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首先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)而给出的。所以,这份榜单仅仅是转载JCR的MS/OR ranking而已。

目前为止,最有说服力的期刊排名标准是AIS。根据JCR的官方说明,Article Influence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication。也就是说,一个期刊的AIS是指这个期刊上的文章在其发表后的5年内的平均影响力。另外,AIS比5-year impact factor更具说服力;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor不见得能排进前5,但是AIS仍然是超高的,这代表Operations Research 是个极具影响力的期刊(这当然是废话)。(具体参见JCR的官方说明:http://admin-apps.webofknowledge.com/JCR/help/h_eigenfact.htm)

废话不说了,MS/OR国际期刊最新权威排名: A+期刊/超一流期刊(博主按:有些期刊难说孰强孰劣)1.Management Science(AIS=2.508)

众望所归的老大--MS,毫无争议。UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)2.Mathematical Programming(1.997)数学优化领域的顶级期刊,能发表的话,绝对是A+的水平。3.Manufacturing & Service Operations Management(1.895)这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,文章的深度与MS差不多。算作A+期刊是没有争议的。UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)。4.Journal of Operations Management(1.892)这个期刊排进A+相信是有争议的,尤其对那些玩数学的学者而言,但是数据在那没办法。这个期刊偏向实证研究,发表周期很长,发表难度也很大。在美国很难排进A+的行列,但是欧洲和中国都视为A+。你光数学玩的好,人家还不要你呢。UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)5.Operations Research(1.832)绝对的A+期刊,大家耳熟能详的的两个名字:MS和OR,不多说了。UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)6.Mathematics of Operations Research(1.573)


7.Transportation Science(1.421)

交通运输领域顶级期刊,常年排名第一。偏数学方法。8.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological(1.407)

交通运输领域顶级期刊,常年排名老二,不过近年来有赶超Transportation Science的趋势。偏数学方法,更倾向于交通运输方法与技术,以及与交通相关的土木研究方向,比transportation science更注重应用。

9.Production and Operations Management(1.187)运营管理领域的顶级期刊,近年来上升势头明显,也许是下一个MSOM。C.Tang上任POMS主席的最大目标就是力推POM到A+水平。目前在北美被认为低于MSOM,高于大多数OM/OR期刊,在欧洲反而排名不是很高。UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)A期刊/一流期刊 博主按:留给下文所述应该放在这里的Informs journal on computing、IIE、NRL、Interfaces、Decision Science、EJOR。

B+期刊/权威期刊(博主按:下面这些期刊觉得排的就没啥道理了,公婆各有理吧)10.Omega--international journal of management science(1.168)

尽管不少人的第一印象是:哇,这个期刊的IF超高,比起MS就多了个IJ(Omega=IJMS),但是水平远远不如MS和OR。搞不清楚为什么(博主改)11.Computational Optimization and Applications(1.064)计算算法和优化模型领域的期刊。

12.INFORMS Journal on Computing(1.055)


13.Journal of Quality Technology(1.037)具体参见:http://asq.org/pub/jqt/ 14.System and Control Letters(0.976)自动化与控制领域的顶级期刊之一,感觉应该没有Automatica厉害。But,为什么自动化与控制跑进MS/OR领域了??

15.Computers & Operations Research(0.965)MS/OR领域权威期刊,接受很多细分领域(如库存,物流,城市规划,交通,投资策略等等)的文章,偏向数值分析。16.OR Spectrum(0.965)OR领域期刊。

17.IIE Transactions(0.935)


18.European Journal of Operational Research(0.927)MS/OR领域权威期刊,几乎接受MS/OR各个细分领域的文章,方法上偏数学和数值仿真。其实这个期刊算是很好的,欧洲很多学校都视为A类。但是这个期刊的特点是:一年出版的文章数量达400-500篇,所以难免出现良莠不齐的情况。这个期刊有点像国内的综合类大学,什么科系都有,而且各个科系都还不错(但也都不算顶级)。另外,国内比较看重这个期刊!(博主按:这个期刊应该排到A去)19.Naval Research Logistics(0.919)工业工程领域的顶级期刊(博主按:这个期刊应该排到A去)20.Journal of Scheduling(0.894)

