娱乐美联英语 《三生三世十里桃花》零差评爆红国外

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第一篇:娱乐美联英语 《三生三世十里桃花》零差评爆红国外


美联英语提供:娱乐英语 《三生三世十里桃花》零差评爆红国外

This is the best movie ever.Love the actors and actresses especially the main actors.Anyone who love this movie as much as I do should read the novel(to The Sky Kingdom)while waiting for the new episodes.It's really interesting when you read the novel before watching the movie.这是迄今为止我觉得最好的影视剧。很喜欢这部戏里的演员尤其是主角们。如果你像我一样超爱这部戏,应该趁着还没更新最新剧集时去看看原著小说。在追剧之前看看原著小说的话会很有意思。

Ok so Ive been watching the epis raw(up to epi 36)and its over half way done and Im still watching!This show is just great all around!I usually have no patience to watch long dramas as they tend to get draggy especially chinese ones but this one is truly an exception!Awesome chemistry b/t the leads<3 I jus started reading the book...hope its jus as good as the show!OK,我刚刚看完36集,整部戏剧情已经过半但我依然还在看!这部剧全程都很赞,一般来说我没有耐心去看有些拖拉的超长电视剧特别是中剧,不过这部真是个例外!主演之间有超棒的化学反应,比心,我准备开始读这部戏的原著小说了,希望小说和剧集一样优秀。

I love this drama.I am always checking my phone for new episodes.I even bought the book today, can't wait to start reading it.我喜欢这部剧,我总隔一段时间就掏出手机看看有没新的剧集更新,我今天甚至买了原著小说,等不及开始看了。

If anyone is interested in reading the book this was written from, its on Amazon prime for free its called, TO THE SKY KINGDOM, by Tang Qi.如果有人对原著小说感兴趣,可以加入亚马逊Prime会员,这样就可以免费看了,小说的名字叫《To The Sky Kingdom》,是Tang Qi写的。

please upload episodes with english subs faster..i tried watching it raw.i can't understand.i need to learn more mandarin.请快点更新最新剧集的英文字幕吧...我试着去看生肉(原生版,没有英文字幕),不过完全没法看懂,看来我得去学学汉语了。

I really like this Chinese drama I usually only watch Korean dramas or movies but I have to admit the actors are really talented and the special effects are enchanting 我真的很喜欢这部中剧,一般来说,我只看韩剧和韩国电影,不过我得承认演员们都很有才,特效也很赏心悦目。

I am loving Ye Hua's character and the actor who plays him.He keeps his facial expressions to a minimum yet is able to express so much, now that is what I call awesome acting.我爱上了扮演夜华角色的演员,他用微小的面部表情得当地诠释了人物情感,我觉得这演技很屌。

This show is so good that I am watching the raw episodes before the English translations are out.DF you need to hurry up and spit the shows out.Please 这部剧实在是太优秀了,搞得我在英文字幕出来前忍不住去看看原版,DramaFever你们赶紧麻溜地翻译,拜托了。

Man everyone is raving about this but i think i want to wait til its finished.I just finished Imperial Doctress and it was my first Chinese drama and i was blown away.每个人都疯狂地在追这部剧,不过我想我得等到完结时再看。我刚刚看完《女医明妃传》,这是我看的第一部中剧不过被完全震撼了。

omg I always wait for 2:50 to watch this show best never watch a Chinese drama that is my first loving it so far 我的天,我总等到凌晨2:50去看这部剧的更新从来没看过中剧,这是第一部,现在来说超爱

I'm liking this a lot so far(4 episodes)!I even started reading the book which made everything so much clearer.I highly recommend reading the book, To the Sky Kingdom--it's a pretty easy read and you don't have to finish it if you don't want the story ruined.I think Part I helps makes the relationships and the characters a lot easier to follow.As far as I can see the drama follows along very closely, albeit no homosexuality, which the book was open about.Love the intrigue, characters and the magic scenes.It's my second Chinese drama(Princess Weiyoung was my first and I couldn't finish because it got so repetitive).Fingers crossed this one stays good through 58(!)episodes.UPDATE: Ep 18 and I'm still loving it!Mark Zhao is fantastic and the Dong Hua Dijun/Feng Jiu romance is my favourite.I can't find eng

