
时间:2019-05-14 18:49:55下载本文作者:会员上传


I have seen a inspirational film, called “the pursuit of happiness ”.It is based on a true story of the famous of self-made millionaires Chris Gardner

There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner、Christopher、Linda, and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father.The whole atmosphere is positive, though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris, his spirit is inspiring, and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness.It could be seen that Chris could not improve his family life through his hard work.What was worse, his wife Linda left him because of the hard life.However, Chris did not give in and give up.He tried his best to build a happy life for his little son and finally he became a successful investor.I think it is really a good movie ,we are unique and we are ourselves, just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something.If you want something ,go and get it.It is said that the move is from a true story, so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can’t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.


A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》

I have seen《The Pursuit of Happiness》 several days ago , but I can‟t forget Chris and his spirits until now.To be honest , this move is really a big shock to me , and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time.Characters and the climate There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner、Christopher、Linda ,and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father.The whole atmosphere is positive ,though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris ,his spirit is inspiring , and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness.Development of events

The story of Chris Gardner is divided into six part ,I will introduce them one by one.Part one : Riding the bus It was in San Francisco 1981, Chris spent all his money on buying medical equipments , but later he found that they were unpopular among doctors ,because they were expensive and almost useless.everyday he did his best to promote the equipment to doctors ,but he can‟t earn enough for the rent and kindergarten , his life was difficult.Part two: Being stupid In this part ,Chris had to apply for a work as a stock woker ,so he left the medical equipment with a girl ,but the girl took it away!what a accident!Part three : Running He ran after the girl who had stolen the equipment ,finally ,he took it back ,another situation is that he had no money for the taxi ,so he escaped;eventually,he was sent to the prison for owing the taxes ,and the next morning ,he ran to the stock company for a interview with paint stains on his body.Part four : Internship Chris got the job as a internship for six months without salary ,it was really a hard time for him ,he had to sell the equipment while working as a internship.Afterall , he earned some money from the medical equipments

Part five : Paying taxes In this part ,there was a big hit to him ,the government took $600 from his account and he only had $21.33 left ,he was broke again.this part was the most impressive but inspiring one.During that time ,he and his son spent a night in the WC ,and lived in the church hospice for many days ,although there were many barriers ,he carried on seeking for the happiness.Part six : Happiness It was an exciting part ,Chris was succeed ,and he did it finally ,he became a successful stock worker!

My views on the story

After the move ,I thought of many things :we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally , that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights ,that among these are life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.I think Chris must have read the above paragraph for many times and believed it unswervingly.At the beginning of the move, after Chris has sent Christopher to the kindergarten , he saw a wrong word on the wall ,and said the famous sentence : There is no „Y‟ in happiness ,the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily.Just like Chris do.The silly scene of taking a bus was a part of Chris Gardner‟s life , in the move , Chris Gardner ,a poor father ,who had his wife left him ,because she could‟t handle her life without financial security.while Chris was selling medical equipment to doctors , she decided get away from her poor family.Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he can do ,for him ,and for his son.He is strong in spirit ,whatever barriers he meet ,he just continued his work and never stopped running.but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him , he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success.I think it is really a good move ,we are unique and we are ourselves ,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don‟t ever let somebody tell you that you can‟t do something.If you want something ,go and get it.It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.Like Chris‟s forefathers ,who posses the desire and the passion to live it ,who dream the American dream.In the end he finally made his dream come true ,he became a banker.“Hey ,dad ,listen to this ,knock, knock ”I know who was there.he was happiness.The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can‟t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.2、I have seen a inspirational film, called “the pursuit of happiness ”.It is based on a true story of the famous of self-made millionaires Chris Gardner Characters and the climate There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner、Christopher、Linda, and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father.The whole atmosphere is positive, though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris, his spirit is inspiring, and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness.It could be seen that Chris could not improve his family life through his hard work.What was worse, his wife Linda left him because of the hard life.However, Chris did not give in and give up.He tried his best to build a happy life for his little son and finally he became a successful investor.I think it is really a good movie ,we are unique and we are ourselves,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don‟t ever let somebody tell you that youcan‟t dosomething.If you want something ,go and get it.It is said that the move is from a true story,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can‟t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.3、A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》

After the move ,I thought of many things :we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally , that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights ,that among these are life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.I think Chris must have read the above paragraph for many times and believed it unswervingly.At the beginning of the move, after Chris has sent Christopher to the kindergarten , he saw a wrong word on the wall ,and said the famous sentence : There is no „Y‟ in happiness ,the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily.Just like Chris do.The silly scene of taking a bus was a part of Chris Gardner‟s life , in the move , Chris Gardner ,a poor father ,who had his wife left him ,because she could‟t handle her life without financial security.while Chris was selling medical equipment to doctors , she decided get away from her poor family.Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he can do ,for him ,and for his son.He is strong in spirit ,whatever barriers he meet ,he just continued his work and never stopped running.but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him , he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success.I think it is really a good move ,we are unique and we are ourselves ,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don‟t ever let somebody tell you that you can‟t do something.If you want something ,go and get it.It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.Like Chris‟s forefathers ,who posses the desire and the passion to live it ,who dream the American dream.In the end he finally made his dream come true ,he became a banker.“Hey ,dad ,listen to this ,knock, knock ”I know who was there.he was happiness.The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching it ,I can‟t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.The movie “The Pursuit of Happiness”, Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner, aman pursuing a dream.Gardner is a salesman for a piece of medical equipment whichis too expensive for what it is worth.After going months without any sales, his wife decides to start a better life, leaving him alone to raise their son, Christopher(Jaden Smith).After Gardner's wife leaves, he continues to try to sell the medical device.He then sees an opening to his future as a stock broker.The only problem is that, in order to be considered for the job, he must complete a highly competitive, six-month, unpaid internship.He does everything he can to prove to his boss, himself, and his son, that he can be a better man, even if this means living in hotels, homeless shelters, or even the bathroom of a subway station.While completing the internship, he continues to attempt to sell the equipment to make ends meet and pay for his son's day care.This is a classic story of a family living in poverty working their way up the social ladder towards happiness, and doing whatever it takes to reach the top.One of the main messages of “The Pursuit of Happiness” is 'never give up.' Chris Gardner goes from just barely having enough money to pay the rent to having nothing but the clothes on his back, and the love and faith of his son.Gardner was able to dodge anything and everything that life threw at him and became a top stock broker.This film is not as much about finding a job and making money as much has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner.Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living.Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco.They all looked “happy,” “Why not me? “ Christ wondered.He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety.Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher.And naturally, Christ became a single father.With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat.They became homeless.They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter.The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son‟s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all.So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living;on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally.Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care.However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower.Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all(though she has her own difficulties)and was in bad luck with his business.But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person.It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot.What impressed me most are: Christ‟s wife left him because of life pressure;Christ‟s love to his son and Christ‟s strong belief towards life.Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything.And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.