Scheduling领域权威期刊。话说回来,涉及scheduling的期刊有OR,EJOR,COR等等。21.Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review(0.865)交通领域权威期刊。文章接收率比Transportation Research Part B 高。22.Reliability Engineering & System Safety(0.860)领域:复杂技术系统的安全性与可靠性。23.Networks(0.818)具体参见:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0037 24.Journal of Global Optimization(0.807)http://rd.springer.com/journal/10898 25.TOP(0.783)





1、Journal of Energy Engineering《能源工程杂志》,美国

ISSN:0733-9402,1956年创刊,出版不定期,American Society of Civil Engineers,USA出版。刊载电力工程的规划、管理与生产方面的研究论文和工程技术进展报道。涉及核能及太阳能,放射性废物处置、水力发电规划与设计,可再生能源开发,废物-能源转化系统,能量节约及其环境效应、自然资源保护措施等。

2、Energy Sources: Part A-Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Energy Sources: Part B-economics planning and policy,美国


3、ENERGY & FUELS(SCI)《能源和燃料》,美国

ISSN:0887-0624,《能源和燃料》由美国化学会(American Chemical Society)出版,刊载包括石油、煤炭、页岩油、沥青砂、生物质能、合成燃料、有机地质化学、催化燃烧等方面的内容。

4、Journal of Solar Energy Engineering:Transactions of the ASME.《太阳能工程》,美国


5、IEEE Power & Energy Magazine《IEEE电力与能源杂志》,美国


6、Energy Engineering《能源工程》,美国


7、International Journal of Green Energy《国际绿色能源杂志》,美国

ISSN:1543-5075,双月刊,2004年创刊,Taylor & Francis,Marcel Dekker Inc.出版,《国际绿色能源杂志》发表绿色能源方面的原始与应用研究论文、评论、会议录等,涉及对环境有益的能源技术、自然与替代能源、能源转换与发电技术等。

8、Journal of the Institute of Energy.《能源学会志》(EI),英国 ISSN:0144-2600,《能源学会志》该刊刊载能源工程和科技方面同行评审性原创研究。内容覆盖以下几个主要领域:燃烧工程学及其相关工艺、光热散发和环境污染控制、清洁煤工艺、能源储藏与运输及能源转换等。

9、APPLIED ENERGY 《应用型能源》(EI),英国

ISSN: 0306-2619,月刊,《应用型能源》刊载能源工程和科技方面研究成果。内容覆盖以下几个主要领域:土木工程,机械工程,能源工程,能源节约等。

10、Bioresource Technology《生物资源技术》,英国


11、Biomass and Bioenergy《生物质与生物能源》,英国


12、Energy Conversion and Management《能量转换与管理》英国

ISSN:0196-8904,1961年创刊,全年20期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子1.244。刊载能源与能源系统及其调节与控制,包括核能与太阳能的利用,化学热能和电热能的发生与转换等方面的研究论文。

13、International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems《国际电力与能源系统杂志》,英国

ISSN:0142-0615,1979年创刊,全年10期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子0.328。主要发表电力与能源系统的理论和应用问题的论文、评论和会议报告,涉及发电和电网规划、电网理论、大小型系统动力、系统控制中心、联机控制等。

14、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy《国际氢能杂志》,英国

ISSN:0360-3199,1976年创刊,全年12期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子1.904。刊载氢能生产、贮存、运输、利用以及有关经济与环境问题等方面的研究论文、文献题录和书评。

15、Solar Energy《太阳能》,英国

ISSN:0038-092X,1968年英国牛津大学创刊,全年12期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子0.868。刊载太阳能及其利用方面的研究论文和简讯。