subs any where else faster than DF so I watched up to episode 33 raw on youtube.看了4集,很喜欢!为了搞懂各种设定,我甚至开始看原著小说了。极其推荐这部书----《To The Sky Kindom》,轻松易读,不过如果你不想被剧透的话没必要一股脑看到结尾。看点小说,我觉得可以让你更好地去理解角色和人物关系。很爱这部戏里的阴谋,角色和魔幻场景。这是我追的第二部中剧(第一部是锦绣未央,中途弃剧了,因为剧情太啰嗦),看了看这部剧总共有58集!现在已更新到了18集不过我依然觉得好看!赵又廷演的棒极了,东华帝君和凤九的爱情是我的最爱。我没法找到比DramaFever更新英文字幕更快的地方,所以没办法只能啃原版到33集。

I usually don't watch Chinese drama but this drama is great!I love all actresses and actors!The story line is amazing!Can't wait for more!我很少看中剧,不过这部剧实在是超好看!我喜欢里面所有的男演员和女演员!剧情让人惊叹!等不及了!

update faster faster faster faster is all l I've got to favorite chinese historical so far.who knows where to watch more quicker then here? do tell....please!我唯一想说的是快点快点快点快点更新呀!至今来说最爱的古装剧,谁知道哪儿有更新英文字幕更快的地方,请务必告诉我!!

Chinese dramas are hit and miss for me, so I was skeptical about this one.So GLAD I gave it a chance though!Cringeworthy CGI aside, I am loving every minute of this.the story really draws you in, and the casting is perfect.There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but I'm not having as much difficulty as I thought I would keeping them all straight.What is interesting to me is that I recognize a lot of

these actors from other shows, but everyone's performance here is just better than I've ever seen them.I would have to guess there is a skilled director at work here who really knows how to draw quality performances out of his actors.Cant wait to find out what happens next!中剧一次次让我失望,所以起初我不太看好这部剧。还好最后我还是决定一试究竟!撇开糟糕的CG不谈,每一分钟我都超爱,故事真的很吸引人,卡司也很完美。里面有一堆迥异的角色,不过并没那我想象中的那么难去辨别。有趣的是一些角色我在其他戏里也见过,不过他们在这部戏的表演却要好上很多。我猜是因为在这有很厉害的导演指导他们演戏,等不及想知道接下来的剧情了。

OKAY, normally I don't comment but since I'm stuck here waiting for the other episodes to be released...I might as well comment.I don't usually watch Chinese dramas but after watching Love 020, I needed to remedy the ache of finishing Love 020 with another Chinese Drama.I happened to find Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and oh my goodness, I am glad I didn't turn away from it.Something about this drama is very refreshing and already leaves you attached to the characters.Although the animation needs a little bit of work LOL, the money probably went towards hiring the superb cast and the gorgeous costumes(like damn, one piece of cloth is probably worth enough to repay my student debt and still leave me some money).ALSO, another bless up for me was that the movie adaptation of this drama will be having Yang Yang from Love 020 as the main lead.好吧,一般我很少评论,不过鉴于我每天守在这里苦苦等更新的份上,我还是认真写写吧。我以前很少接触中剧,不过看过《微微一笑很倾城》后,深深被吸引,急切需要找另


Now this is the type of Chinese fantasy I like!OMG this show is SO addicting!这才是我想要的中国仙侠剧!我的天实在太上瘾了!

OMgoodnesss...its killing me to wait for the enhlisb sub version....i think im going to have to wait for the complete eng sub to's because I LOVE IT so much the wait is killing me....Beautiful actors and actresses and beautiful gorgeous dreamy fantasy cinema.cannot get enough of this gorgeous drama....我勒个去,等英文字幕等的想死...我想还是等剧集完结并都配上英文字幕后再看吧..因为实在太爱,等更新简直要了我的命...俊俏漂亮的男女演员和华美如梦的场景,希望有更多这样超棒的剧集。

I was hesitate to watch this drama at first because of the special effects...I thought it will look lame and cheesy.Boy, was I wrong!This drama has special effects but the acting from the cast is so believable that you really wish this heavenly realm is real.I love how the plot is going and can't wait for more episodes!因为差劲的特效,所以一开始我犹豫到底追不追...不过,我错了!这部剧的特效虽然糟了点,不过演员的演技实在让人很信服,就像天域是真实存在着的。我爱现在的剧情进展,等不及看新的了!

