
时间:2019-05-14 17:43:01下载本文作者:会员上传


本文档来源于第一文库网:https://www.xiexiebang.commission(CMC)will cease allpaid services provided by the military by the end ofJune018, Jiang Luming, professor at the NationalUniversity of Defense Technology, said in aninterview with Xinhua.国防大学教授姜鲁鸣近日在接受新华社记者采访时称,中央军委将在2018年6月底前全面停止军队有偿服务。

Jiang believes that services in 10 fields will be cut atthe end of this month, including pre-schooleducation, press and publications, culture andsports, communications, personnel training,barracks projects, storage and transportation facilities, militia armament repair, repairtechnology and driver instruction, he said.姜鲁鸣认为,涉及幼儿教育、新闻出版、文化体育、通 信、人才培训、营房工程、储运设施、民兵装备修理、维修

用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 www.xiexiebang.company officials are expected to meet with Crab Construction Union officials later this month to discuss employee benefits and retirement packages.CrabTech officials expect this merger to improve investor confidence and widen its customer base.In addition to shells, CrabTech stores will now stock aquariums, heating stones, and crab socialization areas.The merger will permit HermitHomes factories in Virginia and Colorado to construct CrabTech's patented BioShells and Shellac-Attack hermit crab shells.In exchange, CrabTech stores will be opened in Maine and 7 / 11 精品文档

Michigan, with construction and product selection completed by HermitHomes contractors.More information is expected to be released following a shareholders meeting on August0,012.About CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells 用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 www.xiexiebang.company and has six stores in Oregon and Washington.CrabTech will uphold its promise to stimulate the local economy.Known for its biodegradable temporary shells and sustainably harvested shellac, the company also intends to maintain its commitment to environmentally friendly business practices.For more information, please visit http:///.About HermitHomes HermitHomes is a Miami-based crab shell dealer.It specializes in wholesome, crab-healthy living and is committed to using only American labor to create and market its products.It hasstores nationwide, as well asfour overseas in France and Chile.For more information, please visit http:///.8 / 11 精品文档 Contact To learn more about this merger, please contact Bill Stickers, Media Relations 124NE Sandy Blvd.Office:(503)67-5309 Fax:(503)67-5408 billstickers@ 用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 www.wenku1.net 本文档来源于第一文库网:https://www.wenku1.net/news/33AF5000E901B903.html 参考新闻稿翻译: CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells 与 HermitHomes 宣布合并 詹姆斯?唐尼

俄勒冈州,波特兰 ——当地寄居蟹壳公司CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells今天宣布其将于迈阿密超级蟹壳连锁店HermitHomes合并,生效日为2016年12月21日。公司高层本月将于蟹壳处理协会高层会晤,讨论员工福利和退休计划。CrabTech期望借此次合并提高投资者信心并扩大客户群。除了蟹壳,CrabTech门店将会增加水族箱、加热石以及螃蟹群养区。此次合并将允许HermitHomes在弗吉利亚和科罗拉多的 9 / 11 精品文档


更多信息将在2016年8月20日的股东大会上发布。关于CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells CrabTech 于1996年在波特兰开设第一家分店,由杰西?卡拉翰和杰因?卡拉翰所有。16年来,CrabTech一直独立运营,在俄勒冈州和华盛顿州拥有6家分店。CrabTech将继续履行其刺激当地经济的承诺。公司以其短期可生物降解蟹壳和源源不断的虫胶闻名,并致力于环境友好型生产经营。更多信息请登录官网http:///。

关于HermitHomes 用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 www.wenku1.net 本文档来源于第一文库网:https://www.wenku1.net/news/33AF5000E901B903.html HermitHomes是给予迈阿密州的蟹壳经销商。公司专门从事螃蟹健康养殖,并承诺只雇用美国公民生产和推销其产品。其在全国拥有68家分店,在法国和智利拥有4家分店。更多信息请登录官网http:///。联系方式

欲知合并详情,请联系: 媒体关系部:比尔?史迪克斯

地址: NE Sandy Blvd街1246号写字楼210A 办公室电话:(503)67-5309 10 / 11 精品文档

传真:(503)67-5408 电子邮箱:billstickers@ 11 / 11

用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 www.wenku1.net 本文档来源于第一文库网:https://www.wenku1.net/news/33AF5000E901B903.html 相关文档:

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用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 www.wenku1.net


Hello everyone.My name is Vivi and I am 14 years old.I am come from HongLing Middle School.Today I’m going to give you a enertainment news.大家好,我叫Vivi,我今年14岁了,我来自红岭中学,今天我要给你们播报一篇娱乐新闻。

NEW YORK, April 18---Zhou Libo, a Chinese stand-up comedian who is famous for his iconic “Shanghai Style Small Talk,” will perform at New York's Carnegie Hall in July.纽约,4月18日---周立波,一个中国人站起来的喜剧演员谁是著名的他的标志性的“上海式的小谈话,”将在纽约的卡耐基音乐厅在七月。

The show, “Sing our generation's songs, tell my own jokes,” will be the first time a Chinese stand-up comedian to take the stage of the world renowned venue.表演,“唱出我们这一代人的歌,讲出我自己的笑话,”这将是中国第一次站起来的喜剧演员,参加世界著名的舞台。“I always wanted to perform in New York City,” said Zhou at a press conference on Monday.“New York and Shanghai are very similar cities with beautiful skylines and wonderful people.”