16、Applied Thermal Engineering《实用热力工程》,英国 ISSN:1359-4311,1980年创刊,全年18期,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子0.493。1996年前刊名为Heat Recovery Systems and CHP,刊载热回收和热电联产技术在工业、发电和住房与商业建筑的应用,以及有关设备与部件的设计和使用方面的文章和评论。

17、Annals of Nuclear Energy《核能纪事》,英国

ISSN:0306-4549,1954年创刊,全年18期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子0.472。刊载核科学和技术,包括反应堆物理、核燃料、核废料处理、系统与部件工艺、核能直接转换、安全与环境控制、成本与动力使用等方面的研究论文。

18、International journal of sustainable energy《国际可持续能源杂志》,英国

ISSN:1478-6451,1979年创刊,季刊,Taylor & Francis, Gordon and Breach Publishing出版,《国际可持续能源杂志》 刊载可持续能源科学与技术,包括实验、理论和应用等方面的研究论文和简讯。

19、International Journal of Energy Research《国际能源研究杂志》,英国


20、Wind Energy《风能》,英国


21、Energy and Buildings《能源与建筑物》,瑞士

ISSN:0378-7788,1977年创刊,全年11期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子0.590。刊载论文,介绍建筑学界有关建筑物供能、室内环境质量与气候方面的研究成果,包括建筑环境中能的有效利用和改善。


ISSN:0378-7753,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI、EI收录期刊,1976年创刊,全年24期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子2.101,2003年EI收录595篇。刊载电化学能源系统的科技研究论文。涉及原电池、蓄电池、燃料电池的研制和应用。

23、Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells《太阳能材料和太阳能电池》,荷兰

ISSN:0927-0248,1979年创刊,全年20期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子2.002。刊载光电、光热和光化太阳能转换的材料科学问题,以及太阳能电池的理论、技术、应用、相关经济问题的研究论文,涉及有关的固体物理学、冶金学、陶瓷学、光学和电化学等。

24、Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics《风力工程和工业空气动力学杂志》,荷兰 ISSN:0167-6105,1975年创刊,全年15期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子0.403。国际风力工程协会会刊。刊载风力工程研究论文。涉及风的特性和结构,风对社会、经济和运输系统的影响,风对建筑物结构及其降温和通风的作用,风力发电,风力计测,风洞模拟研究或理论方法,有关实验技术与仪器设备。

25、BWK 《燃料、热能与动力》,德国


26.Biomass and Bioenergy《生物质与生物能源》,英国


27.Bioresource Technology《生物资源技术》,英国


28、AWEA Wind Energy Weekly《美国风能学会风能周刊》,美国

ISSN:0747-5500,American Wind Energy Association出版,报道风能业各个方面的最新信息,包括项目开发、技术进展、立法和政策、贸易机会等。




2、Renewable Energy World《再生能源界》,美国

ISSN:1462-6381,双月刊,1996年创刊,Elsevier Science出版社出版,刊载国际再生能源界的产品新闻和技术发展等文章。

3、Journal of Energy Finance & Development《能源金融与发展杂志》,美国

ISSN:1085-7443,1996年创刊,全年2期,Elsevier Science出版社出版,发表能源工业与公用事业金融、投资、保险等方面的基础与应用研究论文。

4、Annual review of energy(能源评论年报),美国 ISSN:0362-1626,Annual review of energy and the environment改版而来,Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE出版,刊载关于能源工程、电力工程,能源节约等内容。


ISSN:0360-5442,1976年创刊,全年15期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子0.685。刊载能源开发、评价和管理,包括经济与环境、能源系统评价、设计和应用、成本和政策等方面的研究论文和简报。

6、Renewable Energy Focus《再生能源聚焦》,英国



ISSN: 1364-0321,季刊。《可再生和可持续能源评语》发表特约评论文章, SCI、EI收录期刊,刊载(1)资源的应用和服务(2)建筑行业和电力运输(3)能源规划、社会服务(4)能源的过去、现在和未来的趋势研究等。

