
时间:2019-05-14 15:09:37下载本文作者:会员上传


Good morning, everyone.My name is xx, coming from class 5.The title of my paper is an analysis of dialogues in Hemingway’s The Killers from the perspective of discourse analysis.It’s finished with constant encouragement and guidance of my supervisor xx.Here I want to express my sincere thanks to him, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis.At the same time, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the professors and teachers, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past four years.I also owe my sincere gratitude to every teacher here for spending your precious time on going through my paper.Next, please allow me to make a simple report on my paper’s purpose and significance, the structure and contents and the limitations to you and earnestly request you to make a comment on it.Firstly, I’d like to talk about the purpose and significance of my thesis.Earnest Miller Hemingway was the most influential American writer of the last century, who won a 1953 Pulitzer Prize and awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954.Hemingway is adept at writing dialogues and a large portion of dialogues in his fictions enable kinds of figures created by Hemingway lively and vivid.The Killers, one of the most excellent works among modern American short stories, is the first work of Hemingway to be recognized, appreciated and ardently loved by American, also the first to be translated into Chinese.Hemingway preferred to finish this short story in dialogues rather than to pay much attention to describing the plots and environment.The previous analyses of The Killers mainly focus on the perspective such as narration, dialogues and iceberg theory to probe into this work’s theme and significance.However, this paper tries to analyze this short story finished with dialogues from the perspective of discourse analysis and explore how dialogues unfold plots and portray characters so that it can embody the significant effect of dialogues in fiction and reflect the glamour of dialogues.Meanwhile, it is hoped that this paper can to some extent contribute to the further research on Hemingway’s works.Secondly, I’d like to introduce the structure and contents of my paper.As for the structure, it will be separated into four chapters in this paper to develop the thesis.The first chapter will introduce the research background, purpose, significance and structure of the thesis.The second chapter will pay attention to the literary review of this topic, stating the concept and the development of discourse analysis and its adaption in literary analysis.The third chapter, the main body of this paper, will be concerned about the specific analyses of dialogues in The Killers regarding the effects of dialogues to unfold plots and portray characters.Under the support of the theory of discourse analysis, the author will probe into dialogues’ effects in different settings and the individualization of different figures, reflecting how dialogues take effect in short story.And the last chapter will cover the conclusion of this paper, summarizing the results of analyzing dialogues from the viewpoint of discourse analysis.And let me move to the contents of the thesis.As for the concept and development of discourse analysis, we can figure out that it’s the actual use of language units and a continuous process of communication, and discourse analysis, or discourse studies, is a term for a number of approaches to analyze written, spoken, signed language use or any significant semiotic event.Also it can be thought that a series of paragraphs or sentences constitute the language as a whole.In 1952, Z.S.Harris first put forward the term “discourse analysis” in his article published on magazine Language, which was regarded as the origin of the modern discourse analysis.From middle 1960s till now, it’s generally believed that discourse analysis has become an independent research field.And its appearance is bound to the continuous development of human’s understanding to the language.As for the application of discourse analysis in literary analysis, it uses some of the specific theoretical perspectives and analytical approaches as the following:(emergent grammar, functional grammar, text or discourse grammar, interactional sociolinguistics, cohesion and relevance theory, pragmatics, particularly speech act theory, conversation analysis, discursive psychology, cognitive psychology and so on.)And I analyze the specific dialogues in this paper through applying the approaches and perspectives of discourse analysis.Next, it refers to the main body of the thesis.First part is the effects of dialogues on unfolding plots.In this part, I apply the cooperative principle and the speech act theory to analyze the effect of dialogues in the short story to propel the plots, from unfolding the killers’ behavior in Henry’s lunch-room to Nick’s meeting with Anderson.It shows that only the killers and other characters obey four maxims of cooperative principle can they go on their communication smoothly.And their violation to the principle and the behavior of following the speech act theory gradually show the tension of the plots.The following part is about the effects of dialogues on portraying characters.Besides the adoption of the cooperative principle and speech act theory, I also analyze the personality of characters by the way of repetition.As a natural composition in the language use, the repetition was one of the most important ways in the language communication, which has great impact on the smooth conversation and clear contents of communication and an indispensable part in studying the cooperative principle.The repetition of the characters in the short story, with the other two theories, shows their personality and attitudes to the thrilling thing.From the detailed analyses, we can find out the killers are experienced in the murder and they are so fierce and ruthless to sell their soul and conscience to kill a strange man in a strange town.And they are just the puppet manipulated by some people and truly a cold-blooded killing machine with emotional emptiness and numbness.And George is indifferent to others but only cares his own interests;he is so social to adapt this society in a compliant way.Nick is simple, kind-hearted and inexperienced to look at this world with innocent eyes.And Sam is cold and timid because of his low social status as a nigger.Also it portrays the tragic Anderson who has to despise the death and face the danger fearlessly in order to maintain his dignity and personality.At last, I get the conclusion that dialogues in The Killers is an effective means to unfold plots and portray characters and adapting the perspective of discourse analysis to analyze the literary works is feasible and valid.Otherwise, although I try my best to collect much more information about my paper and make every effort to write it, it still has some limitations which I can’t reach.I’m not so familiar with the profound theory and it can be improved in the aspect of putting theory into practice.Also, I don’t adapt some theory to make an analysis because of my limited ability, for example, I want to adapt the discursive psychology to probe into dialogues in the short story, but I quit finally because I’m not confident to control it well.And some analyses in the paper are also not so perfect, I will seriously study their adaption in the future to keep improving myself continually.Hope every teacher makes advisable comments on my paper so that I can learn more useful in the after study.The Killers tells that two killers are employed by someone to come to a strange town to murder a boxer named Anderson.They come to the Henry’s lunch-room to threaten waiters and tie up the cook when they’re waiting for the appearance of their intended target-Anderson.But their plan fail because of Anderson doesn’t come to have a dinner that day.Nick working in the lunch-room goes to Anderson’s home to inform his this thing, but Anderson doesn’t do anything to the coming murder.Then Nick shocked by his attitude comes back the lunch-room and decides to leave this town.Its structure and plots are very concise and there’s no description of fierce fight, however, it’s still stimulating to readers.