I am loving this show!im normally not a really big fan of Chinese dramas,(the

total lack of regard for physics is to much for my brain sometimes)I tend to like Korean dramas more, but this show is awesome.I cant wait to find out what happens next.我很喜欢这部剧,通常来说我不粉中剧(脱离物理常识的各种轻功让我接受不了),我更倾向韩剧,不过这部剧实在很让人惊讶,等不及接下来的情节发展。

Amazing storyline, well put together.I recently,started watching Chinese and Korean drama.I must say, watching movies like this definitely got me hooked.The actors are amazing!Thank you...wonderful series.Jacquelyn 令人惊叹的剧情,各种元素很好地结合在了一起,最近我开始看中剧和韩剧,我想一般来说肯定会被吸引到,演员们都棒棒哒!感谢这些精彩的电视剧!

Love the costumes and the story.Chinese dramas seem to always have the most outrageous and beautiful costumes.3 stars because it's gonna take 58 episodes to get through 10 miles of peach blossoms.服饰和故事都大爱,中剧看起来总是有最顶尖最美丽的服装。只给3颗星的原因是,这部剧竟然有58集......I start watching chinese series and i love it now i think i am addictive to 开始追中剧了,很喜欢,我想我现在有点上瘾,哈哈

This show is addicting!Yang Mi is so cute and playful.It takes awhile to get used to all the characters and their complicated relationships.Love the animation and CG.Definitely worth watching.很吸引人!杨幂漂亮可爱又古灵精怪。需要一段时间去熟悉所有的角色和他们之间的关系,很爱动画CG部分,毫无疑问值得一看。

They should add more Chinese dramas, especially fantasy.Korean dramas suck and depressing.网站应该多添加些中剧进来,尤其是这种幻想题材的。韩剧又糟又让人失望。I am so confused on the plot of this drama!I love it visually but i find the story hard to follow can anyone explain it to me please...i really want to watch it but i dont understand whats going on.我有些困惑,虽然视觉上我很喜欢,不过故事很难懂,有没有人能够详细给我解说下呢?我真的很想追这部剧,不过我看不太懂情节。

I am watching the raw but so confused.Can't wait for the Eng sub.我看了看生肉版,不过完全看不明白,等不及英文字幕了。

第二篇:影视美联英语 《三生三世十里桃花》将搬上大荧幕


美联英语提供:影视英语 《三生三世十里桃花》将搬上大荧幕 Online fantasy to hit the big screen with fan support


Alibaba Pictures is the latest online platform to make a bid for the big screen, announcing it plans to turn a popular Internet novel into a movie with the help of fans.最新网络平台阿里影业出价购买电影版权,宣布计划在粉丝的支持下将一部畅销网络小说搬上大荧幕。


A team from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research discovered the body when they pried open her lead coffin during a rescue excavation on the construction site of a new conference center in Rennes in northwestern France.电影《三生三世十里桃花》,取自2008年网上大热同名小说,将于9月份开拍。Set in a fictional world in which monsters, gods and humans coexist, the story weaves a complicated timeline into a bittersweet romance between a

140,000-year-old fox princess and a 50,000-year-old dragon prince.故事背景是一个妖、神与人共存的玄幻世界,故事由复杂的时间线串连,讲述了14万岁的青丘帝姬和5万岁的九重天太子之间的爱情故事。

Written by a low-profile author who is known only by the pseudonym Tangqi Gongzi, the novel has become an Internet sensation since it was released in 2008 on, one of the country's largest literature websites.作者十分低调,笔名唐七公子,自2008年在中国最大文学网站之一的晋江文学网站上刊载,这部小说引起网络巨大轰动。

The novel was published by Shenyang Press in 2009 and has sold 1.1 million copies.2009年小说由沈阳出版社发行,销量达110万。

With a solid base of fans, up to 190 million pieces of news, reviews and other content related to the novel can be found through the search engine在坚实的粉丝群拥护下,通过百度搜索引擎可以找到1.9亿条与小说相关的新闻、评论及其他内容。

Industry watchers say its online popularity and potential for market earnings could propel the film to be the next blockbuster.行业观察者表示,这部小说的在线人气和市场收益潜力会有助于这部电影成为下一个大片