8、Energy Economics《能源经济学》,英国

ISSN:0140-9883,1978年创刊,全年6期,SSCI、EI收录期刊,SSCI 2003年影响因子0.397。刊载与能源有关的各种经济问题的研究论文,涉及价格政策、税率结构、投资估算、供需关系、国际贸易等方面经济理论与统计分析的研究。

9、Energy Policy《能源政策》,英国

ISSN:0301-4215,1973年创刊,全年15期,SCI、SSCI、EI收录期刊,SCI、SSCI 2005年影响因子0.958。该刊是有关能源的综述性刊物,主要发表有关世界各国的能源规划、供需、开发及与能源相关的政治、经济、环境和社会等问题的文章。

10、Fuel and Energy Abstracts《燃料与能源文摘》,英国


11、Renewable Energy《再生能源》,英国

ISSN:0960-1481,1985年创刊,全年15期,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子0.795。刊载能的再生利用技术,包括太阳能和风能开发与利用方面的研究论文和简报,涉及技术与理论、环境、社会与经济等方面的问题。

12、Utilities Policy《公用事业政策》,英国 ISSN:0957-1787,1990年创刊,全年4期,刊载关于电力、煤气、石油、煤炭、电信、供水、垃圾处理、城市交通等公用事业的规划、管理、组织、运营、成本核算等政策问题的论述文章、会议报告和实例研究报告。

13、Resources, Conservation and Recycling《资源、保护与循环利用》,荷兰

ISSN:0921-3449,1987 年创刊,月刊。内容涉及从各种废料回收物资与能,自然资源管理,节能材料的产品设计与制造,有关的研究方法与工艺技术,有关的政策、法律与社会问题等。刊载研究论文、评论及研究简讯,兼载书评、会议论文提要等。

14、International Journal of Global Energy Issues(IJGEI)《全球能源问题国际杂志》,瑞士

ISSN:0954-7118,1989年创刊,每年8期,《全球能源问题国际杂志》 涉及能源政策、能源计划与管理、能源保持以及代用能开发和经济控制等方面。

15、Resource and Energy Economics《资源与能源经济学》,荷兰






2、Oil, Gas, Coal, and Electricity《石油、天然气、煤与电力统计》,法国 IEA(International Energy Agency/OECD)出版,刊载一些统计数据和动态评论。

















演讲者介绍:David Simchi-Levi是美国麻省理工大学教授,供应链管理研究的先驱和领军人物。他是管理科学国际顶尖期刊Operations Research的前任主编,国际权威期刊Naval Research Logistics的前任主编。目前仍担任多个国际知名期刊的编辑,例如Management Science, Networks, Transportation Science。David Simchi-Levi教授的主要研究方向是物流和供应链,在国际顶尖期刊发表许多论文,并出版多本专著。他的学生多数在美国名校任职。