Good morning.Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense.(或Welcome to attend the oral defense.)

I am XXX.Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor XXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis.It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis.My topic is XXXXXXXXX.The whole thesis consists of---parts.The first part will give a brief introduction of------.And the second part is going to analyze----------.In the third part,---------will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about--------.Then the author will dig into the root causes of-------in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal--------of---------in the last part.Thank you!











4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that….二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):





(1)Will you please give us a self-introduction? 有些学生可能由于紧张没听清问题便开始背诵论文的内容,结果造成答非所问。

(2)Give us a presentation of your thesis.有些学生一听到thesis便详细而又不理解地背诵其论文内容, 在被打断之后便不知该说什么。其实, 考官只是想知道你对论文的总体了解, 让你简单阐明自己论文的内容与观点。

(3)Why do you choose such a theme?/ What do you want the reader get from your thesis? 对于这个问题,你可以谈谈你的喜好,你想要读者从中得到什么。

(4)What is the uniqueness of your point of view? 对于这个问题,你可以谈谈你的观点与他人不同之处及原因。这就要求你有相关知识。


(5)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper?或Why were you interested in this project?


商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think is this a necessary activity for the project?

(7)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for?(商务)

(8)关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors.(9)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit?



总之,要通过论文答辩,应注意: 1.在平时的学习过程中必须注意提高自己的听说能力。2.答辩前应做好充分的准备,最重要的是熟悉论文的内容及自己的观点。这一点十分重要,如果不熟悉论文的内容及自己的观点,答辩时很难自圆其说。3.要有自信心。当然,自信心主要来自事先的充分准备。



Good morning.Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for

attending the oral defense.(或Welcome to attend the oral defense.)

I am XXX.Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor XXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis.It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis.My topic is XXXXXXXXX.The whole thesis consists of---parts.The first part will give a brief introduction of------.And the second part is going to analyze----------.In the third part,---------will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about--------.Then the author will dig into the root causes of-------in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal--------of---------in the last part.Thank you!











