economic growth and environmental conservation Recently , many areas of china was battered by pretty heavy haze.besides self-mocking,it also makes more and more people realize the importance of keeping the balance between economic growth and environmental conservation.There did be contradictions between the two events.After all,we have to accept that sometimes we do sacrifice environment for the increase of GDP.If it goes on,the environment will break down sooner or later.Then,it will beat back.Global warming is the best proof.The polar bears lost their home,the sand storm continued blowing,the air pollution is increasing sever......In some degree,global warming the development of economic.Compared with developing or undeveloped countries,developed countries are more leisure in the face of environmental problems,After all,they have already went through the period of environmental degradation.Now, the mayor problems faced by the developed countries are high carbon dioxide emissions and abundant fund to deal with the pollution,However, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment.Developed countries should make the best of their superiority to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and share their technology in environmental conservation with developing countries.Furthermore,they should provide funds to help developing countries adapt,particularly the least developed and most vulnerable countries to climate change.On the contrary,the situation of developing countries,especially undeveloped countries are worse.Many countries are struggling to solve the problem of food and clothing.they don’t have time to take environment problem into account.To make things worse,many pollution-belohing factories in developed countries have been shifted to the area of developing countries.They should pay more attention to industrial transformation and technological development.In addition,they could raise public awareness of environmental conservation.Developing countries should not blindly depend on developed countries.Global environment conservation needs global action now.The alarm bells ought to be ringing in every capital of the world.Global environmental degradation threathens our health,our economy,our natural resources,and our children’s future.It is clear we,everyone in the world must act.Just as mentioned above,we should raise out environmental protection awareness.Moreover,we could reject to use disposable goods,take public vehicles,save water and so on.By doing so,I believe the glob we love deeply will become better.
第二篇:英语作文150字 经济发展与环境保护
Economic Development and Environmental Protection
Different people hold different views toward the relationship between economic development and environmental protection.From my point of view, now it is time to take the environment into consideration.Nowadays, our economy has gotten a great achievement which was at the cost of our environment.For example, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms have frequented our planet, the only habitat of human beings.If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home.In my opinion, counter measures must be taken as quickly as possible.Firstly, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in illegally destructive conducts.Secondly, our government should help citizens realizing the great importance of protecting our environment.Only in this way can we save our only habitat and meanwhile guarantee our sustainable economic development.
Which should receive priority in china? Environmental protection or economic growth.:Good morning everyone!We are here now debating about whether environmental protection or
economic growth should take priority in china;we think its economy growth should be chosen.I have three reasons to prove this point.:First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed countries, so the urgent
affair of china is to develop our economy.:Second, Economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection.We can develop
our economy without environmental pollution.:Third, when our economy strength become strong, we can spend more money and energy on
environment protection, till then it will be a win-win.In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in china.:We agree economic growth is needed.But think about the past decades, we followed the old model of
“first pollution, last treatment”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’ environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.:What’s more, the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much by this means, it placed us in a
completely passive position.At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.:So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past, which is to say, in the course of
development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority.Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably.:We all know that in many places of china like many poor countries, where the environment is pretty
good, but there are thousands people lack of money for the food or clothes.Even in the city like Dalian, how many people can’t afford of the expensive price of house.Do you think the problems like these can be solved by environmental protection?
:But opponent debaters can’t ignore the fact that most areas of china have solved the problem of food
and clothing at present.Furthermore, the level of economic development in many cities in eastern china is very high.But the pollution is pretty serious accordingly.We have money, but being under the sub health condition.Does it make any sense, opponent debaters?
:Some eastern cities do exist whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that china has 130
million people.The eastern cities can’t stand for the whole china.We know that environment protection need high-technology, high-tech personnel, and science research.They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy.I want to ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strength.:Environmental protection needs money.But we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth.If you drink polluted water, eat the toxic food, can we have a high quality of life? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection.:Economic growth is important, environmental protection is also important.And our government has
already realized the importance of the balance between the two parts, and did achieve some
good results.I think in the future there will be on a win-win situation in the economic and
environmental protection.
经济发展和环境保护有着非常重要的联系,他们相辅相成,相互制约.地球是我们赖以生存的家园,只有保护好我们的家园,我们的经济发展才能蒸蒸日上.众所周知,我们的环境现状并不乐观,我们幻想蓝天,幻想绿树,幻想草原,幻想溪水„„而现在有些人们为了经济的需要反而无破坏生态,破坏环境.如果我们大家都有这种心态,那么我们的家园还会美丽吗? 所以我们都要有着善良的心,都要有美丽的梦,去为了我们的家园做出自己的贡献.
摘 要:随着我国经济的快速发展,环境问题日益突出,已成为制约经济发展的瓶颈。造成环境问题的主要因素不是技术和管理问题,而是由于制度设计的不合理,导致经济发展与环境保护不能实现共赢。通过对现存的部分环境制度进行改革和创新,给经济主体提供充分的激励,使环境保护与经济主体的利益追求相关联,就可以实现环境保护与经济建设的协调发展。关键词:经济发展;环境保护;制度
随着我国经济的快速发展,环境问题日益突出,已成为制约经济发展的瓶颈。传统观点认为,经济发展必然要导致污染,经济发展与环境保护是相克的、矛盾的,要发展经济就必须承受环境污染的代价。许多国家,尤其是部分发达国家的发展历程似乎也印证了这一点,几乎都采取了先发展经济,后治理环境的作法。但这并不能作为后起国家借鉴的样板。当时各发达国家是在资源相对充足的情况下实现经济快速发展的,经济发展及人口扩张对环境的压力相对较小,环境威胁是潜在的。但目前,世界经济经过上百年的发展历程,环境资源供给相对减少,环境资源的稀缺性日益突出。因此,先污染后治理的道路已走不通了,不保护环境资源,经济根本无法实现发展。现代观点认为,经济发展与环境保护之间可以实现协调发展。可以将环境保护纳入经济发展体系之内,将其作为一种产业来经营,使经济主体能够从治理污染、保护环境中受益,与其利润最大化的目标相一致,这样可以使保护环境成为人们一种自觉自利的活动,实现环境保护与经济发展从相克到相生的转变,最终实现经济发展与环境保护的双赢。2 环境问题的复杂性
环境问题宽泛而复杂,涉及到技术层面、制度层面、管理层面。技术层面:防污治污技术的研发与利用、环境质量标准的设定、生态保护区的设立等等;制度层面:设计制度,合理构建各相关主体的利益关系;管理层面:如何按照既定制度有效组织安排生产。技术、制度与管理哪个更重要?经过多年的环境保护实践,证明制度是更为重要的因素,好的制度才会催生出好的技术,才会调动企业预防和治理环境污染的积极性。目前我国治理污染的政策制度比较单一,以收取排污费为主要形式。但由于收费制度本身存在的弊端,企业保护环境缺乏激励及监管不力,所以这一制度在执行过程中出现了低效率。3 环境污染与生态破坏的制度根源 3.1不合理的GDP核算制度
环境问题与经济中各产业有着极高的关联度,因此不仅环境制度本身会对环境产生影响,产业政策的制定与实施也会间接地对环境系统产生影响。有些旨在促进经济产业发展的产业政策在客观上却给环境带来了灾难性的影响。如有些地区将资源性产业作为当地的支柱产业大力扶持,而相应的环境保护工作却未能得到足够的重视,对环境造成了严重的损害,大大影响了本地区的可持续发展。4 结论
郑易生 王世文,中国环境与发展评论,社会科学文献出版社,2005年3月
施 耀 张清宇 吴祖成,21世纪的环保理念,化学工业出版社,2003年5月