Title: Understanding the Effectiveness of Sparse Process Flexibility

Abstract: In this talk, we review new theory that explains the effectiveness of sparse flexibility design in any finite size manufacturing network.Under stochastic demand, we establish two fundamental properties of sparse designs, a supermodularity property and a decomposition property.These properties are then used to provide the first theoretical justification for several well-known observations in the process flexibility literature, and to derive new insights into designing flexible processes in large systems.Under worst-case demand, we propose the plant cover index and establish its relation with the worst-case sales.Applying this relation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of a certain sparse design, called the long chain.Finally, we discuss the combination of process flexibility and strategic inventory as an effective disruption mitigation strategy.Bio: David Simchi-Levi is a Professor of Engineering Systems at MIT and Chairman of OPS Rules Management Consultants, an operations strategy consulting company.He is considered one of the premier thought leaders in supply chain management.Prof.Simchi-Levi has been the principal investigator for more than five million dollars in funded academic research.He is the former Editor-in-Chief of Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics and a member of the board for several scientific journals including Management Science, Networks, Transportation Science and Telecommunication Systems, and a former Area Editor of Transportation for Operations Research.His Ph.D.students have accepted positions in leading academic institutes including Berkeley, Columbia U., U.of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U.of Michigan, Purdue U., Georgia Tech, and Virginia Tech.His research focuses on developing and implementing robust and efficient techniques for logistics and manufacturing systems.He has published widely in professional journals on both practical and theoretical aspects of logistics and supply chain management.Professor Simchi-Levi coauthored the books Managing the Supply Chain(McGraw-Hill, 2004), The Logic of Logistics(Springer 2005), as well as the award winning Designing and Managing the Supply Chain(McGraw-Hill, 2007).His new book Operations Rules: Delivering Customer Value through Flexible Operations was published by MIT Press in October 2010.Professor Simchi-Levi has consulted and collaborated extensively with private and public organizations.He is the founder of LogicTools which provides software solutions and professional services for supply chain planning.LogicTools is now part of IBM.演讲者介绍:Jiawei Zhang是纽约大学Leonard N.Stern商学院的终身教授,研究兴趣主要为数学规划、医疗管理与供应链优化。他在国际知名期刊Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Psychometrika, SIAM Journal on Computing发表许多论文。Jiawei Zhang博士毕业于斯坦福大学,之前就读于清华大学。


Process Flexibility: A Distribution-Free Bound on the Performance of k-Chain

Abstract: In this paper, we present a distribution-free bound on the expected sales of the long chain compared to that of fully flexible structure.Our bound uses only mean and standard deviation of the demand distribution, but compares very well with the bound with known distributions.This suggests the robustness of the performance of the long chain under different distributions.We also obtain a similar bound for k-chain, a more general flexibility structure.Bio: Jiawei Zhang is an Associate Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences at New York University's Leonard N.Stern School of Business.He joined NYU Stern's Operations Management Group in September 2004.Professor Zhang's primary research interests include mathematical programming, health care operations, and supply chain optimization.His publications have appeared in Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Operations Research, Psychometrika, SIAM Journal on Computing, etc.Professor Zhang received his Master of Science degree in Operations Research from Tsinghua University, China, and his PhD in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.演讲者介绍:Xiuli Chao是密歇根大学教授,研究兴趣包括排队论、随机调度优化、金融工程、库存管理与供应链管理。他在国际顶尖期刊发表许多论文,并出版多部学术专著。1998年获得Erlang Prize奖,2005年获得David F.Baker Distinguished Research Award。他博士毕业于哥伦比亚大学。


Simple approximation policies with worst case performance bounds for several analytically intractable stochastic inventory systems

Abstract: We consider several stochastic inventory systems that lack of structures for their optimal control policies, including periodic-review inventory models with setup cost and finite ordering capacity, remanufacturing systems with setup cost and finite production capacities, joint replenishment models, and perishable inventory systems with arbitrary product lifetimes.The demand processes can be non-stationary and correlated over time, such as Markov modulated demand processes, Martingale models for forecast evolution(MMFE), etc.The exact computations of the optimal policies for such systems are not possible even in the special cases when the optimal solutions exhibit nice structure due to curse of dimensionality.We develop easily computable operational policies for such systems that have provably worst case performance bounds, and numerical tests show that these policies perform near optimal.This talk is based on joint works with Xiting Gong, Retsef Levi, Cong Shi, and Robert Zhang.Bio: Xiuli Chao is a professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.His research interests include queueing theory, stochastic scheduling and optimization, financial engineering, inventory control, and supply chain management, and has published extensively in these areas.He is the co-author of two books, “Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services”(Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998), and “Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals, and Product Form Solutions”(John Wiley & Sons, 1999).Chao received the 1998 Erlang Prize from the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS, and the 2005 David F.Baker Distinguished Research Award from Institute of Industrial Engineers(IIE).Xiuli Chao received his doctoral degree in Operations Research from Columbia University.演讲者介绍:Vernon Hsu是香港中文大学商学院副院长,研究兴趣包括物流和供应链、优化理论在供应链管理以及信息系统中的应用。他在国际顶尖期刊Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research, Productions and Operations Management, IIE Transactions发表多篇论文。