4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that….(二)、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):





(1)Will you please give us a self-introduction? 有些学生可能由于紧张没听清问题便开始背诵论文的内容,结果造成答非所问。

(2)Give us a presentation of your thesis.有些学生一听到thesis便详细而又不理解地背诵其论文内容, 在被打断之后便不知该说什么。其实, 考官只是想知道你对论文的总体了解, 让你简单阐明自己论文的内容与观点。

(3)Why do you choose such a theme?/ What do you want the reader get from your thesis? 对于这个问题,你可以谈谈你的喜好,你想要读者从中得到什么。

(4)What is the uniqueness of your point of view? 对于这个问题,你可以谈谈你的观点与他人不同之处及原因。这就要求你有相关知识。


(5)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper?或Why were you interested in this project?


商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think is this a necessary activity for the project?

(7)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for?(商务)

(8)关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors.(9)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit?








Good morning, all the appraiser committee members.It’s my great honor to stand here to accept your criticism.Thank you for your serious work.I am Lan An and my supervisor is Miss.Wang Huijing.With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one year's hard work, I have finished my paper and could share it with you.I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.The title of my paper is An Analysis of the Special Economic Behaviors of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind.I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.Firstly, this literary work should be appreciated in a different and new horizon.Secondly, the concept of Economic Behaviors is connected to my first major politics and has modern significance.This paper consists of four parts.In the first part, the Research background of this topic is introduced briefly.In the second part, the novel and the author are introduced in order to make sense of the main background of the plots.When it goes to the third part, it is analyzed with four aspects of the economic behavior’s concept, description, causes and influences.Finally, in the fourth part, the conclusion is drawn that the economic behaviors of Scarlett should be seen in a dialectic or rational way.It can be found that there are four key points in this thesis.Firstly, the definition of economic behavior is stated in a proper way.According to the French economy psychologist Albu’s theory, the economic behaviors referred to in this paper are the economic activities carried out by certain economic individuals in order to realize the economic interests of the individual in the market, including financial accumulation, market exploitation, trade cooperation and so on.Secondly, it can be found that Scarlett’s economic behavior is special in the description.In the aspect of financial accumulation, she seduced her sister’s lover and got her first sum of money to solve the pressing need for her, which reflected that she could use unscrupulous divisive tactics to reach her own benefits.In the aspect of market exploitation, or the market positioning, she bought a wasted wood factory using frank’s fund right at the moment and run it all by her own just because she knew that wood had wide market, which reflected that she had a very smart horizon in the market exploitation and could seize the opportunity.In the aspect of trade cooperation, Scarlett neglected others’ ideas and began to cooperate with her once enemy, the Yankees just to earn more, which reflected that all she tried to do is just for the sake of enjoying her own body and mind.Thirdly, apart from her economic behaviors’ influence on her love and family and the trade of the North and the South of America, the influences on modern society is discussed in this paper.Her economic behaviors makes women begin to realize that economic independence can make them obtain independent personality and become more attractive.Her inapposite economic behaviors make more and more people realize the importance of legitimate business.At last, it is concluded in this paper that the economic behaviors of Scarlett should be seen in rational view.Scarlett’s spirit of being a successful selfish and cruel capitalist should be approved.Also, it should be seen that her selfish and greedy behaviors are not proper in modern society.


Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?答辩






In this lesson there are two teaching Aims and demands : First one :Can correct use of prepositions of place.Second one : Can skilled to ask for and give directions on the street.They are also the key and difficult points for this lesson.我是如何突破重点和难点的(教学目标):





How do I break through the key and difficulty of target(teaching),: In this lesson I use heuristic teaching method, Set up some problems, the import step by step, stimulate students interest in learning.First review the place prepositions phrase, for example, to build the foundation.And then set up the second question, traffic sign, Let the students to express road signs, And through the image Settings problem arouses student's enthusiasm.Guide students to active thinking.The third question is designed to let students watch some maps.Learn to ask and how to give others the way the easy way.step by step, Timely and give them to set up a game, See who can find the way in the shortest time, Once again aroused their interest.And let them experience the pleasure of success.And the climax of the lesson designs for the fourth question, Let students discuss how to help the four pen Pals to find where are they going.And practice and show,To different pen Pal correct direction.In this activity students learned knowledge fully.The fifth problem design to let the students work in and look at a map dialog is to the student ability raise again,The last job design is the consolidation of knowledge of this lesson.