The Pursuit of Happyness

Recently, I have saw a movie in English optional course, named “The Pursuit of Happyness”, I was impressed by the film.It is said that the film based on a true story.The hero of the story is an American blacks investment expert named Chris Gardner.The movie mainly tells a story of Chris grow from the deadbeat company salesman into a well-known financial investors.In his life ,Chris Gardner have to go on hospitals every day, by selling bone density scanners.And his perseverance and smart, make he get a internship opportunities to securities company.But interns have 20 people, they have to work without pay for six months, finally can only one person be hired, it is really difficult for Chris Gardner.At this time, his wife can't stand the poor life, went to New York alone.Because of extreme poverty ,Chris Gardner and his son lost their homes live a life of running here and there.He sells bone density scanner as a daliy spending and then he must go to church to be a church relief housing.And Chris Gardner is very optimistic, and educated his son don't lose heart.Rely

on his own efforts, Chris Gardner finally stand out access to the stock broker's work, and he set up his own company later.With a deep impression in the movie is that Chrise’s life attitude :for dream never give up.On the basketball court he

educate his son.He said “Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something, not even me.You got a dream, you gotta protect it.People can't do something by themselves, they wanna tell you you can not do it.If You want something.Go get it!” we are unique and we all hold a dream and do what you want do ,and do your best ,don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something.If you want something , no matter how hard the process go and get it.As long as we don't give up, we will win finally.And no matter how hard the life was, Chris never leave his son, his family or his brief behind.Even they had to spend the night living in the public toilet.Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he could do for him and for his son.He is strong in spirit whatever barriers he meet.He just continued his work and never stopped struggle.but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success.It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible”.In the end Chris finally made his dream come true ,he became a stockbroker.As for us , I believe if we never give up, our dream can come true one day.The Pursuit of Happyness is really an excellent movie , after watching it , My heart can’t calm down for a long time.it makes me see the hero's optimism, strong, confident, and never give up, but also realized the world indifference, helpless and difficult.Business failure, wife's abandonment, the distress of life does not beat the hero.On the contrary, suffering experience makes him become more self-confident, firm faith, never give up when he in trouble.Finally when the happiness comes to, he firmly grasp his own happiness.I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream.In this world, everything is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, so happy, when we envy other people lucky at the same time, may not be seen in the process of it along the way, how much to others.When we were watching TV when we are in the entertainment, when we are in chat...Perhaps others are working on business, perhaps is to get specialized knowledge, may be to target a fight...We often only see others successful phenomenon, seldom see someone behind the success of hard.One hundred people, one hundred people different way of life, and there are one hundred kinds of different interpretations of happiness, you choose what kind of life, what kind of action is required.So don't blindly admire others' success, if you want to succeed, if you also want to do their own happiness, then start from every little bit, starts from the nearest target, insist!Insist on!Hold on!When happiness to knock at the door one day, you can not hesitate to hold her, at that time, you also will become the eyes of others.The film has taught me a lot, not only the attitude when faced with unfortunate , but also let me understand the true meaning of happiness that is between family members.Your happiness depends on our own to pursue.Time goes by, how was yesterday? Only we know, today what I have to hold.As long as we are holding the attitude like this: “Everything will be ok”, believe that and work hard, we will have our own happiness!



Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a struggling sales man that is doing everything he can to keep his act together, however,lately he makes little to no money and the bills keep piling up.His wife,tired of the situation leaves him and goes to New York to work in a restaurant.Subsequently everything that could go wrong does go wrong and Chris and his young son end up homeless.Now his only hope is to succeed at a stockbroker internship at Dean Witter and be chosen to work there which would turn his life around...Based on a true story, The Pursuit of Hapyness has all the right ingredients, plus Will Smith's performance is not only perfect but probably the best of his career.He may not choose his films very wisely but the man can definitely act,for instance, there's a very emotional scene towards the end of the movie,it lasts less then a minute but it is some of the finest acting I've seen lately.The on-screen chemistry between Will Smith and Jayden Smith is great and makes the viewer really care and root for the characters.Overall its a great story of hope, of working hard to achieve things,of not giving up...I dare you to watch this movie and not feel like you can do more in your life, that you can and should go after your dreams and not settle for anything less.(ZZ from IMDB)













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