Integrative Management of Transfer Pricing and Global Sourcing Decision in a Multinational Firm

Abstract: Many multinational firms(MNFs)in recent years have put their efforts into developing tax-effective supply chain strategies that integrate tax considerations across different countries and take advantage of specific tax incentives.These strategies oftentimes involve the management of internal transactions taking place between divisions or subsidiaries belonging to the same MNF but located in different countries.Transfer pricing(TP), the pricing for transactions between divisions of an MNF, has been used not just as a tool to facilitate internal transactions;many MNFs also recognize the importance of combining the TP decisions with their tax considerations in improving their overall profitability, e.g., reducing their tax liabilities by shifting some income from high tax countries/regions to low tax ones.In this presentation, we will present a model for integrative management of a multinational firm's transfer pricing(TP)and global sourcing decisions to take advantage of different tax rates across subsidiaries and to maximize the firm's global after-tax profits.With various decision timelines(ex-ante and ex-post TP decisions)and structures(centralized and decentralized sourcing decisions), we characterize optimal TP and sourcing decisions in various scenarios.Several new and important managerial insights will be discussed.Bio: Prof.Vernon Hsu is a Chair Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.He has also held faculty positions at the University of New South Wales, Australia, George Mason University, USA, and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.Professor Hsu’s research interests include logistics and supply chain management and the application of optimization theory in Operations Management and Information Systems.Some of his current research projects investigate the integration of international tax planning with global supply chain design.His research has been published in journals such as IIE Transactions, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research and Productions and Operations Management.演讲者介绍:Shaohui Zheng是香港科学技术大学商学院教授,运营管理系主任。研究兴趣包括供应链管理、服务与制造系统运营管理、应用概率模型、运筹和市场研究的交叉问题。他在Operations Research, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Journal of Applied Probability, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and Queueing Systems发表多篇论文,并出版一部专著。他博士毕业于哥伦比亚大学,目前担任Operations Research等多个杂志的副编。

Title: Source Diversification and Pricing for Systems with Unreliable Suppliers

Abstract: It is common for a firm to make use of multiple suppliers of different delivery lead times, reliabilities, and costs.In this paper, we are concerned the joint pricing and inventory control problem for such a firm that has a quick-response supplier and a regular supplier that both suffer random disruptions, and faces price-sensitive random demands.The random disruption processes of the two suppliers are modeled as independent Markov chains.We aim at characterizing the optimal ordering and pricing policies in each period over a planning horizon, and analyzing the impacts of supply source diversification and supplier reliability, on the firm's optimal profit and operational policies, on its customers, and on its suppliers.We show that, when both suppliers are unreliable, the optimal inventory policy in each period is a reorder point policy and the optimal price is decreasing in the starting inventory level of the period.In addition, we show that having supply source diversification or higher supplier reliability increases the firm's optimal profit and lowers the optimal selling price;hence it benefits both the firm and its customers.We also demonstrate that, with the selling price as a decision, a supplier may receive even more order from the firm after an additional supplier is introduced, which seems counter-intuitive and is different from the result in the case when the selling price is exogenously given.For the special case where the quick-response supplier is perfectly reliable, we further show that the optimal inventory policy is of a base-stock type and the optimal pricing policy is a list-price policy with markdowns.This is a joint work with Xiuli Chao and Xiting Gong.Bio: Prof.Shaohui Zheng is a professor in the School of Business and Management at HKUST, and is in charge of the Operations Management division.He received his Ph.D.degree in Operations Research from Columbia University.His current research interests include supply chain management, operations of manufacturing and service systems, the interface of operations and marketing, and general applied probability models.His research works appear in Operations Research, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Journal of Applied Probability, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and Queueing Systems etc.He has one academic book published by Springer-Verlag.Professor Zheng is an associate editor for Operations Research.He was also a guest editor for Annals of Operations Research, and an associate editor for Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.演讲者介绍:Chung-Piaw Teo是新加坡国立大学商学院教授,前任院长,现任决策科学系主任。研究兴趣包括随机优化、博弈论、港口物流、供应链等。他博士毕业于麻省理工大学。目前担任Operations Research杂志supply chain management的部门主编。在国际顶尖期刊Operations Research, Management Science发表许多论文。

