
时间:2019-05-14 18:49:56下载本文作者:会员上传


When i began to read the novel Rebbecca, I was deeply absorded by the misterious plot.“Last night, I dreamt I went to Manderley again” is the book's often quoted opening line, and from here its unnamed narrator recollects her past, telling the story of her transition into womanhood.Maxim was the owner of Manderley, a big country house by the sea.His beautiful wife Rebecca had died there, and Maxim went to Montr Carlo after her death because he needed to get away.In Montr Carlo, he met an ordinary girl who then became his second wife.The week they spent in Montr Carlo together was extremely happy.But when they returned to Manderley, the woman’s problem began.At the heart of the story was the woman’s desire to please her husband and her feelings of hopelessness as she compared herself with his beautiful and highly educated first wife, in comparison with whom she felt plain and dull.The first wife seemed to be always in the background and threw a dark shadow over her relationship with her new husband.The name of the second Mrs.de Winter is never revealed and remains a mystery.After read the book, we only see Rebecca through other people's eyes, predominantly Maxim's eyes.Because Maxim hated her, we are led to think that she was bad.Yet it is clearly stated that she had a knack for getting people to love her.This is told in such a way that we think of Rebecca as a manipulative person.But was that the case? Was she genuinely nice? I think this is a case of the unreliable narrator.Because of her affairs Maxim and his family hated her but that may not be her whole story.I think it would be nice to have some discussion of this issue in the article.After reading the whole story of Rebecca, i can not help asking: why does the heroine remain nameless? This absence of a name symbolizes the heroine's uncertain identity, on which she often nearly loses her grip during her time at Manderley.In marrying Maxim she has taken a new name, and her new acquaintances address her by this name, but she cannot feel comfortable in it--for she is not the first Mrs.de Winter.Effectively, she is competing for the right to bear her title of Mrs.de Winter--competing with a ghost, the dead Rebecca.What I have learned from this book is not only about some writing techniques and skills that had been perfectly used into this novel, more important is Daphne du Maurier the writter, she give us a brand new perspective of the women characters in the novel and women in general, and about the relationship between people.















要看到他们的幸福”。于是在绝望中点起大火,与曼德利庄园一起化为灰烬…… 很遗憾,这美丽的梦得里就灰飞烟灭了。

看完了结局,观者不觉有了疑问:影片《蝴蝶梦》的蝴蝶到底是指谁?对此有几种看法:一种认为是年轻女子,因为她是实实在在的,蝴蝶的意思基本上代表新婚女子,为什么呢?电影里说,女主人公在梦里回到梦得里,之后想起住在法国南部的奇怪的日子,一切由梦开始, 影片就围绕这段回忆展开。另一种认为是丽贝卡,因为虽然丽贝卡是虚有的,但她却是贯穿全剧的线索,而这位年轻女子只是陪衬。最后一种认为蝴蝶是两个女人的结合体。




The review of Hoodwinked

Last week I had watched a cartoon movie through the English learning center.The name of this movie I had told you in the title, but you’ll never guess the story of it which has very big difference between what we watched and read when we were young.I can’t ensure weather it is one of prototypeof the Grimm's Fairy Tales, I’m sure it’s an interesting cartoon movie.I write the essay to introduce some interesting points about the movie, of course included certain sentiment from my heart.Do you remember the hateful timber wolfthat always tends to hurt the little Red and her grandmother? And maybe you will ask me why I ask thisquestion.Now I give you the brief introduction of Hoodwinked.The grizzliesand stork agent bill was ordered to investigate little red riding hood grandmother's house in case Of unrest, many people are police on charges Of criminal suspects, allowing researchers to include karate master little red riding hood, funny and a satirical Wolf, a slightly dementia in the woods Of Paul Bunyan.They were accused of there are a number of charges, including: the damage and the illegal invasion, and undermine social stability, illegal steal to eat, no license to use the axe, etc.However, all accused the suspects have their own story to tell, and this has become complicated and confusing the truth of the case, the only one, who is the real murderer......The film is the first a fully independent investment shooting computer animation feature film.Follow is my thoughts about the movie.From the timber wolf police I know that we can’t judge a person by his or her appearance.The kind person not to grow good looking, but the bad person must be ugly.What’s more, we can’t wrong people before finding the final facts.The clever girl Red is an adventurous people.Little red riding hood will do deliciousdesserts,Will ride a bike, sing fair-sounding songs.If let me say who lay the deepest impression on my brain, the Red’s grandmother, is she.She is healthy, energetic, active, no longer that week old women.I believe the people who always take exercise will be more healthy than who that in the same age.Doesn’t she is the better example of it.The movie was directed by Cory Edward Cory Edwards.毛米兰



Never Stop Running

There is a provoking scene: “a piece of white and light feather is flying under the blue sky, and dropping down gradually to Forrest Gump’s feet who sit on the bench for bus.” Just like the feather is swaying with the wind, so is the human being’s life.Most of time, we are wondering everywhere without specific direction, goal and hope.What is more, we always look on life as tedious and even annoying.However, fate is mastered by our own, just like Forrest Gump devoted all his life to running for his own sky.“Each man is the architect of his own fate”, such is the remark made by one of the great figure.This remark has been confirmed by more and more people.Forrest t Gump is an outstanding example.As the film told us Forrest Gump, born with disable body, he is a good soccer athlete, an hero in Vietnam war , a captain own shrimp ship, a runner crossing the whole America.Asking yourself, who we are? What is the accomplishment that we can show off.Every one creates his or her own reality.We have absolute rights to describe our life.When you learned what you make of life is up to you and begin to live your life, you are able to design it according to your desires.To remember that success lies within you, in my own brain, my own ambition, and my own determination.One of the great figure remarked that unrest of spirit is a mark of life.This is the reflection of Forrest Gump’s life;he born with leg has disability.However, with astonishing speed, Forrest Gump entered the soccer team, then went to university and eventually graduates.Soon, he took part in the Vietnam War.In the Vietnam War, he is still remembered the words of Jeanne, ran his own life, honor and friendship.He just wanted to run;he used a running measure his life.As we all known, an optimistic is not a luxury;it is a necessity.The way you look at life will determine how you feel and how you perform.There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life.Think about Forrest Gump, at every stage of his life, he has only one goal in mind to guide him, and keep positive attitudes towards the world.In our lives ,though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, you should remember that your destiny is hiding behind them, to be optimistic and follow your dreams your ultimate goal is attainable so long as you commit are choosing to react positively to their diversities, tough times never last, but you should being positive.Life is a journey full of stumbling blocks, dangerous traps and unexpected crises, if you have known clearly what you want to be, it is optimistic, unrest of spirit and perseverance that carry you there.As far as my own experience as a student is concerned, nothing is more important than those merits in achieving success.Please keep running and never give up on yourself.人文与外国语学院 英语0904班 赵子龙 0912010404



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