to say you knew.he is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.who then portrays him is? is f.conan doyle,(1859 ~ 1930), english outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.by four signs, return records, terrorist valley and so on is world famous.sherlock holmes detective case collection mainly says is-“every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” sherlock holmes is a such person.although he had become famous at that time in england the spying, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.he has specially rented between a small house nearby english fine arts museum, the use material and the

opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the world.i thought that,sherlock holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth

our general young people studying.i like reading this this cause me to profit significantly sherlock holmes detective case collection.


report of “The hound of”

It’s a detective story about a strange and huge hound.The story began with Dr.James Mortimer.His host, Sir Charles Baskerville, who was lived in Devon County died suddenly.So He asked for Detective Holmes to help survey and find out the truth of the sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville There was a mysterious family legend of Baskervilles: Know then that in the time of the Great Rebellion, It chanced that this Hugo came to love the daughter of a yeoman who held lands near the Baskerville estate.One day, with his friends, he carried the girl secretly and hid her small house.Finally she ran away, he waschasing after go out, then when others found out he had been beat by the big, black ,cruel hound which was standing beside and died.Because of this legend, Dr.James Mortimer suspected the sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville and worried about the safe of Mr.Henry Baskerville who was Charles’s nephew, the heir to a large fortune.In fact, after he got to London, there had been many odd things.All of these showed that someone wanted to kill him.After a long time of survey, Detective Holmes solved the case and kept Mr.Henry in safe.Sir Charles Baskerville didn’t caused by the family legend, it was planned by Stapleton who was also a nephew of Charles Baskerville and wanted to be the heir.But he was born secretly in South America by Rodger Baskerville, the younger brother of Sir Charles.He came back to London with a sum of money he stole, and changed his name Vandeleur.He established primary school but failed, so he wanted to rob the family property.To achieve his purpose, he planed this scheme.He thought the mysterious

legend about the hound could help him to be an innocent.So he bought a hound and kept it on an island.His wife refused to help him, so he lied to Mrs.Laura Lyons that he was a single and let her to write to Mr.Charles at one day night.At that night, he let the hound out and frightened the Mr.Charles who had heart disease.When his found there was a heir, Mr.Henry, he lied to everyone that his wife was his sister and let her to date with Henry, then killed him with the same way.With the help of Watson and his friends, Holmes found the murderer and protected Mr.Henry safely.



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