Title: Judgment Error in Lottery Play: When the Hot-Hand Meets the Gambler’s Fallacy

Abstract: We demonstrate that lottery players can be influenced to believe erroneously in the existence of “hot” numbers, where past winning numbers are perceived to have a greater probability of winning in future draws, even though past and the future events are independent.The existence of this “hot-hand” effect in lottery games is surprising, as works by Clotfelter and Cook(1993)and Terrell(1994)have documented instead the presence of the opposite effect, the “gambler’s fallacy”, in the US lottery market—which means that the amount of money bet on a particular number falls sharply after the number is drawn.We use two sets of lottery game data to show that both the gambler’s fallacy and hot-hand fallacy can prevail under different gaming environments, contingent on the design(e.g., prize structures)of the lottery games.We develop a quasi-Bayesian model that is consistent with our empirical findings to investigate the conditions in the environment that determine which fallacy dominates.Our results also provide a new explanation for the “lucky store” effect(Guryan and Kearney, 2008)—why players in the US believe that lightning will strike twice in the case of lottery vendors, but not in the case of lottery numbers.This is joint work with Qingxia Kong and Nicolas Lambert.Bio: Chung-Piaw Teo is currently a Professor and Head of Department of Decision Sciences in the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore.He graduated from MIT with a PhD in Operations Research, and has taught in NUS since then.His research interest include discrete and stochastic optimization, planning under uncertainty, social choice etc., with emphasis on applications in gaming and port industry, logistics and supply chain, and more recently, business analytics.演讲者介绍:Zuo-Jun(Max)Shen是加州大学伯克利分校教授,研究兴趣包括供应链设计与管理、市场机制设计、应用优化理论、有限信息决策理论等。在国际顶尖期刊发表多篇论文,并担任多个国际顶尖杂志编辑。2003年获得美国国家自然科学基金委CAREER award。2000年博士毕业于西北大学。

Title: Behind forecast inflation/deflation: Learning forecaster’s preference with optimization models

Abstract: Forecast is ubiquitous in all areas of operations management, finance, and economics.However, it is widely observed that practical forecasts are usually inconsistent with actual realizations.This phenomenon is known as forecast inflation(overforecast)or deflation(underforecast).This is due to the fact that forecasters typically have asymmetric preferences towards overforecast and underforecast.Given historical forecast and realization data, we develop inverse and robust optimization models that can efficiently recover forecaster’s preference.We conduct a numerical study using simulated data to show the performance of the optimization models.We then present an empirical study on forecast sharing in the PC manufacturing supply chain and show managerial insights on the manufacturer's forecast preference.Bio:Zuo-Jun(Max)Shen is the Chancellor's Professor in the department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley.He received his Ph.D.from Northwestern University in 2000.He has been active in the following research areas: integrated supply chain design and management, market mechanism design, applied optimization, and decision making with limited information.He is currently on the editorial/advisory board for several leading journals.He received the CAREER award from National Science Foundation in 2003.