The boom began when So Young, the directorial debut of A-list actress Zhao Wei, now a major shareholder of Alibaba Pictures, took a record box office of 718 million yuan($116 million)in 2013.这一热潮始于一线演员赵薇导演处女作《致青春》的上映,2013年,《致青春》票房高达7.18亿人民币(1.16亿美元),现在赵薇是阿里影业股东之一。

Zhang Qiang, CEO of Alibaba Pictures, reveals that the original script has been evaluated by some die-hard fans, and the novel's readers will also have the right to select the cast through online votes.阿里影业CEO张强透露,原始剧本已经由一些忠实粉丝审阅过了,小说读者也有权通过线上投票选演员。

A campaign to recruit some actors has been launched in a number of colleges in the country.招募演员活动已在一些大学启动。

Zhang Yibai, the movie's producer and a veteran director of romance-themed blockbusters, has defined himself as a “project manager” rather than a filmmaker.张一白是这部电影制作人,他是一位经验丰富的爱情大片导演,称自己是“项目经理”而不是电影制作人。

Though hardly masking their commercial ambition, the filmmakers promise the movie won't be a coarse production to be made only for the money.尽管努力隐藏自己的商业目的,电影制作商承诺这部电影不会只金钱而粗劣制造。“We'll create the best visual effects and have a big budget to hire the top talents,” said Zhang Qiang at a Beijing media event on May 26.“我们将创作最佳视觉效果,我们将花大预算请顶尖专业人员参与制作。”张强在5月26日北京电影活动中说道。

Anthony LaMolinara, Oscar-winner for best visual effects for Spider Man 2, will

lead a Hollywood team to design the fictional wonderland of a spectacle from heaven to the ocean.曾凭《蜘蛛侠2》获得奥斯卡最佳视觉效果的安东尼·莫林纳拉将带领好莱坞团队设计海天玄幻仙境



浩森金融 2017-03-033评 三生若梦,十里桃花不见不散;缱绻情深,相思相守不负不忘。追了两个月的玄幻电视剧《三生三世十里桃花》终于大结局了,也感谢这部久居热搜榜的神剧,让大家新年毫无荒剧可言!如今,已到了三月初,又是桃花盛开之际。而《三生三世》里面不断出现的世外桃源,折颜上神避世之处——漫山遍野的桃花仙境,早就让大家春心荡漾了吧?那你们可知这片水墨田园的山水是哪里吗?不要以为这片桃林仙境是特效,它是真实存在的,而且就在国内的南方——云南的普者黑!即便是用手机拍出来的桃林仙境也如此迷人:完全没有PS,完全没有特效有木有?小桥,孤峰,桃花岛…在湖水的倒映下美得特别不真实,人间仙境也不过如此吧?而普者黑第一次进入大众的眼线,是《爸爸去哪儿》的播出,如今,这部《三生三世》再次把它搬到荧屏中,再次深深地震撼着我们!这普者黑,它那么低调,隐藏在山水之间,不争不抢,美得堪称一个世外桃源!“普者黑”这个名字来自彝族语,意思是“鱼虾丰美的池塘”。这里既有桂林山水孤峰、清流、幽洞、奇石的灵秀,又有江南水乡小桥、流水、人家的古朴神韵。所以,它还有一个云南的“小桂林”别称。我们再深入了解下普者黑:普者黑的300余座孤峰,不约而同地耸立在湖泊之中,或坐落在平坝之上,放眼看去,群山似万马奔腾!普者黑景区内还有83个大溶洞,这些溶洞最美不过就是它们的洞水相连!要说春天是去普者黑的最佳时机,在冬天去也不赖。每年到了冬季,芬芳的油菜花在田间盛开,远远看去,就像金色的海洋,置身其中,仿若生活在童话世界里!爱摄影的朋友,普者黑是取景的不二选择!景美,动物也美!普者黑有荷花,这荷花都是野生的,有不少野天鹅,总会在这里和这些荷花呆上好几个月,它们不厌其烦地在这风景之中嬉戏游弋!这么质朴的田园圣境,你是不是很想去观赏一翻?那还等什么,带上你的钱和人,说走就走呀!【浩小二有话说】图/文 浩森金融 互联网

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