Good afternoon, distinguished professors and teachers.I come from class 1, and my name is Wang Yunxue.It is my great honor to speak here.And I'm very glad to share my topic with you.First and foremost, I would like to show my sincere thanks to you, my dear teachers, thanks for your enthusiastic supports, expert guidance and constant encouragement in the course of my four years college study.And I still need to show mythanks to my supervisor, Teacher Yu Lijin, for her valuable instructions, insightful guidance and constant encouragement, without her help, this paper would not have been finished at all.Well, then I will introduce my study now.The title of my paper is The Cases and Analysis of Emotional Marketing.I choose this as my topic because I’m very interested in economy.Nowadays, along with the continuous development of social economy, the prosperity of market economy and the improvement of people’s living standards, our consumption level has changed from the basic function of commodities demand, to the pursuit of commodity added value, the original sales model can no longer meet the emotional needs of consumers.Consuming emotion has become dominant for a company to gain sustainable competitive advantages, and it meets customer's emotional harmony to keep customer loyal.If a company wants to gain consumers’ loyalty for the brand, he has to consider the user's experience andconsumer's emotional differences as the core value.Transpositional consideration is the base of the comprehension and application of emotional marketing.Our inner world like emotional experience and the thinking models are objectively demanded to be combined with consumers.Companies should experience and think in consumer's place, so they can link up the emotional communication with consumers.Then they can gain the marketing effectiveness.In this paper, through grasping the deep factors of modern economic appearance to analysis the emotional marketing in this modern economic times.Based on the study results, some specific measures of implementing emotional marketing are given, which are suitable for China’s conditions.What’s more, according to my internship experience, some methods and models are sorted out.I hope that it can improve the relationship between enterprises and customers, increase customer satisfactory index and core competitive capability of enterprise, fuel the motivation for innovating, raise brand awareness and promote the degree of brand.Then the enterprise can hold consumer’s state of mind well.总体The consumption emotions and loyalty index become the main competitive advantages that make enterprises succeed.In this study, conclusions are all based on the analysis of emotional theory and marketing management.Meanwhile, it gives some integration of the marketing project.This article mainly expounds emotional marketing, the applications, the importance and the application elements of emotional marketing.Next, it makes the cost and marketing modal analysis, using the theory of marketing, bending with practice.It can help the enterprises to realize more particular knowledge of emotional marketing.每章The whole thesis consists of 6 parts.The first part gives a brief introduction of this study.It introduces the basic information of emotional marketing.Such as, Research Background ,The Research Status and Significance of the Research as well as Methods of the Thesis.In the first part, I introduce the concepts of emotion and emotional marketing.In this part, research status and significance are discussed together, because research status and significance are essential in deciding the necessity to carry out this study.Chapter two discusses the Emotional Marketing in detail, including the concept, origin and the development of the emotional marketing.Chapter three takes KFC fast food and the park of Disneyland for example.It discusses the specific emotional marketing steps of these two companies.Then it gives us some enlightenment gained from these and it draws the conclusion that emotional marketing is an Inevitable Choice in Modern Market.Chapter 4 puts forwards some approaches to curry out emotional marketing.It includes the analysis, three parts of implementing emotional marketing, introduction and specific methods of emotional marketing.Chapter 5 is the conclusion.Emotional marketing management can build better marketing environment.Marketing environment not only can bring threat to one enterprise but also can bring opportunities to it.The marketing environment regulates the development of the enterprises.If the marketing environment can meet consumers’ need of sense of beauty, atmosphere and the pursuing tastes, the enterprise will build a good image, establish good relationship with consumers and achieve their long term goal.



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