[大本钟GIA钻石]众所周知,了解钻石最直接的方法就是看其证书,证书在消费者心目中就好像人的身份证,只有身份证的钻石,才能得到广泛人的认可!也是确保质量和价值的重要保证!钻石证书,也可以称作钻石分级证书(diamond grading report)、钻石质量保证书(diamond quality report),是由珠宝专家们经过细查钻石,并把它置于放大镜下分析它的尺寸、净度、切工、颜色、抛光、对称性以及其他的特性,从而形成的一份报告。证书我们一般分为国内证书和国际证书。下面大本钟为你详解国际证书和国内证书的具体情况:

国内证书:NGTC钻石分级证书——国家珠宝玉石质量监督检验中心NGDTC镶嵌钻石分级证书——由国家黄金钻石制品质量监督检验中心NGSTC证书——国家金银制品质量监督检查中心NJQSIC证书——国家首饰质量监督检验中心GIC镶嵌钻石分级证书——中国地质大学北京地大宝石检验中心6 GAC镶嵌钻石分级证书——中国宝玉石协会CTA镶嵌钻石分级证书——中国质量检验联盟暨中检华纳质量技术中心GJC首饰检测证书——国家轻工业珠宝玉石首饰质量监督检测中心GTC宝玉石鉴定证书——中华全国工商联珠宝业商会珠宝检测研究中心








GIA美国宝石学院(Gemological Institute of America)是把钻石鉴定证书推广成为国际化的创使者。它是在公元1931年由Mr.Robert Shipley所创立,至今已有将近70几年的历史,GIA是非营利机构,经













HRD(Hoge Raad Voor Diamant)HRD为比利时的『钻石高阶层会议』(Hoge Raad Voor Diamant),由国际钻石理事会(IDC)协商制定HRD国际性钻石分级标准,HRD钻石鉴定中心即按照IDC规则进行鉴定。

HRD证书除描述钻石的外型(Shape),尺寸大小(Measurements)及重量(Weight)之外,特别对切割比率作更详细的测量报告,记载在证书上,如桌面(Table)、腰围厚度及底部深度(Pavilion-Depth)。如此一来,更易查觉证书与钻石的真伪。在HRD证书内的数字记录上,附盖了透明网状胶纸以防止涂改,内在或外在特徵在证书内及包装纸上都贴着净度制图表及详细记号。HRD系统使用显微镜测量内含物,净度等级是测量结果与HRD净度分级表比对为基础。等级代号除LC(Loupe Clean)和P级外,与GIA相同。


American Gem Society(美国钻石协会)成立于1934年,它的创办人是Robert M.Shipley。在早期的1990 年初,AGS即致力于发展钻石的分级制度,它与其它鉴定制度最大的不同点,就是它除了重量(Carat Weight)以外,AGS把钻石的车工(Cut)颜色(Color)净度(Clarity)分级,从最佳的0到最差的10,分成十个等级除此之外,AGS钻石分级制度更将钻石的4C中最重要的车工(Cut)公式化,进而将钻石的车工带入新的里程。

1996年开始,重视车工(Cut)的AGS证书成为国际钻石业界车工的标准,车工等级为0的钻石更是钻石车工极致的表征,如果有三个0,即表示该钻石比例(proportions),拋光(polish)及对称(symmetry)均是完美,是钻石车工的完美之极限!A.G.S.评級以 0-10 作位评级标准,同G.I.A.一样都是最出名的钻石评级组织。


IGI(International Gemological Institute)

在欧洲及美国IGI是颇具知名度的专业鉴定所。目前在比利时 安特卫普,纽约,曼谷,孟买和东京等城市都有设立分公司。IGI每年所发出的各类鉴定或报告已多达40万份。IGI也是最早在钻石腰围刻上雷



E.G.L.(European Gemological Laboratory)

European Gemological Laboratory(欧洲宝石学协会)成立于1974年,总裁是有地质学位的Guy Margel,他在比利时开设了安特卫普第一所鉴定中心EGL。并且以协助消费者购买钻石及贵宝石为使命,30余年来,EGL的客户以专业的批发商、零售店及切割工厂为主。EGL也提供鉴定及教学的服务,除此之外,还有钻石重车拋光,EGL发出的证书足以提供该钻石所有的信息,包括了钻石的重量、颜色、净度、尺寸及物理性质,以俾供业界及消费者参考。在美国及比利时EGL鉴定所有一定的专业地位跟知名度。



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