“我一直想在纽约城演出,”周在星期一的新闻发布会上说。纽约和上海非常相似的城市美丽的天际线和了不起的人。” Zhou first gained popularity in 2006 with his unique comedic style that is delivered in a linguistic mixture of Mandarin Chinese, Shanghainese and some English words and phrases.He has named his style “Shanghai Style Small Talk”, which attracted a considerable fan base among Chinese audience.周首先得到普及,2006年以他独特的喜剧风格,在汉语语言的混合交付,上海话和一些英语单词和短语。他已把自己的风格命名为“上海式的小对话”,吸引了中国观众中相当大的粉丝群。

Zhou also created “Mr.Zhou Live Show,” which is considered by some as the first television comedic talk show in China.周还创造了“周先生的现场表演”,这被视为第一个电视喜剧节目在中国。

The show will premiere on July 8, 2016.该节目将于2016年7月8日首映。

Well, today's broadcast is over, thank you for listening, goodbye




The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is offering to scale back Britain's nuclear deterrence if an international agreement is reached to cut the world's nuclear arsenals.Mr.Brown is expected to tell a special session of the United Nations Security Council on Thursday that he'll be willing to give up one of four royal navy submarines that carry Trident nuclear missiles.Officials are insisting that cost isn't a factor here.Here's our defence correspondent Nick Childs.Gordon Brown is saying he'll be ready to throw part of the trident force into the port in the context of a much bigger global disarmament deal.He said so in general terms before.This offer though is more concrete.There is a growing sense that to avoid what some fear could be a sudden cascade of new nuclear states, the established nuclear powers need to do more in terms of disarmament to keep the proliferation regime intact.The Prime Minister will hope his move will be seen as an important gesture.But the key to the process will be the actions of the big players, the United States and Russia.第八课

The head of the International Monetary Fund says Greece has nothing to fear from the organization.At a news conference in Washington, Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the IMF was trying to provide Greece with the advice and resources necessary to help with its debt problem.Andrew Walker reports from Washington.Mr.Strauss-Kahn was responding to a Greek journalist who said the Greek public are demonizing the IMF that they fear things will be worse with IMF involvement.The agency has a reputation for requiring borrowing countries to make deep cuts in popular government spending programs.Mr.Strauss-Kahn said the Greek people should think of the IMF as a cooperative organization where the countries of the world work together to help those in trouble by providing resources and advice on behalf of the international community.第九课

Finance ministers of the world's leading industrialized and developing countries, the G20, have agreed to continue supporting the global economic recovery.In a statement released after their meeting in Scotland, the ministers said conditions had improved, but economic and financial recovery was uneven and unemployment a worry.Andrew Walker reports.The communiqué avoids complacency.Although economic and financial conditions have improved, they decided they still need to keep up the initiatives intended to restore growth.The meeting was, however, rather overshadowed by a statement from the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, suggesting a tax on financial transactions as one of a number of options for making banks pay for the crisis.His calls have been received politely by the finance ministers but several made remarks which suggest that other ways of tackling the problem are rather more likely to be adopted.第十课

The European Union has initialed an agreement to end one of the world's longest-running trade disputes over bananas.The EU, the world's biggest importer of bananas, is to cut the duty it imposes on Latin American producers of the fruit, while bananas grows in former European colonies will gradually lose the preferential terms they've enjoyed.Andrew Walker reports.The deal signed in Geneva commits the European Union to gradually lowering the tariffs it imposes on bananas imported mainly from Latin America.The cut will be over a third by 2017.That will reduce the competitive advantage of a group of countries, mainly former colonies of EU states in Africa and Caribbean, which enjoyed tariff-free access.The EU plans to provide those countries with some compensation, in a shape of nearly 300,000 dollars in additional aid.第十一课

The long-awaited take-off of the Solar Impulse was greeted with delight by those who have spent the last seven years working on it.The solar-powered plane has the wing-span of a jumbo jet, but weighs less than a family car.It doesn't use a single drop of aviation fuel, instead its giant wings are covered with solar cells.The project is the brainchild of Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccardand they are making it compulsory.Brighton College is a fee paying private school on the south coast of Britain and already teaches Latin, Spanish and French to its 1,200 pupils.Students can choose between these languages, but from the autumn, which is the beginning of the new academic year in British schools, every student must study Mandarin whether they like it or not.第十四课

It might seem like an unlikely match an ancient institution getting to grips with cutting edge technology but the British royal family has been active online for more than a decade.They launched their own website in 1997.The Queen's Christmas message is available as a podcast, and a year ago the official Royal Channel was launched on YouTube, showing videos of the family at work.Royal watchers describe the 82 year old Queen as a silver surfer someone who's enthusiastic about the internet and who keeps in touch with younger members of her family by email.第十五课

This weekend, around 35,000 runners filled the streets of London, running the 26th annual London Marathon.The course is 26.2 miles long(42 km), and goes past many of London's landmarks, such as the Tower of London, the famous 19th century ship Cutty Sark, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace.The runners actually run over Tower Bridge.







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